HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-08-06, Page 11875. 3T1 ,-rozgv,-Jr., r de- hanis fia ,Iou against 114; ulty that fighting all de. Thi nod fair ;Pet. ee. 21 nul et. 7 ar 2-14. nd 21. fiff and i=terniwr ,r,70 quantity r si.1,7- at the MI 4 a goo4 will be area ;erting etm, en7-4 tr Ridira Mr JOIN 22, Con. , dark rad, .L. 391,p4 OE Female • onl Division ,41114I2e11C0 rig terms, N. 390-e ▪ - For . Machina der xrd of '114. ;L• amb. Th.e pay dramas ;RN. :004 „ money to curity in the iuterest ex. V(: ry exten- 890-4 -- c thc Walton. .1.eiass certia- •r the remain- ef August. .`...n.:net. Ad - I 1', () Uut3, . an 1 will y are s4.tt1e4 !fl :•••nit with- IXL . T. A. egant alWays 'es on street. v attend - :599 rearber hold - ,f ed ft,r School County of e.I .1s1 will be 7tla day of .«-Letary Trui- No. f1 June, 3 • tal."4 of all, :Ty short, and wide with tar. ',to the tr.:der- 1.10 it-- meovery 011 ARM- CO:PA - The bettvet u the r44:1414. of Sea - has bu.luese • :444441e,tirlta .na , and erri- MU( /BE, - 897-4 elh,eriberi 4 4teution af..«.-th arid • ntion to and • _t market and nate-iy after - ' DAY, • Ten - Is or ter L• t far. Alt:" tell- ri:v.-; an& • •••' Store, 27th :;943 ;.;• ;t. 11, Con. 18, -1- at., elver- tlu• ri ;nein. «vote/. ze-r the her if . letter 899-14 I.E. - 31r. e- I- tafortit, to any t• -•;;f11/1 and -« to al! (Leath an E alter ne rd. Any t«i: north' do t t& r partien- 2, wanley ; "dee ft good ae «et h and ; repen ; - h 1011- , p houge k r nut - i eff-11- of E.emly to 894 -; eer- ,- 1ff tft fnir. . f••r the pnr- . r of Elijah of June, ; f !and awl . ire oflered f In* %.i, iThlt iIf ih • !rt 11.1:1014 JrrlIN 897-6 - • , A. tia.4 Fe75, trig North-East int lag bY ;-:0 scree iltivation ; o.nrol. The « nude of the 'I here ig LL good a -d, and led elmuce. -.1rtp and the fatt o'clock :Le purchase .« of sale, the -r to have ay fall plow - n on March prietor. A. 1391** VAI.EWUTU t wi1�LENO. 400. 04`.1r.A.filit FOR PEA LE . • OU'SX AND LOT FOR SALE. --For Sale, market street, in Sparling's survey, Settforth, Ap- tin premises to DAIX, 1;97.4 - - Oft SALL-A comfortable frame cottag,, e, eou teiciog airline room, parlor,« 3 bedrooms kit- chifei. woodshed aild coal hottge, Cio011eeljart purnp ite, Possession given on the 1st of May neXt, TZEAS-Onetliird. down ; balance in three years, Inquire of proprietor. A. 0, MeDOUGALL, 815 TIVILDINO LOTS IN SEA,F011Tfi FOR SALE, -Dr, Cf1LEMAN, levying laid out the grounds recetaly occupied so a Driving Park into 13111(1.- 10g Lots, prepared to deflate ot lett on reagon.. able Nrreq to paw who may desire there, Partieg desiriug to pureiniJe should make, immediate ap- 804 plieation, tan eoit SALL-For Salo, a firgt.elatig farm situated in Ushorne, Lot 14, Con, 1, within 1 lege of Exeter, brick wttlige, good Intiltlinge; a eon, large orchard of good hearing trees, Ph jab fn the highest otate Of ettith`ation, well drained and widi feneed. For tering apply to 17105IAS 1.001,Z ou the premises. ggi.4* VA101 YOU- SALE ,NEAD, sten011131.-For Sale, that befintifully situated farm, on the unrou Itoad, adjoining the farm of Er, 1,, Meyer, containing 101 acres, 89 of whieir arc clear- ed and in litate Of good cultivation, The hal- ane4 is -well tiathered There are eight acres an- cOnifortabi; frame dwelling holm arid lot, on 011 der fall wheat. For fa.r.thcr particularg apply to 071, Wind Will keep it in motion, and eause Mrs Seaforth, ,!_eentnele THE HARVEST FIELD, liarrest work is a - labor • for which nether time nor weather eau be (shoo. It waits for no man. Performed mulct the rigors of the hotteet of the inimme: weather, it is often that farmers thought lessly do themselves injury foitwant of .t few' timely and simple precautions, Th ) health suffers from too severe labor un- der the exposure of a burning Hun, enlesi sortie protective measures are taken l'rotection from the Start heat is one o. these measures. It is not well to be too thinly clothed. If a single shirt is wore it should be of flannel. A loose ernock, made of light blue drilling, reaehing to the waist, and fastening around the necle and waist with narrow bands faeterierr. with a single button, makes a comfort- able and convenient working °verger - merit, 'The head should be protected by a straw hat with a broad brun,In the hat shoukt be placed. a large leaf -a cab, bage or a, doek leaf --or a white lineie clot or handkerchief kept moist, Be hin4 the hatishould be owed a loose flap . of hite muslin, falling to the shoulder and protecting the neck from the sun, Thi should hang loosely, so that the eengeBle or to BEN,S01:1 tic MEYER, Barris - continued ventilation of the back.of the. Irani Fait SALL-That mornoillotis hotel head and neck. -Thus protected, haryes en- repaint on the seaterth and Iholmore Oravel Work may be done when the thermomet Bead, a0 long and favorably known as Dayatuotet in the the wetter is up ,in the nineties, witont an Tenn rn eof t 4414114144 County for h imeinesk, as it is on the main traveled road from danger and but little inconvenienee. Seaforth and lirusseIs to 'Walkerton, (loud stable, 1.."'he most frequent imprudence in shed and barn oft the prerniffee. rot bathes par.: Wroreter I', 0,, Unroll, 801 cold water fresh froCni the well or spring ticalarimpply, if by letter prepaid, to WAS. DAYSi . .. --- _ _ • ... - .a ................ '"'''''' '''''' i in copious draughte, This induces ex. "WARM FOR SATX.-e or Sale, a firat-alaaa farm, ees5ive pettpitatitn, winch, 111 its tutn, A: situated in Tnekersmith, Lot 2, COT1. 1, near Pot onto and proabytariaa chureh, about a i produces excessive thirist,_and "the result IJ from idation of Lond«,m, Huron and Bruce 18a. serious weakening of the nervOUli Railway. Ifottae twa storieff, beiek; outbuildings eystene Life, even without labor, be- eneentee *ells, good orchard with 41 vartety of conies a burden nhen every pore give* trait sae ornamental tr008f well drained, in a IT II ,a, stream. The selts of the 13.1.00d are cod state of cultivation. For tonne airply to harvest field is the °meant thinking of LOC4110., Rodgerville P, O. 000 rapidly washed ia the flood: of erspira- tiou, and the system is depleted ot that which it can spare the leest. This can be obviated by simply avoiding exeeseive &hiking. A man may ride upon a reaper or follow it binding for ten homes without needing to drilik more than twine, if he will simply determine so to do. We have done this repeatedly with- out 'drinking, except at meal times. It is well to avoid the use of tobacco while in the field, and by all means no (hop o spirituous liquor should oasis the lips o a harvest laborer in our climate while h is in the field., -If one' must drink, cok rAum FOR kAT,Tf1.-Deing Lot No. 8, Con - •L cession 9, Tnekersruitlx Township ; 100 acres ; sexes cleared, nearly all clear Of fiturnps ; bush hardwood, good log buildings, young orch- ard eornatencing to beer; two welts with pfunps ; it is 5 miles from Seaforth. The land is of the best Vat'', and be sold cheap. For further partieulars apply to the proprietor on the prem- ixes. J.- McCANDLESS, Egmondville I'ost Office. ' 887 ,pROPERTY IN BRUMFIELD FOB SALL- For gale cheap, that degicabIe property in the 1.111sge of Drucetleid, lately oecupied Mr. Itobt, Ferguson. There aregionr village Tots, also a. good frame helm, with atilyle, well and all neemiary conveniences. .A.Iso good °mbar& The laud is all underdrained and gurrountled by a new board coffee or tea without sugar or milk i feriae. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN' the hest. This ban be drank when mod YeCNO, lioneeneld, or to the proprietor at Lis- , RODE= RGUSON. 895 era ywarm without nausea when wa FE tor cannot, Hot tea or coffee after din PROPERTY FOR. SAI-XIN EGMONDVILLE.-- ner is both cooling and refieshing. A -I- For Kale in Egmondville, a line briek 11011/50 -least two hours' rest should .be taken a and a large frame bottom with a good barn and noon, and from 11 ;30 until 1:30 is th stabling, L4.14 (11 land, a beautiful if -milord of 50- choice fruit trees, and 2 never -felling wells. beet interval, When the body is heate The property la nfl well fenced. It is a desirable by labor it is perfectly safe to cool it h property. Por further perUculara apply on the • . pouring cold water upon the wrist, b 'prerobseo ;JOHN CAIMICIIAEL, Ir., Egmond- rille, or to BENSON 6; MEYER, Barristers, Sea- which the temperature of tee blood i tette. not, slowly lowered • but it isnot safe to coo I the bodytby sudden exposure to cool ai PAR31 FOR SALT;1,-For Sale, Lot 28, Con- I - shady ,1:),arit, or a Ace1,1a,r. Such -I' cession 7, Townahip of Ileherne containing ; m a 11 74 aerea. 55 of which are cleared and in a state i coulee would De DIle greazese imprudence of good cultivation, There Is a good frame BARN 1 and almost certain to result in disaster. awl STABLE, The farm ig loeitted ou a good To eool off slowly is safe, and if on gravel rood, it; conveniently sittiated to Igehools, churchee and pest orlice, and , wit hin f' nxiles s , h nld expose himself to cool draughts from Seafotth and 7 froui Exeter, For farther he Ishouh put on extra clothing an( particals rs apply to the proprietor on the Feral eeff, wai about meanwhile, At night, aftei WILLIAM DINIt.71N, Jr., Lumley P.'0. 351 . • . the work Is done, and. before retiring Feint FOIL SALL-For Sale, Lot 9. Con, rest the whole bodyehould bathed London Road Stanley, 100 acres, 80 cleared and under levee, the balance timbered with iirsst- class hardwood ; Immo barn (50x40, frame otable lila), log house, good bearing orchard, well wilt- od ; ;situated within 7 nines of Seaforth and a flkL distaxice from Clinton. Farm well antler - drained, awl in "'rift 'class eultivation. Apply on the premises or to the rroprietor at Brucetield P. Al'IDREW MeKENZIE.- 802 FAII'''11 FOR, 14..LE.