The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-16, Page 44 -THESP.{.TT: ! x'r o *ENV ADVk I T $EIVIENT,�. Auction Sale of a Faf<iu aniuel Love. Millinery --Duncan & Duncan. Cotton 'yarn --Loan & Jamieson, Firs: Insurance--- Y. X, Watson. Something New—F. New__—F. Smith, Walton, House and. Lot for. Sale—Peter: Dcly. Buggy for Sale ---J. V. Crocker. # MortgageSide---John E, son, 13ayiielc: Machine Oils--- fohnson Brothers„ New Bookstore -D. McGregor & S on. Horses Wanted --John Beattie. Dissolution—Moore & Campbell. Great Sale of Dry Goods—G. crit. Insurance --John Mason.. Cedar Posts for Sale --Wen. G ,asKie, Mortgage -Sale—MaeMxhon, Gibbons & Planer and that t Mc_ ab, di -temente encoi manufacturing e t _adapted for Urn Y poi4or. cute to this objet many municipal' the benefits of r still be without t a country where capital is ited, an offer of five er ten thou ,dollars is no small attraction, an offer may attraet attention to a [ SEAFORIII, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 187 The advisability of g -Tinting bonus encout age the establishment of man tories is a subject wh eh now en the attention of more theta one munic ity in Ude Province. Until within past two or three years there w Western Onttario only three leading of railway. Tributary to each Of were large sections of e untry, and a rious points along ea h of these r Were located the tradin towns or een The produce gown i the sectim to find its way to he e towns an outlet. The result iwa that, in a large degree by t ie patron:rge in the past year or t i a, however, the iron horse new cou 'sea throu rh years ago, had no expectation that is streak of good fortune would ever thern, As a result of this, nmateretis trading towns have Sprung up, tlae cultural patronage has become. aivi largely curtailed, The trade Id to other towns is scarcely suffieien to tain them, ,. The new wns are nx to rival in size and. pop lation th ir o competitors, but the country trib tar them doe's not of itself supply s ffic trade to enable thm to accomplith desired object. Both t erefore ale a ously looking for some s urce of tied supplement that direct y derived f the rural districts. All naturally tur manulacturing as a dans to tlais addition to- tr mated for , manufactor has led to the system tare may have provided bonued, Of courts°, the as overoleing the wand - in Canada, and. it le im ery ambitious town and the eupply that it may it to maintain ite positior e, The es thus ca of offeripg those which nee cut off by the new railways whi in the shap of lately been construeted, o is such a thing try naturally t Thatary to 'taring Wish eits improved, and h nufiteto village can get cure her continutd pr eperity, equire and lace no. tlie the heir hey any me- practices directly home to the ent, it lets been proven that a dance ofl money was in circulat timid brihery was freely precti those who practiced it we h leek Judge nalit to be agents, and the ent mull also held to be no sponnible for this illegal expe The taking of the evidence in coln election case l'as been co monde on, aiiel ed, but by the espond- will be he Lins that Mr. Neelom the` respondent, it will be in: remembered, defeated '''Mr Chit les Ity- kert at the last general electio 1. The 'rages the locating of decision in the case is to o given to -day. tablishments in places Judging from the eviden e, however it them. Now r ler- iinpossible that he respondent tujeoell' etwheieuef°11.e140:yetithjeatt eisaiailmes°: ie being unseate . In this as: gicuig in the p evious case refer ed to, bribery ailway hem 111 dent, and t was free y attempted, if theY not as - gated the undtrtakil s by bon ises• Had thebonuses nog giyei the rait, only di 'culty in the ca e will be prove a ehey. The evict th ways would not have. 1 een it, The lac- acts of perional I the companies asked honuees was no ines mitt or did not r quire the rail ay, hese on the contrary the atrantin ye- bonus- by the mueicipalities wee res. a" guaranteeito the -ompany that was required. he same me of with regard to b nustrig map had The people of a unicipality for, judges of Wheth r any partieul °' of manufaeture will pay; in the °I)" bonus is a guaran ith- that