HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-05-07, Page 2NORA'S 8ACRIFI0. CIiAPTER ire. M • Dymond went away, and hie poor moth r passed Nora without a look When sheet her. Poor Nora ! She must have suffered martyrdom in those three weeks that fol- lowed ; and yet it was wonderful how peaceful and calm she. was. She had hopes set higher than earth, and she was strengthened from- above. At last the storm she had seen gathering an the dis- tance fell upon us. Oar.1aay•bright dai in th old home dawned, The last 1 tf ono co .1d know the: future, what a tor- ture e would be ! anon; came to spend a long day with s, and we drove out in the morn- ing ; i etold us of apanic in Wall street, and ughingly prophesied the failure of many : firm. My father had gone to busi- ness ith anxious an face that morning, 'but h always kept his troubles to him- self, and we thought little about it, So we laughed and chatted, and re- turned to lunch, and sat in the drawing- room talking to my inr,ther, Adelaide was recovering some of her spirits at the . prospet of a coming grand choraliter: vice, and sat at the piano trying some chants. Harry was brought home from Vale, and had brought the twins down - stairs from the school -room, and was telling them his- college experiences.) Nora was scwin , and Joining now and then in. the `children's merry talk, She was their especial favorite, We were thinking!. of dressing for din- ner, wh n one of the servants entered, ,and in low voice told Nora -that het presene was required in the library, She rose and left the room, giving ,Itarry's hair a playful pull as she pass- ed. We went on with our merry- talk, and didof notice her when she came back till Algernon said to me— " Loo c at yoursister's, fact. By.Jove, methi g has happened !" ' so She se- s standing at Adelaide's side, speaking in a low, hushed voice, beg- ging hvr to accompany her to another room, "None nee ; tell me here. What in the world's the matter, Nora ?" said Adelaide settisbly, " Nora what is it ?" I asked, as I jumped u. i and went .to her side. Has anything happened ?" "Z'he oast," she said, with a trembl- ing voice, " Be brave, Lottie. Think ocf cuour other, We are fatherless, Adelaide started up with a cry, but. taking st urine aro rushing, i mother, side her, which she were utte happened ertgth from Nora, I pat my nc1 here and kept- her - from her passionate igge rrief, to our ora presently kn'hlt down be- nd tried to telt the news, had guessed before the words ed, Theworst, indeed, had not only death, but di race. My poor ' ather had been speculating wildly, try`ng to retrieve the losses of a few years F efore, and sinking deeper at every step. Now the male had come, and the blo w killed him, But we thought only of his .loath, so good and kind had he •been to ,11 of us. In my grief I tain- t() him who had won . my , but Algernon was gone, r saw him again for twenty years, Oh, those dark days .! But for Nora, what woul have become of us ? She was our eta , our comfort ; she transact- ed all recess thing, thoug er clung to ness, and w when Nora wards to th More parting Ai for my ed -1 was Night and lay Nora was' ever ready ed for cornf girl's hea sod Ines: try business, arranged ev t of everybody, ; My mottt er with passion* tender- s calm and comforted only as with her,.pointing up - home :where there is no or sorrow. elf, I was utterly prostrat- v•ry ill for a weed or two. to hear my s'ightest wish, an tenderly. helped my po r little feet over the thorny road. - `-` Courage, ' she would say --"light always dawn ., be the night ever so dark. Look up, Lot,io--th:e stars of heaven are always cshinin ." All our hof rsehold -treasure-eawere giv- en up, all ou jewels, Everything went but the little farrn that had been :my mother's (low + , and now was standiug without a tend nt. ' The creditors could l not take that, an paid us overra certain amount of realy money little enough, it seemed to me, but Nora talked of it at of a �rneat fort nit. - '6 We must ,o , and live at idwell," said she. My another �lerly consented though Adelaide'!' c -ed she could never live in a place that ad only a strictly Evan- gelical place of worship. " We must go . theme," sail .Nora, "Edward flag urnished the house --he can't do more, poor fellow --.