The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-16, Page 3187 At nvimy v... F. 5 TI!. ft - •--,. • a a ,••• • ---, --- • • • .• • -4- ' "",", —• -•• • :-, • - eaaeae r. * ( from the Laren, :3 to thank hex u„ Patronage, and to t to Meresrs. Mayne VXI MCNArGirri fully competent to be run, and in a Von, he would, euceessore to the a.t.te generous pat. d to him for the 110MAki BELL_ t Commereial Cil would etate ing bra nret-elaas• vinforteJele, stytialz Itteenlar customers ..trally dealt with. or at any of the tifIce and Stables tititrital Innaleraeut WN Ite'rEitE_se, kMERUNI r, v ie tuts and custom. surrounding epeetfully intiniate eifttistand weatend :opened a beautiful welry of the latest [...est and most vari- ttehes are ackziowl- n et in the 2narkot eenlated and teSte4 re Eight Watch. 4 le "align the aervices [ow practice in the rrgin Scotland, ons- et of the Dominion itchea and Jewelry X. CAMERON, tleal Watehmaaeee 350.52 RINERSHIP. AMS eany patrons that 0NFe in his buSineae late with bine Mr - tint workman, and hole tinniness. The. -„LIAM8& CLUFF. .) give increased ate forth Pump Factory wn for the superior+ hand a good snpply ISTERN Pt. :Leese Factory an Iforee Hay Bak* led, in time for nett ted to give sath4face :tended to. Prices .r in the business. p gad Cistern Fae- IL WILLIAMS. 1-1111t0..N VOR kS 77tT ano friends and the iepared to fillall qe, Table. Topa GO, E;orted to Order. art, and cannot be erio, MeCallutres Hotel, IL MESSE7r. rt4 E starers and °there or tin shop to the ldefoire. Logan lit hand an, immense STOVES, °sod of at her cu - en hi supplied to WIT ITNEY'S. jME • mace that they t their Irelssifeeids &4W 'sets, (.ry T LIME. kat, s-, nuanowli; EALT H. kDE ,01:ng Temperance. the Beet. Meseina, an, contaiuing their. to -ria It will henrage atone :0 less tirae than the rwlway. The most pic;-nicin n'erth and vicinity, .!enefac t urer. 11:131 & jONAS, 20 391-3B OPENING. 1 eouseenence of ill 1.; lateiotee al Her- at:rich, offer for THEM ace. home and lot, on enable. This, le a to earry on Balers apply to. the DEMAN, &Irian o!K IN THE NG 00., r hare. Should t inthcationenearir ell he worth from „te,„ apply tor ;tali tacen, far seat th LAUNDO in full worklng telling, Ironing and tended to. Parties a PItarchi4 or ate. of three cents will be damp Satisfaction guareSE FORSYTH.. ere Store, SesNiereth, Ls in my bands for eated to call and o at once, or thei STED, ghey & Ifolmaftede f Gaieties. A Olebrat-ed wit °nee said of his do that It was neither his interest to pa the p;1 neiple nor his prineiple to pay th eatereet. , , —SOme people have peculiar eonstit tions.n Mark. Twain mice complaine after 1.1ong interval of idleness, "Thi worki eg between meals is killing me !" —A confectioner who twelve month age tsraght his parrot to °say " prett creature to every lady Who entered hi shop le now a millionaire; Naneas teacher—" Whore does a aux gain product go to ?" Boy—" pinto the hopper." "Hopper , tighat hopper ?" Grasshopper !" tri - iimphJnt1Y shouted the lad. —Ilie click anti clack of the croate, t ball is heard again in the land in corm 4 * tion with "You did not!" "I say I did!' "Yon horrid cheat !" "Oh, for shame "M&'l ma I" —An actress in California, a Miss IC. lin, lately married a professional, name Wood, and. her stage name is now hyp mated into Mine. Kinlin-Mood. Geennereen —A bachelor made a wi 1 leaviag his proerty to the girls who ha , refused him, "For to: hem I owe a my earthly happiness." i PLWANT NEWS, —A writer in a late number of one of our magazines argues that the Atlantic Ocean is gradually drying up.. This will be pleasant news to those people who want to go to Europe, but are kept back by the fear of sea sick -- nese, In two or three hundred thousand ears, perhaps they can go over on dry land. And, by -the -way, steam -ship cod. panie# had better be making preparations to put wagon wheels on their vessels. MAN'S A TOOL ! Man's a fool ! When it's bet he want's it eool ; When Ws cool he wants it hot ; Neer contented with his lot. When it's dry 1 lie for showers ie heard. to sigh; When—to meet his wish—it rains Of the wet the fool complains. Holt or col, dry or wet, Nothing suits that he can get, I consider, as a ride, Man's a fool. —A recent visitor at Santa Barbara, California, saw among the number who were sitting out in front of