The Huron Expositor, 1875-07-16, Page 1tt and aldjoir -
r way tosvartla
• tee the
r=,•riztirry : t f
,- ' <• lelet of
,•a .e., 41 ample,
neine and
til hil..r the
tl '%itis uua-
-at:t Hui pro -
t•llc'itt swii
a canoe la -
veil,rine assail
c f a nautical
tuf telente l
;rile the clay'
t:-ititbtl with
te•tused long -
a_ vt•raJ merll-
rc•sa:trated fat`
ttr; on kilt! 0141
;thy l .at three .-
.. ell ph_ a�'e}
`e u. `3 Mul-
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–rest an aver-
.t the never
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hie three or
ittteiw; if that
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a :dere quite
a3 nitre
". (7. Searl'Y
rlEfi.elaij•, h
..,I<., a ed ft:l
•-• =_; his Meati
°t in Sunday
t tl o e who
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Tele t'linton;
rnberehitt) of
•tete conduct
xf 1 "unclas..
• 'rli,--(1Fk
lean in the
3 ea•ikt hared
tali the new
"4i a scaffold
<.ltnd be-
t- • ilitnries,
to Had. h .
ilding in hie..
.-(eke his fall;,
is etl fatal
£; -, a w agor
erI.,w e•eeape.
Ie f .i the
t l't:el the
at ightifirig
t ateue. did
Ea tea liorees
when they
at a gate.
-!feet anything
eerie. Alight
e e*l. was tilled
in 'L .it he was
•.t r of out; of
–A very
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1 lull!. tt,, on.
'.b1E that egad
41,;(: E!f schhlars
ei f t i'ir►iib for
:..� had been
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the amuse,
ythif.g wa
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Re- l is ttn_ld. of
1 � , GI a y, to
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in Mr. D.
tell a barn
;.r (tee
, ma -
at half
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:lr.t1 t,f the
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I't�Lling 'all
'•11 tl',teases of
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►i tht', spine,.
tare of the
e removed,.
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at London
arts more
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`: _,,.en spared
the best
._:ce;ees at.
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s ilt epic: ail-
F :� ref him as
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We fed
nte those
upen Dr.
bis of pity
Firm lihn a
M rs l.aggart „
the MaIision -
re:.:.ulted: by
t=rI disease.
irl)oil him,
,j in order
El b netit of
Talace them.`
; -upoii being
'rally dealt
W 1101,E NO. 397. j
oL`sE AYD LOT FOR SALE, For Sale, a
11, comfortable frame dwelling house and lot, on
Market street in Sparling's survey-, Scaforth. Ap-
ply on the premises to PETER DALY. 39794
gal FOR SALIN:.—Sitnatcal in flay, Lot 11,
£' Con.1; , 7 acres, in a good state of cultiva-
tion : °reliare and buildings good; well tattered.
•tor on thepremises,
the ro IriE
Apply to1 I
'wi fTEFOI", Rodgerville P. 0. . 395913
198, in the Town of 4eaforth. The lot is ',Stu-
nted adjoining tke residence of fir. Somerset,.
South of the market. Apply to the undoreignocl
at Goderich. SAMUEL ' LOANE.
4±3iu51 Felt SA.f. .—rot No. 8, Con. 13. H. R.
;i., Tuckgrsmith; 100 acres ; good buildings,
excellent land, well watered anti its good c&,ndition,
convenient td market. For further particulars
apply to the proprietor on the premises.JAMES
LATTA. I 89494
'f3Ot'SE FOR SALE. --1 story -annul -half house,
18%24, bituatJd on William street, west of
Arnent's cooper shop ; the lot contains one-fifth
of an acre, and is well adapted for gardening 'pur-
poses. For further particulars apply on the prem-
O SALE E A. comfortable frame cottage, eon.
▪ taming dining room, parlor, 8 bedrooms, kit-
chen, woodshed and coal house. Goodcellar,pump,
alae. Possession given ou the let of May next.
Tart-us—one4third down; bilanco hi three years.
Inquire of proprietor. A. G. 5IcDOUG ALl'L.. 875
Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds
recently occupied as is Driving Park into Bold-
ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of dotes On reason-
able terms to any who may desire them. Parties
desiring to pu •chase should make ittimediate,ap-
plication. i 864
j's. tai FOR, SALE.—For Sale, a fist -class farm
• Usborne, Lot ?r4, Con. 1, within 1
mile of Exeter, brick cottage, good buildings,
2 wells, large orchard of good bearingtrees. The
lot is in the highest state of cultvation, well
drained and well fenced. For terrors apply to
THOMAS LO sIE on the premises 394-4*
�°3Ii3I FO SALE.—Being lr
Lot'o. 3,Con-
-9- 9, Tuckersmith Township ; 100 acres;
85 acres cleared, nearly all clear of stumps ;
bush hardwood, gond log buildings, young oreh-
ard commencing to bear; two welts r;itb. pumps ;.
it is 6 miles from. Scaforth. The land is -of the
hest quality, find will be sold cheap. For further
particulars ap sly to the proprietor on the prem-
ises. J. McCA\DLESS, Egmondvillt: P.O. 387
Sale, that beautifully situated fame, on the
Huron 1:oa#1f, adjoining the farm of Mr. L.
