The Huron Expositor, 1875-08-06, Page 917]
Itt 0 it X,
••-, ••••
This house is the best in Soaforth for commercial
travelere and Loaners, as its accommodation is
first-elass, while its prime areas low as the cheap-
est hotels. The roorM are large, well furnished
and perfectly clean, utile the best attention is
given to all who patronize the bowie, There is
large stabling in conneetion, and attentive host
lers.-ALtIltVIDsON, Proprietor.
lteadynade Cietiling, Hate, Caps, &e., at Psletetrs.
EATTY & CO.'S, tico forth, are daily being sold off
price, There still remains a large and boun-
tiful assortment on Mod, and the public will do
well to purchase at once, as on the First of Sep-
tember the firm will be retiringfrom businese, and
then all opportunities will be lost of baying goods
at cost prices. •
J4 C. LAIBLAW expecte to gain the cen-
tieetee at the real in no other way than by
aellirtg a really good article at the lowest possible
price, All are welcome to come and Judge for
themaelvea, and none are pressed to buy unless
guite eatiafied each article is well worth the price
asked, --1. C, LAIELA.w.
-Farmers wiehing to get either iof the above
named varieties of wheat for Seed can be aupplied
by leaving their ordeal at STRONG & Farmazx's
Seed and Grocery Store, Seaton'', or tit LOOM; 4lt
IA.3uzscrs's. where samples are now to be seen. 8
A LOT of firet-class Shingles for rude at
Strong kFairley'e. Canned Goods are gelling ra-
pidly- at very low fignres-20 per 'cent, less than
usual prime. Also, Teas and Sugars at very small
advance ovor cost. Go to &mows &FAIttLEV'S
for Cheap Grocerlea..
Tureen BOWLS,, Butter Prints, Butter
Ladles, Butter Crocks, Cream Crocks, Milk Pans,
Market Baskets, itc, Cheapest Goods in Town at
Ar,r,Eres Grocery.
RE:40\7E0,-J. S. ROBERTS has remov-
ed his Drug Stock to the shop opposite Powell'
Hotel, formerly occupied by W. Allen, Grocer.
Meres''Wool Shirts and Drawers for
800., worth $1 25, at the Farmere-7-Stere.
Ceteereeese FLANNELS at 440, worth they
Woos, Tweet's 'worth 90a for 75cat
the Fannon' Store. •
GREAT Bargains in Shirtings at the
Farmers' Store,
the ft
• at a
of e
to t by the bug, and will give a
o d. The weather has been Ivory
for turnips and carrots, and
oots never looked b tter at this
o the year. 'Unon the whole,
is lust cause for thankfulness for
es able crop prospects of this sea-
l! prices should rule favorably,
tit appearances sem to mdi-
.t they will, busine s men may
lo k fersvard for a uuch, better
*nese than they enjoyed last
• igs seem to look as if the
nics," so severely felt by Many
the past eight mouths, are about
J. P MPS,-KeSsr , Williams &
the enterprising pr mrietors of the
A Pump Factory, h ve now all
us ps bered with os per's Patent
ur, which bore.a perfectly
t ole, which enable the suckers
ry PUulP to be take out. of the
e her the pump is lin deep or Aril -
we is. -This with other un-
make the pu ps marrufac-
t e Seaforth facto y second to
no other factory in the couptry.
also does a larg business in
r cisterns and ten] s, which are
the best made,
• %vial]
ete.--Messrs, as eo A. Cline
Duncan, repre ent Fidelity
d Mr, John Camp sell, Seaforth
cut, at the aanued meet -
he Oadfellows'• G.and. Lodge,
d in London this week,
rs, William Baynes) and J. W.
o young men if this town, left
ay last for Manitoba. Thy
company of volunteers recently
Ontario for service nManitoba.
of enlistment is 01 e year. We
young friends suc ess in their
re, and in the Pr vince where
nd to sojourn,
will be given from this date to the first
of January, 1876, for 50 cents, payable
etrietly in advance, _
THE IPROVINCIAL Snow.. ---The Prov-
incial Show will this year be held at Ot-
tawa, on September 20, 21, 22, 23 and
24: The prize het has already been is-,
sued in pensphlet form.
• But Ecu. ----Mr. O'Brien, of the bound-
ary between Tuckerinnith and Hibbert,
has sent ns a lien's egg, which for size
can fairly deem the championship.. It
nieasures six and a half inches the one
way, and eight inches the other. These
are, the' kiwi of eggs to buy by the
dcolen. ;
, ! *
re_tx P u e Lisa. -Flax pull i lig com-
mencesi yesterday, on the farm of Mr.
Win, I owlet!, Huron Road, rocker -
smith. This work will DOW give r =un-
creative mployment to a large number of
boys ai d girls. r We are glad to learn
that th 'crop promises an excellent yield
in this -icinity this season,
I Saise OP LcreseteAt the mortgage sale
�f town, lots, held in Seaforth, on Thurs-.
day of last week, the lot facing on Main,
street only was sold. The rear lots were
all bid in. The front lot was purchased
by Mr, Edward Cash for $400. This lot
is Biala, ed between the. property of Mr.
leleGini lean& that of the Grancl Trunk
Rail wa,on Main, street, It 'will yet be
a good be sie ess lot.
Mayor has issued his prodamation, make
ing Wednesday, August 18, a public
holiday for Seaforth, thereby- giving all
an opportunity of going on the grand
cheap excursion to Niagara Fang and
Buffalo.' The trein leaves Seaforth at
6:25 A. M. Pare to Buffide; and the.
