HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-09, Page 5I r weir the m; =ted ae early as a comet . dabk iron. axle, dark 1 their labors, eircumstrtnt ee, avoided. Tb0 and the judges writ€•r to fa€;tlitatM all c-ltdeavord lily itlld impar - Them were ground and en- t only four core. had beenrsecnre rills was found r field had to be Elitable, and the ly,1iavt as good s had had the 'cr. The grains cage and corn. the several ma - ;,ani 3. er Co.,. ant ; fy. Mae. I}, agent ; liar - I, (2 machines) tjec-halon of the cgivuatthe Harris, San & mbin€elealI lta, Alined ---Kirby Co., Oshawa, ice ; B. Bell & uckeye, Dodge stew, Laidlaw SII Rake ; Mea - don, Johnston judges in the .held until the Harris, Son Lark, J. l:l- Joseph Hall s lel Mower, B. Victoria Mow - atoll ; Cayuga st11 , Mitchell ; , is; Warrior, Napanee ; re, Patterson. via show the wer tested, to- culars 11KRVX 40 'RAI ZM 049. irnekineaf width 'of Cat. Draft. id 4 i# 220 4 (1 '230 o 10i 205 4 II 255 4 3 250.- 4 6(14 11 : 217 th the above fetitore were st, It. Eels & Son & f fall & .trrior--•-ties ; `rague ; 4th,. Itallett ; J Antlerso ItI cannee- J, lath .School. re 7th inst. e desired for heavy rain. Ir. Young's e, —very ap-. ion. There tf the young "�' r swings a ed for the c•€:ral speak- oet upied the le names of anby, Rev. indef., The; A the meet; Mere was to ettnderth€ rho is a very ;eleh, also of at pieces on well in the s was ;;iv fine table k and were r'. was orae; of err. held on ego as Dr. a the village He was Ltd his head ki enseless. •:I over his uffieiently :f.ERli tq'Ete. #•ek. a 1y th svpearanCe. .lying from ieraly were 'eo-to-meet ?eople from pouring itt eonitnexiee . •ied on with :lir evening the Temp- waled to its deeborr ugh ve • g g glee, which they did ='o11. his followed by a dialogue, the par .ici- ubeing parties from Kinburn, w ich c-yat well delivered a td well rel' h ed, Miee Williams, of inburn, ulici rounds of applause by ,her spark brilliancy ; next calms recitations Mews. noble and Brown, of, Mend ter, I which were rendered in admir style ; after this was shown st tailea Faith, Hope and 'Charity ; Faith Hope had golden crowns and `wit Chayity wore . a golden crown: and pouring blessings from a silver --w among a group of needy children at feet, while a powerful light was thr tug nig by es- ble of nd gs. vas rn, his wn upon the figures, snaking the whele'look splendid. Just before the close, - r, ftrraecy showed about fifty scenes b a magic lantern. some very pretty, nd some very amusing, after which ended one of the most successful Gator in- mate at€e ever held in Blyth. Gerrie. CIVIC Ilorrntv.—Wednesday, J ily 14, has been seat aside by the people of Gorrie as a civic holidayy.-There hay ng been no celebration on the lst, the hues ey raised for that- occasion, ,amounting to $200; will bo devoted to prizes ler I th- letic sports, horse racing, &c,, on he civic holiday. It is expected that th re will be fr large attendance and tha a pleasant holiday will be spent. ItEivintE ),—The Gorrie company of volunteers arrived - hes e last Satur ay .from Guelph after their 12 days' ann al drill, They were pretty well bronzed and sun -burned after their camp life, but they felt none the worse of it. Tliey were commanded by Captain Kane, rind Luitenant Thomas Stanley, formerly en- sign of the Seaforth company. - Oer. Morris. PtiOn slay C ANctrs. --- Mr. George Mulholland has sold his fairm, north half of Lot 17, Con, 6, Morris, 100 acres, to Mr. Samuel Love, of Usbo e, for $ 3,000. Mr. Love has also ppurchas d the farm of Mr. James Mxiholland, no h half of Lot 16, Con., 6, 100 acres, for $: ,500. 