-For Side, the west half of Lot No. S, Con, 14, liallett, containing 80_ actesti55 of which a -re cleared and in a state of good &titivation, awl firat-clloo in evory reopoot, the lance la well timbered with hitrdwood. There la are good frame huildinge, algo a young tactile d, There is abundance of water. 18 with in 8 reile4 of the Myth station, awl. is centrally situated NY all the otluo marLoto, Alo;ly to the proprit:ter on the prenkteo, or to Myth I', 0, IL C. li00EItSON, Sr. ' • 891,4* 1A.10.1 FOR SALL-Lot 4, Con. 2, Stanley ; WU nem+, ; 70 cleared, the reemiuder a gOod hardwood basil; 10 101144 front Seaforth and Clint -on, 4 from Drucefield and 2 from Riopen yonng erchard cernmenzing to bear, with over 100 finit tmes ; fianie barn 4025.00, frame sheep house 2004 ;fowl stables, eow bowies and other out- houses, quarter of a mile from good eehool, Conve- nient W charch and post ofliee; never -failing well of water, well fenced and under a good. state of cultivation. Por ftirr.her partionlars apply to WILLIAM Beetle Kippen I'. 0. 898 • VAll.31 FOR SALE,- Being LOt 0, Con, 10,1141- -a- lett : 150 ;scree, 100 eleartd and in a pod etate of feiltivatien, the remaining 50 is well timbered ; 2 frame lirmacer nearly new' frame barn 110x80 with otables inelerneath, shed00xO, other ont- huildinga ; la situated 11 relleaTrom Seaforth, and the safe distance from Cliototrand Bruseehi ; very convenient eberehefi, osetwo'm and mills, Terms (-;thy, T11b4 iFS exeellent opportunity to sny vencon W1I 10 wecnro 14, first -dash farm, IfOr Wilber partieulare apply on the preniNes, or by ',letter to Ilarlock Post Onieei JAMES WAIT, 805 'ARM FOR ;. or Ltd - 5, ; 71d, aexcg, *1 ;tam.; ataViu a ;state Or 40od cultivation, the balifuee %Tit timbered, The whole hare ill V/0,i1 fenced ; th-r- k a ggrod dwelling lumge, and frame barn and gables, fa:<0 g good young rrrchard hearing fruit; . there fir a never -failing stream ut wntr ratmilig tbri,P.A tho (arra-and an excellent epring it the nonse, ig situated within 11 wilco of the hayfield Road, is within 2i relief; of the Lonclon, Rama and Bruce Railway, Is 0 rnile4 tnen Cli:J tort and 10 imm :41:n1r/sat. For further particulars apply to tbc proprietor on the premises, or to „tame le 0. THOMAS MlfiLS, 098 ATAIXAB GE FARM PROPERTY FOit SALE,- ' For S:Lic, a desirable and beentlfuily located farm, situated about 1 rnileis from brucefield, and 5 Milee from Seaforth, Lot 28, Co 1, 89 r, ii 14.J.TUCkelqUI111. Th43 farm contains 100 acres,' 80 of Whieh arc Cleared and In 5rst-c1ip3 order, the balance being all hardwood timber and well prtierved. The house is brick, 14 gtoreya high, with good cellar ; rng and ontbuildhig all that ecnin be (Whim' ; there is also an oilfliard of 0 urea in good betake.; order, awl a ueNef,faiiing Them. T' -rum easy, Apply by oast to EItiKINE „WICK. Wingham, or to JAMES 130NTHILON, ne-aforth, SAW trier, lien) FA101 OF 109 ACIIES Fort 8/iLE.-The ferbscriberg offer for gale their Nay rein awl farm, Lot 85, Con. 5, East Wawa- n4L'sh. The mill contains large circular, edging Newriontting Haw, shingle saw, edger and paeker- ail in good order. There are on the lot beaides the mill, two twee dwelling hongeg and frame Kahle, There also ou the lot a quantity of val; node timber, consisting of pine, black flab, and beta, leek and other hardwood, with a large stock In the vicinity to last a number of years. Satia- WCOiy elven for selling. POesetalion given nine, For further particulars enquire, if tt letter pout paid, of W, IIINGSTON, Dens - 4618 P. 0., or to R. T. II1NG8TON it BROTHER, We/afield P. 0. 880 water slightly tepid. or at leaat as warn as the air, and pure tempi and then briskly rubbed dry with a coaree toWel, Thia will bring comfortable and restfu sleep, 'Then a clean under garment fo the night should be put on, and the day morn clothing placed to air t an dr ready for the ' next day. Cleaelinees o _person is one of the beet preservitives o health., and productive of the greates comfort in the barveet Bea8011. Thes rules are as imperative for those wit find, their sphere of labor in the kitche as for those•in the field. Salt food, a far as possible, shoulki be avoided. Fa of all kinds es also to be eschewed, arida grac, vvhic fruit, vegetables, poultry, egge, milk and zeal to alla wheaten bread, at least 24 hours old, oi oat' nal hoi oatmeal, ehould form the staple food, lieli ve, by ( A bowl of cold new' milk, with a littl will be, here salt and stale bread broken into it, for wh have te a perfect supper for thee seasou, to b to ill then . . taken shortly before retiring. It is no basis, in promorning. The eystem absolutely re. will be profitable to rise before 5 o'clock. the quires eight hour' rest in bed out of the 24 for ite recuperation from labor. Noth. ing ie gained by lengthemirig the days, i the -nights have to be aliortened, Dar. Mg the day the houeewife should see to it that the night clothing is hung in the Air and sup, and the beds exposed all day until sundown to the fresh air and fittii ire