HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-08-06, Page 3I hope that was never :der certain its adva riot trove ICS. Ittcce8aaioll will securely estat- iori iii the sai., was originally t into one gun, Laidenee there- of everyone to t i5 got rid of. 'ulmeait; Was aur. kd'd to remove ;olds aud are ariinary stag nd Bronchitis. ;ists and eosin_; s per box. is among the :il;,es only that of the hors rt we believe countries who t ct and with.. iter ; here all lit use of an yrs than any. u to improve he suffering of not use it will lie sufferers ; Condition ive 1'.etnedy;" ith the result. tll,l see that Co. is on each :all, Toronto, a. Sold by at .Fane y fn Chane, taalice—over J. C. Square. 2 Ilarri,ters and eh. 3It:Y.ti}r?E'� .r and Cense fs• Auctioneer and • collected ea 866 ran-, Solicitor in. at :lcaf�nth. ant- (;uderith, and 8 -- 54 tc;rs, Attorne e, 6ce on west si:., 340 F. wALKER. ,tt rs, Attorneys, Lruseels, Otit. -cDONALD,. Brussels. L Barristers, At :a Chancery and i Conveyancers. rtlx. Agents ibr iy, ✓ cent. .Farms, 58 < and Attorneys :end Insolvency, r'. Ofilces—Se;a- vate Funds to �rtereast, payable 58; w. O. 3r}:yEil. •ncr for the Main Streit n. Surgeon and taflice anel regi- Leet, first door 342 i'hc Kieran, Slat - !may of Huron. crket and high C., Graduate of ,tens r of the I .4, Out., I'hyai- IaE,rth. t K Drng Store,. IE Treem ferion. residence. ate Of the liras ,(, Graduate of :aeon and Ac- --.;nope in the hate Dr. tt 1.. Will at- i.t Frid as s. 393 E. C. P. S. K., shine and Stir - se on of 1 ings- 'e.l, Physician,: filbert Street,. sine,—Iturou Clinton, Ont.. Led to both in 8 k�.., Surz,eon,- rade Gu Earle e.tylex, neatly cal tiperationrt. L. Pees ah love hour:( from L. A. G. MC - 2,7u and. Prize- N.Y., anal t,e,Toronto,- (- all 'I oronto,tall kinds of :at eptedi, tris. d eek's Tem - 319 tic: N AUGHT, ni.abitantsof that he has aria Vetorin- 't::at diseases nirarale. He hi4lhorse- •ady to at- xl'ecia11y at- a in the rear rode of Vet- on hand. 2,9 .-..Winter, :ted on the cls, and pos- ort for tra-r- _l ci;;ars kept hoe tier in: ctiou: with 350 ilia hotel r Seaforth -AFy re}.coat' good so- u in the +:c ch',icest wheels. good •;aleodation hand. A No tron- rr..ryr b. tor. 1iI:t, T. A. :ad c1c ;;ant c; always st.abl:+s oft _rn street. t attend - and Cloth t•r for the dcd in all at the Ex- dv-d to. a. lugs Go in tha S$$th. } sur h Carolina State Agricultural -lomat sa : One of ur distinguished citizens (a urge cotton planter,) sends us the sob join- ed article, which he asserts (and we do got dif r) is peculiarly applicable to our to our own land other :states around us : - WE TRL` It mate FUN OR POET'R'Y F MThla. _ ss Hunt:, tranger, you seem to be going to the roar et :'" " Yes, el , I am." '`list - re you carrying that plow along for ?' "Going send it to Pittsburg; "To Pittsburgh, in Ponnsylvannia ?" "You arca mighty right ; I aro." "What are you going to send it there for?" "To get sharpened." 64,11 theism, of edelf "You b smith out ; day and we "Well, i friend— ser 1 ned.'f II € " of so novel ars you heard it was. We do our milling in St. Louis." "Is that so ?" "You are it is.We used to have a mill at Pun invine creek, but the owner ! got too poi to keep it up, and so we tamed to getting our grinding agne at St. Louis." I " You don't mean to say you send your grist all the way to St. Louis by rail ?" "I didn't say nothing about grist—we haiin't got np grist to send. But,we get our dour and meal from St. Louis." a I see 'you have a hide in your wagon." " Yes, our old cow died last week. March winds blowed the fife out'r her. Sendite her hide to Boston to 'get it tanned." " All the way to Boston ? Is not that rather expensive, my friend ? the freights will eat the hide up." 1 "That's h fact—cleaner than the buz- zards did tie old critter's