HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-07-02, Page 1R75
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Eat nal I r; A H.
WilL01.14 NO. 395.
11.14011-. COUNTY COUNCIL,
TitURSDAY, (Nilo 24, 1875.
The Council held but a short sitting
treday, the time of Councilors being
chiefly' taken up Witt} the equalization,
The Warden occupidd the Chair. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
read Red confirmed.
netissrr rstsiniliaTioer Ain sOcIETY.
petition from Mr.. Braith -taite, Sec-
etary of the Immigration siJid Society,
of Hallett; praymn for a grant to the
Society, was read. and referred to the
Finallee Committee.
eott.ssrv ENarisisiticht REPORT,
The following report of the County
Edgineer was read and referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee.
the Warden and Council of the (rowdy
0f :
GENTLEMEN : The bridge crossing the
Little Bayfield River, on the boundary
between lirty. and Stanley, had the cen-
bent eared, away by the ice at the
ring -freshet. I had it replaced imme-
diately -the water in theStrearn was suf-
ficiently abated to allow men to work.
The bridge, however, requires new abut -
mai anda light truss on top in place
of a centre bent, The ice on the rivers
IIONV forms, to such thickness, since the
country w4s cleared. of timber, that the
system followed. hitherto of building on
bents is no longer safe.
Another: bridge of the same kind, on
the SauhleRiver, betweentthe townships
of Hay and Stephen, also had 4 centre
bent driven out by ice and driftwood.
This bridge was- removed several years
ago from a deviation road to the straight
line, when the townships graveled the
boundary, , and was probably not set
quite low enough. The structure is of
pine timber, now quiterotten. The whole
bridge. will, therefore, require rebuilding,
The bottom of the river is here a soft allu-
vial soil, and the foundation of the new
bridge will have to beset on piles.
The bents of the bridge crossing the
Baytield River, on the Third. Concession
of Stanley, suffered. in some degree from.
the ice, which was unusually heavy dur-
ing the past winter. This bridge was
repaired three years ago, at a cost of me
hundred and fifty dollars. Vith some
farther repairs it will stand another
year, probebly two.
The new bridge at Turner's mill; a few
miles further dosva the same sti earn, lost
several strut braces, and. One principal
brace of reek elm timber, eleven me ies
square, was shattered to pieces. The
tlam forty rods up the streams had given
way. and a heavy accuthulation of ice
and driftwooi came down with such
force that it moved the whole super-
structure of the bridge twelve or four-
teen inchee from its place.
The B istichl bridge at the mouth of the
river escaped with but little injury. It
is, however, getting old and shaky, ancl
will neeeasarily have to be rebuilt very
soon. tit to the present time, it is not
known how far up stream the harbor
isaprovffinents will extend. The bridge
will therefore have to be kept in repair
on its present site until the work at the
harbor is more advanced.
At Wingham I have examined. the
site of Graham's bridge, and. also the one
at Fisher'. At Graham's the bottom is
soft and bad, and. it will be very ex-
pensive to nut in. a firm foundation. The
bottoni of the river in the Lower Town
is hard and. in every way suitable for a
bridge, and although the stream here is
much wider, the cost of building will be
very little,more.
Another bridge at Wingham, on the
gravel road crossing the north braneh of
the river, is in want of a new snper-
structu re. The piers and abutments are
of cedar, land comparatively good, but
the pine Stringers are no longer. safe.
The finer, which is quite new, may be
used again; a new hand rad and cord
pieces only are required. This bridge
has floor spans of forty- ti ve feet each,
three piers and two abutments. Total
length, about two hundred and twenty-
five feet.
Ball's bridge, on the Maitland River,
thee miles from Manchester, requires a
few flooring planks and someother un-
impottane repairs, Frem twenty to
twerity-tive dollars will probably do all
that is requisite.
The bridge at Port Albert, built six-
teen years age, is in need of a new super-
strueture. I had. what 1 thought was
sufficient timber taken out in winter for
this purpose. The people in. the neigh-
borhood, however, want more than: is
really neeessary ; more than I feel in-
clined. to .give without express instrue-
tons from the Council.
