HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-05-28, Page 11875.
7 .
ical Cabinet
inferrring Cab.
of cr hinerr,
, Shop Fixtures,
M arhitt-ry
• es~t3111:411raecet
2iafi„�4. Aldi 2
"..tat 'E^; i:.;lre.
t►t rt,iara, will b e
he 4to.A
1.I Li on- nirint4,.
Fraf, Frill"
15.4 Est
roar }lig. , tier -
4.1, 1.E. rKt-
t lay may
is rot ill
c irk ,pre„r fur'
rer,tl lt,l, on
t'i earn( On
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1.r <i: ,mitt
ratiebt.„,..„ ' trtlt
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10 N.
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YK i.
REGIS T111 1, Eli -R. i
WHOLE NO.1;19O f
cat tsit to lox ,f t_ _. r
Olt tittle, cheat,, the snOsthandsome Building
FSitef•e,rihist£ng of three mores, in Seaforth.
Apply at the Erro:trrort Office, l3eaforth.
13Y A ri..sarreaL FAR -171:11,
One of the first things to occupy
attention of fartii rs in the Kering is
hiring of help, The rule of the Me
ams, the dictionary men, is food, on
Mforth:. paint, "Get the best." An olcl and
{ The lot is Kittle ed adjoining the residence, of tensive farmer once said to us,
young help. Boys and young nee n,t
hold with vino and don't El irk,"
experience does not tally exactly s
that of our friend. Boys may work s
vim, but they do not work steadily,
with the sfkll of older lnandt.. One
We terms to any whc, uiav desire thein., Parties does very well with an old and tate
r", Somerset, ;.south of tiie market, Apply to the
undersigned at Goderich.
001. FAIT having laid out the groundsrecently oc:ctipied as a Driving -Park into Bund-
log -Beta, is prepared to dispose of lot's on reason
desiring to l,urcisaae aimuld make irmmedis to ap- hand to direct slim - but put two or t
pint ativn- see
- 1 CAUITItrAI3I,E frame cottage, containing
dining room, Tr&bedaktnif
woodshed and coal house. Good cellar,. pump,
Ac < Paassession given on the last of Slay next,
TERMS—One-third down; balance in threcyoara,
Inquire of proprietor.
875 A (1- McDOhIGALL•
boys together and there is more -1
thanwork. They will most surely 1.h .o
potatoes at each other when., they o ,gh
to be planting them. Whoever hire
boys or inexperienced young help us
calculate on much waste tial(:, and i tie
waste in the way of tools, seeds, fert liz
FARM YORALE; ars, kc" Where is a certain wisdom ha
�Ei;t G the west of Lot 2�, Con. dl, comes with age, and no matter oc
Gaunt,' of Pert , Hibbert
There is sr goodIanao bongo' bright ayoung man may be, he ust
and. a fast -rate orchard} 44 acres (-dear-
ed and: free from stamps, and well fenced ; out
busldi'nge hewed toga. Tor further particulars
apply on the farm, or if by letter, to the under-
signed at t taffa P.O.lv cj. DEti•I %N .
-PUB SALT., a -first-clnasii- Item, situated - in the
Township of Tuckertouith, Lot 2, Con. 1, near
Post Office and Presbyterian Chard', about a
mile from station of London, Huron 'and Bruce
Railway. House two stories, brick; outbnildinga
fust-claifs,.2. weile, good orchard with a vartaty of
fruit and ornamental trees, well drained, in a -
eod state of cultivation. For terms apply to
in the
else, ua
learn farming, as everything ,
school of experience. Don't change
oftener than is absolutely necessary.
man accustomed to the farmer, the f
and the team, other things being •e(
will do much better than a stran
Don't hire tramps. These itinerant
apt to be poor sticks who canna
work at home, - and there%ore see
where they are not known. If hi :es
they will- seldom stay long in a pl ac
Once a rover, always a .rover, is- the ei
sv, JOHN LO(sIL, Rodgers -111e P. 0. oral rule.
