HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-06-11, Page 6• 1111111111IIMMenneln111111#111.1110111111111•11111111110Ier Parra Notes. The French People import every year $15,000,000 worth of beef cattle. --Two car loads of thoroughbred bulls were recently taken into Colorado for the improvement of the with% stock there. over the lime —An entire village in Savoy has been in five ininut destroyed in consequence of -the be kept ready dental firing, of a barn. by some Children it win be Be g who first made. were playing with matches in it. —The question of the value of pre- served green fodder, in air -tight trenches ° • ner. This mixture may be procured in the drug stor but if not thu acces- sible. slake a 1 mp of quick e in wat ter, and as n as the water clear mix it with t e oil and shake it well. If the case is rgent, tete boiling water • The prepskati n may 11(1 it will become clear • ttledm the house, and d six months �ld as when Farmers There are tw of my broths fa ere of contmues toexcite much interest in whom 1 think a great deal, thy are uni- Europe, especially after thh short supply formly suceessf 1 in business They are of forage plants dudng the last semen, both intelligent honest; sem ibl men. and the exceptionally long winter. The Their farms Jon, and although they are The best plant forpreserving is maize ; . in our corn unt y still s ak of the ne aeshift- I o er is. praised Or his - o live neighbors them, false classifl atio 1 The A mistake lie just here : The one keeps hs fence corners 8 riupul- ously clean, and never allows a weed to - grow where the e is no crop. any more than on the cut Witted fields whtl the other pays ever attention to ,his ' rope and never dears his fence co ars. There is a g deal in wor 'ng n an occasional day f r appearance's sa e—it saves vile impu tions someti es. X have never dared tell y neighbor f this, but if he reads it pe haps he willnot think unkindly of the reminder If I call no names. There a e a good many people who would have a better reputation if their fence corne were clean. , equally respec there is a differeuee of opinion as to strangers alway whether it should he chopped before be- less while the 'mg piled in the trenches or packed in thrift. we w bundles. It is found that cattle thrive know that this best on this preserved diet when suppli- foundation of th ed with a ration of hay. —The success which has attended the _ foundation of dairy schools in Denmark, will lead to the adoption of a sinfilar ex- periment in Normandy and Britany, where the daughters of 'farmers will not only be instructed in all that refers to the science and practice of the dairy, but also ine household management, the kitchen garden'the poultry yard and - book keeping. Connected with this in- stitution will also be organized arraneee ments for the instruction of dairy maids proper, and to whom diplomas will be - given after 18 months' residence in the - establishment , --If farmers would get in the habit - of spending half an hour each day in thin ing how steps may be saved, work would turn to much more account. Somebarns are so unhandy that thous- ands of steps are taken every year that might be saved. In the house, and especially in the kitchen, is this the ease. Many a farmer spent hours and hours last winter by the fire kept in by the cold, when he would ' have been much better engaged in digging a well under the lettchen, so as to have a pump bring water into the sink. Such an int- provement will save miles of travel every year, and whenever water is drawu therefrom blessings will be pronounced. Some pantries are so inconvenient, and so deficient in drawers and shelves, that time is lost in hunting for things, and temper is soured. Pray—stop, consider, devise, execute; and if it does not suite try again—and do have things conveni- ent and save steps, A Royal Cattle Show. It is gratifying to observe that Ireland is rapidly following the