HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-08-06, Page 8est O of one of the 1110$ ad inittlePtini Gerinans, 04. nowory was shown by the I iia the funeral!. The eraally ;consider it the r . of respect they ea, e funeral, and most ares the farm will be 'swipende ae. In this ease, as we ap. a hone, for the distance of h .of ladle carriages were as closely as they would stand public roadside, fields were open, and the interior fences for the same purpose. The large double bone, porches, balconies, and minds write covered with people, It lcno t tht my husband was to be in an ffici 1 eharaoter, a. way with meek diffict tr as trade for us into the ase. Religto services : were hcld in _awn and En iieh, and then the body Was conveyed to its last resting place on the farm, all Talthy fainilies having sate burial g ounds., According to a utiful custom among the Germans, before proceeding to the burial, the ooze was removed just outside the threshold; and with the warm sunshine ef heaven once more resting on, the pale tace, the last, kiss wasiven, the last farewell taken. During the absence at the grave the rooms were, cleared and ,hies set everywhere, one private table always appropriated to the immediate family, they beteg treated on the ma- xim as guests. The other tables were filled promiscuously by whoever chose to take a seat. As soon as any one had eaten he vacated his seat, which was im- mediately filled by some ,other person. When: seen by attendants a change of plate wasmade, but sometimes the debris of the first eater was just ehoved to one side of the plate. It was estiniated that' 1,000 people ate on this occasion. The cellar, extend- ing under the house, was etched over- head sed whitewashed, and in its fresh- ness and cleanliness lookers the very per- fection of housekeeping,; Around it were suspended swinging Shelves; and, on the floors tables set forming aisles ; these were all filled with provisions as closely as theyeould set. In anotherpart were tubs containing hundreds of pounds ofolden butter meats. In the kitchen and suin- mer kitchen, always an adjunct of a wealthy farmer's establishment, in fire- places hung huge copper caldrons, such as are used for making apple butter, of the capacity of two barrels, filled with coffee, and as it was used they were re- plenished by the coffee maskers., A far- mer's smoke house always contains a great quantity of choice meat ; besides, era this case a bullock had been slaughter- ed and boiled the day before. During eating there was a constant._ replenishing of the provisions. The attendants on these occasions are the wives and daugh- ters• of neighboring farmers, and their work is gratuitous. The surplus provi- sions in this case were given to the poor, and for days they streaued along the road with well filled baskets. This might be considered a more than ordinary funeral, but this is the style of them. In the case of the death of the father of this family, who had been a sort of patriarch among his _people, I asked the managers of the funeral how much provision they had' made for it. " Well, 'they said, if it had not been for the long spell of rain and sleet, mak- ing the roads very bad, it would have been a big funeral, so they had only made provu3ion for 700 or 600 ;" and at a funeral of a child of a neighbor, whose age was about 7 years, ,the baker, on my inquiry, told me she "had made 70 loaves of bread, a batch of light cake. and 150 pies." When a', funeral takes place in the summer, and'r'the house is not of sufficient capacity 10 hold the tables, the threshing floor,o -the barn is used, or some sheltered out of door place, such as an orchard or- under the shade of trees, The table furniture for the occa- sion is either borrowed from neigh bora or hired from a store. There are several superstitions connect- ed with death and funerals' in the country which are a strange blending of the ludi- crous with the mournful, One is that if the mother of a family is dying, the via egar barrel mist be shaken at the time to.prevent the "mother" in it from dy- ing. Said a man once, in sober earnest to me, "I was so sorry Mr. D. was not in the room when his wife died." " Where was be," inquiredI. " Oh, in the cellar a-shaktn' the vinegar barrel; ; but if he had just told me I would"have done it and let him been in the room to sae her take her last breath." We will charitably hope the object of this super- stition was to divert the husband from his grief, and not the fear that the next., winter's pickles would lack acidity. Another is that' the last person that goes out of a house at a funeral will be the next one to die, and, as the audience be-- gins e-gins to thin, you may see people slip very nimbly out of a back or kitchen door to avoid being that " last., one," What this arose from 1' do not know, unless they feared the practical ' Application of " devil take the hindmost."