HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-06-11, Page 7_iii 87.5. esmommormoo. JJM BER S. 'ion ha is LUMBER perthousand. t guarati y of - ( 7, MAPLE, ) ELM' LOW I rives, RS e the st On .} ea tor rand. rth, eatertis 711 sf the abos Z,LS-, 6- rail toetle RO the milt is new inaprov ments, es of ISLE, his busine a a Sa.ying t a the inection with the ly of the following 11 hand. 1 large ;ED:, west a To LO &e. ento., K. sale ,che p, 80 and data one 3-12 fiultoN R K s. friende ar d the pared to an a.a. Table ops f. to .0 der. d cann t be ea r. 31ESSE7 WELL' FAOF. 'anal, nil prepa ed Ail. ,.:neral pat and hee ar found, rad ',DELLA. standeed 2, doe* Loral - the second , pays lie Ita weft avaers RICE delivere 34, t..iassatirth. eesed tirY 4. o here t ise n & enee VES, her - pplied to KY'S. trUNE• 11 1875. John Buskin ---A Chapter from AntObiography. . • • • , Mr. John Ruskin is publishing from month to month, a eharaeteristic series of lett,ers to the workingmen of Great Britian, For May ho oOntintleil his autobiography, nothing especially "how eauela owe to my mother for having ao exercised Inc in tile Suriptures as to make me grasp them ill what my correspond- entwould call their 'concrete whole, and, above all, taught me to reverence them AS traW3Celldillg all thought, and ordain- ing all conduct. This she effected, not by her own sayings or personal authority, but simply by compelling me to read the book thoroughly for myself. As soon as 1 was able to rea(t with fluency, she be- gan a course ot Bible work With in, which never ceased till I went to Oxford. She read alternate verses with mo, watch- ing at rust every intonation of my Voice; and correcting the false ones, till she made me understand the verse, if with- in my reach, rightly and energetically. It might be beyond me altogether ; that • she did not care about ; but she made sue that as soon as I got hold of it at all, should, get hold of it by the right end. In this way she began with the first verse of Genesis, and went straight through to the last verse of the Apocalyse ; hard names, numbers, Levitical lave, and all; and began at Genesis next clay; if a name was hard the butter the exercise in pro- nanciation—if a chapter was tiresome, the better lesson in patience—if loathsome, the better the lesson in faith that there was some nso in its being so outT spoken. After our chapters (from two to to three a day, according to their length, the first thing after breakfast, and no interruption from servants allowed— none fromesisitore who 6ither joined in the reading or had, to stay up stairs—and none from any visitings or excursions, ex- cept real traveling), I had to learn a few verses by heart, or repeat. to make sure that I had not lost, something of what was already known, and, with the chap- ters above enumerated, I had to learn the whole body of the fine old Scot ish para- phrases, which are good, mete( ous, and forceful verse, and to whieb, together with the Bible itself, I owe first th-e cul- tivation of my ear in sound. It is strange that of all the pieces of the Bible which my mother thus taught me, that which cost me most to learn, and. which was, to Any ehild's mind, chiefly repirlsive—the 11.9th Psalm--hasnow become of all the most precious to me, in its - overflowing and glorious passion of love for the law of God." The rest of this month's letter is devoted, in strong and beautiful English to a defence of the writer's views against what he terms " usturry." A Chinese Solomon. Alia unusual case, showing the fertility of aesource and the quickness of thought of the better classes of Chinese. is re:: ported y the " North. China Herald" frcm Nankin: Duritig the 'reaping Re- bellion a married Chinaman resident in the city, jned. a regiment which was Or- dered for a -rvice against the rebels. He did. not return at the close of the strug- gle, and nothineebeing heard of hirn for several years afterward, his wife believ- ing herself a widow, listened to the ad- vances of another man who professed love for her, and. who pressed his suit So ardently that she consented to join her lot with his. They went before the proper authorities, were made husband and wife, and lived together in conjugal happiness—at all eventsthey were happy. This continued for a year or two, *hen the first hueband presented himself, alive and well, and