the <propos rail- Again, suppose tl and Or nearly equal i un- a particular nu which offers• bo tract the attenti Arab, and stands chance of ,securin The -second obj offering of e bonu is an injustice to few eh a efal new gri- ed, the us- ous der to ent his xi - to OM ain de- there are many to sed Seaforth, has hitl ad- trade, which is no et of their g ee to the ma at two towns point of digit] us will be sii n of the man the benefit. to new men xisting menu in as inueli as a erson who ha own industry an 1 enterprise all hardships an( lecturing, is taxe son who has not to assist ano municipality whet e he proposes This is the more plausible obj the tworttnit even this, when into, must vanish As an exe will take the T wn of Seek wns erto enjoyed w, to certail . ere are up for the trod° "she h been many branches of manuf totem eatable of oft If we: do nob get ;this a much greater exteneio and there are inantifacturing, she will come t many placee which now esire mtnufac. still, but if we do get it !she will torics which arc not ad pted to eusta•in to prosper. If she stands still, them, There are, agai , many places . erty of the manufacturers which which now have none, vhich rea here will deteriorate in value, ly re - es oot quire certain branches. Thus, pla business will decrease, but- if naturally adapted in sus ain mann actor. tinues to prosper, nheir properte ies will have to go do n, while these crease itt valpe arid their buei places where good ope ngs exist will, extend. If, therefore, the pros most likely, sooner or lat r get whet they the place would be secured by tl so much claiip and w tat 'they peed. ing of this bonus, the old manu litchi ring But, to build ep a man ortionetely -i LIM, even although ther openiag, requires a large ital, and in this counts. over abundant. it is his fact loads so many'ma,nufaett rers to se a munieinal bonus to ai them in manufaetu ring enterpris s. Many mein - 6. tories by granting this aie , and have thus scoured a siource of trade which supplies the deficiency caused by the loss ctf tar - of railway facilities, Many other munici- palities are now' holding out bonus, '-1.1• ducementsf and through these huhu e. merits will, in all probability, ri eon re what the,y desire. But hile man will shape 'of bonuses,: many more wil n simply because their loca ion is no fa (Treble. The centres of rade, hotter that are not adapted for any specters manufacture aro few. noise thet . adepted, and. which Make the firs a moist favorable offers are ikely to he Ix and most epeeibly sere ,d, To ena towns and villages, for re sons which s have already mentioned, i mreased man factories min a necessity, f they wieh continue to prosper. th r these, tiler fore, it is, we believe, good policy to ofl 8B011 in ditvments as they can afford f the purpotst, of securing what they nee If they seeure this boon throligh efferi the induce.ment, good and Well ; if th do not secure it, they will have lei 1)0 up under their misfortu e and loss trade as best they can. There is ( thing certain and' that is o neunicipali can lose by offering a bonus. If it accepted,. the muaicipalit cannot fail get value for what it has paid ; if it not acce-pted, then it is n poorer. muuicipality will secure manufacturit without offering eneour dement in the ou a.ccount of bri way of bonne, which eannot secure it 1Sy act which was th making the offer. Some ight, through voiding this electio the balms inducement see re manufactute of a treat by the b other of the r ing, who if they had not offered the • 1- ent, who was an gent, during due:anent would. not have obtained t e hours, Although here was not benefit, for, as we have already stated; 1 the evidence in this oleo would profit proj may be a good others in the *con munity, If amount of cep. factory, employin say 100 op capital is not could be secured • this town b ing a bones of $11,000, would business of the tow 1 cause a prop increase in all bra ehes Of trade a ufacture ? Consequent] the turers with este busin property would ge full ralue for ditional taxation he granting enthil upon them. So that,•in there is no injustic done the ol This is a subject which we w sire again to press upon the Ate