HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-05-28, Page 7call alae >rttentiosa et ring facts. That he i3. AMER ire=i tut +u,, gtaaraUt of MALE, Ie ELM, . at. 1'..: z,. ERS etoe bcfor -S 011 and. oith of Seafurth OCR'S NTHI OP. ly of tris boo named :MILIs�, g guiles north `ftlltor louring Mills see, as the mill is new latest imisrovemente, :rviees of �L[SLE as his bussinesg ns a ,rr In raping that the given. . {AL, connection with the supply of the following ty Gu hand. A. large l�`EEDD ,:O(KE1x.1, &.c. «euse we it of Toronto. VE'LOC for pale cheap, 88 - anti stiabl£,, one 34313-12 Nl) Il•I:RON WORKS. 191" , Mull.. 147 •+lit re featly ar.i the ed to fill all able Taps kSce ; heifer tee, tO Order. 4,1 art, and cannot be sharia. I' e McCallunes hotel,: e.fleEETCI TF . M'RELL'S 'LA( 'E. I, E t!WILING FACE,, II. tank Paltaiagt•'s Old k...tirely' rt:rio�ts,tee, tend err t•,tt , raft• r.I:•,ared Att. }r ak r: Iibt•ral patron,- ' t., call hail nee our away"' be found, and his casther,ate. +(MIX E COMPANY xG.i4N . ATSON Tbisr old standard i'ed in 1782, clots Basi. rid, does the second eel Kingdom, pays its i liberality. Its rates U.16-26 ►ORE M. hanks his numerous hers t for their liberal s: t rc snarls, and holies, tendon to business,, r trade in the feature.. "e4 prc•rnisee,. during N"i to pay the H ' PRICE fIt s.1t egg'', delivered 11U UM, err street, :iottforth. ee fops of good dry WILSON. ITN -EY f"tfFners and others' l.f r ilii shoe to the 3le sxrsl. Logan & hand, an immense STOVES- hosed of at her cue' 448. I3 .;sen be 'supplied t ITNEY E HURON E iii_ ' famous Dr, Aberu th f- was one of those resign, eccentrro `physic ane, of whose kindness innumerable good stories are bring told. Like Dr. Jehneton,' he lead a wade !heart under a tough exte- rior. Though he could babsoltltcely. brutal to brie lacks acrd a;ffe toil iirisses, he has said to have been an a fable int n, beloved ley his family and friends. But to tiresome patients avd mrtta/4ttlt,s ifrtafii?l- (rite he was at times the Ire of rudeness. " Sir, thet's home and read my book." who complained of low spirit say " Don't come to nye reonation of enough, go To a lady s, he would go and buy rim • A as pa rope." Sometime s, however, lie met sues match. Curia i, oue day 1n and w srather tris .came to oatisctlt tr.y fuse in describing the symritons.P of his .disorders. ", r, sl salt! Abernethy, 't you had better tell int your whole life. 'Upon which Curran sat down, and se- riously began: " 1 was born in the year. —, m the County of -.-N-, Ireland," grand Abernethy burst into a laugh and ,entered properly upon his ca e. A lady .determined to be brief, and t humor the ;tyrant, one clay entered hi consulting room, and, thursting out an injured band, mere=ly said ; " My Numb, sir." " You, madam," he Exclaim d, in admir. anon, " are the only sensibl woman T ;ever had for a.patiellt." 'A gentleman equally det rminecl, be- rind roughly interrupted, taut denly lock - „ed the door, put the key in his pocket, and insisted on being 1icerci. Abernethy smiled, -and colnplimeuted.th patient on hiss resolution, Te a. gent email. who gave him twenty pounds to attend his wife, he said; 't Are you t e fool who gave me twenty pounds the other clay ? Go hove and tell your wife to dine carli- er.and eat lees; and clo you keep your 'money in your, pocket, for ,no (loot. 'Dr's_ ,advice is worth twenty pounds, To a lady he said severely s "Go homeand tell your husband he will not , have a Wife this day six. months.'] Abernethy was no respector o�f'^�f�er- sons. Poor or rich, his patients. "`” to submissivelyttake ,their turns, or they might: go elsewhere. An angry noble- .nlau. once bloke intohis room and stated his rank and position in full, and asked .Abernethy if he knew who he was. To this Abernethy replied z 8 "And. I, sir, am John Aberuethyr, snrgeon•lecturer of St. l3artholomew'li Hospital, &c., and if you. wish to consul1lne Tam now readyto listen to what you have to 14, sir.". `The Duke of Wellington, angry to, have to wait his turn, +bbruttly entered his •room.. Abernethy asked him how he had: entered. 