The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-16, Page 74z, 0-1-7x E Er‘ Seeds? D AT LEE's. D.STOItE, re Cnoice Ilungarian Garden Seeds. ;14511 :Provisions -STOCK. Prices, Give tea here. -110MAS LEE. RTH ACTORY. 680...177S Agri - Emporium. & Co,, for the liberal tiat„J. 4 °ince eonime - [state tht they teta LE BUGGIES 0-OLY L3,1875. • The Keely MOto A good deal of int,erest has en excited lately regarding the "Keely motor" an invention which is expectcdl. to leave stew far behind. Mr. Keely claims gest by mean e of certain rods and pipes ON EXPOS:MORI. :BB nu eamprised in a machine t e secret of the construction of which lie alone pos- loses, he can generate a pies re of 10, . 00 pounds to the square inel4 from cold water, in a few minutes. H promises to take a, train of cars from N w York to Philadelphia within a short tnie, by an expenditare of only a few cent in motive power. Some private tests iave been. wade, and it appears that the pressure claimed, or something like it, has been actually &hewn on a powerful steam gauge. A number of pawns have already paid I.! Keely very large sums for sly res in his inventioni„ and that as they a mitAwith- out understanding the secret. i There Are some very suspioi us circuni- stances about the motor, how ver, which make it tolerably certain t at it is a humbug, pure and simple. 1 1 Mere pressure anel working power are liot by any means the same tl Mg. It is a very simple matter to a finge some they still need, if they are to labor with lea.sure taemselves or profit to their per ink ith fives oolhize, the rapatby and active co - tion of their employers. Do not t hat half day lost, which you spend our childreu and the teacher. It powerful impetus to the whole se nd shows that you value and sympie ith their labors, Another canee of complaint ie th ost total want of water closets. f them affording neither privacy no chance of an approach to cleanliness, and I do not• think an inspector should be be accused of undue haste, if he pressed the matter a ter waiting over four y ars, af- mes hese and the ving and yet respeotable parents allow their chil- dren to go to a school where this i the baso; and where the evil is greatly' !aggravated by the fact, that numbers of both sexes • are collected, and that too, at an age cf extreme levity, and when the youthful mind is prone to the indulg- A T S tubes containing water so that a pressure ence ca a prurient imagination,' ds to the square inhh �a the -There are some other things in connec- tion with our schools upon which I would. like to touch, but which I will defer till some future occasion. There are many causes for congratulation, as regards the managetuent of our schools, and I be- lieve they are doing a noble work. but 'there are somethings which require look- ing after, and I think it is well to give them an airing occasionally. Yours &o. • TEACH MR. al- lany the A visitor, in fairs, says ; speaking of this state o "This fact speaks vol of the attent on which is pato at • schools, to he delicacy of, manna refinement bf feeling. None bu 1very poorest families think of 1 Without such.. a convenience at horne SELLING OFF of 50 pon first cif t one of a atato fix wei,ght o SELLINC OFF, SELLING OFF. _ e series shall be CCM rerted into ousand on the last, ust as easy a long lever that 50 pounds one end shall ba nce 1,000 pone& oi the other. Bat in either case has there men the slightest a prorkch to a gin of power. Ir. K ,ely's motor has not L as yet ex- hibited ny remarkable am nt of the kind of 1orce which is measu ea in foot pounds, hat is, which is eq ivalent to reasina pound through a c ttain num- her or fe t in a given time. at is the kind of force that draws t Ring, turns =chine y and. does the worl a mechani- cal wor1. In some way o : other the sun's he. t is the source of naarly all the his kind we are so far able to in. the way d, failing all these I action are, more or, less involved. To et cheaper motive ower we must look. for cheap substaiie s having intense c emieel af ,- finitiee, hich -we have the •eans ef set- ting in a tion. But Keely d lea not pre- tend. to ve discovered sue and cheap source o force, but to have .nvented an lop power. n lift him - pulling at is a trans - y thousand. it for all -Some of -utilize, Whether time be used of burning carbon, or as w water or animal