-,roil James Will help us to tock the farm, and Mary will give Lottie a piano, 011, it will be very nice ! I know all the people." " Trow riclict1lr)us !" eacclaimed. Ade- laide. " You aril Lottie a must take situ- ations as gest�e>rnessee, or open u school or something," "And starve ;genteelly," said Nora. What would become of the twins and 1 farry ? You can't expect, Edward, or Jamie or Mary to adopt theme Be sen - sit le, Adelaide ; we were not --trained to be teachers." "But Nora, who is to do the farm- ' work ?" asked my mother, " %Ve can't keep servants, ,cab we ?" `. ` Once hig girl and I can do it all. S'Vhile I was at ,Sidwell I learned to make the Fest cheese, which is rather a secret, you know ; and I can churn, and bake, and brew, and wash, and iron, and do heaps of things Lottie shall teach the twins, and look ;after the garden, and poultry ; you siha1!I do the sewing, mam- ma ;. arxl you, Adelaide--" '''.1 ate going to° c'.nter St, Mark's: Con- vent ass a Sister of Mercy," said Adelaide ' --a piece (,f information which I am afraid did not make us at sorry as we ought to have been, It was arranged that we should go to Sidwell at once" ,Harry meanwhile was to attend a free publie school, where he he had a goal chance of getting a college asc1iolarshtir, !the aim of hes am itiorx be- ing to be a clergyman, A sad party of rive, we reached our new home in. the chill, dreary autumn days. Adelaide hail entered upon her novitiate at at, SIark'»; The farm house! �s-as well and prettily furnished bye our 1 eldest brother.. A fair stoat of cattle were broweing in the green iieIds, and 'hens and ducks were roarning{about the yard. ,�l'here wass a piano—'M ary'e pros- elit----ice the beset parlor; and we- had a xx rnberr of hooks, A stolid looking girl, ii a blue 'skirt and shoat blouse, was in t1 e kitchen, trying to make the lire light. The clematis over the porch was dead, the flowers were faded and sodden in the garden, the wind came moaning naiad the house with a ,mournful cr Everything sad at this fi Whati liasetaor-1r,Male n state and ohangin. WA8 er t white bowl middle. T The twins w cooking was as if expr t home -co once a e0 esbly •vary a Keg, u1 ri et adin dewu lifter and f1 idao� f oh' e lam ro .in; igh rfection, id it and our talk afterw thetwins t to lOo1L' fhhei read and th ms to sle Then Nora le afterwards rwards w maid. Our quivering voi to' our own ro I was up o : rly, but before me, bu . y at !work print drools th . t I remem ed at my era r :, with a s and then lit ; : r own fires . ; "It isn't 'i ourning," he s choked voice , " bat I an't black --and w . don't need a dre our grief, do wont mind th for breakfast, • I begged and was co fast things. Nora had to wards. - How about simple 11 e r+ds'b th off ' bed ter he praye s We al We dip' {a w dregs r, e, dear ? s; I`will liotigh," • er to let lesioned to t+ad Mudd linage eve 11onged usehold 'the mile. ery- joy- lire. and ud- ith a t up long the e anti; e •Nle, id, wor s to lboie mai t oto �', y b r e h It might help No, a ! I tried I felt very flat. I vela nteere the clothes an'. Was- unpalatabl few cousecutiv muddle` with m needle. I gave but Nora urged twins ' and I 1 school and out f school. visitors, a clog roan and .h them, I quiz d them they had left --s ch a'queer seemed tome, w th thick sh out gloves, , " rhey don't k like to iron, my linger and: I co stiches wit thread or up in deer me to per arnt. tog a in .Ip ma er, ak- it. oro 6 tit said, " Wait till yo ' - have bear preach; and .: rold Luton remarked," stop . "ng ,in h to answer me ; "that el. you call him, is . a eeliolar tieman," " which--, fath r or sou ?" "Bath," she a swered ad tow laugh, "Ha Id is; a gre his Way ; - he help understand things last'` " What is he ? What ;is sign ?" I asked. , Be is going todarm in the whom -h d Nora w, rea. aom re, i er; .1 hat e s son Nor, eoupl tie an t1e r, stalk, r eh d: op d a t fa se ak ins im ad th o f amo of th wi en „s rni ge •, me wo s d rful when 1 wa, own has a cousin ther next sunnier ; " a her churning, Of :course I eir. s heart-br could never forget : gernon; how, as the 'wen r days we grew less -dull in t ' e little. fa began to look forty rd to Hai visits. . He carie t all time right into the kiteh n,:whore' ins for I leant to cook' at lac the 'dairy, to