HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-05-07, Page 7T 7 sx TTER TT, FOOD, MAPL OAK AND ELM, i gold $M Loss LDERS he stock NIIROP the e _LLS, L miles INTURO iouring sus` the Brill le 4-0,0, oo CARLISLE Lesitation la saying, that the ; be given - dare In connection w which a Stip-ply of the following se:gently on hand. A large FEED, CROCKERY, &e. hmseteassot Tomato. frame barn and stable, one ravel road. 3-884.2 a AND HURON Eramiltontj th.nnuaerousfriands and the. Ley are prepared to fill ail dames, Table TrOpet ttets, Ate, fiThp9rted to Order.. le and art, and cannot* be, Yr Ontario. a FACE. La' Prank Paltridewe oki ,qrnments, are prepared tetion !to All v4'...ry liberal patron - to eall and see oar ys be fauna, and [. 4E COMPANY rATSON Thu Eitandad 4•?d in 17194 does haat- '174-oes the second RIU L.unks Lis numerous ,:her41 for their liberal years, and hom, tr,le in the future- ';i7P1 PRICE tlay Lave re- I.ES, all of 111.71. it 1056- ,ana any quantity !v.,* their atiVari- in a position • An iged sea cap long life on the emu ship board I can tell what any sailor was Was bemuse the man," Ile added, that a bad boy ma When he saw a reek "son of the deep " he thst he was little Nov, this is just what is just what s Poor svool or cotton_ Poor cloth makes Bad littaa. id to &lady: Off a very short tiine was father to the find invafiabl es a bad Dian. se profane, vicious at once concluded ight be es in other th ekes poor c poor coat, farms produce poor enps. Poor timber children nsake wicked en and women, It is said that the Emperor Nere, of Rome, when a little bo delighted bo tor- ture and kill thee, aud would purstfe the little creatures hour a ter hour! to .126eree them and see them flutter andylie in ag- ony, As he grew older he exluNted the seine crud disposif if towards Man. in wn When made Empero he advanced cruelty at a fearful ra killeel his wife, end ordered his other to be as 'mated, Nor was this ail, He finally or- dered the city to be set on fire, just to see how it would look, and when it waft burning he seated himeelf on a high tow- er and played upon hiS lyre, Was this strange? is not a cruel boy likely to melte' a cruel man ? Killing Men in manhood is only a' future developement of killing Rises in childhood. • Borne Hints ab Where screws are dri en into soft Wood` and subjected to considereble strain th are veiT likely to work Leone ; and it is often difficult to make them, /told. such castes we have al w ys found the nee of gine profitable, Prep- re the glue thials; immerse a stick about half the eize of the Screw \and put it i the hole ; t immerse the screw anl drive it ho as 9inekly as possible, Whenthere article of furniture to hastily repair and no glue is to be ha( handily, ilaise the stick, fill the fest o the cavite; with pdverizedreain, then h at the screw suf. ficient to melt the resin as it is driven in, Chairs, tables, lounges, ke,, are continu- ally getting out of orde in every house. and the proper time repair -them is When -firat noticed, f neglected the matter grows still wor , and finally re- sults in laying by the Aide as worth- less, Where ecrews are driven into wood for temporary p rposes they cen be removed, much ier by, dipping them in oil be ore msertiug„ When buying- serew notice what yon are getting ; for t ere are poor as well as -good kinds. See that the heads are sound and well cat that there are no flaws in the body or thread part, and that they have gimlet ints, screw of good make win drive to oak as easy as others into pine, and will endure hav- ing twice the force bro glet against it.