Meyer, contaizziug 101 acres, 80 Of which are clear-
ed and in a stat of good eultivatio The bal-
ance is well timbered. There are eight acres un-
der fall wheat. For farther particulars' apply to
L. MEYER, o • to BENSON & MEYER, Banis-
ters, Seaforth. 875
As I passed by his claim I saw the law
fields. Ment plowing in his fields. The stu-
dent is one of those enthusiastic you ug
men whom -the grange niovenient,tog ether
w th the glow ng pictures of -rural co
fort and independence, so often to
e and yet y
seen in the agricultttra1 literature of tie ,lb`s, 111 s i
day, have induced to abandon his p u- p
feesion for in arterial pursuits. '`Hew ; re 1 11IIg o
a coat of block lint, doeskin pants •was neve
and long-tailed, black coat ; his
were encased in a pair of buckskin
let gloves, and he passed. up the fi
against the gale, pushing tin the 11
of a very dull plow, his coat -tells fi
like the folds of a flag iu the win
L. presented a gr )tesciue, not to say et
es lee sight ; but though his head
fufl-of. fine th ories as -the nebular
thesis, and this practical knowledge
fa •m insufficient . to enable hills, to
er y harness a horse ; tllt,ugh his
ar cracked by the bleak winds, a
nese peeled all over by the blisterin
thin piece of board, six inclieil by twelve
in size, d ve i full of small mails previ-
'ale s
ha hang this to the a back
strap of t e o house and a very few trials
at its brie illi
surface will learn g lt.� n tly mostwalk in hie pl cc.
obdurate creature I have etier se•n to
Your el vis, I see, is in the top hole,
ur slow is running too shal
e of this, and - you effo is at
the handles. Al dull plow
Made to do good work b i
on its nese. The i botto of
as you see, is° worn up . rd,
nee of a boy's s ed, a d is
a _ ted, to dean fello
oun without a t enti s s-
ea se, for running alo t g' n
the _ round, A properl co
ow, when sharp and in ro
n f tr work, should! balan • t-
ear h, perfectly level o t e
e a boat in the sea.; it al ou d
re sortable depth without a
ti up or "hang" on :ither
d w t enever it won't do: t i is it
needs a t p to the `shop. This on a
patently eed d it long since. o r
lands are uct too short, Charles, f r
economy la or. and, moreover, a': y u
paced the .ff instead of : meas ring
thein, as u should have done, you have
got this ort a yclu are now plowing as ugh
wider at if e e d than at the other and
,her fore, in the end hay • one
ant things in : plow ng a
to tangle the . le;s of
the doubletrees in urn -
sharp enol. Diel yo evler
as it takes two `ours' time
c urn"ng around in lows g en
grimed it would tak no more
p _ ?dirt ten acres in e lair ten
s ling, Such are the facts ' the
mars t t is all. The same i conte
e suet 1 ss of time occurs in cap-
ing your 'gilds of grain, if you Ido n'.
square fie s a id patches all over your
farm, as 1 see you are doing. I fir d by anc observation, that it pays
me to ha e a s, stem in every part of. my
busine s, . accordingly, I have a sys
, and it saves me inuch
roul le.
'said he was much obliged to
m. • do ble, and bidding hint good
g, i le t him, doubtings ill my
helther he really felt what he
ut I c anted to pass his farm
eek, a' d I saw some fp oars
made e think he slid.—Hay
0 o s ,
ankle ping it u,
auf tt• the .poen
rrcv 'like the r
rid a cmineral
pi g you have
1 ore Meeting tit
r- the top of
e as structed p
syr o- er conditi
f ale self in th
�r p_ bottom, 1
tan ds I'fl it at an
cutis teudeneY
r. ys handle, a
of the sun, he s a good fellow for all th t,
I lake hini. He is made of the rioht
st ff, has got the true grit, and will ke p
tt e faith aficl win in the end.