3 ' -H0ES KILLED.—Mr. Oliver Abby, of Lot 23, (Jan. 3, Morris, had two horses killed by trains on the railway this we one by the night express Tuesday ev n- ing, and the other by the morning x - press on Wednesday. The- team a as worth $200 cam_- - HoeiaAGAI:t.--Mr Win, ifcLeod, of Morris, has just returned from Manito a. He went there about four weeks ago to see the country, and from what he >I w, he says he likes the country, but . he grahoppers are very bad. BIRTHS. LAMOIrT, —In Grey, an June 27, he wife of Mr. Arehibald Lamont, of a daughter. GRIMoLDBY.--In Seaforth, on July 3, he • wife of Mr. Reuben Gritnoldby, q a daughter. Co: sena—In Seaforth, on July 5, he wife of Mr. Thos. Connor, of a son. STOBIE.—In Seaforth, on June 29, he wife of Mr. Alex. Stobie, of a son. SrEWAsti.---Ire Seaforth, on June 25, he wife of Mr, James Stewart, of a son. 'SLACK.—At Wroxeter, on July 5, ; the wife of Mr. David Black, of a son. LOCH-MAN.—At Egmondville, on Jul 8, the wife of Mr. John Lachman, o a daughter. MARRIED. Itre v—MAS -.—On June 23, by Rev. Thos. Brock, Mr. John Riley, to Miss Mary E. Mann, both of Hullett. - DEATHS. . RICHARDSON,—In Peel, on June 17, Diana, eldest daughter of Mr. John Richardson, aged 20 years. RWHAnDSO In Grey, on June 8, Hector Richardson, aged 20 years. Moo e. --Drowned, at Brussels, on Jtine 29, Willie J. Moore, aged 6 yearsand. 9 Months, LAIRD,—Drowned, at Brussels, on June 29, Robert A. Laird, :aged 7 years and 33 months. . BARTON.—In Clinton, an June 29, Sarah Robina, wife of R. A. Barton, I:sq,, in the, 38th year of her age. LAI'sL1E. In McKillop, on July 7, Mrs. Elisabeth Lapslie, aged 60 years cad I jionth. MEW ...iaggeOROMMUI TEE MARKETS. SEAFOitTII, Jnly 8, 187 . Fall 14 heat. , , < .. 0. 90 to 0 92 Spring Wheat, per bushel . , 0 90 to 0 i 1 , Oats per .. 0'36 to 0 8 Peas per bushel... . .. . ... . 0 70 to 0 0 , Barley per bushel ..... ....... 60 to 0 f5 Eggs I..... 0- 00 to 0 18 Butter, o-.1., Loewe.-- , ..... , , .. tq 0 5 . lflonr ..,.....,.,..•....,.,..?....• 0 00 to 5 00 Hay si 000 to 1000 Hides, ......... ..... 0 00 to 5 0 : Sheep skins ..�.........,.. ...... 0 50 to 1 0 Salt (retell) per barrel 0 Salt (wholesale) per barrel0 0 Potatoes, per bushel.. 0 70 to 0 Oatmeal r brl ... , 0 00 to 6 Wood 2 50 to . 8 0 Beef....,..,... • 4 00 to 6 W8ool, per pound............G. . 0 86 to 0 6, Ceiterort, July 8, 1875. - Fall Wheat, per brrshrl, . ,.. ,,, ... , 0 92 (eg 0 0a Spring Wheat, porbushcl .. , , , , , 0 88 ( 0 f 0 -- Oats, per bushel, .... .. , . 0 fl9 (} 0 40. e Barley, per bushel. ,........ i 0 65 . 0 i 0 Peas, per btashe.l,,r: 0 72 C4 0 18 Butter, .. .. ; 0 16 [d3 0 17 Potatoes . . 0 (d!so Eggs..!....... . ..., 0 10 ceeg 0 11 Hay, per ton,.., ... . I 11 00 @ 12 00 ooi, erpound. ,..,..