FARM IFOR SALE. See that the farm tools are of the
'JIBING Lot 8, an. t), Tuckersmit ; 100 ser«, kind, and in apple-pie order: Plo
JJ a acres cleared, nearly all dear of sturr,VK ; with a dull share or a rusty mould -h
bnah hardwood, goodlog buildings, young orcin .
srd commencing to hear; two welts with pumps
41. fa (1 milers from SScaforth. The lana is of the
best quality, and will be sold cheap. For further
partieulare apply to the proprietor on the prenn-
is a waste of muscle and patience,
dragging with an .inefl"ieient. instru
is a weariness to the flesh of both
and beast, It is miserable econo
in- the
e halite
the plo
JOIN. Eurnondyille P. 0,, be obit ed to leave the fief
die of the forenoon to get t
"'DIEING part of Lot 173, Con. 12, Hay, containing wagon mended or to get ou
SO acres, u', of which. are cleared, the balance
being beech and maple. On the land are a frame
barn 40x60, a log house and a youngg or,•hard
bearing frnit, in a good state of cultivation, The
farmii situated within two ruitca of the thriving. comes, everything131ioulcl b�
village- of Zurich, and convenient to , a grist will tackle up and go a it.
and Saw mill: For farther infortttativn apply to and ileair of tools . chants
*10 0E0,1VI7.S301y, 7r , ZnriLb r.a, thought
0 d
d t
fr ge
- r:rs
r vegetable:
hers in ,their se
uch variety f
find in the! co
in theSeity,!'
nen that the . it
rity and ab n
vegetables, t tan_
e things gro
will hal fi su
T )o
nil save soni►eth� ng
�kc a rainy 1 ay
shade and f tit
e is not onl
the col
the hot
le trees. TI
siting look. A
to shelter the h
-Inds will save
gar a healing
ma ward off
eco rge consuml
fcen , but there i
pin for health : ant •. protection.
fruit trees by the + y side. This i
some are adopt
e of the fruit
the case with t
on and we are
bed if you_hav:
e is no ploc of -
eh pays so w •.
It yields- ten
and often a s
of the mostht
t comes early,
um between
once planted i
are eeting a.
roots which y
s table- than pota-
toes, beets, and m -
on, but there Was
'etables as I expect-
itry ; not half what
t is a shame to co'un-
ens have a far great -
speed” Two s af r, a horse bolo, g -
ing to Mr. ~f 1, strayed on. t )e
railway; track it fro t of King stre t,
Parkhill, and ws .s tr
freight train before t
The poor beast wa
and was immediately
nee, both of fruits—The bodyof a f
hose who live where three months old was
good kitchen gar- nings ago floating. in
the farmer's family swing bridge at Napa
it doctor's Bills,
n the spring to set
ees. A naked farm
sightly- but is un -
afford protection'
winds of I winter;
of the
ften be do ubled in
by a goodupp yof
ive the pltle -a n-,
pines planted o as
from the prey' leni7
wood and will im-
to the ,air , hich
and that. to �ble
Elms are ma!,' ifi'-
hing like the hitt
ng it
e orf
be -
t' an
an custom
tolen, but t + is
d. as well as th
ne more su
an - aspara
ady done it.
ur premises
asparagus b
est in 'a se
11 vegetable
tills a great
a life -tine,
from the s m
t to our fail ers
he station
the morning for a day's w rk and at Western
the elevis gone, or a whifiie ree bre eyed by tire
When the time for plowin- and so week"
in read ne - A mare bel
'he par ha trathroy, a
be a or - = to twins, both
VOR sale, that beautifully sitnatecl farm, on the
Huron Road, adjoining the farm of Mr. L.
Meyer, containing 101 aerea, of whieti cultivation. arc ba
eel and in a State Ofi good
*nee is well timbered. There are eight acres un-
der fall wheat. Fors, further particulars apply to
L. bfl5'.Eit, or to
87: I3f:ti','O` 3IEYEIt, fSeaforth, i
doin ► well,
Plowing is the first and chief e (1 f A vote on
i us are th y in Ottawa on '
often cl not - defeated by a
right c-�ndi- i 7.'he •body
no profit (in yo nston, who
isapoitiye' I'ris,onthe 1
d of the river a
o s, la t.
' The ente
ta 11
not G eaves and S
ut who shall a rtion case,
rgest c ops, pr sonment for
repare + mel- _-(xuellili's i
ot be se -urged' butchers' .sial
and w t, show licenses is .0
ou,gh alizes :S4,00() fr s inn
good --•3 ohn Eal 's'
start wis burned t to t
many fanners, and so anx
to start the plow,- that they
wait till the ground is in the
tion.. There is not only
stirrin, r wet lands, but tiler
loses. £hey bake up into bricks,
re injured for a succession of sea
till th
n sahoul
'FO Sale, Lot `28, Con. 7, Usborne, containing ,1A wise farmer will not plo
7'1 acres. >v of which are cleared and in a state is )liable, and the elnulati
Sd cultivation-
vitae is a pod frun ago ld bewhichstrati plow first, 1
and S`p assns . The fano } s located on a g , . secure the earliest and 1
gravel' road, i s conveniently situated to schools rhe object of plias ink is to
churches and post t,23ice, and is within 13 ,allies r
from SSefi<[orth anc17 from Exeter, For further low seen 1)efl, incl theta chi
particulateapply to t on the premised
:hel,rOnric or .
