HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-23, Page 8• Ce' nt on tx vo ttov. DISTRICT MAT ERS. , 1 ., COMMERettAl, HOTEL, ,St,iporpg, - Tide house 14 the best -in Sealorth fdr commercial travelere and farmers, as its taco nuabitiou is ,,st. first -elan, while its prices areas le ae the cheap - eat hotels. The rooms are loge, ell furnished and perfeetly clean, while t3t.e best attention is given to all who patronize the lute; There is large etc bling in connection, and a tentive host- .' ers,-M,- axamatat DAVIDSON, Propr ete.r. THE LA.10111 Srocse of 1 ry ' Goods, , readyinade Clothing, Mate, Caps, c. at Xmas. Ileagrr & CO.'s, Seafortb, are dail being sold off cost price. There still remains a lo .ge and beau- tiful asaortment on hand, and. the public will do well to purchase at once, as. on the First of Sep- -tomboy the firm will be retiring froth busineee, and Then all opportunities will be lost o buying goods at cost pried. J. C. LA IDLAW expects to gain the eon- ftdence of the public: in no other way than by dolling a really good article at the 1 west possible price. All are welcome to come nd iinhas for themselves, awl none are pressed o bay unless quite eatIalled each article is will w rth the price asked. -S. C. DAIDLAW. . 0 PART,' OMEN, pure, for the destruction of Potato Bugg; Chiueee Garden Powder and Hellebore, for destroying insects, gn be and eater- thas ou all, kinds of currant a d geoeeberry beedolants, flowers, rose bindle , fruit true, &c., at R. Lt'..51:seEN'S, Seaforth. 1 A 1,0T of first-class Shingle lor sale at strong & Fairicy's. Canned Goods are selling ra- " pidly at very low figares-26 per cent. less than usual prices. Also, Teas and 14 agar 'at very small advance over cpst. Go tO STRON(..i 8G FAIIILEY's lor Cheap Groceries. GREAT Jniprovement8 to e made in Farmerei Store during August, and ntil the alter. ations are eorareenced all kinds cd 'oods will be sold' at very low pricee to effect a la ge clearance, trrtuce taken.as usual:7014AI", Ye '110• & SPAR- , ......, BUTTER. BOWLS, Butter Pr'nts, Butter. Ladles, Butter Crocke, Cream Crock , Milk Pans, Market Baskete, &e. Cheapest Goo, a in Towa at ALL)1114 Grocery. REMOVED. -3. 8, ROBERTS has remov- ea his Drug Stoat to the shop oppo ite Powell's Hotel, formerly occupied by W, Altera Grocer. JUST received at Wyse& Yotssio's, a lot of elating's Celebrated Ale, in tillif and,quar. WILSON & YOUNG have riceived an - tor barrels, in doe condition, other lot of tbat line SmoklugTobacagi, the Royal Navy, Wifi=g0N & YOUNG are se ling Glass Fruit Sara at from /Apex dozen up. Wiegoe & YouNo are givii g the best value lu Teas atul Sugare In town, BUDINFAS Nonce, - The sestron will be giveu from this date t ) the firet of ;January, 1876, ler 62,cen 6, payable strictly in advance, THE NEW OAT-MBAI, MI L, The briek work on the new oat -meal mill is VOW nearly completed, It is a handsome and sabetantial structure, Pensossa es -At the meeti ig of the Mamie Grind Lodge held t London last week, Mr, James H, Lemon, of Britannia, Lodge, Seaforth, was re-elected Deputy District Grand Master for Huron District, ItgAPINe MATNI, -The annualReaping Match, under the auspicee of t JO Huron Farmers' and Mechanics' ASSOC ation will be held on the farm of Mr. George Stani- bury, 1st Concession, Staple), on the first Tuesday in Auguat, Ass -i DE:Vic—We learn that , a 14()D of Mr. George Weyland, of Egtnondville, met with -a painful accident on the 15th inst, The lad was amusing himself on a swing, when he fell off, fracturing his right thigh bone. Surgicel ai was at once obtained, and tlie hes, is now doing well. SPECIAL PR our list of special prizes, published 1w:it week w4 omitted to mention a -s Jecial prize of $ I 2,_given by Mr. Peter leEwen, for Spin colts sired by his imported stallion, Enter- prise, This amount is to be awarded in prizes as follows ; $b for the first, $4 for . \ the second, and $2 for the third. TowN CouNcir,---At the meeiing of the Town Council held on Tuesday!, evening last theprincipal bueinese transacted was the passing of a by-law exempting members the,fire. brigade from ,the payment of poll tax, end the adoption of the re of- the street committee recommeni certain street improvements. Council meets again on Theisday evening next. A Utteloarrv.-lolr, R. Grimoldby, of Seaforth, has in his garden a crab apple r tree which is now for the second time this • seaeon in full bloom. The tree blossomed as usual in the spring, and the ftuji on it , was formed when the frost comic and de- " stroyed it. As if not to be outdone the tree has again a plentiful covering of a lihmscrris, and if the frost does not over- I take it again will probably yield la second crop of fruit. the bridge over the itch on his way to cress the street, an, I that when ein tlfes bridge, he was st ek with 'death and, fell into the d iteh, d ing alniost instantly. Mr. Beattie has )een drinking quite heavily of late, and the canoe 6f lug death is directly traceal ld to intoxi etioi therefore no inques was held. e w, at one time a well- o -do dealer in troce ies at Windsor, an is spoken of by all s an estimable perso t, Itie-Nic.-The p e-nie season hail co enenced. During . e past week sever 1 private pic-nicIpa ies went to Bayfie d to enjoy the 001 nd invigoratieg la e breeze, and on We nesday the members of the Good Temp ars' Lodge had a pic- nic. There was qt ite a large turn out, and a pleasant time was spent. Th Fire- men's Band w en aged for the d , and 7 added much to the pleasure of the com- pany. Bayfiel is ecoming -quite fa - orito resort fa. pie- ic arties fro th s town and neighbor oo , and we do n t kuow how a day co ld be more pie an ly spent than in pie nicking at Bay idol • , AN Utteone Nal ee-A few day . a o an old man ho e face presen ea a shocking andloathis Me appearance, be - nearly entirely ea te away by lice was going round rom house to . ou e seeking alms. Th poor man, a peered by the card he presented,, I mile from Acton, Ont.