carcass. But what's the Use bein' taxed to build rail- roads'thout you get the good of 'em ? Used to hale a tan. yard over at Lick - skillet and a shoemaker, too. But they're kerflumnexed." ` "Kerflunmexed, What's that ?" ;' ' "It means gone up a spout 4. and 'twixtryou,a�,nd me, that's mighty nigh the case wits. our State." I " When ' do you expect to get your leather ?"' "Don't expect to get no leather at all --expect to ''get shoes some day, made at Boston or thereabouts," "Rather a misfortune to lose a' milk cow, hay friend ?" "Not so much a misfortune as you heard it was, monstrous sight of shuck and nubinitt' a cow, and milkin' her night and mornit' and gettin' only about three quarts per day." "What are you going to do for milk ?" Send North for it. ' "Send North 'for milk ?" "Yes; concentrated milk and Goshen butter." " Oh ! I see the point." "Mighty handy things these railroads —make thein Yankee fellers do all our jobs for us now—do our srnithin' and grindin',. and tannin' and milkin' and churnin'. E' I see you have a bale of cotton'," " Yes, we go our bottom nickel on cot- ton, Senclin' it up to Massachusetts to get it carded and spun and wove, irne'll come when we'll send it there tobegin- ned, then we'll be happy. Monstrous sight of trouble manila' these gins." "That would be rather expensive send- ing cotton in seed." " "o more so than them Western fel- ' lers pays w1ten they send corn east and get a dollar a bushel and pay six bits freight. Besides, as I said, what is the nae of payhig for railroads 'thout we use the roads ? , "I think we ought—we pay enough for 'em." "I reckon you fatten your own pork ?" " Well, you recaton wrong, stranger. I get them Illinay fellers to do that for me. It's mighty convenient, too -mon- strous sight of trouble toting a big bas- ketful of corn three times a clay to hogs in a pen—especia:ly when you hain't got none to tote it to." I I should think so." "There's one thing lacking though to make the business complete.', " What's that ?" ' "They ought to send them hogs ready cooked. Cookin' and preparin' wood. for cookin' takes up a heap of time that ort by rights to be employed in the cotton patch. I w,as sayinto my old woman the other day, if we Mississippi folks get our cookie' and washin' done up North and sent by express, we'd be as happy as office -holders." "' Your horse in the lead there seems to be lame.'? "'Yes, needs shoein'. If he tvasliF the .only horse I've got, and I can't spare him. I'd send hint up where they make horse shoes and nails and get him shod. Can't get such a thing done in our parts. Perhaps 1 can at the depot.'' "How do you manage to live in your parts, my old friend." " Why, we raise .otron. My road turns off here, stranger. (lee !Ball ; back Bral.dy. I'm glad I seed you stranger." h' nvay to Pittsburg td get sharp. t i We've started our black - he pulled up stakes the other It to Texas. I 1 'a rather a novel idea, my ding : a plow so far to get A Color=ed Philosopher. Connected with this fatuous watering - place is a rine old darkey, who sits on a pine plank at the chalybeate sprii1g and dips up water for invalids and others, receiving such trilling sums as the vis- itors may choose to give him. This dar- key would not be selected among:a mil- lion for beauty. He is as black as any craw that ever flew over a corn -field. No blacker being ever li e ed,for they couldn't. This citizen is stoop -shouldered and bow- legged, ow- 1 gfed, and has fingers that look like cop -poles when stretched out upon his lap. Ire wears brogan _ shoes eighteen inches long, which look at a distance like tm-boat models. Somebody has given lin- a pair of tight -legged trousers, so that, as he approaches you from a dis- tance, you see his` feet before his legs come to view, just as a canal -boat heaves in sight before, the attached rope can be eeera "Jim," said 1, " where in creation were those shoes made ?" " In the Penitentiary, sah ; hit's de only place I could get a fit." What's the size ?" "' No size, sah ; dey just put in what leather dey had on hand that day. 