demanded the restoration of his wife. " Oh, no," said No. 2, " you left her, remained - away for years, nobody heard of you, she • thought you dead and mourned for you. • We are married now, and here are the papers, No, I, not havinghealrd of the ex- ample- of Enoch A1 du proha,bly, still clamored. for his wife, and it was ulti- mately decided to take the matter before the Chensien. The magistrate Waned attentively to both sides of the story, and at firat appearei puzzled what coarse to take. The papers produced by the second husband were legal, but the first husband was -obdurate and avould not afield. A t length the magistrate told their' to leave the wife in his hands for - ten days, and then both to _come back again for his decision. This was agreed to. About the the fifth or sixth day- the magistrate in great lieute xent for the two mei!, arid with a mon ruful Countenance informed_ them that the wife had been suddenly =atm, with au illness which had proved fatal, and that'elie eVas dead ; and he asked. the firet husband whether he would take away the body and pro- vide for the funeral. This man demur- red, said he wanted a living wife, net a dead bne, and should have nothing more to do with the matter. Tumble to the other, the magistrate put the same ques- tion to,_ hirn, saying that one of them must remove the body. The man said he was very poor, but the deceased had been a good wife to him i • they had loved each other dearly, and, cost what it might, he would raise, the money and pay for the burial. Very well," said the magistrate, " then here she is—take her away with you." He drew the curtain aside, and showed the astonished men the Wife, standing • and living and. in good health, before them, It being clear that the firet hus- band really eared nothing for her, she willingly abided by the magistrate's method of oettline the complization. The only drawback:to this story is,- that we anunable to hand down to posterity, in plain Eqglish, the name of this Chi- nese Solomon, - Pictures of Poverty, In Allen Street, New York, in the cel- lar of a rear tenement or rather a dark hole at the bottom of a, wretched struc- ture, where the ceiling is so_low-ene has to band low when in a standing position, elady was found lying in a Ised upon which. there were neither sheets nor quilts. A dingy blanket Covered her person, and nestling close beside her were her four little children. One of them, a little fairy creature of wonderful beauty, with hair of burnished gold and. eyes that had stolen the bloom of violets, was prattling irmocently and. all 'pampa - ed by the gloom and, horror of the plaee. Yet that child had wen the rats drag her little cloak from the broken chair where she had placed it and. rend it in pieces with their sharp teeth, while her mother and. sisters CONvered shudderingly in their bed. All night long one or another of these poor creatures kept watch while the others slept, lying in dread of attack fromthe noisome, squealing creatures that thronged the floor and clambered squealing about them. 'Yet this poor family once possessed a kappy home from which they had been driven by financial reverses Mid the death of the husband and father. The naother, a native `of Baltimore, had been .bred iti afilatencex her fath r holding an office of honor and trust ,ui der the gen- eral Govemmont for many ears. 'Death and huffiness disasters had 'rought them to this pitiful strait at las , and forced them to acceptand cling to shelter only fit for do a. Such are the f arful phases of life t e Guild's visitor. encounter. The impressions they leae -upon the inind will never fade, and the lessons they teach have a power th t few Sun- day sermons 'possess.. A.noalc EXPLORATION. Within the polar circle there is am enormous area, comprising at least two mi lion squall) miles, of which we know el ply nothing; We shall have presently to peak Of the various speculations regard ng, the na- ture of this • vest extent of the world's surface ; it is dnough for ouiinmediate purpose to say that we do ii t know any- thing whateva# about it. 1, hailer it is land, water, eF ice ; whethe the climate is cold or vvaitro ; whether ti ere are are inhabitantii animals, plants, or whether it is a howling --wilderness speculation has included ahnest every absurdity ; but of knowledge, such as lone intelli- gent men can be content