'cc By the door, sir." •" Thens" said the irascible doctor, "1 recommend you to make your ecit the •same way." He is also said to have re ifused to attend George IV, till his lec- ture at the hosslpital, was over; The point on which Abernethy most insisted was the stomach, uiid through. that im- portant organ' he declares that ' all ins - 'eases could be cured.` ` The celebrated biscuit which he 'lased to -eat and recom- •mended, were not so called from him, but from the barker who first invented. =them. That there was kindness in Ab- ernethy, who can deny who remembers the story of how he returned all his fees tea poor widow who had oonsplted him, and adder fifty ponnds to enable her to give her sick'ehild a daily ride ? He had a horror of operations, and rejoiced when the evil could be averted without =such rough and terrible remedies. .Barnum on Idleness, Base Ball, - and Billiards; Mr. 4P. T. Barnum, the great An.eric- an showman, on being inaugurated May- or of Bridgeport, Conn.. a few evenings ago, delivered a short address. Conclud- ing he said s " It is psi nfprl to the molal and industrious portions of our people to to see lir many loungers about the streets, and each a multitude whose highest as-. piratious seem to be to waste their time in idleness. or at base ball, billiards, &o., No person needs to be unemployed who is not over fasticlisrus about the kind of occupation There are too many soft waititig (and heads) fc>r light work and heavy pay. Beeter work fcrr half a loaf than beg or steal a whole one. Moth- er eartli is always near by, and ready to res 'incl to reasonable drafts on her never--. failing trcas:trey. A patch of potatoes raised ` on sllart"e' is preferable to a pour- tieed pate earned in a eviliskey scrim mere. Some modern Micawbers stand with folded. lauds wIniting for the panic to pass, as the foolish !fatly waited for the allow himtowalk d.l 'V in dry and river to ri e to walk over. The soil is the foundation of American prosperity. When multi .aces of , our consumers become produ- cers ; when fasshiorl teaches economy, in- stead,of apesitling fur a gaudy dress what w•crnhl ecnnfortably el°t-1iN the family; -Bois people" learn to walk until they can. afford to rule ; when the poor rn.aan ceases to expend more for tobacco Allan for bread ; when those who complain of pan. ice learn that we cannot eat our cake anel keep it ; that a eievo will not. hold wa- ter, that we must rely on our own exec• tions, andyearn before we expend, tied will pastids' cease and prosperity return;. While we should by no means unreason -- ably restrict heathy recreation, wt✓ should, remember that ' time 1s !Honey,' that id leueee leads to immoral lrabitss,and that the peace,prosperity, and character of a city depend on the intelligence, in - tee ri ty, ii-teerity, industry and frugality of its initabtautt"s." 1 Fr•eemar onry. 