poesible. Let feathers be tett away for cooler weather, A Arcade& corrihusk mattreee, well ehaken up, ie m the ren healthful and restful bed in .the StIrlifiter, especially if underlaid With A • eprieg mattreee. Fer want of con i li tigke oat 3tray is the. next beet material ; hay . hs the very worst, being dusty and heat -1 ' inga Operi vvindows awl doors in the bedrooms ihould be the rule, Thorough ventilation in the eleeping apartmente ie abeglutely necessary to healthful rebt. The fetid atmosphere of 'met country chainhers is a wanton sacrifice of the free gifts of a bountiful nature, and or tattily provocative of the inevitable pew altyof those easiky, avoided trouble known as '' summer complain ts. " I is strange but true that the common die. easee of rural localities are mainly caused by impure air and uuwholesome water, the two things of all others most freely obtainable in the country. Most of th foregoing binte may be applied, at leas in principle, to the ease of the firm aniA, nuns. What is useful for the man i these, is also applicable to the horse o the ox. Clean, pure stables, ample foo of the most easily digestible and man tious character, clean carrying, shade means of a white sheet loose upo the back, flowing loosely at the side whet( at work in the field, and ever other comfort that a thoughtful human Muter can give to his over -willing ser- vant, will tend greatly to the efficiency of the team in this season of its hardest labor. A horse cannot work well after having spent the night in a foul stablni continually stamping to get rid of torl =tenting flies, nor if he is turned with a eiripty stor pick, paid meal of dr gr°°.te4; to1et,I willing to rhis'. daily t or that evil Anoth On Frida ly deed we occurred i Ou the ever w the townel but what find in th stacke of h been fired, ed almost I had been c dently wit exposed, fo WAS dead n si bly have l' of the fiend few mont dead moth iihe should had been tr and at ever *opened and be "tilled anything I found expel 11 y tl stu II f 80 rk idd H, IDAY, AUG into r pasture to roug the er ht a scan ble, After laying bon and turn ieto, a field ill ceirie u fireeh and n the rope th n vig• an extra no e 4r two o D sta dls, utrage. nig t last the t 08t, (laFstartl a,ve been called to tchronicle he town hip o Itidelulpi . i 1 quotion Me. Jh ose iv es on Lot 25, do, n, 11 f u mederetired tis usual ; 1 hi horr r and s . rprise to um ;zing -that a onple of of tine car's rroweh had o of his ho 80imutilat• on I beli if. ne,i a mare, a rotes he a otnen, evi- fre the, 'n(I its ntrails were Iin& a si kenin iiight, t en und and co I not po ed 1 ng af erthe rpetration h a , A mirth g fpal, but f age, w_ s lyinL Vesicle i s ap aren ly wei de ing Why 0 so quiet Th other horse ted to al ng ga Inn its side, breath the ga in woun losed, ' hie an mnL had to ut it out of misery. net thc 81141 ie of inch can lie le of such a deed it elinoin beyond bel'ef, a d if t ey are e ught th laW has no erns! men toosev n.4; indee it is doubtft 1. if tt ey w it'd go the benefit of the lew, . e gr at is the lin igeation at the velvet tor of he co aidly_ an fiendish eri e in the n ighbo 'holed whe e it Occurred A Wor to Te anilOgan ro the, Edi of he II 1)2Aft- Si : T le C 114011treal et ile with great • ter the aetive rn Dominion e Oa ant con von " prohibit° le in that eit ri WO moote dur ng t le las Pailiament y t e col mitte by the lieu of 1041111101)8 0 of °prohibi n, The great and object su h me ting, to liring to the acti e, liv gene temp ne workers thr Dominion, o a to noncer 1, united etior , ze 1 ant talen safest and • st xped nous curing, at 1' e riles poss leg"slative east res in the b of tempera ce, iorali piness, see Oty nd el quite appar it t proposed ffe leme about, by t Co one of the h hee particularl n t history of he great and s tenu ger ntle Me zatio net. ron, Exp sitor. T 6, 1875. • 44,4+.1 grand leittn e f the present agitatiOn, are all denominat lerences meege into one commo of cairn onseu 'ty, It will be an outrag upon the religio sions of the Dominion, should t be large rep eser tion, indivi church; and tation from unitedly„( expects ever there ifs the colt lukewarmne s part of the f ien and counter; no of interest iii reference thereto, want of unity Of action, ope principle, th Convention shot failure. It w'll be a most seriou the onward arch of prohibitio Dominion, a d venting a st to prohibitio many long tions, bear- t tens ; tempe the expense either mdi with °there, assured tba ness and iin stake. Goil critical onal dil- 1 vortex alinobe perdue.' ere not tations from each sec. uoly of tbe 'liristian meet creditable °proem- th ! several deno linations ana eon this grin d rally, n to do his uty. If shrug and shoulder of id indifference on the Is who support endonse prohibition, from lack or from tion or 1r1 be a blow to t in the lay be the nice s of pre. turtey enaetment in regard -in our fair Dominion for ear to come. Congregn- e e