The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-30, Page 7Eromi case teat HOPPING 11 be need to give XX FLOUR, SD FEED, rPurher and IStore Ming OCK OC Sugars. STOCK OF 11 SEEDS •, Hungarian and Eeeekee and r Seed and GOODS :selected stock of 't into the Comity. II purchases of $1. '1 Spectacle& 1, per pair. BLACK is' Spectacles, thta amiring Watches., ,Ito give sa,tisfac. MBER amber will find it :the Old :della on t Lea maintop, a. he rant d. munerorts Ong - in the peat, and 'their favors. 1.1 FACTORY mita: extended to Seaforth, and ;DI well to give -f li to those a anew., as none IT BS. ,4a-al,ly known uee, and win s',NTS TO roe to contras LOTT, Sesta a. reasaltel 'And Itifskr Usine88—Advioe to Lovers - e am Sall married, and. intend remains ing en for some montha td come. Bat marriage ili a fearful and, risks bushiess. But no one knows what may turn up on either side. Temper and temperament re soh peculiar things! HoWever,-"All Is q,uiet on the Potomac." ° The marriage service ae never been fully written out. reople i arrying don't know what they sre pror using. The bond. should reads "You take Ws man, or this Woman, for We ; yea muat not, aftere this, walk or talk with any other' womb. if you are a /elan or if you are a Yeoman, save in the you rauSt not become interested M any 4ther WOim ; if you. are interested ,you must not sinew it ; yen must .consider your wife or your husband. as the incom- parable num or woman in the universe ; there must be none other like unto him. or her ; if there be, or you. think there be, you intuit, if possible, not believe it, and not to believe it ; you: must now be oily devoted to each other ; you must else no* lay aside all remembrance of . your old flames ; you must get rid of the idea asp You ever had. any regard for them ; if you had yon muat try and make yourself believe you had! not ; and, if such a notion will stiek to you, you must never mention' it to each other, or there win be 4 row," Young man and young woman f you think that the divine in - tomcat* of courtship is tO last forever l You think it is always. going to be an cc-. static pleasure to trudge a mile through mud and rain to buy 8eraphine Ann a paper of pins, But this state of. things ,CA211 Last. It's too high pressure -- it must cool down. When you are mar - lied, anti. she i8 yours and you are hers, and the novelty of the affair is over, and -, you are , fairly settled doWn into " old. - married; folks," then comes the test. Then, if' you have been a crabbed, old bachelor, full of little whiths, habits and peculiaritiee, as is the fretful porcupine of quillel then will come the tug of war. Don't you recollect how when single and yon COrne home, after some tedious 'busi- ness, heated, tired, irritable and disgusted with the world, and got along in your room, that you used. to lisiig boots and Mackin (S brushes about and. thrash around e ss ior an hour or two before you simmered down into comparative calmness ? Well, Matrimony won't cure thia—at least at first. Bat you =isn't cut np so now ! Even a temporary raving! maniac is not woman to be shut up alone with ! And . if on entering, she sees trduble on your face and asks you: "What's the matter!" and you. reply, "Oh, nothing !"—beeause you don't want to be spoken to, and above all things, it annoys and irritates you to be so interrogated—and still she persists in asking " What's the matter ?" and stiltyou like to say, " Oh; nothing!" as mildly as you can, only it won't besaid ' mildly, and it comes off your tongue as a pistol shot, and you. would just then like to eat so ebody's head off—oh, won't you at such time wonder 'where the annabil- ities, th oil, the sugar, the honey, the sunshin of courtship have all gone to ! And hos would you feel!—you would have beeu accustomed to go in and out of your vile bachelor's den without inquiry or hindemace—how will you feel as you start to Yo out for the purpose of getting a drink round the corner tii here her say, " where are you going ?" arid this a dozen times a c ay. And every time it is asked you rims stand and rack your brains for a new life. Those girls on the opposite - side of the street, who are always at "the window, and with whom, before marriage you milled on a sort of optical flirtation. —which to be sure went ne further than the eyes how do you feel now as you eathh y uiself still looking into those window and. find Jour wife regarding yea in a eculiar manner, and you know that she nowe that you know how she knows all about your goings. on at those deal during my short matrimonial career. 