their stoijes one whom. he recognized as- a. former acquaintance. • Hallo, Jones," says our visi r "what brought you out here ?" "Climate,. ' replied the Santa Bar- ham. "How do you recant for the raid grow h of this place ?" * lintate." di allseem to be sitting round; wIliat do.y u live on ?" '4 climate," "What makes you grow so fat V' "Climate." "Well, how will they bring the rail. road to town over the mountain 7" "Climb it," over bole surface of the be y once a. day, or once in two days, is 'ften of more i ice than the appli tion of water.; reply of a canton' Tian to to the ji uiry to what habit of life lee attribute his good health and xtreme longevity; that lie believed it due to " rubbing himself all over with a cob ev- ery night," is significant of an impor- tant truth. If invalids and persons of low vitality would use dry friction and Dr. Franklin's " air baths" every day - for a 0013 iderable period, we are confi- dent the4v would often De greatly ben- efited. Last (P litical) Words of Men. Great A paragraph giving the " dying words of emine t men" has been going the rounds o the newspapers lately. As po- litical t ath is fast approaching the many 4 tinguished individuals . who occupy ublic attention in Canada present, it ip begs to anticipate a few additionat sentences to the item in ques- tion: "Alas I poor flock, left without a shepherd !"—George Brown, his is my last day out !" rookie " o b bing death —Maddi en " Afte life's fitful wanderings we rest well."— , Macdougall. " Na e en the Isolated lliek ifie ony power o' nsurance gamst a man's latter end, 11— lex. Mackenzie. " Whe the oil of life fails i a lamp goeth ou '—Pardee, "Polit es don't pay."—R. . risoivg. C. e " They 's a few fellows I ouldial have in' ed hanging ere my own tether was out s ort." -e -Sheriff McKe1l r, " Met inks it thundereth." E. B. Wood. "The reputation of the good shineth like bur ished copper."—Seth 3 tinting- dou. ; "This •.s the first time I ever elt short of breath —C. F. Fraser. "Thee hands are clean!"— jr John Macdana d. " I ha e fought a good, fish gar. "Kiss me, Willy !",M, C. " Life is but a poor pantomi clowns j' e and tumble."—Joe " Tell Wood he had better n now i" Iflake. "I sh 11 soon be a cipher in human a unt.”—Cartwright. " The e is laid up for ine crown." Wilkes. !"We re but as 'bantams,' or in; the at ong grip of death."—J "I have kept the faith,"—D "Bur my scrap book wit Rykert. "X tr ing the The Parlor. ' Prime the days when the ' best room'— that apotheosis of all refined discomfort- - usedsto be hermetically sealed to common . wan*, to the present, when we are 1 ss rigid in arrangement, but none the 1 as scrupulous in treatment, the parlor, in the majority of homes has ever b en the corner where nobody has wanted to stay. It contains the choicest that ur house affords, except the living home presence which prevades every otter re. for ur es, tar be for re. Jones, who frankly declares she cannot afford to let the light fade her Axminieter or Moquette; and laugh at Mrs. Brown who keeps her chairs and lounges dreSsed in lihen dusters, as if they were always about to start on some penitential pil- grimage. But we are, nevertheless, very eareful that ourparlor hangingsare shield- ed from that most guiltless of enemies, the gun. We take no 'satisfaction in our parlor because we have adapted it only to onr occasional, not to our de constant, T e parlor should be the rallying pc!)int ands. ill the re- in ing nay be ant uare inch, but refuses to enter h We have literally made it too good ; therefore too good for friends; for what istoo good for oursel ought of necessity to be too good for associates. We know that it would diffieult to replace the rich carpet yeses, We express contempt to M r00 gill idly family life. It should be from _which we separate to our r occupations in the morning, an whi h we gather again in the eve witili our favorite books, our bits of f wor, our fire -aide games. It ghoul furnished in the finest, the most els way that is within—truely within—our means, because here, and here alone ro- bably, can we enjoy with those non est and dearest the iesthetic part of dom stic - roiiine. it may be given over, in a measus , to ornament, because it is not lilteithe ur- sery, a romping- ground for children ; or, like the kitchen, the sewing -room, the school