HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-05-07, Page 5. •••••••••••••,..4. ✓ 8e 1 tiny ser. !e Free +t of the Ir. Ymtee, beeNinitis r, Mr. Py was o r. ROSS Was Made Mr. R W Scott Firm ,bast, Mr. Coffin hike, Mr. D. A. S xi a soothing a Nix; B ddid n3 ser sae y inly o It ---a fuer told. �i.tor £fid 3lie Wo was made Wide*, Dr. Tu f Customs, i :. ren a por olio, a F. r rewarded withofft ther—all for ;su raredond. And nee r—OUratra7,. ►a s ifenuoni who hair() Berlin,left theme Conference of el Church, whiCh Ipringfield for the bore on Traesday hill belonging to n Luoknow, was by ere on T of Prate on Legislative state tl, and that n Mutine Republige pee of a speedy and eon about 4 rf one: of the cars et, Grand Trunk. Lout 100 yards east e car were thrown impllotoly arae Sara sane ty the ° Wed the town of his amusement to, eatiefactor7 exit' e general veep Ls existed for total esu ,47 this year it increase of $202,481 yeiir was 0,594, ung the Barg in ;f Athols had in r,awriterof it him eta 1 of some oueis Id the day and sive the man of law., =dual a1 1 piece Jut: hReintinent, and wldch he could not ars. A Rigby;. Perthwriterle e of shoving it of swearing: E& #itiOtho fry who replied, s rang ��1 r, but dl0 of the road and oveurre4 on Set.. . Grand Trunk. B& sora Asa fare: tie wife wore return. their vehicle we,; are on the railroad locomotive. The bed,. there being Et whose, while the d out, the woman a scratch en her is was frightfuiiv egfro. team fared ... tpod wit out any 3 k other had one of e of Saturday, let to the cone aqua and Ohio, lees eneourin se d to believe. The end the long €ion- lured both sprees is rably, and a wee than onee tyis expect ra hope to harp t, as a whole, the of encouraging.: e sectio, i ver a market to .Ohl - nee, our dealers' interested lathe crested on olyriesian, of left Liregpoo1 ch is now oon•. supposed that c point. The thiel ease, e %%odne8da en a ship w- an in every re- _ hrough the. ice• ,rc \$rw1Reeday ter provisions 1 stitg vessel,, the Progress ttor will then search for the S. the 'residence April 24 by fr. Ifeedinan, ey, Of Oa.. Ilnori,oh the i. 0i3, .r,. Win,: Jr Aa_inette,. Warlthing.. rf�gidencG of v. W. L. ;icon .Esus, e Adams of €Saughter of Y. 1 ►rr'•—In Braal of Mr; duel Mslcitneue.ii• wits of Mr. Ler&. •In Hili wife of 11. Jo MAY.—In Ezete of Mr. George b'' lels,.,on May 4, t1 Scotty of a son. 4 taniey,- oa ► McQtteelk nf.*` I ti beet, on April 28 bra Latta, of is deli on April 29, the wife May, of twivar-.ons. rth, on May 1, Ifrhoma. years. wife the O KXoL, In Setif Knox, aged 51 THS t.A K T DZAPORM Ma., . 1876. With the exception of a 243 ins iu butter, prices remain quote 0 pQ Dol• ing 'Wheat,, per i ........ 0 �8p8 Oafs per -bushel... 88 • r.... r........ 0 Pass per bushel•...i••••.••p•i• 0'74 Seeley per bushel . 75 Botter,lto.1,Loose. ?lour •••r s...... 1Ria7 , •. ....... Sheepak ni.......... Slit (retell) per b 1,. .......• Salt (wholesale) per barrel, .. Pototoesaer ............ 0 60 Qstmei1 bslb ...••••••••••• •.,•...••.a $ •••••••••••••' • .•.. So ;••••••••••••.. 000 • .....•..... 0 00: •..•.......•.. 0 00 0 00 w006.E•, .•...•... • ./i.r•••••••• Clover heed..... • ••0, nKw 8 00 •.,�i.�eeed•:•i•.I•.•i•.p{7 •i•. 1i0 Pail Wheat, per bras S pring Wheat, per b+ Oros, per bosh.L ... Barley, per bushel.. Peas, per bushel:. Batter. •.• ...... ...!Is Potitoes•••••• •...4 �lo.,�per tea.,..., .. . Itloverseed ••. seed. White fall Deihl, $1 68. to to $165 red. spring,$1.6O SI 33 ; Vis, $I $1 70 to $2 �. t ter ti� tO h to 12c. The only grad white wheat at at 96c: No oa account offerin from $1 03 to Oat.. are not qu oerstoe .may to 0 90 ttoo09040 ' 0 75 0 S0 013 6 {0MM�00,0 l0 5 00 60 -0 80 070 600 6 00 00 7 00 4 00 0 90 -1876. O 00 0 40 "0 78 0 Sia O 18 100 ` 96 0 400 oNnax, . May 6, 1875. heat, per 100 pounole ] 75 ; Treadwell, !