HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-23, Page 644444 i ens oe ate. No one thin fail to r rk, especially in the soot of Spain, the ;great number of yh ith the lucid " Barber and lee .1 r-" surmoun g the typical brut bin that dangles ver the door. The bleeders, or uunyr s of Spain on whom Min Ford was, haps, unduly s rare in his strictures, fo large a elms that they deserve a sing notice in any tette; picture of mot 18D2111, " In them, a9 in many other th" gs,;' says Mr, 'lzhieblin ie a few woe on bleeding, `'the Spanish nation is f�c tlyabused ; and, we think, soinew'hat unjustly, Now, the system of bks ing, in this country, .le mistinders in England ; and its need—for we am a it to be, in �y e.s, absolutely needful—is not duly allowedfor. Th,e eysterri, ifproponf y carried out, is as follows 4The f3 nish doctor is called to the side of some �n in high fever ; he he;ii' vas bleeding to be the best way to relieve the oppress- ed heart and parched, bursting skin. He, therefore, after, judging by the pa - tis pule how great s quantity of blood must be taken to relieve the sys- tem, give hint a j.apt'j'.1,ci,, as it i€s called, to be sent to the nearest barber and bleeder., On this slip of paper is writ - tau, and id ed by the medical man, the number of ounces of blood to be taken, and it . is ;at once done, generally very skilfully, bythese men. _I The Meet r, be it remeip bered, is re- quired, before he can practice, to pass certain examinations in bleeding and tooth extraction, But the ' fault of the system is that constantl ,owing to the pleasurable relief afforded to, and ex- o-d by, the ,sufferer as the feverish pours forth, the bleeder taker upon himself to' take away double the amount of blood certified as .needful on the pop- e/eta. Teo often, again, instm of bleeding in the saphena vein, he bleeds one of the veins of the left hand, just above the knuckle of the middle finger, in in w erase, the moment open, the band is thrust int hot water, land thus the anis is only vaaueiy essgd by ouh the vein io a basin of Int of blood the appear` gam° Le an article for sale and cannot l for nothing. There are few bus of which require the common sons' 1 geed judgment as to conduct . a , per profitably and the interest pub in Few persous think that e For5 e on n re � and color the e water. The clan of this last e we have o rselves been shocked. by witnessing. 1 e need bleeding, iii case of.oa/eater,1ernunoso-- inflaniniation of the lung nd pleurisy we believe, a real one ; and even sometimes, we fear there is need in th case of violent fits of pas ion, Fo first, the Spaniard is of a highly nervou excitable temperament ; secondly, th difficulty of getting a free perspiratio greater in triopical Spain than in `Eng land ; and thirdly, the Spaniards hard parchment akin .will not stand the strai of the bursting veins withotit a leve oppression on the heart. The fashion awone menet of .the Spanish practitionerir now, is to substitute aconite in sinal doses for b eeding ; but this medicine too often depresses the heart for a longer "isle and mare severely than the old sys- tem, It should here be added that the panish inefiicaal- men have `unproved greatly of late years, and are really a rly ekillul, well educated and pains- taking set of underpaid men Possibly e chief need in the medical world -of pain is the translation of the newest nglish medical works into th = language 1 of the shingles were rotten. i {lime for this purpose, it is ver that it be fresh and ;aeti�;, shingles be well soaked in a that shall penetrate the pores, forming this work, a few shin taken at a time in the hand, n into a tub of the wash, and the to dry. The -ot sbingIees is the ap troleum, This lime, but may be using a eoarse b are laid, the pene oil causing it to p and to run an Inc pores, Several r plied eight years feet condition, entitle