Good adwico is seldom well rec
e en when solicited, but I knew I
to 1 this young man a great. many
h could not had in any of his boob
sapping my team until he came
d wn his short land, we passed th
' u cation of I the morning, and then
sly patting Isis near horse on the
:.aid : Cheeks you have a fine tear
I a excellej t harness,,those heavy
ria aged hal-hese are just the thing
ort ly kind ever buy ; but look a
eat strew s of white lather under t
In se bands on your horses' faces.
sv iys leav the halters in the wi.g
larles ; t ey burden and annoy a
ile at ork, and are useless i
ba k you w'11,
s t 1- of the e ilea
eatriang lar stri
your i
ing ar un the
reflect the,
to do
acre o
time i
base ;
fi% e-
, t ;e
tti g
su e;
at .n
e c 1-
t re
et mind
s said ;
m 30 next
k as which
lar g, =Seed
es a
b antes ; it is a little troublesome p
al night for the same reason. Tho
la s are quite no large, and you see
n=cks are beginning to get sore. T
la s should. tit back snugly to their
at the sho lder, so as to leave just
fo the fin ers of your hand hetwee
1 t roat an the collar at the bottom,
em on and taking them off, to be
t the same might be said of the
ss, and one might as well have ti
t em cut off or changed by ,all
If you get the altered don t have
I t an an inch taken out ; they to
1 though they were three inches too
b t as an inch on a man's nose ma
w rider€ul difference, 80 an inch
h rse collet is a great deal, and on
a le to get thein too small, as I kn
By the way Charles, why unde
s do you tie those great rag pads n
t e back -bands ? Make their backs sora
Q course They do. Don't you lino v t
re son ? Whet your team is worki g
tl e wagon'', the line of draft runs frc a tie
cellars back tc the double -tree aloe_ t le
togue, which is about 20 iuehes fro n t
graund ; well the back straps arj st
the right length for that work. 1)i y u
ever know them to snake their backs s re
until you began to plow ? 1 thought n• t ;
nut when you hitch on to the plow or t ie
harrow, the cc nditione are changes., a id
the double -tree in this instance beir g b t
Hight inches eie a foot from the grou d,
the traces mil down on the back -1: anc s,
74 OTEL F B. SALE.—That cornrnodions hotel
A7: situated: n the 4oaforth and llelinore Gravel
Road. so ion r anti favorably known as Days'Hotei.
This is one of the bust stands in the County for
busfuess, as it is on the inain traveled. road from
Seaforth and Brussels to ZVaikerton, Good stable,
sited and barn ort the premises. For further par-
tie',tilarsnppl?=, if by letter prepaid, to MRS. DAYS,
Wroteter P, tl.,. Humin.
334`A1.11 FOR, SALE.—.E or Sale, a first-class fnrm,
-1: situated in Tuekerssinith, Lot st, Con. 1, near
Post Ofilec slid Presbyterian Church, about a
mile from stat•on of London, Ilaran and Bruce
Railway. /louse two stories, brick;_ outbuildings
first•clt<ss,2 w lis, good orchard with a vartcty of
fruit and (a gamental trees, well drained, in a
good sta te E=f eultivation. Far terms apply to
Rev. JOHN I GIE,; Rodgerville P. 0. 890
For sale cheap, that desirable property in the
Village of Brit •efield, lately occupied by lir, P.obt.
Ferguson. T ere are four village lots, also agnod
frame house, •ith suable. well and all necessary
conveniences. Also a good orchard. The lentils oil
itnderdrained and surrounded by a new board
fence For fa] ther particulars apply to Mr. JOHN
YOUNG, Lrucelield,or to the proprietor at Lis-
it tem of pi win
1- time a id
s Glia 1e
In me for
ro the I Et
fulfilling 0. pro
to give a tnore
syste of fee
I am f(lldwing
last ye r, of ke
out all ni
the .Huron E.,fpo8if o
take this opportup' y pf
ise I made some tial ago,
detailed statereent o irly
ing aird tending my, cows.
the sante plan, 1 adopted
ping them in 41.1 day and
;ht during the warm wea
ed in bringing the cows - chi
endition this season, and ric
sed to tinct th ,t they do On
none than half th' e food
were pas
thy chu
ifty s t vee 1(!)
firs nista, ment
Yo k fro °rill a 1.
A fattier art l in
an costs ' n Lon n
ly seating one o h
Dr.. Eby, of ex
ed veryseful ngl
for collecting 7o to
nig Vines.
The f' they of l on. L. E
do , died surd el at his 1
the Province of u -bee a fe v days ago.
He was 8 pear t f ge.
Georg Br A n, the fa nous Nova
Sco ian o rsman, ied at, afflict on
Th rsday f last re - k, aged ' 6, after an
illn:ss of bout ei •s onths.