footsteps of Eng- land arid Holland in getting up large and prosperous cattle shows in various coun- ties, of which the :Royal Dublin is the chief. At its latest exhibition the fa. mous Shorthorns took precedence as usu- • al, but other races were not waiting in the crowd. Those taking the highest stand after Shorthorns, as beef -producing animals seem to have been the Black Pollard Angus cattle of Scotland, and mot deeervedly, 1 thitik. The greateitt attraction, however, in the shape of the bovine species, durieg the show, seemed to have been the famous , little Kerry breed. A two-year old bull called Bunco WAS awarded the first prize- in his chase. He was only 34 inches. high at the shoul- der, girth. 50 inches, and length from top of ;boulder to tail, 38 inches. His dead weight calculated from these dimensions, it was supposed would be about 13 stone -:--equal 282 pounds. A first -prize two- year old heifer of the same breed was a trifle larger than the bull. The reader cart well estimate tlae size of these ani. mals by comparing them with a New- foundland dog, one of which I now have in mind, whose height at the shoulder is 30 inches and his girth 41 inches. .The comic part of this cattle sho was that all the first -prize bulls of the various classes on exhibition were finally called up together in a ring to be pitted against ,caeh otherfor a valuablegeneral prize called the Chaloner Plate. The diminutive little Kerry, Busiteo, was then placed alongside the- elephantine Shorthorn bull, King Richard the Second. The latter, of course, won over all competitors ; but Tom Boland, the attendant squire, to the renowned Iiliputian, &saw, was very in- dignant at this , decision and was said at be firmly convinced that great injus- tice was done to 'Ould Ireland," when he found that his !" swate bastie " had not been awarded the Chaloner Plate.— A. B. A. Milk as a Food, Pure milk contains all the elements , that constitute the living organism, and • it may therefore be regarded as a typical alimentary 'substance, It is the only artiele of diet upon which a human be- ing can, for any considerable length of time, maintain a healthy subsistence. In its composition, milk is so like blood that , it may be injecte&l into the veins, not without injury, but, , if we may credit certaihfi authorities, in cases of ex- hanating hemorrhage and of collapse from cholera, with positive life-saving advantage. It is, however, pre-eminent- - ly adapted to the support of infancy and EXCEL childhood, and is good for food in ma- 10 —DAIL turer years only as the man has a physice 1:1031.021T.DVIL .E, ON21. al constitution in common with the child. The building up of the sturdy 13) 1I1 hood requires certain nutritive ele- IMPORTANT T merits in greater proportion than they exist in milk. It therefore becomes iiee essary to add other articles to the diet of the later years of childhood and more mature years, But ,milk, furnishes as it d oce cream, butter and various adjuv- ants in the eooking and preparation a other artielee of diet, constitutes for all ages a very hoportent part of the food of GRISTING AND CHOPPIN . pure s . 7 YlliLn can IN hen and good it i1 Dona a once, and eveti effort will bo Used to first-class satisf awn. for all who have an _appetite for it, a' , most nutritious and healthy food. i TRY OUR FAMOUS X FLOU Lime Water for itiurns. - I FLOUR,. The readiest end most nseful remedy t - ' BRAN ..., . for -Seal& and burns is an embrocation 1 .4SYkors of lime water and lamed oil, These I simple agents combined from a thick, i • C110 &Team -like inibetance, which eflautually I ND. excludes' the air ham the injured parte, I • FEED and allays the inflammation instantly. A bacOrders left I OSSO 1f4 recorded, where a child - fell Delivered to any part of Soak th, Rarpurhey a kward into a bathtub of boiling wa- I All . at -IN*. ii IfLifi'S ntor 1 Egniesulvikle /me of thaw. • ter, and was nearly flayed from her neck , scitfinlh, will 134 Prm" a tend" to to below her hips, tier agonies are in. I M. CHARLESIN ORTH & Cf describable ; but her clothing beintitt:tt le:litt-ttakints eIslialOtard n33454,11hidll gently removed, and the lime and oil I Purifier. preparation thiekly spreed over the in- — jured surface, she waS- stend asleep in i A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING five minute. Subsecinently the parts '. 