penses of your minis - an organization sustain of your represe 'dually or in co- t° this Conventio you appreciate th •ortance of the in speed the right, 1.11; Mad 1111,40TRAUS, Pulpit:Ahem! 1 30 n Year, in adulate. was 82 years of age, only eurvived her I milk supplied to the factory. The third husband (who was 71 years 'old) five , for keeping back the strippings, and the hours--tho grief of losing one who had foureh for welding skimmed mile. The been her partner for so many years snap- evidence was clear in all four chargee The defence was that the offences were -committed without the knowledge Of the defendant, by his servant.. The de- fendant was nined $25 in each charge, and costs, making in all $119, ' -A number of the leading citizens on Guelph have at present undeeconsidera- tion the advisability of forming, a joint stock company for the building of a - street railway en that town, !The TOtt-te proposed is a line out the Elora roa.d to near the old toll gate, and another to the Weetern station, both to meet at Ste George's Squere and run from there down 'VVyndhain street to the Market Square, and up to the Grand Trunk stagier'. . -Mr, Jaeob Rymal, Millgrove,.. has been very successful in exterminating Penal% thistlee upon his own and bus neighbors' fame. His plan which says is a certain, remedy, Is to cut thirst! when they are at maturity, on the first day Of the "sign of the thigh." -which which will dour on the 13th of August and Oth September next, By following his advice he asserts that the thistles will "assuredly die." No harm in trying the experiment, - -The township council of Egremont, County of Grey seamed at the ravages of the. bush fires the last few years in that and !neighbouring townships, has pealed a by-law prohibiting, under certain pen- altie , the setting out of fire in the open air, ' that township, from the 12th of July to the 12th of September, The penaltips imposed are fines, ranging from $5 to $50. It would be well if many ()the* muriicipalities would take similar action, -At a public meeting held in Harris - ton, 0, motion was carried to loan Messrs. ' Dowling & Leighton- $1,000 for five yearse and to grant a bonus of $500 to Mr. Jan. with exeMption from taxes for five , both firms having lost severely by 0 recent fire. Messrs. Dowling & ton have declined the .pe,eumary ut have asked to be exempted from ping the slender cord of her FA , -A young girl, daughter of a fanner near Ottawa, named Newbeg" at- tracting considerable attenn n, She continues in a living trance sinne Febru- ary last, the only sustenance being wine put to lierilips with a feather. Her ease has so far baffled all ecientific efforts to restore her to consciousness. -The Village Council of Hartiston.bas selected t acres of land on Mr. Dun - ham's far Harriston etery. T three-quarters of amile above n the gravel road, nor a eem- e priceasked for it is $1,000. ,A public Meeting has been called for the purpose of considering the desinabihty of of purchasing the site, and also Soong& er ite to the purchase of a fire engine. --Near Newmarket, on the estate of Mr, Nelson Graben), there is a spring of water from which, a gas -light carburet- ted hydrogen—has issued for more than ri0 years. The depth of the i3pring is tatives, about five e_fect, with clear sandy bottom. peration The water niever freezes during winter, feeling and the gas escapes during winter e great- ite freely ae during suntmen I tenet at -They leave started a Tem ranee So- eiety of a novel order in Wellsley veils. There are no grips or passwordt, and the ple,dge is a little different from the corn - Mon order. Each member elle/may nee has pledges himself on his word of boner not ehout a to treat any other member in any saloon or public house, and not to ,accept a - ed a by, "-treat " from any member, ! randahs -The geading through Erin township . on the Elea branch of the Credit Valley a village Railway, has been finished, ,The last n COM - d gang of thirty men left liBleburgh for robbing the Fergus enn on Thursday of last week. The grading through Garafraxa, will be e has a population f 2,480. completed during the eomingmonth, and d female peen" ei equally all the culverts built. A force of four hieh must be looked to 320 Protestants and 1,151 Of each, hundred men and two hundred teams are employed, re being 1,240 - -A. romantic elopement has ust taken st and enthueiaera by Roman Catluiilies ' • ganacla, ,1 A colored phytsician in Hem been fined $75 for practising w license, --The Barrie Pennell has pas law prohibitiog the erection of v on the principal ntrots, -The postmaie-,er at St. Luce, near (limbo hass arrested mated for t ial on a charge of the mails. -Pembro The male a divided, th There are 1 d ming meting in extinct: work ern of the --Tbe Mi 41011 Advocate says : "Mr. at Montreel. A Wei -nail thered47 years' _. of aim, an who has been married 24 ada, A Mose ininort• John IVIorga , of . Hibbert, was the first