$160 rater, 41 to $1 _62 ; $168 ; oats, $1 32- to 26to$12; be • Clover seed $6 to Iuts fo o 7 eBIle (moms, May 6, 876.. in to day was Todd of 1 01, and one spring , peals or barle of any Barley Iron bring 04, and pease • t 85e. d• TORONTO ` E STOCK 0RONTo, May 6,1876..- EutvEs.-Th= market was w ll sup- plied upplied during the put week, bo M re. quality d quantity, an there ::.. g a good etnand, 'a11 offered;sold readily at a y prices. Rath more than half of .the receiptel were t for shipment east, he rest going the 1oca1-aonsti rption. We quo class cattle $r to '$5 25 j -e to $4 50, and third•ch u 76 to . One car of cows, averaging1,100 pounds, at $49 one car of inferi _r, aver- ne car, aging 1,000 • . , ads, at $37 ; averag'lltg 1 + e e pounds, at $43. snit ran high, 'One ca wit pts are still vlib, 188, dress ts;1, at -60 lbs. gull lots change hands a rates ranging fr $8 to $10. - j„ty..._ f . are ag many opting lambs . • •emg in, `with no ' slpacial �are to bay big prices oho" ing the nd, We • f oke first-class $6 second. class $4, and t f "rd -class, $250 >>$3• : m MONTREAL V1 STOCK MARAET. &r. AAa xszi, May 6. . There were 1' car-loadai of cattle on the market today, 10 being dia$illsr3r fed, and the balan were farm fed, cattle. The distillery fed cattle sold at $5 75 per 100 lbs. lav weight, and theArm fed, among which t ere wee a g $$4bulla, so at prices varying from 75 to $5 50. Drovers say that bulls are the moat pr l table beef 0t►ttle to deal in, as there is . !ways: a good demand for them. There ere about 100 hogs on the market, not'' by any memo first-class an - kraals, and t sold at $7 75 to $8 26 per 100 lbs., li le weight, being consider- ly less than the same anneals would have would have sofor last .week.l Really good hogs won bring $a perlbsoi) Hides, No, 1, Inspected $7 25 to $7 50 per 100 lbs ; No. 2, $6 25 to . 50 do.; No. 3, =$5 to -0 50 d Citi !skins, 15c per b; Sheep skins, $1 20 to $1 50 each ; amb Awe,. 2Cc to 30o each. • j�. • ITE$ WHA T . S TO And b*y of his T Per they ars e For We tasty they Portbeq show To eland amend In all the town. Ilia Owers are fie The well de With theneth*Ve Or anywhere e 'Dor.* aawse Tilley They �ghtI At fatly rat Cos,s,e ,19 And paparts a llf That he basin NOw Weigh the And. mark the Zeit door to St The identfeal • p and ems; M- Y t1lg• nese 1 Potsun., a Fsirlep's, s! . THE I`, ' NSW 42,1p SEASONABLE 01DS AT DU PI C N • ER now OlIZAPICS he sestiket4 havbsr . Thews purchaser Set admitted to be.thellE8T and a ill the -int" Maelane lin the le fader_ end iti is the sot sold on tried, end If satiated 'with it an I:return assehiree in the inarket. issequired to give satisfaction. Y Omit on hind st hie ezi abundant m Ent: Lk* sal the other . so that, parehesers *pita have Amelee ht want of to their t0 the Town Line between where they est LUMBER. THAT e # +` PRICE 110itlt Ss •'LW HAL A Good 43,41Bo.Q b LITTLE FALLS DAIRY' M KZT. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., Ma 4, 1875.. The market today is brisk, with bet- ter prices for 'factories than' last week, 1 ffi 400 to 500 bxse of fame duet were on delivery, and prices ranged from Ile to 1.3e,according to quality. , Fac- tories were largely represented, the offer ings aggregating not far from 4,000 bra. The top price was 16e. for everyday cheese, four five - factories . reaching, that 'figure, a sales today are fed• garded by dai en as remarkably well made. Butter is to er and the market is dull, with a fallin