Falls and return, $2. Tickets :good kr
two)! days: Excursionists are landed im-
inediately at the _great cataract without
change of cars.
&MOO', Tamar, Iteretioes-The
eletion of a school Trustee 'to till the
vacancy caused by the resignation -of Mr.
Waiter Scott, eves held on the steps of
the Town Hall del Thursday, forenoon
last. Thi e meeting was an improvement
on the last One called for the same pur-
pose. At the last meeting there was One
elector; at the Meeting yeeterilay there,
weretfour. It WAS moved by Mr, Win,
Hill, seconded. , by Dr, Vercore that Levi
Ma -bee be a 'Trustee, This motion
was car;led, and Mr, Maybe° was declar-
ed elected.
pected that the examiners isf the teacher's
papers iwill have completed their arduous
task to -day (Friday,) and that the certi-
ficates will be: issued in the beginuitrg of
next week. A decided improvement is nos
. ticeeble in the correctness of the papers
and the limner of n repairi rig them by can -
dates. The questions this year are some-
what harder than last year, arithmetic in
the third ciess being very hard. About
two-thirds of. the candidates heve sue-
ceeded in applications for secdnd-class
* ,
Semetax Senooe Pth-Nre. -A pic-nic
of the children, teaehers and friends of
the Presbyterian :Sabbath School, was
held in Payne's Grove, Egmondville, on
Friday last. The day was delightful,
the attendance large, and the little folks,
and larger folks, too, *seemed to enjoy
themselves to the Utmost: A large num-
. ber of swings and Other sonrces of amuse-
ment had been provided. Tables also
were erected, and bountifully provided
' with good things, to -which all, both old
and young, seemed to do ample justice.
Several pretty .hymns were sung during
the afternoon by . the children, asSisted
by the church choir. Excellent and
practical addresses were delivered by
Rev, Mr, Goldsmith and Bey. Mr, Cam-
eron, of Kippen. At about 7 °Week in
the evening, the children and their
friends were conveyed from the .grove to
the town in Conveyances provided for
the occasion, all well satisfied that ,they
had spent a most. profitable and enjoy-
able af tern co n
Ifeuve4sa AND TRE (IRON. -Farmers
in this vicinity are now busily engaged
harvesting their fell wheat. The crop
this year .has ripened very irregularly,
but is a.fair average drop. Spring grains
of every description never looked better.
Some bailey has already beeu cut.
Spring wheat, althaugh not very heavy
on the ground, ,is even and Well headed
out Oats area remarkably heavy crop,
and in many places are badly lodged.
Peas also promise an abundant yield.
The root 'crops are; looking well. Pota-
toes do not seem to have been injured to
n t
Tieel' Coureeire-At the egular meet-
ing the Town Council, h Id on Tues-
day Ye ing last, the folio in, is the
only bu mess of interest tr1needed :
Mos, b Wm. Campbell, econded by
E. i k n, that the Reev, Y. Broad -
foot d A. Strong be a c mmittee to
prep e esi es and specific twos of the
prop ed addition to the To vu Hall, and
an e no te of the probable cost and to
repo to next meeting of 0 uneil. Mov-
ed h W . M. Gray, secon ed by Wm.
-Gra-e, hat a committee, one sting kof
the ay r, Reeve and Coun lo s Stroke
and attie, be instructed to I wait on
Mes s. oleman & Goninlo k, and con-
fer th hem fin relation to their estabe
lishi i a foundry and mac ine shop in
Soafi th and. , to receive propositions
fros he ,as to the extent labor to be
emp yea, and such other ece sary in -
for tio as would justify th Council
in s mi ting a by-law to th ri tepayers
to g et them a bonus, a d hat the
Corn it e report at next me tting of
Cou II. The Council adj uneed until
nex 'tie day night.
CO. ooPE N, Brussels, Ago.t for the Ex-
poNI o wspaper and Job Print, ng Office.]
Tim F LL SHOW. -At th Fall Show
of tl- 1.1 et Riding of Huron grieultural
Soci hich will he held a Brussels on
Septes r 30 and October 1, 'between
$500 nd $600 will be offere in prizes.
So Jib ra a prize lief should reduce an
exce 1 rt Show,
BA..R ALL. -A game of ,ase ball was
playe in Gerrie on Friday t between
the I s de endents'of Brus els, and the
aar auge, of Gorrie, wl 14 resulted
co y for the Indepen a ents by 10
c ndepenclents, of B ussels, play-
ed tl S her Maples, of rroxeter, on
Monjl y last and were be ten by 16
Wing -name
Oue.-Messrs. Ear and Broth-
ers ha sold their tin shop i Wingham
to it e s s Cox'& Lawrence,
Co N Y RATE. -The a ount which
Win in will this year aye to pay
the C u ty as County rate is $465 15.
Me -The Village Council have
pures d a site upon which to erect a
look u and the building is to be pro-
ceed . with at once. This looks like
1-louf YAN, -Monday last was observed
as neve holiday. All the stores and
othe i s' tress places were el sed. Quite
a nu r availed themselve of the ex -
curs o o Kineardine, to enjoy for a day
the fi c Ii and invigorating breeze of
Lak I ton, while others en'oyed them-
selv t private parties ar d in other
way st congenial to the . The vil-
lage ga. eery quiet.
.M a it ciioix AUGIDENT, On Friday
mon ii list about 8 0'01°4, as a farmer
nam hdip Currey, with h's daughter,
weri i ming Into town wi h a wagon
and an of horses, the ho ses become
frig ti at a wood sawing machine at
won a the station, and -ran away.