'WILT,IA31 DINNIN 7r., so long as the ground is c
a Ada.
11 as
ore y
e at Preston s.n the
way, was total y de-
'hursday. morn g of
g to T. B. Cum
days ago gave
fine colts, and
he unkin Billwas
u$ : day of last wee
ajdrity of 132.
f he young lad,
fel fnto the mill r
t inst., was take
rantford on Sat
of . death. - passe
am, in the Bros
een commuted
,nsnitiy P. o: This leads us to say t •at tho
FARM FOR SALE.' harrowing is almost as etas
�'r SALE, Lot £l, e Oti.1, London Road
-�•, 1()1.) zleres, FStI e}eared and truster fence, the ( tekly alio grow luxuriamutat: Luis about $G(
rams n tae17 tit
a fie(: ifri,r • • •
bear, Mali,g rerftsac swat ed • situated
bonne, good not,1 ush its way up Hiram h clod . 1n 1'', les to reboil
bearing t,rchrtxci, well watered , Aitustted within 7 IrtellOWln� tile' g�OUn(l, lY UCIl tit; yeildta--HOn• Mr
1 like distance irons Clin-
0 R d Stan plowing,In order for th
ton, F Sc;,, welltorth and a r�tai[lettee OC(tl
ton.. Farm well uatlerclralred "Susi its first class upon ° the harrow, The old-fashioned
pecultivation, AI,i,ly on the premises or t() the pro- l?
t I3rucelielct P. trlanrrulai• draft required the team to i Ottawa s
er holidays,
SAW MILL AND FARM OF 100 ACRES tread of the cattle or horse _, ho jays, l
the ef%
retial• as
seed to
illy, it
is timbered reel with 0rat-e1!i J#iardw o us ll into finely comminuted soul ,I can- er 1 s b p
ANDREW MdiE rtE, asp
pprii reit a• p ver the field so ' o
t of the
tau ,e
d seed
ate iron-
tab w nl
you the
a), if
the 1. al d will reside
ti )n
OI SALE. --The sttbseribers offer fpr sale their in a great measure 1i d, named cl
�r r Emit �Vawft- O:IIe of the most import& g
Raw mill and tart e, Lot 115, Gin- ,r, (}int, w(1g111I)
nosh, The trill contains& large circular, edging fon the season is,
select go
saw,bntt£s g saw, shingle ,riot, edger and packer—, ng 1_ inche
fill ire goal order, There are on the lot besides' joust as importznt to props
and frame f (rood mei teals.
the Infill, two , ariseii,
i clwellsus; sed at GGuel.
h macs a seed as from � —The Corpueblle" There is also on Lite it, e, black a fish f and 80Weth so shall lie also tea a good r xa p
u matter i.
'nue: r£cin£ty to las:t :i , miner of Tears. Kazis prophetic vision, T can to
nal};j( tirtit,cr, con,ristlu;t of Trine, ,
hemlock. and other hxrdwo0c1, with a large sts,ck the oats you sow, arid,ll
factory rest,ron,s liven for Hullinrg, POhscs4stan
• if eater of the Gate you'll r
tat any time, For fitrtht:r. part-if:Warm on ,
by letter post: pail, of W G. HINGST.`O r, l3ntn- are light and chaffy you m 1st not c xpeat.
acts P. (,,, Or to 11.'1, }I1'ti(rK1.`( &-t%1k0Truit, a heavy crop, any more th n you howls.
3ssu expect a Du.rh�ani calf from a littl run;
Westfield P. O. expect " • , ,r' 11ci j)1(; fi IlU>,
_ - of a native bull, Title 1'
BOY WANTED onlytrue in propagating f -om seeder hes
learn '1'c"lt, ntphing. Cowl writer preferred-
s AVM. 1ll,t.tut stats holds good also 111 scion aiicl tuners
g,00Mg TO LET. - _ e. oftenN,llcar it said that small'' pota[
pod c1�u js3' as ,lar ot1e�:
toes ,)traduce ate 1 g
�SIII: Hall tumidly oercil,sn- by the f at:ild It e1 e
i. tr rth r,va:r hfr, 1>Lrtlrl`s ITarrhvttre Under fa�'Uritl,l+..sir-cunisthneeti a goof
• `itltin
Store, s t„ lit Apply to lir, ,011`1 l 11)1), c,r to crop of potatoes may result- from 1,1
;pill Tit()1gI1"t) `. " small seed, but let this lar rebs. b
BULL POR SERVICE. j tinued for a eerier of y c t s, and
TI[L undersigned will keep the thoroughbred eracy will surely ensue, ar.fl in the.