we hardly k applications to gir inclined to reco most strongly, lime showy its pr pplyin ssentia that the in wash In per-, were ped er mode of 1 erving lication of c de pe. its a little m re ban applied more Saeid by eh after the shin tea rating char. r o the s through tbelI n les, upward th 4i ugh the ins to which, w ap- go appear to - in per ronr the ex ow which o the prefere mewl the The experime rvative cha wo are um t ith r,=nd the importance and value of use. g it for buildings and l rd fences, a rovi led fresh or caustic li, r is employ • w s en petroleum cannot be convenie tly ob- tained. It shou d be thin, o liq id encu' to zenetrste the pore of he woo -4 e lrange, Running Newspnpek. Bunning a never; . per is like lie itin a fire in lead weathe Every one ,l thi ks he can do it better than the one who :- his band'en, Thr ugh some mieapp h.ension Of faetct a large class of people have come to the " that it coats little or nothing to Gond = a newspa ` , , and every one can do it as well, if not , ter, than the Ione who blishes the, par r. It has bac ome a ger eral fashion f. r ► „r - sons to call at any newspaper of* a; d ask for a; copy of : he paper, hav ng • o idea that it costs :she publishet rtr.n. y and hard. work to print and y- t paper, There is business ha .=,h• h there is More or ev. as much fi anei.1 rink as in a news . per, and fe i-- nesses in which the e is as much ,pii';1 invested, More t c n eight mill '1 dollars have been loot in �i whence in the lad year, A ti I ittle item has to be to consider the good and to see whether i terest to publish i who can write at al stands the whole r the one who has hie most every one who some thoughts whish on paper, but what o ere of the papers wil 1 in them, and if the readers will lose., inte est in the ' per and by and by drop , ff, leaving the, con- cern in a pitiable wr k. To cond et a newspaper so that i will be read ,• 'th more interest each w -k , is .what a ery� one who has an id of ublishi g a newspaper must do, An editor must be untired, if he wishes ' make hisper interesting, He mus never be eos in n t with filling his colum ' s each, week,; but must try to fill them with he n as condensed and ac ' eptable a m as possible, To do al the above th do them well in each and every wee the year, is what few u ; ve as iea of ing, and what few ha e an idea of ing to be done, unless they know sq thing of the busines:. It require nn ng steady and sensible son to condu part- newspaper that it ' aybe financi e by profitable.--iVew Pape : eporter, col- ti S far S of the country. Some few of ing works of France are in c fairly translaated ; but sear those of England, --Temple L'. the lead- rculation, y any of t7; A" i gate r Leathe . Twenty years ago the secret the alligator hide was revealed ner of a Boston boot and sho; an old Canadian. The busine letting and tanning the ski once commenced, and now fr to 20,000 are tanned yearly; f to to a haus 5 of ead over and points and the will be to y:. Most eve thinks he r4 fession 'better and in, Itis an write at a he or she can pu them, The! ead not be .inter lan is kept u oval bate r in ODe der thal fae has steea th 1 s was at Moody on Z : °hens; hickare consumed by boot and . shoe manufac- turers in every portion of the United States, as well as exported to London and Hamburg, In the fordtrade, however, the 'French are fo idable r -i vale, owing to their superior ethods of tanning, in which, as a nation, hey beat the world. The alligators foie rly came almost entirely fron1Louisyo ianu, and New I ow did u get your Orleans was the great centr of the met Jesus of Nazareth business, (ying Yto their indis criminate of the city, andel -ask and injudicious slaughter, how ver, the mercy upon me, and :sight.' 