.Wh early opposite Dr. McDonald's,
the n struck a post with such vio-
tem to throw the occupants out.
Mr. irrey , was 'ratan ly killed.
Miss S u'ry was more fortunate, she
havi caped with but slight injury,
FIR On Friday morning about 3
o'cloc fire broke out in a frame build-
ing s as a carpenter ship by Mr.
Jam s eyan. The flames soon spread
to \ r. cyan's residence, and both shop
and (knee, with the most of their
cant n were destroyed. l'ortunately
the f riv4.ti cutilintal to tilt,. two build-
ings. I . Heyan's loss is e tirnated at
a,bou 00, and no insurance. The
fire i u e )(mod to be the work of an in -
°end 'a • at as yet no clue has been ob-
tain d a to who the perpetrator of the
diabolicct is.
- Exeter.
A Tit T IN STORE. -Mr. Bengeugh,
°Grip 8 t sited cartoonist, has been en-
gafci to eliver one of his Popular lec-
ture in 'Jr. Drew's new hell, Exeter.
The lat u f the lecture has not yet been
NJ% 4 RES. -Mr. J. N. award has
let the c s tract for the erect on of two
large b stores; adjoining he Central
Hotel. e stores are to be completed
and e d11 for occupancy this all. Exet-
er is!b, us to go ahead;
II R. I FLEsH TRANSACT' Ns. -:.-,4 Mr.
Whart s Hodgson has sold hi handsome
tlmeed from Messrs. I) ke &- Bis-
sett, the Ii rse, "Bank of Eng andel' pay-
ing orl'Ii horse and the us Ike of the
last seas'n the sum of $3,511. >.
Heitise COMENT. -While Mr. A.
Walker, on. 2, Stephen, w a hauling
man re With a span f young
hors s, ti e ran away, and o e of them
became e t ngled in the frame s, fell, and
. .
rhrie dragged, by th other a considerable
listance, When r leased it was found
at one of its legs qas broken.
ItensoNAL',-Mes I'S. Wharton"Hod -
on, William and ohn Hawkshaw left
xeter on Tuesday last for Manitoba.
Amy go to the Prairie Province on a tour
f inspection. We wish them a pleasant
trip and a safe retutn,
I Items _ESTATE Onaners.-Messrs. Oke
Bissett have purchased the Central
otel from Mr. Howard for the sum of
$10,000, The Central is a handsome
' nd ' commodious brick building, with
arge and convenient stabling attached.
Jiciiig Centrally situated for business it is
a valuable property, and well worth the
money paid for it. -Mr. William Hawk-
ehtew has disposed of his interest in the
Britannia House to his brother, Jelin
awkshaw.-Mr, Wharton Hodgson has
urehased Mr, John Hawkshaw's farm
or the sum of $6,600. This farm con -
ins 100 acres, and is situated conveni-
nt to Exeter.
LAM. -The officers for the quarter be -
inning Aug. 1, elected by Star Temple,
ro, 500, are as follows: Brother George
illen'W. C. T.; Brother G. Kearns, P.
W. C. '2.; Sister A. Condi°, W. V. T.;
Brother C. Whitely, W. M.; Sister H.
p3arker, W. D. M.; Brother J. Orr, W.
I'll.; Brother j. Ward, W. F. S,; Brother
T. Brook, W. O. a.; Sister M. Orr, W.
, . G.; Sister 8:- Walker, _ W. R. H. S.;
ieter Mrs. Condi°, W. L. H. S. I
Basis Beare -The junior base ball club
f Hairiston defeated the junior club of his place last Friday by a score of 33 to
,-The Silver Maples of Wroxeter do-
e7ater' the Independents of Brussels at a
atch played on the 2d inst. cm the
rounds of the latter. The were of the
Innings is as follows :
hilver litaelee,-, . 5 2 6 8 2 5 8 12 7-53
t. s •
ndependente,....10 B 2 0 3 4 11, 4 2,39
Umpire -Geo. Hamilton. Scorere-j. Brook,
yreactor; N. Little, BMW.
1 Fume -About 2 o'clock last Monday
Morning flames were seen issuing from
the engine house of Mr, Nathaniel Al -
en's cabinet factory. Although the alarm
as at once given the fire had taken toe
ecure a hold on the building to be put
tinder. The factory, being full of dry
nd combustible material burned like a
torch and not the smallest article Was it
possible to get out. It was only by the
etrennous exertions of the crowd, aided
by the fact that there wasscarcely a
1reath of wind, that the warerooml, di-
ant only a few feet from the factory, to -
ether with the large stock of furniture
ihich it contained, was saved. The prop -
rty of Mr. itobert Miller Was at one
ime in geeat-dauger, the fire spreading
mongthe loose lumber and debris around
he burning pile: However, water was
Continually being passed up from the river,
iend the devouring element idlest brought
nder control. Most of the lumber hi the
ard was saved, but all the inwhinery,
intinished furniture, workmen's teols,
c., were completely destroyed. This is
he second tin* -Mr. Allen has been
urned out eine'e be came here, each
ime meeting a severe loss, and much
yinpathy is felt for him by thee,commun-
ty, The Origin of the tire is yet un-
nown. Loss over $2,000, considerable
nsurance, .
1 Cow Diemen, -C+1;3r:
i3r.1Vm. Brown, Con.
2, Grey, lost three Valuable cows lately,
rom some strange disease in the head.
