HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-06-25, Page 6F I! - -, .4 . -4v i RON rai(r) S eTO Re Farm_ Notes. An Indiana farmer has been noticing clover for the last five years, and thinks it will not freeze out if not pastured after July. natuealist calculated that two moles destroyed 20,000 wormiiu a year. Evideetly farmers ought to endeavour to multiply these moles rather than kill them. a --Rubbing warts night and morning. with a moistened, piece of muriate of ammonia is said to cense their disappear- ance without pain or a scar resulting, --A sure cure for a sitting hen—put her on live clams instead of eggs. As the clams begin to get warn they open their shells, and the hen don't go on that nest the second time. —A house dog in 'Upton, Mess., had the measles simultaneously with the children of the family, from whom he caught the disease. He was carefully doctored, and was -netting along finely, when one day he slipped out of doors and played in a sn o w -ban k. This indiscretion was fatal. He took cold a,nd died, —The friction of a threshing machine burned a barn last week at Sharon Springs, N. V. "Thar," said, the farmer to hiS progressive sons, as he watched the fiery straws floating o'er his bead, "Thar boys, that's all on !count of them 'ar new- fangled contrivances ! Wouldn't 'a -happened if we'd used flails !" Larrabee, an Illinois farmer's daughter, just missed being a heroine. Seeing her father's barn on fire'she got a pail of water, ran toward theblaze, and —fainted on the way. The barnwas * destroyed, and her father, rating her in- tentions by the low standard other failure, warmed her shoulders with a strap, —A man who was either just getting drunk, or else just becoming sober, in saddling his home got the saddle wrong end formoet, and a neighbor passing by called his attention to the mistake, The horseman gazed at the intruder, as if in deep thought, and then angrily ex- claimed; '‘ You Just let that saddle alone. How do you know which way I am going?' —Charcoal for hogs is frequenty prescribed in agricultural paper without any directions as to quantity. It should not be giVen carelessly and at random. Good fresh charcoal, properly pulver- ized, may be given at the rate of -one tee - spoonful for every 100 pounds of -animal, whatever its (size may be, and"at this rate will dh no harm nor scour the animals, and may often be very useful, —A' writer in the Western Rural says " The all -absorbing question among far- mers is ; 'What branch of farming shall be pursued for profit? The branches of agriculture that have always paid a good profit, and always will, are dairying, wool -growing, and hog -milling." This is a dirclesteanswer, and so far as the writer and 1118.i113r others are concerned it may be correct onough, especially for certain sections of the country, But as a general answer, it will not hold water. Mixed husbandry is what will in the end pay best. The Mennonites, The Mennonites appear to have solved the problem of utilizing the graeshoppers that infest the cornfielde of the W est, They eat them ; and we now lean from Warrensburg, M.o., that the people of that town, follow the example of the new comers, take their grasshoppers regular- ly, stewed, roasted, grilled or raw, and find them delicious eating. Those who hex° 'meted upon the now article of diet say that in appearance the graoshoppet is certainly not more repulsive than the lit- tle ehrimp which lit sold by the pint and loved by the small boy, and, when prop- erly pupped or routed to