Ayrshire }inti "Oxford i:'iin' e on Lr,t (S, G`on" ;blue you are u('t so fin r - [i t' �ra„ltl
0, Iinllett, for the service of cows during the sea- ;lust as. thbii 41i 111(11 tiltl
son- T(:itri.s%~Z �(t, A•'1.'t'YEIDIAN. \sere planted. Wlieft
sK'- ' - - --- thoroughbred seed is as
VOL_ SALE, a thoroughbred Du ham Bull, one
vcf.r „lel. Ilia pedigree. is light-claaa, and c;an
IIs took
r Pa pis -
sized potatoes 1, lackrsinith, : in
1.114: iticai c f 1'ritlay J:ist s:n
horOughlc` nun- olrie(1 bys si,• of
ea of , - eel the a111IT1 1 11
ot till u Pieces.
&uncut --niffsvu•.vdr
�ie( Il ug of a i 0fl
lontrcal, fol
oeverss, a slits
louda,y martian
ew minutes,
-`The baggag
)ress trails (
ay caught f
ing, and NVI
asssengcrs' t Ira
rid the mail w
-- The Ora -el
)listing tlici f
rom Sarnia i
4 0 trees, at
t true. wintera ;n
the barn gt thrl
er shoulder,
—A cow
derstood thoroughbred Stock, the'', - and r
be examined by 1 0 tending , plot, ,,, • then, will there -be the sake impro!
the liry! prize at Brussels Soring. Show, and see- .
in our grains end roots z.b.s.!we haSe ond at Ilineefiehl, If e will be sold either for (wall
I *2..4 Con. 9 MeIC111;ip. ln the hurry of field labor don't foret
• ha% Mg placed his. sect/alibi in my hands tor '
collection. ell parties firi. 1 eiplet4K 10 call and
Kettle th, tr acrounts v, ith roe at once, or they i
383 McGaughey A: Trtilfa/Ntiql,
the garden, This is the
part of tlie farm if only ri
The oldsfashioned mode
little garden patch, five
which was kept year by s
-ear, after pro-
table8 for the family, NV118 expenrvc, as
"Old WC/Iii. %vas ilecessarily Ono
arc earmuted f',0011, tilld %al sem by worn'out, often full of vvee(ls, The true
with tilt: undersi. died, or at Strong , .1 ilas alitt0(111:000
the hatelsell or by the thotnaild. All orders left mode for the flame • 'a 0
.ssrossIvoseefestb, will be prOqi I -41y #.1-pruled t o. ()'• Laud) Ls to change Ins gard-eu-slikrt
:ALLAN HOBSON. 418 he Ch gu.s• all his i lig ground ,S per
-1 haps not as Often, aS the 'garden is, gOn-
NOTICE TO FARMERS. erally so highly- enriched that it, will
-1- tented' or toe Femme In tee esiefeenstood stand croppnee,longer, In t once in! !Our
kleaft•ttli and winding countly that It is liVe yeara we 811011111, if possitale,
was f„r any ay of good it (.1.0Wn. With gra:, -4,, and select, a nis-w
oats lass and malty, delivered 1-4,..a.forth hu -
their int- L(i evert ilist,elass Oat meal Mill
le tl e soil ill the eard -1.1 les atoCking
fence around the garden is nothing bat a
nuisance, It effectually hindere the i
employment of horse power in its culd-
a less for blae, cabbage, Tomo to
Garden Fl....:( rs, Th( plants :ire Irina the very 1 most, all veoetables 'Boarish better , on i
td.,ntoi, Lot t!.-:(, Coil, 7, MeKillop, or at the titOreit neceeeitv of° makino up little tiny beds
Scotland. Ail^ ordk rt, 1, ft either with tiin meter- cucumbers, ,squaelies, & 3. There is 110
WiI10,3 iv,. prompt -attention, All orders deliver- the fariner'16 garhp. These May limit ;
ALEX, it, RODELTSON. eoet more than they come to, aud a ter
LONDON CliEFSE AND BUTTER FAIR. Vie plants feirle- ece--er thr, ground do not
A T influential meeting of those interested in 1,
-4-7- tin_ Inireluise and manufacture of Cheese and
Sutter, it wait tuntniinotaisly decided to establish
Fort nightly Fair in the City of LondOn. The first
nutting will tale place in the City Hall, on SAT-
URDAY, MAY 211. commencing at 21150, terminate
ok as well as long straight yo
in across the garden Died thron
the hoe and cultivator etn pass,
We wish we could impress
farming community the econo
big at 4 II, M, Arrangements havc beau made 101 , 11...ealth 0.f iiying more upon a
obtaining latest Englit,11 cable and. otlier ittlYiees. and frint diet In the summer.