- t is a, disgrace, t t such a person shout 1 be Compelledlto from door to &kir eeking mainte n His appearance is repulsive :to thos whom he encoun rs and froin fiftigu and exposure he must suffer -into el he an oul Pill He should, be plac ife a hospital he could be prop rly eared for, -where his unf rtu ate condition not be exposed o o ensively to th lie, BOUNDARY BR Young, Warden of Peter Adamson, Seaforth on Saturd of the visit was t0 Mr. William Davi County- of Perth, boundary bridges b tiee, The conform out result, as the Dot in a position t rartgement with th but stated that h meeting of his com after which he woul Boma actiOn. The the Perth authoriti until thelseason b to allow Of anythin boundary bridges tl number of bndges tween the two Coun pairing and rebuildi that the boundary b ties Shall be mutual Counties intereeted provision to do ita has been urging upot her as she xs legal seeme, however, to 1 the Perth Cdnurty ' as they possibly can improvemente, and Councils to do the minims them to do, policy concerns inte of coarse, Huron h mdien it comes to ma Counties we have against it. Many. bridges are now in a passable condition, a occur on them while d tion ron will be sible with .Perth fo may occur either to 1 der these circumsta,nees, it behaoy authorities of this County to sec that such improvements a e at once made as will relieve the Colin by from reepon ibil- ity. If Perth longe refuses to de her share, we presume that the law is ' ueh that they can be compelled to de it 7 _Ea. -Mr'. W ilia he County, an M ourity Clerk, y .61 y last. The bje eat and .confer wit on, Warden th n the subjcet f th weep the two oui wae 'however it arden of Porte w enter into ar1y a • Wardenof Ifpron intended ealling ittee in a few days be prepared to tak vident .intenti n o s is to procrasikina mes too far adv4n being done to thee, , is year. There are n the boundar be ies which regal 0 re g, The law re ire idges between oun y maintained') tin Huron has lad are of the -work a Perth to uni *id bound to d , I the fixed poli litt°1 uncil to do.as ' ttbe way of bli force the loos rk which th la, In so far asi thi 1 improvein uts, , 0 no interest, bu ere interesting bot right to pr tes Of these boundary dangerous and ini nd. should acci. ent t ley are in &hi con old jointly re pon- r any damage tba r e dr property. lin the • Clint on. (mon rue N -EIV EItA0 PAINFUL A eCID.eii r, -On Wein 6 'day evening last ayottth amed Jehn Die, in- . eon, who wastemployed in the hea ing actory of Mr. ;James 1141air, was stain ing elose to a small:circular-saw, which wee set in motion bidden y, and in :Au ting to avoid it he slipped and fell agains it, cutting him very, severely in the shoul e,r, We are glad to sbe able to state that I e is apidly gettingsbettei. ANOTHER PAINFt;fr AcciD ENT. On' tiesday morning a boy of Clinton, na ed "Virm, Rance, aged abcnt thirteen ye re,I net with a painful and (angerous ace eat while around the ra lway .etation, It ppeais that while au engine was sh nt- ng eome cars, he, withl others, attem to peso between them, when he as aught by the buffers of two, they st ik- ng him on the left Bid • with fearful fo ce, aiming the blood to bit -et from his nie a etream, He was at onee ta,ken to la 8. Pike's hotel, aed medical aid ro- ured, after which he was removed ho e , 1 SC/100/.0 TRUWITY. 'ELEcTios, -There c was to have been an election of a School Trustee I II the South Ward on Vedneg; day kat to fill the vacancy cause 1 by the The w e at 10 8 ve that r one ratepayer attended, but as it requires ne to - nd the w was no ci resegnation of Mr, Walter Seot eleethyu was to have taken pia o'clock, lmt it didn't. We beli at least three to elect a truetee- propose, the second to- second, third. to act as candidate, there election, here he now lies in a preeari us tate, but hopes are entertained of his ecovery, TR F, ETT.A oat ;ULTURAI., SOCIE rY, he anntud fall show in connection I ith the Mullett Brame h Agricultural (Ay will be held in Clinton, on Sept, 21 nd 22. About $350 a7c offered in ptizes b CANADA SILVEIL MININ(1 COMPANY.— sp : We have frien time to time kept Our read- OS ere in fermed of the progress madii in the ti developmenit of - the nu nes belorlging to in the alyere Qonipany, in wit 14 ad veral of eo our townsmen are interested, and. we are e pleaeed to be able to state tl at sue- h cess seems to be pretty nearly attained. tl Mr. Lettuce-, the Vice -President, h. ailed ' lo a our o ice aet -ednesday, when we t pt Were S1101111. exeeedin dy fine 81)6ti Merl S to mine. In censeq u en ee of the c -in tir ned i tn. provement the stoek 'snow mellin at :;:l 1 : I Jar share . I -- SAD- 1)-1,'Al I1,- The ventleman alluded °f to in the followink paragraph, svhich i3 : In taken from the Detroit 15'n, PrP,M, iS ut well known. in thie vicinity, he having or resided in the Township of If ullett prior te rentoving to 'Windsor : " A bMit three M o'clock yesterday m orn ing, 1)avidileattle, cs wholiTtql on Bruce a vetiu e, Windstir, arose te from his bed , and - putting on his coat, er pants and -slippers, went from the house. til .1 a le fiequeutlY came dawn etaire at ao early hour, his daughters thought °thing Se ji,1_ strange of it, little dreaming that he had str left the 'tease for the last time. bout 6 Se o'clock, while basily engaged in prepar- , an ing for the household duties of the day, lie the cruelly sudden message was brought oh that the father was dead, and a few min- utes later the , well-known foriti was to 'brought to the house cold in death. The Du body was feund in.the ditch mi C atham on area in front of the old brick y the Society, and