A Ki cardial = • aper eat that town
has the pr (best o ng lade in the Do -
mi ► ion. hat fe to ' oug to travel.
Th re's al the t lx called Se forth. It's
in he Do inion ' uff sed.
A boy has n killed at Picton, by
the careles use .f a "sling," In swing-
ing a large stone i it, he 3 s ruck him-
self in the back t f the he . He was
stu eed a d died th follow tg day.
Mr. . Mcf) is all, the young man
of bul
.0 shipped to New coinpel him to help support he large lame-
st eveek. The poor woman, being n destitute
ther were fined $10 eilirCumstoarces, is carta,inly to be deeply
last wee for erluel-
ir own el pitied.
IflcLEAN BROTHE R$, P tabiiasiserat.
$1. 50 n Year, is advance.
1 said, on April fool's clay, and after wait- 19, named C. W. Weldor, w
ingin vain for some relief, of she made upkilled t at Guelph on Sunda
frogs, the
her mind to follow her recrea t lord and He was coupling cars and g
caught tin thefrogseri
of the a
ing unable to extricate hims
stantly crushed to death.
—An Addington paper say
parties who were very anxio
how meanly they could act, o
week last,,went to the ehur
anee Mills, and took off the c
which had that day been tai
ceremony. The fact dist th
the box, enclosed in the ston
accounts for such conduct
could not find the coin, s
efforts were in vain. The
in, Ont., has patent -
freight tram was detained on
A few. days ago, a Grend. Trunk
bugs fro
is mac une of Rockwood, a station near
the grow- half an hour by grasshop
were over an inch thick on
. Hun ting -
and caused the wheels toslip
esidence in
am great! t
not conshane
ehey re
alo we
eau ea
quired hist- year when the
t(i, fall away. 1, feed all
all day and. when they are
open, he , ileNer trouble thernsetv ;•s eo where there is o 'ten
ge out. l'hey are getting so lazy that dervalueboth.
trained li can do without fence alto- drove his share final
PROPERTY FOR SALEM- EGMONDVILLE.— a d, of coursc, make their backs sos e. getherl k ;my record in t e fad- anc from ,Arkoea.
For Sale in Egnion,Iville, a fine brie( holm P t your han hinder thisevhen I st. rt tgry books will testify, alt ough the tim as would !Ma
and a large frame house with, a good barn and th team • ho I, long do you suppose y
stabling, acres of land, a beautiful orchard of
50 choice ,frtti trees, and 2 never -failing
The 'invert!: i all well fenced-. It is a • . desirable
Property, , • further particulars apply on the
prat -data( to JOHN CARMICHAEL, Jr., Eginond-
farth. 391
VARM FOR SALE.• ---For Sale, Lot 28, Con-
' cesaiou 7, Township of Usborne, c•cuitaining
74 acres. 55 o whigh are cleared and in a state
of good cultic tion. There is ft good frame BARN
and STABLE The farm is located on a good
gravel road, is conveniently situated, to schools,
churches and post office, and is within 13 miles
from Seafortl. and 7 from. Exeter. For further
rtteularsa'pr Iv to the proprAetor on thP premises.
ILLIAM DINS IN, Jr., Lumley P. O. gal
Loudon Road Stanley, PM aerog, 80 cleared
• under fen •e, the balance timbered with first-
class haedwood ; frame barn ralx40, frtuno stable
Itut10, log Itoruke, good bearing orchard, well wat-
ered ; situated within 7 miles of Seaforth and a
like distance from Clinton. Farm well under -
drained and ix tirst.clusa cultivation. Apply on
the premi?es Cr to the proprietor at Bniceileld P.
'PAM FOR ,SALE.—For Sale, the west ball of
Lot No. t%, Con: 14, Hallett, containing 80
acres, 55 -of which are cleared and in a state of
good cultivatinc, and first -chum in every respect,
the balance s timbered with hardwood.
There are goOd frame. buildings, also a young,
orchard. The -e abundance of water. Is with
In 3 miles of the Myth station, and is centrally
situated for ali the other markets. Apply to the
laverietor on the preitliserf, or to Myth P. 0. R..
al FOR SALE.—Being Lot 6, Con. 18;
vtiltivation, the renmining 50 is _Well timbered.; 2
triune houses nearly new frame bane 116x80 with
!debits antlet*ath, shed Oilxi10, and other out.