— ut Screws, Canadian, Builder, e? Tiese PaNsenbrok s' Sigh, It is commonly suppo ed that the three golden balLe at our j)a nbrOkers' doors 'have no remoter origin f an their use by the Lombard nicrehan who were the firstto open loan, shops in England; for the relief of temporary dist este The Lom- bards merely adopted an emblem Which had been, 'appropriated St, Nicholas, as their charitable pred eesor in that line there dwelt a nobleman. who had three daughters ; the noble n experienced a reverse of fortune, and became so peor that he contemplated eacrificing his daughtere to a life of amy in order to obtain food for them. e often eought to tell them so, but eh- me and sorrow held him dumb. Meana bile the maidens wept continually, as the, were without bread, and knew not wh t to do, When Nicholas heard of this, he tied a heedful of gold in a handkerchi t, and repaired by night to the home o the nobleman who was sitting alone an weeping. The saint attempted te iv the money without beitig recogaized and threw it in at an, open vvindowsvhere it is said to have fallen at the feet of, the etherient, This little freak he performed hree times, and it proved to be sufficient y interesting to the nobleman, to indu him th watch and to discov-er his bene r, The three purses of gold, or asithey now appear, the three golden balls, alre to this day the re- cognized emblem. of St. icholas." London the it reat. The size of London, the metropolis of the British Empire, has often been re- marked upon. It covers about 700squares miles, and has about 000,000 inhabit- ants. It is said to have More Jews than Palestine, has more Roman Catholics than are in Rome ; more Irish than are in Dublin • more Scotch than are in Ed- inburgh. 'The port of London has every day upon its waters a tho aud ships, and nine thousand sailors. bout 40,000 are added to its populatio every year. Twenty-eight miles of st eels are opened every year, and 9,000 ew houses are built. In its postal (list ets 238,000,000 of letters are every year delivered. It has 120,000 habitual cruninals, and as many beer shops and. f1:4n palaces as, placed with their fronte side by side, would extend 73 miles. Every year 38,- 000 drunkards are brought before its magistrates ; and of its Population it -is caleula,ted that at leasti 1,000,000 are practically, if not theoret eally, heathen. Good Advice for Mothers. A lady whose children ad turned out remarkably well Was ask d what system of education she had pu sued. ,She an- swered " As soon as ray babies were able to hold by_a chair, I ishowed them I 'expected they would take good care of theraselves, I never " ran to help them when they fell," but let teem pick them- eelves up. If they were hurt, I did not " kiss the place to make it well," hut tried to -make them laugh at their bumps. I gave them pocket -money as soon as they could speak plain. They learned the value of money by the time they Were grown up, I let them read any book or ,newepapers that !came into the house, and talk to me about them. I al- lowed them to sit alone! if they liked. I gave the girle uninterruipted time for study. , They choose their own friends. have always found the defer to my wisheS in the smallest pa cular. They are hopeful, affectiona-te, confiding and gra tefu 1. —Saturday Rev' BE CAREFUL "MEAT OU Free UP' WITFL—A boy returned from school, one day, with a report that his scholar- ship had fallen below the ' sual average. " Well," geld the father, ' you've fallen behind this month, hai-e your' " Yes, know, sir." The father knew, if the son did not He had obs ved a number house, bIirt be. hut sent 4 While to* say #saything- tint sant gic,41rptyphraie *pp 'basAet -1.44, bring 14 to those arrples back info When half the -a can't pfit in AO snore, ' .1 tell, fon." 9 Bak_ lathe youlean't put them in, /to fill a basket half full then fill it with apples? , , did not know why you . school,,and I will tell you is like that basket ; it more than so much, and been, the past month, filli boy turned on his heel and wh" said, "Whew 1 1 lee .the ell ere off them emit of said otir net, ho you 14, up • NOVEL EVIDENCE,— Net. I sin Alderney cow owned by a Paterson, was 'seized, and pnblic pound by the kee justice of the peace and r 'flea` of $100 ana costs a poundkeeper, on the gr tha seizure. was made in Man hes ship, outside of the city lim und appealed. to he 011 ommon , and the recently, incipient being r wasshown in the evidence tha curate survey of the grou the paundkeeper stood_ ;wi. liraits and cang,ht the cow drawingit back over the. The evidence VMS so el ly. `that it required the meaeur "cow'atail to decide whethe it sible to effect a seizure in t the lower court has s nit eov b pr hin bY Tbia