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The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-23, Page 5
i free. t the ettig iOi othet� 01 the •ewers.•, London, day corning it.. At the the evj fhe efface ing a whim :iitnxie;a. sed and de s €icl tlefenc tidY granted 0. A staff shortly listricts of an the sed for pen= pear at establish Bey voted Qt age, son he townshi bull one day having one otherwise fancily with the were from ran . to tha, p. Finding, eiecl, and with. e desperate ice- et the' boy beyond Meting of the ord Young La. Brantford on er board re -app. the Directors efactory, show - over ext rations. the fatur �liareholders ex- y gratified, and the Directors, arrangement idea for uniting My Bank of Mon. ian Bank c and profitable = joined, a con.l ;C1. in working concern nations, position i hed and extern- shops of air. r were er€, almost to-- re Friday morn- ry large, there ce on the build; rooter portion of gory were sa,ved rrlost valuable burnt. The set tar work to eparatory to re.. sB amiltim, a d ere at a noted, resieiml- the size of the tchin its move, t ;vas creating .,� �=tss. This is, y thousands ,f the Colorado S)e hoped, be the tee petits. This i a long, ,sharp eaehess the i irroboscits r it instantly - toot and ah old last week, s which were sadvantageously t matter taken vent; credit, a;;d <)il it was de and after matt( upon a -Bolin; this point, s t pods on, ape and it was un lie view of the 1€aler by such .fs1gl b t discon- b tion takes ;rounds on the "4tli of Septem- •eparations hav* making, a co'-f1i- ize list has been° been invited td 'Tartly expeetea ,c= as successful l t is important ic done to: slake it is ea close on ;'Eieicrruial OX Any article Exhibition a by the Seere-- Tttpha iii 1676, awl industries eyed itab :y ~� 11 interested i 1s. 1 of 2'.`s, Con. 6, .fames Mew - 1 auctioneer, IriorgmEilow i.A tE sty 8. by FIs:-. Sain Elizabeth tib' �, Jt,rii Cal,- beloved wife Lower Wing' eiv- 11, of la- ne Bruce, ad - %4', f•I. Leech, and g days. at the rest- 41 r. Gilbert Mra. z Hobert Feil- c n July 17, 8th years, else oldest reme tri a Charter Society ever ITTY", 41/41 At tern Lt. . Sly.L . !. t ?._,.-1; Wroxeter, ©n Juf e 10, the of i 1 r. , James Clark, of a daughter. -.-in Seaforth, on: July 1L'l,ctbe wine of I Mr. Peter Dolphin, of a daug¢het'. - Toeis. -In G oderich, on July 16, the wife of Judge I. P, '�a.ums, of a (laugh- ter. g Nenonfotr.: Iii Prusself3, on July 10, the wife of Mr. Donald McNaughton, of a son. ARK TS. SEAPORTII, 3nly 22, 1875. Bleat has taken another jump; $1 per babel is new freely paid. On account of faemers sig busy, however, there is not a great deal coining in. Other grains remain firm at old prices, :li ,y isr Bien of fell and galea are dull. '.Bitter hi in rid demand and will readily command quo pri es. rte quote isn wheat, - 1 00 to= -1 00 Spring 'Whoa , ger bushel r. 1 00 to 1 110. bush -le„ ......... • 0 ed to 0 136. penates embus ei, .,.. 0 70 to 0 75 rarity per b ehel GO to 0 65 Staten: o, i Loose to 0 15 Eggs. ... •.............. .... . 9 00 to 0 15 Flour .................... .. si 00 to 5 00 Hay... _... 7' 00 to 10 00 Ilidesse,,,:.. 0 00 to 5 00 Sheep ekinse . ... 0 50 to 1 50 Salt (retail) per barrel, a . 0 i'0 Salt (wlwlesstle)per beerti,;. 1 0 70 potatoes, limper hnehel ...•. 1 40 to 1 40 Ontmeal bre........... ... 0 00 to 6 00 tel... , .... 1 250 to 800 Beet, ,..........<400 to 6 00 - .. Cw%rost,-3n y 22,1875. Fall Wheat, per bushel—nee...." . 1 00 ( 1 01 Spring Wheat, per bushel. .....1. 1 00 (. 1 01 Oren per bushes .... . • .. 