1 were carefelly ...wiled with warm talk ' naegnenet of -1 mHE told 1 -1. health, MerdnakTillgtai in e and water three times a day, the, I '1 ' !yam Maker in the Vilysg:Of VII tisk will offer 1 g business as Ile cleessing renewed, and the little patient I taie`his entire stiack, consisting f tepidly recovered. Though . all he 4 HARDWARE LEA Ell, ICC/ 4 1 Beaded, skin came off, he did not have ai eiegh eiteereen or memo •11140 and loti o scar. ilia remedy leaves no hardeoa' wuhirit.liglioota co epee. g. TPinearso&el lugtam fbn" st bio, This is - - to dr on th • hut fte parts . i Nr21.0„ and aids nature to repair the inj LL:. in ;, harness makinf "For particula s apply to t to the reediest and -most expeditious man. JOHN C. WID MAN, Zurich. The F lly of Pride. The very w# y and sarcastic ftev. Sydney Smith t us diee,ourieth oz the folly of pride in uch a creature as n After all, take so»e quiet, sober moment of life, and add 'gether the two ideas of pride and of man; behold hint, creature of a span high, et king through inftnito !pace in all the grandeur of lifttle este Perched on a Sp: k of the universe, every wind of heaven rikes into his blood the coldness of death; his soul floats froin his body like m lody from the string;, day and night, as dust on the wlieel, he is rolled along he heavens, througli a labyrinth of wo Ids, and all the ca- tions of God are annng above and be- ueath. Is this a reeture to niake 1im- self werown of gl ry ; to deny his wn flesh, to mock at is fellow, spruug from the dust to which oth will eooiiireturn ? Does the proud an not err it Does he not stiffer? DOOS e not die? Whezi he reasons is he ever topped by di eulties1 Where he acts is e never tempted by pleasure? When he lives, - is he free from pain?! 'When e dies, can he esc pe the common gray ? Pride is not he heritage of man ; umility should d ell with frailty, and a, one for ignorance, r- ror and imperfecti We all Hav our Sate6. - Each one of u a . different Sat n. Satan - comes to one man in the f01711 Of - idleness, and make him waste day after day, year after yea , until he ha wasted his whole life do ng riothieg. Satan comes to another man as work, and maketilite destroy himself in the op o- bis body. He comes to another site way by weann out preinatuiely is rain and hi as Christian zeal, a d the man becomes a bigot, full of fire or the Lord; but t e Lord whom he serve is a God of wrath a God who cares fo trifles, a God wh. prefers sacrifice to ercy. He comes I e another as charity, but it is a harith which tolerates evi and lets i rilon :, which has no edge it, no cour gee a • indolent charity, whh eh is not lov at a 1 but only easy good nature. So e di guises himself as an angle of light, -cal ing himself patrioti in when he ishe to make nation ha each othe , cal ing himself (thristian'ty when he ishe to make men persecu e each othe ; call ing himself honest hen he wis es t encourage a man i his rude an over bearing ways; and s on, changing him self into every L virtu and every Igrace —James Preeln;rtn a rk. ACustom, 0............