The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-30, Page 5{ P the wenwaaa of the a little ar front f time, hich de - at lexis4 tan hat, of this and to r nen on h seaeon are hi ted this ear en fifty per r years, the the crop of last e nature of the that at the le some few ealize fancy t the natural tendency et a proatiation and a prolific somewhet retinae the POW School Teaches -as' Exana- • the ',editor of the lluroli Expoxitar.. ertaia and P -as the ; anti we uu- end have hat shape tat the Dominion GOverninent the caesteuct as furnish con - labor to the -ill suffice, this 1 : but we have t the working mea so early. that the Do- ; make a direct iteedy settlers lands. This In the case of held againet the present vat? in the case seeing that so Assietance nother. The form of a arn it before - city prefer, but 4t any rate have mit sue -- ,d one must while there is ,ed the neees- s Prospect. d from each many points rrovinces, the as follows re - its prospects reports- repre. had, in many and the dedue- aid turn -out to average. our t time forward. 4 of the sever - 'ripened some- fae whole the and the total t average, wilt ve anticipated crop, will, we tether than be - h the acreage e years. Oats„ silent promise nir Tater re - flan for many t the area coy- !Ltly improved, .!.rop than was i les root crops, !eta rains, are :rfully, and to eates is M ex - the plant ap-• there being disease hav- rade beetle t who finds eary. He ie ited with ex - g out, or tls and s here are enertar ave pro- f. The hay ;ild lave been fro wth ice of e ough the en much cured in pply of very abund- e does not well ending lebee and the :lily the lat- eite up to the the fruit crop 'ruts have Ave are less ill, it is brought mise of .e and s have The har- e, he season, qualify ) the ultimate '7 the Can- so far the for harvest ;•ttanical skill lig operations of the risk 'fathering in lity of - Produce 'ation of the e are able to a very pro - 0 not give A the crops ea pretending this point, it aed that the p will no be 1 * The Law formerly prescribed two ex- aminations :each year for the Public gaol eachers of Ontario, viz., one in the mid/muffler holidays and the other in the Utter part of December. Recent- ly, and we believe unwisely, tee, only ones such examination is held, One draw- back to the present systeni would Seent to be that too many ca.ndidates present themselves for examination ; a great variety of papers in each subject, almost endless in thenwlves, comes before the examiners, who, if .not possessed of more than ordinary patience and endurance, hasten to hurry ta the end. of the chap- ter, and, in their anxiety to do so, neces- sarily do injustice to some of the ean- Mateo, who perchance though better pestetl than successful. applicants, have Wed, simply because their work may not be plainly done atul arranged in good forth, The, failaree of certain can- aatatee, under sucheimpropitious circum. stances, may involve grave family and personal interestre at a time, too, when the supply of teachers is, not equal to the demand in the Province, and such fail- ures may have, and doubtless have taken place in. some cages, in certain technical of Mr, Alex. Mc swen, of a soa, subtexts, a brush m which for a few, McLaate, —In Seaferth, en ifuly 26, the weeks would have cleared the skirts of wife of Mr. M. Y. McIteaa, of a son the reje,cted candidates, and allowed! Ali_ rum on the sam• e pri iciples as vivid The direction in' wh reh the i vessel will travel , will 'cam, under the eon - ordtnary sensitive material- now make a flight of four days with. Cary a pleasure trip, --We notice that a meeting in the South Ward for tae eleeti school trustee, on Thursday, A at 9 o'elock A. MS in the room ter Scott, resigneei, —The ,hea,ring of evidence an ment in the East Peterborough trial, Wm finished on. Wed Judge 'Wilfeni will give his deci August 2d, The West Peter trial Commences to -day. —An Ottavva paper has receive patch, stating that the reported in the Northwest is at St. Lanr side of Fort Carleton. A band ters have set up a government own though they still