bnildinga ; is rlitaated 11 miles from Seaford], and
tia• sane: ilitance from Clinton anti Brussels ;
'Pay convenient to ehurchem„ schoolS and rui;ls:
Terms easy. This ia au execlient opportunity to
For further particulars apilv on the.premises,_ or
Vy letter to Hai:lock P.O. :TAMES 1,vATT•
' For Sale, sirable and beautifully lopated
fana, &it.tnitt. 1, about V, miles.; front Brucetiehl,
• Tuckeratnith. The. farm contains NO acres,
of which arf cleared and in lirst-elass order,
the indtacc• be ng hardwood- timber and a ell
na easy. Apply by ;wad to Ell -1 I NE
Wiugharn or to JAMES s.yriiRON
Seaforth. 396
SALE,The subsetibers offer for sale their
saw mill -and farm, Lot 35, Con. 5, Eaftt WaWa-
uwilL The uhll contains huge eireillar, edging
saw,butting salw, ahingle saw, edger and packer—
all in good older, There are on the lot besides
the mill, two frame dwelling houses and frame
stable, 'Mere Ls also on the Jot a quantity of val-
uable tiraber, Lonsisting-of pine, black ash, and
h1 the vicinity to knit a number of years. Satis-
faetury reasons given for selling, Possession given
at any time. For further particulars enquire, if
le -letter peat paid, of W, 0. HINGSTON, Brun-
Wegfiehl la 0, J80
GOOD- MILK cow Yea SALE, ---For Sale, a
Good Milk Cow. Apply to OBond-E DENT,
that tl
bet in re
ence fr
a wago
and br
r has been extremely dry, here, I ho
fl w has not only been kept up ou
In_ tha
ng in a
hour, and, con
by the 'day we
such an interes
think anythin
trouble!, ler th
ways ii a ores table cond.itiou whe
one co ,ee to see them, as well A
double benefit erived trona them Of
that neither; c ry nor wet seasons
ever reducle er ps to the low evereg
now get. !It e, 11 aLso do away wit
necessity Of !summer fallowing, oe using
these art" &lel Manures, thereby Saving
bringing ou land to a paying: p int.
I conside the question of entichin the
the often or( o farmers, and I! hope ome
of your r ewho are - better ab e to
us the be f their knowledge the
your colu
her subject now eng
.if farmers, from win
benefits, V iz.,the Gr
an opportunity of 1
o Id bola it there and have any skin ht to b a good
? Always let the bac te
the last holes when y u
. now you observe wh
d oa the traces, the bac -
t on your h
nets down t
w. There
barcls simply rest their weight on t le
N w the hip
Y ti see the
ba •Irs above t
sir pleenatter
fer .at many o
just as you di(
=at awkwae
I still have
you in th
el c in my bu
buckle balm
ho es to spar ; then have one of t
ces you eut off fixed to buckle in wh
harrow, o for any other reason ne
ger linee.
observe tli
over to the rig
friend, thet it
flh rig,' if your
an 1 if your te
t that is al
th t jest y
di cction o th
ar rennin , a
th labor of
Well then yo
do ble-tree, si
re ming in no
dr ft, as a rea
po lit shoe d. a
instead_ of pulling (low
raps need the same thine',
air is ;ail rubbed off th -
Cheri( s, but I have see a
dee men than yourself do
without knowing any I) t -
you tit! your lines in a'
knot leehipd. your bac ,
bout ten feet danglieg f -
Jarrow: I never like
e ends dangling abott,
my harness nor anywhe •e
ness. Cut them off by .11
ve them out of your wa
d just the right length o
your back, with r, w
parallel wit
1 your tea
be any trou
d. While
ft let me
t you throw your cla is
t side of your plow -bear 1,
pose, to make the plow
your plow is eood for are •
louble-tree is long eneug
in pulls evert, as it sLoul
needkes performance;
an that don't you kn, w
plow by that meana you
ainst draft and inert; asi
I observe now as the th m
le in the centre of yo tr
s- over to the land si
et, while your plew is c
other Words, y -our teamis
direction and your pl w
ter of course. The pl w
ways run on a line rca t-
theline of draft„ nd if
ee is of sufficient le igt
le about your plow t
ay that plow manuf. et
er eenerally 1 aye au idiotic, practic
te. Now, your case the pen
trouble lies in the fact that your
horse crowds t e other one so as to
th doubleetre . way from the lam .
etimes Ire edy this habit ; but
er Ily found that auy horse 81
en ugh to pia this trick, will hav
fic ent sense t hold his heed to on
au still crow with his body.
