The Huron Expositor, 1875-06-18, Page 6s imisminaniiimmammismommer FarCl Notes. Wheat is ripening rapidly in Texas, and Dallas County fariaers will soon commence harvesting. --A throe -fourth -inch round belt, run- ning in properly grooved pulleys, will convey the same power as a two-inch flat belt. —Of the 2,000,000 shoe eyelets daily used in the United States and Canada, nearly one-half are manufactured by one firm in ,South Abington, Mass. They employ about thirty hands in the busi- ness, —•AA dark houseis always an unhealthy, an ill -aired house and a dirty house. Want of light stops growth and promotes scrofula, rickets, &c., among the child- ren. People lose their health in the dark house ; and if they become ill they'can- not get well in it. --A circular saw requires one horse power for every seventy feet of lumber• cut per hour. . Periphery of the saw should run 6,000 feetper minute. A thirty -home power driving a saw of four feet diameter 500 revolutions per minute will cut 2,000 feet of barrels in an.hour, when in good order. ----A country youth who desired - to know how to became rich sent a quarter in answer to an advertisement, and. re- ceived the following, valuable recipe : "Increase your receipts and decrease your expenditures. Work` 18 hours a day, and live on hash and oat -meal L..To raisea colt by hand : Ifthe colt -is Very young and a suckling, it must be taught to dunk milk just as a calf usual• ly is _. Sweet cow's milk only should be given,'as freshly drawn as possible. The colt may be gradually taught to eat a little tender grass, finely -cut new clover hay, with some boiled oat -meal or linseed tea mixed with it, As soon as the colt is able to eat well, hay and chopped oats with linseed mealand wheat bran may be given, The difficulty is in teaching the young creature to drink, and per - has a ,tin can, with a long spout having a cloth • tied around it will be found use- ful for it to suck milk from until it learns to drink. if diarrhoea occurs, a little prepared chalk should be given in the milk or food. 'l'he, following horse talk is, at least, rational and worthy of consideration : "Suppose you were in the harness, .and I were in the wagon, I had the whip and you the traces, what an ardent advocate ou would be for kindness to the irra- tional creation l Do not let the black- smith drive the nail into the quick when he shoes me, or burn my fetlocks with a hot file, Do not mistake the dead eye'. that nature put on my foreleg for a wart to be extinguished, Do not cut off my tail short in fly -time, Keep the north wind out of our stables. Care for us at some other time then during the epi - wages, iso that we niay see your kindness is not selfish. My dear friends our inter- ests are mutual. I am a silent partner in your business. Under my sound hoof its the diamond of national prosperity. Beyond my nostril the world's progress may not go. With thrift and wealth and comfort, I daily race neck and neck; Be kind to me, if you want me to be useful to you,,, Use_fui Recipes for the Shop, th . Household and the Farm. According to Fielding, a heauti orange yellow tone, much admired in cheat at the Vienna Exhibition, may imparted to oak wood by rubbing it in warm ronin with a certain mixture, un it. acquires a dull polish, and then co ins it, after an hour, with thin polis and repeating the coating of polish improve the depth and brilliancy of t: tone. The ingredients for the rubhi mixture are about three ounces tallow three-quarter ounce wax, and one pin turpentine, mixed by heating togethe stirring. The following is said to he all there i of the cook's secret for producing thos world renowned potatoes served a Moon's Lake House, Saratoga Springs every summer Peel good-sized potatoes and slice them