a eriep, doubt - ,L less it tastes as good as the little macrour- an Arabs and Africans take great de- light in their large and ugly -looking lo cnsts, when they do not 'come in such quantities as those described in the book of the Prophet Joel, and doubtless the American variety is more succulent still, '01 not benig dried and thoroughly dessieat- ed by a tropical heat, At all events cer- tain it is that the bold gourmets of War- rensburg are said to take gleefully to the aeshopper as an article of diet, -and to ; have a natural desire for to see it Mbre extensively used in American cookery. All the more do they wish this because, unless people eat the grasshopper, it has every likelihood of eating them, An en- thurfiastie locuet maeticator ears that, " likethe body of the ant, whence, asis, well-known, ferrule aeid i extraeted, that of the (Vitt Ala contain§ an Wel of excellent etomaehle qualitia, Mashed. and triturated he is a sovoreign remedy r? for gout, diabetes, and consamption ; spread in plaster, he relievee the worst 7ase forms of pleurolnuturnonia ; dried awl g need as a aria, he obliterates catarrh g and cares eiek headache, The medical St1C15 of the capiesee'apeetate are excelled only by those of eucalyptus and eundure ango, _while as a food he is as delicious as ambrosia, and nutritious as pernican. It is a good thing for us, after all, this plague of grasshoppers ,"—American, Pa- per. and gallipots. She is always nten proving that every one- ether h a zo or is taking one ; and she may be sei at night in a flannel (trees nglowei ing from room to r ern wit gr01, mustard -leaves, ar d india-rtilther bottles,—Satarday ?eview, London, 'Ministers that are OvOrfe What is more de eious for a min iter than to accept an i vitationito ia pa 'ah- oner's house, and to sit an hotir or tivo in the evening at the table with a c Ilee- tion of pleasant peo le ? But that is viiat kills ministers. H t waffles, f esh Isns- euit, oysters, and e ild tongue nt 7 o' lock in the evening have given man a,'" man of God " dyspepsia, a dull brain, poor sermons, short pastorate, and arid an oarly decease. Rich and latesupperS are oing a bad work for so e of our beiit el rgy- men, We know of ministerial ,lubs wliere the member assemble Salt relay afternoon to discus religious topics,eery until evening, whe i a surnptu s s • 10 is provided for thorn. s a tonseqi ence they do not sleep well oi Saturday night and the congregation o Sabbath fee° [hat they suppose is he venly pallor on noir pastor's cheek, w en his wife kn w it was hot buscuit at a the evening b fore that did the busi less.- If You vite your minister out ti eat, better hav him at noon .or theme outs ; or, if c lling him to tea, then 1 t it be in the arly 'part of the week, • wing him time t get over his gustat.or1 indu ' enees, The most of ministers ave a p werful ppe- tite for good food, and capacity to aissst temptation in that irection is not o 0 of their strong points !IJ 11 Items from, Olicago, A Chicago cones follovving, in refere and price of livi says ; Laboring me are getting only I work in the Jumbo and in the large pi: Iday; mechatnes go in greenbacks, an him. One or two on the road were went beak to Seal do better there, 1 $8 and $9 a barr 5 cents,a pound, or rent is 'about 21 ti ilton, $25 per mont seven -room cottage hard coal to warm $16 for -a flat of I find as good, else the last year, wage going down, and pr meats having gone about a inonth ago ondent sends u co to the Wages g in that pie , in the froiIit h 1 25 por Y yard at per ning m lls at from $1. 