r -
g n -
et a
g grass in one of the auk ' --While a bey,
not find any incenveni- pic ing strewbeiries
The boys and I take fry ne, in the villa
oad. We cared° it In an to the bo tom, a: distance 0 70 feet,
second. night after Snipper da s ago, 1 e misaed
equently% find 'v, ay ittle and, strange tO ;se escaped sudden
le presence
o doubt be
y of our
n on Fri -
alb mode
trusted to
•ho arrived
day even-
th them,
were two
tened Pat-
er Arthur
trol of the Massa-
nager. This great
=mime t to Can -
skill, in a country
dispcs Lion to un•
n. Dom
e 100
Moe Day,
o Arkona,
, as many
iles, in 14
s.. Such treatment
bject foe a Cruelty
act upoh.
on the benks of the
of Salem, a few
is footie and fell
do not. I am how taking The following it ,m is taken from the
in the cows, that I never Ca ipbellford Ileral(K : " A lady, while
connected with them any. driving ho e 'from this village in com-
reason that they ere al- panI with er husbahd, on Friday even -
any mg last w made th happy tecipient of
ilk No one need be aSto ished !"
soil- There e3 a story going refund to the
will effe t that Rev. R. P. Bidder, of Dun -
rens, kir , N. Y., and tw Buffalo gentlemen
we anc fished till late Sunday afternoon,
the an. then tried. t h. re teeirls to take
the is to Orillia, th A
Subscription ilia
ed *n Lucap Exeter.
Lin road, !for thia li
of he late WM: 13
wh was killed i. sat
the agent !of the b
the orrginator ,ofi 11
ugh A yoeng la
wli'le coming out
ging ilto on the Polyi
sti nulating one another to the Allan line.
liter st in their calingqthat
There' ano
the attentiee
anticipate grea
It will git 0 the
ing toget er
jecte, an
take an
will ulti
culture, a
te go to t
Mary bet
able livin
to enter et
me day.
are bei g circulat-
ed alon the Proof
nefit of he family.
week. Ir. Boyd,
nk at ucan, was
subscgtion pro-
ro Blighted to Ham -
re an, metlwith a pe-
e ting eye Put out
(1 from a pile of loose
f r damages against
e nature of a swelling
Ihead halt appeared
• ttle in the neighbor -
1 of Oehawa, tsothingicen be done
top its course, au I usually results in
death tif the be st attacked. The
ase does net eels to a serious extent
et, but fears ere entertained that if
Atoy be interesting to heir on he side of t
the honorable callieg agri-; an, ne some of th
rid Prevent them filen elesiring hoo
ee professions and other i lag- it to s
✓ ys of making res eet- the
; I de not intend at Pr sent dis
t e merits of the Cr nee, as
on it if there Seem any ;
necessity or s doing, not that I irn gine 1 to lass oue doll r 1 ill in Toeonth alter -
but With e ol-,rect of inducingethers who 1 figure four over , n all the places, ex -
are able take hohrof thein. oping 1 cep the small tir es on the corners.
that my rah •r farmers will not laugh ! He was arrested a
at- my aw war attempts te them, las
me, this ieg what 1 consider: the best
means of etting information.. na
Man, ., George Scott, while
ing" to, se ond base, ran againet
ter's leg: was • broken. The gam
Match be ,i•eerk the Acadiens :and
lutes, ed t once, and the in
player 1.w ied to the clay,
surgical a rt w procured.,
Friday. Seeer
same manne
e. ,Pol'ce Court in Mo treal, i
St. as ed to have he husba,
a in to Montreal wit
ured do his, lett her hueband
here of two little Th
commit for trial
1 bille, altered in
vere to nd on his
d _woman,
into the
a painful
e girl, and
d, Joseph
or running
a large family at
chusetts and elop-
e, 2et e• air old mast
idle Do le, wheeird
d a family
aerie west
uelph, for
es. They
the rails,
as if run-
ning on grease. The expre s a short
time afterivards, was delayed /or half an
hour froth the same cause.
—A Welland- bridegroom went to 'a
der n lately to get'. ma ried. The
yout. did not have eneugh o funds to
ay his reverence the clerg man, good
ind soul, gave him credit ;' and the
" happy" men. marched off, With noth-
ing in his pohket, bnt a wife n his arm,
ld adage,
se having charge of chit -
heed to the quantity of the
d especia,lly the Vegetables,
hie Beason. The period for
mplaints is close at hand,
te raine, and th re is noth-
ds more to bri g on such
no doubt, believing in the
" marry for love and work.for
--It is inaportant for eve
especially th
provisions, a
they buy at
despite the 1
ing which te
disorders th
—Reports from the surrou
try state that a cattle diseas
rs spreading ,rapidly, having
the townshi of Seneca, and
Riding of- N entworth, The
are a stopping of the quid, a
of the eyes and frothmg at the mouth,
accompanied by a blacknees of the
---A. member of the Elora talk Com-
pany, named Robert Streetre. while in
camp at Guelph, took cold during one of
the wet nights, inflammation of the lungs
followed, and he returned home on Domin-
ion Day in a dangerous state. From
that time he continued to entow worse,
and died on the 8th inst. He was 22
years of age, and his father is an old resi-
dent of the ownship of Pilkington.