w'th, we have absolutely none. To .attain Some such knowledge is the first object now pro- posed in Arctic exploration, It is con- sidered unfitting and nnseeinly, in the present state of scientific progress, that there should, be this large area of our own earth Still 80 utterly unl nown• The examination, of it is loudly called for ;. it is a problem of universal interest, the solution of which appeals not to com- mercial profits, pecuniary advantage, awl increased facility of transport or communication, but simply, in the first instance. to those higher feelings and yearnings which, whatever our rernote ancestry, now distinguish US from the brutes. We want to traverse this. un- known space and see and know what it Review. DON'T TELL ALL You KNow. —It is a bad plan to place unreserved confidence in man or woman. Never tell any one everthing-about yourself—let there be a little mystery and reserve; your friends will like YOU all the better for it. A book that you know by heart must inevitably , be cast aside for af fresh volume so will you be served if you al- low yourself to be thoroughly read. But be prepared, in any emergency, to look your OWii life and sets sguarely in the face without even flinching, or mark yourself a coward. It is not necessary to publish to tbe world all that is strict- ly,personal, unless ridicule ard frittering of power are desired ; but if gossip makes itself busy with your mime, do not be aggrieved if a grain of truth is spread over a dozen of hes. Pass them by in silence, ancl do not even theit forget 'your habitual reticence. Justice will be done you in time, never fear, and the less you clamor for it the better. Don't talk too much. --The-Berlin Telegraph, says : "Some party who must be totally destitute of self-respect and common decency, com- mitted a cowardly offence upon the premises of a_ merchant, on Monday night last, in retaliation, we presumeo for the course pursued by that gentle- man in keeping his store (men during the day. The shutters at the front were smeared. with filth, an act which is high- ly reprehensible, and, besides, can serve, no good purpose, as intimidation is not at all likely to bring about the desired result." se. amenwawasswe . W.) MUCH IIAS BEEN SAID IN PUBLIC Prints about the value of Phoopliatem as fortil- ilizca's, and as a nerve and brain food to supply the wade of themes, resulting from men tal and phys- ical exertion, that they have become universally recognized as the most important nu .ritive agents known to eelence. They are nature's restorativoo, whether it be the worn out soil, or the constitu- tion run dawn with wasting chronic diseaece, de- pending upon indigestion and insportect wedging, tion Of food, their:Le:Won being to pa Heat cell -growth and the formation of healthy tiseueo. Dr. Wheel- er's Compound Mixer of Phosphatee and Colisaya is not only elegant and reliable, but extraordinary In He offcetiu energizing and vitalizing all ther or, gnus of the body, Bearine, Prepared from the pure grOff-fiff of the Canada, Bear. Thie delightfully perfumed preperation im- pede a soft glossy finish to the Hair, inclining it to remain in any desired position.. It gives the Hair a luxuriant growth, and arrests greynees, baldned, and other disclaims of the head and scalp. Genuine Bear'n Grease hag long beer held in. high Witffail'aff a valuable artleo f or dram ng the Hair. It lure been highly commended and treed by emin- ent Oherniste and Physieians of every country. Eacb bottle is enclosed in a card board box sur- rounded by a finely engraved wrapper, forming a package both ornamental and useful en every La- dner Dreeeing Table. Priee 50 ete. per paeleage. PERRY DAVIS & SON, l!ropiletors, Montreal. JOU 3/0/3-Effr neuron:eat "PILLS. rpHIS invaluable medicine IH unfa.ling in the -L cure of all those painful and dansrousdlneasee to whieh the female conatitution is subject. moderate s nil mans and removes all obstructions, and a Speedy euro may bo rolled on. To married ladice, it is peculiar] y Milted . It will in a Rhea time, bring on the mouthly period with regularity. Thom, Pine should not -be taken by Females during the first throe menthe of Preguacy, as 0103 are BUN to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they aro safe. In all eases of Nervone and Spinal Affeetione, pains in the bade and limbo, fatigue on