„urious It was the custom i Babylon, 500 year before the Uhriiitianra, to have an an - n al auction of the unmarried ladiet. le very year on a .certai stated day' each ' district assembled all its viegins of wee- riagea,ble age. The oat beautifultWere put up first, and the antivho paild the highest gained Posses iceitinf her. The second in personal eh rniS followed her, and so on, go that bid'00 might tatify theieselves with han me wives ,eord'r ing to the length of th ir purses. There may yet remain in abylon some for whom 110 money was offered, hut, the provident Babylonians managed that. When all the comet ones are eoht the criers order the most deformed or e to stand up, and after de ending who will marry her for a small s in she is adju lged to him who is satisfied with the ]east ; and in this manner t e money raised from the sale of the ha dsonte serveS as* portion of those who re either of Idise agreeable looks, or that have any • ther! imperfection. I FARMERS. 177241Z67186 ASFItC0688 8 MC Startiin. d good. 'yield, if so crivS un a tall and in ev ry Oilif0 satisfaction guaranteed. With all the 1 test and roost im- proved tnitehinery, we defy co petition. Do Yall went A 1 Flour a ,•••... • • TFONG s8t. • SEAFOR E.&v1 A LARGE LOT 0 . IN • P AIRLE 111 TEE BEST DE TU NI F'S, Carrots and Mar I olds, Algo a will OL HE MARKET. ot of Imported Tares whiiek e sold Cheap • Cash. VIER AND 1TIMOTH STILL c* HAN SEED WESTE N AND CANADI N CORN, 4D PLASTER, c. OUR CRpICERY DEPART • IS NOW 00 PlETE IN ALL ITS B ENT ANOEIES, NEW T A • NEW SUGARS, • NEW ITOBAO OS &c, Flour, Feoid and Prov'sions • GIVE AS USUAL. A OA L. GOODS DELI EBED FREE OF CHARGE. I LONG & FAIRLEY, SEAFOSTH. TAILOR STORE. ULL STOCK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. HAVII: fitted up his Clothing Ettore anew so thst Itis now (her double its loaner size, would inf hionumerone customers thet he haspurchased this Spring a full stock of every line , of Goods for Tailo4ng,or Gents' Furnishing Trade. His Cloth Department embraces EngUth4, French, and Scotch Worsteds, Fine Ciothig o f all ,kindf, Canadian Tweeds, ike., A FULL STOOK toF GENTS' FURNISHINGS. ° His stoic* of Fine White Shirts is the best tut over 041110 to t011111 being manufaettirsd by the heist New MIA Shirt Making Mille, and warsented tont end give perfect satisfaction in every respect. Also a full stoOk of Men's Shirts and Drawers, Windsor Scarfs and Square., Ties, Bows, ac.1 * trius IN ENDLESS VARIETY AND THE LATEST STLES. • ; Beadynsade Clothing including s large stock of Summer Pants and Coats, Ovenslls—deacl bargains. The beat care will be given to fit up mite to please eastomere. The oldistaiid on the Corners, Settforth. CA6MPI$ELL. A GOOD liSTDICATION. a rend of Good Dusineee, the subseriber se recently been obliged to very much enlarge hiti premitlea, which are now Wed with a very-Iargo Stock of the most desirable grades of I NEW TEAS, INOr• DING JAPANS, YOUNG HYSONS, GUNPOWDER, BLAZE AND CO OGNE. SUGARS. !hotel( Refined, Liverpool Refined, Cabs and Demerara, White Ground and Block TOBACCOS. ALL THE BEST .BBANDS IN SMOKING AND CHEWING. Luissp. 4 undersigned .wonld tail Oa Attention oe blie to th. following.fsets. That he is H MLOCK LUMBER :At from $4 to $7 75 per thousand. Be has 11 p*Niwm, o it great quantity of ci—immtivseb •BU TERNUT; BA W 0131 MAPL ASH, K AND ELM, All will41-1‘1" be sold at Low Peg. BIT ,••=•••=au.••••••• LDERS- Will do hveli to call ind examine the stook bofor ruche lig elsewhere, First -ekes Shin les Always on Hand. Remember the place, 41 raileu north _of Seafortk A. G.0yENLOCIVS 8TAM MILS, WINTHROP. Be lute 11140 a lime quantity of the above named Timbers4t the VICTORIA MILLS, 6 miles Dm* of /leaf h. • THE WINTHROP Glistng and Flouring Mills Is now d ng a good business as the mill is new and fittednp with all the latest improvements, and having procured the service. of Who thor Miller,/ It test of sat LIQUORS. • There is , above bug ANAD1AN Whiskey and all iniported //ignore purchamectin Bond and sold pure as tonal. A full aolortanent articles•sr O •-/ Supply of General Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be sold at very small profit. 