the Council and people el 8 ve There is an &cell int e wh eh -3k for their rt one particular brat eh, The prose st the town can aff rd, this main actcry bele who, laet Year; eeeaped from Clinton ; y 1 C£411 be secured, t le bonus sh tild be State Pristn; teas recently found in the I . , ' Bonen '1,0 TLiE PKEMJER of/ C.AN IA. -- u- ' lost, Wei have d ,layed long lrea y, Mr. Al ekenzie, thc Canadian Pre ier, is to and if we dela r much lohg . ,r lie visitin Dande,e, where 'hie reception has e- opening which we nay fill will 0 fil ed been Moist flattering. The corporation have pi matted him with the freedom of d. at least an mica or 'to scene arrived at e Cit.? i tn, Vecchia, Ifni y, on w et tie would,be of so much value to- tit , plar, Monde r, on Ins way back to CI prerae ie , as well ns a benefi to- every ra The r wd. unhorsed his Gerrie, e and 013a3nf ' drew in to hiis hotel, and the tot n wall nee .oes not riber against the show an 11%),De.3, that he 'will only be uns ated, nd the evi, election , declared. void. Silo Id this sup. prove to:be the ease, there is litt e doubt but, of his -re-election, unless an opponent of the poseessed of a. much bett r_ ree rd thin At a convention. of Ref mere f Weet . Wellington, held on Jul fle lion. Mr., he said tion of the convention. 1 r, Crooks will oppose Mr, McGowan, wh was recently iet, unseated. There is eve y probability, that Mr, Crooks will be cleated. - Al -I ility for feat of the, Reform candid des in former place_ elections eras due to local and eectional therefore; be united on Mr, Crooks, feet irer We hope he may be sum ssful, as it is high time he had a Seat sox ewhere, e the ties Mr, Monteith's majori y in North t Perth noisy that the officia retu ns have been obtained, is. found 'be 2 . We give the majotities else here. Had f menu- Fisher a.majerity of 2V, d ne as well as it should have done, hit wo ld h re been ner er- ey. elected by a good niatbrit . It was in the this townehip, however, as it soi dimes te, is in our even. township of Tuckeismith, 0e the Reforni element is so trong that its ed strength ts its greatest w alcness. Mi. nd official figures, have rapidly de massed. ed, In 1867 his majority was 13 ; i 1871, iit,' view of these figures w sho 1(1 say h have either that Mr, Fisher is 1 ext aordin- ng has A great calamity has beret en the to se- Capfuls, Fiat party, One, )f ite organs, she re- the HatA,onai, conducted by JitnUel m ke Briggs, lirie gone back on it, In ite last epri ed issue, the ,Vationct/ renounces all nue- litional tion with the party, and p taco into it a, st nd and its (ceders in lively style. I etweent anti ue the Globe On one eide and limue 13riggs l a InioP' on the other, Canada First will b apt to be kept in a pretty hot pla,co 'ft e hope, re now d their however 'that the party melt s it i*, may surilye the great shock ich it will in- must sustein in the loss of Mr. riggs's sig will inflUence. 1, grant- been in progress for a couple of d diners large number of witnesses has een ext- th the ambled, bed thus far no glaring cte If maim- bribery have been proven. The ,e were grant- mitted bY friends of Mr, Oliver, the re - that tor by net his me ed loe tio ple, itua the of wo nd he eality, ma u- NewS of the Week. FAST r Dire—The fastest trotting tim at the Detroit races last week was mad b3r Jildge 'Fullerton, he having made the third mile heet in the best race ht 2,19th ttr flee ,"1" JJ'AILURE IN SeoeLAND.-L-00rk- pended. His liabilities are large, He OW08 $600 000 to Johh Ranking & Co ld le- alone, of nn immense size. The glass in all the windows in the district where the storm raged was broken, and many persons killed and injured. Tin OVA SCOTIA Finns. --LateEng- lish pati rs state that the Earl of Derby, Foreign ecretary, has been requested to receive , deputation of persons interest- ed in th.. Nova Scotia coal fields, for a conferen a on the subject of the o tress ive taxi iii the United States, w' ich is said to a but prevent the impor-tatiou of coal int that country. I)IVrN OPERATIONS ON elm VI JRECIK OF THE eirILLER.