At Manchester a stone pier and two
spans of the bridge were carried away
by the spring freshet. The original
done pier, Cuilt by the Government
twenty ytars ago, gave way, and took
the bridge with it, I had examined the
bridge on March 23, ten, days before the
accident (recurred. There was no appar-
ent failure up to that time. The pier
loakcsi the same as it had done for ten
years previous. No doubt the intense
frost in !winter was the primary cause;
when th 4 thaw came it showed a rent
through its whole length, from one end
to the other. This is the only serious
loss the (i'ouuty has suffered from fresh-
ets for uineteen years. A great part of
the iron has been recovered, and some
part of the timber. The timber is of lit-
tle value,- hut the iron can be Used again.
Mr. Pope, the contractor by Whom the
approaches were built to the bridge be-
tween Grey and Howick, last fall, claims
the twenty-five per cent. held from him
for putting into the embankment a cer-
tain quantity of old timber, in place of
earth. He claims on the ground that
the embankment has not sunk. But the
tiraber is there, notwithetanding,
-Another difficulty of the same kind oc-
(arred at 1:`,xeter bridge, where sixty
dollars was withheld from the contractor,
35 compeusation to a pereon for damage
doue to a buggy. No satisfactory evi-
dence, however, can be furnished to
Prove thecase against the contractor.
The stone pier built at Ben Miller's
bridge, only two years ago, had a large
piece knocked off the front; when h )en -
ed up, the inside masonry was fou to•
be of the very worst description, Me,
Vicar, the contractor, ,a man in. whom I
had. every confidence, behaved,. -ii the
worst .possible way, having filled the
middle of the pier with debris and c ther
rubbish from the old wall. H the nail
is worth anything, steps should be t• ken
to male him repair the pier at his
cost. All of which is -respectfulle
mitted. A.. BAY, County Engine
Moved by. Mr. Fisher, eccondet
Mr. Garrew, that the Goderich and.
ton High Schools be grantedthe sui
$400 each, the usual grant. Refere
the Finance Committee.'
Moved by Mr. Mullen, seconder. by
Mr: Simpson, that the -County Eng neer
be and is hereby instructed to advertise
for all tenders for County work at east
two weeks previous to the letting of the
same, in whatever paper is at the ime
doing the County printing, along vith
the printed notices -Carried.
Moved by Mr, Gibson, edeendec by
Mr. -Gana, that the. sum Of $201 be
granted to the village of Wroxeter, or a
lock-up in that village, on the same con-
ditions as previous similar grants Car-
The following letter from the Co mty
Treasurer was read and referred to the
Finance Committee:
June 23, 1875.
To the Warden ana:councilorti :
1 beg to report the state of the fin, ',lees
of the County at present •
Amount due for Courity :Rates of
From Hullett $ , 500 :
” MeKillop . 752 32 ,
Stephen , 3,602. 83-$4,S15 J5
Cash in Bank 5,7'6, 43
sub -
.$l0,6' 1 58
Due to local munis
cipalities, from
non -- resident
taxes collected as
per schednle ....$9,102 51
County schoolgrant
to Stephen 452 00- 9,5.
Available Balance
4 51
I beg toremind you that the ba
of the Gravel Road Debentures, aun
hie to $260.000, fall due on July 1,--
on, hl° ,
lievee intended that these shall be met he of one hund
by a new issue of debentures to that xp d on the bound
amount, it will be necessary to app y to ara H
n and uron'
' 1 • ' t 't next teplre, the County of
end n equal amoun
vitt). a number of ot
rants, Were referred
hat the- Ceunty of Perth, or the town-
hip.5. of Elms or Grey, grant a Millar
, moult, and that the ' ineer et the
entre t for the erection Of the )ridge,
o soon1 as he receives w Men noti e from
leice ill tee
'ha no tic ion be
he conclit on has
fig he. Clouncil er:eitrarratcyi r, ask-
e at Manchester. rhat the
r. Armstroete ma( e by mo
ave :tare+, bridges ere 'tea or r
salt n the township'of six ieldb
l. 'Ovid rig the briclg s are Of
crip ientionedin t
ng t le G unty, bridges
ioriiii of Mr. Hays, re at
rac rtaiii snow r
mime to the
to have eitl
ieh iidges at Wit
nded that F
soon as the
e of Grey that
triplied with, '
n the motion of ,
ion, to
grant- •
he de -
e by-law assault.