—The Phita- daphia Press. ' The Late LadSr Franklin. Lady Franklin, whose death was an- nounced last week, was 71 years of age, Lady Franklin's maiden name was Griffin, andshe was born in London, She was married. to Sir John Franklin in 1826. Sir John' had served in the British Navy under Lard Nelson, -and had led two expeditions to theAretic regions be- fore this (his second) marriage. In 1834 he was appointed Governor of Van Diemen's Land, and during the six years of Inc administration his wife aided hire in securing the favor of the colonists and natives. A dangerous kind of rep- tile infested Van Dieman'e Land at this time, and Lady Franklin ';paid a slim of money for each one that wau killed. Con - quently the species was ;sopn extermin- ated, In May, 1845, Sir driltn. Franklin. sailed from' England for the Arctic seas, in command of the ehipsr Erebus and Terror, hoping to discover the north- west paseage. The expedition was ex- acted to return in 1847. In that year Franklin, feeling�sat anxiety for her husband, began her memorable series of efforts to ascertain his fate. She offer- ed ed large rewards to any person who would attempt to ediseover the missing party. She made an appeal to the Am- erican people in 1849, for theirrsco-opera- tion in the search, to which ; the late Henry Grinnell responded; She did not veJohn up her hope of rescuing Sir rankhn and his partyuntilyears after the world felt' assured .of is death. Finally she sent out the steamer Fort, under the command of Captain McClin- tock, who returned in 1859, two years after his departure, =having discovered in May of' that year, at Point Victory, on TANT`ARitftE1:18. e Success Since Int A I Flour an goa yield, ff s call, and in eve use eatfsfsetion With all the la eat and ntose ha. i€ cry, we defy petition. NC AND CHOPPING 3, and ever; effort will be used to Bing first-class reatietion. LI FAMOUS XXX'' -FLOUR, ORTS, GIlOP,. -N1 "any part of Sedfoi=th, free of aha e. 7� left at Mrs HI�tm.9i�° will be promptly attended to. CHARLES GRTH & CO. to for the Garden City M1441b g Nita 'CROCERi , DMINIoN BLOCK, rC PORT OFFICE. FRESH GROCERIE ;I -UST ARR1 F,D, r Value in Sugars. :CEIVEI3, A Maier STOCK OF AND FIELD SEEDS tie Clover, Timothy, Hungarian and Millet. &e., &e. ;f For Butter, Eggs, an ICinds of Produce. r Bose Potatoes for Seed and Fam- ily= use. aiiverecl .Frei of Clurge. . BROELL. EWLRY, LATCHES, CLOCKS, 'Ari C" GOODS AT .COUNTER'S_. _heapest and best ,selected stock of roods ever brought into the County. {ENT. allowed on ail purchases of OTION INVITED Trouble to Show !Goods. ctrge Stock of ,Spectacles ad, from 25e to, $3 per pair. he Celebrated L. BLACK & COS' t Lazarus & Morrie.' Speetaeies, the rken ention paid to Repairing V atebea, welry--warranted to give sat1sfae- Id Goll and Silver. M. I.; COUNTER. -LUMBER .n want of good lumber will findit vantage to call at the old stand on between Huilett and McKillop, THAT IS LU1VI3 ER. PER HALF PRICE. cel hued leading to the 3lill. 011kxuaranteed. r also thanks his numerous cue-- liberalpatronagein the past, and sx kvntinuance of their favors. ecounts xtrill be Charged er Cent. Interest, JOIII l THOMPE ON. i'H PLANING MILL. l An BUND FACTORY begs leave to thank his numerous file liberal patronage extended to zskizlg Lusirsese in Seaforth, and r lse favored with a continuance tg to build would do well to give rill continue to keep on hand a Inds of PINE LUMBER, INDS, MOULDINGS, ES, LATH, ETC. It of givingsatisfaetion to Moog rn with their patronage, ao.. none unen are employed. ten tion paid to Custom. Planing FIN t1. lilt OA.I}FOO r. SER T BS. :UEL '; ROT'r nil at the' $eatorth. Tub s aetory his well and favorably known fed Rutter ?odes. lire the best in nee, and wilt LNDUCEMENTS TO PURCUA SE,It&. a ins short time, to corm ezt*A f Wash Tubs on a large scale.. SAMIIEL