•--'.fie divers havbeen searching for the treasure which wais on board the steamer Schiller, .dor a month previous the weather prevented opera- tions, bet last week there was a favor- able day, during which repeated de- scents were made. The position of the wreck is' little changed, and there is rea- son to b lieve that the treasure will be recovere . PANIC AMONG THE (1AuLI;3'r$.—Latest advices rom Spain state that a :great panic e ists in .Estella, where news of the Carl St defeats has only just become known. The Carliste are removing their artillery from the city, General ,lidrrre- garay is hemmed in by several bri fades on the higher mountains near l .aysa. General Campos will Shor•tly'ari•iv^ . and complete the cordon drawn. aroun the Carlist chief. _. _ ..... Inas, mechanic in the car shops et C11 cago, states that he has been working"for long time on he principles which clew loped Keely's i ew motor, and that he ha some time ago! arrived at the satire' cone union es Kcely, but was not quite rcarly to give the result of his investigations to the public.- He affirms that the motor is a that is claimed, and that it will work a revolution in all branches of industry. RESULT' OF A NYEEN.'S Fromm —A Havana letter states that during the last week in June there has been consider- able fighting along. the rebel line iu Cuba, At Rodrigo, only one house is left stand- ing and that because it floated: the French - lag, The recent fight near 'Eucr cyda esulted in a rebel loss of 150and a ..pauish loss of 200. five sugar e tater ear SanlDomingo have been 'burn d by he Cubans. i 'I'IIE NEW CONSTITUTION, - -The 1 draft +f the iiew constitution for Spain, report d by the Committee on the 5th inst., ,rovides that the Senate shall be conn- oscd of :three classes of rnenibers, ,viz. < First, Senators by hereditary' title ; Sec- nd, Senators by popular corporations, nd third, Senators nominated by the howl'. •The Grandees of Spain recerv- ng incomes of $10,000 and over are in - PANTO .AT A REVIVAL MEING.--The «all in Which Moody was holding bis eetings in Camberwell, England., was rowded on Sunday night last, one ;hour refore . the beginning of the services. he building was surrounded by a crowd hich broke through the outside gates,, n(1 it was this that created a pains in - ale of the hall, which was only stilled y music. The congregation rernaiired tending, while the incoming crown was ( uieted by a statement from 'Ir. Moody Jurat the neeting svould not be held'un- less they retired, MOODY ANI) S.1>IKKY,--The following i : the nu Ter of meetings held: by bloody nd ,San eyy in London, during the past our mot _thrs, with aggregate of- attend - rice s In Cemberwell, 00 meetings, at - ruled by 480,000 people hi Victoria, • rneetiogts, ettende(1 by 41,000 ; in the to the toasts - sari. that . the prevailing passion of Canadians wee the desire to maintain intact their connection. with Engl .nd: It was impossible to overstate the depth of universality of that senti- ment. He expiated on the friendly rela- tions between Canada and the- United States, and he said every thoughtful cit- izen of that country was convinced that the fate of Canada is unalterably fixed, and contemplated the progress of Canada - with generous enthusiasm, The Amer- icans are wise enough to understand the benefits rising from the existence on the same co tinent of a pobtreal system, of- fering m ny points of contrast, compar- ison and friendly emulations with their own. THE RISCJ7 OF WAI E.81 Visi'r TO IN- DTA.—I. the Howse of Commons on Monday Mr, Disraeli made a statement in regard to the contemplated visit of the Prinjco of Wales to India. Ke said the simplicity suitable for a visit to the colonies would not be in place for a jour- ney through India. Though the Viceroy had intimated the custom of making cerenmon;a1 presents need not he observed, yet the Prince must be placed in a posi- tion to exercise generosity and display splendor(. It would; however, be undig- nified to enter into a discussion a on the point. His Royal . Highness will start for India on the 17th of October, and his visit will last six months. The ex- penditure to insure the necessary pomp and dignity would bei710,000. Messrs, Macdonald, John . O'Connor, Po' er, Butt an Peter . Taylor made speeches protester g against the grant for the Prince o Wides' eastern trip. THE ISUNDERSTANDING WITH THE KING Or BuEMAH.