That the mo -
'Y to double
, be g 'anted,
er 'Grab
gh re
-1rue ELA N 81(-TEttitties, Pritdisittiee.
,so n 'Velar, in atlynnoce,
ng, .Thepillowing is the vietions advertised in such papers as bearing interest at 6 perl• 'cent. All of
Saturday morn
report as finall
The commit
e 1 the awes .
Huron, for the
adopted • '6 they see fit. which is respectfully subinitted,
ee have car fully examila 13Y-LANYS READ.
A. S. lfseHE , Chairman.
nit. rolls o the various Ity-lawe to equalize the assessments, STA'rniviT oit Com EcTioNs
omprising he County of fur raising the Counteerate, and provid- Prom non-resident lands from January
year 1.874, and heve alio ine ter a double track on. snow readsten 1 to April 3(1, 1875.
ma e careful U mparisons
rolls and those of the yea
yet r • Committee are hap
eh much ni ore,nearly •
n of the Cohnty than
years, and the result
tee'- labors appears in
p te)
hereto annexed. Fromthx schedules it
NI ill be at once ;apparent thit an increase,
a iiirat sight perhaps erronrous, but yet,
s on
r's b
pas a by-law to
or the people wh
in's bridge. Th
rend that the
the bridge on the
tta d McKillop,
S han non's motion
as 110 may thin
the bridge in Ho
rj Cook's motion, be cover rd. In A
ace. ,to the Engi eer s reptrt, the vt
iiittee regret to le rn (that si many r•
esl -have been dama red by th spring e
et, I and recomme d that t ie En -
r nee his own discretion in repair- n
e bldges he has. eperted n, and h
4:w 11 attend to ny bridg s that tv
rider the jurisdieti 11(.4 the County, o
so far b
erned, I
om the n
nee to a
bridge, t
ornmit- t
ed out I e
r. Pone' f(
fa A
1 rid
'Fr or
uilt, it
sh 's bridge be
'outwit of Turn -
open a uitable
f rmerl r used
intnit ee re-
ou iy E igrneer
ou ary tween
referrer to. in
rePaired or re-
ndeessar ; also
vick, refe red to
b •tween such road north. of Seafortls from Seaforth Ashfield
1875, which to 1Valtere on the Clinton roead from Colborne_
a, to ehy ap- Clinton try Myth, and on the London Clinton...
correct vain -
hose of pr
df your (.1•01111 -
the schedules
in ur opinioin justifiable, under all the
road from Exeter to the boundary of -Goderich Town
Middlesex ; also, to establish a, public `` Township
fair in the Village of Brussels, were read Grey.
and passed, 1
I Howiek,
461 04
100 02
. 46 60
1,111 80
. ... 41t212
, 132 24
2,131 66
Moved by Mr. D. D. Wilson, seconded Hullett . .......... ,
by Mr. Cresswell, that the Registrar of lelelCillop
c .
this County be re nested to make out a merles
c r umstances, !I has been made in the schedule of all th sales of lands that seeedey
et. alized vales over those assessed,
cjir Committee, believing that the only
safe method of rendering equal over the
vi hole County the assessfnent of the
oahty rat es is to fix sueli rates upon
ie basis of actual rather
hie, have proceeded, as
le, upon this principle.
etend to sat' that the e
take place after 1his date, during the Stephen. .
