HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-23, Page 7itammemisisivammeessmolinemeas Mend $rtlz osis. without form wee Ripon etre face of the t of God moved nom the face hod ssdfd let there eo light, dud az$ CHAP. 1* • A' L IDT of choice e., Mtn( a llet, PrOWisioH9' STOCK. Before the hrinning of - all organized tatter chaos reigned, and held all the known or unknow.- foree8 of matter chimea by finer;) and suspension, Kat- ecr w t len i. an inorganic► sate, dis, versed in its c nstituent elements to a "ightle fluid oti gaseous condition, In L, condition 1 disturbance cot or necessity, fo' need where n late the latt wolves then is evident no accidental Id take place by chance necessity could have no want was implied to nt forces, as these were dis�rscd in their con- e-attlent elements, e mice could not oper- a a5 they were powerless without coni • - b"Mien to prouce any chemical action or irbance, Ibut especially to produce design by any combinations of fora un- der no directing„ intelligence. In their Beate of inertia they were unalterably flea by suspeztiou, Chance could have i and devoid o f anydistu disturbing otionleall was ower i l g p tr) prod'uce any effect whatever, It is rational to infer that from this state of tbin'sno ehasigould take place in condition dition of a s, except some In- telligence, who* we must call food, di - arid se eeted the utilization of to it adaptability for living or- nissms, from the lowest to the highest of life sad existence, and that, un - i$ eternal and Almighty .Hand. order an design from chaos and er. Blit by no accident, which I already Lown would be utterly impossible while matter was held by sus- pensi0zi in the feotus of chaos, ruled by no impulse or action upon which chance could at all operate If chance wore the original disturber, why is all . material er e tion exhibited with such wonder - fu deeign�n, whether it be aplanet or a sun, Or the .minutest living organiser: ? Now, I would ask the Theorist or Athiest, could chance- do all this uni- formly without exception, in every de- partment of nature and material organi- zation, around us on the earth, tinder the earth, in the waters, and in the .lea ens above , To this he can answer nothing but eh nee, inexplicable chance, - where no opera ion: of chance is possible, bot especially ti, produce uniformity and design, without any exception. : But the Athiest must have his theory, and the Theorist inufst have his hobby, ,and they will not exchange chance for sound rea- sonic.` or any other eta hysles, thong the c{ the climax of folly and 1sh lty &,. fir intellectual, monkey a fon with an they think they have matter between their I i a bran new theory— now th - Ian c1 at the oltl nursery tales of their childhood, Clod and the devil seern now to them like once potent btig- bears that were useful then to eller% their infantile, 1,oist€ rous merriment, to quiet and slumber ; so they Laugh or'sneer at the old story with impunity, or roll their eyes up with scorn, for they have: found it all out, and they now call the forces of matter their God ; they point to the Heavenly bodies, and expatiate with .volubility why it is they are forever fly- ing throegl<i space on their orbits. They cannot do otherwise they say, ,I gttidecl . and curtailed as the spheres are A en y, two antagonistic principles, the cen- made ' tripetal and cFntrif ugal forces. 1 These Masa balance—hut stop !-I: must here ask, do these two forces balance the planets in their orbits ? Admitting the influence of these two forces, what ower gave the planets their first one ate impulse, and which isaltogether independent df these two forces antagonistic ? Now., I think. their philosophy is at fault, and must give way to this sober fact, that two equally opposing forces can only produce rest or inaction, for if the centripeal forces possess more control over a parti- cle or bail of Matter than the :opposing force, it must cif necessity be in the as- cendant and draw it to itself ; or if the centrifugal be the prevailing .influence, drive it still farther away out of reach of the centripetal torte, until extreme dis• tante bars its influence and involves rest, so that in either ease the result is the same inaction, Furthermore, no com- bination of these two opposing! forces could produce circular or orbita motion, without the interference of a third