HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-30, Page 22
Worse damage than this' h how-
ever, already been effected by t: e first
owset of the Vphoon, for half th native
craft had foundered ae their in orings,
while the remainder were drifting before
the pie, dra,gging their anchors I and in
•inimment danr of being dashed -against
the rocky aides of the haven, 'rhe
European Ve8303 were ia beitelt ease,
but several of them had loat looms and,
boats-, and were tugging at their cables
in a way that prompted no good unless
the wind should abate, Of th ti, how -
1 ever there seemed no prospect thee at
lmei:instant it appeared to bloW arder ;
and as the great , green rollers, created
with foam, came turnbling into he bay,
1 began to realize` that our pout on was
one of extreme peril. It must not be
supposed that we were idle sive ators of
this awful scene. 'On the centre y, some
five or six of 118, Jerry being pro iinents
contritn:d. to clear awey and let ge the
best bower-anclior, while (area lie red-
, eyed skipper came on deck, aim t either
I , ed by the danger, Htillithe ate lo upon
! the cables was a fearful one, and , t every
' fresh jerk, as the huge witves li ted the
' hark, I dreaded Icet they eho Id give
way altogether.'
' "Help ! he!p! For Ood's sit e, help,
or we perish,' i __.
Such was the startling outcry, uttered
for the most part by female voice , which
atruck upon my ear, as a driftin , vessel
passed uts It was the fine Alneriean
ship Henry (Slav t but how el anged !
' Her entire top -hamper, mast a ul sail,
stay and shroud, bad been teswept away ;
her bulwarks, figure-headi, binnacle and ,
taffrail razed. by the f ttrios seas , 4nd only-,
her lower masts and bowsprit remained.
standing. On the deck, hn Idled togeth-
er Iike frightened sheep, were ti e pass-
engers, with Borne two or three ft ilors at
most mingled with them.
" What has happeued on board ?" I
called out through the speeking trumpet
which I had suatehed from the Shaking
hand of the drunken skipper. 'e 'Where
is your eaptain Y"-- ,
' Drowned!" answered a Man, who
looked like a steward, speakieg through
his outspread hands. " Drowned, in
trying to prevent the crew from. taking.
to the boats, which' were, swa•mped as
80011 as they got clear of the ships's side. ,
Help us, Sir, or we shall go opon the
rocks !" ,
But to give efficient help was at that
moment impossible, and the Henry Clay
went peat us, on her road, as i.'t seemed,.
to swift and certain deetructioe,
Meanwhile many of the junks floated
rapidly by, their lateen sails .ofiplaited
straw or striped cotton torn add flap-
ping, while the wretches on board wal-
lowed, on the deck in abject fears calling
on Itio to have mercy, and, to dtave away
the devouring dragon of the, tempest,
'Some of these unlucky crafts war' dash-
ed againet one another until they settled
down in the water ; others were hurled
against the rocky idiom and bat red to
pieces, Some escaped' the fatal rock as
by a miracle, and drifted on, rota nig be-
fore the, force of the typhoon, which
gradually veered toward the eon , By
,,this time we had. managed to get t p from
the hold a spare anchor, and to bend on
it asaother cable, so that we had hopes of
rid* out the storm. The Aineriean
ship, which had brushed, so eloSely by
the cliffs that . a biscuit might have
been tossed an shore, came drifting
past once more, and again the plead -
mg cry was heard for " Help 1 oh,
help !" . 1
"I cannot bear this," 1 exclaimed,
turning to those on board of our °Iva yes-
'sel. " I cannot see Christian m n and
women drown thus miserably1 ft r want
of bearing a Wind., Who volunteers to
man the jolly boat and board the Ameri-
can shi ) V' jerry and two Engli 'h fore-
castle ticks were the first to an wer to
the appeal ; then came a fei -haired
Swede, and a red-whiekered Dan , and a
mulatto lad whom I had saved from ,
punisbnietit for 801110 trifline. breach of I
duty during the iroyage, an71 who was
gratet al.
Six oars, all told, There was
to be expected from the Lae°
numbed by terrot and the, dr
spray ; or from the Chinamen, 0
Jim 1
wherever the eye t th.ere as
foundering vessels and wird white •
We were being hurried toward a re ky
headland, the most n rtherly point 'cif
the natural harbor of lima, rind bey nd
which lay the etortn-h atdri ocean, W
its low lying canopy of livid:Cloud, se in-
irig almost to Mingle' with the Flrav ag
scud, Were we once otitside- t
'stony barrier, a chance ot safety, thit gh
but a poor one, remained to us ; wheret,
all, if driven upon OA, reef, our do mi
was ortain. I made up my mind
Mee to face the open Ka. 4. If !tut al ,
at teheet and brace," II cried ; tet
other jib, forward ther ; and ru be.
helm, keep her away ; 'et a point aw
do you hear?"
. Ay; ay, Sir !" ans ered the ste ro-
man, with the mediae ical obedience of
trained hands ; but ol Jere exclaim d,
eheerily, as he helped. to s ,t the ew
canvae, " Mr. Hada Ld's ri No It-
ing like.sea-room, my I s ! Haul a ity
with a will, every on of ,yo 1, and et
steerageway upon her." By he me 'ey
of Heaven, we rou ded 1119 he d -
land, narrowly eseapi ,the fatal II-.
tact with the jagged r eks, and wet.' in
clear water,
°net outside the he bor I haq ie
to glance mound me ; bu't on look ng
.baele to the wreckastr w.n bay, I ce ld
eee, no sigus of the bar which ha eo
lately le& In vain I wept the hod' on
with my pockettglass,
eral vessels bravely ridl
and a diminielted. num
craft passively drifting
Y ;
1 coula see w -
ng out the g
er 6f the nat
under the fe ce
of -the rollers aoci the lied ; hut of ' he
bark, nothing., The . alley itiaid as
gone !