power. I eases, solar heat and chemic lice of workmanship' aseed by any other !, an devote their per- siness, and as they :they can guarantee A TRIAL ! ATTENDED TO, eDERATE. _ AN & Go. )0KSTORE Sea orth. LL1OTT c generally that be , Stationery Store in raph Office, the above line 3y on hand. 00 K Se el.V. BLINDS, ; MAGAZINES, S-1. &O. 4. ELLIOTT. ,oN 'AOTORY T H . -RASSIE - -11trge of construetion L substantially built WAGONS,. PHAETONS. ae, handsomely Arl- ey, and will be sold f Wagons wn to require puff., t ore hand novve AS` USUAL. ?arm lload, oppoe :A.AI GRASSI& e MILL sb SCOTT have c oturneneed le occupied by Mr. a fill orders .or _Mouldings, lumber. SETTERS, r.A.CES, &e. mber on band. Goderiele etreet, g neatly done. W. If. SCOTT. GALLERY TH. )ER ever to furnish. his lifedike Abrotype. nil. if not perfect/1 me agein. g edaehines known . sale cheap. opposite the Mane h. . CALDElle 1 BESS GOODS, BLACK SILK COLORED SILKS, CORSETS, i0PLINS, GLOVES, A t 1-1 0 MUSLINS PI INTS, 110SIERY, PA RASO Li,S, Silk UMBRELLAS, -t ! I , N BROTHERS/ arrange lent of pipes to dev Ile might as well tell us he c self to the top of a steeple h IM boot !straps. The humbu parent one, but a good ma dollars ho-ve been invested that —Waterloo Chronicle., niORIE ABOUT THE KEELY 10TOR. Until we have this prod cal demon- stration, any expression of udgment is premature. If Mr. Keely c a prove his case he lis entitled to his pportunity. Metinw ile it is not an matter to convey n intelligible coneep ion. of what the one ed new discovery is ..divested of the sole fifie techaicalities. ,The motive principl is represented' to b ' the expan- sive po er of carbonic acidThis im- portant compound uncle a p essure of 36 atmospheres, at tempe atur of 32 be- comes liqiiid ; ancl w en 1he pressure which retains it in its 1 quid state is re- newed the rapidity of t e evaporation and the enormous expansio of tie vapor are such as to produce a de free f cold. under acid selidities, forming a w- ite concrete , substance possessed ofj ver extraordin- ary properties. Prof., For ay was the first who liquified earhonie ; acid, but it was first treated. as a solid by W. Thil- onrier. 1 At common tem erature and pressur is water absorbs its wn volume it. -of carb nic acid ; under a pressure of two atmosp eres it dissolves tvvi e its volume, and so on. A corresponcle t of the Sav- annah ili.`elos, who ba q rna4te numerous and expensive expetiments has no doabt Of its p wer as a mechanic'', agent, and the following pro ressive aug- n of its expan ive I roperties by cl atmospheres : 11 At .e° Fahrenheit the ;pressure in pounds per square inc ,is 372. At 100 Fahrenheit .the pressure in pounds per square ine is 43 1 At 20s Fahrenheit thepressure in pounds per square inele is 4 0. ! At 39° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 50. At 4(r Fahrenheit the, pressure in pounds per square inch is 0 7. At 45" Fahrenheit th . pressure in pounds per square inch is 1,080. Heretofore the great seie'itific difficul: ty has been to know how o utilize this woraleefully expansive pow r—to put th harness on it, so to speak, 'pcl to work i as Prof. Morse has halms ed electricit and cOmpelled it to carry messages Now, Mr, Keely claims this' difficulty ha at length been conquered. i1 The advan tages claimed. over ateam Incl the stea ennui; are many, not the 1 ast of - ev,hielli are ecenomy, safety, and Ileasy crintroll., If applied. to navigation he propelling power, it is said, would iot cost more than Fer, to run a steamer from New York to Savannah; and, ae the necessary ma',- chiziery will not take one- ourth part of the weight and room of he boiler, en- gine aml fuel of equal potv r, another ed- vantage:would be additices I carrying cap- acity and space for frei ht,—.Bulletnia /fine • 1 a *SEVERE STORMS IN THE STATES.— Several. parts of the Western and South- ern States have been irisited with very severe thunder storms recently, which lhave &me much damage. Many build- ings in the city of Worcester, Massa- chusetts, were struck by lightning on Monday. The storm was the more vio- lent experienced for years. Two of the heaviest thunder storms ever known in the vicinity occurred on Monday light, and serious damage to the crops and highways is reported. Houses in Wor- cester, Shrewsbury, Westboro, East Templeton and Soathleridge were struck by lightning anal fired. The damage by 1 lightning is Ilea? but the fires were all extinguished wi slight daneage. • OLD SAYING'S DONE or LIKE NEW.