50 u gold nt $1 14 en, when th cut down nd, say ng tthc inter wheut 1, and °atm 10 per barrel, es more than i being the t frame at th t, Veo ltPrdiCrs,t°11nc here for $0, of fakir blitV visionsigoit g p two dentS a 0 A British J Mo The London pap irreclaimable being At one of Moody meetings there wa k -tar- dy, rs tell a story f that he Brit'sh .Tads- Ilar, nd Sa key'e i r eent a great "out I oar- ing,1 1 and after th au ie cc i en all neceasary indi ations of n 1 ol ful state of mind, Mr. , oodY called upoi all those who wished , go to heaven to flee in their places. One after itOot le 'all the pereows present got up 'and 'a.0 nod standing save one Perv'o sail rho obstinately kept li eat,F'id g this obdurate mariner with his eye, . 1r, Moody addressed li m, and d hi if fte ' k go to heaven also, YesYur , ' mi- lt could be possibl he di not eiI ,i to our," responded di k ; " I wisl i to 0 to heaven,' "Then hy d n't ydu rise i with the rest?" "Becate,' e lied Jack, very elowly, and fi rvei 1 jg ihe whole company ith a seratini , ng glance, "because ain't going to li,ip with any such a loo tug crew a this ' the paid He U$08 Bien day, per $2 rein- koft CO WE DEFY rTI.3ADICTION. z , THE M ST IcFr.;uEisrTI.Ait NE V PAPERS IN CAN 134 ASSERT-, AFTER VING SEEN IT, HAT ADAM FonEna aaa's GREAT BH.W es THE LARGEST AND FINEST ME AG -ERIE, MUSEUM CIRCIA . ' EY R BROUGHT INTO CA ADA. READ, RE To the n1iabitant8 of SEA Ritroisb ;County gener d p. On Tuesday, J RIII and : ne 29 Th Exhibitipn popularly kn min_ as the , ORE T F01?EPAUG SHO IF IS TO EXHIBIT A S -p-11A.P 9 IR, Afternoon and Even! rpHE P Clan ing the the prof; erg, to b 0801 th est th t footmen is its tint Throughout the Uni en years, it hail bee ublic, and all emu largest ana finest CI 11 'Menagerie, AXusenni and Circus Coming into your midst as Aran aware hew vttcr1y futile it is fo form any up ion as to the merit s d splay of pictorial bill r is I tion, by i at I ea, and knoiring that the utter°, ouse soisiaioes nllwspapor carries in am, proof of 4110 Morita or aemerits of of a / to an intelligent Person, than all 11 and is posaible tn put out, we corneal! ay tentien t the follewing ohort ext C NADIAN NE'WSP or en 11, d. ei 1-••••• Foolish Mothers. There are frivolpus mothers, and bigoted mothers and fussy mothers and timid mothers and stupid mothers. But, whether a mother be stupid, or coddling, or timid. or fussy, or frivolous the girls are absolutely at her Mercy. It is hard to make a choice . between despotism of the one or the other; but perhaps the greatest trials to young creatures full of life and energy is the tyranny, of the timid mother, She will not allow bey girls to skate because Sir John Franklin was lost among ieebirgs ; nor to ride, be- cause fox-hunters sometimes get their neck e broken ; nor to row, because young men injure themselves in those dreadful ooat races. They may not have a pet dog. in ease it should go mad ; nor any aeanite or monkshood in their gar- den, for fear they should poison them- selves. The timid mother forbids her daughter to visit amongst the poor, as they might take small -pox, and will not allow one Of them to sec) alone outside the avenue gate from her dread of pr. roters. The description which she gives of the neighboring fields is appalling. She represents them to be the lairs of mad hulls, savage tramps, venomous snakes, and wild horses. Her girls can- not propose either word or play which she does not prove to be encompassed with claimers