'Jesus of Na this part of the countr ready on His way to J now going down tothe should like to see Him and away he runs down he cannot get a glimps little ' of stature, on great throng round Him sycamore tree, and says I get up there and hide, seeing me, He cannot ge m 17,000 ner goof do- v- e.` to lly The followin is .M • Moody's p ra- hrase of the New TeH menu sto of 0 accbeua, as told by him at one of London meetings s ' I " As he is passing d s wn . the stre man meets him and urns round says, ' Bai'timeus, ie t at you ?' it's me.' ' Well, I tho ght : was, yet I thought my eyes ' ust deceive H sight?' 'I utside the d Him to h e gave `me reth jut Ile r;, 'ue is rusalem. He astern gate.' says the it then street of Him, be oust of He ,runs to to himself without an by withou int.' A Ike to be there he i ranch has ndheeiay_ by withouj Him.' Ali He looks he look Them he n the son nd Zarch u among t n th't God- an crow( co = if Christ a r t u der h ooko p n says o h d come do n is says to h m im my na e o Him,' 1 him. Sinn u ; He`kno use, X70 of you. I11you Him, bear in from, Hi f you s ; e Y• a ix w animals became thinned out, little business' in that line is i in -.the Crescent City. 'J'he swamps and moraases are now • vest fields, and Jacksonville, State, is th' great depot. annuals are killed in great nuix the passengers, of river stew thou di them ere hunters who re ulgar business of their capture, The alligators often :attain a length of eight- sen to twenty t eel, and freque tly live to a Beret old a e. The hides a e strip- ped oft`, and the beily,and sides, t e only portions fit for use, are packed in arrels, in a strong brine, anshipped to. the. 'Northern tanner, who, keeps the under treatment for°,frem six! to eight tenths, when they are ready th be cut p. So far the leather has been mainly sed in ., the manufacture�of boots and shr�es, for which it is' especially adapted ; all d, by rennin of the pleasing var egatioi or its €rurfetee, snakes a most excellent olid be- coming lirotectiorf for the mnsculn v, and, indeed, the feminir e foot, for it is be - f nning to be employed in the n1 n of ae- tura of fatties' boots, Haname) slip - pare are also made both of the b ached and mil/lacked skin, as well as sh pping nage porternounaies, cigar ease and small leather goods of all kinds ; t ough, owing to the unfavorable state of rade,. tli:eee latter have' not been eaten ively introduced outside of this city. osto,, Builf. tin t nd but row done Florida the liar in that The hers ley rrl:boats, make a Making Shingles Durable Fenn many experiments tried fc purpose of rendering shingle roofs able we; have found two modem rest erAirrt•t t sttce;000, namely, soaking in wash and, applying petroleum. j,, yours ago, having occasion +o e ler• aE 110 1.21 15'c getting a good look at many rich men do not coming to Jesus. Well, the sycamore tree, on a right over the highway, himself, ' He cannot get having a good look at once the crowd burst out John—' that's not him Teter --'that's not him.' One who was fairer th men. ' That's Him.' just peeping out fron branches, looked down u derful, yes, that might amazement, At last the to the tree, and it looks a going by ; but He stops 1 tree, and all at once He sees Zaccheus, and he ' Zaceheus, make haste a I can just imagine Zaeche self --'I wonderwho told I was never introduced Christ knew all about ; Christ, knows all about yo r the your name and your h clue- 1 think God does not know it in would try to hide from lime 1 mind that you cannot hid elv c fle known where each one recta knows all about your sins, ic:; building 24 xib0 feet, we had all the I iragleg, (which were sawed pint;,) well j Hens Eating Eggtr, alk- el in lime wash before application. u Trane nitre was fresh or caustic, and 1A correspondent of the is made inti) a rattler the tin says "Having seen 1 mixtur e, so 1 asked . how to cure hen th•tt the liquid might penetrate the pores 1 eggs, and leaving- been pi of