a large nutnbei ecial prizes are ale° offered by set/ our townspeople. It is to. be ho iat farmera and othe 'a will take tereat in it they should, and tiakof raing exhibition th'.! meet stucco ver held by the Society. The direct a v e acquitted themselves creditabl le composition of the nrize list, and ok for a good show. Copies ef list.will be furnished on applicat on • .11r, .1, A. Nelles, Se 'rotary. whieh be had broug t down tom the T E FON ,Es‘XIDC1)1TOP.i, siderable headw y before it was seen, and originated from .a null of light. ning striking t e barn during the storm. . Tire UN rO e, he congregations f St. drew's Mid ox church* will ikely dried me one con re ation on the firs , Sun- ' day in Augnst a ox church. • Th = feel- ing upon the uni n ie anaiiim -us, an I the reopening of Ki x church i pl cele rato ct aenost in te esti oecasion. lt is s rob - able that a i in +resting ceeemony will mirk the o asi n. ' CroDennet F i Nem Co new, At the annual eet g of the °etch lders of this com any a report tva, pros nted showing the bu ness_ to be in a very healthy state. wing to the fin neial depression df th aet year, some a unts remained mi the • • oks uncollected, ut a dihidend o 10 lei cent. was dee ared peyable on , ep ber 1. PERSONA .-.1 r. J. R. 'Miller, nblic School Insp eto has been appoint d by the Depart' ent ( f Pablic Iiistructi n to 1 visit the sc oats in the nortlh sho e of Lake Huro , • conjunction with Mr. ILI Little, of A, in. The ephools that have been testa ished in that lo ality have never! bee inspected,1 bein un- der the charge a stipen4ary eels - trate, and Wr. t ler's experience in that lo ality will b highly in restin do ibt. no . orris, !: '00D Ilex, Mr. Tho s Ru Co . 7, Mo s i , s flax whi h me ne rly 4 fee in :ngth, The e is co er ble flax sow in this to aship se op, and it promises to b an a an yield. The flax on M . Rus was not sown u • •il May 26. ACCIDENT,- il . Monday, the inst., as Mt, Cr, ruble, Con. 2, M was proceeding to Wingham with li" and two children in a buggy to se Orange proaessio they met with r a emus mishap, By some .means ,e,ching strapit, of the testiness lo se, allowtng the vehicle to run w rd on the hot e, which so . frigh th animal at r, Crombie lavas u to control him, lithe occupants - buggy were ' thre n ea, but all es inrary with the 0 ception of 1V113, bie, who reeeiv a severe h ow o f 6, She yeas n t seriously hurt, ev r, and is pow ecoe-ering. .INJURED EY A 111.1..--011 Weal of last week as a youn lad, hare with arid is a nets ew 0 Mr, J mos I f dos, C013, 4, Mor , was lea leg a to 1Mr, Matthew Brandon's, and paSeing throngh woods he as in an'mal att a bull belmaitin that gentleman, he lad in a most cio manner, k in toting seteral inj ries, Forte k eked down, w in I, after goring fin ling that he H it not been is ot likely the hi -until he had ger us animals is ex t. CHOW. EXAMIN ly xaminatinn of in ection No, 8, Al n McDo4ald, da , the 14th inst of f fty children p wh BD neat and we 1 as exeMplai general admiratiox itors was notla,rg more to the to negl en s, The p nne, trus ute. tha l'ert many years a pu the everal brunch the hal ing had been ins ncy was real; the upportunit them, I la eglulari ta,tes greatly again invalid has, as we in the pupils 'habi inattention, and a tal eulture. t =Marion Mt. Th marks with Much value and advanta as the benefit/3 to gentl and judiciou employment of time, lie urged. the ren. to diligence and application in their studies, and coin pli- mei4ecl them ion their good order arid dis- cipl e in general, The school then d for the summer holidays. °eking him dow severe and, dang tely the boy, stunned, and th him two or three ti d not stir, left r this eirc oell, ures sid- this und- It's 12th tale, wife the ther the tune for- ned. able f the aped rorte- the daY ides ran- cow - bile by The ero- and rous hen an - s, • it urinal wont 1 have k illed him. Sueli (Le uld not be allow , _ and others to have side line graveled rom Con, 16 to 17, was not granted, 1/4 ngineer's-report, recommending abridge 0 the Howe principle to be erected at Lot 10, don. 12, was laid on the table. Petition of EJ Davies and others ipray- for boundary between Grey and Filina to.be opened was received, and the sum f $50 wee granted to be expended under he supervision of Wm. Elliot. The eeve and Clerk were authorized to raft and sign a petition to the Oritarie evernmeat, on behalf of the Connell and others, in the matter ' of drains Oon. 15. Wm -Elliot was authorized to have about 25 rods of road repaired be- tween Con. 10 and. Henfryn. Messrs. .1tiliot and Hislop's report as to the streets in Pranbrook was laid over until next meeting. Moved by Mr. Slenitrion, seconded by Mr, - Hislop, that J. G. Kirk, 0, E., be employed to prepare plans and specifications for bridge, Con, 12, and. that the Clerk advertiee for tenders te be opened at next meeting --Carried, A number of accounts were presented1 and ordered to NI paid. Council t en adjourned to meet again at Patton's otel, Ethel, Monday, Ally 26. i A. HUNTER, CI, .1tK. 1 1 Wroxeter. FIN -LSI -1E11 -Mr, Ricliard Bonn tt has finished the contract he had taken for laying sidewalks, grading and -graveling the streets, &e. The work seems to have been done in a satisfadory manner, and eertainly io a great improvement to the *illEaXABge' flarATION, -The annual exaMina- tion before the holidays took place in the Pablic School on Friday, July 9, The Sc olars passed on the whole a very cred- it ble exabeination, and the parents and V" itors expressed themselves well oaths- fi with the progress of the children. 