off in delivery. Sales were made at om 20c to 23c., according to quality. Advices fro England for the third week in Apr 1, announce that fancy English cheese is scarce, while American is very firm,with reduced stocks; and prices for a fine shade higher. In the butter market there is a sort of panic, and buyers na e `their own figures for inferior sorts. Canadian and . American • butter is quote . at, esseersesseesoctoifrom 60s to 80s per 100 pounds. esee 'BRICKS FOR ,SALE. A QUANTITY el good white Bride for sale in Evrncndvillc. Apply to t384*4 ROBERT FULTON. utb lumber Hitt the old lids Depseleili4i eau and wiS suit the wombs of Al. This West shaser aid masks, la Daesses mg Kate. ebaseestin the Martel. P C The subsidise also t tie tosser tae their liberal patrenaseJn the hopes to reed,* .1 eoetfaoanee .of their fav • to t'. All of,rer-due Accounts will Eight Per cosi, -I•M 887-18 ZORN THO . EXOEL8OR i . .3 EQMOND F7L&E, 0.4 T IM RT% N* TO FARMER® Immemit Bump SO* 810.419.. O you want A 1 Most and in seas Mead. With all proved maehiaeey, we 4* STRATFOR-D CHEESE MARKET. (Meow First dhe.Market of the Beason will be -- held in the Market 13nilding, Stratford, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1875, A full attendance of Dairymen and buyers expected. MARRAGE LICENCES OK VE1taTIFICATE$r (Tinder the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, Under, authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. lyp iCE TO DEBTORS. LL PEES0Nfs indebted to the undersigned, will please ea11 aria settle by cash or note w bout eny further notice. ese.e ROBERT Pt TTISON. CIISTINC, AN. Done et onse, and good . em Dry ere, sat Lust 1114 1 . pelf fors 0HOPC litilkie.ess440 give Welt TAS`'0 Qg11) FAMO BRAN, =SRO o Dense d to any part ignaocdvilte free of e r s sleft at W be prom f.4 ¢'B # M. CHAR N. B. --Agents for the Purifier. X71• FLOUR• OP, AND a' forth, Sarphey' E Ile III1 L't i ►► est ` Mk; swo R3.t00. Os Ohl NEW DRU.STORE AND G t CERY. AB. IOBDE inlets*, he ppoobn0 Heat. hs has ` opened s Dreg Store ,.d tiro In the T r to 1M quaili of Safortb, nest• stook is of the t+ give sstfsfaetion: sell solely to en aloe im fir om Scrofula,IAver .nv 194imm ►tory on him. His remedies fo rivalled, as those who bay testify. Those wishing fc ar for Fever Medicine ma Adenoe. Horse and Catt: order. P greys keryg y, tnd cam 1.0 !a ee wilt ebnlinee. him - e. Those jlahim- We,ering tat, Nemrs or from fl !sal do we to call thinediseasesare sa- 0 need bemnare *Nolo r Good Woym.'; 'owdtrs call on him with an - Medicine preperel to 087 . BUTxg§ . _4/ SAMUEL H'snow on band at a number Whig w: Machias Turned These Package, eat give satisfaction. SPECIAL IND -LAA G.E PU 0. Dir. Trott expects in a - the manofsotuie of Wash 081 SAM T TBS. 8 and fa best CEMD h Tub P orablyknown ,Paek,ag. ass, and, lite NTS1.'TO ERS, bort t e to c nameor es Tubi on a large reale , EL TAOTT,' osforth. BALE. L bred Dnrham 3ull, twe d cglor, with a i edigroe, credit or ass . Apply Apply . GAI1BaAIT , t 20, Con. 9, e lillop. AYUSP, 1` ampere 6tore, eaforth, ounts lin my ands for requested to lea11,' and h me at one, or they ME8TZD 1 ceaughey & H hawked. RY S R Bum leo �j OR SALE, a thoro years old, of a dark r and will be sold either b to 886*4 PAY UP. T R. COMET, late of at -h having placed his a 0011800°n, all pertieo aro settle their seboants wi will be sued. 3 F. HO 888 'NEW GROC IN SEA lkir RS. GRIFFITH will tionery Store on Main Mansion Hotel. Mrs. GRIFFITH hop patronage of her old frie and other surrounding 8eaforth, as she has a ..guarantee every eatisfaet The Highat Cash Butter open On SA do in Maillei oVin ships, as (Wont ec- osite