1 would hot have remained single if only for the sake of the informationrvegained. I know now, M the first place, that one's a row, it s you, all you, and it's every. bit your fault I Yon may labor by the hour trying to_ make her own up that, there being one pound avoirdupois or sixteen ounces o' blame between you, you are willing to take fifteen ounces of that blame, provided she will but shoulder the remaining ounce—and she won't ! When she says she will be only five minutes getting ready to go out, it means an hour; and wheh she says all ready, it means fifteen Minutes more for puttin,g on , the final tou.',:hes ! She may never be cOnsid- ered really dressed until fairly out of the house and round, the corner ; and even then the chances are that she's forgotten bedroom! a mile loni.f, and her entire wardrobe could be packed in a band -box, still youU find portions of that wardrobe catered along the whole mile ef dress- ing room ! She's a nice thing to. look at when put together, but this wonderful Creation is evolved from a chaos inter- minable t)f pins, ribbons, rags, powder, If the: e were seven thousand dra wers in your i ooin, and you asked but for one to be kept sacred and inviolate for your private fist:, that particular one would be full of hair pins, ribbons and soiled cuffs. Some piovision - some prOtection in this matter --!should be inserted in the inaf- seemed to me like some Indian brave, painted, plumed, leaping into the arena with a shout of defiariee, flashing a toma- hawk in his hande osid wearingiat his rom the heads of enemies that hacefallen beneath his stroke. He wee it eeientific as welt as an ardent coiitroversialst ; not bringing forward, far lees throwing PA -Tay, his whole force on the first assault, but keepingaip the interest of thle con- troversy, and continuing to pound and crush his opponents by fresh matter in every suceeeding paper, • When. I used to discuss subjects with him, under the impression, perhaps,. that he had said all he had got to say very powerful and very pertinent- to the question, nothing was more common than his reparking, in nautical phrase, 'Oh' I have got eome ehot in the locker yet—ready for use if it is needed !"—Guarkie Autobio- Ii*Eitio Chains. Very pretty rustic chains can be made to hang from verandahs, porehee, or piazzas by taking small otieks fromone to two inehes in diameter, anti sawing them into lengths of from three to five.incheee then take vi'llove sticks about half an inch the sticks, nd split them in halves, and in diameter and of the same lengths as bend the halves so as to form a semi-eirele around the end of one of the Istickts, fast- ening it to it with small braids, and thus forming a s all loop. Then nail one end of another s lit piece of willow on to an- other little stink, and .dkaw it through the loop air ady made by the other stick and fasten it tightly on the other. side of the stiek. Dontinue to loo these bits of wood together with the wi low or osier rods until the desired length of eh in is made, and then cut one edge obl quely and nail it firmles where it is desi ed -to hang. The kinds of wood whic will present the prettiest appearance fo these rustic chains are those which pre ent a rongh bark, such as the Norway pi e and spruceebut maple, elm and oak stielts can be used with good. eiffect. Th par- ticular adva.ntag,te of these chai s for rustic decoration is that they will form very graceful- :curves, which can ot be otherwise obtained ; and in Su mer - houses built of pine branchee and trees they are also exceedingly effective, ,SELLINC OFF, SEWN OFF, SUMO OFF, CeO BLACK STL.ICS, PRINTS, PARASOLS, cORS.ETS, Silk, UMBRELLAS, t HOF MAN BROTHErtS' CHEAP GASH STORE, SEAFORTH. THE LADIES' FAVOR TE., 14. CP Now THEILORENCE SEWING MAC INE TS now universally admitted to be the BE 3T and A- CHEAPEST—the cheapest because th best— in the market. This is the only machine in the market having a reversible feeder, and it is the only machine that'ma,kes more than one kind of a stitch. These machines 'are sold on trial apd if the purehaser is not satisfied with it can return it and get any other machine in the mar et. A trial of it is all that is required to give satis action. 