'Pon my word, sali, eberybodo axes 'bout dem shoes. Dey wouldn't be so large, but I've got a heap of corns and bunnyuns, and I has to. make 'lowance for dem in having the shoes built," "Talk about eddercating a nigger," HH:URON Said Jim, branching off to another snag of thought ; "atrn eddereatecl nigger er ' SPEC IAL BAR AI I�S fittest for. anything.I'm Agin; it a f g 1 , for When a nigger gets book larning stn ed, into him he's too swelled up to do a y. tiling. He sticks a leadpincil in his is ol, and goes around makin' Tiggger$ on whiter washed fences, and calls data 1, lz 'complishanent ! ll;o's so swelled, up th tit yor can't get him between plow -hand e.4 what- he belongs. Dese eddercated riig gets is poor 'sticks. Their eddercaation ain't bread and meat and 'lasses --they can't eat it nor sleep on it, nor make a homespun shirt out of it. It'll do fair white folks, but niggers ain't got no bus- iness bein' eddercated ; spoils 'em, sahi spoils 'em." As lie had so poor an opinion of race, I asked him if they were better off in slavery. " A right smart of 'em were better off,' he replied, ''but de good Lord -neb er intended one should own another. It' contrarywise to de Bible, and de Lorci sent a war to free us. I kiiow'd wha wag comin' when: de fus gun went off, says to de boys on the plantation, 'hot your grip, de Lord's war has corm's. Sense says the Yankee's freed us, nd this, that, and the odder ; but the Lord run that war."— White Sulphecr ,Syringe Uorreapondence. -_ - • New Weeding Machine. A new machine for weeding grain crops, invented by a Danish gentleman,1 was tried the other day in a field near' Darlington, England, and .the trial, 1-I though not attended with the moat favor- able circumstances for the proper wo: ing of the machine, is said to be satisf k es;KID tory. So far as its - framework goes, the.; r machine is not unlike the reaping orf ' mowing machine—a man being mounted! on a seat, and the horse drawing the i#n pleinent at the side. In the place of knives, however, there is an iron drdnl of about two feet in diameter, whimh is furnished with three lines of steel combs,' which work in and out as the drum itch totes —projecting to their full leug(thl when they are at the point nearest' the: ground, and being drawn back through a narrow interstice as they attain the re- verse position, thereby cleaning thein- selves the - seives as they go, ard3depositing the weed they have picked up before they;: again reach the lowest position. The'I machine is only applicable for the work !'3 for which it is designed when the corn is; young, when those weeds which are an ' nuals, like the wild mustard, are caught; by the head between the steel combs and broken off, thus preventing weeding, and< in a season or two largely, if not altogetb-' er, destroyingthe plant. The machine i would probaly be equally adapted to the destruction of thistles at certain stages of their growth. The combs were observed to grasp the head of the weed,' which was generally about the corn,break it off, and deposit on the ground. Occa- sionally a blade of the wheat plant was broken oft o pulled up, but this was the exception, a d it was stated, by those who had c arge of the machine`s, that this would riot have; occurred if the " weeding" had been taken a fortnight earlier. his This eradicator is said be largely in use on the.Continent. By an adaption of a sack, or some vessel at the back, it can be made available for sees: gathering, and Might be found use- ful in the south of England and Holland, Where clover is