0 the evening of the 14th inst., the ac olars reassembled with a nuMber of t eir friends for the distribution of t e • s which had been gained during t e t term, After the prizes were distrib- u , a spelling match took place for a El ecial prize offered by the teacher, Mr. alter, Usborne. A HORSE GORED 1W A BULL, -011 esday of last week, a bull belongi g Mr. George Armstrong, Con, 4, tTs- rne broke ento the field of a neighbor, r, Ei'atouel Wilson, and gored a valuable ye belonging to that gentleman' in the t. The wound made- was , tiot a ry serions one. to hi DIABOLICAL OUTRAGE, -An outrage the most revolting character was per- trated on a valuable mare, the proper - of Mr. George Armstrong, of Utehoroe, the nigl t of July 17., Mr, Armstrong d, on the previous evening, turned horses out to pasture in a back field. bring,ing them in in the morning, he aced that the tongue of this mare WaS 'ft h aging out of the side. of her mouth, n- A ter closer inspection, he found that t.t) th tongue had been cut nearly through, ab ut five inchee frem the tip, and the po r animal seemed to be suffering the In ea, T an l' f t d th tl ATI 037: -Th half- ear - he -pupils o the s hool erns, tau ht by Mr, bk place We es - There we e up ards esent on the occ heerful appearan as deportment eli ted , The nunidier vis- , which is te be at rib- usy time of the se son on the part of th pa - were examiaed by Mr. f the echoed, and for lie school cache in s of educe -tic n in w iich meted, and, their pro - remarkable consider - es for thitidn affo ded of attendknce t efficiency in te ch - 1,,a tendency to b get • of carelessness and indispositio for en - e copclusion of th ex- nne made a fel re - ability, sh wing the ,e of edticat on as ell e derived fitom a ili- • H llett. . 0 iTTUAUV, --In 14 r obituary column . . will be found. the announcement of the , clecnise of an her Id resident of Hid- ' (1,1' lett, ,M re. Rol ert lt eMillan, Mre, Mc- Millan died n T esday night last, at the residence of he son-in-law, Mr. Gil- bert McMichael. , he had attained the riPe age of 94 ears an age to which few now -a -days re ch. Mrs. McMillian was mother of the late james McDowell, and resided with him for several years until within about a week previoue to his death. She teas also mother of Mrs, Gilbert and Iiirs, Thomas McMichael, and f Mrs, -lexa der Broadforst, She was nati v e o , Dui f ri es • sh ire, fie° tl ea d, and ame to Caned about 33 yeare ago. She as in the en oyment of texcellent healt 1, and was abl to go arotind until a a week of er death. 81,e was n the highes esteem h all who her re - shed by I with of held I'd I enjoy e,d her acquaintance, an( ed mem ranee wpi ig be cher at mane friends; e ; ---e--- - tut G ey: . 1DLN ,t last eck, a lad nal working with a ejaa I mill of Meesrsh Sco his bend to cone' in and had his thkmb otherteise badly inj CANA wee; Reface raoderi h. irs0): 'vie s r J KA r. .1 Pi UST TO UN 1.,o.‘,13. -1-r The It itty Pri n Bayfichl, Capt. 'Marks, with 1, c whets of wheat, was he first vessel iload at the new clew, or. `Ile mach y worked satisfactoril „ Ace i ims-r. - -On J ul orrish, of C'olborne, ot his left ha id , inst, ushed between- the insular saw a id ' Dela( n, Mtn etes 'cif last inecItie gPt rlsefard Her in. his saw mill, 1- -baking two h g- ' and c nfirniecle Reispecting pet tion of Bengal- theto.-On July 12, Mr, Fr •(.1 i Lots 20 and a], ‘0118, 2 and '3, the I is. He is doing we! now, althou fle Fran is Miller and others for a , wit' to e hand will he stiff fel 80nie time ye . build a bridgel and open -road etween egmiller boiight ou . the Kinget 11. : I? es.v and Mr, 'Ellio were instriicted to eet bakery from Mr. W. Bleak. A r. let th contract of b fitting bridge, Ali- egmiller is busy ma ing alteratio s, I plication of Hugh Campbell es have d in a few days will }ewe the este a. i erase ay:completed at Lot 34, c!ons, 0 hment in . a. very i such improe d ! and JO : It was ni ved by Mr, Elliot, ape, ! neon( ed by Mt. Sle mon, that he un - BARN Bunaren,----The barn- belongit g expen ed portidn of mount appro riated Mr, 'Shaver, • Con. 4 Ashfidd, -ne r [last y ar, to bitildtn 'said crose ay be ngannon, was burne to the grow d I now xpended - on- t e same -e 1 rried. Thursday night of las week. -- All it e . Roger mg F. Bryden's complaint, laid contents were destroyec , with the C - . over f om tut theetifig, it was ag eed to ception of -a home, whic, was seved wi h I leave he matter to the decisionl of the great difficulty. The fir- had made co 1- fence iiewers, :Petition of J. Mc aught , 10, Mr. j° londay evening of cal McNichol, while lar saw in the Elm b & Martin, allowed ontaet with the saw, ut off, and his hand red. -The Post Says that Mr. Wm. Martin, of -Grey, is sending to the Muse,um in Paisley, Scotland a small 00 . tin blx of preaerved plitato hug They to ! were aught hitt yea r and soake( in aleo- n- They- will astonish the na ves. Co 'NCIL Manner:a-Council met at n Dam s' Hotels Cranbrook, on the 5th Membert- alt 'present ex school house, and lay in a position to ju tify a belief that Mr, Beattie started t cross -s st intense pain. "Upon making search ough the field, a spot was found re it ie supposed the mare had been ght and the diabolical act committed. e sod in this place was torn up by the th in co th se th an ail ed mi f er tra ho ru tad fen to rim, indicating that a terrible Arno - had ensued between the animal mid fiends Who committed the act, The mal was taken to Exeter, to be exam-, (1. by a, veterinary surgeou, It was iciered necessary to enpirely remove tongue, and, when this was dene, eral gashes were observed in it below point where it had been cut off, The i mat wae in the course of a day or two ' ed, as no signs of improvement in her ditiou wer-c- visible, and it was deem - best by her owner to put her out of ery, The tewnship Council have of7. d a reward of $300 for the detection conviction of thebrutes who perpe- ed this inhuman act, and it ii to be ed they may . be discovered, as no munity is safe ith such wretches uing at large. Mr, Armstrong is to- y ignorant of having given sueh of - e to any person as would cause them. him an injury, II . some needy tramt3 having " scooped in" the artiales.