on- ward impulse to give original Motion ; and since, after studying this Iproblcm, the agency of a third. force iuust be ad- mitted. pray tell iris what is this force called ? Bat no a.nswcr can be given save one only s the direct and iwmeddiate ac- tion of God hinviclf upon matte`.. No other answer can be given ; the falling of an apple --cannot discover it ; nor the utterly stupid syllogism that necessity completes what chalice beturi,, when chance is shown to be as notorious- ly irrational and tnipossiblc, as nccesSit y i:s to supply a want where alone previous- ly exist -=c1, .All our new theorists have erred Iry taking ..latter simply iii detail, withe.ut any rc fs;rc nce to its origin ; find hence ridieuloitss exploits of framing new ssolicrr)ess for the investigation of material organization by' a school of iinpertu.rbable baboors's ! For, if the operations of mat- ter were re l)recipitated by Chance, chance mild Griot,by any process of retteoning, be proven. to arrttnee material organiza- tion, ae no nr;ecssstsity was implied there- for. (,'s,tild chance, then, construct Io SON'S Agri . r the liberal pa ince comaiieIIcin rtrs that they fiee BUGGIES ATS e of ;vorkraear ssla lV seed by any odic eta their per. au4 say ► (Ptargt3te* TRIAL" lI T1 LADED TO, EiA`.E,. LN&CO, )S T ORE ectrt�,. LIOTT ;eneraily that he etionery Store hat ph Office,, E[n the above lira In hand. !FCS, A. r ELLIOTT. D-FORY II, t1SSIE of crnstruetiolr • ;4tantialiy built IIA I i`O:.S. ►anda nnely fin- ed will be sold agons require puff - au baud now, Ufe, UAL 'e 4, ono- .- RAa.S.91. ILL OTT commenced upierl by Air. :...teras for foute/bits, hand. t AA great re° 4 .CF) �tnnc, E. SCOTT._- LLERY furnish his tire, it perfectly n, fuse known a the mas<- E,DB . SEE N fleas, hlli�� , Al2 watt in lli the root of teeth,—forto*t the HSg wig afid pl e h ordained in t # ess to Himself and his creative` JAMES DEL AGE. oaf, July 19, 1876. s. Hen and Eggs. ", A Cook " writes to the Country (J t.Iem.ar r '' To make a dish of ham 6' eggs as good as possible, cut the h =� nearly half au inch thick, boil in plc y of water till barely cooked through, p r off the water, and put the an in a pi just hot enough to brown to fat part ff the him slightlie but not hot enough make a smoke, or to brown the lean me t much. When this is fiuishecl remove t e frying an.from the fire, take up the hair pour the fat into a cup, and wipe t pan u til it shines like a mirror, witho it a single speck to mar the polish, Th n put in a spoonful Of the clear part of t fat, . bleak -in the eggs, and set the ,pan nl a place scarcely hotter than boiling w: t- er ; cover it, 'and let the eggs cook slowly an possible for four or five mina taking them up as soon as they can re lifted out, L'lace them around the ha and do not pour any of the fat on the di Eat with mashed potatoes." THE LADIES' FAVORIT THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHIN E TS now Universally admitted to be the BEST end CHEAPEST --the cheapest because the best.— in the market, This is the only machine in the market having a reversible feeder, and it is he only machine that makes more than one kind of a stitch.] Theee machines are sold on trial, and it the purchaser le not satiefied,with it can return it and 'set any other machine in the rfiarkot, A trial: of it is all that is required to give satisfaction. 9 a WILLSON HMI an a'burt4 +nt su�pp1 ,always or) based at el f} rrt i in Ago that wawa all s t n h tiger e l#. isi lye USICAL INSTRUMENTS. ENTS. { 0 C, WILLSON hearts the lamest sItnet +est selectee stock of Musical Ittetrntrients Wes, of Toronto, eoneisting of that celebrated idiathu ill Piano, and other Pianos, Prinee's,iiieorge W Betsy, and Canada Organs and Melodeons, any of w hich he can sell as cheap as the mannfat:tnr: i:. Agricultural, Implement 1 stock of the best Agricultural Im rlomets i America, on hand as usual, tong sten,• .f• 'a, Woods' Patent, and the Johnsen Si ' �.le Reapers, Woods' Iron Frame and BvekeyeMow s, SOMETHING NEW. She 's self dumping HAY HAKE. T : is only s,if dumping hay rake in nee, and a y bo years df age, and able to drive a horsb.ea. wor Mr, Willson has no hesitation +in rete., _• end this rake to hie customers as the best evr in dueed.. Any person desiring to purchase one have a fair trial of lc. e 2 t,. g o- >i P LW tisssay'' No. 18 ThistI = Cut r, the on y genuine Thistle Cutter Plow in he' ,� : r- ket—� O sold in the County of Huron x, st y : . The P rt Perry and London Gang -Plows, the ' .st Gang lows ever introdu d to the blit. A tidal gi en and satisfaction uerantsed. 