ebp them in repai 14 leas
s tje stiperstractures ate con
uit any special ins ructions f
ilttee or Council, lit refer
E?ote's claim on cor tract on
ick the
be retai
d that A
vi th
etweea Croy and Hoa
ee reehriameed that $2,
f the eentract price, a
e paidtLetbalance on.
give reeeipt in full.
he BeiMilier bridge,
ret i that Mr. Alc
ondition that 10 r
In reference to . it East Waw
he. eominittee re- i 1.eetry.
r, in Atli '111 the 1 We ha,ve o
no neer had such co -1114110d, should !. r 4ate into •th
lay erected such a_ ri iseriable i ice° of , s
vol.' es he pier at t is I bridg
,lorn, nitte . recommend tMt the
elm 14 if the Engineer thinks it
)10, r if lit would likely be suite'
ade by us, is the actual
han fictitious
ar as practie-
We do not
ualization, as
cash value of
e, -County, bt4t we believe that wetave
Preached stroll actual dash' value as
rly as, with the material before us-
e results of the assessmeOts in some in -
a ces being More or lees defective -
4 possible. The result has not been
a hed, we on assure you, without
reful and laborious consiclerAion, and,
hit() we do not expect that all the mu-
eipalities will be satisfied,' we think we
ve reason to hope that the majority
ill concur with us in the opinion that
ir desire to do even handed justice has
en aCCOMplisbed.
While complimenting tile various mu-
cipalities upon the great advance tow -
honest asseesment, as pparent from
le rolls of 1876, we yet de in it our duty
Still further secure this est desirable
d ; to remark that the e is yet room
✓ considerable improver ent in this di-
ction in several instances, particularly
nosh, Morris and Turn -
7 07 ew supeedructure,
ance Taos. Salr
unt- ! n Lan
876, Movcd by Mr. - Bro
in Loint Eng d, andit b `r 1 ) e- Ir. Greenway, that t
meeting for an act to authorize such new
issue of debentures. I think ti
ell should ask power in the act to
the debentures payable either in
land or in Canada. I believe it
be advisable to have them payab
Canada, if the state of the money
ket at the time we require to reali
them woukt warrant us in expe ,ting
about par for them. - I think, con ider-
Mg the punctuality with which we have
always met the. interest on our pr sent
issue, that sterling debentures cou d be I
'exchanged_ with the present • holde .8 at
par. But debentures payable in Eng-
land, involves the payment of COMM B5i011
to -01.11 :agents for paying coupons and
the cost of exchange for -retinal') , but
as an offset to this you must 1)6 tr 111
mincl that if our new issue . is' so d I
Canada, we will have to pay cost f re -
milting funds to meet the old, not • ma-
turing in England, which would b save
ed. if the new were sold , there. TI e act
should, however, give the Couneil ewer I
to issue either in sterling or curreu y, as
the Council may hereafter decide.
A. M. Ross, Treastt er.
- Moved by -Mr. Shannon, seconded by
Mr. Gibson, that the Clerk write •o the
Clerk of the County of Perth, ci Mug
his, attention to the !decision of this
Council at its January meeting; re ating
to bridges on the County boundar line,
intimating that unless that decisi n be
catried out, that the Warden take steps
to have it done in the meantime and
that the Engineer let the bridges: hove
referred. to, as the public safety ,i en7
Moved by Mr. Elliott; seconded by
Mr. Willis, that the County Engineer be
and is hereby instructed, that where pub-
lic works of any kind whatever are be-
ing carried on . in the County, causing
anti considerable expenditure of !public
funds, a competent inspector and judge
of such work, or material shall be placed
in charge of the work so that proper
material may be used, and the work
done in an effident manner in the future
nake '
e in I
ma r-
Does Item- eninees.
Moved by Mr. Gaunt, seconded by
Mr. Girvin
'hereby ifist!that the Engineer be and is
tueted to let the contract of
ON, Choi
n, seam
is iouic
ed elollar
ry line 1
at the
• This
er t foe
to the
i.EP RT.