—A special to the Lon- donll 'hie EW "i7 from Calcutta says Sir Douglas • COUNCI MEETING.—The iipuarusrnotn oTuaedsidaonyrn, mitinnte, thAe Jett members f the Council present ; the Reeve in he chair, The minutes of the revions meeting read and, approved, oved by Mr, Geiger, seconded by Me, Kalbfleise that the amount of $ granted t improve the roads in sta labor div sion, under Mr. Abel Wei pathmas —Carrie,d, Moved ley the folio ing accounts be paid, viz,: John Be ry, culvert on line between Aldswort work on bridge, $15.; Thomes sez, culvert on line et* on line etween Cons. 3 and. 4, Wm. Grandy, work on line betw °reside e between 25 and 26, $41 0; Stephen royer, work on side line the, tween 25 and 26, ,:',151.83,9014,;, BJ(7,111ont8P,eettny, George eenslacle, work oh Con. 4 N B. lots, $ 5 ; Henry Reichert, work on Edgehoffe , cutting down hill on Olen, road bet eeu lots 25 and 26, $2.1 68; A. Conting, Jeveling side road between graveling on Con. 14, $30 ; Schwahn, graveling on Con. 14, $10 E. Deisch rm. work on Sauble line, $7 ito Trustees f Hill's Green Hall, for halilat te election $4 ; C. Schrader, gravehre- g, Forsyth was not instructed by. the British Gov,ernment to demand the right of pae- N. B., $8 95 ; J. & H. Kalbflelach, cedar sage 'of troops through Burmah. In his interview with the King he only in- timated that a sufficient eseort would be itsent wit any future expedition to West - for roads Adam E as per patiunasters, $16 ern Chi a to protect it aga.itast violence. gland, grant to Gotha' lihe, The Kin r replied that Burmeh would pro- tect any el expedition and troops must not In the English House of Com- $15 ; Joh ecretary of State for India. in F. Schroa nday afternoon Lord Hamilten, he enquiry of Mr. Grant Duff HBanti;hr' i'mgr the difficulty between Great Hilre Gr leAllister, gent to Con.; 6, be sent. InUrelserM een,rt'Stgrr°. ,aNgy'realBn'ttol°tto88:NCB.9. B7 11 . 1 3. 93:4'itil?oli reply; to en, $50—Carried. Moved by touchin 11, seconded by Mr. Willson, teeve be authorized to ke c arge o the eentre road and have it re - soon as possible—Carr Mr, Wilson, seconded by at the Reeve and Clerk be in of $2 each for attend n Court, to defend the e it ainst the township.by 8. ied. Moved by Mr. Wi' y Mr. hIcColl, that this adjourn to meet again in Tewn Hal , on Tuesday, the third day of August ne t, when applications will be received om the different -School i times in t e township, to levy their, e. year—Ca 'ed. Britain and Burmah, said the earlier mat- r' that the neccssit ted the Government's insisting mired as arrange , but the murder of Mr, Margery that the King of Burmah should give every, f• ility for the punishment of the offender . The King had refused to per- mit the passage of the British troopt through Burnell,. but Lord Hamilton hoped. he would yield to the representa- tion ef the British envoy, and thus pre- - vent a c011ision. Death of Mr. Prince.. the Coupty a Essex, was drowned in the rivet- in front of his residence at Windsor; on Friday morning last, while bathilig. t Mr. Prince was the second son of the 1 te Celonel Prince, who figured promine tly in the troubles of 1837-38, sat for a longtime as a member of the old Canadian Parliament, and held at his deatl the office of Judge of Algoma. The subject of this notice made au un- succeesfal attempt at the general elee- tion of 1861 to enter the Canadian Par- liament es member for Kent ; Was more euccetsfu. at the Ontario general election of 1871, defeating thei Government can. era lictiese 60 meetines attended by didate fo Essex after a spirited contest, t loved by Geiger, t paid the s the Divisi brought seconded 1 HUGH LOVE, Sr. Clerkr Stephen. ,ing of the Stephen Council was held july 2, for the purpose of onside the ad is4ility of changing the merit forMerly made with the Lon Huron and , Bruee Railway Comps with re mine° the "sidings, Moved Mr. Pa sons, seconded by Mr. K that tli s "ouncil offer the London, co Railway Company to pertion of the agreement, T0,000 ; ilOw street, lid meetings, et. een I:Aboral-Conservative dur- the 24th day ot Novem nded by 000,000 ; in the 'Agricultural ing