Wight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hyderiee, and whitey, those pine will died a euro w hen all other means have failed; and althouglt n, powerful remedy, -.do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the eon ditution. Full diieetions in the pamphlet around each package, which ehould be carefully pre served. . Joh MMS' New York, Solo Proprietor. $1.00 and 12-f cants f or podage,encloeeel to N orth op &Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for th 'Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing eve 50 pills by return mail. J a- Sold in Seaforth by E. Hicks° & Co., and R. Lamed en ; 197 \XTHAT THEY SA k OF IT. A F W FACTS FOR THIii PEOPLE,—There re but few preparations of medicines which ha. withstood the impartial Judgment of the 1300 110 for any great length. of time. _ One of therm1 )r. Thomas' Eeleetrie OIL Read the following nd be con- vinced: Thos. Robertfsen, Farnham Centre, P. Q, writes, " I have been tiff! ieted wit eurnatiern far the last ten years, and have tried many reme- dies without any relief, until I Wed r, Thomas" Eeleetrie 011, and since -then have ha no attack of it. I would recommend it to all." j. H. Bari, Hotel Keeper, Wed Shefford, P. Q. writes, " I kave.heett troubled with liver corupla nt for sev- eral years, and have tried differon medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried homes' Ec- lectrie Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and would say that I have need it since w th the best effect. No one should be without it. have tried it on my homes in Cages of cute, °undo, &c., and think it equally aingood for home s for man." —A. Maybee, Merchant, Warkworth, writes; "1 have sold same•hundretle of bottles '1 Edictrie 011, and. it hs pronounced by the pu one of the bed medicines they have ever u ed ;" it has done wonders in healing and. relleein pain, sore throats, &c., and ix worthy of the gr test confi- dence!' — Joseph lintan' Township of Percy, writes, I as persuadedto try Th as' Eclee- tile 011 for lame knee which trou • led me for three or four years, and I never feu d anything like it for curing lameness. It is a eat publie Hamilton, Warkwo th, writes. "For woke I lurve been troubled wi h a welled ankle, which annoyed me very much, Ir. Maybe& Oil, and of thin place induced nie to try Eelect before one bottle was used I was c • ed, It ie a most remarkable medicine. Sold by all medicine dealere. Price 5 Cents. S. N. THOMAS, PHEItne, N. Y. And NORTHROP 4 LYMAN, irorento, Out., Sole Agents for the Dominion. NoTs.—Eleetrie—Selected and Elect rized. Soled in Seaferth by E. Hiekeen Co And E. lamagen. c-1 ttl o ... td )-d o t-) P4 n It XI tzi ci) z IL THE PR1Z PLOWS. rri ,Th Godet STEA& ENGIN STAVE, HEAD I 0/i AND ERS, &c., ODERIOH_F ch Founary& g to inform the pnblIc that they a AND BOILERS ; FLO G AND SHINGLE MAC OODEN PLOU ITS, CU UGAR AND PO1tASHKE COOKING, PARLOR A1 BOX ST SALT PANS MADE - ALSO, IR01•T AND BRASS OASTI14GS, A., BdOILERS AND ENGINES AND GENE SHORT NOTIO tar' All orders ad mato the Company or Secrets A. HODGE, Seek teary and Treasurbr. R. RUNCIM N, Gener ,„,4 110 i A JE, tie tindersigneli have purchased Mr. ' H 'Y on n extensive arnese Business, WholNietaY'S lea and by h nd. We also lk ep On hand UNDRY. anufacturing Com a prepared to furniair R, GRIST, 'AND SAW MILLS INES, HOOP MACHINES, &O. TIVATORS,' STRAW-CUT- TLES, GRATE -BARS, &e. VES, of various kinds. TO ORDER. D )3LAIDICSMITI1 WORK AL REPAIRS DONE ON • will receive prompt attention. _s71 H. HORTON, President, Manager. HAT NEXT? NEW BUSIES, A LARGE ASI ORTMENT OFT And everything perts.ii1,jg to the Business. Liitht nu No Association Prices lee. Give us a Call Wore purehasi V $ ti) menu G L E3 to inforin AFOIITH FO acture all kin RIOU traw • MONRO1 & HOGAN'S SEA pp RTE.' OW FiACTORY. eyer t either ONROI tit& HOGAN H to informItherl:arm Ors of Huron and erththat th4 a better prepared than is spring to inrniith a first-class plow, of DI the following kinds: IRON iLOW. 1M0NR0E & 110G Iron proven to be one of the beSst au implements of the kindi over Canada IR Plow haa already most serviceable manufactured in N BEAM _ PLOW. Our liron Beam Plo* is Ono of the Bost GEN- ERAL FUEPOSE Plow: Made. TIIISTLE ITER PLOW. Ville wrought iron laen. , with or without Steel Land Side. '.1.