0 0 0 NEW GOODS AT TUR 4 JUST FROM ENGLAND EY SPONGES, AND MIRRORS, • A.SBESENT TEA SPOONS, KNIVES AND FO.RKS, CROCKERY 'IS powN, GLASS% ARE„ T Ai SETS VERY CHEAP, TEA TRAYS, CO.MB$ BRUSHES, POCK T BOOKS, AMERICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS—All Prices, Cheap, JEWELRY, . MILK PANS AND CROCKS, Sze. CALL. IN BABY CARRI AGE8 1.71 oss CD 0 10.4 KNI so • • 474 • 1-4 • sh 500 CORDS HEADING WANI 'D COLEMAN & 001iINLOCK'S 0. C. WILLSON Has an abundant simply always on1 han leading machines, so that purchasers c their choice. at his other n have 0 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 0. C. WILLSON keeps the largest a d best selected stock .of Musical Instruments West of -Toronto, consisting of that celebrated llthusek Piano, and other Pianos, Princees,iGeorge Voods, Estay, and Canada Organs and Melodeons, any of which he can sell as cheap as the manufac mem. Hugh Among the habitual attentlante en Dr. Guthric'e pi caching W413 the celebr ated flugh 'Miller, who at that time occupied "i a prominent position in the society of I EdinburA salter of the Witness, "There was in the crowd at St. John's" ious figure. Looking only at the rough, red, ahaegy hewl, or at the eheeked plaid, flung over the broad ehoulders, you may think it j3 illif'pherC1 from the distant hills, who hat; wandered in from hi ehieling among the monntaina to hear the groat city preacher, But , Took again ; the nuteeive head, the broad proivetin brow) tho film so firmly closed, the kee ,a;ray eye, and, above all, the look ef intelligent and search i Herutiny cast emote', all tell of sornethmg higher . than sly pherd life, It is 'Hugh the ereateet et* living Seotehmen, never to I,: ntisstel in this tenegregation, he was not only a requiter but an office bearer." OL title esti aordinary personage, Pr. Guthrie remarks: : "Ile 'was a man mixed u0 by I )ivine Providence for the tune and' the age, Hie busitieme was to fight ,and tip. war.horse that saith eth the battle afar off, !lighting was Milken !delight, On the eve of what was tO ove 0, desperate conflict, I have seen him, in such a high and happy state of eagerness awl excitement that he • Agricultural Impleme 0 -a M. NOW ON EXHIBIT Ot1 Saw Mill, Se lora. • OBERTSON 'S FURNITURE WAR OF ALL KII+S CONSTANTLY ,Q3fr RIAND. THE FINEST ASORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO b"EAFORT'll, HEMLOCK LUMBER ND WILL BE OFFERED VERY CHEAP, In 13.1Lila8 T71 -1T -a rder that the Infantine population may have a good time during the co ing Bummer. A full stela of the best Agricultural Impl raents made in America, on hand as usual, consieting of Masseyse Woods' Patent, and the Johnson Single Reapers. 'Woods' Iron Frame and Buckeye Mowers. • SOMETHING NEI/1i/. Sharp's sell dumpinglIAY RAKE. Thi4 is the only self clumping hay mice in uee, mad an boy 12 years of age, and able to drive &hone can ork it. Mr. Willoon has no heeitation in recona this rake to his customere as the best ove intro- duced. Any person desiring to purchase no can have a fair trial of it. pLovils.—Masgoyis No. 18 Thistle atter, the only genuine Thistle Cutter Plow in t o mar- ket -400 sold in the County of Huron la year. The Pori Perry and London Gang Plows, t e best Gang plows ever introduced to the pu c. A trial given andsatisfaetfori guaranteed. Al kinds of General Purpose Plows always °Vend. Grain Drills and Harrows, Turnip Seed owers, Hoeu awl all other implement); alw yfl hand, All kinds of Pointe and Castings or the different Plows in llge kept constantly on hand. TO THE LA.DIES.—In the Sowing Maxillae full stock of Butterfelths Patterns and Self -Fitting° Charts. All the latest and neweet otylee arid faehiono, The la eet and most populee Sheet Muni c and Music ooks. DIAMOND SPECTACLES ,L MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES melted to- t gaiter, and aro called DIAMOND ou acce nt of their hardneas and brilliancy. It is well nown that Spectaelee eut from Brazilian or Scot peb- Ides ere only injurioue to the eye, because of their ' polarizing light. Having been teated with the polariscope, the diamond leneee have been found to admit fifteen per eaut, kite heatea reys than tiny .other liebblo, They are ground, witli great berationte and produce a brightnees find tinct - new) of vleion not before attained spel tuelete 5fannfaetured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturin Co, NEW YORK. Inferior article for the DiarnOnd, aro t care should bo taken to see that the trade met k aire which is proteetee by Letters ratent, is et rived MiFeovr° rola Pe I Ili) ;F. E, HICKSON 1c Co., 8eafortit, Sete Agents, . 