horrible and hitherto un - thought of. In their childish days they were not allowed a rocking -horse for fear it should over -balance, nor a -swing in awe the rope might break, nor a pocket knife less they should ent their fingers, The coddling mother is very nearly allied to the timid one, She 18 always tying comforters around her ehildren's throats, and applying flannel to mysterious places where it will not stay. She revels in chest-proeters and respirators, and her room is adorned with sticking -plaster • '0 NITS EXCELSIs R EGMO.N.DI LE, 0 IMPORTANT OFA 171271'18We ,SUCCe88 Sinceta T)0 you want Al Flo and; gdo1cl yh -a-' give no a cell, and i every o40 antis guaranteed. With all t e iatst knd proved machinery, we def.. cornsictit on. CRISTINC AN C' Done at once, and every e ort will! first -claws s tisfactio' TRY OUR FAMO 8 X FLOUR, BRAN, ),S71ORTS, CRO AP Delivered to any part of Seaforth, Egmondville free of charge. All Orders left 1st Mr. UM Seaford', will he prom ly attend d to, M. CHAR WOR H & 03 Garden 1ty I .1 N. t.—Agents for the Purifier. , appearar.ce in oti &atm dui. - Considered by oraent manag- tabination or it& the world. Ors, and fully the public to lot an exhibi- , programmes, of one 0011' ro convinein g Exhibition, how billa it aak your ra- ts from a few rEns ed induenee -Forepaugh and 10, and itor of that of the gi4w.to4 respectability, este and acknOwledged probity. The Or Show exhibited at Toronto, Juno after viol tngi it, time wiiteo the E truly grei t ark geed newspaper, th 0011ONT0 -61-LOB.4] Our el ize4s ley some thno havi been on the tip -too o exPeetation for the cor ng of Fore- paugleo rand Menagerie, Cireno az World -won- der Exp sitqw, Now that it has rrived in the city, tiler Is but no general oxpr siou of opi- nion giv n thoee who have viol it as to the excellene of the whole show, Pr 1 CERTAINL Y TUE BE.81 THiAT LIA$ EVER. VISITED r!ORONTO. Thuzi a calls the rOlIONTO MAIL ) Mr. Fo opaugh certainly conduct his business upon a go ennui volley, and we feel arranted in roeonmei din hint and his mishap, la as gentle- men who airnj to please and give to nr pen* a verylrg amount of instruetion an amusement for a sm 11 eonolderation. They vo our boot W1/41100 1 1100088, and we elwerf »y commend 1118 Exhi Akre to the patronage of all, and AS. SURE T 1EI TiaT IT EXI1713 Tfi ALL IT ADVERTISE IT IS ENT JtELY FREE FROM 8 NOLE OBJECTION BLE FEA- TURE, AND BY FAR THE MOST GIGANTIC, ATTRACinv AND MAGNIFICEN JLY EQUIP- PED MYNA ERIE, MUSEUM A D CIRCUS THAT HAS EVER I3EEN DROU FIT INTO CANADA Read what 6 maid of it by the [TORONTO LEADE t.] We can azzaure all our readers t t, in magni- tude and mer,t, Fompaugh's Grea t embination far surpa oeo any Menagerie, Museuz and Cireno Exhibition ever exhibited in Caned ), or for that matter in anj country, and it can le visited by the most ofinkid and religious pool le, w ith the utmost pr Kitty, Utteran e o4 the [L'ORONTO LIBEILA For0P411 OYU scen ovoryboily gotten, n000/113 Irre h's ig4ticou& Show i U MOIY04 great WO 00004 With romps AC....11:1291,--,7,— • ‘1 the lergest Ivraise, and -*Ws aggro- the,.stalnialliaeut eXhib1 4 et Moo. eationa of ealOgistie •natter we extract ths foitswing from the [HAMiLTON 81ECTA1 OK) Th revieW, 14 it be said that Adorn Ferepangh's Aggregation fai ourpalemo any oirni * organiza- tion that has yet Aided Canada, I embodfea all the eleirilenita that could possibl Make np a whole world nton el limited scale. be man who possesoeiz the e orgy to put such an Xhibition on wheels DE Elt1 .8 TNE