iutervited in this ireptirtant branch of trade citizen to us eecelitly, boarded livith
are requei,ted to attend.
s which
b. winch
pon the
:18i, (Signed, RODE= PICICEIVING, a farmer lest 'year m -ho seldom had any
of the Mite
the Mail for
received repl
Ireland, fru
for the eitie
they are hot'
011 )118
s sit
land next wa
Premier will
the close of
no doubt, be
ly eonferene
corning mat
—A few day
longing to Mr
owned by Mr
by an express
tion. It appe
the horses and
off, but kept u
lasted, and w
, three-quarters
tends to pros
way Company
west of the s
engine driv er
ill f,hed and o
,200, Brand°
he same source
welling in Cr
e ground on M
o insurance.
as niade to bel
Ice has leaset
by Mr, Macd
ttawa after th
f last week a
r, caught a sp
.r one pound itair
length in the
its sister villa
mg shade trees
set of 16 cent
of Sheffield,
completed a c
coking this qui
e when she star
f last week w
ing egge, Mrs,
line between I
a loft and dis
ing a very pan
✓ Me
rdine, was set
he Durham ro
wn and tore it
engaged in di
Catholic Cadre
the top of on
of about 100 -
car on the thro
e Great Wester
t Paris; on Frid
h baggage wa
runka,uthorme. intend
ces along the Moline.
eh will both areserve
eks ago the pt blishers
inter: On Frit ay they
rorn the city of Dublie,
young men sv staked
; and strange to say
f and dumb mutes.
rown leaves for Eng -
ss. The
nd will,
on eon-
ing! this
who were raf
large stone tie
no douat had
by its inhuman
' —M r. Win.
poet," 11as in t
songs and goer.
to be pfbhah4
ing io
to ire 1
been ' t
ie pr:
s, whi
1. The
to learn, is ra ting Wi
cess in 'the sale of his
present art attractire
printed, neatly and b
- The colored folks
had a spelling match.
peached when James
vited ti) spell ` nose
down and out }amid tr
—One nigh last w
tripped and fe 1 on he
was cre,eping On the
instantly, rilie Cor
held the next mornin
-was returned- hat th
death thtou the au
of its mother.
—Tbe local govern
wick are ap inting
to the old countries
tle, ovine and sheep, f
Government re re
grant, to sup lemen
for the purchase 0 s
—So far a
ection for th
Province of 0
nicipa,1 Act,
in Paris on Satur
the new system gave
The election WSJ; to I'
ed by the death Of
—In Came a it i illegal for any pe
to carry any cone aled. deadly wea
such as slu g.shot, skull -cracker,
or other inet ument of that kind.
ek by a pasain
could be got o
earfully !ngled,
male child al)o!ut
found-- a. few mor -
he river
orheriver near die
ee, by some men
. It had quite, a
eek by a cord, a»d -.
rown iii the river
ne, the " Ashfield
i• volume of select
lt;is expected soon
author we are glad
h encouraging sue-
book, which is to
appearance, being
and elegantly.
f St. Thomas have
The climax. Was
Johnson being ha-
y" started off with
my corrected ham
a -y," then .step1ped
rnendous rounds of
se,- -
ek a woman in Co -
of - intoxication,
infant child, which
oor, and kille it
nets inquest as
when the verdict
child came to its
pable negligence of
elegates to proceed
na buy horses, mit-
e the improvem nt
t Province. be
ming from cal
half their att ual
the fund set a ide
r aware the firs el -
e off)cei of Mayor in the
d t; by ballot, came off
The workin , of
1 the vacancy CS118-
the late Dr. Law -
etatute is ell nt in respect to pistols, and
therefore it i no infraction of -the la to
carry them bout the person, alth ugh
the practice is very objectionable and
—The Fa khill Grazeik says that Re-
vivaliets hol forth nightly on the streets
of that villa e-, and Some of the citirens
dye that the objecti to being stoppe on
the street b theee gentlemen and told
going to hell. One man,
ing falsehoods which such obituaries usu-
ally, contsin, Let me be carried to my
grave with all simplicity, let the mour-
ners invited be thoee only who may be
re Jared to sorrow for my departure; en-.