—It requires a surgiCal operation to get a Scotch joke .into!a man s head. It is good wind that blows nobody Lines& Say nothing but " Good!" of the dea;a. Take care of the pennies, and. the Founds will take care of the wife's poor relations. Early to bed. and early to rise rna,kes Jack a dull boy. A man is known by the company he promotes. Evil communica- tions should not be written on post cards. Children should be seen to, and not herded. From nothing there i noth- ing to be made. When Greek meets Greek then comes the talk of weather. I • --Thecoraingeelebration.of the Twelfth of July promiaes to be a big day in Belle- ville. A.mong- the speakers who will be present on that day and. deliver addresses will be the following ; Mr. M. Bowell, M. P. Grand Master of tire Grand Or- ange liodge of British America; Mr. J. G. Bond, Grand. Master of the Grand Or- ange Lodge of the United States; Mr. Win.-Anckrson, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America; Mr. John White, M. P, Grand Master or the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East, and. other Grand officers, . CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. 11 adduce menta.t increae LADIES' FAVORITE. SE SONABLE GOODS OPENED AT Y YOUNG itk SPARLINGS. adies' Fancy Dress Goods, FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE ,,,„„jYrmayikrorp, 9R OKI AND COLORED LUSTRES, Schools. , . I Dui ing the last week o June, a writ- ten examination was Iheld : in the scho 1 in Section No, 2,. Tacker mith, for pr motions, with the • folliewing result. Eight1 passed from the 4th to the 5 h Form1; 14 from the 3d to;the 4th, and 7 from. the 1st to the 21 . Nearly all 1 those who passed from th ! 4th to the 5 h. Porno, presented very ere lita,ble paper Those written by Miss M! A. Sellers, A . Livingston and Thomas McGregor, m y be °skein:11y mentioned. In the 3c1 For Miss Charlotte Sellers Stood first n arithmetic and writing ; MissMary E1gie in grimmer ; Wm. Smiflip in geograph , and jiihn Garry in readi g. In the 1t Fortin those worthy ef meition are Daniel Mc KO, S arah Li votigatora Oharlotte Cha man ncl Catharine Garry Th , public examination was held n Frida , June 25; 83:pupils were prese t, but thc number of visitors was sma, , The •eason of the yeir and a distressi g accident may account foe his; but, ev n at the most favorable' ti. es, the interest manifested by parents ftiHthis partiouler 'direction, not of this s otion alone bat generally, is far to light. Teachers are ponfidential agent, employed .by parents to discharge a duty for which they are themselves disqualified, by t e want of leisme or ability. If employ rs manifest indifference, they can har ly expeet great diligence on the part of these to whom they intrust the wo k. Teachers are charged. with duties wb ob require a ram combination of intellect al and moral qualitieS, and though tliey may jpossess these iii the highest degr e, 1 11.1! MISIIIMINI.311.11111111. WHO WANTS MONEY? , A. STRONG, SEAFORTH, Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER EST. either on Patin or Village Property. Parties requiring money should apply to him. INSURE YOUR PROPER AND YOUR LIVES A. Strong, -Seaforth. Di ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Previncial Insurance Company— Fire and Life. The Western Insurance Company, of Toronto Fireand Life. ' The Isolated Risk Insurance Com any, o Canada. Terms as reasonable as offered by any oth agent doing business for reliable Compien OFFICE—over Strong & Fairley's Gime Store. Alain Street, Seaforth. 252 TO THE PUBLIC AT TARO - W. H. OLIVE Harness, Saddle and MANUFACTURER, MA IR -ST., SEAFOR cif in 6 mit only stit h tho IP It a trIaI o universally admitted t -O be the BEST and APEST—the cheapest lime:fee the best= arket. This is the only machine in the having a revereible feeder, and it Is the hine that maker; more Pan one kind of a These machines are geld on trial, and if haw is not eatioffed With it can return et any other machine In the market. A. t lo all that ie required to give satisfaction. PA HOS ERY, GENTS DUCK Paper and 0. WILLSON LKS, PRINTS, STRIPED MUtS9NS, SHAWLS, ASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, CORSETS, SKIRTINGS TRIMMINGS, &O. CLOTHS, TWEEDS, COTT° NADES, DENIMS, WHITE AND FANCY SHIRTS, Linen Collars, Neck Ties, Underclothing, Agunroner Reedynusde Clothing, Hata and Cap, ale; FURNISHIOGS AND DOMESTICS. L see Curtains, Damask Curtainse Toilet Coverm Wool Table Covers, Linen Tabling, Toweling, Bleached and Br wn Hollando, Grey and White Cottons, Tiekings, Sheetings, Con nterpanee, &e. a abundant supply alwaee on hand at his o um In SEAFORTH. Also all the other 1. machines, Ho that purchasers Can have ✓ iiere• USICAL OmIeemo.