11 k of Gen ra1 Purpose Plows a ways on hand Grafi Drills and Barrows, Turnip 8 • Sow . s, Horse oe% and all other implements always s hand.. Allkinds of Points and Castings for differ° t Plows in use kept constantlyon nd TO THE LADIES.—In the Sewing ac and Musle Department MISS SLOAN keep a full stock of Bntterick'sPattcrnsand Self -Pitt Charts. All the latest andnewest stiles fashions. The latest and most pope 8 • et Mush c and Mnsie Books. e TO THE 0. C. WILLSON PUBLIC AT LAR W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Coll MANUFACTURER, worlds, and living creatures of t;very i _ -� : grades and species, (complete in each,) SIGN OP TIIE SCOTCH COLLAR. and furnish all the 4evi (moss of har- 1 Achofecassortmontoflight and heavy %Eaarn. , mritry, tiosi"ti and development, - and. coasts ; Whips, Belle,Ifnrse Clothing, &c,, kept y mull i)LCr'shary order as its apparent nt to all : 'coll hand, harges mod144)411.4"f4eteember the piaceeeign ,f men of /eland retirrds, If we admit chance j the scotch Cellar. %V. 11. OLIVE as the-Originaldisturber, it would only make mere f;ipx tastie confusion among : DIAMONDSPEC' TAC L S the atomic materials of chaos, or, in fact, produce no design, but make confusion more confused. It is evident, then, . , chance could have no part in creation, as no creation would benecessary, when . ' the want of it could not be felt by un- : . conscioue zriattcr----chance acting on. Jit;- crrijulizrd.natter wi'-hout consciousness, slid, therefore, without knowledge of do- THESE Sppectacles are manufacturedted o- fr in'r ssmoothin definite. In vain., I ask . MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES e is gether, and are called DLA FOND on account .1 ;;cent,, what could it produce ? Oh ! their hardness and brilliancy. It is well kn' n theri ,le orf rflttrlxce thou art lomat ill the that Spectacles eat from Brazilian or Scotch ) 1 ' tiles arc only injurious to the eye, becausra of t � las lalryrisitll�s r,t thy' own topliisltry ; thy polarizing light having been tested with e subtle orgurncntts blind. thine oivn eyes, polariscolse, the diamond lenses have been. foid and the eyes of many ; but thy answer to admit fifteen percent, less heated rays t ,n los thr, _ query amounts simply, moth any other pebble, They are ground with t leg i o hauco : or -Development etre- but scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic J b- 'tstollens, and produce a 1 rightness and disci. tr details of t`agar! t s not of the ori gin of nese of vision not before attained in spcctae s; things Crr Um:. }All thins furnish eve Mannfactnredby ElettCt, rri a)1 LltnightyIntelligence;no oth- er .mss . pence. Optical Manufacturing result is deducible ; as I have itlready f ,;Etiv YORK.proved, it was impassible that chance • could take arty fort tf, disturb the con - The great demand for these speetacictr has 'n' laced uniserapulous dealers to palm off an n. inferior article for the Diamond. Geeat , re should be taken to see that the trade mark which is protected by Letters Patent, is °tam =d on every pair, - For tsele by E. HICBSON. & Co., Seaforth, Agents. SLAPOBTB. S LLINC OFF, SELLIN ;DRI,EIS GOODS, 1�.3L. CI1 STLx);11 C'O.ORED SILO` � PO1LI,S, 1 FF OHEAP dition. of dices, when no accident was liable to °emir to inorganic inateriala, diffused and held in bondage by suspen- eiors, aricl devoid of all combination to produce any chemical effect whatever. X 0 3 m Z m `N333':� SI�ldd czt czt 'IlT�1�1 TV DMOAr 'ar _,HQ.2TS- OHWSaTa-FLD_ N.17021011( 9111 r z 1 OA C OFF, SELLING OFF, b1S IN.S, I PRI TS, COR TS, -G'LO ES, ROSIER)', PARASOLS, Silk UMIJR.ELLA,S', e., &c., &a) A BROTHERS' H S ORES' SEAFORTH. NEW TURKEY HA: POCKET SPE GOODS AT i K. �.. . KSO JUST' FROM ENGLAND D MIR o:I, ASA7 ENT TE SPOONS, I FABLE POONS N VES A JND FORS CROCKERY Di hOWN, - GLA88WARE TEA SETS VYSY CHEAP, TEA.. TRAYS, COMM, BitUSHES, OONs, 'T A 0LES, AME ICAN WATCHES, 'LOCKS -HAI' Prices, Cheap, JEWELRY, MILK PANS AND CROCKS, &c. CALL IN E. H•ICKSON & CO'S. 0 NI m -u, z z 0 Cure Leueorr''uia ( r Whites), Peinft l M tion, Uleerat oil; of the Uterni, Ovarian Absent Mans root on, an 1 all diseases Female