`hia PIONO is he only Wrought Iron Beam Thistle Cutter l PI w made, and isf more durable and will give Ilett r satisfaction thin any tether. It le guaranteed riot to choke with fifth - ole, as lows of other Marinfaeture do, ! L Mouid Board Plow. - oulsie Mould Board Plown, either all iron or .wi h wooden handles and Lon beam, warranted to gi o satiefaetion in every respect, IZES R CEIVED. o b st guarantee tha can bogiven of 6o °Holey of tho Piowii inr4nufactured by Moo c. NROE & 13.OGANI Is jtbo nufaber of prizes yhtrale secured when pla ed he competition wish implements of t o largestmanufacturere in ada. Attention is 1ircbtod to the following 1 Ouelph Central Fair n 187 2, Two First •izes. In 1873, Th ee First lPrize4. In 1874 Three Ifirost airs. 1 1 N stern Fair, Lone n, 1872, One 1First lz In 1878, One irist Prize. t th Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 187!, 0 e I irst 1111141 '1,' o Second Prizes. °Ade s at the frbov TWEN'TV PABST P I' ES have bdcn obtained at smaller ' ho 0. eve plows are tep conetantly on hand or Wff. - thzd 0 t.0 order. Pricers are lower than a good ar- ti410 can be bought els .w re. • urni wood, el SCIUI or Potato 5 WU re, either of iron cr ays on hand I nd pill be Bold cheap, 14,afrvng Pron pt y Attended To. ORAY PLOWS.—M uld oardS and Land Sides for Gray Plows always nd. MO ROE & HOGAN. BUTTE TUBS. SAMUE TROfFT AS nnw on hand ali thei $eafoth Tab Factory xi- a ialumber of his di iind fa orably known Turne 2.Pu,tte, Pax ea. Tbege Packages are the' best In nee, and wIll give esti faction. _ SPEJIAL IN ItEMtNTS TO LAnGE PURCHASERS. Trott expects in 4 short time to commence the saantifactnxeOf Walla tabsoi a large scale. fin SAMEL T4OTT, ileafortn. fill, Engine TEW MEN. 1 stabliehment, where we intend to carry d Retail, manufacturing by Machinery UNKS AND VALISES, Driving Ilartiess a SpecialitY g elsewhere. G. E. HENDERSON & Co. Nomors••••••••••oe AFORTI:1 F UNDRY. JON.1-1 NOPPER e fanning community and th DRY for a terra of yeartr, and refit of LT'URAL 1 OUCH AS ters, Plows, Gan he TOTMA1111,1whish is t IMPROVED ING AND ALL OT Tnrned out on the_shortest nd other Repairs done wi A CALL SOLICI LUMBER, LUMBER. LL pa 4-5- to th the Town where the lies in want of good lumber will find it Ir advantage fo pali at the old stand en Line bettieen ullett and get LUMBER THAT is LUMBER. PRICE $7 r)o to $$ PER 1,000 FEE (ULLS HAL PRICE. A Go d Gravel Road 1 ading to the Mill. Sati faction C uaranteed.. The sub tamers fo hopes to r criber also then their liberal pat cdve a continua s his numerous ma- nage in the past, od co of their favors. All ove7,-clue Account will ).be Chargal Eight Per Oen . Interest. 867-18 J liN THOMPSON. 500 CORDS HEADING WA.NTED AT COOMAN & C UINLOCK'S Sato Mill, i'eaforth,. -SAWN LIJMBER OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY (13IN HAND. HEMLOCK 1.UMBER FROM al TO $9. PIT -11.48 At tho Shortest Notice, COLEMAN 4 GommiocK, TO "THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, W. H.. OLIVER Harness, Sathilo and Collav MANUFAOTIJR,ER s • SE4FORTII. SIGN' OF THE scoTpH COLLAR. A eholeeadreortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Belle,llorse Clothing, &ea kept constantly on hand. Repairing proroptly attended to, and. charges moderate. Itemetabor the place,sign the Scotch Cellar. W. H. OLIVER. WHO WANTS MONEY? A. STRONG, SAFORTIT, Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTERe EST. either on Farm or Village Property. ' Pardee requiring money shduld apply to him. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR LIVES, TEES public generally' that he hire leased tile d it throughoat. He is now prepared • PLEIVIENTS lows, Drag Saws, best 2 -horse Saw in nee. ITT'S POWER. ER CASTINGS otice. h Neatness and Dispatph. ED. JOHN NQPPElt OND SPECTACLES: Spectacles are manufactured from UTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES melted to- gether, a a a are celled DIAMOND on account of their ha ness and brilliancy. It is well known that Spe tacros cut from Brazilian or Sept& peb- bles are nly injurious to the eye, because of their polarizing light. Having been tested with the pe, the diamond lenses have been found fifteen per cent. Iess heated rays than: pebble. They are ground with great accuracy, ere free from chromatio ab- , and produce a brightness and distinct- sion not before attained in spectacles. ured by polarise to admit any othe