There was' twenty t me however, to
' wonder or mourn over he 'fate of th se
who had been on bo 4 of .11er. ' he
charge of the ship, ef 1 loll I found 1 y-
r, through
oelf acting comman so
-strange and sudden a catastrophe, as
no light burden, 'rho Henry Play r el --
ed and careened -to a terful extent, as
she flew along with th speed pf a re e -
horse, cleaving her y thilough he
heavy seas that consta tly deluged 1 er
(lecke. It cost us som . trouble to ri-
duce the terrified ladie and. such of he
e infirmity is -
go helot . Of
et could iu 1 a
of the with. i g
• anti I eve then
ers to wo k so
Ameri an ol -
sueli ras won d
a of the strong-
, ,
the xt three '
ter m or still
lased et ils of
divid c th in n
wo tell s as
re w ne rett,
ho couhl share
V of the ardm,
ni,tys: ton sfiee kit,.
yligh throe h
har to se 'e
hose mmitt d
to sli it labe .
n the skirts i if
nd str ng gal s
not he on y
ooved lie tO o
unk acl con
ith t Arne
e ha scared
am s :nits'
.tente report
in th ell, a
owl s powe
sprt g. 1
to k ep ba 'Er
clank of t e
sant, nd eV 11
e hail 8 tO t e
led. t ay fo a
tha o ce t
ter N 111( N'l 11
on b , rd. w e
as evlle.n ti t
. an aceideut sueli as t snapli ing of a
link or the choking of a pureP wou d
send the Henry Clay to the bottom, f
the sea, And an this me we stagg
ed on under such sail a our i inertvls d
masts would bear, over howling wil
11e.S8 of WaVeS. ,
Fine 'veather came a last ; the wit d
and the sea abated, an fter sdn c tit)
ble, I contrived to get a spar t pS I
lowered and secured' roes t ' lea
,,keeping out in great m sure t i infl. x
of the greciabltie water, o that mod
ate attlonflt of lebor at tl
to free DK froei itnme ate 4 uffic 1
ger f
sinking. 1 was able, o, for t) e fir t
tune, to take a solar c servat o 8, 41 I
after a brief calculation s to ti r whe
abouts, I decided to bet up fo. Itius
the 1T1OSt 80 ll therlyidan of the -pane e
group, which could not as I j d fed, 1 e
above 200 miles distal) Om t eubl s
Svoro not quite over ; fo a riekety JUT*
mast went by the boat% carrying aw
with it two poor fellow ,ho 'Ivor° alo t
to reduce Sail, and who tearoeveehed
leeward and drowned w thout the pos
bility of reSette. Hows er, the pra,ye s
of those on bowel the I nry Clay we e
answered, and after an ther eight a I
forty hours of anxiety a sighte, 1 Kiwi
where Japanese pilots c rae off to gait
11 8 to our anchorage, 1
Tfow vividly it comes I aek t mpeca'nea", i
the scene of our arrival n the stuad , I
bay, the slioree :of wit ie 1 Avere
with neat Japenette, II t 808, 0 vprlook4
by the peaks of blue in I ttul nituntain ,
eeveral voorels of variou flags ying f-
anehor, and a flotilla of boats d ntainni
Sight -seers, native and: foreight, 'nenoz
whom. were Japanese lad ee with. flutte
ing fanti and sill: en mites ioveri i :trout I
the lienry Clay, whos batter d eta
showed botv narrow hat Jaen 11 r owe
from dettruction,
1 retnember, too, tit t some office 'a
from a British steam or rvette, at moo -
digs in the harbor, had come on board., f
ue, and were shaking nie by the liainl,
ant congratulating me, pointed al t
tn them as T had been by tl e
passengers of the". great ship, t 0 ladf s
among whom, in their si nple g atitull e
insisted on speak -int, of i te as t Oir, pr - '
eerver. And then, on a surlier). n v
eyeis appeared. to grow dim, and 11
things swain before there, 'anti the 80111 d
of friendly voices reacint ine only as, a
deep, indistinct hum; liki that of bee ,
Ind I dro ) rd down swooning tl e
deck. 1?atigue anil at ,•icty had het it
too much for me, and b.,,fore nightfall:
was tossing to and fro i,i the deliViuin ; t
a fever. . . _,
When T recovered me eenees; I foutd
nivtielf weak and ill, i ideed, but in a
fair way toward recovery, in a cot whip li
bad been charitably astigned to Me 11
board II, ",‘I. 8, Nautil is, Kiivt nun .
ing, a skillful snrgeon -la 1. a olnist co -
stitution, soon enabled fie to be On de k
again ; and when the.co, 'Ott was prdeie
ed round. to Nagasaki barbo ' I Was set
on shore, thinner and paltt ban when
male paseengers as age
1 qualified fee exeetion;
every available hand t
rope or tug at the Spok
wheel we hacl sore nee
we were weak in num
large a vessel as the
per, and in weather
havetested the endure
est crew.
The remembrance o
deers and nights haunts
at intervals, like the
a ghastly dream, I h
under my orders into
usual,/ but for myself th
since lf had no officer
with Me the responsibi
ous task which had be
forced, upon, me, A
through darkness and c
wind and rain, I work
the ship and the lives of
to my charge, It was
The foul weather—for
the typhoon rough seas
were eneountered--wat
enemy with which it b
battle. Some sunken
violently into collision
can three -master, and
lost sight of the niou
Formosa before the ea
an undue depth of-wate
tlia,t a dangerous leak, b
of plugging, lia,c1 be
'fought long and. patient
this insidious foe ;
chain-piimps was inc
ladies lent their dello
toil, as worn-out men r
short repose but mo
seemed as though the e
the vietory, while all
spent and weary, and it
re, be -
m part by superstitious alarms, and in
-part, too, by the druge to whieh they
had resortcel as a physical Means of lull-
ing fear. The rest of the (wow 'were not
bold or ready-wittiel enough to ba,ck us ;
but, although f;apt, Harris offered a
! ginwling oppoaition to my putting " his
best hands" into unneeeseary langer,
last kindled in the old, toperte breast,
some spark of manly generosity was at
and 110 'War Ed hie gold -laced cap -as I
, graeped. the tiller-ropee and hede the men
lpush off, calling out, lioar.iely a " ‘Vell
done, my lad, l f I'd been t,,venty years
,younger, 1".- i
I heard no mere ; but I have never
forgotten that plate re dteriagl all the
years that have st 1 ee clapeed ; the vett-
Eel straining at her cablea the boa riaing
on the emit of a giant wave, the Id man
hie gray hairs 'tared, leaning caler the
shetteted bulwatia, end. waving hits cap
toward 113 in eign of ,adien, But 'at the
time I thought little of it, having need
of all my eteereinan's art to keep the
frail boat from tieing swamped lin the
terrible Rea throueh which we lad to
pass, Wo had a illpsperate strugg e, too,
'with the rollers, before _we could reach
the Anierie to, for the mulatto b y and
Jerry teere both too weak, to he, efficient
rewere, and we ieete tosead and t Imbled
to and fro, ;i:, if the boat bad teen a
shuttleceek Inueliel about beti,ve in two
monetrous batthal ion-, until I en tourag-
ed the man to la aupretne effor t, and
reached. the ship. Scarcely hat I Set
foot upon the deelt of the Hein. , (lay
before an unexpeded plrenomenot varied
the elemental war. The howlin , wind
ceased, and a. (lead ealm succeeded, dur-
ing Which the wash of the sea, 1( ep and
hollow, and the fa' -oil' crie:4 of c ishing
sufferer...1, were alone audible. Th ire was
something eeretetine in the udden
transition fruit' e ehrieking hurri ane to
absolute Ftillues3. i
" It's only OM bearb of the typhoon ;
' it won't last, sir)," observtd Jerry grn illy,
• and I bet not it inionient in doing what
little. I could for 1 he seen ri ty of I the' tes-
sel. A jory-ma war!, rigAtd," a storm-
; sail and jib wei•e 'net, 4trid. two Of the
:sturdiest men 'po,ted. at the wheel..