4133140thg—lit TIMOTHY/ and OTHER FIELD ISEEDS IN 8.18ADRY_ G . . , - eOOly: G Chequered Store, Seaforth, .7110.28, 1875. . JAMES MUliPHY. FOR THE W PAROOLS, SUNSHADES, LINEN DRE SES, FRENCH MUSLIN% GRENADINES, Tiss SHAWLS, GRE NADIE STIANCiLS, un Hats Dolly Vardens, Riverside, Opera, Rustic, • OARLIST, BLANCHE, ALBERTA. At WILLIAM HILL'S, • Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforbh, ABY OARRIA,GES NOW ON EXHIBITION AT q•ON•1411... M. ROBERTSON'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS. 1THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO SEAFORTH, AND WILL BE OFFERED VERY CHEAP,.:.: la order that the Infantine population may have a goad time during the coming summer. ;IVI.. ROBERTSON, 'NEW. GOODS AT HIOKSON'S. - ENGLAND TURKEY SPO GES, HAND ItRORS, t. As SENT TFeth SPOONS, TABLE SPOONS, • KNIVES AND FORKS, CROCKERY IS DOWN,. GLAS WARE TE POO*ET BOO 'SPEOTA AM 1 A /,/ 1 sr 4 1,..:010 10.:4:45.4 2 11440 X • In 10 t 1.4i RICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS—All .Pricus, 01w4, (I JEWELRY,'' — MILE ?ANS AND CROCXS, are. Y HEAP, MES, D&U.S CALL IN E elf 11 HICKSON tfr COS. :Jr ens- , -Irskq e4iviit. parties in wont of NA Cani istt be supplied te tiny extent at R. CARLISLE, uglily understands his business u we no hesitation In saying that the sfsetion will be given. GENERAL. - also a store in connection with the afss, in whieh a supply of the following kept constantly on bane. •A hires oris, OCERIEtt, FLOUR, FEED, CROCKERY, &c. :ices as 10 as any retail house west o/ TOrOntO. SEA AR dere for ntunen A. GOVENLOCIC N. B.—A first -clam Farm for sale cheap, SO ems eleare , a good frame barn and stable; one If mile fro thelgravel road. 88242 fp,11 If ,AND HURON LE WORKS,, H, MESSETT (Late of Plainfiton,) °tad int to to their nunaeronsfriendeand the eral publi o that they are prepared to MI all Reatigt4mog, Tap!. Tops Mantles, &c, draaite1I nuinetits Imported to Order. best style .and art, and cannot Iss Is part of Ontario. fully solicited. CaIder's old Stand, opposite McCallum's Hotel, Street, ea.forth. Work of the 'amassed in t A eallrespee H. Aurssr.n. MOOR & CAMPBELL'S THE PLACE. COME WI H A SMILING FACE. IXTE Are now V Stand, w having procure To Giv Thanking the p vein thc past b•eW Beozne, w In ova htunor. goo 1 obenpying Frank Paltridges eh we have entirely renovated, sad new 'nutriments, are prepared Satisfaction. to All bile for theix very liberal patron - e invite all to call and see oar re we • will alwaye be lectud, and MOORE & CAMPBELL. HE PIRENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Wo A GENT AT S 46.5. Company w nen in sunarta liagest business alainui with pro are moderate, EGG The aubseriber eustomere (mach patronageduring. by strict integrity to merit theirs'. 'greatly ' the winter, he is HIGHES For au 19,oUtitY stthii Wanted by the. clean WHEAT ST ague:men, EDON, ENGLAND. 1. WATSON •AFOETIL This old standard s eistabliehealn 1782, does• l the world, doe.* the second .the United Iiingdom),R41 iti Undo and liberality. Its ratu • 8021 MPORLUK hereby thanks hit numerous nts and others) for theirliberal bepast seven years, andhopee, andelose attention to Ins • dance and trade in the future. enlarged his premises,' during w propene to pay the CASK PRICE of :good ire& egg*, delivered EGG nfroltitym; • Mail Street, 'Worth. ubseriber 25- Ions Id good dry D, D WILSON. te, 1874.- 828 MRSIWHITN • 1.1i. ) • 11SYIESV liif - thatehelias ontesisee -Jam she fte stoott -t lifilYVAREA moved her tin ehopto. the • by 941#"./!; Yrellaa and °thin 'L021 & sitivas. .. 01411 Whitt •-•1, si.*14 )11 liet4posm IVES. WHITNEY'S. autob;ograitbavb AL, -taught me . ei;tcially "1 exe ncretc whole;' rue phy, not owl:et: my • etiier for vu,hc-i'jcir,urc as to ni rMecd to rcvcrcncc ti e or read byts.gt r os e ew lin :sia ly ing titagisit * to flth U VI Sr: bgiVent:1: ituh 7e1:anuauatigsielret:beet.