gie ora his ad the cattle, ow soleinnly w: used to tal urnips and cat le, azid th barometer, I with;my a sour, 'and ora with up, flushed nd pretty, aning against t e hearth i ng Hercules, : tired in lo rough browns it, with h' -whijs in his and, as h times we stumbled on hig versation, an many a talk we had u that old Nora would eon, hurry ork, and Harold would the farm to look afte o In the even" , he would read to us while we with our need s. came ham at Christ., r fectly happ wanderin Harold; gun in hand. T le supplied wi h game du and many a pleasant di he little part Jr, with ou e --almost as right as of of the tabl , Christ with. rnornori s indeed, as chastened . nd sober. etting.the p as'far stied with Arg' name I st shocked find ho temptuoasly 1 looked, at a his which I awe upon ung in my bo ter passed an . early sprin eld rought a, bunch of d gave therm , me, fiat I have s - ; n," ho sal strange deli ht that h them to ra. I` s that he car. d for her "set violets ! They aro sic now, be a lock'e baby head of � y only los 'IIA1 rEf IV. A - � � 1Jn�r, my sweetest memories ring day in; - pril, whit •n exquisite co or,`and jo beyond all m dreams ca H• and t of the with tucked old le a- you and a riding Some of con bit of though her w. round erty, - book to busily arty Pe r with our tab holiday In t er's fac :the head was sad �efw" t forgo conn was trait pf So win and Har violets an not given sometime Those in my de from the ing. Among bright sp life took happiness I had le and patie they had a light by ruled our It lets bloom the radian grown brig of my heart That Apr alone in th the twins w mother was was alone w den gate, w shoulder, an fey tea, He in the coot unconnecteel about the w I'olly, our to get the te altogether: pl I got the ke began to cut of the long' ki stood by the sparkling lla for a time, bu -miter regions brokeei in th tin Harold knife and lie bing heart. words betwee know each oth ple avowal, so dearly ! • ith er her pfes will an on it o en, land and I 1 's daily as ok- r into about of grass kluges white 4ir dress aad Har - le, like gaiters at and topics earnest kitchen, black to off r, prop - tiering a Worked abott g the er we oth- o day t our waS waS ooly pora bile ame hitt had felt 111A' au fai jo spi hol ha pre wa tio arnt many leit One of hu nee during he' winter, 11 been brigh lied and the sympathy and ,,love t umble home. With the ingsamong the grass, end th t 'days of s ring, life ad Etter, and th • foolish f ere .gone to • rket, and y1 ben Harold c me te the ith his hshin -rod over Aline arid sa opposite e efteay porch nd m fool fashion We Ike& litt eather an 1 th farm. maid, came o t to ask e a ready—an in terruption' riot ys end pet in the tea an bread and-bu ter at; th; tehen table bile Har hearth and 'I eked: at t mos, Payee.. in and o poke, and I dropped er's love befo e that s' so happy ! loved hi rnt ng a a s, he in• �g. yI • how q ickl the idol .t f ve no ecreti n Nor jr he res + noted, " t too ro e, y hitt a ... is .Nom." II did ;not `mind, I ' tol as, another tie b tween ba toads° ved a lion gig ;=and I knew i"hea min , or tho ' wor be ight would ever ' are without as Ingle, alked by the kitche tittle wait si ng, t ith the tw ns, w • wise you; Nveui Who spoken to - egret we stood and hea h, where tho 11 Nal* canto back/ weite tired sand - a ;re • ! It Was Mated that was to go with weld to the Weet in th ee months. the end of t eart with him. Quick - e arch. w Nene as s e lean over 'Heaven bl se her ! th trees hid t hoes d Heaven di bless all trae hearts, r of home the garden of to us as e road, her - mile still to ew th tears were liar Id said, as from our sight, her, a d gave her esses not rewards letter lies my esk, age ree,cier it in lad yea $ after Bar ld an I le gwiihn n ;fide w;ye fit! y unit be in 'to lisp, r will copy t tell be rest of can it was a j tsvi They al ever dertaki mar hun the spe • • 44 fairy ever ginni as t But s the and gentleman. Ho aired u nd hi lift e letter her t co positi ays ere p g. Lu kily ved ther. corr will red yards of each earl cousin' Lotti It, has tut' ed ou tetra, a.ndee cm like thin are so erybo we— was usin N rya so she didn't li e ran away into th r. Luton ove shook hands with un aa "The gentleman came we clidn'tianow a it, bu namee and la Jot of t in s it sa funny. Be k us of things along th road, got to the; fields he never he was silent righ to t wotildn't came fart er t but asked es to ca 1 cousi him to come in— for she c to change herelress ithou porch but there h stuck, end called cousin N ra. "She came right spoke to the butter ed out, but elle di forward in her ,priti ice—was ie?