Hardly hail thist liven done, whe 1, with
a hideout ehriek, the tempest bu lit up-
on us again, this 'time blowing 'root a
'quarter opposite to that from whidlt it,
had last made its foren (At, and bore 118
erS, who lerd till then, believed them-
resistlessly before it, 'I he ladyupasseng-
salves to be savid,i and had beet giving
thanks to Providence for theit 'Orient,
now 'recommenced their wails and lain-
entations, and, indeed, the situat n uas
one of no pleasant character. The storm
had begun again with fury unsated, and
had ieft Fingl nd, but well in 'fit fo
worle. I fou d,, however, with dis ay
;on .presentin myself at- the eo rite
ing house o Messrs. Parker Mills
that. my po s' Was now ocen led' bY I
another, ' .,, I -
" Very 'aor y, indeed, Mr, It Amid, '
said the senio partner, tierewin up 'Int3
parchment -lac into a grimace A what
wee meant ft r synipathy ; " h t, ' tton,
see, en of buSinesiectemeot effort to li-
&nig, hi sentiment. The 'it ssel in
wilich you Were. known to h ve eft
Ceylbn having been , reported" as I t
in the typhoon, with 'all hunts, whY of
e(17nra'er:li-ort, 'tinder the very na, ural 07
lief -that .1; the accepted candid tee I ad
itt Cam Parker & Mills' had !Wei tiMp t
petished in the Wreck of the Sea
vacan'cy, 'After' la% though I vas- o
dead, I Was Wofully behind th - sti n
lited time for eny arritra in t e
, er-
ebants' office, and had -no right
.plein. ; ,, .
' Of..all'the manY foreign adven uree 'la
het -.)-apenese. seaport, . few, I usp et,
arried witlf him a wider or a heal ier
lihoetitirste tolfiatithInseciSitnans Isvelereft ttohebeavuontii .egn-
tiny e nployerie and Stiolled. light ly
down o the beaeb, What watt I to c o ?
The li tle cash I had would suffice to
maint tin Ille ill idleness for a short ti e
only ; and then—not that' I repined at
the neieessity-i-1. must work for livi g,
A few weeks cia shore, for the onipl te
restore tion of My health, I miAl t :anew
mysel , and then, no doubt, sho ' Id
have t get aflOat again a.4 an o heer ,itn
board ome lieSsel in the eoastin tr e,
But, i t resignOgthe bright hop s wh eh
had allured Me to Nag saki, 1 felt as
though, I were;relinquishi g all rotip et
of an early unien and a h ppy ho e w th
Ddra, and that was hard d bear In no
way of evhich I could th'fik coeld Il be
likely to realite a, spec( y 'corn eetente.
Bread my forrrier prefessi n coula aff rd
me, but not, fOr many a weary year at
any rate, the means'. to marry- A id
Dora was too, delicate to be fitted for a
life ofactual poverty. t` Almost better,"
I muttered tO myself, asa with down-
• _
cast eyes and ' head bowed, I paced to
an fro the battery, witere a Japanese
se try, in a trim blue unifam, u as
mo tilting guatd over the bright brass
ea Mel that peered tinteugh he ern-
bi- sures.
" Almost better if I had gone do n
with papt. Harris and his crew in Ilii O,
Bay, as I was rumored to, have do e,-
Disappoi itinent 'such as this can sti ,g
more bi terly than mere. physi al p in
aught' now, the news of lily de th m y
has the ower to do, By this, ime, r
haVe . be la telegraphed to Europe, a ul
reached ota. : What a stab to her fo d
little he rt the tidings will be, and, 1 -
though hey aee false, yet T am ruin d
:man ; al d. not -for long years, if ever, c n
I hope te
' " %Vh , Harland, Harland ! aye t
yeu hea elit ? , No ; I see by y ur f e
poor old boy, that you have not. Ne r
mind ! Let ape be the first to ish y u
joy !" called ont a frank, chee , E9 0,
iii49 voice, as a young naVal offic ,r, wi li
whom I had formed a sort of. fr endsl 'p
while 'or board the corvette, ame p
panting y
the halt u
r burst into r. Davenport's quite dwel-
, ling at CI vestcad, with, somewhat of
the startli g effeet of a melodraniatie
ghost; and poet little Dora fainted ,out -
right at the sight of Ille. My darling --
she was loo lug thin arul pale, but hap-
piness SOOD brou ht back the rose to her.
cheekte.and the rightnees to her eyes ---
forgave rn the thoughtlessness whielt
hell caused her seine weeks of carking
care ; anci wo months later wei avere
married wit the epeeent of all concern-
ed. The money, which Watt iir4ne
eourse made over to me by the ownere of
the HaeRry Clay, enabled me to set up
btfiea ae a vhriving ehip-owne:r ;
and since that time I have commande,d ,a
fine vessel Of my own, arid ',have made
prosperous Voyeges, but none which has
fitte th of my defi-
t perste ritruggle. ler iife on board the
A metican ship, Henry (lay ,---Ultanzbers'
o e ni- .
iteeklesieness from Liquor.
high ant
ter, hav
lad laughing, and took me
, " Pve been looking for iy
lowr . said the ...good natur al
an ; !` and so, for th t m t -
=Gibson and Mildma , 1 's
not alw ys that fortune stand so w 11
by a fel ow 'who so thoroughlY des r-
yes it."