the Ociat he xanfi as rifler - to THE BALANCE 'OF HIS SE kr eg te t2j VI rn f- est cA rn the age of profanity, and .it 0 ' that we are on the toimost a nt, One out bevy* his ears offe 'th vilest words, and his revere ce Led by the most profane use of acr Juni' . Nor 'does it come from the old r in,4- dle.riged alone, for it is a , tannin as it fs true, that tbe you er Ilion o the community are most pr time t,iii 1 is smart to swear ; that it t m manly's; but there never w a gr mistake in the world, Me i ev n with profanity in a young an beca, they know how, of all habi t chi:Jigs the most closely, and in r with ' years, It lithe most insidious of habits, growing on so invisibly,thua! al st te- God," said Lord Brougha b- t upon which, in all ages, the Ian v as well as the schoolmaster, has ma nly placed his reliance ; habit, hic everything (may, and casts all diffi -ties upon the deviation fr a wo course. Make sobriety bit, and temperance will be hateful m,ke will be as contrary to the trifire, to t e child, grown or adult, as th does crimes are to any of ' yo r ships, Give a child the ha 't of pulously abstainmg from all of distress, and he will just as likeli t of rushing an element in which he a not breathe, ao of lying, or chea ing EDUCATION, —To read thefEnglish an - image well, to write with! des • te neat, legible hand, and be niaste of lr first four rules in arithmeti, so as 0080 of at once, with accaracy e r sractice--I ea this a go ed cab n .pure grammatical lEnglish, re ar 'as an excellent education. Th e .the tools. You can do mac Wit th but you are helpless without he 11 are the foundation ; and unle y• be with these, all your flashy ttai me ts a little geology, and all othe 4117! , es ward Everett. I OHEAF' FURNI URgal? The Siaforth, Cabinet aetory, Corner of Market Sq re. WHOLESALE' AND E A44 'WAINER SCOTT ha .-.,aow on ban pally of his own make, ahd all gu ran of best material and durable. Fn iture of e description made to order on the orte t net , 1,Voed Turning Promptly MR. SCOTT has a large stock Fn hand, and he is in a positron and is dete eheap for cash. Remember theFurniture Factory on t of Market Square. 883 tten ed tare on COTT. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN I ALEXANDER OA WATCHMAKER and Jeweler " thanking his numerous hien erg in the County of Huron and s triet for wit favors, would respa that he has removed to that beautiful of Hicks' Hotel, where he has selection of ladies' and gents' jewe novelties, Also, dodos the largest ed in Western Ontario, My wate edged t4 be the cheapest and beat 1 every one being thoroughly regale before being offered for sale, A Special Ageneytor the El Having been successful obtai of Mr. FRASER, who ha's had long tomers will find that in no part of' can they have their clocks watche better done up. ALEX. C Practical Michell, Ang. 21, 1874. itc on ta of aro ESTi 11, whiW enstemsi int te weet beark inttu! be la th se cot nd, he °minion an feive Watiehras THE IMPORTED CART ENTERPRISE liATILL this year proceed on the fo 10 " He will otart from the North- Damt between Usborne and Hibbert, an w by way of the London Road to Ki en, pen to Wm. Chesney's, Tuckers h, b forth to Mr. Cleorge Habkirk's, Me to the farm of the Proprietor. onC round by Kicld's mill, 3IeKillop, Carronbrook, Spring Hill and Fa style, build and action, Enterpris7 be secoud to none in his class. sure 02. 888*8 PETER Me rent R way of (mbar, or a owed to o CIatT WIRE OATS, Pus, TARES, C 17 tp 04, OLD SEED S ORE, 086 Goderiell Street, ROVINELVO 1.CROCER DOMINION BLOCI, ly Ogniosille tiro POST OFIVI MORE FT S RIVED, HT RIVE Malty of Nice er, Hungarian and C'ala, Paid all Ki Blitter, Eggs, ef Early Rose PotStoei for Seed and 11 ily use.. e,d .Free of Chairge. ILLI GI-RASSI El now on hand awl in gemmed construetion number of elsome and substantially bat BIT 'IES, CARRIA ES„ AND • PHABTO S. , and warranted to n , and will sold , handsomeblel# fin - vehicles ar chat for cosh of on time. Grassie's umber Wagons - Are too w ell and far 1;14 known to require puff- ing. He has a num er of his beat on hand iiew, an,d they will be sold chelp. - RE AIRING D NE AS USU. L. her the