deaVor, as far as possible, to suppress all agency
neWspaper comments, save those of my do a su
ago, my death, and, if coneidereclIto be fy its co
el 50 a Year,' adv
bueiness as much as p
agement of the Royal
ford,has of -late y
and jud-thous, an
ere woul
tion, on
Lawrence, a
endeavored to do his diuty to his fellow -
very di
ino in the villa,ge of Aurora, committed twenty -
that they ar
to throw his
—It is re
ber of the fi
Hamluirg fl
inteerogator in the dite 1.
orted, tl let Mr, Young, m, ens-
aoo for On e Sam' dominions, leaving
mourn his lese, H was treasurer of the
village, and of the chool board, and it eupporter of the righte and liberties of whic
yop” is alleged e haa appropriated about the Church. Ile condemne those who sec,
,„ki,a $1,800 of th motto, beloneing to the two opporied a eneral amnesty, and those hall,
las ad they had etter leave their wives at —The Council of Public bistruction aerel*.tv
yes lin home, It isn't. cemfortable to Walk for Ontario have come to the conclusion
on Om home with her and have the dear crea- to advertise for application8 from intend -
n. sees ture Muttering at every atep, `I'm /wham- ing candidates for the masterships in the geirtisi
easei ed of, your ignoranee, and ' if yon• ca,n't new Normal School at Ottawa, This is
s eijesi e agitate " I'll teach you when I get the only fair method to adopt, as many , thou
a ell, you home, I „Lao 1, is s dishe rtenina, who may wish to apply, would otherwise . info
have known nothing about the length of
in before the first day of July, and the ' toanve, ci
time allowed, All applications must be
c was ' 'Masonic subjectE remarks that R. W. -
'School le to oFen in September. Several bell
t, and Brother Spry has withdrawn from the
ed. it. contest for the Secretaryship of the
re of Yr
for Ora
an indecent assault upon the perEon of a
girl about four years old on Saturday
forenoon, After cominitting the offence
he fled, but was pursued and captured.
His trial came off in the afternoon, and
he was committed foe trial at the next
Assizes. While the Magistratee were in
session, a constable arrived from New-
market with warrante for his arrest for
two offences committed in that village.
Mitchell, recently received a large con-
signment of liquors by the Grand Trunk
Railway, and every case was found to
have been opened while in the posses-
sion of the Railway Companye and more
or less bottles taken therefrom, These
bottles consisted of brandy, champagne
and Scotch. whisky, and the bottles had
been taken from the hotted' or sides of
the boies. The cases contained, when
pecked, two dozen flasks, out of which as
many as eleven flasks were taken,
—A farmer in the township of Erin,
County of Wellington, was robbed of
$60 in bilis, on Sunday last, while him._
self and family were absent at church.
There were $70 in gold in thehouse,
which fortunately the thieves did not
succeed in finding, -A neighbor saii two
men go to and depart from the house,
but as he was not aware of the absence
of the family at the thne, the circum-
stanee did. not cause in him any sus-
-Exeter ie to have a driving park at
last. A number of sporting men have
organized. themselves into an associalien
and have purchased ground enough from
Mr. E. Drew -to mak.e half a mile track„
Good judges say it can be made one of
the best half -mile tracks in the Province,
as saw
It was
joint, a
one ot
about t
e:ng my
gie Ry
ried he
at the
OUS ac
in load
was as
den Wi
ing to
cart w
of the
the ex
e of
Mike s•
nee. I
The man -
slain Strafe
cry popular
'tatters the
continue to
ss to justi-
taT occur ed at TAW -
be 'r Li e Railway.
oung man about
w employed
ill, a while re-
m he car be loet his
esqueal downward
tirade V severed.
-ed hi t agony foe
ter he ae ident.