The following repor of the
Jommittee was read :
itted from.
the schedule,
veral columnof the forin adopted and
The ; u ed during recent years. j We have not
ier be distinguished, for insta ice, between
advise,- c eared. and un leered land, a dietinction,
le for 0, n w that wood land has become BQ valu-
e le, more 110 111111111 than real ; nor have
man. e shown the inerease or decrease of the
e puilized °vet or under the assesse
led by value. The tables are in each case given,
I grant
, to be a d such ieereese or deer°, se is therefore
a mere matter of calculati n, quite open
et+ -3
the curious upon tjLd face of the
ear of. s hedule. These changes have consider -
to x -
a ly lightened the labors of year Com-
otiog, n ittee, without in any Way, so far as
eanitne . s e can see, impairing the usefulness or
inane i.c mpleteness of the resu t arrived at,
: a d, we hope; will meet with the ap-
1 ' p oval of thed Council. he following
inanCe i a e the schedOes .•
The Finance Commi tee repor as foi-
OWR : !T4at the petiti n Jf .1\1-r , Gran -
-r, cif Breese's, askinglmp
or consatiok
or lot wrongfully sold. fos taxes be in t
iranted. 'With reference, to ti e cor -
nunteation of B. V. E lett, ask'ng fc r
,oin ,ensatioti for Jol n C;hite ick, ,.cf
rueefield.,evho gothis leg- brok n whi e
rosiJ.ing the temporary hr. Ige ov er 13.13 -
dd. River, south of 'lir one t e Co -
ittee reeneamend the Cokincil o take
o eetien1 in the matte . , The ;ommi -
ee iceoii1nicnd that t e $1300 as ed. for
)), the TE wn Clerk of toderieh for I
crest oi the nurchas Money of the
Northern gravel road wen the time of
he purchase, in Deem ber, 187 , until
he issue of debentures, in 'July, 874, be '
lot paid. NA ith refere cc to the pplica,-
ion, of Afr. Braithwait , isking for aid
to the Hallett Inunigra ioi Aid.
the 'Committee recom en that
i be greeted. The gran to the (
and e Clinton 1-ligh Sel ools wa
mended. The Cernmit ee recoil
that the several motion asking f
clary line `grants be not aequie
also, that the several 1 otiens as
repairs en and rebuilc ing of b
bridges, be granted, anl that th
eer be instructed. . te xitteiiil to
bridges. .A. munber cif aeeoun
recomme (led .for payment.
- A. S. FisuEni, Chai
.goved . by Mr. Black,' seem
Mr Henaiegs, -that, at the first meeting ,
of the Turnberry Council, ineby-1 w shall i
be passed, to open the s reet' on t e south '
side of the Maitland River, oath - of •
0raben-1's bridge, to he I:south end cf '
Fisher's bridge, near th village f Win
hate, antl as soon as
by-law iS delivered to
theEnaitieer shall adv
and, let the Fisher brid
understanding that th
arta by•law is satisfaet
, 1
Moved by Mr. Gib
building two bridges on the botridary Mr. Hu . ter, that the' loc$ ne ,spapers
line, between West Wawanosh and the , advertising County Co ncilmee4ngs And
township of Kinloss, providing the Iowa- the exan inations of s hee'd teaohers be
ship of Kinloss or ,the County of Brace paid $1 for each Cou icil ntaeting and
pay one half the cost, 'and that the Clerk t 2 050 for examinati n jof teachers:—
furnish a copy of this motion to the ,1 ,,...;,.i
no aid
r bean -
year 1875, in the several munialities Turnberry.
in the County, providing the Warden and Tuckersmith, 1
Clerk can make a averable arrangement Usborne
• • • • • •
, .
regarding cost of said schedule. Such East Wawanosh
schedule to be employed by the Equal- West Wawanosh
ization Committee of 1876 -Carried. I Exeter
LL approved :
The- followingdocuments were read I
Administration et Justice.... $1,000 GO
Inquests. . .. ,.. • 100 00
Jail, ... , ... .. 1,800 00
Miscellaneous and ;contingen-
eies . , 1,300 00
Jury. , . . 2,200 00
Stationery and printing900 00
School management 1,800 00
Lunatics and. charities 250 00
Salaries and Commit fees4,600 00
Repairs on County buildings430 00
Supplementary grant to vol-
unteers. . .