old eta : Huron Road, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN S :MITE A. ALDER w better pr redthan ever to furnish his tons with r I, life -like Mee 1 11 a call and try him, and if not wdegtly esti he won't ask youl to age A of those on Sew Ilachinee th Oeborn, en and for sale cheap. r ember the , nearly onnosite the Jou Matt Skat*13: 4. cALD 1. QID (71 0 cp 0 oro of those Cheap Platform Scales left. tri 01. .83 o4 cis moajoai. • MADE ESPECIALLY FOR US IN WHEELING, VIRGINIA. rn cn TO TUE PUBIA0 AT LARGE. Harness, Saddle and Collar ,4 Ai CI • CC 0 ISIGN OF THE 8COTCH COLLAR, A ehoiceseeortment of I and heavy Harness, hips, Bells,Horse Clot , 4.0., kept oenstantly n bawl, Repairing proMptly attended too and barges moderate, Remember tift3 place,s*n of he Scotch Cellar. W. IL OLIVER. WILLIAMSON'S punv FACTORY BEAFOR TH. FIRST PRIZE PLOWS. with his celebrated IRON and IRON BEAM Wii. Also his THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, th Wrought Iron Beam and Steel Mould Board d Land Side. Warranted not to choke, and ve entire eatishtetioni This Plow is sold for 17 and upwards. To ,show tbe snperiority of hese Plows over all others, Mr, Wiln di- rect sattention to the folio** rises Wu= : the Western Fair, 8 first and 1 isecond prize •, st thirds. Castings for Gray Plows alwaya kePt on hand. (88641 0. WILLIAMSON, , BULL CALF FOR SALE, VOR Sabi, thorough bred Durham Ball Calf - A: (me year old, of dm& red color. His pedi- este it Arst claw, and earl be examined by Mien - 864 Huron Road, Tackersmith. MONBOt & itOGAN'S zuragriz POW FACTORY. wvoi, to worm the. 4.1inent of , and v Perth that they are better -par then ever this to furnish fuesteelaSs Tomer I RP N ilee0W,1 MONROE it HOGAN'S Iron Plow hies already proven to be oneof the hesti and most serviceable implements of the kind -ever mantdactured I RON BEAfil(1 PLOW DON, IONT. —just issual--of amine* shows nd. number of the fact that into existence io invited to face of the keen- -Company Itaa tinder the =Me 1),shown au in - issued over the making the total inereaft during that its Assets, 67 with a te Capital ; that money ha -sheen time of losses; ,ea payment of -est its Dirft- adventege e payment of au to insure only more hazardous , towns and vil- d farm property; past, except mr- the heavy drain past five years, weaker rivals to nee rates ; that rs has made this hat the official issued than fi9 t of other cora- d work generally Hey Waled for era called onfor bastion for M- ato. Ail parts visited p Tbe subscriber e in the public The latter will re - Oar Iron Beam Plow is one Of he Wept GEN- ERAL PURPOSE nem made. THISTLE CITTTER, PLOW. with wrought Irian beam, with oterithed Steel Land Side, This Plow lathe only 'Wrought Iron. Beam Thistle -Cutter Plow, made =dila more durableand will olve better satisfaition than any Wier. It is guaranteed not to .ehoke with stab - ole, se plows of other mandecture do, Double Mould Board Plow. DonbleMould Board Move either all iron or with wooden handle% eilttiroit beem, warranted to give satisfaction in every respect. PRIZES RECEIVED. The best guassntee that eon be given of the excellency a the rj9irs menufactured by Mains, MONROE At HOGAN Ix the number tiprizea they have securidwhen plated in competit with the iniplemente of the largestmanufact, ens in Canada. Attention is directed to the follOwimp At Guelph Central lair in 1872, Two First Prizes. In 1870, TOwee First Irrizea, In 1874, Three First Pr4zes. Wast4en Fair, London, 1872, Oriel first JPrize. 1860, Ome First Prime. At the Provineial 'Exhibition, Toronto, in1874, One First and Two fOcedrad 1301,1401 at the above TWENTY PjlINT PRIMER hare been obtained at smeller The shore plows we kept eonstently handpr made to order, Pliees szelower than a good ar- ticle can be bought elsewhere. SCUFFLERS. Turnip or Potato Ocuiders, either of iron or wood, always on hand and will be aold cheap. Repairim Pro2nptly Attended To, GRAY PLOWS,—Mouhl Boards and Is4d Sides for Only Plows always onhand. 500 OORDP HEAONG WANTED AT Saw Nig frsiectforth. SAWN LUMB OE ALL RINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, HEMLOCK LumBER 331131.