—not ught to have conee ring flowera or p roper. - For it was e told us yesterday marry cousin Nor ot beta hotring jus usin Norate face co usnew the pa ee had t 's andscouein Nora' si hen he talks after usin Nora, does, alk up and down the en the stets are r him talk Of his 0 y he tl diet come int. of that firs 'light fano home -two t Sidwell, nd strug- :voice had 4 feet to r It will rtners in hey were within a Here is dims. of aro so he good be happy gin a the be- t not ust now, very aughty, ud it as each, a w busy in ar us I go out, woo for a back long the took s with a to ow this ur fa na and went off. wit us, and be k ew our ad we hougnt bout 11 sorts said word ; the porch, Neer . She d we anted and went, Wai till have au • t mi d, and came e been going • for ver s ch a that and eeeing or up and I kae appy The we me, nd w ran tee him somet mos, tea at out oks. hough • and hey vets, He sai he can't make out ford, Be his th- him ish shut up a on as almost ki ack Auntie it Was a let r fro return ; but he got savagete and rthur and Nora we umn, and titer are v and eet-elness. No it ; she is eraprests 1, the faireet donnu e. The setf-sacrifi ension of the real s ad iled her d with this , paces w man arid how aaried are the IIits different. fea res an( many ex' pr fill ; and] again Ole write lung erdly divin by its extremely (melee expres natu beaut consists no only in pe tion haracte and feelin feat chisel feature*, b t the are 11)?81 pin arid h w ready an. lavish ith on °rift - times, There is nothuig hich as so that ark Antony with " such lofty scorn . id cast a world awa from ment hat he d his great heart ilellher is as much differ ce ex • ugly an pretty one; and th imeir made o US is as geeet Th re are picture, with faultless te tures e marr ed in a ha y hp whic her a linen ate of our fa lently to ma he eir ed 'th ng hante with Ling ion Otrie and ri. .k' rind* but sold et.framelear- memory when ate, at a glance, eland tiroua ; then t iee brow, radian 'Wit Of , gentile ; drink dee from t te re well -springs of ability A ace of this kind tak its d tined Jae in the gallery of life's p forest, whew likeueasi, though. shadow wil never entirely fade away. fit .hearta, beariug their heal bur e 'behind gilded and *Cos y mas a fa r ;face has been the mask behi whi h lout play aid many- dark hate been cermet dn. Would 1 that t world he ore careful, and dr w 'a of disdrim nation between the feature and etpreseion of the human f ; mor would.beread rightly, and few worth suonudli;rawtomodildagnr moraptoprteehiesitedr grl vets m • taioenot `Ifenits,--Walking *long the streets with the point of an Umbrella sticking ant beyond, under the arm o over: the shoulder. BY suddenly- 'stop ping to speak to a friend, it person walic-1 ing hi the rear had his brain penetrated through the eye in one of oar stileets and ' died in a few days. To carry a long fencil in the outside coat pocket. Not ong since a clerk fell, and his to g cedar penci so pierced an importan artery that it had to be cut dostn from the top of th shoulder to prevent his tattling I to de th, with a three months' illness. ; To ta e exercise, or walk for the health when every step it a drag, and instinct ' urges cove, l'o drink a glais .'of cold water on getting up in the mornirig -with- out ankfeeling of thinit, under the im- its witehingeout qualities, To rsuade garmehts and person by enveloping your - yourself that you are destroying no un- pleasant odor by introducing a s ronger one; that is to sweeten your unWashed telf in the fumes of musk, eau de Co- logne, Or tasetWater ; the best perfume being a 'clean skin and well -Washed amralemmusumanimminnummummoim -'-'• Chancery„ etc., Goderich and Seat h, Of - ice, over Jordan's Drug store, .aosterlate, and •-' Solicitors in Chancery, Goderieb. 848 •-11 Solid re inChancery, &a. Office on Wiest 8t., orPosite he Post Office, Goderich. 