088 0 0 40 Barley, per busshei0 65 0 0 70 Peas, per bushel 4. -0 70 C 1) 72 Batter.......... ... 0 16 C0 0 17 Potatoes ,...,...........-..,. 150 0 2 00 Eggs. ..r ........,.... ...... 0 12 @ 0 133 Hey, per ton, , . 0 00 0 10 00 TORONTO, Julys 22, 1875. There were in to -day about 500 bushe of wheat, at $1 18 to $1 22 for white, and €I1 i6 to $1 18 for spring: Hay, sold at £ l3 to $16 50, Butter was dull, and Blighty easier, selling at I fic to 20e. for nod. rolls. Eggs were lower, bring:. ing 155 to 16e for farmers' lots. Loeinox, July 22, 185. sold at ll c ; 35 facto es ; i1d at c, and 25 factories sold ` at 12 a The elivory of butter was light a' d' the ket remains unchanged at fro {i 25e t 28c. 'rhe--reeent rains have ly i proved the appearance and qu =1x1y of t ; e grass, and farmers in the Burro tiding vicinity are commencing to hirv.st the ti e have advices from England s orn1 week in July. Our Tondo r4potident says All the new i an. cheese to hand -clearers with . d strand at the advance of 2s on t d liver this week. The cfuotatio merican extra fine new, 61s ins 56s to tl0ss • Good. • 528 to 56 ck0 1 1 a da'ry, 40s to 50s ; English ' Ch (� to 868; Cheshire tine, fro 808. In butter no sales were repor loemels and Dorssete. Jerseys, 3s ; Danish Kiel awl Swedish, se Normandy extra, 128s to 130s, d American and Canadian from 60e to per cwt, or the co;- iner- good at to 8 afk 628 ; see- r, 78e d'Ion 060 to 808 to GOLD is quoted in New York a ` +EDAM POSTS FOB, SAILS. A large of Ceclor Poste, for Fencing, for Sa forth. Carriage Works. WM. GRASS open buggy, neurly new, Borst 8115, wit 8405cash, Apply at l3roadfoot's Plan eaforth. T. y. onoef ens. a good be ;sold ng /1in 107 The following quotations aro given at so much per cental and not per bushel Deihl fall wheat in good demand at 81 85 to $1 00. Treadwell sells at $1 80 to 1 86. Red fall, very little delivered this wee not more than three load,((, (sold at (50 to $1 65, Spring wheat int'ery god demand, and sells as high s$1, 00, Barley, none, Oats in good supply d sell freely at $I 25 to $1 27, Peen sca ee. Butter in good supply ; good keg or firkin butter sells freely at 18c to 17 per Ib- Polls not so plentiful, wanted,and Belle freely at 18e to 20c, ags more plentiful than they have been wscll at 20, to 130 in large lots. Far - niers' smell lots in Baskets sell at 13e to 16e according to size and duality. Old A potatoes- scarce and none coming on the market. New potatoes are getting plen., I tiful, and selling at lower prices, 1 to $1 50 per busliel. STRA.`1 ORD CI LES1~J MAI1KETe IIUE$ DING MACHINE FOR SAL Salo Cheap, a Squuntor Threshing nd Hone Power. All in good working o mplete. Also two sets of Ticks. TIBONG & FAIRLEY, Seaforth. 0o9Ifi ro LET, ---The Hall formerly by the Odd Fellows, Seaforth, ov srrdwsre Sucre, is to lot. Apply to 31 IDD, or to JOHN THOMPS.ON. O EY WANTED. --Parties having invest in good real estate seeuri ounty of Huron, address us, stating in ted, ag our business in loaning its ve For fachine der and PhlY 898 cenpied r Kidd's JOHN '1387 oney to y in the erest ex- exten- 6.4 eve. C R. COOPER & Co., Brussels P.O. AMER •WAITED. Beale ---For t Public School ; second or third -els ate. Applications, stating tottery for th of the year, received up to the 7th of tstiea to commence on the 16th +F4 Au ese BOBEIIT PATTISON, Bratton P. Walton s certifi- remain- August, t. Ad- AITTION.—the public are hereby actioned spinet giving credit to any pens -on q r persans ithout my written order and consent E s 1 will o which.' ay be cot n raetcd r be gray name witnoible for hout de ,this an hority. J. 1d. ODELL. - Seufortti tine882-0 6. EAC1iER"WANTED.