tilt. wood, This,was done two or three 1 end to devise some means days beforehand so as to become dry, '1'► e carpenters complained of the cat na tit•e of the lime but ori th` a tic is ctrl stic ell radar the suinees of the experiment de; reri(leel, SVe haye just examined this roc f in the presence of two builders, ho pr trounce the shingles "as good as i1 w." '1'lry were .perfectly sound and el ite hard, and the only appearance of age as the wearing of the upper surface to an amount about equal to the thickness of paper. The experiment eves thoroughly successful. Another roof on an aadmoiin= rug building a year later without the linin was partly covered with moss and, most '::n i bt t re in 4 h on- in e,� m�. t. r, • know a as s, id 0. as is y 1- I g a on e -A Ohre ortltrj J3ulle- he cltiestion from eating to my wit's q stop them, I finally by accident hit upon a plan that I have never - known to fail. 0,10 great trouhle with man• breeders is, they make their hens' ne s too large, and with Brahmin and Co 'lens the nes are near the ground, and i many cas the eggs are in view of the hens. , Th was the case with my nets, Having tried every available stuff, itch as per, mustard, turpentine and everyt.a., I could hear of, but no cu e, I then l� took a common nail -keg, cu in two, or piece about inches hi i and place it in the box where the ens laid. then put in an egg ; the ole en inouate g i 1. e L> U * the nest or lee and t ' to : :ah the egg, e . riding on the cd , e of .lie keg, but it was no o ; she then ,got y wn era the keg, but that was a acture for she did not have ' e;in to get t the gg ; at - ter trinn for ,.f �� time e a e it up for a t . job. I have no cr an egg eaten `.' y: the ns since ; 11 of he nests in my colts ='ve a piece f a k -- in the box, and.!: have parts of . ego. f r nem; Do not make them too deep, ;t deep enough so that the hen ca snot riw _ h the bottom when standing on he edges of the keg. You then are troubled with liens eating their eggs try they plan ; and I think yott will "never regret the trouble it will be to outwit -the old hen," SPEOI L BARC/I NS IN UA, FRUIT ,X A Daring he Fruit Season at HALL & PAVaY Goods Delivered fn Town Free of Charge, IDD ARD ,ARE, I _ JUST RECEIVEDy A SLAT B ui�xdth E STOCK OF Hardwa whieh Will be void as f I e, OHEAP 4S ANY IN TO N. ENCINC•IVIR[ A SPECIALITY. . f JIOHN ID BUTTER; BUTTE EDWA D CASH BUYS GOOD BU1TTE 1 IN AN' QUANTITIES, ucl Pays If guest Price in Manes GODERICH STREET, 8eaforth. G EMPORIUM. The ubeeriber here thanks hfa,Humero s 'atom s (merchautg an others) for their liber 1 atron ge daring the pas seven years, and hope , y stria integrity Rand close attention to busines , L. meri their confidence and trade in thefuture. 'F a iisvf g greatly enlarged big premisjea, during e win er, he is nokv prepared to pay 'the - la EST CASH PIC r an quantity Of good. fresh eggs, deliver the EGG EMPOItItf M,, Wanted by the arubsefiberl26 tons ain ogood dr el an WHEAT. STRAW. D. D. .WILSON. snvolrrx, biarch118,1874. 628 HO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG,. EAFORT111, W Jl Loa E, T. ettl4er on Farm: or Vi Iage Property. arties requiring Money should apply to hiiti. Money at is LO RATE 'OF INTER - SU E YOU NI) Yptr J, trona, PROPERTY LIVES} w s eafo ' IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scot Joh Provincial Ineuranee Conma Fire a d Life. Thg Western Insurance Colmpany, of Toren Fire and Life. ' Th Isolated Riek Instiranee Company,' of T tens as 'reasonable as Offered by any other age t doing basinees for reliable COMpatli0f4, S to e, Main Street. Seiforth. 