room, or the office—the place for toil. But above and beyond all, it should be the room in which centres the soul, and throbs the heart of home life. French Coquetry. to the woman of France, her co try is proverbial. It is the oil in sal4d. A Spanish proverb has it th kis without a mustache i,s like an witjhout salt; and the Frenchman a ers that a woman without a certain degree of coquetry is like a saltless soup. The an - for ad - arm uet the ta egg woman of rigid principles and adai tin3 virtue is everywhere held up ular admiration and men- say the e her ; and they do in. a lukew aion, but this is equivalent to the it praise which damns. They give an II eetual assent to her claims for super- ty, and secretly vote her tame. But to hay for her whose character is flavored tvith of Ru head,' Itobe he rec Bedru Ward Meal Kin don fl11. His words are : stout champion of great s for a fat done by him was e bull, and c to fig po fas in) vel a road where tiler all , Beaty. "Too heavily weighed! Dea terse w' us in a canter r —Patt :t' 1 s yon the Globe no lon GOrclon I. rown. I" e a loss to the whole Nittion."-- Goldwi Smith. "Fin'sh my sufferings with club."— W. Ii. owland. !"—Ed. ameron. e where yinal. t speak he great goldine. 'babies,' enkins. mond. is eyed - Ifs pale ,son, Here which h and. ere ago was scandal, through London Gossip. a rather quaint bit f gossip, the double merit of be rig credile itable. Lord Blank a ittle time the subject of a considerable which appears to have ot abroad a governess who res gned her position in his mansion (he was a widow- er,) and afterward assigned as I er reason with one whispers e noble - spotless, cards in with a nobody out to be ove with or more f his life sly giving the maid med as much as young ladies know (which she say was not so hard as to get her h's married her. Of eau se to the rid in which this eccen ric noble- ved, the scandal had eon only ing surprise.; but the marriage parlor maid—that was shocking, r, this young dame d several ristics to whose value people of are not insensible. Fi st, she is e most beautiful worn ndly, she has a refin anner ; aud, thirdly, his lord of his d began man wh hips improper intimact mastics. Just as the circulate concerning t se character had been. his friei ds received'marriage which name was eonnecte plain " iss" Somebody who had Lea d of. The fact tunted that Lo d Blank had fallen in his part r maid; that for a yea he had evoted every evening to her i struction, so unconcim rise to candid ; and that who' had le general nearly right, )h grand man in an amu with th Howev charact fashion one of don; ity of taste ,in her a short, had all among Lord h general none in .D. Con "YeK gaid on his even in SI WI cuss Cu ei in Lai- d simplic- he has a dress which has alrea ly giehied ain fame among a e parlor maid turns o he honors in hand, and hose of the class to introduced her, there favorite, as certainly re piquant and attra aye London Letter. Suffering Capita , these are awful ha a Salle street broker, teps talking to a " Mi hty tough, I expect,' reply. , , . " W y,' saithe. broker, inVesti g and i vesting for a y a pile of money, I assure you I've ben losing like fury." " In' eed ?" "Tr e's I'm living. If cent, I ye lost more than $ ,,N., ?,, " Ce ain," continued the b what 'sakes inc feel worst is $150 4 f it was imy own ? lour, al. ‚I Orig n of the Name bull.. .The first of the name with been a strong man o I, who turned a wild hieh' violentl ran a a trifle of coquetry they stand rear el mit those acts of folly which known to be so pleasing to the g see. Frenchmen affirm that coquetry is im virtue, and the mother of cleanliness grace and adornment and the desire to please. When it is found in bad coin Buell as frivolity, dissipation, ext pace, and such like, it may be pers thet there is too much salt in the sot y to are ntle any, rava med p.