-f: 4e' eerieYes Nvitritm e: ws i tli but uh iwte len 11 able ding ilt fidh l illejvecealternate net4. ettrl 1 lye erYerfea (ir83ramihsi I'll W.: false the7-43iBef r.,mlieYft it wile it'll and rria in YIt o'reerell'bey'on '- allege-1'er ; 4 but she 71:1, IShileh4tia:g°tot eh:: 6 surelthat as soon f it at In this way she b of G4nesis, and wen 4vit:icai mw, and and egan at Gen washard'll1asarld vtheresbe ci: ... naffe4a, numbers, 213:lettide ePtibretli°08St:011itfliaitledlapitsiodeteeib - sei L' ther4 was some usel in its bein knitet ihstop 0 kir, ttblareAeeliftresart astiohuryuligLfattPteEto rrirnegak.ti.sto no interruption fro* iservants allowa' utheonettrorodiTgverisibtial ' 'SA!! .eiuthpelitsr jotil none Item any visitingg or excursi oept real traveling vezet4 by heart, or repeat. to rnke s' that f had not I of wl was *ready known nnd, with the. term above entnnera 1 whole body of the fit;e old Scot ish pa ear ii4 de: ,it it silt re a Ovules which are /meld verse; with Ate Bibleitse e Bible whi thattiVat rfl 1. - al 11 ltje pe coraYst n I te i al I imeors I:a:CI:Ilea t taight 0, that whi d which was; mY9tchged'151mud—uhda'chiefly repideitte-- llItas Ove become ef all I most/precious to the, la its overflew] and seotions passion of love for the law God." The rest of '. month's letter devoted, in strong a d beautiful Engli to &defence of the /4 views agniz vehatpee terms " us :A Cliinese Solomon, , An zunusual case, ehoiving the fedi of re time and the iluieliness of thou of th better cJasse of Chinese, is Ohine, Hera 4 be' 11lienlielqaabnYmakiiiir7le4d‘ During the Teaping ehillaillttil resider] the ci y, joined a re iment which was deredifer service against thertebelsaru gdlie, di 111,1 1a t1tit' b.i n 131itt the oahe rird of hihe I sever41 years afterward,hisIisteuedto wifel trel iae hag herself a widow, ', wawa of another rna. who prefessi love fkr her, and who pressed his suit : ardently that she coxmsouted to join le lot with his. The tvent before t,1 aPnrcidPvelfZuatnh°dnilivieescl." iere made h t ether in coniug4 usban bap ess--at all events they wereheplei • This cbntinued for a vear Or two, Wile of ,eisifil,;3:7tinlife�u:sib, asnaiddp,:sresoid ii.::: you e:efltabliett and will, and denminled, the mama* TO of yo ed away for years, nobody hear • mail she thought you tleaaan mourn d. for you. - --,We ave married novi and here are the peva ," • ii No, 4., not having' heard of , the ci ; ample 1 of Enoch Ai exit probably, sti clamored for his wit , awl it Wag mateli decided to t , the matter bcfor the Chensien, The Irrmgistrate litten attentively to both 4 dee of the stor and atificst appeared azzled what tour to takh. The papere, produced by till second! husband everiSle al, but the husbaftd was obdut le iand ei yield.. i At length $ e magistrate them tio leave the wifc in his hen& ten (Tape, and then beth to come bae again for his decision. )310$ WAS agreedte About the Ithe fifth or eixth day t magistYate in great haste sent for the tiVi Mell, ahd with a menenful eotintenan informed them that the wife had bee suddeitly smitten with an ia,us et ' had proved fatal, and that she was dead -, and hel asked the fire* hueband wheth he wild take away, the body and aro vide to the funeral. Thi e man dem red, said he wanted a living wife, no - dead ta$e, and should haen. to do t4iths the mettle -el other, the nuttstrate! it then to: him, saying th ofle of thon must Amove the bed he wasi very poet, butit been a igood wife to lii each other dearly, might, the _would rode pay lathe burial, •4 Very well," ea 44 then here the is you," 1 , He elteve the eurtaietest the astianishal men the zed Jiving and itt gob& ' them, It beteg clear that band rally eared nothing -f willingey abided by lthe inagistrateTi meth ,,of eettling 'the tamp The o drawback to thisaf we are linable to hand down to poat in plairtEnglish, the *me of thieClil nese it on. iOi in ler of *rear hole &Vile bottom 0 tare, where the eeil to ben4 low *keit 3. alady 1vss foetid 1 'wjnek tbere were A. dingy 1iGni and ineal were ber four them, a little fai beaut h hair eyes WAS e,d by Yet thsi little she with tbirj and sisters cower bed; 4flnigbt, theoj the mown thsttbzoned tbe