—A. _Percale T her ho ing a Third -Class Certificate wanted! . r Schoe Section No. 6,Township of"Usbornet 'ounty Huron. Appications, with testimonial , will be eceived by the undersigned np the 7t, day ot. ugnst. ANDREW TU1RNBULL, Secre ary True, ee Board, Winchelsea P. 0. 898-2 QTOLEN--$10 REWARD.—Stolen barn of Mr. PETER PHILIPS, , on SUNDAY night, Jane 20, one Set arness. Collars of Harness are hal with Tatted on top, Composition Buck Linea. Any 'person giving such info will kid to the recovery of the above, w i1 reeeiv� a eewward of $10, --STRONG & YAIltre Y. rim the .1 Starr f Double Seoteh, and Flat tion a; ES'1'I6AY SIIF,EP—Strayed from Lot No, G 18 3lciiill about the 1st o Lam, op .Tune, a3 Leicester EWES and 4 LAMBS. The t=its of ate both sheep and larnbs, were csut very bort, and each had the letter A marked on its ssi with tar. Any person giving Huth inforrnation to the under- signecl, Walton, i', 0,, aewill lead to their reeove^* will be suitably. rewarded. ADA ABB] STRONG. DIf3f3'OLUTION OF ,PABTNERSH P. — T partite -YAW hitherto subsisting be tcveen the n of Sea, Abell, hest business nand w ho MOO_ RR n 5. 8Srf 4 4 e undersigned, photographer$, in the To At th Stratford Cheese idarltet Ott forth is the m of M000ren46 Ca Wednesday by the offerings were 8,61fS box- � will hcreaitcr be carried �n b y• G'harles It es, Haien r f 265 boxes at 91s cents ; 2, 530 will Hettell e t>11 Iia car nae by the late boxes�4 at 10 celitss;. 225 hoes at 10g conte. 1.t3 nCA 17'I3Ede o it. C13ArL i 1 LE The market was weak ti nd there is no , y ' disposition to do buseines, Thirty-seven_ factories were repreuentecl. I GERSOLL CHEESE! MARKET. The official report of the Ingersoll Cheese Market, held on'r`ucsday last has twenty-two factories re'giistered on the bulletin board, offering 6,203 boxes 2,950 boxes have been gold, 1,040 boxes at 10c., 1,510 at 10.je., and 540 at loge,' TORONTO LIVE STO(•I MARKET. Beet/*s.---There was a, better supiyy o cattle offered (bring the past week, but there Wee also a pretty good demand, and primes were without change, We G ;EAT IN 'ENTS G E T 1D `EMET G E INDUCEMENTS T. T. T• AT AT D'S EMPO D'S EMI'Q D'S -MOO IUM. �TtJM. E TRAORDINARY BARGAINS E TRAORDINARY ,'BARGAINS E TRAORDINARY 'BARGAINS .8 T sU NOTICE TO FARMERS. The r: nbscribers would .respectfully call the att'ntfon of the Farmerti in the nein hborhoodof Se iforth and surrounding country that It is their ereet a eon -elates Oatmeal 'dill this on they will be prepareelto pay the high price for any quantity of good Oats Marley, ilelivercrl in Seaforth hunted harvest. W. Tf0315ON & BROTH71'. BENDERS WANTED. --spenders will he rece v- ed by the undersigned until Se TURD Y, July81, for the erection of a Brick 11 use. T dere will be reeeired for the whole w k or or r tot to tendon to mer, and t mar -et Peas a toffy af' =r 18 each part separately. The contuse nisch any of the material. The lowest der not accepted unless satisfactory, speeitieations can be ween et the Fa Seaforth, on and after Tuesday: F. G. SPABLING, r any e- Plaiig a era' Stet e, 27th i.