880 M. ROBERTSON. GODERICH F9UNDRY. Beg to inform the public that they a e prepared to furnish STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; FLO It, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS STAVE, HEADING AND SHINGLE MAC INES, HOOP MACHINES, &c. IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STR W -CUT- TERS, &c., SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -B RS, Scc. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES; of various k nds. SALT PANS MADE TO ORDER ALSO, IRON' AND BRASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH. WORK BoiLEns ANT.) ENGINES AND GENERAL REPAIRS DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. All °niers addree,sed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention....si A, H3DGE, Secretary and Treasiirer. HORTON, President. R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager, 1000000,010.0.,.00000,0, WHAT NXT? At the Shorteat 4otice. TO THE PUBLIC AT, LARGE. Harness, Saddle iand Collar .111417 -ST., SEAPORTH, 0 0 SIGN OF THE SCOT H COLLAR. A eholeeassortment of light Whipa,Belle,Horee, Clothing, on hand. Repairing prompt' charges moderate. Rernembe the Scotch Cellar. OPEC FI DI INE Caren ail Nen cue IN ages ,Oneli an remors, De- . co and el oho le opir ts ; but thelSpec fie Medicine of Self MIRO, tifiLoo of Memory Ifni areal LIMO, tilde, I' n in Glut 13 elt, Dlinneei Of felon, Pre - lead tO ,',I 1104111 ty or oneunintichi AD a Pretrial,. tura are 'e, al of wh ch, 1414.a rulb, ar flied emitted halal game. study and ma ly yew 8 Of filt orienee in treating Seld Se VfoirtiihiliiiiyAEM. IGII.cligAoill:IN% indltICHo(3°,r,Qc 8.138t. ,Ii?,.?..all Settle eir count with o t oitee, or they SZArOgsru, larch 8, 18 41. & Itohnostest NEW BUSINESS, NEW MEN, p,t o nndereigned, have purchased %fr. W. E. NAV' Establiahment, where %ye intend to carry on an OXt(411144 11:11 1.114:4:04 Bueinese, both. Vifhelegale nd Retail, manufacturing by Maeldnery and by h nil, We ale° keep on hand A L RGE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES And ,ev ything pertaining to the. Bueinese, Light suid Drivisileg Ilarneggo a Speciality. No ASKO Wien Prices here. Give us a Call before purchasing eleewhere. he fi bseriber hereby thanks his numerous' cu tamers (merchants and °there) for their liberal patronage daring the past seven y'ears, and hopeo, bystrict integrity and close attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having greatly enlarged his premiees, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGkEST CASH PRICE FOr any [quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG- EMPORIUM, , Mein Street, Soaforth, /Wanted by the Huboariber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. D. D. WILSON. THE SEAFORTH LUMBER YARD. pm to inform the public that they have re- moved th eir Lumber Yard the lot between the Merehan s Salt Company's Works and Mar - They 1,0111:leap eon Arm tly on and a good asoort- metit of ALL KINDS OF LUM ER„ &egged and undreasted, Moo, LA.T1I AND BM GLES, all of which they are prepered to sell at the lowed pos- sible pricee, tor Carib, Alse, on hand Any quantity of the best AOTON LIME. Builders gild others will.find it to their advan- tage to inepeist our stook, and ascertain ouleseskess nd heavy Hamm, c., kept constantly attended to, and the place,sign of V. OLIVER. THOMSON &W IMAMS, AND ENGINE VITORK,Sf MITCHELL, ONTARIO. OUR Two -Horse Wood AS'arii?-g ,Machine has been thorotighly tested, a giveti entire isfattion. It is inipplied wit a band wheel for rnae,hinery, without extra exp;ee for the belt. A TRIAL OF ERED. ALL KINDS in* I' ARMING IMPLEMENTS . kept constantly oil hand. BOILER SHOP IN FULt OP=ATION„ Enginetii of 'Efil Size* lade, fo Order REPAIRS PROMPTLY A, TENDED TO. 1878. 8fX