I ster d. in dtunb surprise at title ;pea
er, whos vvords seemed, under tl e act al
eiretimstimees ' of my pesition, to e
fraught with tba most cruel iron 1
" We set up a rattling cheer N hen 'we
heard it," conC'n,ued young Dyer lt, fan-
ning hie heater forehead with le's straW
hat ; `tend old Sir Henry' look el mast
headings and blotto arrests at s, tin il
some one whisltered 'that you h id been
a shipmate of outs, and then he A 1-
miral was mo4iliecl. The odde t thing
is that you were not present ; thoug a
perhaps"— 1 :
" But why, in the name of c 'lemon -
sense, shordcleli ' have been the e ? Or
how,- do youl eupposo, could 'ill t4is
have had. anel interest for rn ?" i 1 -
'benefited I, stating at my blith you g
friend. :
'' %Vell," 'rejoined Egerton; loo ing, n
hie turn, surprised, " you do ta e yo ir
any fellow's ay, and I'm air, id thltt
good luck cooll , Harry. It isn t often,
old man, that ueh a windfall c mos In
I should not pt ove so philosophi 'ally iii -
different in yot r place, to the goo 1 thinp
in etore for ine. As it is"--- I
I looked at the lad with a sort of dub,
nizzled, wondet, He and his shipmates
were, I felt aSSD1 Cal, by far too g.mero s
heeisted to ma,k(6 a jest of my tin fortu e
in losing my hppointment, A id yet,
what a satire bn my baffled lief es was
his pretence cif treating me as one Of
ot tittle's especisl ftvorites ! Th el it Oe-
titred to rne t utt the whole c nyers t-
ioln must be baissil Oil lanne error or fal 'e
ssumption, pe
'ty of name.
a ed ont, with
haps, oWing to a
" 8onie mistake !
, sickly mile:
` Not a bit Of it 1" said the
n, decidedly} "The Ametie
dere on the ttetion.quite cone
award, and t agents of the
the Henry .lity admitted it
- N‘Thy, :Harland, a ly one
uld say that you. We.fe aterly newai e
etur own clime for ealvage-m !ley on
t ship you taved, and the c ergo of
hill was of 'eta-nein:MS value. Seven
beneand pomule, ottiernalte up a tidy
111, but not a dollar to Much,' consie-
'rieg how near -freiglit and. ship lvere to
Davyti locker, Ind for" --1
I think he taid mare); hilt; voiee
minded in my ears bet i ly,
ny vets grew (Om as I re nod on My feet,
and shouid have fallen h for E fertothi
supporting arM. Wh n re.tovere!I
front this mome:ntary wee kness, radii ;I
my wits and was ;able to earn th truti .
It was a fact thitt, infbeinging the Amine-
= vessel safei into4ort, hat, never
ttiltemplaited tVie idea of any pe uniaay,
advantage to iliyeadf, y first
gills out, atilt to their eCntlitin -holt e
iny first visit bad been paid. t wa
anding had been tia seek Messrs. Parke r
are of
f -
mad in
;Aloe t
raced, neW8 Inc that the C turt f
the large stint eltietepl, as my j1.18
Admiralty, or 'father the local trils:mhiatiaol
lf the naval station, had allotted to Me
4T the s alv age di the !fairy Cla tin, al -
el' rewards being asaigned to Jetry an 1
he other sailors. Nor R as this it
the gratitude of the passenger% f r their
ireeervation rrom peril, brel led hem to
pubscrihe a stun of 11 0 1088 than 1,;50`,1
is a testimonial to myself for the servicie
endered ; and Ithis, though wit some
peruples, I was perstutded to aece
That I retureed home at on e may
well be conjectured but having, in the
mettle qf the mome4, omitted to Write
r telegraph the tid rigs of my s fety, I
. A gentletmur tells the foaming story
V) illustrate thefact that drinkieg lutuor,,
ia however small quantities, makes- menj
A:proposition was made to embark in
a business enterprise, and I agreed to
meet the gentlemen interested on the next
San rclay evening, Ace° nil ng to appoint-
ment I went, and feund the patty assem-
bled in 'a private parlor, There were
four present beside myself. The business
was opened by the gentleman who had
waited upon ine, and the plan ofproposed
operations set forth. It WAS' novel
thing, and no one seeined inclined to go
ahead. All were anxious to make money,
but they didn't want to run any great
'risks. In shortA they handled the sub-
ject warily—verternueli as a boy handles
a freshly -caught snapping -turtle. -
By-and-by I saw two of the gentlemen
whispering together, and pretty soon one
of them went_ out. When he returned he
have sold Flom
Oil, and it la
the 'heat med
dOne woothyre
throats, &e.,
writes, "1 • w
trle 011
three or tour
"limit air curl
V-er weeks I
ankle,whigh an
of this_ Pica'49
hundred,' of ;bottles of Zelda*,
rononneed by the pubilo (me ,0
es they have ever used;'
a healing and rellitevingzain, set.
h B 'fawns ip of Per
is worthy 'of th fro et chub-
leg 4..T1TY/ Odereigtied, in retiring firbm the Lie
141° anS VI"' 'all'iltk'd Illtsif)i meroue patrons kr their libers1 pateeorfo4 audio
olio; 1104 I 11°Wir °UP" anY'41 stnte that Ise lots slieposed of ft to Memo; Mat
Jarneheaa.. It la a, great 1.01
se„i THEW 3101tRifiON :told DAVID 316;14.110m • .
nolnlitons Workwc'rnie wri";"'' and so the new proprietors arc lolly eeniotent a -
Verona -deli to try Thotnate ..usinsiaijois fieli,fortb, box to thank
-ve been troubled with a ewelled
loyed me Very »meth, 31r.3laybee,
lamed :Mato try' Te.eleddO Olt, anti
b f • one bottle was need WAH cured. It is a
Sold by ell inediedno
`HROP & LY3IAN, Torento, Ont.,
most remark:3.bl
dealereePrie.e 2
14 N. And NO111.
Sole /igen te for the Dominion, No'res—Eleetric
--Selected anti dleetrired, Sold in Seaferth he'
E. Rielison Lumeclen,
/ illiE GREAT FEMALE IlliNEDY,—,Tob MoSee
A- Periodical Silles`--Tblei levainable medicine is
Unfailing in t
.cti;sotgeirgotienii)littaseltto which the female conetitu• .
direnraataesveell execese and re-
moves all obetrnetionine°,
railed on, To marrleal ladietaitie pecitlilairrleynieullifebdo.