This is the second instance of the kind in
he same locality this season, Mrs Henry
cott having to dispatch one some, time
ago. '
NEW POST °MOE, -A new post office
is to be started at Jamestown at once,
With Mr. James Lynn as postmaster.
This new office will be a great conveni-
nce to a large number of people both in
'trey and Morris, and we have no doubt
but Mr. Lynn will make an efficient and
'bliging postmaster, '
A. Giatescue-It is stated that the far-
ers of Grey, in the vicinity of Cran-
hrook, - intend orgenizing a Farmers'
Geange'in connection with the Ontario
girder of Patrons of Husbandry. Cheap
groceries and implements will be the or-
eerof the clay in Cranbrook after this.
SUN STROKE, -The P081 says that a
oung man named James McKay, sou of
Jr. Hector McKay, Con. 4, Grey,' was
vercome with heat and over exertion on
londay morning of last week, and now
es in a very precarious state. He was
i sensible- for over 24 hours after reedy -
'g ,the stroke. It is believed that the
shook was occasioned by over exertion
Whilesworking the previous- Saturdy.
i Remises:re-Messrs, Wm. Peden; and
Alex. Stewart, of Moles worth, have re-
thrned from Algoma) where they Were in
e0arch of land, but Without success, as
they describe it to be a barren country,
id unfit for farming, with only here and
there a patch of late oats and potatoes,
there the rocks are hot in toieclose prox-
itnity to the surface. But silver, copper,
ion and lead are to be found in paying
*entities. ,' The pine in that district is of
an inferior quality,
being Norway and
4tchQuipc Kinlev. oRK,__T
he frame of a barn on
tie farm of Mr. Henter, Con. 9, Grey,
Was raised last week linsthe short spaee of
50 minutes. The barn contained five
nts and the dimen ions of the building
th'e 60x40 feet. While the framer of the
building is entitled to every credit for
keying his work so well done that it was
ssible to raise the building in so short
a time, the practice of endeavoring to
lake fast time at raisings is not , be
commended, as it is fraught with Much
danger. If the parties in raising heavy
f amee such as the one in question would
'take plenty ef time and thus avoid all
d nger of accident it would be more corn -
Mendable than in rushing forward the
Work at undue speed and needlessly en-
dkneer valuable lives.
Cotneen. MEETING.-Couneil met at
ttons Hotel, Ethel, on July '26. Mem-
b rs all present; the Reeve in the chair.
fi1mutes of last meeting read and eon-
med. Communication read from
Crown Lands Department, acknowledg-
ing receipt of petition, regarding drains
oim cells'. 15 and 16, and stating that an
vestigation would at once be made,
Also from A. M. Ross, regarding lot' 22,
ccin. 18, Grey. Petition of John Clarke
a d others, praying for a grant to Open
siile road, between lots 30. and 31, from
c 115. 6 and 7. It was moved by Mr.
1- _
Elliot, seconded by Mr. Dobson, that
$ 5 be expeuded on road from cons, 7 and
8,to r ilwaystation, under the super-
vision if Messrs. Elliot and 'Dobsoa-
0 me . The Reeve was instructed to
have , 'dge between lots 15 and 16,
Ouse 2 and 3, repaired. Mr. Young ap-
plied s have a ditch dug on con, 8, lot
ai. M . Elliot was instructed to attend
t 4the si atter. Mr. Hislop was instruct-
ed h ve a culvert made at llot 10, side
road 3, con, 13. A number of accounts
were paid, CORD,Oil :then adjourned to
meet again at Tuck's' Hotel, Cranbrook;
on Friday, 13th inst., to receive tenders
for bridge or, con, 12, Trustees of school
sections must have their annual estimate
handed in at that time,
A. HUNTER, Clerk,
s Clinton.
lamer THE NEW ENA.]
LARGE ONION. -John Peek, Stanley,
grew an onion this season that measured
11 inches in circumference, and weighed
eight ounces,
SHEE' KILLED, -Last week several
fanners in Goderich township lost a num.
ber of .sheop by being worried by
dogs. One dog was caught in the act,
and, of course, suffered the penalty of
our readers will regret to learn of the
death of Dr.. Cole, of Clinton, which
took place on Thursday morning, The
funeral will take place ' on Saturday, at
2 o'clock P. M.
SERIOUS RUNAWAY, -- On Friday even-
ing last, the homes attached to Knox's
bus started from the station, after a few
passengers had entered, without a dri-
ver, and, consequently, soon got into a
run, in the course of which the passen-
gers jumped out, in doing which Mr.
and Mrs. H. Barney got badly hurt, but
not dangerously. The horses kept on in
their course till they ran foul of the
pump opposite the hotel, the handle of
the pump making a hole in the bus, and.
the bus breaking the pump short off,
which fell in the well, the horses coming
to a stop in their race, without further
ANOTHER RuiatWaraa:On Tuesday
afternoon; while returning from Mr. Ge
Stanbury's, London ! Road, and When
about it mile from Clinton, the axle of a
conveyance, in which were sixgentle-
men from Exeter, broke, causing the
wheel to come off; throwing the occu-
pante into the mud. The horses taking
fright, started off at great speed. Com-
ing up Victoria street, Clinton, they
turned at the Huron Road, down it for a
short- distance, through the Commercial
Hotel stables, on to Mary street, then
again to the Huron Road, on -which they
continued in their mad career till they
were exhausted. Singular to say, no
damage further than the betoken axle was
done, although the route followed was a
very circuitous one,
Homes Kuieun.---On Friday night
last, five horses got from Mr. Ransford's
pasture to the railroad track, about a
mile and a half east of Clinton, and when
the night express °eine along, it struck
two of them, killing thorn instantly ; the
remaining three ran on ahead of the
train, till they came to the bridge cross-
ing the Bayfield river, where one, a
young colt, Jumped to the river below, a,
distance of about 30 feet, and was also
killed. The two others rewired about
the centre ot the bridge, but how, is a
mystery, as there was no flooring. One
hung by its fore feet over a timber, and
was lowered by the train men (which had
stopped) and some parties who had gone
from the station, the other was 'shoved
off the bridge, both being somewhat in-
jured by falling to the river. -
Want THE 0i0-NAL.1
leintmes.-A number of Aborigines
are tented on the flat near Attriles Point.