� 0 84 « 0 5 y BIt0f 8E04l -July 8, 1875. Fall wheat, per bushel, 90e ; spri wheat, 88e- to 90c ; oats, 38ca•to 40 g peas, 65c to 700 ; wool, per pound, 34c to 35c ; bark, per cord, $3 75. TolcoN'i'o July 8, 1875. There were in today about 300 bush. 1s of wheat, at 97e to $1 for white, and 9 - c to 98 for spring, and a load of oats at 49 , Hay sold at $15 to- $1.9. Wool brouglt 38e afs' a general thing, hut 34e was pa'd for game small lots, Butter and egl,s were in steady demand at u nehang =d quotations, Lesbos, July 8, 1875. White fall wheat, per 100 pound Deihl, 81 65 to $1 70 ; treadwell :1 ( 0 to $1 68-; red winter, 815 0 to 81 5 ; spring, 81 60 to 1 68 ; oats, 81-30 o 81 30 ; peas, $1 20 to .8125 barley, " 1 30 to 8130 ; butter, 20c to 22e for rolls eggs, Ifie to 18c. Wool, 35c to 38c. i TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. Bieivfos.-•—The supply was quite Ba during the past week, but the ehippin -demand' Wass light, and Local butcher , iltough buying freely to the extent f their requirements, were not eager, that prices did not advance, -but it an - thing Closed rather easier. The off'erin rts Fere generally fair as to quality,inclu log : t 'least the usual proportion of ata:1 fed, $ O quote dist=elms, 85 25 to • second -Glees, 84 50 to $4 75 ; ird-Claes, $3 75 to $4, 5111,EP.--`l'here were not m ny in, by rail, but the receipts in by to to and on Prot were quite liberal. Th demand was active, with - a ready sa e at 'full prices for all offered. - One ea dressing about 65 lbs., sold alt $6 a het' , and one car, to dress about 53 lbs, at 5 25. LAmns.•--•-Clothe in freely, bu were all wanted at figctres rarging Iron $2 75 to $4 50. (hie ear sold at $3 7a, on at '$:3 50, and one at $3 25. --. A ONTREA L LIVE b!OCK ARKET. MONTREAL, July ', 1875, At the Viggcr cattle market a here were a large number of grass fed b Mef cattle, which sold at from $20 to g:32 tach, or 83 50 to 4 25 per 10011,s live weight ; Milch cows were in god suppl.l, but the demand for them is light, ,and ; he prices paid about 33 per cont, lesthan' a month ago ; the highest lricel, aid for milch cow to-daywas : 0, a ile good country cows sod , at from . 0• to $35 each ; inferior at from $20 to ' 213 each. Sheep arid lambs were plenti ; ul good sheep sold at $6 to $7 each, bu the gen- eral price wo,s from $3 to $4 ; nibs sold at from $2 25 to ,'3 50 eael ; calves from $3 to $7 each ; lean. ' e ogs were abundant and in good demand, selling at from $10 to $15 each, or about lOe .per pound ; one of these long -snouted, slab - sided porkers was sold at 10c pt' pound, and when weighed turned out 1I' pounds, thus realizing to his owner ,'11 50. There was a lot of young pigs ix weeks old, for which the owner w: s asking $5 50 each. LITTLE FALLS ''DAIRY M ItKET. LA•rrLi FALLS, N. Y., July 5, 1875. The market to -day is dull, have- been slow, factories going ?lee below last week's figures. livery of farm dairies- amounte 400 boxes, and sales were made nd sales at about The de - to about at from ile to 12c, according to qua ty. The factories were well represented, the offer- ings aggregating over 6,000 bxs. Buyers dict not manifest much a gernes: to pur- chase, and claimed that 124c m'st be top price . tor best factories, whit : factory men were generally looking for last week's rates. - ' The delivery of butter to -da is very light, and the market remains u changed at from 26e to 28c, according quality. The late rains havefreshened pastures and greatly improved meadows . still, so far as we can learn,- the hay er p will be much less than last year. We have letters from Engle, • d for the fourth week in June. Our - to don cor- respondent or-respondent says : English chees : is quiet. All the new American to band is sold: Old American is pressed at ver,' irregu- lar rates. The quotations are for new Atnerieaniand Canadian extra f ne from 60s. - to 61s.; next quality, 56=. to 58s. ; mediums, 44s. to 48s.; and old rorn 40s. to 64.'