OUT years
a, plank fr
he work
d, passin
the thi
e legs fro
o hours
mg colum
ast week
all mer
ife, keg
on Satu
our of 11
ip of Bu
nd obey
and boa
nd obey
sting ber
erick M
mat last
iating in
It grain,
the ship'
the cart'
degree t
Two of
pitched ve
his abdo
nt of
The first race on the track will come off it r. es his de
no lee-ip ared in the
s of the antford Ex„ -
"!Notice hereny
Imp, dr makers,
!,me trasetix arrihay mcb:gr-
unt, I having_ mar -
Ord in t presence of
m• e svit t any just
13 I for , the public
021 y
Le-od met with a *mi.
onday, bile engaged
I.at Kin Mine. He
antn ngaag angwd, acaxlead,
hem left oose of the
hun on, and the
into t e hold of the
d lig ting on on' e
les, which pene-
en near the groin to
hitt Th poor fellow,
rimisly inj ted, is now
th Schoo Act of 1874,
es to rta n the names, ages
age for tte ding hool, in the
ducated or tour ontbs of the
It furth r states t it is the
ntinu to neglect or
isio of he aforesaid
1 not 'weeding one
• f r each child. not at -
or to mak a complaint
having j risdicdon in
ovided by he 159th gee -
t Ste have beat
s tf-ht ur schools in
on the ist of July_ when the promoters alt on h very
expect to have a lenceessful -time. Mr. exp d to reco
G. 111ace is President= of the association,
and Mr. T, Fitton, secretary. —A. -ording
—A deputation of Ottawa Conserva-
tives met Sir John Macdonald at the
Clarendon House on Thursday evening of
last week_ and proferred him a banquet,
Sir John de,clined with thanks, on account
of a recent death in his family, Hon.
the offer duty of the trus
Mr, Skettd then stated that
eveuld hold good for any length
days before viola the pro
and Pressed acceptance a few
the opening ofethe next session. Sir John act, e ther a ra
aequieseed. awl made a long speech, re- dollar per mont
g.retting his departure from so many tendi g school,
ktainwda, and warm-hearted friends in Ote
such ases, as p
The Roman Cetholic Bishop of Mon- tion o the act,
treal issued on Mendel morning apastoral taken
letter in the Nouveaa Monde, a French Huro to miff
by the t
and e
paper covering live columns naving es-
pecial' reference to the ensuing election.
He warns his people against corrupt prac-
tices of all kinds, twill especially advises
them to vote for no ona-who is not a firm
ed to
a nu
fuses. corporation
who favorec what he calls the unjust
and vexatious school law of New Bruns -
ten dee spelling matches, wick,
men vvill
1 , t have already seen received, and. a host of i Iona
1 the
'alter- strengthen irother T. K. Kerr's others may be expected. ' othe
issouri candidetur nd Master, Brother —It is stated that Mrs, Ed-war/IT-chok-
er) who died a few days ago in llama-
ful in- sun, of fie. have
witted Stephens
in the fiel
smart you g lad ' victimized
ber of the W Wert° people pretty
was to p rto min wri that even -
She had bill pos d, hired the
entertai mei t. c• en the train
roupe hat fa led to put in an sp-
ec, The led had posed of nu. _
s tickets, the holder of which be -
feel anxi us, and s me interview -
agent an I de ande I -their money,
ing them tha "the' how was post -
g a nu ibe of nodded sills
the number of
-arrants, and
ave to go to
for signature,
uring the pas week
patents, treasury
f Toronto, and Brother Ma- , been ac umidatine so that the
pates ton, bequeathed $10,000 to Victoria Col- numl er is no ' Very lar,g,e, For about
Mori, are now the cand
- lege, $10,000 to the Missiona7-Sseciety, i. five days pae,a‘augs to hie decease, the
--,There re many Mennonites in RU8- $10,000 SO the Superannuate lurid of 1 jato jieutenao Governor, wis unable to
the Methodist C,hurch of Canada, and I sign( ociuments an the eonse uence has
sip, who aro anxious to emigrate to Can-
ada:, but who basic not the necessary ' ,
means to so. They have tried to real- Her husband, the lete Mr. Jackson, af- ' t als-nr de
giving $2,000 to Victoria Ccdlege, 1
ize money for this purpose, by offeling ter
left $10,000 more by will for the same 1 ,
their land claims for sale, but in this ,
they were hot sticeessful, An appeal for
assistance has been forward.ed to' their
wealthier co -religionists in Waterloo
County 'n this Province. .
enzi e,
pon on
tel, and
h drag -
ral in
of thr;
ect, on
11, bUt
gh ex -
leave for Engla
resent month, .