846 _1" M. LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, has been ap- pany of England, he is also Agent for several pri- vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates. Intereet payable oarly LCharges moderate. Also Solicitor for the St. awrence Bank. Wingham, Dee. 15, 1871. i 218 AireCAUGHEY HOLMESTED, Barrister's, At terneya at Law, Solicitors in Chance and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Convey* Solicitors for the Itt C. Bank, Seaforth. Age ts for the Canada Life Assurance Company, N. B.—t80,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Fame, Houses and Lots for sale. 58 st LaWr SOlieit9rB in Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyancers, Notaries Public" °W. Offices—„Sea- forth and Wroxeter. $28,000 of Private Funds to Invest at °nee, at Eight per cent: Interest, payable 58 8Qiniat, Barrister, Attorney fn C • DetIor & Co.'s Emporium, Market Square' )3ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chan &c., Brneaele, Ont. Office—two door's nor b a 271 the Post 0111:0ederi. W. R. SQUIBB, I DANIEL McDONALD, Brune County. Otllee and residence, Main gtAttet South, near the Station. t" • Accoucheur, Satiforth; Ont, Office and r denee south side of Goderich Street, first east of Presbyterian Church. - a-2-• geon, eta., Coroner/or the County of Hur Office and Residence, corner of Market and streets, next to the Planing MU cry, •fte., Goderich, Ont. Office—over styies, neatly executed. All r - care and promptitude.,1..- Fees am low as Can be 0 tained elsewhere. Oilice hours from S A. M. to 5 P. M. Boerne over Mr, A. G. McDougall's Ste 270 I CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Surgecia Dent •-'• vieit Goderieh on the first TUESDA and WEDNESDAY of each month, at the Co borne Hotel. • Member of College of Physicians and fi geons of Ontario. Late House finrgeon of Hin ton General and Lying-in Hospital, Physician Surge -on and Aecoucheer. Office oppoalte COM mercial Hotel, Clinton, Ont, Prokasaional punctuay attended to both in town and COM1 4-2-• man of Cornell UM:realty, Ithaca, N.Y., Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, TorentO, has tattled permanently In Varna, whorehe will be found ready and *Wing to attend to all kinds of diseasee, in all kind*. of animals (man excepted), in all kinds of weather, and at all hours. Resi- dence and ()nice two &era east of Cook's Tem- perance Hall. 819 V. S., begs to announce to the inhabitants of Seaterth and surrounding country that he has been awarded the diploma of the Ontarie'Veterin- ary College and is we, prepared to treat dieesees of Horses and Cattle and all domestic aninitals, He The has opened an ofnce connettion with' his horse- the shoeing shop, where he be found ready to at- GoId, tend to calls-. Diteases the feet sPeelellY At- tended to. Residence, Oleo and shop in the rear of Ifilloran & Ryan's new atore; All kinds of Vet- erinary Medicines kept conetantly on hand. Charges reaeonable. 229 41. cHaftCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon, (mem- - • ber of the Ontario Veterinary Collegedbegs to intimate that he has retnrned to the practice a his profeseion in Seaforth, awl may at al es be 'consulted on the diseases of Horses, C , &e. Veterinary medicines coni3tantly on ha4. MI calls promptly attended to. Office, at Mansion Rouge, Seaforth, 278 SAIICEA HE STR NGES THE EIEST, The Cheapest i the Market, ARRANI'ED FL LL WEiGH Be sure and get the Glailed Tiebet Yarn - PERSON SHOTJLD LAY 0 MONEY THIS SEksON FOB I pOTTONS, CLOTHS, 0/t. elf/LL/N.itit WITHOUT FIRST (*LING AT ILLIAM HILLS, DAVIS' HALF -WAY HOUSE:: rrIIIS hotel is situated half way between Sea- -1- forth and BrusSels, having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, it now affords air good accommodation AS' any country tavern ,,in the County. Liquors and cigars of the choicest brands. Good etabling, good driving sheds, good enelosed yard and shede for the aeeemmodation of drovers, awl plenty of hay always on hand.! A good and attentive hostler always ready. No tam- ble to water horses. VICTORIA HOTEL, WALTON,—John Winter,' ' Proprietor. . This : tei is situated On the attendance. Good stab "ng 'in connection with the hotel. r fiesees every aceommada ion end comfort for trac- ers. The best brands f liquore and cigars kept in the bar, and a careful and attentive hostler in 850 1141'V WY. 7 A. SLURP'S LIVER ANDSALE STABILES. A- • Office—At Marraysa Hotel, Seaforth. !Good Timm's LIVERY STA LES, SEAPORTS,: Ont. . Good Sorties and do fortable Vehicles al on band. Favorable A angements made With Commercial Travellerst, All orders Jett at the Commercial Hotel, wili be promptly attended to. Cial Hotel, Math Street. 