ield islati ept. eat on the )(lite ell mar- Years, and is mother of nine children, ooe and has just ditcoyered that she h no al- ier bushel.' finity for heel husband, and bus eloped with a gay and festive youth o 19 sum - the Township of Som. the Silver 4ainburg mere, She carried , a*ay property he - s, layed 124 eggs from longing to her husband to the amount of ,i to the 19th Of July, 87,000- ' two days during that time, . -The County Council of Bra,nt has te of hardship awl neglect eecidecl, by a vote of eight to six, to pur- chase an industrial farm and house of y the Dawson route so prev- refuge, erne have Chosen a far and resi- dence on -the Barford road, within three miles of Brantford. The farm contains 153 aeref4 and, with buildings, costs n the interest of who sold nee vri• n," is tol be held ket thin year. The sample was 5. T meeting it brought $ A0 Y, ea vatioi at t ie des sought to e vent on in Cu and ullest im e cri is of h ove ent, wl us efforts and are being m' de o ra the e from the I ad of King Ale strip the i tire trail c in 1 muscle anc sinevv---a , and andveryso is of men, from tne approval arid endore- 1 of o greand inornentott inte stake, the elfare. and well club , the 1 est interea of t distinction the selfi h inteees few, eons crated h mama piness our f happi sacrifi newer Elie, If ,a tilt -e Advocate, h that i nhanly i .. Council of ti I zociation, Ti) • e judges at th , i Ottawa, Sep •, f !I ing_, ti joioisks-}bil, . , Dafferire is Stephenson, the Truet marria te wil 1 session f -Mr, -Del , of emnointe bra, has a h •n, the ubje t variety, whi li h the 15th of lar only inif,,saing ---C otopl a of travelers anent latt ye peatecl this s . incivility of co aim, esig ceiistc b • u a ene h ut th • y their s, bee cans of s b14 perioc st linterest alien ha , It seem gn 01 th brougl etion, ortan presen en sue truggle pe-ston hol, an mile, Woo th bodie anceion W. Trul est� are a ell r, aire beginning tp be re- ason. Bad food and the officials form the basis of mplaint. is_ sai 1 thet W,11 HoWland, of $12,000, of which sum $2,000 is to be • Toronto, has cleared $70,000 b the re- given by Brantford as a bonus, cent nee e price of wbeat A -A 1\1 nufacturers' and Mechanics' ler in St. Ca hereof( cleared $3 Exhibitio one day, -A loth -r miller in t St. Johns town cleare $3, 00 on the same -The rail ay entractors are ed to prepay a la ding at Emers itoba, for ie eils for the Branch. It s u derstood thkt • will run this fall without doubt Paul to Win iipee, --Mr. S„ Stephenson, ehee lecturer, of rk ma, last week 137,758 pott uls f June ehees Liverpool m rk ,. This is th shipment of on , month's elm 'nu ty of Lambton ing an assistant c nib ment in Brant ed to three year itentiary, for steali ployer. He conf goods to the a Davis, of tbe ecu appointed rricultural and mil- ,000 10 e same day. 'tetrad - n, M an- embina he cars tom St. g of sor made in the e many, 111401 th ination ; e pros - 1e8, for es of ou c4 at th - llu • eet---Mr. Cod tailoring est been senten Kingeton per from his e having taker $800. Joh honor, virtue an I ha penty of our clutches, sides, home and the common co ntry, are shrine of th accursed, ed and po nting tra traffic go o unt all ben runty, 1 eilliant in *ntell virthous in religion, fades >earls 1)Cf')rl this delible 1 needs wisdofll if this vil r is to 1)0 allay • orlts eau tion is a t opp rtuni ir very hearts i 'silo elder to th coesequence of "(I at the, root s c41amit ave all will admit I los to mu ove th iiiebriety, we in cause of such witl in of evils, mire: viz, tile meet sho thorough' °ming1110 y should nly in pr hod to 1,,r 4111 ti as oly an • disa nal di well d d,l and, w lull help it y ifor 1 the work heel, their Leone iciess to Canada. Which th e -The Do inion of Canada f the tre sociation's ai nual prize meeting, ed - held at Ot wa, on Tuesdey, t e ca,us and followin Jaya, The prizee vils eon I aMOUnt to the, magnificent rernoe $4,150, beret ea /old, 'silver n: an its eo1110(1318.-Wm, Co e, ho during the runkarde drink I or seven ye re 1(1, tee111 earTurnfore, b business in ting inontrcal sorrowing, fr be t t, r the States, i viously vict nciple b t o4 131011 to the a P ley axe and a natio' rinkin , a of d ri emit ieqtIent to t' -the priniary emnitant tin degredationli TCITJpCrance hea ily an gar !to the and !alto, tl united, not the beet rad sired end. Sere -nee cm intioxeeo er lin ritt ber of 'nip exalt divieio • wo tive,' could difflent t out ty rep exit niee, t, eould. hard gen tIle ai- in firm wi , orgitnizatioit riding and ing 41 repl'e- f)Cfll341 weal eneli separa in eaclidivi corr sporal ion, eppoin a m eting might, perh repiieoeiittiti tion ' conve ent publie 1 tho cliugh te in piactice, Pu lie life. eteryng cha would, no d weight and erage alailiti moved in tie private life.' , Tne invit non tars, irreepectl s e A onto, to act ae on Peovincial Exhi ember next, on pap ding, &e. • ikon, the sister n Lady he married to Mr, Russell