ADMIRATION ND PATRON- AGE OF TYIE ANADIAN PUBLIC, t113 it is to be hoped his one through the Domini it will be as great a tri ph as his snceesa here w sOld indicate. And the °Bowing is from the 114MILTON TIME, ] Yesterda mbrning, as we annon ieed in last evening's p pezi, Forepangh's Aggregation arrived in this city and twe performances w ie given on the Wells d Street Commons, aft 4rnon and evening, t 0 tots on each occasion ing crowd- ed. It is eertailnly the best Menageri and Circus which has iervlsited Hamilton, an lin eonnee- tion there's ith is a Museum of Meeha iCalCuriosi- tiea, the lik Which were never he oire seen in Canada. The City f 81. Catharines was the first place in Canada 'sited by the Great Fore a gh Show, and the d y after the Exhibition t o following was the recOrded opinion of it in the [ST. CATHA.RINES -N 0 WS.] There ,newer hu been a tented bition in this town that lints given onch general siatisfaction as Forepau 'a. We commend it to t4 patronage of the peoi le throughout Ontario, a nkl will add that, dnrin all our onrualistic expo 'ee, Fore- paugh's 0,bIxratioi1 is the first and • 'ly exhibi- tion of the dn that not only setup xhibits all it advertise , b t goes far beyond, a proziento hoot of att act ono hardly alluded to its adver- tisement. Not to see this great sho io to miss the opportnnity, of beholding the on 21DEST AND GREATEST EXILIBITION OP THE INETEENTH CENTURY. This was sai4l of the Great Forts by the [ST. CA gAruNEs JOUI NAL.] It combines nstnietiou with plea n!re, and as there is notIdni of an exceptionable haraeter 14 be seen in tiny Part of the Great 8 , all can patronize it sally. To our brethren the press throughout the PITefinee WE CAN C COMMEND FOREIPA1.10018 SNOW AS Z T4E ressozsa AND BEST TLAr tTAS EVERVISITED TO angh Show '140 THE I.. ADIES. McINTYRE & WLItLIS BEG least° to call your attention to their largo andwekl sole ALS, DUTTON BOOTS, GAITERS, SHOES AND SLI BRANCH Mill) LUCCA DUTTON SHOES, TIES AND EMP $N GIRLS' AND CHILD EN'S WEAR We have a meat variety of all kinds of Ties, Ankle Straps and lippers. These Goods are from the best and mot fashietutblemakers in the Dominion, and eann t fail to give satisfaction. Cash Purohascrs will be allowed a Diseount of fiom 5 to 10 Per C irk McINTY_R,E & WIILLIS, Main-sti, Sea orth.. - ed Stock of PRUNELLAS, BALMOR- PERS, and eopecially te the LONG SS SLIPPERS. 7, You ace three CroWf4 upon the tree, Observe their Ilats-.-tbey don't agree, The Nice Hat, one said to the others; What m kes you look so Bad, my brothers? Oh dear, they cried, as team they shed, We feel, vo know, we were misled, Webong ttheoe hats,and thought them right, Comarek1 with ;roam they look a fright ; 011, tell is where, dear crow, togo To get;a hat like yours, you know, A hat that Attlee, anais the style, To dry our tears and make us smile, With gladdened heart this good crow said: 'You have indeed boon sore misled, Tata snaps 1 know below the heavens, Is theCash etore—$IeT Three Sevens. No raore oiled tears, go get a hat, , Be ha y, laugh and then grow fat. • A. G. MoDOUGA#LL & Co., SIGN OF THE 777, SEArORTH, NOTED' FOR STYLISH HATS, CAPS, TIES AND SOARFS. No ping ono el the Largest, Choicest, and BeA Stocks of Cloths West of Toronto . IN ALL THE NEWEST MAKES. All Oa mita Manufactured on the 'twills s and Fit Guaranteed or No Sale, 1111ONSIIIIIINIMIIIIIPIPPINIM1111111611, ME IZZEPORT.A.1\TT SRS. BEATTY itic CO Aro Retir Wren] the Retail Trade in Seatorth, having made arrangements for starting in the WITOLESALE BUSINESS