•2 ote first class € 5 to $5 25, second class WINIBUS BUSINESS FOR S LE:-- Ir. 25 to; $4 �i),and third (gess $3 75 to Davidson, et the Commercial Hate ,f Seafo h, $4 desi>?eH i,. dispose of his Beisss3 Business to ,ny PA; PA PA Reported oaten were, Four cares averag- agogand >,p� � person who will iruxCharse the horrteH, d ing 1,40t) pounds, at $5 �.3 ; two cars, sleighH now in use, and ran a Town •use to all averagif g 1,200 pounds, at $5.25 ; nue the hotels. The running :of a free buss entails car. averaging s a , ; ex tense nn Bir• Davidson of $500 a yea , and h� T ?elands, c)tifidl3 at $4S7 cottsegtsently anxious to ve >; asp > � Lr n runuiu ' a busses to all the hot eH could 1 '320 r tends at 20 • i ha i d. o of two cars, averaging 1, pounds, p4rso 6 each ; o to ear, averaging 1,200 pounds, a good business irf fisaforth. For fart 'r parts at $fit) ; Wooers, averaging 1,1(50 pound€(, hers apply to ALEX. PA ipboli. an is n do Y04 at fe475 ; clflc ear, aversy;sirrl;1,000 pounds, OT'ICE,--Joseldh Pailand having vertised to at 2 it head; one eae, averaging 060 the afoot that 'have left his bed and board, pounds, that ouch is not the He, a ass the. at $39, r30. 1 beg to state Sure('. --There wars a fair y ' supply in niel Joseph Ielland has lived with me n myhouse i1T far nearly three ytarr�',asd lie hss�lleft bit= quite sufficient to meet the requirements bortrd instead of sae having left leis. I fas:'ther of the local butchers. Sales include one caution the public againut.givinggthe aid Joseph PeIland credit on my account without my written car,. dressing. ,about: 70pounds, at $0 ; T one car, dressing 57 pounds, at $5 ; one car dressing 60 pouude, at 40 ; one car, dressing 58 Pounds, at $5 fl. , We quo first -clans, $550 to $G, second-class, $4 50 to $5', and third-elafss at $350 to $4. LA es.—There Was a gond supply of these in, with a steady demand at uii- change'l.'prices. First -Class are gluotecl at .$3 50 to $4, ssecmicl-classy at $3' to $3 25, need third-class at $2 0 to $2 75. mo's 1`REA I, LI1�1'. 81 OO I MARKI'a1.'. S'r. (LulltnT:i., July 20, 1875; 'Theirs were nine carr loaelss of distiller.; feel and six car loads of grass fed cattl on this market to-day.1 Alderman Mc Shane bought 50 heacl Of di%4tillery fed a $5 6' y to $5 75 per 100 llis live weight they are intended for shipment to Brit aiu. Mr. Bell, of tllaSgov4, has bout h(t 75 head of cattle ,,wll`I see are.to be shi 1 hayfield, on SATURDAY, August pea this week to 'Glasgow, The` marketat I o'clock 1'. 31., nnles5 proviocUHly j 7.uts 284, 21;, and Bayfield. ware very chill, buts liero buying onlyknown sit sale, or on rlispiicat gr scsLi`11 lot, , the highest rice paid sv L5 50�\, D,i, lic1L1' --- $,r •75 per 100 Iles live weight ; grass ca . - •'ION' oF A xA i-� order or consent, as I will .not be res any debts he mayhoreofter contract. PLLLAND, Stanley, June 2,0,1875. ARM FOR SALE.—Lot 4, eon. onoiblelfor- ATtGf I 4 Stanley' 100 ncres, `70 cleared, the roma er a good hardwood bush; 10 miles from S'aforrth and DURING THE DURING THE '- DURING TEE MMER SEASON MMER SEASON MMER SEASON INERY, JIN RY, JIN RY, ►AS Ii AS LAS • • • IN iN IN MILLINERY, MILLINERY,. MILLINERY, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOOD:, DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOOD SILKS' SILKS, SILKSt LS, PARASOLS, iA1:LASOLf LS, PARASOLS, 1 ARA$OL$ LS, L'AtASOLS, PARASOL$ LACES, L.A.0 `LACES, AC LACES, JAC. RIBBONS, ,1tIBBO S, RIBBONS, OSIERY, 1O EERY, OSIERY, HOSIERY, OSIERY, HOSIERY, GL 4/I'S, • GLOVES, O y 8, - GLOVES, G f V 18, GLOVES, Olinten, 4from Bruuefield and 2 fro young orchard comrneneing to bear, w fruit trees; frame barn 40x60, frame 20x80, good stables cow houses, an houses, quarter of a ltnile from good sC hoot, conve- nient to church and poet ofiiey;newt-felling well L peen th over 100 heap house other out - of water, well fenced cher n pat -Moho cultivation. WILLIAM. BLAIR, Jr., K1ppen P.O. I MORTGAGE BALE OF 11 AL F. 1 virtue of a pourer of sale coax' d state of :aptly to to TATE. 1.3 y ed in a cer- tain mortgage, made by Jaynes Thom • n and Ish- rna.el Fillon, and Labelle Thompson, for_ the ose of burring her dower, in fav r of E ijah Wakeford, and bearing date; the 22'1 day of Jane, A. 1). 