Goderich iia
igh gehool, 407000 0000
Clinton High School.„ 400 00
Discount and Interest, 450 00
Grants to Agricultural Socie-
Lets, Costs 10O00
Gravel Road. Debenture In-
terest. 140,100 00
Northeru Gravel Iltead Deben-
tura Interest........ _ 1,200 00
Northern Gravel Road Sink-
ing Fund , 1,000 00
Town Line Appropriation.... 3,000 00
School 7,946 00
Engineer's Estimates , . ... 15,600 00
Total. ... „ $61,246 00
Less Revenue from Licences.. $450 00
Less Registrar's Fees........ 503 65
Total.. • $953 65
Total Estimated Expenditure $60,292 35
To raise this amount will require an
assessment of 2 1-7 mills on the dollar of
the equalization.
Of the amount required for rebuilding
end repairing bridges in the County of
Huron for 1875
Rebuilding Manchester bridge $5,000 00
Rebuilding Fisher's bridge,
W' gh „ . _., ...... 2,000 00
eFeemetnegteett,-;e2W5,6catt. ' ;Rebuilding Exeter bridge.- . 1,180 GO
s g
• RebuidingApproaches to E
a_.eee•i .t
eter bridgev150 00
.- Bridge on McGiliray Town
e • •, : : e3 tsa 0 Line , 275 00
0 5 . ,,
Bridge on Hay and Stephen
,- -
. • - 6'
Boundary .. 150 00
H Bridge on flay and Stanley
Boundary,. :150 00
... , . . • „ . Bridge.at ilenfryn
- 300 00
80 00
. a
. .
:a '4 • .... P
igillEtAltiEggin 5 !
eft r
L.: LC Lo Oa t>7 LC co C>
Floor on Brussels bridge
1 Bridge on North Branch;
' in gham
'Bridge between Ashfield and
Huren , .. • • . • • • 175 00
Bridge between Hallett and
474 00
". eKi Hop
st Bridge between Wawauosh
and Colborne
157 Two bridges on Ashfield. Road
e "0 Port Albert Road,.......
e•.P Bridges on County of Perth
rt• Boundary.
a • Repairing Ben Mi ler bridge..
ltepairing bridge in Howick...
Bridges between V 'est Wawa-
nosh and JCinloes.
Bridges now under repairs...
Repairs to bridges not here
specified . 1;036050 0000
Items paid to this date
d• C.D --J.-3
s-• )-11-1 1--• 0,1-3 Z
.• C) -.3i Z
c11-4 cG r 7.3.;0
ttg"g8-26-2.8§72 el T660E
: •
ri•••A 1-•• 1-•• 1•••, t-• 1.3 0 •
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011i secor ded by
Reeve of Kinloes, and a copy of the by-
law to the Clerk of Brace -Carried.
The Council, on motion adjourned to
_meet on Friday morning.
Firmer, June 25, 1t75.
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
It was
Moved. by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr.
Keys, that 200 copies of the municipal
law,- relating to Voting by Ballot, be
printed, and, s.ent by the County Clerk
to the Clerks of the different municipali-
ties for distribution to the sciveral Re-
turning Officers -Carried:
The report of the Road and Bridge
Committee was read; and after sundry
amendments was -passed as follows :
The report of the Road and Bridge
Committee, After being amended, reads
as follows: It is recommended with re-
ference to, the motion of Mr. Watson, re;
lating to the Henfryn bridge, that the
sum of $300 be granted towards the con-
struction of the said bt dge, on condition,
'11.ovet, ' by Mr. Mu
Aire, Wa, son, that this Co neil do assume
the cont •ol and keepine i repair of all
the Coa ty roads, as t 0 e eame should be
urn er-th sitpervision of tie CoUnty En -
gin er. Lost on a divi io by a majority
of 4. .
eve(Iby _Mr. Lee -ie, seconded by -
Mr Willson, that. the sial sum �f $300
be rant d to the 33d battalion, for. the
an suaj r Re match -C ried.
he f lowing repor of. the Equalize.-
tio 'Co mittee was r ad. The Councils
we It in Committee of the Whole, Mr.