TRO;[T, Seaforth yeas ii p dated Ap 848, It a �,. An died a 11, 1847 . that the two ships a f e abandoned April 1848, when t e waivers, 105 in num- ber, started f he Great Fish River, McClintock as afterwards kn'ghted. Lady Fras<ukli `. ;1e W offered ' rew- rds to persona who w, Id bring her' urther� tiding of her husband and his ail ' tee. She journey a to the United $ tea in 1870, and visa the late Captai Hall in San Franc' co,• who had exanii ed the spot where theFranklin party c me to grief. While the latest. Aretie xpedi- tion was fitting out, lobe gave it's bstan- tial encouragement. To the last he en- tertained, , hops I of receiving a farewell message, which ,;she ;firmly -1eliev her husband had i vitteil her. Of la years Lady Franklin had sen living at rank - lin House, in Lila o shire, and col- lected there a lar a !number of r ics of her hu=sband's xpeditions, it r last message to the Ar erican people, onvey'- -ed by telegraph a tit two weeks ago, was a request that e should be remem- bered in- their prayers at church on the following Sunaiayr be he THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE FLORENO[ SEWING MACHINE TS now universally a CHEAPEST -the' in the market. This market hewing a revs only meanie that ma stitch. These mach! the purehassor ie not It and get any other r trial of it is alt that is O. O. Has an abundant en Etporinna in SEAL leading machine's, their choice. '' itted to be the 13 ST and cheapest becanse t . o best— 's the only machin : in the rsible feeder, and i is the kelt more than ono - ind of a neo are sold on tris , and if attsted with it ea return bine in the ma t. A re nixed to give sat faction. WILLS° pl r always Qn, han at his )ITH. Also all t e ether that purchasers an have MUSICAL INSTRUMEN 8. 0. C. WILLSON keeps the largest nd best selected stock of Masked Instruments West of Toronto, consisting of that celebrated athusek Piano, and other Pianoe, Prince's,(George Woods, ' Estay, and Canada ;°Organs and Melode s, ny of which he can se11 se ebeap as the manufa stnjers. Agricult i'al Implem A full stock of the best Agricultural Im made in Amer' ea onha d as Hanel, eons Massey's, Woods'Pa nand the John Reapers, Woodsy Ire F me and Bn ekeyc ING NE SOM Sharp's self d' pi g HAY BABE. T only self damp' ha rake in use, and a years of age, an 1.11e to drive a horse eats wo llir, Willson has o hes Cation in recom this rake to his cri stofnes as the 'best ever diked. Any pensbn eesfjring to purchase on have a fair trial of id - 11 S. .1e ants et g of n ingle Mo ere. PLOWS, ilea sey's No. 18 Thistl the onlygenuine td tle Cutter Plow in ket-40sold in _he orimy of Duron le The Port Perry a d ondon Gang Plows, Gang plows eve i troduced to the pt trial given and ea isf ktion guaranteed. of General'Pun,o a' lows always on han arrows,urni p S ee s the oy 12 •k it. ding •tro- = can C, tter, he mar- st . year. th. best bl . A ►11 ads Grain Drills an T 4 So era, Horse Hoerr andll other implements a wa s on hand. All kindsof Poibts and Gusting fo the different Plows i use kept constantly on a • d. TO THE L IES. In the Sewing a hine and Music Dep rte era MISS SLOAN ke•ps a full stock of But eri k's Patterns and Se F'tting Charts. All th la est and newest style and fashions. Tho ate t and most popu r :heat Masi c and Mu a Bo ks 0. C.WILL 0 IMPROVE N T'1ITION.—DiL WHE R'S Compound ilY:ir of Phosphates andllCarsaya is an excitant f n ri ion, improving t ',pe- tite, perfecting ige tion and assn til ti' n of food, and the fai a io of healthy bl od, Ner- vous prostration; nd 'general debility a sing from excesses, bad bits and all that tri n of evils known as a st i life, yield imm la •ly to the action of this r arkable preparatio , 11 the organs and tient the body becoming tregth- erred and vitaliZe41 h superiority of= hi"e rem- edy over all oth rs•ie owing to its; resto g fune- tions of the a . •h, liver and pane ea , the great tripod t' t pie •arae the material t r nild- ing up bone, m . ski : nd nerve. MLR, GREAT Fp ALE Rbb EMEDY.