grown largely, to gather the seed of this plant. it will be e.xlrib- ited, at the meeting of the ttoyaiAgticul- turcail Society at Taunton. A very almil- ar Machine has been made and patented in this country, intended for the cultiva- tion of stubble ground, but so far, we be- lieve has never been put to practidal. use. HA' L .i Gbods D vore c3FAa=tis I a AND IT g the Finit Soaeorr at • & 'DAVERY' 4 � in Town Free of 7harge. —The trouble between the masters and the operatives of the cotton mills �n Great Britain still continues. Thirty- three mills in Dundee are closed. If tie Oldham strike extends. to all the mills in that district, .thirtythousand hands w 11 be -idle. - P--�-Besides the suspension of Duncaxi, Sherman & Co.a prominent banking firm in New Yor,k, other failures are an- nounced, The Commercial Warehouse Co., doing business in New York, has gone under, with liabilitieai to the amount of $1, 600,000. The assets e-- ceed that sum in figures, but they are not of -an available nature. John Maser' & Co., sugar dealers of Philadelphia, have failed. for $200,000. Ford. & Vo., publishers, of New York, are also insolv- ents.. The Tobacco Exchange Banking Co., of Louisville, closed its doors " on Tuesday. Two Halifax firms assigned on IrVednesclay. BELL'S COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTII. THE undersigned, in retiring from the Livery 1 L'ueiness in Seaforth, begs to thank his uu- merous patrons for then liberal patronage, and to state that he has disposed of it to Merssrs. MAT- TH,?�'W --MORRISON and DAVID'McNAUGE(T, and is the new proprietors are tally competent ito run the bnsineee as it ahculd be run, and in' a manner to give entire satiefactien, ' he would, in addition to recommending his eacceeeors to the public, bespeak for them the same generone pat- ronage which has been extended to him for the past four years. THOMAS BELL. • IN assuming proprietorship of Bell'MCommeresai Livery in Seaforth, the subscribers would state that they intend keeping nothing but first-class and reliable horses, and good comfortable, stylish vehicles. Terms -reasonable. Regular customers and Commercial Travelers liberally dealt with. All orders left at the stables or at any of the Hotels promptly attended to. Office and Stables opposite 0. C. Willson's Agricultural Implement Emporium, Main Street. 891 MORR-ISON & Co.` LOOS OUT FOR YOUR OWN INTEREST, ALEXANDER CAMERQN NATATCHMAICER and jeweler, Mitehe 1, while T T thanking his numerous friends and custom - era in the County of Huron and surrounding dis- trict for past favors, would respectfully intimate; thalthehas removed to that beautiful stand west ejrd of fllicks' hotel, where he has opened a beautiful soleetion of ladies' and gents' jewelry of the latest novelties. Also, clocks the largest and most va i - ed in "Westeni Ontario. My watches are ackno 1- ed ed tis loathe cheapest and best ha .a the market, ev ry one being thoroughly regulated and tested before being offered for sale. A Special Agencl•lor the Elgin 6Yatsia. REPAIIIING. Having been successful in obtaining tbeservices R wh has hadlongpractice In the of Dlr. FlttlST. o p circ it Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, cus- tomers will find that in no part of the Dominion can they have their clocks watches and jewelry better done up. ALEX. CAMERON, r Mitchell, Ang. 21, 1874, Practical Watchmal 850.5(. PAY UP. PAY UI. TsR..CORBEY, late of Farmers Store, Seaforf•.h, • having placed his accounts in my hands for collection, all parties are requested to call and setae their accounts with me at once, or they will be sued. F. H.OLMESTED, McCaughey & Holmeated. Si;Avon'ro, March 18, 1.874. 828 S HARDI*AR, E if• JUST AL Builczn RECEDED RGE STOOK OP! g H arc ware, Woh will be sold as 1 ANY IN TOWN. CHEAP' A FENCIOG IRE A SPECiAUTY:' JOHN ID BUTTE E 1 BUYS BUTTER. W . RD CASH OOD BUTTER IN AN ' QUANTIT1 E S, Aud Pays 1 ighest Price m Money. 