-Mr. Lasham contemplates retiring from the hotel businees, ivh he will be at liberty to join the iC40 Templars. I Work on the railway 1# t locality is progressing favorably and t o -Com, road -way sill soon be ready for the ti Rodgerville. BASE BALL, -A match betwee t jolly Boys, of Rodgerville, an t e Schoor Boyie of Chiselhurst, came ff n Saturday, duly 3. Owing to darkness setting in, only seven innings were I played in which the Jolly Boys came 'off victors by a majority of 23 runs, The followtfig is the score : JOLLY BOYS. SCHOOL BOy8, it. it, D. Themeon 7 H. McDonald.-- , .„ 5 R. . Tibb.... . ... 4 D. Leieli........,.. 6 8 P. Boa. ... , .... .... 4 W. .. fitirtoToYMan 66 AR: 3BIteeDel.o.nald..... , .. 18 P. Logie 7 S. Rogarth 8 8 T. Moore 2 D. Dougall.. . . .. . . . . 6 S. Gray. . . . . . . . . . • . . 4 W. Dougall... .... ... 5 J. Campbell 1 eihl urray G. Total.. 52; Total............ • '• 29 • Hay. tionnneeriloNee-In our report of t e proceedings, of the Hay Mutual Fire I Butanes Company, published last wee we stated that the Board had passed a plicationa te the amount of $5,900. t should have been $59,000. Turnberry. QUICK WOR11.-A frame barn 35 i feet was " aised " on the farm of r. Woods, Tn berry, not long ago, in 5 minutes. his is quick work. ThE1 Canadian Press. . Mu. EnVon : Our last mail breu me a postal card, on the reverse e whereof is rinted an article headed, " The Can ian Press," in which the London llerakl, in au article On Rtheell's Newspaper _Directory, says " that there is quite a n ous subseri principally form press " this may be accidental or not, we can- not say," After singling out several Re- form papers in illustration, he comes down to the great Globe itself, as he '' pleased to dnh that paper. After sho ing, as he claims, the vast reduction in. its liats, assUrance is given that the es- tablishneent of the Liberal had nothing to do With the decline, Itmust be trae- ed to anoth assumed to faetion t that paper Editor, ju as furnieh this as a ticeable declute in the Yeti - tion lists, and that this seen in the lists of the Roe Biit then it is ad r cause, and that cause is e the wide spread dussatis- laical course pursued by 13 its associates. Now, Mr, ng from the data before me, by this post office, I regard st extraordinary statement, and, not -to nee any harsher language, a peculiar conclusion at which to arrive. In truth, the entire article, from end to end, is a remarkable production, wheth- er that characteristic " be aeeidental or not vre cann t say," But, judging from e - what I have' seen, and from the business in newspapers transacted through this post office, a more palpable string of mi.*. representations could not Well be ut g , * p ' a ec ine i 1 the lieform press is not seen at all. Some changes have taken place, but the 1 aggregate nomber is largo than ever be - I fore, and this is the case with about est- ' ery Reform paper, except the great Globe . itself, In the aerival of -that paper here , there is a m nifest failing off from that Le , of a few yea es ago, but not by any means ' from dissati tion at the political COUISe pursued by ,that paper, Here are _the grounds fairly stated. In the first place a new post office has been recently start- ed in the very midst of those who form- erly took the Globe from this offiee, Of course they ere served at their own of- fice. Nor is there the smallest speck of , JULY 23 75 , -ttatti PaPers talc :tiantdthilliwri eequiisegtfy he eiisivneymrebtb eeorf:oerf oCitreor a ri vdaetaivocns i any se.4raThethal t I am fitin believe Will be new to most readers, w kit is to the effect that gen. oral politi s regulate the issues of agricultur I paper, This, I code% ig the first ti e that I ever had the prim% lege of eing agriculture and. pc:J.1th% mixed up. . To me it seems a strange compound Never until now had I any idea that hig or Tory had anything ae do with e ritieb-aettihnignkgrmases,omr ai,gyreninot; atre adevevnentnoowf he Grits to power have ocee, sioned tha eruel pest, the Colorado pow to bug ? hope the cornmuni will dui appreciate the boon conferred by the enunciatioris of this profound 'sentiment, Our agrieriltural journals are the Indio of political agriiic.iiiitunroemp, siToztx.Soincirm. i Ma orilo Grand Oflio rs. The Gr nd Lodge cif the Mas c body of Ontari , in session at n on, last week, el eted the follow g Grand Officers : Grand Master, J. K. Kerr, of Tor onto . li eputy Grand Master, W. II Weller, of Cobourg ; Grand Senior Warden, I, . S. Birrel, of Loni.on; Grand Junior W rden, A. J. Cambia, 040ttawa; Grand Ch plain, G. M. Inn es of ',London- Crand Tr asurer, H. Groff, cf iSimeoe ; Grand. Res.strar, j.. G. Burns, Of Toronto; Grand Seel etary, J. J. Mason; of Hemp.. ton; Gra el Tyler, J. Sweetman, 'of Ottawa, he next annual meetihg of the Grand Lo ge will be held at ("awe, in 1876.