'Whether we choose, to btlicve the.f Freemasonry is *2,000 or. only 2(10, yearie years old- whether it was founded by Adam, or by a society of modern iii- lishnicn-whether it Bas secrets ar no secrets—there is no denyir f; that it !slays a very prominent !wart in -the civilizatioli of to -day. its foreign countries it Bars been pointed to as fostering-conssplracy and disloyalty, but such accusations have itever Freels'roves.!, and the world only knows the irotherhood as a vast friendly society with iii Cher 11,IMS tliauh other similar associations: In Great Britain it has fortuisately never been ac- cused. ti of ti'trachei•yto tJic State, and the roll of Britik Mc riaareb4 and Princes Of the Blot.d numbered at different times in its riauke Mycose that it is retarded in !sigh quarters with the most friendly eyes; The, royal- interest in the craft wag !nether thou d, by the late splendid ceremonial in trig Revel Albert Hall, London, when the Prince Of SKales was formally iia tolled .t=., 1 +rand Master of English 1''reemaeenss. The fact , of our future king having accepted ted the post of head of the craft its England will doubt- less impart fresh; li"e and vigor to it, not only in Great Britain, but throughout the world.-- .'ctrx of the Week. FOR SALE, .... OLDEN MINE ana. trolden Poland EGGS. :1 per dozen, L. MIXER, Harpurhey. 1 ,,,,,,!7l/.'(/0'111 ill` /�/sells l,j BROTH CHEAP EF CASK STO NEW GO IN ALL DEPART. D EN COMPLETE. GOOD QUA ITS AND L O 'W" . J. R I C AT. HOFFMA BRO T CHEAP E 'TS. S CASI-3 ST RZ_ NEW GOO a IN ALL Dr1 AP,Ts ENT 0 12: tTi HE P LOW MONR ISH to info evePerth that r this 'Tying t either of tbp roll IR 'alum ssafssict z eSAVVS QNv kE PLO r & HOVIA 'S ORTH AOTO & HOG o farmers of Hu are better proper ill a first-class kinds : PLOW. on and d thine plow, of G BLACK YOUN1 adies 8 SPARL!NG Fancy Dress Goods, AND COLORED L.;U TPES, SIL -S, PRINTS, STRIPED )IUSLINS, SHAWLS SOLS *ND UMB SIERY, ORSETS, Ira -r171C4f, SKIRTINGS, 1J4OTHSr TWEEDS, C 4U0K$J DENIMS, WHITE AN D .F Papez ,end hen elopers, Neck f. U, £vier ,lleeclymade Clothing, MO ELLAS, RIMMlIsrS, a &O. TTONAI'ES NGY SHIRTS, 0 Ti s, Underclothing, an Cap, 'c, Fif JF#1Vi HINC,t3 AND , D Lace Cnjrtoinn,'Dai1 as Bloat' heel and Bee* Goods Fed,` t artaians Tor!' wore, Wool Ts bre Co ere""),, of i'6 white Cottons, Tickin 17:44111.kugi S ora Best l'c a GRAY, YOU. . 1C (af 8PRI•NG AT O. WESTIOS., +ers, Linen ' ablirig, %toweling, ;s, Sheeting', counterpanes, Lc. 2 • iW CD 0 0" d at Lowest Friceg. n, SPA. L1NG, ARMERS STORE, ±SEAE9DTB. N T'•S .f w Goode at ,D.E.N'l. Old St ek all 4 uetioned Of Filled lip wait: .374: 25,000 WORTH TO OH ICI' IDAESii so Ali, Loveiy Parasols end Jackets, Beautiful' Psi or Cotton, lar a stock of f3urnin'r Tweeds very cheap, best An endless ♦twistygf Ste le and Fancy Goode comprising eveii,;tifingeneodl Children' Wear. Will be elan—Oct Don't inie, your Ben$n bor Dl FROM. _ irabipp Shf>ltingsi: in Wool ti;3l4 nd Dundas; Cottons, an Lein % sulci', Gentlemen's or fetede H MILLINERY DPS'" ` ' E'TM by fill'` NT' A'3.'UlIDAY, APRIL 17, and w111 bo found- replete with. eve ery untilyou have been, to DENT'S; Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery EstabiJ ihment, $eafoitile T1 ; loNrUOE 1 H proven to be one f7 implements of t Ca ada. RON '3 Iron Plow has alma( y best and inofst ser iceabio ntl ever manuiac urcd in --warn N11► 1 )uii,Iron Beam Vlo E AL PURPOSE Pl �H LSTLE. + UTTER PL S W. M P W. is one of the Ben GE ss made. ii ith wrought Land Side. 'Phis Beam. 'Thiele Ct durable and will g bther. It is cut rs ol4, as plows of of T .J �o u b1eM Double lefonld oars Plows, either all with wooden handles a diron beam, warr Air el satisfaction in or y respect. PRIZE', EOEIVED on 10 tte ve Ont ler am, w- ith or witho it fI e 1 is the only Wrong t rein Plow made, and s tter satisfaction t tan 1 trot fo choke wit+ is ti anufacture do.. y d Board Pi ow. exs the the Ca P In Iron r ntcd o lee best jsuarei tee alimey of the I to z+fROB & HO A y^;have secured he Inimplements n f tra. Attontio i t, Guelph Cents al •izeu. Ir► 1813, 1874, Three i t Western Fa r, •Ize. In 1878 0 t the Provinei.t 1 l; One L'&rri,t one Tietdi+lrss at the ago Piix�Fl hav shows. I '. 1 e above plow m z le to order. P tie e can be bough SC nrni