892 GO ERICH STREE'4, Seaford.. NTS Pill Cp N Eli ? G, SEAFORTH, t a LOW RAT OF INTER - or Village Property. money should apply to him, OUR PROPERTY OUR LIVES. g, Seaforth. SO AGENT FOB vincial Insurance Company— , ranee Company, !of Toronto— isk Insurance Company, of able as offered by any other ssfor reliable Companies. , Strong & Fairley's lirneery. SE/4`` Seaforth. 255p 10 TH AND HURON MARE E WORKS. "WHO W A. SERO Will Loan Money EST.. either n Fa Parties rednirin INSUR D A. StxO, The Sootti lPr Fire an Life, The Woste Ins Fire an ife. Tho 1solat Canada. Terme a8 lease agent doing husin OFFICE -51, ver Store, Main Street MESSETT 1 (L: to of Hamilton,) Would intini to t general pubiio th orders for MOirunlettt¢, their numerous friends and the t they are prepared to 1111 all eadstones, Table Tops antles, &c, Granite 1SMon_wrrenta Imported to Order. Work of the bee style and art, and cannot. be surpassed in this art of Ontario. A callrnspeetfnl ycolieited. Calder's 014 Stad, opposite McCallum's Hotel, Main Street, Seat rth. H. I11ESSETT. MR. WHITNEY wTSHES;to loaf that she ha premises lately Jamieson. i$he stook of TINWARE Of all kinder vhic tomer): low prices rrn her customer i<i and others removed her tin shop to the cenpied by Mesiirs. Logan & es now on hand,; an immense AND S"OVES, ill be disppsed cif at her cue- : MI` K CANS Parties in rant any extent of Milk Cans can be supplied to MRS. WHITNEY'S.; THES A' ORTH LAUNDRY THE Seaf th L undry is now in !full working order, a d all orders for Washingi Ironing and Starching w 11 be promptly attended to. Parties wishing to ve wantthiai one IYlf lout 1 l rehire or i11 � S, lronlag Can be'aceartimodated at the Nate of three cents a piece. In t is cane the articles wfii be damped and folded ready for ironing, Sistnifaction guar- anteed 898 GEORGE FORSYTH. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.—Mr. 'Forsyth has established an Agency for Use e ployment of Domestic S want i ha -connection w ih the Laun- dry. Those !wish. ng to secure eel -tants will be directed to places where they can get them. Ser- vants wishi g to secure places will be instructed whereto get them. Terms, 25 cent for each a . plication. ('EO13GE FORSYTH. E POSITO FOOL KLOTHING AT ROGERSk. BLACK GRENADINES ATR GERS', STRIPED GRENADINES AT R I GERS'. LAWN STRIPED MUSLI 5 AT R GERS'. LACE S RI1'ED MUSLIN'• t ! ATR GERS'. 1 WHITE IQTES ATR GERS'. BALBRI GAN HOSIERY 1 AT It GERS'. CHEAP ARASOLS Ai RnGERS'. CHEAP UNSHADES AT IR O GERS'. BLACK A*MERES AT R I GERS'. MOURNI G ,GOODS ATR GERS'. 11 11 BLACK GRENADINES AT ROGERS'. STRIPED GRENADINES _AT ROGERS'. LAWN STRIPED MUSLINS AT ROGERS'. LACE STRIPED MUS NS AT ROGERS', WHITE PIQUES AT ROGERS'. BALBRIGGAN HOSIER' • AT ROGERS'. CHE P PARASOLS AT ROGERS'. CHE1P SUNSHADES AT ROGERS'. BLAC CASHMERES AT MOU KING GOODS ROGERS'. AT tOGERS'. NOTED FOR :CH AP PRIN'rs AT ROGERS'. CO AIMAtIkk TON Y,► R N , COTTON Y �I►.R N , In WHITE, BLUE, ORANGE and RED. ICA PET WARP, CA PET WAR IP, In ORANGE, GREEN, RED, BLUE and WHITE, A THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. LOGAN & JAMIESON. A GOOD INDICATION. S a result of Good Business, the subscriber has recently been obliged to very much enlarge his premises, which are now filled with a very larg o Stook of the most desirable grades Of NEW TEAS, INOL DING JAPANS; YOUNG HYSONS, GUNPOWDER, BLACK AND COLOGNE. SUGARS. Scotch Refined, Liverpool Refined, Cuba and Demerara, White Ground and Block Lamp. TOBACCOS. ALL THE BEST BRANDS IN SMOKING AND CHEWING. , LIQUORS. ANADIA Whiskey and all Imported Liquors purchased in Bond and sold pure.