profess te to die Queen. fro to to 3 pply of both, $4 to and t For one lot less about 50 J was paid ; a dress 35 lbs , f lambs, to d car MO calk I n of guet shi tbr wee nea ro ar rough wet The dr ins lbs trouble t, this f hun- f their te loyal Saottenouseet--In Wingharn, 'on July- 18, the wife of Mr. A. , Stonehowee, roe chant, of a son. Ntarearatete—In Lower Wing July 18, the wif of Mr. Will" t,ertield, of twin aughter's. BBEWER. —At Tro bridge, on the wife of Mr. Brewer, of MeLeeter. —In erre of Mr, Hector M Ila am, ly 15, do ugh - On July 22, the wife Lean, of a sou, , on July 19, the wife them to walk the course safely an& RIED, smoothly, Whereas, by the a&ption! Been—Munenv.-ein Bituss of the plan started under the new re- 15, by Rev. O. E. Staffor gime of holding two examinations eac A, Beer, to Miss Annie M year, -good teachers would not have to Bruseels, lay idle a portion of the Tear, and goo GILLIOAN--SITANNAHAN. —A schools to suffer fro& their presence ana -usefulness, And it seems .quite unfair, and contrary to the spiiit ot the "law,' that a week's bard toil Eihould be im- posed on teachers in the middle of July, making., the vacation really no vaca,tion at all, in so far as the examination laste to the teaehers immediately concerned) have no doubt that the Couneil o Public , Instruction in Toronto, hay adopted the present scheme in view of eeotionty, by spairing one examination a -year and in so doing trenched on the holidays, which, indeed by a minute i.e.'. eently pa.ssed, they -acknowledged to be too few already, for it is reeommended to the Legislature that the holida,ys be from the 1st of July to the 15th of - August inclusive. We quite believe the 'wisdom of the Legislature will giv weight to the recommendation of th Council in this particular, and confir what we feel sure future experience will uphold and sustain—tae necessity of adt dttional relaxation on the part of pupils and. teaehers in a noble work. Some speak of the teacher's work beine and his career one of indolence, want of enterprise and indulgence. Yet experi- eoce clearly demonstrates the fact that the most hea,rty, robust arid healthy, anc The Thy, all of Parsonage, Listowel, en July 17, byl Rev, W. M. Pomero3o Mr. Jobn Gi1-1 Shannaha,n, of Carronbro k, DEATHS. PORTER.—In East Towage S., on July 11, Franci wife of Mr, Joseph S. FORBES.—In Stratford, Elizabeth, relict of thel and mother of ' the Forbes,—a native of the former selling at latter at front $2 50 "74‘sheep and lambs, on the average, a another lot of 0 was paid. A ess 30 lbs,, sold at ere were only bred loads of distill- ed cattle for sale on- the ,market y. There wer a °ed. many more ported to Thiasin. ' Mee rs. Reeves ce ship 60 he o thel Dominion his week, Mr, Shittids pa Toronto, 45 head, and Ir. Poen', of Glasgosv, I ear loads fr 01 chicago, all this I , The rice diatillery fed cattle i iv al been br gh to market, and I were nine ca lo as of grass fed the prices 0 ':which are $3 5Q to / pe 100 lbs la e wtytight, a, few good no heep or masa on the market. h lambskin , 30c to 40c each, FALLS ARY MARKET. 1 rkei to -da is 'Oita dull, prices li ery of fa dairies amounted to 30 boxes at, peiefes ranging from 10 e. This is c#tite a de, ease from ee s delivery when -the offerings iries am anted to over 1,000 'he offelin s of factories amount - at 12,000 xea, and sales were about 10 0001, boxes at prices om 10/c. llgc., according to et to -day, ot ales, were quite " ctiihitt of an ae ount being done ' intended for local consumer - rem; England to the .1 Our ;London oor- NI LLINERY„ Near Chieddar, being isaef)LINERY, d, the preference at le filANERy 11 other sorts being ' neer grass Ametican. Willi be splendid, an& ionslare, as follows : 'anadian, extra fine, econda,ry,140sato 50s.; English tter is quiet, ith a feeling that it een its lowest. A aavorite brand of y is offeret at 24e, for delivery, actions ai .or Jersey., 100s, Friesland 1121s. to 116e.; Nor- ; Atnerican and Can - Danish, Kiel, and Now York at 1131. GREAT 1. DUCEMENTS GREAT INDUGENiENTS GREAT INDUCEMENTS fella The t abo 90. last f