IN TORONTO, ilea will therefore offer (rein this date the'whole Of their urge Stook of DRY GOODS AT AND BELOW COST. Sto As their erten This Is a Rare Chaise° for portion req ng Dry Goods, as their k is all Fresh, and Nea y all Staple Goods, And must be cleared FIRST cDP on by entente require them to remove to Toronto at that date. The Public may Open on this Sale being GENUINE, as the Goods Must be Sold at Whatever Sacre Before that Date. CALL EARLY AND 8EC4/RE BARGAINS. !a BEATTY it Co. parties indebted le the firm tither by book Seeetint or note v114)1088 oil and settle the sarae. 0EA BARCiAIN COUNTER WHICH WAS SO SUCCESSFUL AT KIDD'S EMPOIUUM Laet Seam is Su Full Blast again, and mare Attractive than ever. Every Lad within a distance of twenty-five railes from Beate h should not miss seeing the New and Elegant Stock a 'MILLINERY AND MANTLES AT SILKS AT KIDD'S EMPORIUM AND DRESS GOODS KIDD'SEMPOJLUUM. Alb ons and Laces KIDD'S EMPORIUM. HS1 .RY AND GLOVES 5 AT KIDD'S EMPORIUM. S AND COTTONS A'r KIDD'S EMPORIUM, LACE CURTAINS AT KIDD'S RIPORIUM. dIL0LOTH8 AND CARPETS AT KID) 8 EMPORI M. READYMAliE CLOTHING AT IDD'S EMPORIUM. HATjS AND OAPS AT MD'S EMPORIUM. 000 AND SHOES AT DD'S EMPORIUM, GROCERIES, WINES, 471? LIQUORS AT 14D3YS EMPORIUM. Erery Depaitraent is well stsseked with New and Sesesmitalble 6•41641k, width are at the issavriess VAS& Prieelt Elk (Mit ie Tenses. ' 1110/WAS • My vug ' the eri upolt, cliilibing boys, token iii that thistda.oetlagftrerca:ailnaw6lhvelli.e!alg!,:' :id. the masters, i nun'eneed. i wft:surfar:dnl'asiliax thlf, el' The hour gh"-onerst'alloYf s-wixo-rk-"in-12 There were instances of five, and even 1 fhuinee Iltlinallttehre Ls-to:rote: fwroentre tfivroemiveeitoghtoitox. I teen, work beginning at 4 o'clock, 3 and een2irithexma7ming, Six,tythz:t- jtesswceeneotfronialitof:ngiudi,thirtyhreebf,witomvre1 waster steeps. Then follewec.1 the mode ' af doing i it. OF the training, Mr. Ku of Nottingham, a Master sweep, Raid :. ! 4. No onelknowe the cruelty which a boy I him to undergo in learning, The 'flesh. ! must be hardened. Thie must be done i by rubbing it, chiefly on the elbows and knees, with the Strongest brine, close by a not fire. You must gaud. over thenv with s, ci.tte, or eloa,x'th in by- a promise I of a haltenny, tea if t.hey will stand a ; few, mora rubs. At first they will corn back froA. their work : streaming wit blued, and the knees' looking es if the - emihad*enP,u4elPla1ri..14theYlusst her%beedwithbriieag4in"Thefol- l°7ga7ril11!)siatilel°nise0rs,:"1:so7„ulthItwshurl lies:tateS°eewlretnta:py tofm41;:pftnarpen sayamaeeeeep, Ii '"a boy is gloomy 1 thehraovafge eh° Pt 1 e3 rxe' r °s. jrhoobus doY: ii,.ie 4,' as til ti x 40 :eile: sane apAt ;Y:eui, -', could, yen must ill-treat him somehow,i evrthinithh:eghr, eive.t4ttahvistehesrue' enremead;beliior::nalcorughslethin,e0akesreentetnit ' 1 so strong: against boys feel.* o p i and bet*Ilielnave rtkdhefbiitggerst4trYpabGerrt oYfIwthwe' i sweeps ifi.;the town haveIthe,tusamettotto. Tinhaoti .r. enitgliellytalmaswifinegteif :atrhewiletghl*YR-1124 lant—i. e,, a 1 by a blow from. young Ash two that is ea ple and. will .1 not ,break-.wheni I was:, E years om 3 it was out to the bone, w tete had to be 1 d to heal the wbuxid. - I have I se , . i mar, of naill boot. &e., on other 1 parts.'" j Mr. S ranifield, another achild you eine8 m terwilitusewee7, ,,, isoaiiedn: e cli : • I think pi it, I have abedla wraiwth; I now when my knee 'land elblowe and tile inside of my rifted," Andthet Said ; "At th'st tbey wiil 001110 back frona their 1wrk kneeand knees nieeokstreang at ifg thc ea, , pulled off, Tlrea Or ' Y -,in withisrhie again, once to another eleiinney. en I have heard that thel flesh bo Sallarteadelloter Yofear4the" C‘om4 ilmi°isstuilodnels, about eight, in the marlick, who had run - away freini eon4 place of correction. - Part of the kmie cos got tem off, the - gristle all showed whitee and the guiders (tendons B all aroma Were like white : string, on an imi tion Of white cotton. 