his e de between -On said Coin Iell, 60 inectire s, attended by 720,000, posted th e4rporation of the township sb far as refers to the erecti nanee of sidings on the Sou on and eel that 1871, and the t would support the Sand- elonald, Administration. Fre- 8t9ban retriember the interest with and mai of the Parliamentary gallery Bounda me of his speeches Wei -e looked tion n 000, le amount o money exPended for, uildingte printing and 'stewards, $140,- 00. Melody and Sankey have deelined o receive, any compen.sationI from the DARING ROBBERY. --On Monday two 1 ell dressed men obtained admission to he house of Mr. M. Denser, New York y repres nting themselves as two Croton athlete.. collectors. They had no soon - enterer than they seized Mrs. Denser, he was done, bouud, gagged and hand- uffed he , and then admitted five other onfedera es, when all proceeded to rim - n10,000 i N. Y. C. securities. After aok the louse. They obtained 840,000 Virgin a State bends, but Overlooked tilie departure ot the robbers Mrs. _Dam - f the passers by. and was reacued from 1 er painful position, No c ue to the hieves has been obtained. oenon.-I-Moody and Sanke is farewell eeting red eler ere mat vivalist ey had ed. the s 'I he sugg some ain than such. - Tun CitOPS IN Eunore.--The .21 ane Ex ;rem, in it's weekly re s ye : " le crops have been pro COMMERCIAL DEPREssioN IN NORWAY# tjoll of —Norwegian papers fear a cerninercial forth. crash, in Norway in coneequence if the fact re bad freights and sta.griation in tl e Cleo 'ntgor rains in Indiana have swelled th email , t is ,an streams, and railroads and brid es are 1! he f -t. damaged, ind trains delayed. Cro bad- ' 10 The IS/ occI reports that 1 000 helist y We have this eek to chronicle t prieone e have arrived at Valencia, 9 -pain, is misfortune of anoth r viatim of tl e El c-, The populace threatened to lynch some, O tion Court - Mr. I,ouis Wig e, : the of the Cartist officers, and the authoritiee embairked them on a man -of war to pre -I is Conservative representative in till(' Logal O Legislature for no ith Essex, hes been Ae; xiineeteerox no BE DEM 1NDED g- unseated and his el ction declareld void, FROM 0 1)1A N —A special from Copen-i secretly engaged for some days in aking = principal eaus° of soundin off the coast of Jatland Den.: was, the pa -taking : mark. An ex lanation of this 1 .11 epond. demand d. Of tl e Berlin Gov rnme t, DESTRInenne STORM AND OSS 0 LIFE, polling —A lea ful storm has visite the Swiss, n Canton, of Geneva and:the ench, Prone ,ase to bring eorrupt* tier. _I ives acompanied with hail tones! ok place on Monday ight 'ha,ftesbury and Caw ii, 8 mei men were present. Spe ches full of praise of the em tient for the freeh life and er orgy introducert in the Char hes, eadfastne,ss of their coat erts, if, said it would not be ac opt - thing would give them more ss - quen ten will still 13voliriedijusromg the exciting debate which „ precededthe downfall of the Ministry s Siding f when Mit Prince and one or two others, in ever who had been looked upon as supporters ment b of the linistry, had declared them- sehree opposed to it, the fate of the Cab - Met was considered sealed, and so it turned_ ut. Mr. Prince represented. Esseit d. ring the whole of the second Ontario Parliament. and voluntarily withdrew from public life immediately before the general election. He was a fluent spi aker, and a general favorite on partly ec ucated in Canada, Choosing ci account f the geniality of his disposition and his s nse of limner. The deceased gentlema I was born in England, but was law for hie profession, he was called to the Upper Canedian bar in 1848, created a Q, C. in 1864, and elected a Bencher of the Lew Society m 1871. He was still a coMparatively young mam at the period of Ins ultimely death, MK North Perth Election. The following are the official returns of the votes polled in the late North Perth election ; Stratford 422 357 Mornington 273 -229 Nettle liesthopee.„44 296 Total . 1,737 feet have prodimed 0,,quieter 'feeling in Mai•ority for '..h.lopteith.. 