1870, default having been"r ado in ppayrocsnt thereof, the following parcels or tract ss of land and - k i,remisseet with their ahpurtecnances, w illbeoffered for Kale by Public Auetion at,110 'anti hotel, , A. 1). 1875, settled, dei, 'errns mule to JOHN 97-6 wit be sold.. cted Mr. A. t1 gold from 3 75 to $5 clo. '1 he e UC1ION S ALE %r, SAMUEL LO VI, has fuss were no sheep on the market, and. but BISHOP to sell by Public Auct!on, on the few hc,w<. The letter sold at $5 70 pOi' yrcmisee, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1875, his d of Lot 22 North-East ntaining by esti; 80 acres cultivation ; mired. The ounds of. the There is a &wise a good lard, and 100 , rare chance, ship and the 1 cc at2 o'clock the purchase 0 y of sale, the s, ser to have I nv fall plow- ' n on 31areb . prietor's30!A. 100 Ilia Dressssed hss_,isi'are from � 9 n5 $9 50 per 400 lbs. i-1ides—No. $C loo 1 epected, ().; No. `2, $5 , N$Co. 3, 100 1b . There is rather an- improv feeling in the hide inarIKet; Sheep-skini 2.5e each"; lambskins, 30c to 40c cacl ealfrski is, 10e per 11). LLT 1` IT: FALLS DAIRY Y MARKt1 farm, being cornpo0e Boundary, Township of Ushorne, c admeasurement 100 acres; wore or 4r are cleared anti under a good state o 4 1C noses of summer fallow, well m farm is acs_good as any within the far -lemon Township of 'Osborne . • never -failing spring on the lot,1 well, good Jog bnildinee, dice ore rode of new board fence.. the if as the proprietor is leaving to v farm Musa ase sold. ;sale to conime TEIL31S-10 firer cent,' of Le1 `.Ch have. a ,s; c below last week's figures. The d livers of farm dairies amounted to abo 1,000 bxo., and sales were made at fr fie to 12!‘e, according to quality, only o lot receiving the latter price. The f toriewere; well represented, there bei over 100 factory met p�aresent, o$erin augr gating over- 11,000 boxes, Th were actual sales oil over 8,000 bxs Ilie to 124e, accorihng to duality, 1 being considered the top price ; z 15 f ret Feee,s, N N. . , ,J y , gone 3' ` ul 19 1875. on the d rn , or good secur�sty, market to -day i clull, and sales balance on Feb. 1, 1876. ,The pure ,eon sloe!, faetoriefi going at about libcri3 ..visa, In fall wheat and c?o ins n eeessery Fn11 potneesiou gty le- - 10, 1876. -fiA31UEI. LL)vE, Yr ri BISHOP, Auctioneer. se MfiARRIAGE LIC c- sifs L'EfilaTIlb`gC NOES on (Under the new Act,) issue at the ?i tide authority of the Lieutena t-Gosernor of a rt - EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, c Under on Ontario. It R 'ARPLTS, 'ARPE'TS, fJAB.P1TSO We are GLOVE, G LOVES, PAlk PETS, HATS ANP HATS ANP HATS ANb BOOTS AN1) BOOTS AND BOOTS AND • THING, THING, &c. now sh CAN ig; NOAN. DRESS GOODS. the Largest and Mist Attractsre Stock of Dress Goode ever market, at Twee }Per Cent. Lower tin.Former Fres. BLACK St r Bran ed in this t 20e, 05 , 8rfe and 40e—The best wane to be found in t fs Provhnee. tri NEN DEPARTMENT. Diee, Bleached,' Darnaok, Turkey, Red Itarneek, Towele, Napkins, &c-- Brown - Duck reduced 5 to 8 cents per yard. CALL AND SEE TirEm. Stock a Latlicte and Mitees' Gloves, in 13 ack, White and Coloretwbich we are ing at extremely low prices. Akio Mao Gloves in Great "Variety, MILLINERY MILLINERY, 20 to 80 pee cent of a reduction in order to clear balsnee of etoe HATS AND CAPS. HO I FOR WALTON. SOMETHING NEIE ° GOODS end GRO ERIE Ready -Made Clothing and Boofir3 And Itho44 he gives better value than can be got elsewhere. Just call and see fur yourselyes. OILS, PAINTS AND VA.RN1SHES Of the best brands always on hand Speeial In- ducements to Omit Purchaters. All puttee leaving over -due notes and aenottuts" are requested to settle the state at ,onee, otherwise they will be put into other hands for collection. 