Bowe and arrow, baskets and bead work
are plenty in consequence.
THE JAIL. --This institution is .having
a brisk run of business at present, the
occupants numbering 13 porous, Two
guests were admitted on Saturday, a lad
charged with theft and a man from Mc-
Killop charged with threshing his wife,
BOY8 BEWARE. -Last week three boys
were brought before Mr. Crabb for steal-
ing peas from a field, and were fitted 20c.
each, with costs. The magistrate warn-
ed them if such a case were to come be-
fore him again he would be compelled to
send the offender three months to jail.
of the Directors of the Goderich Foundry
and Manufacturing Company took place
on Monday evening last when the propri-
ety of establishing a foundry at Seaforth
by the present Company was under dis-
cussion. We are not e ware of the result
of their deliberations, but learn they
were quite unanimousin their desire to
open a respectable foundry, if suitable
encouragement is extended to them by
thejicople orSeaforth,
oases KILLED. -On Fridvnight last
a number of horses, pasturing in Mr.
llansford's field, near felinton, got on the
track through a broken fence and the
night train coming along scattered them.
Two of them, belonging to Mr. McDoug-
all, of Porter's Hill, ran to the bridge
and fell throueh, one being killed and
the other was injured so badly that it
will have to be killed. Quite a number
of the' other horses were injured more or
, Bluevale.
SUNDAY SCHOOL -Pic Nic.---The annual
pic-nic, under the auspices of the Wes-
leyan Methodist Sunday school, was held
on the old pic-nic ground, on the banks
of the River Maitland, on Friday, July
30. The day was ex eedingly beautiful
and the attendance was large, taking into
consideration the bursylseason of the year
in which the pie -the Was, held. At an
early hour in the day the pupils of the
school, with their teachers and friends,
began to gather on th ground, in order
to prepare swings fort the children, and
tables, Ste., for the repast. Between 1
and 2 o'clock the audience sat down to
an excellent dinner, and, to all appear-
ance, did justice to the good things
spread before them. After the inner
man was supplied with the necessaries of
life, the speakers took the platform, and
short addresses were Lelivered by Rev.
Mr. Mitchell, of Wi Agbam, Peev, Mr.
Guest, of Bluevale, an Thomas Farrow,
M. P. The meeting % as enlivened by
music and singing froin the choir, Miss
Farrow presiding at the organ Swing-
ing and other amusements were indulged
in by the young people till about 6
o'clock, when all left for their homes,
well satisfied with the performances of
the day.
e .
SUDDEN DEA.TH.-3 r. James Heard,
en old and respecte resident of the
Township of Morrie, died suddenly at
his residence on the Sixth Concession,
on Saturday morning, the 24th ula For
some time past he had peen in the enjoy-
ment of good health, but nothing serious
was apprehended. In, fact he was in
Brussels business On the previous
Thursday. On ,the Morning of his
death, says the Poet, he arose early,
dressed himself and sat for a while m
the kitchen. When his wife arose about
half an hour after, he complained of feel-
ing unwell, and said he would lie down
for a while to oeb a little ease. Imme-
diately on taking his bed he gradually
commenced to fail, and breathed his last
about 6,30 A. M. Deceased was about
56 years of age, and a native of Dum-
fries -shire, Scotland. In early life he
had been a farm servant,but for a num-
ber of years before leaving his mother-
land he had been employed as policeman
on the Caledonian Railway, running
north from Carlisle. Be emigrated to
Canada about the year ISM, and resided
for a few years near Galt, being part of
the time in the employ of the Grand
Trunk Railway. Some 16 years ago be
removed into the township of Morris,
then a comparatively wild and unsettled
place, and by industry and perseverance
succeeded in getting a comfortable home
and competence for his declining years.
He was a willing neighbor and upright
man'and his bereaved wife and daugh-
ters have the heartfelt sympathy of all
who knew him.
BULL SOLD. -Mr, George Chesney, of
the Huron. Road, Tuckeyeinith, has sold
his thorough bred yeerling -Durham bull,
"King of the West," to Mr, Thomas
Russell, Thames Road, Usborne for the
sum of $120. This bull was raised by
Mr. Chesney, and is one of the hand-
somest animals in the County. He is a
credit to Mr. Chesney as a stock -raiser,
and Maltussell is entitled to the greatest
credit for his enterprise in investing in
such valuable stock.
Comfort, MEETING. -The Council met
on the 26th ult. Present -Messrs, Cress-
well, Wilker, Sproat and McDonald.
Mtnutes of ilust meeting read and ap-
proved. A by-law dividing,the town-
ship into four polling sitbdivunons for the
election of Members of the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of -Ontario, and
for the better convenience of the voters
of the township in accordance with the
provisions of Cap. 21, Sec, 25 Vie, 32,
statutes of Ontario'was read and passed,
Subdivision No. 1, to consist of that -por-
tion of the township from the Town -line
of Hibbert west te the Sideline between
Lots 15 and 16, and from the Huron
Road Booth to and including Con. 4, H.