S4nno in the chair when the report.
wa4 dis ussed, and va 'o -tis amendments
to it 'pitopoSeCl by M .1 'Creswell and
others. I All the amen meats were voted
do*n, and the repo was finally sus-
tained without alteration. After passing
the report, the Council adjourned until
, I
en seconded by
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Seertmasst Jane 26, 1875.
The Council met, pursu nt to adjourn-
ent, and was only in session a few
inutes, the 1usinesshaving been princi-
ally got thro igh with. I
Moved by Mr. Strachaa, seconded by
Ir. Shannon, that the Engineer be in-
truded to have the toll houses and gate
•sts removed off' the gravel roads ire-
ediately, as authorized by a minute of
his Council Passed at tliq last December
eeting-Car 'ed.
'r Li T OF co.svi mONs.
-A report 01 a special 4omnzittiee, ree-
mmending t at the Waitden and Clerk
emorialize he Ontario 'Legislature to
llow Coulee to have the lists of eon -
0 1
200 00
250 00
265 00
785 00
50 00
50 00
230 00
750 00
Total .$15,600 00
The Treasurer's estimates of expendi-
ture for the eurrent year, amounting to
$60,293, making ti .e Coanty rate very
nearly 2 1-7 mills on the dollar, have
been considered. The Committee regret
that the sum necessarylo -meet the cur-
rent expenses could not be curtailed.
Though about C„;5,000 less than last year,.
it is yet very large. This is owing, in
part, to the increasing number of boun-
dary line bridges required to be con-
stricted, repaired and rebuilt. It is
feared that, unless the large and expens-
ive bridges be constructed so as to be
more durable, the yearly estimates must
increase rather than diminish. We
would recommend that the Clerk or En-
gineer ascertain whether durable iron
bridges cannot be built at a moderate
cost, and report at the December Meet-
ing of this Council. Believing as we do,
that, had the Manchester bridge been
built in a substantial manner,. it would
have rernained good for several years, we
would therefore suggest that the County
Engineer or some competent overseer,
earefully watch the building of all
1 bridges in every department of the
work, and see that the contractors per.
form their work in a thorough and sub-
stantial Manner.
With reference to the debentures ma-
turing on the 1st July, 1876, for the
gravel road. debt, the Committee rpcom-
mend that the Warden and Clerk be au-
thorized to petition the Legislature to
pass"an act to enable this County to is-
sue new debentnres for the redemption
of those above Mentioned, said deben-
tures to be payable either in England or
in Canada, or a part in each country, in
20 years or some intermediate period.
The Committee Would also suggest that
the Treasurer communicate with the
holders of the old debentureand ascer-
tain whether thy will accept for them,1
at par, new debentures, due in 20 years,'
. . 9B6.
260 71
479 48
118 00
261 66
42 20
9 98
• 12 24
9 12
Total ........ , , , ........ t$9,1op 51
/ewe tellltinta T.
The Council at liaIf-past 9 on Saturday
• morning adjourned to in et on the first
Wednesday in December
' Elgin County has purchased 50 acres
! as a site and a farm for a poor house, at
1a cost of $3,000; the buildings to be lerect-
cd thereon are estimated at $5,000.
1 -One morning latelyit young man
named Moses Stiles was f und dead in an
ice ouse in Tilsonburg. It appears he
canie to town, got drunk, and was help-
ed into the ice house, where during the
night be breathed his laett
-Hall a dozen Port opera, afflicted
with a desire to double their wealth in a
week, went into the recent Wheat "eor-
ner• _in Ghicateo, and came out minus
half a million dollars. They now look
pretty "sick," and it is dangerous to say
"wheat earner" is. their Presence. ,
--There is quite an,' excitement at
Horse Creek, in the township of ?lent-
agenet, about four miles from Ottawa,
over the discovery of a gas spring.