20 the Londion market, where grices had begun to advance ; but there las beers a further improvement in. the couotty, two shillings dearer for wheat, and as' the ;idea of having a crop equal to last year's is given , and stocks decreaslenthere is plenty ,of room for ,a further rise in . Franca -a the damage to crope from the floods ha -c been very exteneive in the provinces, and the figures show a rise in n heat of from one to two shillings." i:nen mu N'orth Cal come to re an cut wife's thnoat, then cut: her prices in many places being again oue to er, comMitted in Raleigh, olina, in March last, has just ight. Scott Perlin, a white head off, unjointed her at every j int, tempted to burn her body up, but did then cut the flesh off her bones an at - not succeed. Then he murdened hisi lit- tle boy, a ;child eight months old, in the same manlier, and buried the two bedies in a marsa, where they were - found last week by toe infuriated neighbors. The ' Governmeet has offered *a reward. for • him. Circumstances show that Paelin's father and one of his brothers were ac- ' cessory to the murder, and. if found in the county Jedge Lynch will be invok.ed. No motive for the murder is known, ex, apt that Parlin was tired of his Wife ILF,RNOR-GENERAL AT HOME.— Tae Canada Club, London, gave a din- I ner last Friday evening to the Earl of I Dufferin, Governor-General of the Can- i mean Dominion. The Earl in response 1,717 The Provincial Plowing Ma.t °hes At a meetieg of the Council of Arts and Agrictilture, held in Ottawa last week,: d was resolved that for the pur- pose of holding plowing matches, the Proviece Onturio is divided into four section's, each such section, eonsieting off, three agricultural dietricts, for electing members of the Council of the Associa- tion, Viz.: Seetion No, 1 of regricultural tricts No. 4, ft and ; No. :3 of districts A plowing match will be held in each of the above napned sections, under the auspices of the Association as follows, viz, : For section No. 1 in the neighbor- hood cif Brockville ; No. 2 in' the neigh- borhood of tiearboro' ; No 3 in the ndighborhood of Guelph ; No. 4 la- the neighborhood of eleaforth or Clinton. The three members of the Council, 're- presenting each plowing match section, will be the Committee: to take -the sole control of the management of the plow- ing match in each section. 'The Crameil will appropriate the sum of $400 toWards carrying out the plowing match in each of the above sections, Ttie foltowing gentlemen are ehairmen of the Cemmit- tee of Management in each sectioh, viz.: No. 1, Andrew Wilson, Maitland ; No. Then Stook, Waterdown ; No. 4 Sheriff Gibbons, Goderich, • Oil of on th y and Centre ro se on eont31. t good stationtsenorth at least )e built at Centralia, and a gOode r t least 60 rods.; provided that o her respect the said agree - c rried out, and the coupons for interest a •crued due up to lst of 31 u- nary las ire handed back ; andprovi ed that a I ea opinion be obtained as to rangem nt made satisfactory with Comp, Moved in _amendment , Messrs( Leary and Fulton, that it he 1 ih. ent, pe Atone were presented as the Cou icil to "submit to the ratepay of Step ere a prohibitory liquor byda in accor ance with the Demkin act of 1864. loved and resolved that a id petition be considered next meeti Kuhn, at the amount to ;he expe ed near Li-nerick, but the aMounts to be e:epende the two following years be ex- pended between Nelsonhe tavern and Wilson' store ; $100 to be, expended in extendi g I the gravel road near Mr. collecto for 1875 ; next meeting of Coun- cil to be ori the last Monday in Anguish Trustee of school sections can. send the amount they wish raised to C. Pronty, paised el ordered to be petit. C. PROUTY, Clerk. ft That veracious. and reliable news- paper, tie -Stratford Ilerak,l, ways ; '''A horse be tinging to Mr, Janies Redford, took to meet so keenly the defeat of the Grit can lidatc, that, it laid down 011 the corner o 'Market and Ontario stree , on Satu dey morning last, land quiet y departee to that Tana where ,Liorseflesh suffers ne more." ii —The celebration of the Tivellth of July at )atkhill was a very successful affair. large number of Lodges took part in the procession, amongst which Bend lo liso from 'Huron, I he Hu the Exe er brass band, it is 'eetinia lodges w he headed in the 1:o