It will In a short time, bring on the inonthly per-
iod with regularity, These Pills elion14 not be
taken by Fel let during the ilest three months
of Pregrulette lies arc sure te firing 011 Miscar-
cure Of ell thoee painful and
riBKO, hitt a othet time tigo' are foie. In
• esieee of Nervous and. Spinal Affections,
pains in Vie baek end !liable facigno sin Wight ex-
ertion, pe plied= of the heart, hysteries, and
*hie, ;, th will effect. a cure when all other
=Ms have felled; and althoogh a powerful
'remedy, dei net Contain iron, ealoreel,antimony, or
'anything burtfUl to the conetitution. Full
directione !in tem panaphlet around eaeh pack -
ego, which shotild be earefnlly pi exerved. Job
Moises, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 and
124 cents forpostege,onekeed toNorthop &Lyman,
Toronto, Ont., general agents for 'the Dominion,
• tumult A bottle, contaieing over te pills by
return mei]. Sold in Seafortb by E. IIickson &
Co., and B. Lumoden, 197
W IL SQTJTER, lberrieter Attorney fn Chane-
y • ery, &e., Ooderich, Ont. Office—over J. 0,
Detlor & Co.'s Emporium, 31arket Square. 26£
riAMERON & 3IoFADDEN, Barristers and
Solicitore in. Chancery, Goderieh, 848
31.' 0. muff:mom. IN, 11, mcF,tnnzm.
was followed by a servant who brought sainveyancer aid Commis-
' T eioner in IL R., Wroseter. And °neer and
Appraiser. Mounts and notes collected on
reasonable terme. 1166
bottles and glasses, which weie placed
upon a side -table. The gentleman hoped
I had no objection. told him not the,
least, They must excuse me, that was
Three of the party indulged, One kept
me company in abstaining. After the first
social glass the bibulems trio lighted ei
and talked of various matters. By-anc -by
• they took a second drink.; and very soon,
after this they were ready for business.
One more drink—just a drop—and the
subject of the speculating scheme was
again brought forward.
Presto ! Those three men, only a little
while ago, so timid and careful, had be-
come very heroes of business daring.
Risk ? Pshaw Who caret' for risk ?
Was ever a great game won without risk ?
They were ready to venture any amount,
and anxious to go ahead.
I came away leaving them naaking the
golden figures bigger tind bigger ; and
from that time I have heard no more of
the proposed venture, Honestly and
candidly, 'believe that those two or three
glasees of liqtaor upset what might have
proved a profitable piece of business,
But, whether that be so or not, eerteha
it is that it required only those three
social drinks to completely demoralize ,
the business forces of three good busie
11eSS men.
pe L. DOVE, 13arrister, Attorney, Solicitor in
Chancery, gte., Goderie,h and Seaforth. Of-
ice over JorclailhDrug Store, Goderich, and
Kidd's Store; Bogor , 854
aAERONV & WALKER, Barristers, Attorneys,
Solicitore Chit/leery, &c. Office on West St.,
oppoidte the Poet Office, Goderich. 846
SQUIER & MeDONALD, Banisters, Attorneys,
Solieitors in Chancery, &c., L'russels, Ont.
Oftlee—two doore neon; of the Post Office.
271 Goclerich.
1LifeCAUGHEY & It0L3IESTED,L'arri33rsutgegresi,s.A.t.
torneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and
Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers,
Solicitore for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agen Is for
the Canada Life Assuranee Company,
N.B.—V/0,000 to lend at 8 per cent. • Farms,
Houses and La8 for sale.
lletENSON &
at ilaiV 1.30.11
1 Conveyancers, N
i forth and Wrexe
Invest at once, at
yearly. ..
colors of the sky, at different times, are
a wonderful guidance. Not only does a
clear sunset Presage fair weather, but
there are other tints which speak with
clearness and. accuracy. A bright yellow
in the evening indicates wind ; a pale
yellow wet ; neutral gray color constia
tutes a favorable sign in the evening—am
unfaverable one in the morning. Clouds
are full of meaning in themselves. If they
ark soft, undefined and feathery, the
weather will' be fine ; if the edges are
.hard, sharp, and definite, it will be fonl.
Generally speaking, any deep, unusnal
hues betoken wind and rain ; while more
quiet and delicate tints bespeak fair
-weather. Simple as these maxims are
the British Board of Tracle has thought'
Ot to publish. them for the use of sea-
faring men;
YEE, Barrieters and A torneys
tors in Chancery and hie ivency,
taxies; Public, etc. Ohl s—Sea-
r, $28,0oo of Private uncle to
Eight percent. Interest, payable
w. c, nEYEit.
TIE DI CA f. . 4
DR. CA3IPB1,L, Seafortb, Ceroner or the
South, near the Station,
County. 0 iee and reeidenee. Mail Street
G. SCOTT, AL &e.,Phveicien, Sargeon and
• a.ccoueheue, &earth, Ont. Unice and resi-
dence Routh side of Goderieh Street, filet door
eaut of Preebyterien Chureh. , 342
IT L. VERCOE, 31, D., 0, 3L, Physician Sur -
•L -L• goon, etc., •Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office and Residence, corner of 31arket and High
streets, next to the Planing Mill,
301IN A. BURGESS, M. D., C. Me Graduate of
u McGill University, Montreal, Membcr of the
College of Phye ans and Surgeons, Ont., Physi-
den, Surgeon a d Aceoucheur, Seaforth, Office—
First Door Wes of Mr, Lumsdenn; Drug Store.
Residence, fourth house west of the Presbyterian
Church. Night deaf; attended to at residence.
B. PITFLAI, D, C. 31., (late of the iirm
t' • of Shaver '- Phelau., Stratford) Gradtaate of
31eGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Ae-
coucheur, Seaforth, Ontario. 011ice—Roores in
Meyer's Block, finnterly occupied by the late Dr.