--Joees 'L Periodical ill--r�--Tais invalhable In di vine is unfailing in t e, :ere of all those pal fu and dangerous dice see Eo Inch the female on - titu- tion is subject II -no eratcs all excess a + d re- moves all obet cti s,nd a sppeedy en e a be relied on. To mans ldies,itispeculiar ys itod. It will in a short ti • Q, ring on the mo thlr per- iod with regularity, TL' ese i'ilie, shorn n.t be t t .e m tithe fir hr ma k Old the� en byFe e � taka3 of Pregncy, ae 1ier �re sure to bring. M scar- riage, bat at an o .bJet time they are ale In all eases of o o s and Spinal a ea ions, pains in the baa ar, limbo, fatigue n l • t ex- ertion, palpitat on f pig heart, h s ria nd whites, these pis 11 effect a cure w stl1 or means have file and although a-° po erful remedy, do not at: In iron, calomel, ant me • y, or anything hurtful to the constitution . Furl directions in the emphlct arorind a ch pack- age, which should l e carefully prose ed Job Mason, New York, he Proprietor. 1.0 s and 12i cents forpostaag` ,cueelosed toNorthop man, Toronto, Ont., gene ;1 agents for the om nion, will insure a beth. co Staining over g r pi is by return mail. solid Fleafortb by E, H ek on do Co., and 1l. Ln ;id tit. 197 WHAT THE ti Y OF IT. A FE " P OTS FOR TH EOPLE.-fihere are bu few preparations of meducirnes which have it +stood the impartial j tl •lite t of the people fo any great length of ini . (inc of theta; is Dr T was' Eelectric Oil. Ile 4 t following an . be con- vinced: Tinos, llor crtson Farnham ;t e, P. Q., writes, " 1 have , en afflicted wit h. rhe unl tism for the last ten o .ea r and have tried m • ny eine- dice without a y r 1 of until I tried Dr. Tho ' s' Eclectric Oil, as d ince then have had o ttaek of it. I would 1 do end it to all," --J H Earl, Hotel Keeper, ve. Shefford, P. Q., °• �'te , `' I have been tron. sled ire, liver complain i sev- eral years, an • o rice 'different r ed eines with little or no be • f't until I tried Th s s'Ec- leetrie Oil, wh1.h Ca'e isle immediate renef, and 1 would say that .h: e used it since wit th best effect. No on 1 s • aici be without it have tried it on my le in eases of cute, wos nd ,&e.,,, and think it equ:11 ssgood for horse as or ---A. Maybe°, B er leant, Warkworth, w le , "1 . have sold Some hurt reds of bottles of Ea nctric Oil, and it is o o n ed by the pabli 'rine of Cho boat nledie a he have ever use( ;' t has done wonders I c ling and relieving lain, sore •e s t con fi- h oft at i • drt he throats, &e., an w y� donee." — Jose sin uian, Township f Percy, -writes, "I was pe s a d to try Thom s' elec- tric Oil for a 1 in whih trout) e for r three or four yar a dlnever found thing like it for cerin a cress. It is a gr t ublie benefit," --A, B , ` m lton, Warkwort , rites. sr lied t a$ e troubled with For weeks I av seen t ankle, lac iIncvery much. M .Iiboo po: e y of this plasm n ,e e to try Eelcetri .0 and before one bot laws peed I ws cure; . t is a most remarkable eine. -Sold by all me ine dealers. Price C = tsa S. N. THOMAS P: bass, N X, And NOR PA LYMAN, Toro to Ont., 8oioAgentsior the Dominion. ;NoT1. E etrio —Selectedand'�� le rize d. Soil in Se e h by E. Hickson Bei o. dd SEWN OFF, SELLING OFF, SELLING OFF. DRESS .GOODS, LACK SILKS, MUSLINS, .BCSIERY, PRINTS, PARASOLS, COLORED SILK'S; CORSETS, . Silk UMBRELLAS, POPLINS, GLOVES, &c., &c., &c., At HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP OASH STORE, SEAFORTH. 1 ti CI ta"1'e CI ro- n 0 -'I 0 O r Z 0 r m Q r 2710 M. ROBERTSON'S FURNITURE W ;D ossings NEW GOODS AT HICKS N'S. JUST FROM ENGLAND TURKEY SPONGES, MIRRORS, ASBESENT TEA. SPOONS, TABLE SPOONS, KNIVES AND FORKS, CRCCKFERY IS DOWN, GLASSWARE, TEA SETS VE: TEA TR C POCKET BOOKS, SPECTACLES, AMERICAN WATCH S, CLOCKS—All Prices, Cheap, JEWELRY, MILK PANS AND CROCK'•, &c. Y CRFAP, YS, MBS, BRUSHES, CALL IN E. HICKS II N & CO'S. BABY CARRIAG • S .NOW ON EXHIBITION AT m REROOMS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Z EV.leR BROUGHT TO SEAFORTH, LI) i . y AND WILL BE OFFERED. VERY CHEAP; 2 v In order that the Infantine population may have a good time during tore coming stammer. ag 0 ^^Z LJ M. ROBERTSON. GODERICH FOUNDRiY. The Goderzeh Foundry & Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the publiethat they are prepared to furnish STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE MACHINES, HOOP MACHINES, &c, IRAN AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, 'TRAW-CUT TERS, &c., SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLE:, GRA BAPS, &e. COOKING, PARLOR. AND BOX STOVES, of vagi s kink. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, ;•+ IRON AND BRASS • CASTING, AND BLACKSMITH WORK BOILERS AND ENGINES AND GENERAL REPAIRS DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Eta- All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receiverompt attention.,4 A. HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President, E. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. 1 Cure Lenerrliaaa (or Whites), P14i ton, Vie int). n. of the Uterus, O' emit BM3jnslt:ruation, and all di male W€ea etas. They are pr eatest ire, under'thepersonal Saida ;wit hast made female d for r years, and -the ar sn �a a y yyy which'- Il. D LADIES can hear and Mire of need " as an if. MALE REcl-i1LA. allD t e Sold b rn s w t� � S�.0 b x,, 1; six oxer, ; sent by age secu#:ly' sealed from oboe partienla s write for our pamphle wend in a !' estid envelope to any coapt of ' os#t stamp to prefer,' ass �i1 " Adds sails Sold berts NOB} ents. ' { ntnl Menstrua• arian Diseases, eases known as ared with the apervision of a seases aspaial a Mcdikinekon epend " in the ailing g � OR ere. e Price one ail free of 'st- ation. For full which we will address on re- ctum pPo • tete for pamphlets • r pilln to WILLIAM GRAY & Cee, Windsor, Ont. ieaforth by E. Hie ; , . & Co., 3. S. rPg41811, and by all. s gists. 8a LYMAN, Toronto, Wholesale , WHAT NEXT? NEW BUSINESS NEW MEN. UTE, the undersigned, bate purchased Kr, W. H. MAY'S Establishment, where we intend to carry on an extensive Harness. Business, both Wholesale and Retail, manufacturing by Machinery and by hand. We also keep on hand A "LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES, And verything pertaining to the lusiness. Light stud Deriving Hnr tress a speciality; No As soeeiationPrieee here. Oive nit a Call before purchasing elsewhere. I s t EGG EMPO IUII. The subscriber hereby thanks is numerous customers (merchants and others) fo tbeir liberal patronage during the past seven ye =, and hopes, by strict integrity and chose attentio to business, to merit their confidence and trade ithe future. 'ng greatly enlarged his pre$nises, dating tileSwiwinter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, deti$red at the , EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth, Wanted by the subscriber 25 ions of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. D. D. WILSON. • G. 'E. HENERSON & Co, t TEE . EBArORTH � LT V M B ER YARD. MA1EE & MACDO N ALD "PEG to inform the public that they have re- moved the>r Lumber Yard to the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's Works and Mar- shall's, XIII, They will keep constantly on hand a goodassort- ment of ALL KI: -'NDS OF LUMBER, dressed and undressed. AlsoiTLAPB AND SHINGLES, all of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest po. sible prices, for Cash. Also, on band any quantity of the best ACTON LThfE. Builders and others will fasd it to twr edsstn.- tage to inspect our stock, and ascertain our prices before pusehasingelsewbere,sa we are in sposition offer oodinducements to cash purchasers. I IEEE & MACDONALD. tie lea 2 s q X 0 z 0 c co E 500 CORDS H EADJ O WANTED At COLEMAN & COUIHLOC 'S Saw .Will, SeaGf ►2`t%. A T N` L U10 OF ALL KINDS E CONSTAN'T'LY ON. HN3. { -HEMLOCK LUMBER - E110 i'f $7 TO $9 3Bri.a.4a PrIAJ I , At the Shortest Notice. COLEMAN & GOU1NILOCK, TO THE PUBLIC AT L. W. H.1 OLIVEI Harness, Saddle and 'MANUFACTURER, P MAIN ST,, S.E ,'ORT . w- 1.1 i1 GO P GE. SIGN Olf THE 1) .,UTCH'COLL t A choiceassortreent oflight and hrav arno , Whips, Be11s,Horse Clothing, &c.., kept ehnetantly on hand. Repairing promptly Atte. = i. tci, andcharges moderate. Remember t ie P - s o the ScoteleC;ellar. W. H. OL It. .DIAMOND SPECTACLES THESE1e are man~tsd fro MINUTE CRYTAL PEBBLES melte to- gether,and are called DIAMOND on aceeunt of their hardness and • " , ey. It is wAll known that Speetackks ent , +ffi Brazliiatn Belo ls. peb- bles are onlinrio to the eve bsta*tha'r polarizing light. Having been testeI t the polariscope, the diamond lenses have be found to admit fifteen per rent. les bested r s; than any other pebble. They are ground Wit Wrest Monate accuracy.,! are free hop chro .. > t e - beratiorns, and produce a brightness( and a istinet- nese of vision not before attaineei in •,> Andes, Manaiactnred by The Spencer Opttcal Stanufact NEU" F4RS. The great demand f or there armed unscrupulous, d calm to P - inferior . article Tori t he Damon.: should bei to see that t which is protected by Letters' on evernsair. For sale by E. 1(101(8011 tt Agents.