as evenly as possible drop them into ice water. Have a ket tle of lard, as for fried. cakes, and ter y hot. Put a few at a time into a towel, shake them about to dry there, and then drop into, the hot lard. Stir them occa- stofrally, and when of a light brown take them out with a skunmer, If properly done, they will not be at all greasy, but crisp without and mealy within,. A French journal says that, of the score of tire -proof corn;pbsitions that have been brought forward within as many years past, there is scarcely one that possesses superior, or even equal adap- tation, to the purpose, to the following : Dissolve in cold water as much pearl ash as it is capable of holding in solution, and wash or daub with it all the boards, wainscoting, timber, &e.; then, diluting the same liquid with a little water, add to it such a portion of fine yellow clay as will make the mixture of the consis- tence of common paint, and then stir in I a small quantity of paper hangers' floiir paste to combine both the other sub- stances. (rive three coats of this rnix ture,. and when dry apply the following composition'; Put into a pot equal quan- tities uan- tities of finely pulverized iron filings, brickdust and ases, pour over there size or glue Svater, set the whole near a lire, and, when.' arin, stir them well together. With this liquid composition or size, give one coat, and on its getting dry give a second coat. It resists fire for five Hours, and prevents the wood frons ever bursting into flames --that is, it so resists the ravages of 'fire tts at most only to be red ced,e,a�to' coals, or embers, without' sspreacliig the conflagration by addition- al flames, 'it is found that a quantity equal to twenty pounds of finely sifted yellow clay, a pound and a half of flour for making paste, and one pound of peari ash is sufficient to prepare a square rood of deal boarclss. Mr. James Hinton, in his Phl,$log,,, affirms that the passage of the ear does not require cleauing by us. Nature un- dertakes that task, ami in the healthy state fulfils it perfectly. Her means for cleansing the ear is the wax, which dries up into thin scales, and peels -off and falls away imperceptibly.. In health the pas- sage of the ear is never dirty, but an at- tempt to clean it will infallibly make it so. Washing the ear oat with soap and water is bad ; it .keeps, the �s-ax moist when} it aught to become dry and scaly, and Makes'et absorb dist. ]Jut the most hurtful thilig is the introduction of the corner of a towel screwed up and twisted around, This proceeding irritates the passage,. and presses down tI'e wax and tiakee of skirl upon the membrane of the tympanum, producing pain and $i iflam. ration and deafness. `Washing should only extend to the outer surface, as far as th finger can reach. An ink composed of copper, one part dissol ed in ten parts of nitric acid, ten s ful a be a til at - h, to he ng w, s e t L N k n t3 ITOR. parts water bein_ useful for marking labels. A simple mode warm weather is. containing it a lar glazed earthenwsi Wrap a wet cloth vessel, and place It is a draft of air. I Rate detest cbio tar. White horn but imitate mother -of. in a saturated sa and then laid in vp acid. To extract rust the article to he cle half: an ounce- of cy' a wine glassful of j and dirt disappear.l of a tooth brush of cyanide ot pq whitening and wade For silvering met of silver, ten par thirty parts cretin used.. Moisten th when ready to a einem. FARM BUILDINGS Earn buildings does in the materials of as in the use materials. Us efu made of logs or prai coarse hay ; . and, t rangement, may be ful a purpose as paint or pressed br are warmth, dry for food is wasted era in its stabler or juredby. " damp til farmer who is th small things as this, important