Iteeidenet—Commercial Hotel. Will at-
tend at Canonbr ok on 'I'lleadaye and Fridays. 898
T DOM Si,EY, M. D., L. It, 0, r. 8,1i.,
-LI • Member or Colleise of Physicians and Sur.
geons of Ontario, Late Holum Snrgeon of Kiogs-
- SPECIAL NOTICES. ton Generel and Lying-in Hospital, Physician,
Surgeon and aeoemeitenr. Olfice—AlbeA Street,
TWie,NT1' years' experience in usine
them to be the most effectual remedy for toc° d
nesasnoneaoluentit1141.sinectuelly attenCled to both in
-coughs, and. irritation of the throat,
caused by cold, or unusual -exertion of the
vocal organs ; public speakers and sing-
ers will find them Most beneficial. The executed. All surgical operations
entire freedom from all deleterious in- intBerfcoLeubeee:bettleaddreeriiiinewehreeitheytiotuindeee. hFocueis. lief low
gredients render " Bryan's Pulmonie Wa- 8 A. 31. to 5 P. , M. Rooms °yea ths ft. G. Mes
8 rom
fers," or Cough and Voice Lozenges, a Dougall's Store, Mainost,
opposite Fair's Steam Mills. Residence—Huron
"Beyan's Pulmonic Wefers" have proved ref et, Ivposite Commercial Jlo tel, Clinton, Ont.
G. BULL, L. D. S., 17,3urgeon,
j'j..".7"4?" u Dentiatoke.,Seaforth,Ontario.
Plate work, latest styles, neatly
nut the Modem -es es \it eheuld• be. rou, and. Ile s
'manner to gis'a entire eetiefactiosn, 'be- would, in
additiOn te reeOmmending his ittleceeaors to
Dubin", bespeak for tbein tho some generous pst.
tonage which hes beets extended io hlre. for the
pot four years, . ,
, _ THOMAS 131ZUst
lreenbid °C160gi"emTeerrelniagi 1'11;1;1'1;410 iliebrniLlthint:egullYkrdeeillistt°14 h.
TN assuming proprietorehip of Bell's 0Onnuers .
-i- 'Livery in Seam -tilt the euloieribera would e te
tttnhdatrettneyblienbteorirfolerttonotinggonor clioimfigtortbantbilie,nifitrinsh
All °Mere left et tbe stabile; or at any of the
Fle;ptcelsgiterimer. Cri,t115.Vniltlisijound'seditgorieuirstreaelarmailetambecalege
Esom1;poliuns, Main Street. -. •
- •
, ......._
ATCI1MAKER and Jeweler, Mitehell, w
thanking hie numerOus friends end. custom-
" ers in the County of Ifuron and surronnding dis-
t triet for peg, Wore; svoula reepectfully Intimate
.1 that he him removed to that beautifal etand westend
of Hicks' grad, where he hes opened a beautiful
selection of holies' and gents' jewelry of the latest
novelties, Alma, clocke the largeet and ,most mi. '
ed in Western Ontario, My watches are acknown
edged ti be the cheapest end beet iis tbe market,
every one being tho einghly regulated and tested
bAefsorpe eheeihingi °Aft:$:1111 efo:4:1:.tio e is igin iirateit.
Having been euccessful in obtairiing tbesetviees.
of Mr. FRASER, who has had long pruetice in the
Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, cus-
tomers will And that in no part of the Dominion
can they have their clockAsLavErexte.hoeA3s zali,nildojziew., essy
better done np,
Practicel Wat,elimaker.
Mitchell, Aug. '21, i874. , , 850-52
REGS to an.nounct to his many patrons that
A" owing to the large ineretteeln his business
be has been obliged to asaociate with him Xr.
NOBLE CLUFF, who is it practical workman, and
thoroughly understands tbe -whole business, Tbe
now firm will be known es 'WILLIAMS & MUFF,
and will be enabled hereafter to give increased at-
tention to bushiess. The SeaforthPanip Factory
is novt well and favorably known for the superior-
ity of its pumps. There is on hand a good sa 1
of F011011, COMMON and CISTERN PU
also Soft Water Cisterns, Cheese Facterai- and
other Tanks, made to order. 1101,06 Hay Rakes
of au Improved pattern on hand, in thee for use -
that season. All wOrk warranted to give satisfac-
tion. Repairing promptly attended to. Pricer;
as low as thoee of any other in the business.
Rementber the Sea.forth Pinep and Cistern Face
tory. .171189-1-23
(Litt, of- Haralltcrn,)
Would intimate to theirnumerousfriende and the
general public that they are prepared to 1111 all
orders for
Montunents, Headstones, Table Tops
Mantles, &e,
Granite 3.1-0nUlneintS Imported to Onkr,
Work of the best style and art, and cannot be
surpassed in this part of Ontario.
,A. callrespectfully eolicited.
Calder's old Stend, opposite McCallum's Hotel,
Main Street, Seaforth.
IVISHES to infollla her cistomers and others
Y- that ;the has .emoved her tin shop to the
preanisee lately oecupied Mesers, Logan &
Jamieson.' She has now on baud au immense
stock of
Of all kinds, which Will be dieposed of at her MB-
Lomat,- loW prices.
Parties in want o 3111k Cells can be supplied to
any extent at
THE Se 1 th I, nary is now in full working
-1- order, and all or lere for Washing, Ironing 'and
Starcbing will be p •omptly attended te, Parties
. wiehing to, have
WaJthillg DOH 'Without Starching or
safe remedy tor the most delicate person, _
and has caused them to be held in high
-esteem by all who have used. them.
To be obtained of all Druggists and coun-
try dealers. Fria', 25 cents per box,
VERY NATURAL—When a person ilas
proved an article and found it good,. and
anewering the purpose for which it is in-
tend.ednie will not readily abandon it for
one of doubtful reputation, or concerning
which he knows nothing, We are led to
make these remarks owingto the course
always pursued_ by those who have used
that 'celebrated and valuable horse -medi-
cine known as "Darley'e Condition Pow-
ders and A rabian Hea,ve Remedy." All
are so well -pleased with it that they will
not use any other ; many have waited
several weeks until the agent could op.
tain a new supply. There im nothing
equal to it ae a condition medicine or for
any cempaint affecting tbewindof horses.
the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each
package.. Northrop& Lyman, Toronto,
Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all
medicine dealers.