- 44/4art Rhodes?, " The Frcnah..at Dry Baths. f any one in these days will exercise in th open air, so that each day he petspire moderately, and if he will thin undergarments, or none at all, sleep in a cold room, the functions o body will suffer little or no impedin if Water is withheld for months. deed, bathing is not the only wa which its healthful action can be tamed by those living under the c twine at present existing. Dry fri will veer and the ent, In - in ain- ntii- tion 31. Will Stec iets.1 In t to hose now, eveu hicht her is no More there are ti vent -elf. I : G RG M iVI EP CLOTHING. WM. CAMPBELL L offer his whole Stook of Bummer Cloth - at Low Prices, As those ate of a superior o what is usually keptfor each purposes ora will do well to call and by them. E TS' FURNISHINGS o e0:4 at low prices to clear Off the Summer 1 • 1 eat Bargains in Hats, Of Which I have a Large and LL ASSORTED STOCK. REMEMBER THE G EAT CLOTHING HOUSE On N he C 'I tle rner is where everything can be had that a man wants to wear. YORK HOUSE, SEAFORTH, IMP )T OTIOEEL Id Stu:iling Acconnte must be Sell, at Once, or Look Out for Some4 WM, CAMPBELL} Int. I d times," s he stood riend, last was the 'I'e been ar back— end I find 'ye lost a 000._ oker, 'and that fully '—Chicavo • f Turn- us is said the name nil by the inst Kin Bruce in Stir ing Park, for which heed from the King he lands of e and the name of Tur bull. Ed. owe, in his history f England ns this man in the inority of )avid Bruice, at the Batle of Hall - A Certain tura, yebo,' lied Turn - cots army, glish army - One Sir took him d his dog e a bull's timeal- in allnsion me origin- vanced before the allenged any of the 1L t with him a combat. Robert Venal, a Norfolk ma up, fought and killed him a too." His descendants boi bead s their arms (in moder tered o three bulls' heads) to thai feat from which the n ated. Rome Companion, 18 —It is reported that Dr Mayor of Montreal, will sho ried to the second daughte Governor Macdonald. r I Hi Hingston, ly be mar - of Lieut. FRESH TOCK OF GROCERIES. •RONG & FAIRLEV" r eived and opened out this week a Fresh Supply of TEAS, RAISINS, SUGARS, RICE, TOBACCOS, SAGE, CURRANTS, . &c. ANNED GOODS iN ENDLESS VARIET And will be sold Cheap for Cash. One Ca e of Keeler'S Dundee Marmalade—Pr. w. We are selling Teas wOrth $1 per pon for 80e., in quantities from 8 to 8 pounds, C and get your supply. Bean; at prime that COMPETITION. CALL AND SEE -THEM. BEATTY & CO. • A e Retiring from the Retail Trade in Seaforth, having made arrangements for stetting in the WHOLESALE BUSINESS IN TORONTO, They' will therefore offer from this date the whale of their Large Stnek of GOODS AT AND BELOW COST; his le a Hare Chance for parties requiring Dry Goods, as thlir gtock is all Fresh, and Nearly all Staple A.Lvi must be cleared out by Goods, • PIIgtSrr 0 P SPX:"TM310#113M112 As their arrangeMents require them to remove to Toronto at that date, , The Public may depend on this Sale being GENUINE, as the Goods Ifust be Sold at Whatever Sam:fice Before that Date, ee nd all L. EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. BEATTY & Co. All iartIes indeb d to the firm either by book account or note will please call and settle the same. tn. Gcods are the Big that can be got in' he Market, and will be sold at the 'Ina lest Advairbee ion Cot P088i le. ROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, & WILSON & YOUNG, SEAFORTI-I. WILSON Az YOUNG have now on hand one of tht;Jar g est and Des Assorted Stooks of CnOehery kre Town, coneisting in part of Tea Sets, n Stone, English and French China; Toilet Sees, n Plain and Fancy Patterns of the beet Stone Ch ia—ve heavy and God. Caps and Sauce , Plates, Vegetable Dishes, Side Dishe, Bowls and Neva and everything te be found in a firs .elass Croekery Store. Their Stock of Gluseevarc will also be found complete in . lines. IV It .Jas of the best patterns very chap. Their Stook of Teas, Coffees, Su- , and General Groceries are 'Second to No no for Quality, Quantity aitd Price, Alwaye kept in Stock. ust omen; wishing the Egmondv lila Flour exit be applied from 11B at Mill Prices, and delivered at aeir house free of charge. Parties desirous of purchasing Groceries will find it to their advantage to give us a cell and JOISTUIDO our Goode and Prices, STRONG & FAIRLEY SEAFORTH. gar, Provisio andI are gna4n able terms. or Pure kinds, they ala Price. In the cod to giro satisfaction. Parties buying gua unties will be dealt with on favor - Wines, Ales, Porter, Brandies, Rum, Gin, Whiskeys and Liquors of all EXCELSIO .119.3fO7»rib MPORTANT = LS, ONT. FAR IA ERS. finntn80 Suc/9 PD .1248 Staring. DO you want 4.1 Flour TO ns a call, and in guaranteed. With all the proved machinery, we defy co good yield, II so ery case satisfaction !tea and most; 1111. - Mon. CRISTINC AND CHOPPING Done itt once'mil every 6 ill be used to give firstclaes calls von. TRY OUR FAMOUS XXX FLOUR, FLOUR, BRAN, SHORT CH P, AND FEED, Delivered to any part of Seaforth, Harentrhey and Egmondville free of charge, All Orders left at Mir. o no Store, Settfortht will be promptly' et to. M. CHARL H & CO. N. B.