bo ed ab in of ran ng f the r shove hot tion refs too the AT AT DUNCAN it DUNC;A� DRESS GooDs, T. DD3S EMPORIUM, We are 'flow showing the Largest and vast Attractive ock of Dress Goo market, et Twenqf Per Cent, _Lower than Former Prig BLACK (USTRES—DOUBLE F EX AORDIIIIARY BARGAINS TRAORQINARY BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS Star Brand a 20e, 45e, '30c and 40c—The best valn to be found in this o • e. LE 1 DURING THE DURING THE DURING THE psi Tide at 6 tivea For ne din Wi ear, in We onmErt SEASON MMER SEASON advices ek in Jul is neglec nt over vor of fin k's quality 62s. are 'he quota lean and onis Scat, otter, ged. 37 oil J ily 27, te Joh Forbes, erthshi e, Scot- land,—aged 55 years, brotIter-in-law, Mr. George T in the township of Hay, on Janet Johnston, a native of shire, Scotland, aged 65 years. wife of Mr. John Taylor, and ' of Mr. Joseph Case, of Usborn Isabella, wife of Mr, C„J. agea 33 years, of her 01338011, uly 20, mark - ugh ter Wilsor, has 111111, Swe an ran ish, 100s. to 1 to is quoted i THE MARKETS. wheat Market "has be those with the strongest and MOfit vigor n ve ous COnstitutiom, stand, enerally speak- active auring the put week. 'be su Mg, the wear and o the professior den fall in price has put buyers in b a, comparatively short tirne, Every yea humor and will disappoint faraiers. we have exits from the profession by th Satterd y last a1.14 was freely paid and scores, ieho wish to save themselves froni preroature death, and a few who cannot on Mo day one or two unusually ehoi possibly escape, remain in it to die. It sample went bigh as $1.17. Not becomes quite necessary that the light- howev r, this has changed, and bu - some, deliehtful, desirable end aereel. able shoulg quite fully and target; be associated with an indiepensa,ble profest sion, which aline at train ng eu vating minds in a transition etate, for gander, nobler and, more elevated sta of development, The ehange which has been made, in regard to the number o examinations yearly, aitne not at asso elating that agreeableness and pleasantr around the profession so very desirable and. we are not by any means alone, fo we have the support there of leading journals in this Province, when we say '11/3 that the method heretofore adopted, of Salt (re ail) per barrel ,, .. „ hotding an examination each half yearl Salt (wholetiale) per ba'rref. .„, . „ is the preferable of the two, if not in the PotatoeS, new, per buehel 00 705cit ttoo interests of economy, at ally rate for the ers don t care about touching it 'even quoted., prices. Oats are in good tleman There ate no peas and barley Iofferin New hay is plentiful, New potatoes a beginnng to come in freely, We quot Fall Wheat , 1 05 to Spring I% heat, per bushel . 1 05 to Oata per ;bualiel. 1M6 to Barley per buahel 0 60 to Butter, No. 1, Loose. to Eggs 0 00 to Flour 0 00 to Sheep 8 0 50' to well-being and effieiency of our schools Beef " 4 00i to promoting as it _would the welfare of ou I.:cholera our teachers and the countr at large. Ruse -taus, LONDON, July 22, 1875. The Crops of Ple Manitoba Mennonites Cleaned Out. We bear from the Pembina Moun- tain that the erasshoppers have reache that settlemen1 now, and are rapidly destroying the crops. Boyne is still safa and the crops are looking uncommonla well. Greenwood and Dundas have not suffered much yet. The Mennonite settlement has, despite the efforts at fighting the grasshoppers, been about entirely ate out. Farmers about Higli Bluff who expected to save some cropit by opposing the pests have fared ne better than the Mennonites. Similar reports come from Springfield. In some places the potatoes have escaped, while other crops have been taken, and a few pea fields are also kit. Most ef the settlers. who either had the seed or the money, to procure it, have put down more barley,: potatoes, and buckwheat dpring the last week, hoping that the grass- hoppers will be all away before they grow, and yet will have time to mature. —Free Pregg, July 17. (Under the new Ado issued at the EIXPOSITOR OFFIO, SEAFORTH, Unde IN IN IN LiINEN DEPARTIVIEIT. Bargains