262 MA EE & MACDONALD A -R oved hei tumbler Yard to the lot between the ercha ts Salt Company's Works and Mar - :bean' fg-osmAriiii;., KINDS OF LU3fBER, dresged and , essed. ' Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of whi h 'they are preparad to sell at the lowest pos. ibl prieee, for Cash, _ ,,Algo. cin hand any quantity f th best CTON LIME. Builders nd others vill find it to their silvan. age to ins ct our stook, and ascertain our priees TO. KOOL KL MING AT ROGERS% BLACK GRENADINES AT B LAWN STRIPED MUSLINS AT BOGIE/1S', LACE 'OWED MUSLINS AT ROGERS', AT ROGERS', BALBRIGGAN gosurty AT ROGERS', WHITE 'MOUES CHEAP P_ RA8OLS CHEAP SUNSHADES AT ROGERS'. BLACK CASHMERES AT Rom& MOURNING GOODS AT ROGERS', AT ROGERS', STRIPED GRENADINES AT ROGERS', AT ROGERS', LACE STRIPED MUSLINS AT ROG LAWN STRIPE' AT ROGERS'. BALBRIGGAN HOSIERY AT ROGERS', CHEAP P AWLS AT ROGERS', CHEAP SUNSHADES AT ROGERS', BLACK CASH E AT ROGER 1, MOURNING GOODS NOTED FOR CHEAP PRINTS AT ROGERS'. COTTON YARN COTTON YAR In WHITE, .11:LUE, ORANGE wad RED. CARPET WARP, CARPET WARP1, In ORANGE, GRE 1EN, RED, BLUE and WHITE, AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. LOGAN & JAMIESON. A GOOD INDICATION. a result of Good Business, the subscriber has reeently been obliged to very mach enlarge premiees, width are now filled with a very Is,rg a steak of the most desirable grades of ii , INCLUDING JAPANS, YOUNG EY ONS, GliNPOWDER, BLACK AND COLOGNE. Scotch Refitaed, Liverpool Refined, Cuba and Demerara, White Ground and Block Lamp. • ALL THE BEST BRANDS IN SMOKING AND faiit.WING. LIQUORS. his CIANADIAN Whiskey and all Ltnported Liaurs purchased in Bond and sold pure so usual. A frdl "d Supply of General Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be sold at very email profit. Chequered Store, , Seal orth, Jan.2fit 1876. PA LY SEEDS, SE Who Wants $..ie ;UST ARRIVED THOMAS E El FLOUR AlID SEED STORee 43 Quantity of Choke Clover, Tilnothiy, Taira, :if Grass, Millet, And all kinds a Field and GareLen LOTS OF FRESH Grocerie,s and Pr ALWAYS STOCK. All will be Aoki at the -Lowest Prices, call before yon purchase elsewhere. THOMAS L THE SEAFORTH CARRIAGE FACTORI calturral Implement Emporium. WHILE returning thanks for the liberal TT rousge they have received since businese in Sesfortb, would state this now prepared to furnish DOUBLE AND SINGLE BOCCI AND Whieh, for style and excellence of worknia and material, cannot be enrpessed by any other estOlislareent in the Province. , They are practical workmen, devote their soma attention to their btudnegs, snd t make light work a opeciality, they cen gismos, GIVE THEM A TRIA REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TOi _ AND CHARGES MODERATE. DOMINION BOOKSTORE WILLIAM ELLIOTT REGS to inform the public generallY that ha has opened a Book anti Stationery Store in the front of the Dominion TelegTaph Office, Where an assortment cf Goods in the above line will be kept constantly on hand. SCHOOL BooKs„ BLANK BOOKS, WALL PAPER, 1VINDOW BLINDS MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, &O. ELLIOTT TIT HURON CARRIAGE FACTORY WILLIAM GRASSIE TTAS now on hand arid in mimed eanstraeffos -L-a- a number of handeome and substantially built BUGGIES, DEMOCRAT WAGONS, AND PHAETONS. FOld,?- THE W,1RIM WEATHER. 1 icobtaetax.7.1=ditorrma.7, and will be "la These vehieles are well made, .UW5013244 fill - ASOLS, SUNSHADES, LINEN DRESSES, FRENCH MUSLINS, GRENADINES, TISSUE SHAWLS, GRENADINE SHAWLS, &C. Sun Hats, Dolly Vardens, Riverside, Opera, Rustic, CARLIST, BLANCHE, ALBERTA. At WILLIAM HILL'S, Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, TIg GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS BEGINS AT DENT'S N FRIDAY, THE 18TH DAY OF JULY. rest Sae fie° of Dry Goods, Straiv Goods almost thrOwn away. Intuit be done to inake ro m for Fall Importations. C itch the Bah -gains P'hile they atre Flying. G. DENT, SEAFORTIE, Are too well and fav bly knovna to requira Paff* lug. Hellas a ntunb of his best on hand nowt and they will be sold !leap. REPAIRING 4pONEAS USUAL. Rentember the old stand Huron Road, oppo- site Knox's Hotel, Se forth. HURON PLANING .M.11.1.. "REG to announce that they have commenced -a-• business in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. ?dartin, and are nowprepared to fill order -0 faa Sagle8, Doors, Blinds, Mauldin" • And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGLES. _ CHEESE BOXE4 ANO SETTERS/ Jig Sawing and Cuotonit Planing neatly dont' . A good gtock of Seasened Lumber on bend. Factory and Dumber :card on Goderich etraets near Main street. 