—Agents for the G r City Middling Purifier- BROWNELLS G OCERY, LOCK, Nearly Opposite the 0 T OFFICE. MORE FRESH GROcERIES JUST AERVED. Better -Value_i Sugars. JUST RECEIVED, A RIUIL STOCK OF GARDEN AND FED SEEDS d at Ike Head of the List, and De fy - Competition for Quality and ebbing Line they offer to cash and prompt paying customere inducements equal to and better than rebst wholeeale houses. Ilso be convinced that whait they say is correct the public are invited to call and Judge for themselves. WILSON & YOUNG, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. *7. N. B.—Just arrived 0 large lot of Quart and Half -Gallon Gloss Jars—will be sold cheap. BUTTER -B THE TTER. HIGHEST PRICE A_ I 15 I INT C -A. SII 777. FOB. ANY QUANTITY' OF GOODPTJTTER Plenty* Nice Clever Timot1y, Hungarian and eac,t,1 Ca4 Paid For Bvtter, Eggs, and all Kinds'of iProcluee. Lost 0f Early Rose Potato 13T Seed and Fame Ily us . Goods Delivered p of Charge. 1. BROWNELL. NEW JEWELRY, WATCHES, pLOCKS, And FAISECt GOODS AT! M. R. COTT; TER'S. A. G. McDOUGALL & Co. SIGN OF TEE THREE SEVENS, Main Street, Seafortii. pEG leave t ALS, B BRANCH AN We have a gr lpest and mos Cash THE finest, cheapest an.dbe t selected"stock of the above goods ever bto ht into the County. TEN PER CENT. allowe4 oi4 all purchases of el and upwards. INSPECTION INVITED No Trouble to SI1OW Goods. A Very Lave Stock of Spectacles On hand, from 250 to per pair. Agent for the Celebrated la SLACK it Co.'s Spheroidal and Lazarus & M rris' Spectacles, the best in the market. Personal attention paid to aepalring Watches, Clocks and Jewelry—warr.nt-d to give eatisfae- tion, Cash for Old Gold M. and Silver. R. COUNTER, LUMBER, LIUMBER. LL parties in want of amet lumber will And it -L- to their advantage to icall at the old stand on the Town Line between !Mullett and McKillop, where -they faet TO THE LADIES. 1 , 444•444,salogro. ' i I . McINTYRE & WILLIS call your attention to their large and w�lI selected Stock of PRUNELLAS, BALMOR- TTON BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES Mt SLIPPERS, and ewecially to their LONG LUCCA. BUTTON SHOE, TIES AND MPBESS SLIPPERS. LUMBER THA s LUMBER. PRICE : $7 50 to CULLS HA PR 1,000 FEET, F PRICE. A Good Gravel Read leading to the Mill. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The subscriber also thanks his numerous ens- tomere for their liberal petro age in the past, and. hopes to receive a contiunan e of their favors. GIRLS' AND CHI ORENvp WEAR t variety of all kinds of Ties, Ankl1e Strive and Slippers. These Goods are from the fashionable makers in the Dominion, and cannot fail to give satisfaction. urchasers will be allowed Disciount of froM 5 to 10 Per Cent, VICIFITYAE & WILLIS, Main-st., Seaforth. All otter -due Accounts Eight Per Cent. will be Charged Interest. 88748 JOHN THOMPSON. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND_BIND FACTORY THE subscriber begs leave tie thank his numerous 1- customers for the liberal atronage extended to him since commencing busi eee in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favor with a oontinuoue* of thesainmei Partiesending to buildivonld do 'well to give him a call, as he will cent la e to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASSES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LTE, ETC, He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those. who may favour him with their patronage, as none, but first-class workmen are eraployed. LParticular attention paid to Custom Planing, 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT, ONE & CAMBLL'S IS THE PLACE. COME WITH A $MIL1NC FACE.. are now occupying ; Prank Paltridge's Old VT Stand, which we haveentirely renovated, oil having procured new instruments, are prepared To Give Satisfaction to AU. Thanking the public for t;I4cIr very liberal patron- age in the past we invite oil to call and see oar • Neff Rooms, where we will always be found, and. in good humor. Bee MOOR& 0Altli3ELL. • .3 • 'S