the Montreal ma i ager of nd Loan Compan . The take place on the eturn of is to be held in the city of N. B., more espepiallyeefor New Brun wickers, but open te all the Provinces. It was at fleet advertised for ng of September, but is now oned some weeks, in order to opportunities for preparation o are also to exhibit at the 'ententiial, .the begine to be post allow mor to those tv American manu- -Air. Ai. Spencer Jones, Emigration shippwi Commissionerof the English Federal Un- to the 8011, year tbe Leig aid, taxa ion fornve years. Mr, Ja.nson wili -ably accept the offer made him, in h ease iv by-law will be submitted to atepayere, 'be Peterborough Manufacturing agricultural implement shops, smith's, shop and foundry, were y destroyed by fire on Sunday mo rug, The fire was first discovered aboue 5 o'clock, at which -time it ban. mad4 such headway that no effort could save any portion of the property. The worlilmen, besides being thrown out of empleyment, have lost all their tools. The ibuildings and machinery are suren in tbe Royal Insurance Com- panfor $4,500, and in the ePlicenix for $2,, - two young men, named Urlin and IcBetb, and two young ladies, nam- ed G an and Gley, all of the village of Wal aeetown, were out target practicing on S turday afternoon with a -Colt's re- erolv r, one of the chambers. accidentally disc arged its contents, while Mr. Urlin was n the ant of reloading, the ball pass- ing t rough Miss Gunn's band, entering the wer jaw, and causing compound ion of Agricultural Laborers, i now in fraet re of the same, passing back into the Province of Manitoba. nlfr. Jones, the t roat, thence into the region of the 8elareg%et r esr having heard of -the fame of the " Prairie ripin 1 column. The medical Merl of the . Province," has come to look at it in the illae were iinmediately called in, and id a11 that eould be done to relieve her uffe ngs,butfailed in extracting theball. strange circumstance is reported township of Puslinch. For sonus past Mr. Peter MeLean, of that hip, complained of a severe pain in , ght ear. The pain was most exeru- ting, and at times he nearly fainted, q ite nateral under the circumstaneee 1e began picking his ear and. sueeeeeled in gettieg out what he thought was a piece of wersted yarn. But instead of getting better it gradually became worse, until s compelled to obtain medical aid, examqiatiton the doctor found. -the schari,,,tng a watery matter mixed blood, and thought be detected a ment ineide near the drum as though were worms there. Ile-einnmeneed rioge the ear out, and succeeded in-' takanlg sway no lees than .26 nieggote abour one-quarter of an inch long. Mr. McLean now suffers no pith, and his sense of hearing is improvedi prob whie the r Co.' blac total tter in a intereet of the people whonebe ord, has and for whom he is endeavoring in the suitable loestion, • g goods -Jr. 3 emes Lawrie, of Sc ssed to few daya since hold to Mr.. A. ount of of , Laporte, Ohio, five Ayrshi Princess Louisa, four years o litchell Anna, oneyear old, $200; by the seven months old, $l00; Rom rts As - of the. ition at r, print- epresents to find a rig abr de- -judge le ety wee ' 1 , on/Leone al .ranert organ Id send a re , t in tine way ewe th pet an cc 'bodieer in eaa I e !score of societie Jtta e liclut coin - lineation o r41 lodge expel' S ' f en .. CI 0 s tdn he 'ventio tional hire of e ratiye y [light o ion, .conie lodg ke the i hers in nd plac resent r to ut 1 b0 81,11d he total 'zetions i 'resent ifle As - will be ept, 7, offered •um of bronze , at six as earned on 11 pork Owen Sound, Intel left for He has left a uu ber of mile behind, lowing pre- rnized banks and nount of $25,000 to • rrows deeided at last week th t a railway compel ' liable for da liege done goons ship its line ou a through bill of ladii held that t e parties who ins led the , through bill of lading were re ponsible for the geode until they reach I their destination, -Memos, ,Nottnan & Fraser, the, re- nowned Caned ao. photographm s, have received the exelesive right to t ke pho- tographs at the American Cente nial EX- hibition, fee which they pay 10,000, lhe paymeet of such an auto int end • the selection of a Canadian firm is a high tribute to ti e Itominion. )118111088 30,000. ingston y is not ied over 1 leen n a . al pre 801 har rite he 1 all on ith the ele pse o fr nn ou how inn, that per amee hie priv Itch a mat ter and bt, car -fluence t who, s ader On th id 13 ithrift me inter th entatiee, wi le other org ut, b toy ng th ive t iropo COM p aniza. ould t the o ime 't n, r b itiative ; he divi ' to holt tive. I ppoint side the irganiz uld be al promi as known to be an in hart an te into -coin rse an of knewin wort ublic pr =nen with hi grea an a in n of a 11 his, life tim f quietn seclud i is general to 411 min' -Notwithetanding the, severi0 of the, punishment erhieh nOW almost invariably follows theonunission of indecent as. il Beate on fe ales, this class of crime ap- l: peers to be o the increase in the city of the arrest olThos. C, Hoderins, Sarah Toronto. T e horrors of the lash ate Jane Vroman, and Charles Hertford, pear to hay no restraining infltioncc,for 1 charged with setting fire to the store of nearly every- day a new , caee c ops up, the first named on the 19th nit. The and each succeeeing one *seems tp eclipse- inrY expressed regret that insurane,e its predecess ir in audacity. On Friday, ' agents do not exercise inefficient care in no less three prisoners were in j il await. seeing that insurers have in their posses - this of- sion goods to the proper artiouet in ex - he next cess of the seine for which they are in- wo fur- sured. e Police --A ease of some int,prest to cheese patrons, Was recently tried at 1 Stafford - Mr, and villa, in the County of Elgin.M- e borne formation Was laid hy the President of the Middleton and Bayham Cheese Manufacturing,Co,, against a armer of the township ot Bayham. The first two charges were foe diluting with water • ed, $ rb °ra cattle.Wilson, owdrop, , a bull, one year old, $60 ; making a total of $560. The true value of Ayrshires as milkers is beginning to be appreciated, and will yet bring higher prieene -On Tuesday, the 27th ult., a young lad, vett° has neen simple from bis birth, son of Mr. ,John eleGill, Con, 4, Fuller- ton, etrayed from his father's house, and although dilligeut search has been made for him, nothing has been ascertained as to his whereabouts. As the parents are anxious about him any inform, tion that will had to his recovery will be thankful' ly received, liect a practical illustration of the " deil ernong the tailors in To- ronto lase week. A num t r ef the employers in a tailoring, establishment got (somewhat "elevated, " and a free. tight amorig them ensued, One man staboed Another in tee skull with a pair of sheave and inflictin , a woend pen- etrating to the brain that is very den- gerouse No arrests were made -nionday, Aug. 2, was, by official proclamation, appointed a clayof hu- miliation and prayer in Mani ta, The minds of the people being greitly dis- - -I• apprehension that the Prov - me,. me) egain, next Seita011, by it fresh scourge of locusts, the said day was appointed for Christiaulpeople to ensemble, and supplicate Almighty God to avert so great a disaster. --Mr, names Clarke, who seine years aeo left the nftighborhood . Galt for th ys wn is he w Upon ear d with move ther to sy -,le painful, drowning accident occur- red at Brantford on Friday kilt. Two youngladies, while bathing in the Grand Rive e opposite the residence of Mr. Wa roue, were drowned. One of tbe ungeadies was an adoptee (laughter of r. Wateroos, and the other the only lighter of W. Murton,4 Beg, of leamilton. The latter young lady had been spending a few days at Brantford, rod on the evening of the day earned, the two went into the river, in bathing einiturne, and were Rees by two from the opposite slivre to Suddenly disappeer. The alarm was at once giver, but an hour elapsed before the bodiee were found ---about fifty yards from where they were hot seen. It seems the river is a very treacherous one and the depths vary, owing to the 'strong cur- rents, 'The weter Wals about seven feet S(eitland, with the intention clf making neep wbere the young ladies were 1 that country his ,permatient esidence, Ddrowned. onenay eeeear ds the end of last returned to in last week Rehm; _ determined that he than spen the re - wolf, a little girl, aged 12 years, (laugh- mainder of his days in Canada, being per - ter of Mr, Wm, Curt* cigar maker, of featly eatisfied that the new county has Hamilton in company with a eorepan- greater charms than the land of "heath, ion, clineb'ed over a fence into a pateh of ery howes and browny kriowes," . -A fire iuest in London resulted in clover, and proceeded to pull a small in ?uantity of clover, which they purposed ing the infli fence; anot Assize Cou ther ones we Court; - -On Mon Mrs, Lazar to their last deceased we - citizens an e of denomirlation, la them to the ion a the cat for er is to be tried at and the eases of e pending before t ay the remains of s, of Hamilton, w • ome 111 the eemete . Tire O old and highly spected a large number followed grave, Mts. Leza s, who eeding to some pet rabbits at home. 'Ilie owner, or rather the party who had cultivated the plot, on seeing the little ones, got in a violent pasaion, and &zee& them at the top of his speed, using all Inds of threats meanwhile. The girl Curtis, in attemptiug to escape, fell, and nroke her right arm above the wrist, and 44 at present lying at -her father's in the' greatest agony. After the accident, and While the little one was upon the ground, it is said that the inhuman monster ugbt her by tbe broken lunb and a eu ner a considerable distance tow human conduct is justly deeernPV of It the gate/ The perpetrator of WA in. applied by a strong and wng ann. " cat," vtgorouslyilli dozen laehes of the "cat," F<4.