221 THOM S BELL, Proprietor. Go Stock and Learn the Prioes at which it is offered. chase of rv large arnOn t of Goods in market du the high Inise Of les him to offer great ve increased facilities for and every effort will be of the attention to ;red to serve And in all Caseo One Price all Nionben, HILL, FR COSS SC LIFAX ITO IC ,C.KBR PARTM ORSTE S, CH TRI 0 FRENO CH TW ED GER PUN TWEE 8, CANADIAN CICER 8.01T merit ATMS ander the :Maria- anent of Auder HATS Ni) Weekly illC TS' FURNISHING& "vale a he New -at styles TH ST—It t hest and on.17 pe Shirt made 111) ---It is ecOnomy, fo it _will AO ignick, and II wear ger than a other, 'shirt made he bo is always s D—The to the he breast a ng ditm t rutin' absorbs t prevents t FOLIRTH--The being /owes' part a sit to sl the body, t eby prevent Or hunchingiip on the FIFTH—This IS SO lidu adapt it elf to the wearer without being shirt, And we as e yon t Is is the tip ander he be- perspirati front, disconnee at the ttp 07 itfrom breaking kwben in a sitting strutted tutt' it tkm of the tine ha the te • Trg —Oharles end :fttmeesel3pife.:allpekint-411;34YrebLinsier'ree kai.abt tlaet he —The y way te get th mem turnpike and do tt.—e —elt avaiitething for -1 teer'ut finger in the Water, at -oat look for the hole:j ft is, ttl suppose that haweier frvo.,:e us:: dt41: aiY::en,ndu,vP:weing:a'Ser.::33'tet;:sahei':inen,:w:satlieporhelabt4rei7:uheLtt:strjlagleaft'ii: :qenniertetp*atesearitelasIlLnt14,1ht?"' inuraiug he met Arne of a --Art honest farmer vat 'the lauth. SIM aie the -eyes -t myself ware ix er Want a fine house 'tt tate, -Would it net 'be it Irsie lie Oitieeyes from --eeA.. rude, Ignorant fell° titela4 James Howe the were so well knoWn rettehtations Of the lower Inquired -Whether he Iva ta -Logan one: er Stew head inn -of a, aown *id directed the waiter „ttittiiiiedieHi,flicifil:to:yrolhipeani:stialeaileinteclatiat .100.11001,404fortit ess Tug not yet taseit, wit e tk *ad hae been slow Mean tleit it had been. teen ed.' naceaus.*igilititeoiumal`slibe4tdue;eete' Wna 44 04: :lialevhee74,k"edo *4114101e_ u ey'recor. a in per y hiving for tett *SW the eggs -were boil aued moat than Once order' t4be ore catiful, and to n to believe t ted, the servant ltft•aeaurolteloeltrtil:firso"g-notie:,, -4WD 41i, vir a, hand "free oat ehaps" a-Elepluente live -The:woman who don't Areas neveiyet =weeded_ in dr steak properly. a —If you) would have s, faithfullyziever tell it to if yonewould not have t ratritever do it. es -The most superfiacial hevestatieed that vices and. —If there is arid in w-11 a future in which they may_. —Life is ashort day, but eneedity. Activity may emelt-vita cannot lead to g leek =good word is au .essy but not -to speak ill minim enei4 which -costa nothing. "The y is how to make money out in proportion ati they aro faste4with a heart behind it worltof beauty, Ken wile balk uniformly agree to this brush? Do you giro it -up? oui should have bave ace of not be borrowing his —IV schoolboy bein teed= how he shoal it OA the Italian system stralwe upwards, White 43-lityv The practice of giving.; Judges at maiden assizeseas relief of the seenbolism. ob early Uwe of all 'countries - to be foand in the circa hand b.eiag regarded as a er, By the hand property hand joined in hand to matrimonial or otherwiee, eymboliem should bave bee from the hand toile glove is and it is in this trawler the. origin of white glovers in co a maiden a$3,siZO, At sac criminal is Called upon b nwitie hand; ba held up ; British Judges ha been accustomed. to reeei white gloves after the What lean OId Never be afraid. of item maid. An oldenaid. is far edam." is- greatly superio happinees, to wedaed. life " Fall net in love, de.ar says the song; But we do n the said son.- On this ques contrary, w:hold that it is to4all in love, or get love, be a worthy one, To fall in honorable man is as peoper honorable man to tali lov tams and amiable woman could be a more g a sight so pure, so a.