ell as in and will rice will be id for ?Id Egvs. 1nm. GU ITE. IJ • 1±4 t.,FIOTHR CHEAP Good inery QUaLity 0 FM p1 st Ws see mamma abase 'misty et Iambi Ifonthelead _doe flank, Loma smit linen** Otitteldwo. ' Bits. sad oar stack el Pale* sod Bro. 1 MOURNING 1DRIE EP4RT RN:I.: Blab trona Xerintwe, PendaM Coed m Passmattas, Sleek Orem Dasellhee sod emal OWNS. STAPLE OODS, MA GM Ogees. Prints, Tewelbegi Tat* Door Thkiegi Draisimsoks, paw, Illsiithiesoinais ' Com prisini the &Unmet mew of Canadian Woolens, our Womb Catinpers tOPtibt Weal a Wade, See Do, sad out road of Fowles s* ordered work ire nil direr* prepared to fill . . . ually all orders entetteled Wit, ., io sash is man. net as will eoeure malefaction to all 011? HATS Mkt/ CA A Full Idne in the Laitest Shapes. BOOTS AND SHOES. A !vanes& see tment from all the best makes in Misses' and nee. 7oronto and Montreal Ms Fast whiter, We ake, a they did, all produce o cheap in Montreal. 0 ustomere can depend on t from Meters. Z. ered in way of Butter lot of ew TEAS, 8IJG Wing a' st-elsse article kat; in Lidice', • O. IL DS, Deeps the largest a d bort Pi too, and es, Prinses,10eerg Woods fir he am Mess asap SO thensinniseeurere. falleteekof the best Agriesilissal tarp in Amities, on hand se nasal, **mut 0. W4:41$‘ Attest, an4 the 1,1! t hem IsameandBeekeye .6 is NAX3AXIII. This is -tha le y rake's& see, And 44 boll21 rake to s as ilse beat ever h2tree 1111"4"" desiring to pashas* one eaS Thistle sold the Port Pen y ,4 lila* WO- liar Istvan and satiefation GeSeral Propel* Plows S. Thistle Plowln the of Hawn lest Gang Plows,J the bast to the peaale. A teed. .11.111drida wayson haat Oree Boa ara isn other Implement* treys 4 Stale Da,,trist MISS SW kap AO latest sod unreel Myles . ; The latest ma most poptaar Musa mad Id for any g in RAMOS, bought everyt in Groceries. IRIAN 4191 -Ewa) 1st Iddreseed to the mama " Tender IOW, -readAnd at this oillee wail the of Ws motors and Western Sails storedien 1st „ U-4 y of Oast webs, Mgt Shatnainte etas „alio the The w will be let In Ire tutted onthe the; pr 'Caned at Port OolbaSe; NAP OW With Plans and AT, theilOth Do I me tiondir ems relative to bofurbiehedot Therold; and for eon, Plens,1/4,1 11141 tad totes°E)SISI.1 W nate ed inaelee w the printS4 forms of. Dens— thereon; lot setoal the .ostnre of ill. Oen old of of each Member of mails Is sautirots the *um of from 0 work on the action, must neeptny este hit* eolitrata ler t amount. a in htige#10 be stated the Ono ender.- The . cheque Or nway *mut in be set .to ths respective rectors T are not seeeyod. For doe f t the tract, setiefeetory see will setieired on estate or by-depoeit money, bib pal sesuritiaeortank ks to a inn of percent. on, the bit* of the n eel bkh the,: men sent be paid the ionof the work. 6 es of t o sponsib ass so -vent perm, re ideate D on, wall* - to become $ well as t spell ince of ;the works • howeve b itself accept lowest or tender. By der, F. BRA , Secretalry. ertment of Mile We ko, Ottawa, April 26, 187 887-3 ASN, 000 AND 'BLIND FACTORY may be fav red with a .cOntintisnes 0110 duce ts that the same. Parties inten call, as he ge stock eff all DOOR lleteels ho may faVour to im con ief PIN LES, t of wit Innen a ttontio HN wosis 46 well to give blue to kap on hand a ,L1.1173/10117DE;NGS, LATH :ETC, Tinge 0mpg:styli: paid to tem Filming END Re. addreesed toi the un II be recei 'eta til Ni• r of 12 k mem, for Mfrs; th Wag of ownehip Te :voucher:mein:n*2;8: 7edilcatdotenexelvitlitionsb°vpta tool y order of -Council, BALED 'DERS, arna, to he lif /WS be received for aim tone fowl:dad re Pie he work con b seen a he Oeuntel do t hind owed or any der. •