‘8 FIT.JDZI) At the Shorter;t Notice. 1 COLEMAN & THE HURON PLANING OIL MESSRS. GRAY & SCO Tr REG 10 announce that they have comineneed -se' business In the Shop lately oecupled by Mr. Mediu, and are now prepared to fill orders for Stashes, Doors, Blinds, if And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETT RS, FARM GATES, HAY RACKS, A good stoek of Seasoned Lumber on Factory and Lumber 7ard on Goderie street, near Main street. lig Sawing and Custom Planing neatly WHO WANTS MONEY? Vill1Loan Honey at a- LOW RATE OF NTER- EST, either on Farm or Village Property, Parties requiring money should apply -to him. INSITRE YOUR PROP RTY AND YOUR LIVES. A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Provincial Insurance Fire snd Life. The Western Inanraltee Company, of T onto— Fire and Life, The Isolated Risk Insurance Company, of Terms as ressonshle as offered by any other agent doing business for reliable Companife. OFFICE—over Strong & Fairley's Grocery Store, HainStreet, Seaforth. 252 ICENSED AU -MORE= for the y of 4-4 Huron. Halm attended in all of the will be promptly attended to. ti In many CPAS that e been trial patties, Me the fo wing facts Thatiu eat a inereas petition alr ear ulnae gardzat of y of lesexiin crease the num * Po Inert 0 Year, tha tor 1874 t num of 14101 -were 'Honed/ unto in. Come 7 an the y Policies ; la ere $284 ar of 15 ably ever Ns =Miele of paid. its Mem rs in sat' that i reputation for liberalit lessee s been ga by the tors °never been known to non- dons pr , rty—nothin than lated dwellings in eitie lave, ches, EC !homes a that it rates remsi as for ye hewn risks, riots ithsts, es .duraig of oar on all ire Compan Nati aTerage lea on eachpol center, little over ne half of t patties, end the tot 1 of salaries, ding pewee, Dire ' fees am to bat 64 nts on each the w three yea Allman renews as policies Ore, and a $111412 by mail pr raptly att favor. TA Et, Londes CHARLES ULM ON, Bushfie ant Agints--The Col e, Cioderich Tarr for Gr Morris, T 888 District Agent Orey,B ea Soned, YOUR Tint Ext from. t " journal Quebec." the sight, end he eye abeve all othes organs display the infinite er at the Creator. It it also the Moat data Matt, and he preservistiott of whis requires t greatmt re. Too often, manolutturally care , neglects t and only per., ceives h Jelly w it is too late and notWng left to but tri regret. istventcff there- foxe of an article destined to presene snd strengt omen of such lute necessity certsint dames weilef hum ty. We to -dal draw the attention the publics sn invention which, we are not istieken, is elle& to render an enee terviee to ev hod both to those who ba, e goods , in or to preserve it, and to t who have wEilek sight, in to strength- en it. %re allude to a new kind S dee, the lenses of which WV a rock cry ta, are exceed- msnner, as to lessen he effect of strong a light which finishes by fa fearing -the sight, by dilorting too much the optic sr rve. In s word, we do not hesitate to my that hese epectagleer appear to alf to corn all tbeq lilies which an seticle of their piton on t possess. Many persons hare isiata.yed eta and they have proved per- fectly , according to their testi— mony 6 believe t are LW heAt thing of the kind ever brought be e the pa die, We there - more espetially th who, Irma over work or other censer, hove w ak sight, To them they will prove in skiable. Tor le only by . IdUBEINIPEN, Comer Dra e, ileaforth, 384-4 An FANCY GOODS THE II the a TEN and npw INS A Ver Agent Sphere' • best in t r. mar Person Clocks a AT R. C3ITN'rER'S. est, chest. and best selected stock of ver brought into the County. ,,, ed on all purchases of E9T ON INVITED No Troub to Show Goods. ha ,fr 25e to $8 perpair. for the Ce bated L. BLACK & al at tion paid to RepairingWatehee, JeWehy arranted to give satiable - Gold and Silver. MYRIir N 8 to her eastomers and others she hoer ed her tin shop to the latelee pied by Messrs. Login She lints on hand an immense ARE ND STOVES, Of ell kinde, Which w be disposed of at her cue- WmarY Prig", MILK CANS: • 1 -wl-B13. WHITNEY5A IOR SALE: A .000D second hand BUGGY. APO' st 'seafortb.HICKSON ;Ss Co 'a Dois and /ewer/ *Anew ain