1 NEW PHOTOGRAPH_ GALLERY IN SEA'"ORTIL TS now better preparul than ever to farms -a. patrons with a real, genuine lifealike Give him call and try him, and if not Per10447 satisfied he won't ask you to come spin. A few of those superior Sewing Machinesaknoara as the Osborn, 011 hand and for sale cheap. - Remember' the place,,nearly opposite th0 sten Hotel; Main Street, Seaforth. A, CALDM. his Iv al, eeessity zeta ve no were i Pgr- M. eteimbins pre 011 .44 desip em e-riaos and! y would be utterlyi hileenteiter Was held by eue- " ,'1e11261:1571geprims ..7:13.,ter°12413auceeortbkaSre yi is material I with suet wonder- ur 23114:Yr coal: ellahee .r°91r9 'Wit of:Vb4:011a: 3 hanitat1r,e1Xee:Pa$0 fa:utdexi°:4 : lea,teriab: 0 c v . around es on the earth, • in the wa eters and in est must hahe his nriodt exemulia,gtnhg4evechnhisnee for se- *ening or any othee • mete though they anti the cliniax of ' Bluest by their integeetua 47' in his mouth, they think they au iti root of the t mettere between bele forsooth 1 a bra ' new fib now to the li Po infahttilhae.tbet*ise Wrens in old sto with irriptin ty, or to It all out, arid thiy now - thhaelfeerf amiability why ift is they re forever : tat and cep. reect These nee --but al — lii St her4 ask, do ese two forces balance the p*nets in eir orbits ? Admitting the influence planets their final onwar impu and vihich is altogether indep intent a these their philosophy es at f ult, and must i give way to th' vibe,. !fact, that two I equally opposing orces can only nrodnee I ele or ball of ter than the g 1 t force, it mmet of !necessity be he as- i , tendant and. arm!! it to itself ; Or if the 1 a.,, d t,erlifutgutaliiibefaxPeliOrP:Zatly10jUntgofi44aohilelleeof4 ' se that in either nee an. irivolnes rest, th (ilea is the_ e bination of thee u ohoerreiorpos;taingjliGmoiowtiorelli; ii 2' seine inaction. could produce ci ward impulse to !give o ghat Vim ; i sod since, after etudyingl this oblem, ve T mittea, way tell line whalt is t ea one only ; the di ed an tion of God. Write& upo other answer ean'begive-ne e wuantinteaptreytelestsuepiwananot disco. v it ; chance is slue be 1 ae ly, irrational a possible, es to supply a, waht where!none nr mend by -taking Matter stmtdeed de' rion'thoeenritdaitteywarusefettipiceniutorfrOna 11,g; man schemes for the organization by beboons For, ter were- preeipit eoula not, by an be proven to traT ton as no neees for, Could eh worlds, and grade and speei furniele all melt necessa men of sound in ast the original make mere fan the atomie mate produce no desig bu more eonfueed. is het ereation W011 d be the want of it eohld no conscious mattere-chance., organized raatter without i cone therefore, About knowled vesttgatton hoot o.4 hive u atone of mate 1 na nee? ted by rid develop CO har- on ban hag viden lifoutntim:essn, 1 , mg something deiffnite. fit va e°,n*Iv:4113.afid°-ejakli- 1: .g again, what corild it *educe 1 Oh i disciple of ehonete thou .arti lost in the Stl. a: hi) tYthlr 100 n 0( it rh:8e ur yr n° fe an ti nt 813 i:bu ini °flusvd. : lt, i t it tt 1 tfp inPe by i os 1 tr Y_T 1 n; e eyttbe:Y: : itn la:the:hay:of otenaDnyev-ebtiptmtehny answer , evi- deerhreliefita.insAdedlinaigcohbtyieln; teasi igbenaviain, othy- Proved it was poem le that eh nee idi Iti 01 ,:i Of., of coechamint: heinnonoiro. aeciie vadientet.riawis,as te sloth and devoid of all Oombination to Produce any eh mica haiiever.