111ho 01titon e . h he I Hered. ith 80! was waiisyb den his kie made of f' old u7.k", 1 o ' purpose,sun W• the e theta, rikleciulekilffsrli—iwtalliigeas_ ll. I raYselfel' says 4110tiler4 8'lhavd kelt" 24114 I had to Stand an re id bai ie its a four 'tours Ilt51 a chimney, when. he I bubewastwisowsosoottettilit itesj:letito.obbasittmldioi.cosftoctuaurecoinadouLelleleini; heart ache to kw tile* woi, even , when I Ivies whati. you may cell a party • to it. Int learning a chid," goes on, "yon. can't be soft with him, you use vio ce," 'The Virldtew Caboeheael," I - At the .PercelalChaise' Cemetery, nea Paris, there Statute in a`eonspictions po- sition a !splendid montiment to Pierre Cabdeliard, grocer, with a pathetie in- scription Which el/otes thus t a His incon- solable widow dedicatesthis monument to his memory, andemitinues lit thesame business it the old stand, 141; Rue Monf- fetarel,"A Parisian paper relates -that a short, time ago a gentleman who had .no - teed the above inscription. WAS Why en - le widow Clabocha tely riosity to a the "id Raving eXprese s: the ushered into thc reseiiceof a bly j &wind. abil full - whet wee the 0/ ject of h14 visit. "1 game to ime the id. " VW.% sir, bete s e don/ but t wish ti' to the relict of thsi la e:ite,rYbr: whonaneument 1 SVtv' iestetelay Chafee," ,see, I sece" Emitting Iliejoindere "Allow me to Inform you that Pierre dabochardisa myth, and thereforeInever had a wife. The tomb you have: admired cost me a good deal of money, quite a einall fortune indeedeand, althouglyno one is buried there, it proves a first-rate advertisement, and I have no - cause to regret the expewse, Now, Sir, what cani I sell you in the way of gre. eeries ?" i A Peculiar Caeaa. A London phei ician has a ease Is witb- ont pi-tee:dent, t e cause of which he is -unable tei eliseov r and Which. baffles all his skilL ,Natura l'y he weiteil to the Lone don Lanaet &l bon it. Thehis The case is , ' as he steles it ; " MrS..1 with a large family, suffersfrom die affection of the lOWIF jaw. without any warning whatever, beeom fixed, w, that With all my strength a e,ouId not open if, The, husband is the only one who cart do so, 1 and I have seen him perspire befere he sneeeedecL" The physiciae. says he has tried everything mahe reakanbtiheicastikeo,f, both internallycrnally and ex- ternally, but all a vain. it Le a very re= cases, we are ne of the most remark-- ee ;There have been able we ever h taaatbincluoliir'viwgoafeasbtrarffi:ainetorniliimgryiolwYwso'e' has eeee-V4L1 4,111haei 17sPahica8twillie7diele:::tatstwilffeow-u: e trcngth of . andwws oll'oefr4 olleeedtesellyninittis: in oile0Y,efohe:neli) eubannie Is , t'-liebtreee 1)%nise hueniallextvor st.op ilLie to preeerthe f h 4sweraP"ruftodhe T'hea before it. able 4 paekree, but 'make ic affeetion men who would be yi1hn to exchange the spaemodte af- feetipn which u-efixea the wife's lo jaw. for Airs, J.. 'e disease which fixes Doubtleas: , too, there are husbands if their iives were overtaen by a spas- modic afIectiou ixing the 1owr iaw