There are no signs of vater, but gas
rushes out with great force from &hole
in the ground. ,Last 1riday, a twelve
feet tube Was inserted a, the gas set on
fire. At last accounts it is etill burning
as when firsb lighted.
' -Three young men named Charles
Hill, John Galbraith and Abner Whiting,
lost their lives by being suffocated in a
well in the Township of West Williams,
near Parkhill, ou SYetiiiesday of last
week. The cause is a tributed to the
plesence of carbonic acid gas in the well.
The circumstances at ndant on the
calamity are coincident ith the Papple
tragedy in Tuckersinith the following
--An experiment is about to be
tried in shipping live cattle from Ontario
The leaders in
fred Reeve and
f Toronto, and
f Ith150° D°hehladilli°trio.
a This will be
e from Ontario,
-enture will no
ave an effect
ock in this
to the English markets.
the enterprise are Mr. A
Mr. G. P. Frankland,
they have chartered. one
Line steamers. to carr
Liverpool at an early da
the firet shipment of catt
and the :result of the
doubt. if successful,
011 the raising of
-A farmer residing near Clayton,
in the county of Lanark amed Whitton,
last week gathea•ed a out a quart of
potato bugs, and without consideration
threw them into the seri I barrel tehere
the pig feed was kept. he pigs were
afterwards fed from the barrel, and in a
short thne two died, hewing strong
symptoms of being poise ed, and as - 110
o ther cause could be ass; ed, it is believed.
the bugs poisoned them. Farmera should
make a note of this, and careful how
they dispose of these pestjs in the future.
-Mr. John Ridley, of he Fourth Con-
cession of Grey, near Trowbridge recent-
ly caught a large lynx, in a wolf trap
that he had set in a swai p. Going out
with his rifle one moraine, he found his
lynxship with his foot ca ght in the trap.
The animal at once showt d. fight, advanc-
ed toward Mr.. Ridley; rheu he sent a
ball through hie head. hen measurecl
it was found to be twe feet in beiat,
and four feet eix inches yin length. it.
very much resembles a tter in color and
appearance. Mr. Ridie3 had previously
found several of his 1 mbs with their
throats cut, on several 4ieasions, and it,
is supposed that the lynx which he
caught has been satiat mg his blood-
sucking propensities on 1 he animals.
-On Thursday aftetin on of last week
a terrific storm of ligh ning, wind, and.
rain passed over the vill ge of Bradford,
doing great damage to iuxnerous
ingot, completely destroying "the Town
Hall, and causing the death of a young
man named A. Wood, besides injuring
several other Grammar School pupils,
who, with Wood, were 4ssembled in the
basement of the Town all, where the
school is held. Very f rtunately there
Were only ten persons 1111 the building
when it fell, otherwise the 1°8134 of lifo.
would have been rnuc1 greater. The
entire roof and one of t e massive brick
walls crashed through t e floor upon the
unfortunate scholars, anl3. it is little less
than miraculons that th d entire company
werd not instantly killed.
-Quite a panic was aused in Fore-
paugh's circus while oi exhibition at
London on Thursday of est week. Very
suddenly, as the performance was at its
height, the air darkened, -the lightning -
flashed, the wind roae, r in fell in sheets.
The canvas was lowere4 to prevent its
being carried off by t e wind, and at
length fell down with a crash over the
menagerie. All at once, terrified by the
storm and the crash, the animals began
to roar in chorus, as if Bedlani had been
let loose, Ladies fainted, children
screamed, and a large number added to
the terror and confusion by rushing for
the doors. All present became soaking
wet. By the great presence of mind of
the keepers, however, in immeelirotely
elosing the ogee and reassuring the peo-
ple, order was restored One lady died
suddenly from the nervous shock receiv-
ed during the panic. Nothing otherwise
serious is reported.