his return have
11. Lord Carna
of interest affee
ago two blood
Wm. Reid, an
ain weat of Par
s that the engi
le the colts ru
te the Grand Tr
or damages, as
on are all: down
ample time t
lts bo-
a home
e killed
hill sta-
eer -saw
en them
e chase
Reid in-
nk Rail -
he fences
and the
purpose, and which. at the time of its I and
paying over was supplemented by an- I
other $10,000 willed by the lady, making
83200 1U all tir the college, besides vein,
--Th wheat erdps in the vicinity of • f
roving rapidly under —11r. Eli Driver, a farmer reEnding
and the comparative- near Bowling Green, m the township of of
f the past two weeks. ,A7maranth, was robbed of $30 in money, 1 it is
h ago had an utterly on Tuesday morning, by a man named 1 to p
pronaising well, and John Henderson, whom he had employ- I an
hat the ceop will be a ed about two weeks ago as a farm labor- I asse
, An unusually large er. Henderson has passed under differ- I
s is being put in by ent name8 in different localities, and has je a
n and Bothwell. the reputation of being a " hard ease." (Hee
man, named John 'He is
police station in To- stoutly built and abeut five feet seven lasg
lose, Is seam that inchess in height. His complexion is sal- ere
low, hair rather dark, and beard closely sus
eased had been intox-
ng against a window, eropped and tinged with grey, lie , the
re cut on his hand by elightly disfigured on the left jaw, a d
glass. He was taken —Zion Presbyterian Chure,h, Brant -
ice sta ion, aml the wound . ford, seem8 to be in a, very prosperous pa
but the exletuetion caused by condition, Rev. Mr. Cothrane; the pas- nal
od, eau
St. Thoma
the genial
ly warm
Fields the
is ins
a mon
that +Ile
ork befor
ss throu
lit ribbon
e ting th
rI tie awl
of land i
ern porti
hon bein
mbar of
the appli
an be had of the amount
the new 'overrun.- when
t all these, ocuments have
h his ham , and -undergo'
the probability is Ann.
tolerably good on ig lately, a me of the elerks
the ,farmers of 11 x eroncea d in their atore,
--;-A. middlee ge it was fon d to contain a
Harvey, tilled at a, of beantif 1 ostrich feath-
on that day the de t sometlii g was wrong,
had inflicted a Hey e was sit stful in dis-
sewed up, ed Norm , a clerk: n the employ of
lpee of bl cd. his death in a few tor, at the close of his thirteenth emu- ano hermerel ant hadsto entheseartieles
Itotrr8. versary sermon, delivered two Sundays fro i t e stor where he was employed,
--Lafit lady residing in fro- i ago, gave the following particulars : The and p t them in charge f Dent, a clerk
ronto, w r way to a church in ; menabership et the ehuich it was stated em! lo ,ed. in t e store w ere the articles
winch se mg held on thet day, I in 1862 (the, year of Mr, Cochrane's in- we e found, It eppeare that they had
boaght, a ncl took it into church duction) wa8 under 15% at the present in nded to
with her. in church she took her date it was 510, 156 -leave united with to ming ladi
seat in sr nt of a man a pp (1 t the church since May last, During these of t e mercha
be vely n uch ebs rbed in his devotions, thirteen years, 347 have either clied or , an beautiful
Very litho tly afte wards this individual 1 been dismiseed to other congregations in , eit , and de
finished. 1 is praye s, and walked off with I different parts of Canada, while very few i b i presen
the lady' new arasol. She followed I of those who signed the call of Mr. Coeh- De ite She tu
him, but was an ble either to catch lihn I rane now remain In Brantford. A. large fo hWithprodn
or get b k leer s nshade, I proportion of them have gone to the bet- simile eosely
ton, had a decide aversion to the news- 1 —The Stratford Beacon s% ; N e ! to
paper o ituary, Enclosed in his. will are sorry to learn that the - hectors of i ea
WO'S the followm paper expreseing his the Psoyal ,Canadian Bank have decided fr
views o the sub eat : " The newspaper to withdraw the agency from Stratford
panegyn upo the recently departed some time during the current year. This
cannot ut be phlsive to the! honest course is understood to be in accordance i lo
minds of those w o survive to read them, withthepolicypuesuedbythebankautilor- 1 in
I desire be preserved from the glitter- ides for sonie years, of concentrating their. pr
no ewer than
t patents for
These patente
the western.
n of the Proy-
for free grant
arrants is also
ations for ac-
re also limner -
de on 11
-ice was
ve the a,rti. les as presents
' The d. teetive and one
ts visited n accomplished
yo ng lad , residing in the
an ed tho, rtieles that had
her y Norman and
ned p le sighed, and.
tieus in taki g11 -01.71t eint, This might
SY St Yr u°11r, g41 i si gine n' sem% inaaglillYalAdia6bwiell'ePrjlesetothnebts:
N man and, Dont are filninlarieleeilingB°tfeill-
s, and it is depl , le to soe them
an evil hour Ilaet fair prospects,
bably for ever,