Item* ier the - name, and see that
Comoound Elixir of Phoephatee and Calisaya
is an excitant of nutrition, improving the appe-
tite, perfecting the digestion and assinailation of
food, and tlie formatio.i of healthy blood. Ner-
vous prostration and general debility, arising
from excessex, bad habits and all that train of
evils known ILH a fast lite, yield immediatedy to
the action of t111 remarkable preparation, all the
organs and Unties of the. body becoming strength-
.ened and vitalized. The superiority of this rem-
edy over all abet% is owing to its restoring func-
tions of the stomach, liver and pancreas, the
great tripod that prepares the material for build-
ing p hone, inueele and nerve,
• Y . FOR THE -PEOPLE,—There are 'but few
ep ini 0 111B c ncs ivbich have withstood
the impartial jialgrnent -Of the people for any
great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. Bead the following and ht. ton
vinced: Thos. Robertson, Farnham Centre, P,
Q., wri tes, " bate been a ffl feted wi t rheumatism
for the last ten years, and have tried many reme-
dies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas'
Ealeetrie Oil, and hino0 .thon have had no attaek
of it. Twould reconamend it to IL Earl,
Hotel Keeper, West Shafford, P. Q,, writes, "I
have been troubled with liver coraplaint for sev-
eral years, and have tried different medicines
with little or no benefit, until I tried Thonsa,s'Ec-
lectric Oil, whieh gave nip immediate relief, and I
wonid say that I have used it eine° with the best
effect. No one should bo without it, -I have
tried it on my horses in casual cuts, wounds, dm,'
'land think it equially as good for horse as for man."
—A, Maybe°, Merehaut, Warkwortle, writes, "I
. _ .
CHURCHILL, Veterinary Stageon,(mern-
j- ber of the Ontario Veterinary Colleged begs;
to intimate that ne has returned to the practice of
his profeelsion Seaforthsend may at all times be •
consulted on the difieft800 of Hones, Cattlea&e.
Veterinary medigines constaral h d 1
calls promptly attended to. Unice, •at Mansion
House, Seaforth, 278 .
AM. CAMPBELL, V. S., Licentiate and Prize -
, man of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., and
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Colle,ge, Toronto,
hag settled permanently in Varna, where he will be
found ready and Willing to attend to all kinds of
diseases, in ki do of animals (man eXcepted),
in all kinda of we ither, and at all houra.
donee and office two doors east of Coolee Tem-
perance Hall. . 1319
S,i begs to announce to the inhabitanta of
a or an suilounding country that be has
been awarded the diploina of the Outstrio Veterin-
treat diseases
loifliorses and Cattle and all domestic animals, iIe
Shoeing eller, where he -Millie found ready to at-
tend calls. ouf.o8 of the. fecV spade -11y at-
tended to. Resid nee, office and shop in the reur
of Milo= & Rya '14 new store. All kinds of 'Vet-
erinary Me.dicine kept conetantly on hand.
Charges ressonab e. 229
ary College, and is uow prepared t
an opened an ofilee in connection with his horse-
JAE 01'.1g1,14.
Can be accommoda ea at the rate of three cents a
piece. In flint eas the articles will be damped
sttnndtefeold.ded ready 1 r ironing. Satisfaction guar- '
WMPLOYMENT AGENCY.—Mr. rorsyth has
A-4 established au eney for tbe eiriployment of
Domestic Servants n connection with the Laun-
dry. Those -vvishin to secure fiersiants will be
directed to places w ere they Can get, them, Sep
wants wishing to BO itre places -will be inetructed
where to get them. Terms, 25 conta for each sp.
plication, GEORG 4* FORSYTH. 89G
THE Subscriber beg to announce that they t
-A- have constantly on hand,,_at their
Xew Kiln TV St of ranstone's Scuo
rfn'SH 14URNT tatME*
PRICE -14e per bu hel -at the kilos
889e13 TOWN & BURROWS.
A DELIGHTFU told Cooling Temperance
-4-1- Beverage p epared /Torn the Best Masks
• Lemons of oar ow importatiou, containin their
• delightful flavor 1
, Proprietor. 'This hotel is situated on the
Gravel Load, 10 Miles north of Staforth, and pos-
sesses every accommodation and ef,mfort for trav-
elers. The best 4 -anal, of liquors and cigars kept
in the bar, and a areful and attentive hostler in ;
attendance. Goo litabling cr.nneetiOn 'with
the hotel, 850
concentrated forin. r1t will
:mike a better and ore delicious beveregesteue-
fourth of thecoot, d in much leseatirbe than the
leprona de prepared n the general way, Tliemeet
oreciical thing foe families, excureionso
mi.'s, de. Sole Ag nt for Seaforth end vicinity,
Mr. F. MEYER, So Water Manufacturer.
Sole Proprietors ROSENHEIM & JONAS, 2n
amen St. Dialer St eet, Montreal. 89143
11; situated half way between Seitforth A COOD 13 S1NESS OPENING
and Brussels, 11 Ong been thoroughly renovat-
ed and refitted, it now affords as good ac-
commodation - as any conntry tavern in the
County-: Liquore and cigars of the choicest
brands. Good st bling, good driving sheds, good
enclosed yard and 81.10118 for the accommodation
e h, plenty of hay always on hand. A
good and attentive bugler always ready. No trOn-
hie tO water honer, O. DAVIS, Proprietor.
VE v.
Horace and first-cleee Conveyancee always onhend.
------------ •
-A- • Office—At 31tirray"s Hutel, Seaforth. Good
1===7-7.• -TYE 0 UP4.
rill -TB undersigned who, in consecrate° of iii
'L bC111111, bitends esigning hie buBIROES lifittsr-
rimeineeh311:kenerifilue stlt,toeelk Deloa?Ig8eiriitfinZguorlich, Will offer for
He will either Keil o .. rent his house .and lot, ou
wit ich ie a good co emodions stable. This is it
cv pita! place for alli' person desiring to earri,_011
hruncloi snaking. oor particulare apPilir to 141°
undersigned. , .
8e18:E pRialcfli:lioNp08, liV,0IDeE:Ail-,triZTiunin:
ail Zel DA
, ! 00 .
. 11
.1....TTArSesbueeitnabiuceregeuassadtotoprEselseluptooir sdahgton, tboAlleub
eshal001etn: $W15C°08.thillgor6.1n1r1YOBSpelletUW8in, Artb,°/8,r1vplrY411to frwil
388 1 A. ADRirMieetoTrAiGotE6eaforth.
TOHN STRUT ERS, Wool Carder and Cloth
u Dresser, Wool n Factory, Ellyn chi. 889-D2
_T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the
u • County of ann. Sales attended in an
parts of the Con ty. All ordere left at the Ex.
rosixon Office w be promptly attended to.
AMY 70.
t &tee XI
As' zYef ,
1V -leen acme stra as a
he liftit up her h
pod, that bate! .