than it ap to be .a careful, t and by, will be able all the improve he properly, too. TT care ;of the small : t nide will takear applicable to matte barn yards especiall things are well wa, not forgotten.. rwarJ adde is in or,l zinc p t eeping butter in o=t ovr the dish owert or un ,rock, rinverted, nd t e covering holo Where there of lime and coal . ns may be made to r by b ing i boiled on of ou ar of lead di ute h droehloric -stee , immerse ct in a.' iution-of e of pe taws um'to er until t o rust n clean_ by means paste composed m, Cu tile. soap; n parts itrate mmon ea t. and tartar ay be der With water Beie itfi ' Am- -- he excell ce of ot consist so much is the are built m de f those b ildipg may be ds,or. pol s and by acillful ar- to serve as use - res 1M beer and k.° The Main points nd ventilation ; en an animal C shiv- he itshealth is in h, or bad air. A gh ful about such Ith a ugh this is more ea s, may be taken nifty man, who, by build a barn with to, and to build it old proverb, "Take ins and .the large of theme elves," re a out f" rnrb and hen the small d .large; ones are A T 0 1 0 ell 2 1 rr irsn i HALL k PAV + Y , SE40rola s, Pt ro c tTi EXCELSIOR MI EGMOND MLLE, Uh T. t IMPORTANT TO FARIV EF S: Immense Success A$tnce &mean DO you want. A 1 Floor yid good yi1ld, I 1 80 give us a call, and in tory lease Helaine ion guaranteed. With all the latest and Most im- proved machinery, we defy a rnpetitlon. CRISP -NO AND CHOPP NC Done at once, and every effort will bo neat to lave firat-ola814 satisfaction. TRY OUR FAMOUS XXX FLOC FLOUR, BI?AN, . ,SFIOR2'$ OJJ S F, AND FAE Delivered to any part of Soa art/ . Harpui hey lid Egmondvillo free of charge, All Orders left at JU r. I1.11.'14 site a'eaforth, will be Aron ptl attended to, • M. CHARLESWORTH l C r . N. 13.—Agents for th 0 rden;. City l� iddl1 Purifier. • . s THE KNAB PIA' . . THE Groat Piano of Ai Jeri urn and Europee. TI e ahoseu to grace the fialond of the wealthy and titled, and to charm the air les of thepultnrcd who gather there, leaving th noted Apositles ;of the Piano,' such as Tht.lbo ;, G. in:chalk,=Mar- montol, Lucca, I{ellogg,. dub nate n,- &e.,, cnraC1-, turotl'with these nimbi sstr see ts. I THE STODA - PIAN0 THEnE never was a poor StodartPlano' ;nada, and none was ever known to _ be roto ed or exchanged for any other, be auso they vo al- ways been bought by disc rim noting buyers, and in the history of Piano mulch g l todart is know as one of the greatest work,, en inventors th&Lt evor lived."--M,NNrx a. ; MARSHALL & WEN E14. PIANO..�,, P EMAItKABLE for standing in tune.Ann+ amount of durability. Beautiful touch, M chum size.Low in price. Fully Warrantee Matehlosss tong. Light & Ernst, Roge 8, $e tzman, ace., On hand or to eider. SIMMONS & CL l UGIT RGANS. NOT only the prettiest or n i" the. nited M Statesbin! , but the HEST all' binconsidered.—MUSICAL. GEM. ! /�� �1 'S ORGANS. pn ty of tone. 'Thor - an great beauty and. Eo ine, vote Hu.nana� Al'll CO.* y c6 8211 II,. T. rent , 872-52 , OA E .IGEN' 13. GEORGE WOODS & I..WEMARKAI3LE for the ough Work and Finish variety of their Solo Stops and Piano. • THE CANADA. In'Stockin LESLIE; SKIM? 28 Yong° Stree ORE t BA CAI W OE Wit so sv KI Last Every from D Seid8o L Sea A SILK 4 in Attra lywi Nina orth haulc a dEl INF�R1f EM SSFUL AT ORIUM Full st again, and more tive than ever. distance not nil gent s AND r KTDD'�3 EM AND f twenty-five smiler s seeing the New ek of MANTLES RWM. DRE "8 GOOD A KIDD' EMP r RIUM. Ribbons an HO Al. KIDD'S EMP ERY AND KIDD'S EMPO PP I r8 AID C Laces RIUM, LOVES IUM. TTONS T ,K1DD'S'IEMPO 1,IUM, LACE CUJR EMPO • OYL L ►THS AND '1, :ID] AINS IUM. Al PETS 'S TEMPO IUM. READM DE! OL THING IDD'S EMPO e IUM. AICD i APS IIDD'S IMPOR UM. BO 8 AND S OES II)i 'S 1 MPOR UM, GRO &RIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS A�IK Every Del sued Seas at the L•1 Times. DD'S EMPORIUM. aitnient is well stocked with New asable Goods., which are marked wee• Cash Prices t• swig the THOMAS KIDD. Ill CPORTA.. IsTOTI 4 M. SSRS. BETTY Are Retiringfrom:the Retain Trade in Seaforth, WHOLESALE BUSI They will therefore offer frons this dat ring made arrangements for startingin the ESS IN TORONTO, t he whole of their Large i3took of R iY GOODS AT Al+�l) BELOW This is a Bare Chance for parties S`tbek is all Flesh, and N And must be ale E FIRS' OF As heir arrangements require them to remove to T on this Sale being All .oOde Must be Sold at Whatever requiring Dry Goods, as heir Cod rly all Staple Goods, out by N oto at that date. Then ?Ogle may depen INE; as the . ucr five Beor Asst Date, CALL EARLY AND SECURE BAR AINS. rties indebted to the Arm either by book acoonn BEATTY & Co. r 'note will please call and ottie the same. You See three crows upon the tree, Observe their Hats --they don't agree, The Nie Hat, one said to the others ; Odt m key you look so sad, my brothers ? ear they cried, as tears they shed, We f el, we know, we were misled, Web ng t these hats, and thought them right, It d with they loop a fright; 0 , yours, , tbii us Where, dear crow, tp go NOTED All f 7 o get a hat likeyonrs, yoti know, hat that shines, audit; ti>le style, o dry, our tears and make as smile, th gladdened heart this kood crow said • , have indeed been sore misled, t plane I know below thie heavens, the Cash Store--p/gen Three !gores's. more shed tears, go ge a hat. o happy, laugh and then sow fat. A. G. McDOUGALI & 0 SION OF THE 777, S FOR STiYLISH HATS, 0, Itcejing one of the Largest, Choicest, and Bost St AFOETH, • 8, TIES AND ISOARFS. oks of Cloths West of Tironto IN ALL THE NEWEST MAKES, Garments Manufactured on the Premises d Fit Guaranteed a: TO T H E L McINTYRE & BEG leave to Pell your attention to iiheir large and Ira se ALE, BUTTON BOOTS GAITERS," 8HOES AND 8 BRANCH AND LUCCA BUTTON SHOES, TIES AND E 1 We have . area best and Moat; Cash Pu GIRLS' AND CHID. variety of all kinds of Ties, Ankle Straps au �eliienable makers in theDominion, Andes ebaeere will be allowed a Dizcoun MCINTYRE & WIL. DIES.I ILLIS No Bate,. tett Stock of PRUNEL4AB, HALMBB- E PERS, gand eapeeialiy to their fN4 ZIPPERS. EN'S WEAR Slippers. These Goods are from fail to give satisfacti of from 5 to 10 Pe ' Dent, S, Main -stn, eafoIrth. • THE undersigned world eall the attention ei tee • nblic to t' a followingiacts, That he fa nows- •g' H MLO K LUMBER M frtitu " 015arerthetaratal, He luts als • agreat quantity of P �'3, OM" 13U TERNU'I BA,SW SW OD; MAPLE AS, 0 K AND ELM, Alll:of which w be sold at Low Prices. Will purcha BUILDERS well to Min lug elsewher Baum er the piaci:14i miles north of Seaforth GOVENLOCICS RAM MI IS, WINTHROP. of Seat rth. nib at the vwxa. rBrA MILLS, Smiles north C4ris mg an Flouring Mills Is /IOW drug a good business as the mill la )1818 atulhaving procured he services a cr.; R. ARLISLE, Miller, have no hes tstion In saying that the best of satiefsetion w be given, There above articles assorti DRY GE n• eap, w re kept of OODS, ROCERI FLO Prices as Jo* as any z A. acres clea ed, a good half mile om the gra ERAL. ha supplyof the folknwing qtly on hand, A large. lionse west of Toronto. Farm for sale cheep, 130 e barn and stablel one I mild. 888-12 AND HURON WoRA S. - MARBLE (Lae Hainiltoni) Would intimate to thei numeronafriendsand the general pa'blie that t • are prepared to fill all orders for I 1[011111110441., • Table Tops Work of he beet fityl and art, And cannot be surpassed n this o Ontario. Calder's !old Stand, oppositaMeCallunes Hotel, Main Street, 13eaforth. MOO THE,, PLACE. COME A SMILING FACE " Stand, -which