in Loom, Dice, 33Ieaehed, Damask, Turkey, Rod Damask, Towels, Napki Duck reduced 5 to 8 cents per yard. LL AND SEE TIVE.31. We have' a Large Stock of adies' and/Kisses' Gloves, in Black, White and Colors, whia h we are ing at ex remely low prices. Also Men's Gloves Greet Variety. SHAWLS, ILLINERY, MILLINERY, At 20 to 00 p r cent of a reduction in order to clear balersee of sto D ESS GOODS, D ESS GOODS, ESS GOODS, • HATS AND CAPS. SILKS, PA authority of ilia Li utenant-Governor of AFORTH ENCA MPMENT, ASOLS., rARASOLS, PARASOLS ASOLS; PARASOLS, PARASOLS LA ES, LACES, LAC1ES, LACES, 1 (7 .1 0 0 • 15 O 18 0 10 5 1 0 0 1 6 Peas, per bushel 0 70 0 0 Eggs Hay, per ton, 'WILT! bow a Regular lice ing on THURSDAY, Beg GEORGE =EXTON, Scribe,. TO BUIL ERS. Walt 41300 Det led Drawing rebitect and INSO In the 0 0 A VENT got trp to suit Builders by Rat fa 1MILLIN, nilder, Wrox,eter P. 0., County of Huron. AdT OF 1869. DIVI END SHEET lia.6 been prepared, open to jection until SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, after whieh dividends wall be paid. - ADAM HOPE, I -saline e. 0 VENT AQT OF 1869. y and tux tiadin together under the 2 7 TORONTO, July 29, 1875. There were in to -day about 1,000 bushels of wheat, at $1 10 to $1 12 for white, and the same for pring. Hay for good old. -Butter an without change. LONDON, Jul Deihl wheat is in goo 81 80 to $1 90, per 1001bs. sells freely to mill rs at $1 Red fall in good demand. good. demand by Millers for bakers' flo kinds of wheat is 20 cents per cen lower than yestet day. Peas—none $1 25. Barley sca Oats in pried dem Butter scarce • th er than the 'deli% supply, but sell eggs were demand at by shipp rs 11 fa 11 at from $1 20 o local demand is larg- ety. Eggs in good Anotlaer BallOon. freely at 12c to 14c, e ma TE In olvents have road an aasignment of their e totes to me, nd e creditors are noti- fied Ito me at rny offictr in Sitratford, on SATUR- 0/01 ak L, to reeeiv BtatIments of their affairs and Ito appoint an Awn fl,ee, THOMAS 31 LLER, Interim Aasignee. ;'Sitt 'tford, July 28, 1875 899-2 RIBBONS, HOST RY, HOSIFY, HOST RY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY, NEif 1300K$TORE OPENED IN SEAFoRT-1 Stationers, Beek aellera Book Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers, yeliar attention to our new 33ookstore webeg first to return our sineerethanks for the ET! -1" liberal patronage and untivereal kindness experienced from the Fanners, Merehants end el, the County of Huron for the last 20 years. We intend strictly to -follow our own busineas and 1 in aR that has a relation te paper and its various Imes, and also everything that is to be 1;inud, First:Class Book and Stationery $tore, And from our experience in firat-class shops for the last 45 years, both in EtOope an4 Araerlesooltb- out eptotism we render Seaiorth second tO no other town in this Provinceat oar own businws, and, therefore, we look for an 0.t,ended and generous support from our townepeopleand nnmerous friends. VES, GLOVE§, VES, GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, ALL BOOKS OF LITERATURE, OR BLANK BOOKS, Not in Stock will be furnished or made in a few hours' rtotiee, as we keep OTh hand a Urge Sto Raw Material. Printing i4 Gold, Saver and Pronze Neatly .'gxe,euted. CARF1S, CARPETS, CAR TS, ; CARPETS, CARPETS, a CARPETS, Bocks for Cheese and Butter Factories , Kept constantly on Hand, WALL PAPER and WINDOW BLIN.DS can alwayS be found. at PROYMIAL APLICATIONS wiL be received by the under- igne until For Lend suitable f or Via Provincial Plowing Ma oh. The land must be within about b' miles of eaforth, and not s ihan so ;term Mel vph le land need no ba oixe block, bn , ma be made up of two or rabre fielda, if conveni-I ent to each other. 