- A New Book, 1117MOBOUS SKETCITBS AND PORMS, By I. A. SanTs, of Burford. A. 13. Inritto & Co., Toronto, Publishers. This is a collection of sketches and brief poems which the author has contri- buted to different periodicals dnring the last few years, Many of the etories, anti some of the,,pcooeumrti,ls hispucihnassino'l‘kDyoRanald. Lost Irishman " " M lly Mo- have already b , having gone the r nds of the papers again and again. Many Wha have bog ed over the sketches as th read them be glad to. dress, A their way originality charm the trI" SenmjilY'sa book is hi lislyhercrs and Hans low,a riarty," sively r pu in their uncollected welcome them in thoug,h quite unpre here is a broad hum about thern -that ne rm w new tious o and an O fails to reader. Anyone mil wishes good laugh should insalt in Sketches and Poenis," ay printed and, mechanically, itable to the printers and Cancers, [Furnieb by the Medical ateinurOes4ustits# 14nCattn;35 re due to a diseased or sem- fulous tion of the blood, i Our first object, the is to extract -the Cancer and administer medicines which ra4i+-ally re- move can rous growth, tumots land all forms of se ofula, thereby preVenting the formation° return of that formidable dis- ease when once removed, Maty,have been dismi sed from the Institnte per- manently red. We will here Mention that the ea e eystem of treatment is prae- ' ticed t e indon Medical. Institute that was i troduced and adopted by the Prehicipal s veral years ago, and all those eared by h in at that time have remained entirely fr from any returniug symp- toms. Th day is fast approaching when the knife w 11 be looked upon ge# a barbar- ous, injuri us and dangerous! mode of treatment, and when medicines will be more skilf ily applied to meet the de- mands of ture, PoiS0110118 ingrediente are someti es used, which, by abso tion, destr y the healthy qualitiess of t blood ins of purifying it, which is most important nd necessary in caneeeeue dis- eases. g devoted many Years of careful ob rvation to the ---natUre and treatment f cancer, 'we have perfected our system of effectually and sineedily curing can er, by combining, remedies that possess in their action a , powerfal and healthila influenee upon the, bloodf and operati g speficatly as a local appli- cation, 0 e great objeet is to avOid edv- ing pain, b t where positive actien is re- quired (as i eome eases) to kili the dis- ease rapid' , the patient may, be com- died to su er- a httle inconvenience, But in al ost all eases there Is little or no pain, no great prostration. The treat- ment is safe, eure and certain, Can'eer consists of everal orders, yiz ; Seirrhus Medullary, elanotie, and Cystic or Col; loidt each o which consists of several va- rieties, and which takes varions forms aml conseqt ently require different modes of treatnien , proving unquestionably the necessity of a thorough knowledge of the nature and e of cancer, Cameral ve been partially realeved by he knife or by -the application of plas- ers or salv s in the hands of inexperi- need perso s, but some rtions of the oots and irua being eft, a renewed rowth of t e Cancer is invariably the re- sult, We eure many cases that have been thus treated, and at one tinie pro- nounced cured, Epithelial cancer by such methods is seldom if ever even benefited, Oer system is entirely successful if the disease is taken in time. Caneers andtu- more in conneetion with vital parte, orin dose proximity to large blood vessels, can be safely renieved by our treatment where remedies can be directly applied, Extensivevasculartumors, osseoustumors &c., all malignant uterine affeetions, yield readily to our treatment in almost every stage, The method adapted atthe Institute of euring cancer, malignant, ab- riornial and diseased growth is evidently destined to ineet the necessitiee thous- ands of the suffering, and to ta se the preference of another modee trea ment, The remedies employed locally aet spe.ci ieally. upon t e cancer deitroying its vi or poison, preventing ito further forma- tion or groWth, changing its charade?, killing the Mass and finally eradicating it from the system. The remedies 'e ploy - ed internally remove all caneproue p °due - tion from the blood and supplant t e dis- eased mass ith healthy fiessh, I All other hronic disseases su sfnilY ' Colmar, Mmernto.-At the last Meet- ing of the McKillop Council, held at Da is' Ho 1, all the members present, the folThwirig parties were granted char- ity, viz. : Widows Riedy, shill, Pet ick and McDonald $5 each, an Jas. Ket ny $10, Isaiah In rave being i poor hea th, was exempted rom statute I bop ; Da. id Campbell was paid $12 for rain and culvert on lot 27, con, line 8 nd 9, sod Win. Story $4 for drain on lot 30, mil line 4 and. 5, Moved bY Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr, Kerr, that the follow- ing sums be expended for ' public works in the following places, viz.; $50 on con, 14, `Pts 6 and 7 ; $30 on con, 'line 0 and 7, 1 t 23; $00 On. eon. line 6 and 7, lot 13 ; $15 on con. line 2 and 3, lot 15 ; $30 on on, line 12 and. 13, lot 23 ; $20 on eon, line 12 and 13, lot 19 ; $20 on con, line 12 and 8 a d 9, lote 13, lot 22 ; $30 on con, line 301and 31 ; $30 on con, line 13 nd 14, I t 32 ; $50 on con. line 10 and 11, lots 30 and 31 ; $20 on con. line 4 4 d lot 16 ; $50 on sideroad 10 and' 11, .on, 4 a d 5 ; $50 on con, line 4 and 5, t 3 ; $20 on con, line 8 and 9, lot 20; $1 n side road 10 and 11, con, 11. M ed by Mx. Hays, seconded by Mr, , Ker e that a letelaw be passed for the' pur ose of raising the ainount of Muni- eipa Loan Fund, and the interest there - p to the date of raieing the same frc! the Government due to this town- ship to oe paid oe the order of i the Hee c, Clerk and Treasurer, and to be de sited in the Royal Canadian Bank in aim th, end that the Council will re- ceiv applidations from good solvent i far sureties, at a rate of - per eent. per nnum, to be applied as a general scho 1 fund -Carried, Wm. Carlisle t wars ppointed and authorized to remove o any ence et elestruction on sideline 30 I and 1 con. 13 ; ale° Wm. McKay ap. t statement that the "estab- lishment of he Tiberal had nothing to do -with the -cline," So far from that, there are at leak four times as ny copies of t e Western. Advertiser and W -11 _L'b al taken at this office now as were in t c years gone by, and nearly every subse iber had been a subscriber to the Globe, The change is not from a disapproval f . the general larogreasive p principles of the Globe, for they arc not essentially different in the Liberal, There are two