cession that eve 3 000 people were en town, —A test mowing match took place a Tuesday - on the farm of -Donald re Tavish, North. Eastho ie, ' County. Of nanufactured by the Hall Man- n famturn g Company, OshaWa and the Timms° -Lk Williams, of Mitchell. After a severe tr al in lodged. and other grata, lasting over three hours, jibe Caylitn tCohribeyf, tte., jomdegieer Was declared the vie- - —A. terrific hail and rain ;berm phssed over the eastern section of: Ontario On Tuesday last. At Cobourg hailstones dens an4 crops, and in wine instances windows were broken. inonsidera damage has been done to the crops in t of great I violence accompanied hy passed over Newburgh. The -thund r was feartut, and the lightning Vivid. A building in Ernestown, belong:in& Mr* le $, Wertnian, of Peenden, The flames guinea, ; also a fliirthouie owned by P. were extittgundiedi before much damage stoointtmitlstedrIrlils,tiogerti:easbes hfelemintibtgheriOirowatareviagebtourstyeaAarll:sd.: It :flee yielded twct crops a ye,ar, without et,opolressitig, for Beven years. It 'show ii(ethYlisnvi°1:daerfTu.,,1341. lrisottleedV%7 nn° britlilleClealeSU:eill'rlede;1111°- 44 ;rtePit0Si °11n: PI ebs'lletmtl-em::ta.ee'rthaliald:f a first-rate -clover crop. This plant, whieh mak *almost Make a revolution in all over t e Donose—in MeXillop, On July 8, wife of Xr. Mae, Dodds., of aeon, MeInerosite MeKillop, en July 8, the _ wife of Inn j011/1 Mallt0Bh, of twin', IraiINIDIApIMER,--4111 Seam -the on July. 2, the -wife of Mr.. Peter Klinkho,mmer, Itenee—hteKneezite t the' residence eel the brines brother, on July if by Rev, _ 1n, Ca:Theron, of Kipper', Mr. fteorge Park, tif Goderich, to Miss Annie MeS THE ket or in town ;now-a-cleye. Farmers: stirrae cantoblinesYarwkeittlph2rodYnt anTallo112-sevewe have stilt a isVockl, of wheat on hand Iv be glad. tn learn that priees• have taken a - turn Lori the better. ' 'We this weekt en both NI and. ihring wheat, with indi- for coarse grains bud other ferin produce remain ultehang-41. : We quote! Fall Wheat, per Ini.3.;c1.......-,..... 0 02 <6 0 94 ,=, --waY0)-#PPerert°irolata,...41;.:......*:::,,402 4 gist) 4141 1 $311 so30;; elitzteeeet, 9$cti to2010tede $blut2eLtr;, loornt Tonlienno,I July 15, 1875, $12t for liew. later eves easier, telling ,''.. mostly nt 20e fon. pound roll; anything . over that being 4er exceptionally choice. Ff, Eggs gold et incite 17c by the baek-et TORONTO LIViE STOCK MARKET, '..: BnnvAs.—Thelp was but a limited stye' ply pf ftit cattle offered. at this merket:, elureng the pastliweek, but the demon": have no !greater rirmness in pekes,' class, 50 to l$4 75, , and thirdee $4 to $ 25, he following were t aatt 88 56 22 .; three cares, atereraging at $5 25; two 'ears, avenaging forS,IfieErsE. :e—iasTns, sfaitirliosutoriply,5sefolruir seeoatnt class, a d fe3 to -3 50 for third-class, ments of local...4.i te__her:_i_si. hlirst-closs wore tthakiredu-citssa't sf)t tiCiiii3cli.si256.12't 5°' alla MONTREAL LTVE STOCK MARKET; Motinnnore; july 12, 1875, lambs which w re ver,y plentiful, havitmi been l'n. ught dawn. the Ottawa and let. ale in better deitiand at somewhat bette ilferier ve ws, $(20 ho $39. naeli. Beef cattle were mu& leet in number than lasi week add sell frem $3 50 to sr) per IIX lbs,, line wei0t. -Caves are gottin scarce, end Belli at {rem $5 to $6 eac good animals bringing More and diger* lees. Sheep are in fair supply ; good eheep sell at $4 to ,..:.9: each, while coire mon. self at i'3 Lb $5, Lambs were vele plentiful and sellers sey they -cannot gel as ell)li df ofrt'ab-tobp.'etinE51.?.1a, twahiii1;e- ev7431;oon c1.1 aolunteL bring $.4 each. fhlogs were scarce, ther being ne young, i pigs on the market, al thoigh they are in-- deulaud. There weirs taofeswi,2140anehowld.aslioagssk,efde.r, which from $1 LITTLE FALl,,S DAIRY MARKEI, There wan no': lanai dairy cheese offer ta ed, daitymen inking it best to hol until the next 1 rkett The number o faetorme represented. was less than usual and thli demand. for .eheese was quit day without 'having , made sales tha upon any pretrions Market day. Th offeringh of factories amounteil to Beall 9,000 bits., of Which 7,400 bxs. were top prioe being pie. No butter offeie • •