••.•••M., INSTRUMENTS. sol To Pi wll Es Goods at, Bought orb Best Terms ma mairked at Lowest Prices. ' GRAY, YOUNG & SPARLING, FARMERS STORE, SEAFORTH. MORE FRESH GROCERIES AT G. MURRAY'S. GREAT BARGAINS IN TEAS.. , 10 pon do of Gut owder Tea for $8 50, worth $1 per pound; 10 pounds of Young Hysen Tea for $7 60 -0 pounds ,1 Young Hewn B. P. Tea for $7—yon can have from 5 to it lbs. at these prim. , - Tobi,ccos, 'Sugars, Dried Apples, that Meal, Corn Meal, FLOUR, &O.' . 0. WILLSION keeps the largese and best cted dock &Musical Inetrtuneule West of onto, consisting of that celebrated Mathusek • and other Ple.nos, Prinee'seGeorge Woods, a and Canada Organs and M elodeons, any of eb he can sell as cheap as he manufaeturees. Agricultural Implements. 11 stock of the best Agrieultural Implements dee n America, on hand as tumid, consisting of sse 's Woods' Patent, aud the Johnson Single ape ;Woods' Iron Frame and BuokeyeMowers. OMETHING NEW. p 500 CORDS HEADING WANTED Al COLEMAN & GOWNLOCICS Saw Mill, Segorth, SAWN LUMBER OF ALI, Kne*s CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ollar HIGHEST PRICE ALLOWED FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. GIVE US A CALL. G. MURRAY, Next Door to Strong & Farley's. Slearp's self dumping RAY RAKE. This is the only elf dumping hay rake in use, and any boy12 year of age, and -able to drive a horse can work it. Mr. WUlson haseno hesitation in recommending thie r ko to his customers as ehe best ever intro- duced Any person deeiring t4o pneehase ono can karte fair trial of ir. OWS,:-Massey's N. 13 Thistle Cutter, t e 0 ly genuine Thistle Cut er Plow in the mar - p t k 0 sold in the County f Heron last year. o ort Perry and London Peng Plows, the beet G4»e plows ever introduced to the public. A t a :iven and maisfaction GI trantsed. All kinds o 4 =red Purpoge Plows al aye on hand. Gr In Drills and Harrows, Mernip Seed Sowers, or Hoeg and all other iniplernents always on • ne All kinde of Points and Cestings for the 4 c .ant Plows in use kept ecinstantlyon hand, T THE LADIES.—In the Sewing Machine d Nude Department MISS SLOANE keeps a f : tock of Butterielc'e Patterfag end Self -Fitting 'ha r . MI the Wed and neivest styles and 1 old ns. The latest and mos1 popular Sheet 3 us e and Magic Books, 4. b. VTILLS0N. Th GODERICH FOUNDRY. GQ.ierich Foundry & Manufacturing Co. STE. ST MEN VE ;II ROil TERS, coo Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to furnish INES AND BOILERS; FLOUR, GRIST, AND SAW MILLS ADING AND SHINGLE MACHINES, HOOP MACHINES, &c, D WOODEN PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, ST AW-C17T- c., SUG BAND POTASH KETTLES, GEATE-BARS, &c. . ING, P RLOR AND BOX STOVES, of various kinds. SAL PANS MADE TO ORDER0 ALSO, BRA S CASTINGS, AND BLACKSMITli WORK AND NG-INES AND GENERAL REPAIE,S DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. ers address d to the Company or Secretary will receive proMpt attention. Ass Secrets , and Treasurer. H. HORTON, President . RUNCIMAN, General Manager. HEMLOCK LUMBER FROM $7 TO $0. P*-01..o.7E.sn At the Shortest Notiee. COLEMAN & !GOUINLOCK, PA.IINTTIINTGr- HOUSE, SIGN ANDORNAMEN: TAL PAIN ING. KALSOMINING AND PAPER HANGING Executed with Dispatch, and on Reasonable Terms. i /4- IRIN BOILEI 0 AU or A. 113D.4 1 7:s 4. SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COL Hamm, onstantly d to, and ce, sigh ,of LIVE14. A. elaoleeagsortment of light and hes Whine Bells,Horee Clothing, &o., kept on hand. Repairing promptly attend charges moderate. Remember the pl the Scotch Cellar. W. H. DIAMOND SPECT T HE bREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, it7 Signs for \Stores and Hotels American Styles. All ord Campbell'e Photograph Gall ed to. 394 W1LKI SON & TRANN. one in the latest rs left at Moore & ry promptly attend. WHAT NEXT? A G R 1 CULTU1?AL fMPLl III EN TS ENGINE - AND ENGINE WORKSg. UITCHELL, ONTARIO. ovigi .Two -Horse Wood Sawing Machino NEW BUSINESS NEW MEN. CLES ane THESE Spectaelea are manufact red frem AIINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES melted to- gether, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brillianey. 