h ve entirely renovated, aid having procured no* in truments, are prepared To '-ive Rat action' to Ail, Thanking t e public for heir very liberal patron- age in the 1st, we invit all to call and sea our -New Iloom , where we ill always be found, and 8130 -mon' egg 4railveh the wooi a single Brit ill tO be foul arse awl the ate a e unknown; is -still More extraordinary, peei sea. as Stags aandlantelopes, are II It is true that there arei. la cattle,whie4 constitute, the lee !Malagaches, as the lie- ne rted. probably from the son of Aim, Tins ispecies is rOna r-om its 'boss or lOmp ox fat On nd is strikinelif beautiful whe 13 fat—i, common feettire a those Ole Ty'.-antatiorlis ; but these are ART° to hate all escaped frean vessels, Ana -0 be ?ndigenious to the island. • -eirer, 'replaced by the ,lentn,e—gra Thera' Js a great r nee in th y leap th • tt-r imaniont's th astonishment an . tion of the viaveler„.1frOm the i ng snont and. tai prefers frait • d; but i ' bject to creek bird, a 1E or , inseets, Th habits ; while Short Irawa the light, and t:el Moordi. among liza 31 ORE & pAmPBELL. EG ORIUM. The sub riber here thanks his attiaerous customerw( enhants and others) for their liberal patronage 4 ng thepait seven years, and hopes, to merit t fr confidence and trade in thefuture. leeatly enlarged bit premises, during :the winter, is now preparedto pity the HKIHEST CASH :PRICE at the EGO EMPORIUM, • Main Street, kleaforth. ' Wanted b the subscriber 28 tons of good dri sztronr ,Itarch 18, 1874. 828 'MR WHI,TNEY WISHES inform her -customers and .0thers i Tx that e has removed her tin shop to at _ Premises la ely °coupled by Massre. Logan -it 10einieSom he hat; nowl on hand An :13001812841 OtAll kinds, hieh will be disposed of at her env ternary low es. MI:LK CANS.- ' Parties in want of Milk axis can be sunned la spay extent at _ , E88 'CHANGE. TRU XS' AND VALISIA And great v les a Immo, which Are EN To all who get a lair s 889 RE SATISFAMIQN tronize them, / trust that they Mit e of the business done in Torn- attit that the d ista h aps off ag t are small The by a for f small are diurnal in ea thirogales, posses pointed, feetht shun . they make great hs,v small game, • These i US Mani sped. do t elsekvli re, but the n and tie Co o Islands,. ' In the mo solifer', pa west ;legion li es that Mai gent' and • it an e mous ail, and anostextr forma i n of the fore paws - the 'finger being long and sleL.der. Thi n the truaks of trees, ti linger ean eahily be iintmduced into ti with sunersilitions dread of tile anim The .tlegachles seen' he inapressr owing to Its sreeping all the day in_ A most secret Iliannts ; nor -do they ev, molest it, astenithe,d as they seem -to 1 by its peculialr physiognomy and litiOV mental. a peculi r to th0 island, which are call( they re coy-Oed with spines b . 4. teeth differ and the . il is wan 10 but h. e the earl bet4en their ipae when righten d. Seven or eight speei4 in th spines some being soft and /14 coveri g the h.ole of the body.- They. 2) good hen -co ke,d. As for the careivei they beloip to 4 y small ty The Wild cat a_ pee creatarei baek lis fawn celore versed by foi stripes of red ish 13r and' yellowii shaded skin, also gai admiration - the tri3,veler 3 it is a ea, animal to s feet f+rnied li e these of a bear, the e: tire se!e'restin .i on the ground, No oth exam le of a plantigrade animal Theimaske wild boa , which is sti only Mammife met. ' both: in re, "the hig wit rik, low bae "it theljaiy, wifich he face of tl low tr" bats e the lis the rri Yet they tan tern, She e islandl It is ha speci with rorize 11 like ls, hi Vie es, I nee I know er blending! with 'air will e win in s head, had co 1 feet distinguishedfamen pfealso tiVar Oa' feet, It a-uns Tho sae ibis a won larm hidden