897-52 FARQUHAR SMITH. THE KNABE PIANO. WE Great Piano of iili3MiCA and Europe. The choeen to grace. the Salons of the wealthy and titled, and to charm the circles of the eranttred who gather there, leaving the mted Apouties tfireti with. these superb instruenents. THE STODART PIANO. THERE noyer was a rotor Staten Piano made, me none was ever =WWII to be returned or eeenanga ear any other, because they have al- ways been bought lir discriminatiug buyers, and in the history of Plano making Stodart is known as one of the greatese workmen inventors that ever lived."—Maxenict. MARSHALL & WENDELL PIANO. EMARKABLE for standing in tune. Any -hv amount of durability. Beautiful touch. Me- dium Mee. Low ixt price, Fully warranted. 3fatchleos tone. On hand or to erder. SIMMONS & CLOUCH' ORGANS. 0 ',V ; only the neat -lest mean in the United States, but thoBEST, all thingd considered. CEORCE WOODS & CO.'S ORGANS. pEMARFABLE for their purite of tone. Thor - Jet' oueb Work and Finieh, and great beauty and variety of their Solo fettps Eoline, Vox /Inman% awl Pitmen In Stock in Variety', LESLIE, SICIREOW '95Yonge Street Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. 572-52 THE GENTTINR.HOWg, eve SEWING MACI4INE IS(13.0 BY W. N. WATSON, SFAFORTH, 1 Agent for the Cotmty of Huron. 4 Tlf yon want to know the trne quelities of tkis Celebrated SewingMenhine call at my office Seaforth, and beware of going to Where one only Ls kept on hand, and porpoorlY oPiti of or. der, to be compared to inferior machineti After a period of more then tenyeareexueriene,e in the Sewing Machine 'Bresineee I have Wand that t40 GENUINE HOWE. MACHINE. Le the only one which hoe given permanent Bads - faction to purchasere as never proving delconive in its movements, no; being returnedfor repair, ne, it is strong, durable, not noisy as falsely rePensented, and all ito peals are made of the bc-st Metal and perfectlY fitted together, You may ebange it from fine work tO heavy work with - Mit ottaining it and rendering_ it unht for repro- ducing aneat and perfect silted'. on nue week. It wiUsew with heavy black linen thread with the same 61108 as with s fine cotton spool. CAUTION.—Don't be impoecel on by nu- ecrnpnlons dealers and the Agents of other Sew- ing Machines offering to supple, you. with a ine Howe MAine if yon are not oedema to i.wp the one they are trying to itell you, as they only -intend to impose upon you. some worthless imitte slop of the Howe or perhaps an old ein5ond-hen4 REAT DISCOUNT SALE ESS OCOODS, PRINTS, LUSTRESy &C. CLEARED OUT PREVIOUS TO REPAIRS0 Ca ttl. Get Bargaine while They are to be Had. MMER CLOTHING AT INVOICE PRICES. GRAY, YOUNG & SrARLING, NEW BOO Rad. ners, liberal e Count, all that h And from ALL H BUYERS LIBERALLY DEALT TH Not in Steel H, BUYERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH AS ,BUYERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH THOUS KIDA SKOV 7H. Books STORE OPENED IN SEAFORTH. Book Sellers, Book Binder4 and Blank Book Kasaues,ctin•ers, NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR'S. eigned. and endorsed "Kincardine liarhoe Works" will be reeeiveel at this °Mee, until name