causes transpiring to this end, The first is, the Liberal is more of 4 ice cal paper ; the seeond, it is More i. thorouglily p onouneed and outspoken in behalf of tot a abstinence and prohibi- tion, not tha the Globe is at all oppOsed to these things, but as of old,'so now "The Athen ns know what is geed - la the Lacede onians praetice it." But another, and by far the greatest cause of the decline n thn Globe's list in thin ---t place, is the teaddy advancing tone and t character of the local Reform pii:ifss,1 e The Clinton Yew Era 18 sonieWhat or?, r liberally patronized than formerly, no deservedly so ; a faithful, intelligent nd' g progressive exponent of our count y's needs, an un ompromusing advoCatel of free trade, fearless Reform journal, And then th HURON EXPOSITOR, which from its contiguity, is essentially and emphatically " our local," iS second to no paper of ts kind in all . our broad country, as u compromising as the great Globe itself, nd, while in perfect tier- mony with that Canadian 'blunderer on the great Re orm principles, is yet ot afraid to ha,v its say, even at the ex- pense of comi g in colliaion with any ,et theory of the ighty one, a course, h w - ever, pursued by our local Reform press uniformly, an 1 as far as my observation goes, with the Reform press generally. And then the high tone and- elevated character of the EXPOSITOR,' and its hn- surpassed. powers of condeneation, mak- ng it a more popular pa ser for the ma ses than the Olob4,, tu whic i the Same s 'b- eets are treated more in extenso, lichee he increase of that paper at the expense f the other. Other localities are coin- Yetent to anSwer for themselves, but hese are the facts in this tomtit .. ' It would, indeed, he a remarkable ciretirn- tame, if, as Sir John asserted, that the Globe, by its sentiments and its servides, ,p, had done more to overthrow his Govern- H went than any one other thing, and new, m #ot having abandoned one solitary pesi- E ion then assuined, if the people should o soon forsake their best friend, and his the more especially when the rep- esentatives of the people are heartPy ngaged in carrying , out the sentiments nunciated when in Opposition ; seati- ents that weee endorsed by a 75per cent. ote of the people -the electors -the argest vote ever cast since the day when r. Hincks--now Sir Prancis-asked he people to record their sentim ts eat, the aggregate number of Reform 1 nent his plan for the secularization of he clergy re rves, Once more, I e- poin ed pa-the:taster on sideline 30 and 31, (lion. 13. Moved by Mr. Malone, s seceuded by Mr. Bell, that John McIn- tosh Pe empowered to remove his fence and pace it on its proper place on side- line 115 and 16, con. 8, and the path - matter thereon be instructed to open said road according to the late survey -Car- ried. The next meeting of Council will take place at Hannah's tavern, on the first Saturday in August next. JOHN O'Sreeiveee, Clerk. • VA dame crops maa' tity Londes borough. IETIES. -Hay has been a little ed by the late rains, but all other are most prornisin .-Mrs, Wood - Institute -Advice ree M. MeTagga , M. D,, Principal, ;IJ. all, M. D., Chief Surneon ; C,G,! East, D., Consulting Physician; C.B, Slater, sq., Managing Director. Medicel and Surgical Inititute Riehmond. treet, _London, Ont Dr. McTaggart haS r e' ed from Seaforth, and can be comitiltea only at the Institute, hereafter, Full Mho 'vs. East Wawanoeh, at Belgivive on Sept. 30,' Western Fair, London, on Sept. 2,8, 29, JO. e Oct. 1, Norris, at myth, on Sept, 14 and 15. West Huron, at Dunprion, on oet, 5 and Hullett, at Clinton, on Sept. 21and Ilsborne andStophen, At Exeter, on Oct, 7 and 8 - South Huron Seaforth, on Sept. 20 sua 24. East Einron,1 at Brussels, on Sept. 80 Oct. L 1 1 a clothes line was relieved of a t wearing apparel a few nights ago, p • • Eralirr VIM ILI W11,101,.E IVQ19 3999' ; BEAL VIOLATE Fala OUSE AND 110T FOR SAI,E.-For Sale, a comfortable 1 me dwelling house and lot, Ian it marut swot, In. parling's ravey,Sesiorth, An - ply on the premise to rzr it DALL sm.:, ....YAM11,-,07SttAc' esEc:InSistugitntecald sintatielaoil ci4nItthla-14 -orchard an budding good; well watered. .„ ti" ;18%24, situated 013. A reet, west of ,i..: I Apply to the propnietor on t e premises. ADAM -u- ,, WHITEFORD, llectgerville .0. sovu at lei JUDO ,roefilazois:s:ProonOfpaellrisS5siltoervIE:.rt-tiAeur a- honse„ This Ament s eo 33-11";1412 eine one-Afth '7"'Ici 2=1_66 nrth ads tedrilsorprlyareonntheingxpenmr: betweol: ligeo. PETER NKETA ll, 890 I zats -;._ -- Pi............... a., 1 j:it i n i n gS. A I JE a i no ' 1n4 0 1 1 10100Z "pb 1 re 1 ibrr- 4,:n Is eb 0 riN 0 t to on tes4 ,- e3 i .43 int : POIT- 4hen -woodshed a eoapon e. Gisetoil.i;r3liarati,pneemit: A, 1 es: grain dui I down; b danae ht three years - A. MeDOUGALL 375 sPosseseion yen t Vsnars-One-thir ilnquire prorie r-L-7-Ptecenti13-ILD:ro:COLpielt 48 7,alutp-SvrigInviula:1114poittl ing Lots, is prepared to 4isphseof Able terms to Any *he may dosire ;desiring to purclunte should plication. ',. i I, ih:tograBitd: lots on reason= them. Parties make immediate ,ap- 364 1 iVA.1331 FOB 8 R. -For ;La: situated in 1J borne, L twee of - xe er, _ rick eat ,12 Wells, large orchaulof g00 let le la tlic highOt state Argued snit well I fenced. !THOMAS LOME On the pramises. ale, -et laes farm t 24, Con. L within 1 ge good buildings, baring trees, The of cultivation, well For tering ,applv to ' 391-43 •SZAFORTFL-For mita farm, on the tirm of Ur. L. ot whieh are eXear- Itiration, The bal- e are eight scree un- particulars apply to A; MEYER, Barris- 875 ,._.......------;-i--1..