U. S. Polling place, school house No. 8,
Egmondville. No. 2 to consist of all
that portion of the township west of the
Sideline between Lots 15 and. 16, and
north of the Mill Road. Polling place,
school house No. 6, at J. Broadfoot's.
No, 3 to consist of all that portion of
Cons. 1, 2, and 3, L. R. S., south of the
Mill Road and Cense 12, 13, 14, and 15,
H. R. S. Polling place, School house
No. 2, near Rbbt. Elgie's. No. 4 to con-
sist of all that portion of Cons. 4, 5, 6,
and 7, L. R. S., south of the Mill Road,
and Cons. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, H.
R.. S. Polling place at School house No,'
9, known as the red school house. Pe-
tition of Andrew Smith and others in re-
gurd to a pond of stagnant water on the
side of the Centre Road in '.Egmondville
was readawhen it was moved by Mr.
Sproat, seconded by Mr. McDonald, that
Messrs. Cresswell and Walker be in-
structed to let a job of draining the place
complained of -Carried. A few small
accounts were examined and passed for
payment when it was moved by Mr.
Walker, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that
the Council do now adjourn to meet
again when called by the Reeve.
Wee. MeCoeteree, Clerk.
PERSONAL. -Mr. Donald MeDermid,of
Stanley, returned home from the Old
Country last week, much improved in
health and highly delighted with his
trip, ,
BIG Wonic.-Two young men, named
Donald Ross and Robert Sharp, residents
of the township of Stanley have been dis-
playing themselves while making ties for
the London, Huron and Bruce Railway.
On the 22d ult., they made 90 ties, and on
the next day 106. The work was done
on the farm of Mr. Wm. Moffatt, Comm.
4. The timber for the ties was taken
from the stump, and each day they
worked only 12 hours.
Come= MEETING. -Council met pur-
suant to adjournment, all the members
present, excepting Mr, Graham. Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and. approved. Moved by Dr.
Woods, seconded by Mr. Anderson, that
Mr. D. MeTaVish receive$14.95for gravel
supplied to Messrs. M. MeEwan, Gregor
McGregor end William Stanbury, path -
masters for 1875 -Carried. Moved by
Dr. Woods; seconded by Mr. Keys that
the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to
jou° debentures to the Trustees of school
section No.., 1, in term of requisition laid
before the Council this day -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Keys, seconded by Dr.
Woods, that all the gravel accounts be
Paid for on the Ninth Concession of Stan-
ley, viz: 'Themes McIntyre, $10, and
James Campbell, $5.60 -Carried. Moved'
by Mr. Keys, seconded by Dr. Woods;
that we grant the sum of $12 for the
purpose of burying Wingate at Bayheld
-Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods, second-
ed by Mr. Keys, that Thomas Simpson,
Esq., be Inspector of roads to superin-
tend works on the side line between lots
15 and 16 Stanley -Carried. Moved by
Dr. Woods, ,seconded by Mr. Keys, that
a by-law be framed and passed to raise off
all the real and personal rateable property
in the township the sum of $4,600, re-
quired as follows : For County purposes
and School Equalization, $4,037 ; Print-
ing, $120; Incidental expenses, $200;
Improvem en t fu nd, $1, 200; Salaries, $500;
Total; .56,057 Available cash in hand,
$1,437 • Amount required, $4,620 --Car-
ried. koved by Mr. Keys, seconded by
Dr. Woods, that this Council adjourn to
meet again at Williamson's Hotel, on
Monday, September 20, at 1 o'clock P.
A. M. CAMPBELD, Clerk.
DOINGS I* COUNCIL -At the last meet-
ing of the Turnberry Council, which was
held at Bluevale, Mr. Henning report-
ed baying let a job of building up stone
at Barnard's beaver meadow'west from
the creek at $1.05 per cord, to Mr. Ed-
ward Phair ; also a sob of repairing Side-
line 10 and 11, Con. 5, to James Ander-
son for $6 • and a job of cutting a drain
through eel(' on Con. C. to Mr. Gem-
mull's, Mr. Goy reported having let a job
of letting down and covering crossway
leading from Con. 10 to Zetland, to Mr.
Sohn Mellwaine for $33 -job finished.
Mr. Hogg reported having let a job of
cutting Tottonis hill and mending road at
Berry's beaver meadow for $16.50. Mr,
Little reported having let a job of cutting
hill and covering crossway on Sideline 15
and 16, Con. 11, to Win. Gardner for $50
-job finished. Mr. Black reported that
he zooid not let the job of opening up and
grading the road south of Graham's bridge
to Fisher's bridge satisfactorily. A res-
olution was passed instructing the Reeve
and Deputy Reeve to le
this work on the
Ma GO was instr
vert on iJon. 10 and 11, opposite
repaired and covered i4i accordance
the application of Mr. Malin
Messrs. Black and Go having exaini
the boundary between Kinloss and CuIs
rose, and Turnberry, reported reconal
mending that sald lb be not opened; ti
at present as the read) if opened, WO 1
be of little service to the ratepayers
Turnberry. The +op rt was sustaieed
by the Council. The ..eeve and Deputy
I. Reeve reported having examined, Sideline
10 and' 11, and cndeav red to et a road
for Mir. 0, Mille* to t e sout titre
Mr. D. Hasting'i . property, but Mr.
tings refused to 4v a road as Mr. Miller
has now a good Oa let tp the north. A
petition from Mk. Robert Reid and oth-
ers praying the 40ound to make passable
for travel Sideline 110 n / d 11 Con. 12
1 P
was read, and Messrs. 'Jennings and.