Wee ness _ They are prepared greatest carts under the p rnonal ssnptrvis Physician w o has made, male diseases a study for nut y ye rs, ax; they are Med which MAiti 1El) LADIES can depend hour and tin; • of a eed" as au unfailing� I 31 LE rE(3�ULATOTi Solei by al Dr box, $1; six oxe age securely seal particulars -its f send in a sea ed e eeipt of pot eta Address alai tiers WI Bold in f3rafoa Roberts, R. Lnms; NO±THR P Agents. I strua' .eases, wn as th the of a pecial_ fine on n the ggists everywhere. Pr te, one , 85; ; eenVby mail free , ost- d fromobservation. abs recti n. r full r our -pamphlet, vhic , e will vela ro to any adore ' on re- npo prepay return stage, or pamphlets or p11s t 7-IAi GRAS' & o,, +r, h by E. Hickson 'w&inCd, . , JOnt. S.. en, and by all druggists. LYMAN, Toronto, °lesale B,eow AMINIMMINIP BY CARRIAGES NOW ON EXHIBITION AT 1 0; tri tet o le l DIRECT FROM MORGAN HIMSELF. H 0 Q H M 0 so fop crq C , co 0 1 rn co c r rn c go 2 z 0 c 500 CORDS HEADING WANTED AT COLEMAN & COUINLOCK'S Saw Mill, Ser'.cfor t. RO ERTSO1'S FURNI.TURE WAREROOMS. SAWL I1 R TH FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER :BROUGHT TO SEAFORTH, AND WI L BE OFFERED- VERY CHEAP, In order that the Ibfantine population may have a good time during the coming summer. OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HND, HEMLOCK LUMBER FROM $7 TO $9, 1L4 8 PLL -. At the Shortest Notice. COLEMAN & GOIflNLOCL PALI TTI G -e M. ROBERTSON. Housig, SIGN AND OR,TAM.R7 TAL PAIR TIN. The G STEAM i STAVE, IRON T' C(o GODERICH FOUNDRY. der ch Foundry & Manufacturing Co. • g'to inform the public that they are prepared to furnioh NGINE'3 AND 'BOILERS ; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS HEADI G AND SHINGLE MACHINES, HOOP MACHINES, &c. AND t 'OOD N PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUT- S, &e,, . UGAR. AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE -BARS, &e, OKING: PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. S -LT PANS MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, ND' B ' ASS CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITH WORK 1 ERS A i' D ENGINES AND GENERAL REPAIRS DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. orders a ressed to the Company or Secretary will receive prompt attention.,. 41.r, f c riitary and Treasurer, H, HORTON, President, Tl, RUNCIMAN, General Manager: IRAN A BOI 4 fi�gg' Al A.1J.e�D iJ1 the n 1'1' pn an e and b! hand. A LAR And evcrythi No A.esocigtic WHAT NEXT? NEW BUSINESS, NEW MEN. dersigneld, have purchased Mr. W. H. MAY'S Establishment, where, we intend to carry tensive _ripeness Business, both Wholesale and Retail, manufacturing by Machinery We a1s bleep on hazed f E A SORTMENT OF TRUNKS- AND VALISES, °rtsi n n the, Business. Light and Driving g � g to $ ng �aerareKsa as i�tSeefaaEl�. n Prices + re. Give us a Call before purchasing elsewhere. Cr, E. HENDE1 SON & Co. THE (ENI X SUMCE � CCOMPANY, Y CO AN, LONDfi , ENGLAND. w -AGENT A 'Coruna p in Hess i p largest bush' claims with are Moderate AT. ATSON, SEAFC) r TH.. This old standard was in'1 82 s n- 7 doe Mue- rte i its ' the wort d es 'h Of lite d, p the secoisd ss in the United Kingdom, pays its romptittndc and libe*ality. Its rates 897-26 A GOOD THING—Thi( T. CHItISTIAN LOTAl, Manufaeturerand Patentee of the Best Itiree Pruning Unice Made in Canada,warranted not to break. If the blades break they will be rep)ed free of charge, These Knives can be had at K. XtOBERTSON & Co.'s Hardware Store, Seafh. pili -18 • KAL` OMININa AND PAPER• Executed with Dispatch, and o: Terms, sigg CZ NEM B NG G Reasonable sggasrQ tspo d Signs fox Stores and Hotels: done i the t test American 1 t les, Ail orders 1efttat Moore Campbell's Photograph (allay pr ptly attend- ed to i 8% : 'WILKINSON ik TRA.NN. THOMSON & WILL AMS AGRIC ULT URAL l'MPLIJ 1iER B ENGINE AND ENGINE WORKS, MITCHELL, ONTARIO. 0111C Two -Horse Wood Scum MaeM e bass been thoroughly tested, and gi isfaction. It` is supplied with a b driving a straw cutter, grain cru machinery, without extra expense f vs enntiee sate �nd wheel ler her, cr other )r the belt. A TRIAL OFFERED. - ALL KINDS O1? FARMING MING IMPLA , :.-'CYTS Dept constantly on ha& BOILER SHOP IN FULL OPERATION, exee Eugioests of all .alsxes glade to trot' B.EPAH10 PROMPTLY ATTE DED TO. ADDRESS, THOMSON & WI LIAIIlS� Mitch° + 866° 'Mitchell, 1878.