. English Cheddar sel at 8. to 90s., and Cheshire fine fro . 80a t� to 84s. - The demand for butter runs • n inter. mediate qualities, supplies of w hich are short. Clonmels sell for 126s.; Dorsets, 136s.; Jerseys, 108s.;Danish a d Swed- ishfrom 80s. to 120s.; Nor-manc y, extra, 136s.; American and Canadian rom 6Qs, to 80s. per cwt. - l GOLD.—Quoted New Yor at 1161. C 00D MILK COW FORSAL1L-+F Good Milk Cow. ° Apply to GEOlt Seaforth. r Sale, a E DENT, OOMS TO LET.—The Hall former by the Odd Fellows,`• Seaforth, Hardware Store, is to let: Apply to KIDD, or to JOHN THO'IPSON, ONEY WANTED.—Parties-having y oceupled ver Kidd's Ir. JOHN 887 money to invest in good real estate eci t ity in the County of Enron, address ns, stating 'nterext Ox - related, as our business in loaning is cry exten- sive. C. R. COOPER & Co.,Brrsscle P 0. 896-4 MONEY FOUND.—A - Purse contain ng a mall sura 01 money was left in Thomas se's Stolle, Seaforth, about the 22d of May lust. "he owner can have the saute by provingro pert .and pay- ing for this advertisement. THOSL. E. 891.8 f' S` BAY SIIEEP.—Came to Lot 1, on. 6, H. R. B., Tuekersmith, 2 EWES and ' LAMBS. Tho owner can obtain them on provin troperty nud paying expenses. STEPHEN ATITG ' Tuckersmith. 4AUTION.—The public are hereby cautioned against giving credit to any person or persons without my written order and consent as I will not hereafter be responsible for any d bts which may bo conmeted in my name without this au- thority. J]. 13. ODELL. Seaforth, 1875. 004 June 28 ' 896-1 : 'TRA' ED OR STOLEN—From Me Black French HORSE, medium white spot in the centre of forehead, little : with both front feet. Auk per such information as will lead to the the same will be suitably rewarded. B BLACKWELL, Granton 2. 0. illivray, a fee, amall brushes it on giving eeovery of NJAMIN Building 005 t SElLINQ 15; JJLACA COLOI? +D .130P I 8, 4- F, $ELLI1C OFF, SE LING OD M USL NS, IIO,'IhRY,- FRIT S, PARASOLS, .S'II S' KS, CORSETS', ,Sill U�lih13RELLAS, CLOVES', arc., • , (bo,,, SILKS, OFF. CH EA MAN BRO CA H STORE, SEAF HERS' TH. r • SEAFORTH = N1 AMPME T, No 27, I.O.O.' WILL old a Regula X94 JT Y15, at 8 P. GEO Me, ting on TIif �IUII :DAY, CF THEXTdN,-„eribe; 3PE`CIAL BMGAI ST-7- FRUI 1 HALL & P ►VEY'S. JA During the Fault Season at IF goods K.IDD'S H elivoro d in T wn`Free Iof Charge. S DW4' UST ROEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.—Mr. Forsyth has established an Ageney for the amyl' yment of Domestic. Servants in connection with the Laun- dry. Those wishing to secure servan s will be direeted -to places where they can get t • em. Ser vans wishing to secure places wilbe nstrueted where to got them. Terms, 25 cents f • r each are plication. GEORGE FORSYTH. • 896 NOTICE TO FARMERS. — The s' bseribers would respectfully . call the art ntion of the Farmers in the neighborhoodof Se forth and surrounding country that it is their iq ention to erect a firsi.elass Oatmeal Mill this su mer, and they will be preparedto pay the high°'t market price for any quantity of good Oats, Peas and Barley, delivered in Seaforth immedi -tely after harvest. W, THOMSON & BROTHER. 