Little were appomted to examine the
road, and report at net meeting the
probable cost of the work. The Council
meet again at Lower Wingham on Mon-
day, September 13, 1
Bosmss AND
is very brisk in t
are very busy entti
which was very
but what he left of it
ley, spring wheat,
good, -l -better than Jae
THE FLAX Cuori -
this neighborhood is P V
this year. Crowds of
children are goingut e
pull. 1There are now
acres pulled. We have.
flax that measured. five f
in length.
vilre age:fanBinasrinhin'esseiersat
theirY .ewryainnteorpeasodrB132Lis -
O flax crop
perw-YamrdPsillinof 1°2001°1
n shown' some
a three indite*
STATE Pelt, 04.1111
A.,e4cio;i4310 Iroms
siccal tense. Ofxsicc1)1
glifen on the 1st a
balancein In
THE ' CENTRE1 GRAY :,14 ROAD,-ilte
Council are making a g-od job of he
centre gravelroll. ill011,01 the hi
swamp. Drains 'are bei g cut on eac
side, and the road is bei g raised about,
a foot and a half. Th* is an improve-
ment which is much , ceded. as the
water did a great deal Of damage ve
ery spring, and made iit almost im s
sable. The work is, lone under the
management of Mr. Abl Walpere who
thoroughly understands his work,
is melon a good!jo ,
431 h.
wanosb, has recently a
ethery, of Waa number of
sheep etolen, and,, so: has failed to
find any trace of them.:
ago a young man, 'yin the name of
Coenenseeri role TI:e -Three weeks
Jackson, put up ,at Poll ek's hotel, and.
on his departure,,. several of the boarders
missed articles of clothin . Last Th rs-
day he again appearthe village at
Pollock's, when the rties, who ad
missed their goods seizid and compel ed
him to open his carpet la', when mos of
the stolen articles were ound, a hat ,he
ihad appropriated bein0 his head. 4f-
iterihreatening to burn the hotel that
night, he made his escia through; the
window, and Mrs Pol1e1, fearing that
he might attempt to ea it out, sat up
all night, but no atte pt was male.
Next day Jackson was, a nested by Con-
stable Stewart, taken lief re a magistrate
and sentenced to al year' imprisonment
in Goderich jail.
Bits fiel
Bei LARY.- ne even rig last week a
burglry was committed re the store .
dwell of Mr. ' h rleit amilton, Bueh-
field. r. Hamilton W: -Way on Wei-
ness, all the week, leavin Mrs. Emil -
ton and a girl i
o , rs. Hamilton
was woke in the reht women in her
room, Who enquired"• re Hamilton,
was," and on her asking vi, at they want-
ed, got no answer. She l came fright-
ened and lied te a neigh r's; a quarter
of, a mile away:' I In thesi eantime, the
burglars took several ev I able articles
from the store, a small sir= of mo e/
from the cash drawer, an all the stome
of tobacco. The neighbe eto where Mrs.
Hamilton had fled, rose; a went tothe
store but the men basal left as he
prowled, and have since luded de
Lonclee briir
of an accident to a you
Smith, of Londiebotorigl
was Instantly deprived;
appear, that on Mo4c1
Went out with his moth
pick berries. While so
wind, which was -blowing
the time, blew over
the little fellow in its fal
brains out and breaking
The family had but roe
from England, but had lin
friends in that time, all
path izei deeply with the
deceased..-eVero 4tat.
A Contostrv.4-Mr.
of Lot I, Con, 0, Rude
purchased an apple tree
ester nursery and plant
Weeks after planting,: the
and made a noble effertlt
maturity. The , froste:
tested its design. e A few
tree made a, second altt
sciming 'again; this time' ii
ly, but as yet his sliest,
forming any fruit,
regret to lean
oy, named;
, by which he
I his life. It
morniag he
r and sistereto
engaged, the
ery strong at
, which caught
smashing ,his
IS thigh bonc.
alftleYvhomc°mes'y° -
de very ma y
elatives of the
lin Patters°
this spripg-
OM the ROO.-
it A few
tee blossomed,
bring fruit to
owever, fr Si -
weeks ago the
rept, by bl s-
ore luxuria t -
n no signs of
THE 'CatTonbrobk 8a1t'Works are now
running at full blast. A considerable
bulk of salt has been made and is nowbe-
ing put in barrel* ready for shipment.
A .considerable emPunt is sold to e
surrounding farmers for agricultural
poses. The proprietors of the works.
tend erecting a wend mill for the purpose
inganlcm:t)to convey
epcoansvey the brine
ACCIDENT. -A Rae gii1, daughter of
Mrs. Campbel, Widow, n. 14, AlcKft-
lope met with a severe accf dent on Tuett-
day, last. She was amusing herself by
swinging some other child' -en on a Ming
in the barn, when the awhile gave way,
the board on which fell and struck her
on the leg breaking it aim* the ankle.