—Ex -Gov rnor Ilowland, of Toronto,
Hon. John 'oung, of Montreal, and Mr.
commissioners whom the Government ap-
pointed to obtain information about the
probable vane and utility of the much -
talked of Beie Verte Canal, h.ave met at
Montreal, and after consulting maps and
plans, decided to go on with the canal
-The Canada Suet Butter Company,
doing business in Hamilton, eoromenced
operations in the early part of the year
with a,nonairsal capital of $50e:)00, about
$40,000 of which has been subi3eribell and
partly paid up, The stockholdees, some of
whom are prominent men, apparently not
satisfied with the success of the e.onceret,
are, it is understood, about tp offer the
plant for sale. ,
—The congregation of Biddulph Pres-
byterian church have givea a unani-
mous call to R,;‘,. H. H. Macpherson,
M. A., of Stratford, who is at present
filling appointtnents in the Hamilton
Presbytery. The pall was submitted at
the meeting of the Stratford Presbytery
on Tuesday of last week, and; sustained.
It is not known yet whether Or not Mr.
Macpherson will accept the cell so cor-
dially and unanimously tendered.
—On Saturday night, July 3, a young
man hired a;hoese and rig, at a livery es-
tablishment !in Stratford, to go to Se
Marys, sayieg he -would rainier car Sun-
day evening, On Monday he returned,
having been to Parkhill, but without
the wherewithal to settle his indebted-
ness. Not befog able to give satisfac-
tory security for the payment of the bill,
he left his coat and vest in pawn for the
same, and ha.s riot yet returned-
-A man giving the name of John
Smith, was tried before the London Police
Magistrate, on -Monday, for attemptina
to pass a forged •cheque, purporting. tO
have been made by Ja,mes Fairbairn,
Walkerton, for $120, and endorsed by
John Bruce of the same place, and made
payable at the Merchants Bank in that
village. The prisoner pleaded guilty,
eaced to one year in the
named Myles McNamara,
supposed to I;re from Guelph or vicinity,
was, on Friday, 2d lust, victimized in
Detroit by deharpcae who ser
quaintancer , The Canadian
about the city, klrugged and r
finally, losinfe his way, fell in
whence he was rescued wit
nearly out of him. He was
and dried, then sent over the river to
Windsor, where some merchants, to
whom he told his story, procueed him a
—The Council of Public Instruction,
--during its recent session, selected three
masters for the new Normal- School at
Ottawa. The Principal, who will also
be the Englith master, is Mr. John Mc-
Cabe, at present master of the English for $2,331, bearing his name,
department !of the Provincial Normal pry, Mr. Birks took flight,
School at. Truro, in Nova Scotia. The of eeveral grocers and bake
mathematical master is Mr. W. IL Rid- been forged,and the total a
dell, who hat for some time occupied the notes issued amounts to thou? rids. Mr.
same post in the Collegiate Institute. Jauffray has beet, forced to
The science master is Mr. -John Gibson, cause of obligatione incurred
late of Bayfield, who is at peesent Pro- by Birks.
fesscr of classics and lecturer on natural
history and geolegy in Albert College, —Kingston base-bal club beat the
Belleville. A number of other appoint- Guelph Maple Leafs on Satu day. The
merits have yet to be filled before oper- game was the most closely co tested ever
played in Canada. The nine i unite end-
ations are began in September, .
ed. with a score of two fo eae side,
—A sad accident occurred at Whitby Guelph making the two runs lin the fifth
on Saturday -morning, resulting in their).- ,innings through a muff, and Kin,gston
ding come -
of a dan-
k tongue,
started in
the South
xed stare
and was sen
Central Pris
—A man
ped ac-
es taken
bbed, and
the river,
the life
s instantly
t his foot
a was in-
s to show
at Nap-
rner stone,
with such
re was in.
but they
all their
parties, we
learn, are known, and we tr st an ex-
ample will be made of such c Delilah"
--Michael Dupee, an old. man of 57,
a resident of Nissouri, was barged. be-
fore the London Police M trate the
other day, by his wife, Car line Dupee,
with bigamy, The parties s parated by
mutual consent a few years a o, Caroline
Dupes going to Michigan, where she
resided ever since with a an named
Hay as his wife. Recently pee took
unto himself (as he says) a h usekeeper,
and it is on the ground his being
married to her that Mrs. D pee brings
a criminal action against he h.usband.