-1—;—......a; i ARM FOR sApE NE i Sale, that healititnny auron Road, adioining er,containing101acres, aa Ana in a State 4.f good c ance is well timbered. T der fall wheat, F4Pr furthe L. MEYER, Or to BENSON ters, fieaforth. , T_TOTEL FOR S 1-1--a- situate(' on Road, so Jong and This is one of the ikst ',flatness, as it is on Sesforth and Brno abed and -barn on t ifeidareaeley, if by Virmseter P.I 0„, , , eta , the ma Is to Ws • letter pr on„ flitl. a o - as ., ' for ' re . '3- ble • For ' ierteer par: M;i11. DAYS, MI ABM FOU SAL altuatek in T Fost OThee and mile from station ,,-Yor 8 kers " sbyt-e ' Lo - s 00a 0r0 tat tr - atifYll, , Rodgersiille , s drat -deo farm, , Lot 2, :COP, 1, near - Chureb, about 4 Baron and Bruce briek; Outbaildings d with a '7440y of well drained, in s For terms apply; to P, 0„; 820 Balwity, 31,,noe isrst-daso, 2 *ells, fruit and moue good state ot en Bev, JOHN LOO ''VA.RIf FOR 8 1-- cession 8, Tu acres cleared, h hardwond, g rd tomnienefng to it is 6 -miles front hest quality, and w particulars apply ises, ,L ifeCA. ihmee- d by hear; 1w forth, II be sold the p DLE88, " , Zo Von- _ , t , 'oulag--ore - wit's with pumps; 'The lani.t is of the cheap. 7or further • etor On tbe prem- gmoudville POst SSI pROPEETT IN For sale cheap4 Village of Bracefield, erguson, There lafre r:in e house, with . veniences. Also .vitiderdrained and fence, For hirther IfOING,_ Brucefle towel. ROBERT BRUCEF that desilable lately occupied four rillagehate4.also atable, well a good Oretbard. urretrald rtieulari r ELD FOR SALE•, - property in the' by Mr, Bobt. A good and all necessary , The landie all by a ;new board pply t4gr,JOHN proprietor at Lis- i 1325 ' lotenoPERT X F -a- For Sale in and s large Ira stabling, 1.4. Sores o 80 choke fruit trees, The property is all property. For further premises to JOHN -rine, or to BENSO- forth. E IN na , , t d, A Well le particulars CARMIC#AEL, ' -8; 3fE- ION line earn awl ;:. rd of ever- Ile, : it is - ble apply Jr., Egrno;341.- . II BanIstera, Ses.; , 891 ; 'glom FOR SA -P-- cession 7,, Tow 14 scree. 55 el w et good-cultiVation and STABLE. T gravel road, be conteniently .0htirtheo anapest trom Seaforth a rtieulars apply to- ILLIAN DINNIN, , _-For ,. ale, Lot 28, Con- . bip -ef sberneeeontainins ; eli are citlared And hies:tete There is', a good trance BARN Isrm la located on It good ; iituated to achools, ; orrice, a within 18 milea ! 1 from he'prop ` Ir„, L r, For further : -vac premises. I -.v F. O, 851 1 1 Vot ' 9, COO, 1„ I f 4=41.80 olaared 1 with firs_t-- i frame Stalde *reliant well ivat- , of Seafortb and a , Farm - well under- I tkation, Artplron i r at 33rneetleld P, 1 802 1 4—______,-1—..-"..._....--. - Altil FOR 8AL/3,1 : * London need .4nd/under fence, nip elassbardwood; fr flue 1,8x40, leg lwase, go 4ired ; situated wit like distonea from drained and in flot.clitse the premises or to the 0- ANDREW 3IcliENZIlt. , ! .-For S Iftsuley, balane-eLimb'cred barn 'f0s40. xl bearing in 7 mileis Clinton. cito propri VA.113/ FOR SALlt,-For J: Lot No. ',. /8 c.o. ores, tit et elechlifeelearea , , aemeaden, ani4 . e balance le weil There Are good froline Orchard, There is $handanee in 8 miles of tbe BlIth situated forall the proprietor on , the premieem,o C. BOGEIIN, Sr. , B410. 14, Brilett, ftrofec. isittct timbe build otatio ptber -roa itki, _______L____.,..2_94-0 *cleared 5(.1. new, :Ira il, shed 80x1.40, 11 TOM ra =Clinton Tim robes, Ischools An ambient secure apply lock 10 — the vaSt ball of I 0-14g101/18 BO 1 -and in a ot$te of , k in eon' reiVett, with ibar4w604, 1 go, alOo . it young I ol water; Is with 1 , and /,* r,entrallY ; As, 9 -Apply to the 1 to Myer, Q. 11. -,, I : . 1 Lot .6, COn, IS, Enl- ! tullnagOod state of .i s well timbered -, 2 e bain 110-46 with ; Asa '0tber out,- 1 from Ssisforth, and i and lAnfovbi ,* ix i And mills, oppOrtunity tO a frret4lasft Ian). n the prembseg, or t O.:fleet, JAMES .; : -We ;, rAum Fen SAL11,-Beiug -1r; lett; 150 acree, cOltivation, the remaining frame bonaes nearly nobles underneath, buildings ; le Sitttatdd same diStAnce f eonvenleut to . erMs eaay, i Thisi ettY pereon wiebingito Far fartber particulars iC letter .to WA. ...4. ......-,.....-.............;,........., rAmt PoR SAL -1" Con, 5 Stead mind in a Sta'te, -of Well timbered. T tbereis $ good alw Lae -stalks, also ftnit; there is a ninningthroug,h tha at the -house, Is al Boytield lt0aa, 1810 guron and Bruce It.: and 10 frOnt Seaf qFply to the pro Varna, P. 0„ TH.03, ,-Por ' 76 d va ever-- !Is farm - bin ilway, 6 .1. For ifurther etor on MILLS. _,....., ...4, part kif Lot 28, i , 60 Acres cleared I lora the. balance is 1.,, is well fenced ; 1 . And frame aarn i orchard bearing ; -stressia of water i excellent spring 1 i raes 1.4 the .ice of the London, miles frOm C'llaen particelare tbe prelate -es, or to ' 898 ALIJABLE F , For Sale, It rem. situated: abo tad 5 miles .frum Se 0 B•0Tnekersinish, eentains 30 of which are eke n4 la ate balance bet '1 Preserved. The Nis b- lth good cellar- rue and bc desired; re is es in good bearhi . order, mting. Tema easy Apply by A.u°11, Whig -ham, tor to0 JA. *forth. ' - -- 4 ' 0"'''' y CR., , 'Brtmelleigt 28) .Cen, 8, I.. It, 100 acres, first-44es- order: I timber and 'well , li stOreys high, iitimildW8 All that 0 an °reheat]. of 8 nd .. never-faill poet to rafilah. IES BONTIIRON, XV RAW MILL - N" SALE,- oaw Mill and farm, lOah. The mill so w, hutting saw, I in good oraer, e mill, two Ira F ble, Thera:ifs *hie timber, onsfal 'annock and other 4 the vicinity to . Setory. reasons givei4f 4-sny time. gee f letter vast P. 0;,:br , P. 0.! I 05, tains lenge saw, eta .dwelliutt o 7 e G. ., a , ciroular, I 8 1 edger and patker- ) on tee lot besidee I houses'sn4 Immo ' tity of val- 1 1 ash, and h a arse ft fAck o • Setts- given . !. s - - , arisei fcred net p grain by ta ing his it PaYnl he d a , gray enbj fit a hcsi the issue be as wit of ing I tien en mane me the selves whol the) deed to a plieh In a a necess the ,a/3 wait effect th