16 is ell known that Spectacles cut from Brazilian or z cotch peb- bles are only injurious to the eye, bees, se c their polarizing light. Having been teat', wfth the polariscope, the diamond lenses have .000 found to admit fifteen per cent. less heit rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great odentille accuracy, are free from c omatic ab- berations, and produce a brightness a • d distinct- ness of vision not before attained in spectacles. matudaeterea by The Spencer Optical manufact •g NEW YORK. iThe great demand for these gpeet ,-les ha in - idi iced unscrupulous dealers to pa .. Off oval La- i ferior article for the Diamond. Great oare a old& be taken to see that the tend mark sop which 12 protected by Lettere Patent is stamped oo every pair. e For sale by E. HICKSON & Co.; Se forth, Sole Agents. ne; , ,....,...-„, _ ----;::-.. -........,,,,,, _, re Taking, * After Taking, , $PiCIFIC ME:EpICINE u14,4s all Nervous Diseageg, Such as Tremors, Do iliby, Prostration &c.It whioh, 1n1 many casco are ro need ,by over indulgence in t e uge of tobac- o a d alcoholic spirits; bue the pacific Medicine s rorO especially reeommended 1s an unfailing tni for Seminal Weakness i 8pon3atorrbca7 1m. o ney, and all diseases that follow, as a sequence 1 11 Abuse, as Loss of Meinory,i, Universal La001., tl �, Pain in the Back, DittillOglif, of Vision, Pre- • tore Old Age, and man $ other diseases- that ea4 to Insanity or Consumption and a Proms- uf el Grave, all of whieh, as a rule, are lira caused y deviating from the path, of feature and civet enkuljsenpeeee. ,itio Medicine ifi thel, moult of a life bt.dy and many years of experience in treating le se special diseases. Phil particulars in our panaphlet, which we desire to seid free by mail to ev ! Fbecianpee. dile Medicine 10 ifold y all Druggists at $1 per package, or epackages or $6, or will be seit by mail on receipt of the m ney, by address- - WILLIA GlitAY & Co. 1 _ Ri ORTHROP & LYMAN, T route, 'Whole berte, R. Lumsden, and b, 9 DraWgigind:te.r, L old in Seaforth by E 1 e Ric on & Co„ 3. S. Dealers. I • 4 , fk. , > WTthe mad rsigned .e purchased Hr. W. H. MAY'S Eutablishment, where we intend to carry • on an ex t neive Barn !so Btlf3iRCFSB, both Wholesale and Retail, manufacturing by Machinery I and by hand. We also keep on hand A LAFGE ASS1DRTMENT OF TRUNKS AND VALISES, And everythine pertaining to the Bueiness. Light avid Driving Itarnems a Speciality. No Assoelatiou HMS here._ Give 00 a Call before purchasing elsewb,ere. ,UtTTER TUBS. G. E. HENDERSON. & Co. THE BEAM= LUMBERYARD • 11 S now a rin SAMUEL TROTT an nand at the Seaforth Tub Factory ber of his well and favorably known M hind Turned Butter Packages. T ese Packages are the best in nse, and will give satisfactiou. PE01IAL INDUCEMENTS TO L RGE PURCHASERS. • Trott expects in a short time to oonamenee t h menu acture of Wash Tubs on a large scale.. 88 SAMJEL TROTT, Seaforth MABEE & MACDONALD -Elva to inform the public that they have re- -" moved their Ltunber Yard t� the lot between the Merchants Salt Company's 'Works and Mar- shall's Mill. They will keep constantly on hand a good asgorte ment of ALL HINDS OF LUMBER, cheesed and undressed. Also, LATH AND KIINGLES, all of vehicle ebey areprepared to sell id the lowest pos- sible Igloo, for Cash. -Also, on hand any quantity of the best ACTON LIME. Builders and others will ilnd it to their advan- tage to inspect onr stock, and ascertain our prices before purchasin gelseyhere, as eve are in a position offer good indu corneae to cash purchasers. 160 MABEE & MACDONA.LD. has been thoronghly tested, and gives entire sate isfaction. It is impplied v. tit a band wheel fer _ driving a stray cutter, gr erneher, or other ; raschinery, without extra e pertee for the belt. A TRIAL. 0 FERED. ALL KINDS OF FARMING ELEMENTS kept constantlf on 12and. BOILER SHOP IN PJLL OPERATION. Engines of all Sizei4flai1c W Order READPA.IRS-sPsO ,RMPTLY ATTENDED TO. DBE ' THOMSON 8f. YifILLIAMmitag,S,11.: Mitchell, 1873. 850 ; _