Vali !Oho ars
Dunganon, on
OctmsanwrEou.smoelbornslietrzigarth.t:2:43;ertaaWar ottnailinyssastt el ittht
phen, at Exe
South Huron, at Seaforth, 011
Hibbert, at Staffs, an Tumid&
Lneknow, at Laoluut-sv, on F
East Huron, at Brass*,
Western Fair, Loia4n,, on S
Sept.2.0. ,
t, 28,29, 80, a -9t1
)aacl "d .5 and 6'
,-oe;Sest.s7nra244, -
a Sept, 30 sq.,
, September 281
Oct- L
pet.s =do.
beautifully fan
jialuing the. farm 44/
1,611.,s, -,res, SO of whi041
igma cultiestiottl
1. There arc eight
rwila i the
1:4m0H._ -
liateortit- d
and km
&alexia 1by
Wresekle -
best atanas In Ute
Ft elm the main traveled
n tue premises. For lie
Letter prepsid,to MA
. , 1
F- 3,
p; 75
eland tu sts•
kag $5 i.esei is
The'els104 00
So Walton .
‘..._. EMtt 0f LOt ii
acres, 40 *cresol which4
le Oa cultivation, tim
well timbered 'with
log ItOlises, good leg 14311
temitiel,, Is
from Seaforth.
ozi the Preinism, or if
Post 00e4e1 a.
mIe from tat1
itallenty - 4
lesteelsag,i we
aids sua Ia I
Oa of
lis..470 : LGI
4 4 of
e two
,i I.
Loudon Huron *
stories, %rich; onl
owl orchard witli_s ,1
I. trees, well -Ira!
ration. For -terms.
,BodgcrrtilcP.O. --
-paw lion
A; teas ,
Of sores
blather& t
aid tem* (..
It IS tzuneig from
boot inel \ti, .uidwl1
lass., 3.:
Oillee. '
S .
'c -‘,
g to
--Being Diit :Nc
;rnitu Township;
nearly all clear of
log buildings, I
bear; two wale wit
forth, The land
be sold bbesp. F'
to the proprietor on
'DIEM Figmen4r
.. ,
-E4 ; For elo
Village of lint
item hough:,
lane& lif •
YOUNG, trigor
Sorrel. 1 i
T 3141015SON,
SIttl0EraLD Poll
that 410/dame
lately occupied by
tour village lots, II
table, well onds/I-
orchard. The
be 'A n
diallers apply to I
to the world(
For Sale
.ilart 4 11144
10 ebeicp 'halt
The isropetty
ramIsea to
forth. . 'I
4 . ,
IF r
4 E1444
4 4 :
es of
*ALBIN WiOlfrol
ondville 14 fine hr
house witit u good .
land, a beautiful A
and $ mover -0,a
wellimbed. Uhl IV
particulars app]
&NEMER, Barri
suivni roll
J: cessiqn
14 ,iterea.
gravel To5141,
1, 'Township
tilv tio
, 4
-Per Sae, Let=
Of Valsorne, b
are A/ASA md.
intereis A goeAlri
farm is located a
may situated ti
;Audis win*
r Exeter. 3,
Iimrniicy P.O.
f -
and unde
18x40, log
like Metance
4194#04 iid
lb. 10
O. 4 ANDtE1
Oft 13? I
I 4- .cc,he
-E. Sale, Lo ,
SI4DICy, 100 acres,
44 .barn 60x40,.
thin' s of Seat -
(inton. Piirmn 1.!1
rs.t.eJaas cultivation -
F. -
AIlla 0
4TO o
saes, Do
;goad enititv
fli* boiithc g
-There Sr*
US valte4 of •
situated fr a t
reed on he
Z , .
na ,I s'In crc.
ciibored with
flh station, Mid b
or sonekets.
miees, or to BJytI
yattng orshr.ii
' fruit ire
-10a$0, g
'mese) 1,
ulent to
. of water,
, 75
he remaining
el he remain
10 miles
Ad and 2from
to beat wi
12 40x60, frame s
sow homes and
Mile/tom good se
d postales; never -
rid order -a gol
viler part -lender
4 ICIPPer4 P.O.
- - --- ---
-- .18, Con.. 1
sew cleared, in it,..g
25 nerer,E1
cod. Is ntallealrani
Clinton Iola on
Werth, disti
SOx60,good aw
' 100 -a
bored with
of Ebab
road lea46/gio
is a good
1300d well
TerENE e
bearing mobil
venient,to schools JO
furtherpartioni,ars A
by letter :to .0on4
lett; 150
atable4 40,,e
14.0 NNW 4
very muten
Terms_ 4s„
any IN4
?or furtcr
0 by lticr
44,,7,.., For
...Mt. '4
and 5 mit
8-# Te4-014er
Se of w
the balla
-rith "
I ._!'0
ri, - • -
. .,
1 eatb,
e, al
LE. -Being .1...44 8, O.
cleared audit/al
- ., i -- big M is -#70111
ri frame barn
s 60 -x -W, mad_
11 =leo from S
Qinton and I
is is 4itt,OXV4tellt IV
44- to seelire rt A -
am -Lyon 1 e
Post 0014
s ,ableandbea '
li miles iron
oral, Let 28, 1
The farm tontain
rod and int first
ardwfscal ill
brick, if
; barns and outbuit
; there is also an :
er, Sig' 2,
Apply by poet
or to JAMES
teat. The
Olaw -4=W -
FAir4" OF MO „.
las-adhere offer I
1,9-t -t-..5., Cell,
s large isir,
- riw.,, odger
are ---n 1:41
_ iot n-44
ine. NI
hrdwood. with
of 2
fur se
T. BigOst
I. n: 4.,
the nnlif t -w
'stage. :There
hnIock and
i%4tory masons
Lt *ny tme.
h7 leitrpo
, .