Bei mail beration MRS of Meunier° The Sp The gr dueed nn inferior should b which ifs on every For sal Agents. NE neer Optical Manufacturing Coe NEW YORK. at demand for these spectacles has In- , crupulens dealers to palm off an in- rticle for the Diamond. Great care taken to see that the trade mark ema rotected by Letters Patent, is damped air. by E, HICKSON & Co., Seaforth, Sole 888 JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, _ And FANCY GOODS AT M. R. COUNTER'S. P•' 0 tri CD ,70 02 1-c Pt! •••••-a "es 0 0 CD (i) o: C.f) 0 0 aq, `83O48L$°°! rj •VI It»fI4 0 THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE FL RENCE REWINC MACHINE JS now universally admitted to bethe BEST and CHEAPEST—the cheapest because the best— irs the market. This is the only machine in the market having a reversible feeds.; and it is the only machine that makes more than One kind of a stitch. These machines are sold on trial, and if the purehaser is not satisfied with it can return it and get any other machine in the market. A trial of it is all that is required to give eatisfaction, O. 0. WILLSON Iles an abundant supply always on llama at kis THE finest, cheapest and best selected stock of Emporium in SEAFORTIi. Also all the other 't • the above goods ever brought into the County- leading machines, so that purchasers ean have TEN PER CENT. allowed on all purchases of $1 their choice. and upwards. INSPECTION INVITED No Trouble to Show Goods. A Very Large Stock of .Spectacles On hand, from 25c to $3 per pair. Agent for the Celebrated L. BLACK 4 Co.'s Spheroidal and Lazarue & Morris' Spectacles, ths best in the market. Personal attention paid to Repairing Watcheei Clocks and jewelq—warrauted to give satisfae• Mon, Cask. for Old Gold and Silver. M. R. COUNTER. BROWNELL'S GROCERY, DOMINION BLOCK, Nearly Opposite 'the POST OFFICE, MORE FRESH GROCERIES JUST ARRIVED. Better Value in Sugars. JUST RECEIVED, A FULL STOCK OF GARDEN AND FIELD SEED Plenty of Nice Clover Timothy, Hungarian 3010.14. ske., A. Strong, Seaforth. Cash Paid For Butter Eggs, a IS ALSO AGENT FOR Fire and Life, all Kinds of Profiuce. The Scottish Provincial lomb-mance Company— The Westero Insurance eorapany, of Toronto— Lots of Early 11,080 Potatoes for Seed and•Fam-i Goode Delivered Free of Chwge., BROWNELL0 a The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, el CSUSAIJI. Terms as ream -made a tred by any other agent doing business for Mix le Companies. OFFICE-tover Strong et Fairley's Groeery Store, Main Street, Sesforth. 253 MUSICAL INSTRIbIENTS. 0. 0. WILLSON keeps the largest and best selected stock of Musical Iustrameute West of Toronto, consisting of _thet celebrated Mathasek Piano, and other Pianos, Prinee's.,IGeorge Woods, Eetay, and Canada Organs end Melodeone, any -of which be ean sell as cheap ae flie manufacturers. Agricultural Implements. A full stock of the best Agrleulturin Implements made in America, on band ae usual, consisting a 31aesey's Woods' Patent, and the Johnson Single Reapere;Woods' Iron Frffrattf,Ild Buckeye Mowers. SOMETHING NEW. Shan' e self dumping HAY RAKE. This is the only self durrxping hay rake in use and any boy 12 years of age, and able to drive a larfre can work it. Mr. Willson has no hesitation in recommending this rake to his customers as the best ever intro- duce& Any.pereon desiring to purchase one can have a kir treat of it. thoP_01.7py isWentiSice fulasssattercsuNttezraanoTuhlisnilethCounitatter..., ket-400 sold.in the County of 'Enron last year. The Port Perry and London Gang Plows, tire best Gang plows ever introdueed to the public. A trial given and fortiefaction guarantsed. All kinds of General Purpose Plows always on hand. Grain Drill:4 and Harrows, Turnip Seed Sowers, HorSe Hoes and all other irnplerdents always on hand. Allkinds of Points and Castings for the different Plowsfn llifff kept eonstaiatlyon hand. TO THE LADIES.—In tbe Sewing Maehirm and Musie Department MISS fe'LOANE keeps a full 'stock el Buttetickni Patterns and Self -Fitting Martin All the lateet and siewest styles and fashions. The bled and most popular Sheet 3Insie and 3Insie Books; 0 0. WILLSON. LIME, LIME. THE Subscribers beg to announce that they -57 have constantly on hand, at their Yew Kiln, West of Vaastone's Sew Mill, Brussels, ANY QUANTITY OF FRESH BURNT LIME. PRICE -14e per bushel at the kiln. gatis TOWN BURROWS.