of Saturdsyt the Ith. day of August next,. for the construction of Crib WOrke in extending the and zonthpiers. Piens and specifications ean he seen at title dike and at the offtee of thniteeve of eardine, on and after Friday, th,e Vd-d ILIA, where printed. forms of tender, will also be obtained. Contrattors are notified that tenders will not be the printed forms and, in the Cing3 of, Amason- ethe nature of the oceupation and place of rest - deuce of each member of tbe same. For the due fulfem.ent of the contract Hatisfadoxy emeriti will be required op real Mate, or by, (Tepee% of * money,. pablic or neunicipal fseenrittes,. or beak stoek, total amount of five per eent. on the bulk sam of thae.ontrace, To the tender mud be ste tachee the actual eignatures 01, two xespohsible and solvent penman residente of the Dominion, willing to limn= hurdles for the carrying out of these -conditions, as weU as the due performemoih of dee works erabraced by the contract, Thiel Department does not, howeverebind itself to neel eept the lowest or any tender, By order, Ottawanjuly 15, 1875. 808-8 our attend n to our new Bookstore we teg first to retern eur sincere thanks for the very f 1111rOn foe the bet 20 years. We intend strictly to follow our own business, and dea MORTGAGE SALE BY AUCTION, WILL BE SOLI) BY pUBLIC AUCTION, O• N THURSDAY, (JULY 29, tel, in the Town of Seaforth, wider power of enie • which will be proanced at time of sale, that vets ma being eontiguons to the amid Trank Rant way,Stetion in that tennis, and, kna" " 14'411 Fiftedwo, (53) Fifty-three, n54), Fifty -loser, and (55 „ Fifty-fiee on the south side of Huron street, itt. said town of Seaforth, aceording to a plea by Andrew Bay, Esq., P. L. S.0 AM/13g the ett &vigil:nes of Lot No. (ley Eleven, in the Plot Con- ceselon ifouth of the Huron Road, in the- Teen- ! Alp of Tuckasmithe width phut. is ma in the., Vi !Trunk Railway contemplate putting in eidi quite elose to these Lots within a ehort t ' TE1131S-0.ne-fourth cash; balance fecured mortgage payable in one and two yearn vtith 1 terest at eight per cent. For further verticals* I 597-2 London, Onit.. Solicitore lathe Mortgagees, I First- lass Book an Stationery Store. 1 i e render eaforth Henond to no other tewn in this Provinceat our own Intsinese, and, ; MUTUAL -INSURANCE COMPANY expenene .: in first-class thops for the lest 45"yeters, both in E rope and America, with- , look for an extended and generous suppo from our townspeo le and numerous friends. 1 OF BERLIN, 0..NT., 1 l -I- loge Property in bothbrancleee at moiler W OOKS OF LITERATURE' OR BLANK BOOKS li :tea: tThishb3olicamPanYk5 wntinetea on Vrin4P " will be furnished or made in a few hours' notice, as we keep on hand a Large Steck of 1 1 consietent with safety and economy. Insurenees ESSV Material.; . are effected only on the premium note sevittemt i and an dee extreinest cate has been taken tet, ?b- . tain °lily good reeks their lessee heve bee, a neeee. ding in Gold, Siker and Bronze ilfetal Nectly E,-eecuted. . , , , wart() assessment has been made on its pohey I, end premix= note assete leivebeenaccuinalating, ; holders for three years and te half, while itS reish - Inge has only been 25 rent* per $100 ior the whole I teem of three years. The undersigned iii the for Che e Factories and Butter Foztories Kept Constantly on Rand. 1 tagrbrulinr"bleAtelut'latlft°'-'123"1:115m4m:fc'suar wIrwteell"-ed Vor further erarticalare apply be- poet eattti or he Manakin Hotei, 31ain Street, seesorth. are well klioNfilo " rfirstr the:6.31:311.14r45.43. WALL PA Oppooit •