399 READYMADE CLOTHING, READYADE CLOTHING, READYMADE CLOTHING, D, lifoGREGOR d; SON'S Books Oppoeite the Mansion Hotel, Main Street, Seaforthl. - nAtrs AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES,: BOOTS AND 8110ES, BOOTS AND SHOES, IT Danger and disaster seem only to call Hay has been very plentiful for the past et out new enthusiasm on the part f week at $8 to $9 a ton for new. Pots- gib, feronantg, The Donaldson balloon s toes ew very ple tiful at 75c to $1 a ass not 3 -et given up as last before we hear bush L - of an enthusiastic German of Baltimore, who has, with the help of powerfel friends, contracted for the constructioa of a balloon in which he proposes to make a voyage from Baltimore to New York in an hour and a half, and. froia New York tei London in fifty home, thna diminishing, by -more than half,. the time now taken to travel across the Aclanti His floating air vessel will be in t form of a life -boat, sixty feet long, to be carried by a balloon which will hold, 70, 000 cubic feet of gas. An engine of twelve horse power will si.:t in motion the wings or sails on each side of the vessel, and. these propellent will be co TORONTO LIVE STOCK ,MARKET. BEBVES, —The supply of choice stall -fad cattle during the paet week was ligl a and for these buyers would still pay $5 to $5, 25, but the receipts of ieferior have been large, and prices rule decidedly lo en Sales were mostly of the latter d incluae the following : One car, aver g- due Al ae the 417 1 GROalERIES, &c. GROCERIES, &c. GROCERIES, &c, $0.3-1E1THING NEW. MITH offers Sp _,cial Bargains in DR1i y -ma le Clothing and &Boats and Shoes he G/ODS and GRLOPERIES. arid see for yo rselies.1 0,38 Mute her hiincla for collection. FA:BOMAR SMITH. hand. Specially,. C 'lents to Cash Pur part es having Qv ues td to settle will le put into 0 0 notes and accounts CHRISTI Man facturer es br_ak they will rb ING -TRY IT. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed and endorsed 1"Hincardine Harbor O Sittl4daY, the 7th day of August next, for the ax d south piers. Plans mil. specifications tan be en et thia offlee, and at the office Of the Reeve of ne4rdine, Robert Baird, Esq., Town Hall, Rin- e rano, on and after Friday, the 23d. inst., where p tod forms of tender Will else --be obtained. C ntraetors are notified that tenders will not be t e printed forms, and, in he ease of firms, ex- cept there are attached the actual Signatures and the natart. of the eccupati /1_. and place of resi- dence of each member of t e -13aMq. For the due w be required. on real es te, or by deposit of at ek, to an amount of five per cent, on the billk s m of the contract. To he tender must be at- a d solvent persons, reside ta of the Dominion, w ing to become sureties for the carrying, out of hese condition13, as well als the dite performance the works embraced y the contract. This partment does not, ho ver, biaul itself to ae- Pt the lowest or any ten et-, By order, . BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Pub o ks, Ottawa, July 15, 1875. 398-3 THE PIRENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON, 6GLAND, THE KNAti3E PIANO*, E Great Piano of Anierieit and. Europe. Tie titled, and to charm the ;circles of the who; gather there, leavingi the noted Apos, of the !Piano, such as Thalberg, Gottaebalk, MON Lnecallitllogg, Rubinstein, &e., titre with the- superb instruments. eps E STODART PIANO. tp ERE never was a poOr Stodart Piano 7° -I- lid none was ever known to he return , , exel4anged for any other, becauSe they have ways been bon lit, by diseriminating buyers, and in the history of Piano Making Stodart is known ne of the greatest workmen inventors :Mkt' ever lived."--Maxvano. MARKABLE for standing in tune. Any amount of durability, Beautiful totleh. diu size. Low in pkice. Fully warra Mat hless tone. Light & Ernst, Rogers, Rabat an, LOTAR, Fatal:ate of the Best to In Kati fe ntedinot to break, If the replaced free of charge, THOMAS KIDD, GENT AT SEAFORtg. Tbd old standard Company was established in 782, does busi- ness iu all parts of the world, the second gest business in the Un.ted dom, pays its ims with promptitude and liber lity. Its rates On hand or to order. & CLOUGH ORCANO. 'MOT only the prettieSt organ in the U 1States, but the BEST, all things eons' p_#31ABKABLE for their puxity of tone. VitYr.1 ough Work and IWO., and g,reat beau THE CA.NADifai 01144-411, CO. La Stock - $2-52 SOLE AGENfIlk