888-18 ]4INIBUS L'USINESS FOR SA E. — Mr. Davideon,et the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, desires to dispose of his Bass Busin°:s to any poison who will purchase the horses, - neon and sleighs now in use, and run a Town ass to all the hotels. The running of a free buss ntafls en I expense on Mr. Davidson of $500 a year, and he is consequently anxious to hare it dispos of. Any person running a bass to -all the hotel could do a good bush:moo in Seaforth. Porfurth r partien- lars apply to ALEX: DAVIDSON. 894 •OTICE.—Joseph Pelland having adr ertised to • the effect that. I have left his bed a d board, I beg to state that such is not the c r so, as the said Joseph-I'olland has lived with mein my house for nearly three years, and he has left m, bed and board instead of me having left hiss further caution the public against giving the sal ; Josoph Pollnnd credit on wy,recount without y written order or consent, as I will not be res po miles for any debts he may hereafter contract. MA t GARET' PELLAND, Stanley, June 20, 1875. , 895*4 1 •0TICIS.-Tenders will bereecived by the Trus- • tees of School Section No. 1, Stanley, until JULY 10, for bnilding, in said. section, a Frame School. House, with Stone Foundation. Tenders , will be opened by the Trustees,at th = School se Haa, on July 10 at, 1 o'clock 1,M. ''he Trim - tees do not bind themselves to accept t. lowest. or any tender. Specifications mar b seen at Dougbes Me'Ttevish s, Lot 84, 'Con. 2,- r at the "New Era” Office, Clinton. DOUGLAS kieTAV- 1811, JOHN IIUTCHABT and JOHN GI 1OUIK-- Trustees, 894.8 Q1A REWARD.—The undersigned 'ill give V' - the above reward for such inf, oration as will lead to the detection and convletl n of the party or prsrtiot, who took P. *CON of eat from is stall about three smoke ago, and. a = in took meat from his stall on Friday and Mo y nights last. He would 040 warn tboae in the ,abit of entering his etall and maliciously dctetr ying his property that he bas a suspicion who tt. guilty partiee ere and that 11 these practices are act, stopped he will hand their names to • t f'oliee- mse, who will look after thorn. W. Ii, SNOW - DEN. Seaforth, Jnne 6, 1675. 006*2 E, ardwa. e Which will be sold as ' CHEAP AS ANY IN fENQING WIRE � J� BU ER, TO A SPECIALIT . )ISN KIND., BUTTEs .. � EDWARD CASII JYS GOOD - BUTT : R I I ANY Q ANTI IE1 , Aseei Peg Higlces 11ricf in M' _ I 8112 GODEBICI STREET, State h. TTER TJBS f SAMUEL TROTT I.reS now on hand At the Beafo h Tub Fel tory a _na her of his we Ana favorably Turned �Ctte Packet es. Theme P asps are the best i* ase, and will give rsatisfaction. S1ECIAL INDUCEMENTS T LARGE PURCHASERS. Mre (com Trott expeets in a short time to mem nee the'Nltnufaeture of Wash Tube on a large se l e.. : , SA EL TIROTT,f Seaforth WILSON & YOUNG, - SEAFORTH WILSON & 'YOUNG have now on hen one of the Largest and. Best Assorted Stocks sf Crockery in T own, consisting in part of T ,a Sets, in Stone, English