(tat ,aAemadeli'llhaereineritlaea:heytcaoului°44Sie:14e1; eitill!nZfon bey
Baith tiles ant etOples dean
ThAeutaidiefurtshttilmaed 34 =tilts:,
e 'A fleehin' :Tel I' 1 !fie
Dod, that 13(ateh
"'Ant f'";e5rxistilnugmpell liteics
What= women's; eh
Were stiffly batuPd. a
TheAnsvi°kitekntrenpFT lie ba'
' The glaikit biz= 1' granni
N"A' Dixiot:t'llattlell:atblebnarianwieero'Pisra,g711
11VuhfiacikkstitehaletttnhietIstst4n:recoY °I:dtcdhet'Ll°rged'
Sonic desperate Ilard, heid knocks -
Gied Moses' dat44 a threw,
4 Whit I Genesis a book o' lees ?
,Doel, that bat 'I?
An' fearer on, she earl 0' *—
IDE:131er hardTlYneeddatih:Bajidh-Ce dot;i1,
An' a the straneht lines thrtew'd,
An' Pallidly threepit Man was made
0' beettled gasses sme; '
' Whit man a cheirtic grannie erica --
4 Dadt , that batia4 aT
ot41, a wee bit faurree on
ThTaliteiltiWf.egilif fr011t: n'efo!ed3' at ham,
Were gautt to bit 11 the deid,
Whentgrannie she Aiseeveed this,
Withoot a word ' bia,wt
She loUpit tae her et,I an' cried,
i Lord, that batee a'1',
An' still, again, 'tWos news tete her
Roo spirits while' earn' back,
AllGlifeelraeauldm-kee4mntrnfnetireirins ttreidar errkack ;
An' hoe for dells are sick -like trash
They didna mindi a sravcr ;
i The Lord be wi' u 11 ramie cried—
' Weel, that ba,tee a I
An' this, an' inair, taild grannie read,
The. half o' evhilld was Dutch '
Taleinh,a,nreanurry-fbasurhsitoneder inhenidte,bm,y sangl
At length she fanidnd by her spcchs,
An' crap tae hed'awa'; 1
Au' mum'ult a' nicht Vire' her dreams,
' Dod, that hetes ati' , '
Ate.eedote of Itei on Duke,
i ' .
It was propose to ; him to ,
chase a farm 1 m he neighborheo
StrathAeldsa,ye, Iv la lay contiguous
to hitseestate, and Was, ;therefore, a valu-
able acquisition, to, -whileit he assented..
When the pierehasd wasi eompleted, hie
steward congratulated. him. upon having
had euch a bargain, as the seller Wa8 in
difficulties and was forced -to part with
it, " What- do you mean ley a bargain ?"
said the Duke, Th ether repii4 " tt
was valued at .£1, , and! we have got
it for 0300." "in ha case," said the
Duke, " you will please te -carry the ex-
tra X300 to the late owner, and never
talk te me of cheap liatild again,"
. A foolish W0111a11 In Seelety Oliee aSko,a
the Dulee to give het an accoutfit otthe
battle of Waterloo. ' 44'011'," he replied,'
" it is very easily d e,1 e pummeled
them, they pumnieled els, and
suppose we pummelled hardest, so w
gamed the day." I
The Duke en one oecasion told this
story of himself : "I When 1 went to Ox-
ford as Chancellor, I was very much puz-
z.le„d when they told.ime.I was to make 4
: Latin speech at the -naugatation, Now,
: was impossible ; so ' this dilemma, I ale-
. any speech is' diffie it,1 but a laatin one
plied to my ph.yeidian; att most likely,
from his prescriptiolas, t.$) law Latin,
l and he made me a speezh, which answer-
, ed very well. I beiteve it wee a very
1 good speech, but I tlid not know much
! of the Matter." , 1
' It was remarked ithst teither of our
, two, sovereigns evhb had . last vittited
• Bruisets ever "went to inspect the tield et-
' Waterloo, Victoria, prObahly was afraid -
of giving offence td ilie 'French, who
might have put some impertinent con-
structions on her vittit. 1 The Duke said,
, " George IV„. did blot the; project, and
ordered his earxiagt fer that Impose ;
but inithe morning I4e was fieized. with a
fit of Wife, and did; not,. afterward find
an opportun_ity to -ine exenrsion,
= If
A Oler n Re, pulsed,
The baleftir int' of the Beecher
trial hes destro e Confidenee hither -
districts this 'effect . -w:Iniangitylaert:ace.ral
to rept:meet in t e
able. ,On Sunda this district de-
prived an esti= e Westchester matron
er Most dear, of
of the ppertunity
, attend ng divine sex -mein Isilse church of
her choice, The scene is a pleasant little
villagenet many 31014ft-eta Mount Kisco,
and the minieter an the ..ael.y are near
neighbors, their res eetivelresidencesbes
lug separated only b • the Width ef the
main street The nil '' ter iS middle ag .
good nattired and la avdrite, It was hi
31 zustorn every8unda -to give his -estimable
parishioner a seat ill the family earriage,
eo that she might not hive to walk hail a,
linnet° church, On lundaa the deminie's
carriagealrew Vp ini frent of the door,
She was waiting+ in& hustling down,
pre red to fet in? dining the parson's
pr ered ait Suddenly she noticed
that he was 4.0130.1 4 IVInere is your
wife?" §he asked ab ly, 44 She isnot
well enough to fio to e lira to -day,' was
the reply; "1%. her. is you daughter,"
was the next query, and the answer was.,
"She stayed at bottle to take care of her
mother." An inetaat of hesitation fol-
acandal about nowa yo.'' She is ninety
nylopnewarsendioi.fraTpga.h.ese_ton rfthsea3le,dnyg,t,trngued.esh:Ir whniten,Itt
go to church with yttu ; th re is so much
: .
117 Hay-ForIc x erielace. '
ate' rwhat4iyiiiingt,hweliftild4t ninteitonydearrosveagnop, jaz
wished. to know if i would like te buy A
bayefOrk, I Saia, " Na ; the haying sea-
son is over," Weill hie fotk WAS ittfet -as
ood for getting in ierain at hay, Bat I
. very little gram, and, besides, my
barn was not conv4nienti arranged for
mil e t a filearYk-fa°nrct talLe aw,°Iu dk jaitkellit; b'fillaZ
The fork was a queer looking thing, the ,
shape Of an -old-fas o
,,.; why zny dear sir, o sugar thugs,
did one for using a. ors faornrkiginals-Plen-
let me put one of mine up," lio ;
would rather wait until another year.