—A liqle boy, son of r. George
Weeks, residing near Tartest , was made
the subject of a -very strange outrage on
Tuesday night of last week. It appears
that at about half -past 9 ceicl cle, the boy
was playing on tb.e road, w en a man
lifted hun and carried him in afield, a
short distance away, where e stripped
him entirely of all his cloth , and then
left him. The lean did no take the
clothes, but left them by the. side of the
to get free,
the fact
clothes, it
t Sault Ste.
ted. The
e purpose
the tram -
both sexes
stic duties.
rooms are
Hated, the
an air of
'ng and its
irporting to
pany with
mg ladies.
doubt en -
ng, howev-
was About
boy, who, after his struggles
went into convulsions. Fro
that the man did not stealth
is supposed that he was hum
—The "Shingouk" Home,
Marie, Ont., is now compl
building is large, plain and
and admirably adapted for
for which .it is intended, viz.
ing of the Indian children ef
to agriculture and indoor dem
The class and the workizi
large, cheerful and well-ven
dormitory neat and ample,
cheerfulness seems to peeved
about the premises, The buil
objects a credit to the
Superintendent, Rev. E. F.
, —A stylish young man, p
be a commercial traveler fro
got into a cab in Toronto o
morning of last week, in col
two fashiopably dressed yo
They drove -round all day, n
joying themselves luxurious'.
max was reached in the even
er, when the young Lothari
to dismiss the cabman, tha
demanded $8 as his fare. T
cial traveler hadn't the nece sary funds,
so the cabman t drove him to the police
station. The test of the sto y is charit-
ably caet in a mantle of cbliv on.
—Many of the public are u der the im-
pression that a one cent post ge stamp is
sufficient to carry a newspaper to any
part -a Canada. Such is n t the case.
Two cents is the postage re aired. until
the let of October, 1875, wh n one cent
vvill be eufficient. All news apex's short
paid are sent to the dead 1 tter office,
Ottawa. The law compellinr publishers
to pay postage on their pub ications at
the office in which they are idiled comes
in force on the lst of October 1875. The
Post Office Inspector has ord red that all
postage paid in advance by subscribers
from the ist of October he re unded.
—Let commercial traveler and their
houses they represent, lo k out for
squalls." The Belleville ntelligeneer
says : " Several of the to 3 in. the
eastern Provinces of the Dom ion, have
passed by-laws compelling orranercial
travelers to take out licen es, if they
wish to trade within the bor ers of such
places. It is held In justifi tiou of this
course, that drummers' the first
place are so numerous as to b. a nuisance
to business men, causing th m, by ur-
gent solicitations, to buy wh they are
not inclined to do so ; and secondly,
that they are in fact and in eality ped.-
lars, and as such ought to be axed. The
matter is one worthy of th attention
of the Town Connell, an it might
with propriety be discussed t an early
—A system of forging note by almciat
wholesale has come to light Montreal ;
its extent is not so great, how ver, as was
stated sensationally by the papers, ore
feared by a portion of the immunity.
One Birks who kept a ehe let's shop
and lately 'became a partner a ginger
ale faanufactury with Mr. J uffray, has
apparently been in the habi for
months of " making paper" o suit his
own necessities. N't hat bega in a small
way was confined to one or wo na,mes,
grew in extent arid. variety, al d upon Mr,
Goulden, a druggist, pronoun hag a note
th be a for -
The names
have also ,
ant of false e
assign be-
er the firm
stantaneous ; death of Wm. Allison, of two in the eighth innings p
Liudsay, a Grand Trunk brakesman. He overthrow, The clubs play
was employed on a special train which trnmense excitement, Ker.4 igs
left Whitby station for Toronto at 7.35 its men by cheers, and ten an
A. M., and while standing on the top of nings ended in no runs. In
the cars arranging the bell -cord, -with his
back to the eagine, his head came in con-
tact with the arch of the brick bridge
which crosses the railwa,yon Brock street.
He fell on the track, and about half of
the train palmed over lehn, mangling his
body in a shocking manlier. The unfor-
tunate inan was found a short distance
from the bridge, and the back of his head
completely cut off, and his brains scatter-
ed along the track. A brakesman, aged
rtly by au
on amidst
n backing
eleven in -
he twelfth
Kingston scored one and uelph WaS
whitewashed, giving 'the ga e to King-
ston. In the tvrenty-four in ings twen-
ty-one white -washes were ministered,
!the Guelph club has only been three
times beaten in Canada, nee by the
Stars, of Seaforth, and twice y theting-
ston club. Such a low seor as five on
both sides is unusual in weeder and
brings out enthusiastic pea' The de-
feated club ackuowledge a fa r beat.