- as usual. A full Supply o General Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be sold at very small profit. CLO ER, TIIIIOTIII( and OTHER FIELD SEEDS IN SEASON. JAMES MURPIY, Chequered Store, Sesforth. FSR THE WARM WEATHER. PARA OLS, SUNSHADES, LINEN DRESSES, p i FRENCH MUSLINS, GRENADINES, TIS UE SHAWLS, GRENADINE SHAWLS, &C. Sun Hats, Dolly Vardens, Riverside, Opera, Rustic, CARLIST, BLANCHE. ALBERTA. At WILLIAM HILL'S, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. MORIEE FRESH GROCERIES AT G. MURRAY'S • GREAT BARGAINS IN TEAS. , 10 pounds o Gunpowder Tea for $8 60, worth $1 per pound ; 10 pounds of Young HySen Tea for $7 50 ; 10 p ands of Young Hyson B. P. Tea for $7—yon can have from 5 to 10 lbs. at these prices. Tobaccos, Sugars, Dried Apples, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, g FLOUR, &O. HIGHET PRICE ALLOWED FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. GIVE US A CALL. G. MURRAY, Next Door to Strong & Faisley's• 3 SEEDS, SEEDS. Who Wants Seeds ? JUST ARRIVED AT THOMAS LEE S FLOUR AND SEED STORE, i• A targe Quantity of Choice Clover, Timothy, Tares, Hungarian Gra88, Millet, And all lfinds of Field and Garden Seedai. LOTS OF.FRESH Groceries and - Provisions AJLWAYS 1N STOOK. All will be 'sold at the Lowest Prices, Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere. THOMAS LEE. THE SEAFORTH CARRIAGE FACTORY. Opposite 'O. C. WILLSON',S' Agri- cultural Implement Emporium. PILLMAN & WHILE returning thanks for the liberal pate renege they have received since eommeneing business in :Seaforth, would Acte that they are now prepared to furnish DOUBLi AND SINGLE BOGGLES AND DEMOCRATS, Which, for atyle and excellence of workmanship and material, cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the Province. They are practical workmen, devote their per- sonal attention to their business, and as they make light work a speciality, they can guarantee satisfaction. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, AND CHARGES MODERATE. PILLMAN & Co. DOMINION BOOKSTORE Dominion Block, Seafor' th. WILLIAM ELLIOTT BEGS to inform the public generally that he has opened a Book and Stationery Stora in the front of the Dominion Telegraph Office, Where an assortment of Goods in the above line will be kept constantly on hand. SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINDS, _MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, &C. WM. ELLIOTT. THE HURON CARRIAGE FACTORY SEAFORTH. WILLIAM GRASSIE HAS now on hand and in course of construction a number of handsome anis substantiallybuilt BUGGIES; CARRIAGES, DEMOCRAT WAGONS, AND PHAETONS. These vehicles are well made, handsomely fin- ished and warranted to run easy, and will be sold cheap for cash or on short time. Grassie's . Lumber Wagons Are too well and favorably known to require puff- ing. Hellas a number of his best on hand now, and they will be sold cheap. REPAMING DONE AS USUAL. Remember the olid stand : Huron Road, oppo- site Knox's Hotel, Seaforth. WILLIAM GRASSIE. THE HURON PLANING MILL MESSRS. GRAY al SCOTT 1 BEG to announce that they ,have commenced business in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to fill orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, HAY RACI813, &e. A good stock of Seasoned Lumber on hang. Factory and Lumber Yard on Goderich street, near Main street. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing neatly done. A. GRAY. ' W. H. SCOTT. THE NEW PGOTOCRAPN CALLERYF IN SEAFORTH. A. CALDER IS now better prepared than ever to furnish his patrons With a real, genuine life -like Photograph or .f mbrotype. Give him a Call and try him, and if not pereetly satisfied he don't ask you to eome sg$iar- A few of those superior Sewing Machlneai known as the Osborn, on hand and for sale email. Remember thelace, nearly opposite the Mau - cion Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. A. CALDER. •