and French Chiral; Todet Se , in Plain and Fancy Patterns f the best Stone Ch ina—very heavy and Good. Caps and Ss cera, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, Side Dishes, Bowls and Dings, and, everything to be found in a f rst-class Crockery Store. Their flock of Glassware will also be found complete in nil lines. Frust Jars of the best patterns v ery cheap. Their Stock of Teas, Coffees, Se- ws Provisions and General Groceries are Second to No tae for Quality, Quantity and Price, 1 and re guaranteed to give satisfaction. Parties buying qua holies will be dealt with on favor- able terms. For Pure Wines, Ales, Porter, randies, Rum, Gin, Whiskeys and Liquors of an kinds, they stand at the Head of the $.1St, and De fy Competition for Quality and Price. In the Jobbing Line they offer to cash and prompt paying customers inducements equal to and better than roost wholesale house:. 4o be convinced that what they say is correct d , the ublic a e invited to cell and judge for th mselves. WILSON & YOUNG, MAfN STREET, SEA'OI1TH. 777. BUTTER -BUTTER. 777. -THE HIGHEST PRICE WTI IINT C.A.S1-1 FOII ANY ClUleNTITY OF GOOD 33 ITTT � 4 G. IvICDOIJGALL & C SION OF THE THREE, SEVENS, Main Street, Seaforth, MORE FRESH GROG RIES AT Ga MURRAY'Sp GREAT BARG IIS IN TEAS perlpon nd ; 10 pounds of Young Hyson Tea for 7 --•ion eon have from 5 to 10 lbs, at these priers. 10 po pads of Gunpowder Tea fou $8 50, worth $1 80 ; 10 pounds of Young Hyeon B. P. Tea for { To . accos, Sugars, Driest Apples, Oat Meal, Corn Deal, FLOC &C �t a HI HEST PRICE ALLOWE GIVE U FORBUTTER . �U '6 ANS EGGS. A CALL. G. MURRAY, Next Door to Strong & Fairley'$• SUMMER LOTHJNG WM. CAPBELL 'JILL offer his whole S�Eook of SnmmerCioth- ing et Low 1'iifeos. ? these are of a superior class to what is nsnally k for such purposes cnstomees will do well to c 1 and buy these. - GENTS' FURNISHINGS Will be told at .low prices to clear off the Summer . Stock. Great Bargains in hats, Of Which I hav WELL ASSOR Large and -ED STOCK REILEMB.?,'R THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE On the Corner is wherea-erything Zan be that a man wa is to wear. -NEW YORK HOU E, SEAFORTi.JL Ohl Stranding Accofrutn nnust be Sc*- - ticcl >int Once, or Look Out for Home- • thing. p VCM# CAMPBELL. FRESH STOCK OF CROCERIES. s STRONG- -- & FAIRLEY 1 Have received and opened o»t th Supply of TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, CURRANTS, week a Fres RAISINS, BICE, SAGE, &c., &e. CANNED GOODS ENDLESS VARIETY And will be sold C One Case of Keeler's Dund Low-. We are selling Teas for 80c., in quantitiesirom and get your supply. Bug p for Cash. Marmalade—Pe/es 'orth $1 per pouted to 8 pounds.. Coil at prices that DEFY COMipEiET1011l. CALL AND SEE THEM, Onr Goode are the Best t t can be got in -the Market, and will a sold at the Smallest .Advanze 4 .. Cost Possible. PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED &C., Always kept in Stock. Customers wishing the Eger sap lied from us at Mull Ps the house free of charge. Parties desirous of pure rind it to their advantage examine our Goods and Prar'' a on dville Floor can be icor, and &livered alt using Groceries VA give us a call and spunk & FAWW ! N.B.—Just arrived Half- Gallon Oleos Jar of wast and I cT3 ee, 3 • 3 .4+ •