The Huron Expositor, 1875-04-02, Page 5A person hotter ief postmaster than youn Saturday last charge of order to w wife of and 6 menthe, WAAT„---Itt Hallett, on March' 26 b - ort, third son of Mr. Geerge tt, Elizabeth, wife of ; lames Carry, aged 43,years, MeN-mt, —In Grey, n Mareh it Annie Fmnrwoop In Brussels on Marelt279 of Rev, Cooper. 7 7 WAIT AIMING .t7 taxa ortop le fellow in quest. muphor out of the Iedical aid was given, and --The exa 9th ult. The d,sy izo number of via - in the progress the manilla. ntlition of remark eeted the wi gen- sad peo -of the countenatees affectionate feel. hem and their Molt they he r spent their e4 for the scholars -goo,. and was duly littlel folks_ THE MARKETS. forowna LABOR SEAVOIVH, April ; 1876, There is nothing worthy of mention doing on the market these dap!. The country roads are in such a condition , that it is iMpossible for farmers to bring out produce. In prices there is little ch.snge to note, Barley shows a little bettsr this week, but other grains re- main at old prices. We quote Bexley per bushel ,.. 76 to 0 00 Potittoe4per 0 80 to 0.80 APS AND STOCK OF NEW the an- eetly of visitor* of the , pressed 4 with, the 'Fog- aking„ The credit for areim- nlivened a and Fularkm -for the he held on. Dry MO Geo. :-irinet auctioneer, Lot cort, 60t Raint„ auctioneer. Ca Sleigh*, pi and oneer. and al on 5larch 21 iirrier; of a son. on Marchfi 4n. Mceloy of a' on 3iarch 26,' on March 31 Nlarchr28,, the on on fairch March 24, the, aarch 28, - the And would like intending purchasers to ea And examine the folictilrin Uwe; rria finest, eh A- the shove ia TEN PEI& CENT. TS' FURNISHINGS. PRIN 8. No Trouble to SbOw A Ye Lave F FVs,TS AND PS ASHTON'S BROWNS ASHTON'S GRAYS, FANCY `GING/IA.3M, Pall Moat, per Inzsbel„ 0 88 0 98 Spring Wheat, per bushel, , 0 S8 0 98 WE.41 18 NOW COMPLETE] FANCY 0 ,STRIPEri EGA AB, PLAIN CHAMBRAY& Agen Spherei best In Clocks Melt of Bp On band,irom 25e to e8 perpair.-- for the Cele &nd Lau he market. slattention rated L., nrAcii cos & Morris' Spectate id ttl Repairing W rrauted to give esi Gold anz sip E PLO • Lotiuoix, April 1, 1875, White fall wheat, ver 100 pounds 18e to 20c ; farmers', 22e •to 25 Witter, Crock, 18e to 20c ; rolls, 20c to 22c ; - TORONTO, Aprfil 1, 1875. There was one load. of sprmg wheat in. today, taken at 93e, and two loads of o butter in worth mentioning, but prime are drippping, Eggs tange from TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. TORONTO, April 1, 1875, Bi-Ors,—The receipts amount to 14 carss, of whieh seven were sold here and seven shipped to Montreal, The market is–quiet, as the Easter demand has nearly disappeared, All good grades are still in fair enquiry, First-class are wanted at 50 and 5ic to 61, Sitzzy,—The receipts were two ear lots and seven small lots. All kinds are in good request,. First-class bringt third-class $4 to $5, JAMBR—The receipts were four car lots and two droves. First-class bring readily $6 to $7, second-class meet with steady sale at $4 to $5, and '•third-class find purphasers at $3 to $3 00: Hoos,—There were tut', cars re,ceived during the week, Fat hogs brought 5),Ic BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Burricro, April 1, 1875. CATTLE.–:Receipts to -day 1,683 head, making the total supply for the sveek, thus far,'7,871 head, or .463 "cars; agaiiist 8,636 head, or 508 cars for the same time last week, and 6,154 head, or 362'ears for the same time last year, The market yesterday late in the day was more ae„- tive to -day it is moderately. active, 1,800 head, making the total supply, for ' the week! thus far, 8,600. head, against 0,400 hea4 for thesame time last week,ahd ;5,000 he for the same time insb year, The market, this morning_ opened dall and slow, with prices ranging from $.5.55 making the total supply for, the week, thus far, 9,200 head, against 6,700 head for the same timeliest, week, -and 13,700 head for the same time last year, The market this morning opened fairly active. Yorkers are quoted at $7,25 to anew ‘sallemassm lahani 41 of Of. Smith, both, of of by to eh 25, larch at, RoligT BILLS kITERY DESCRIPTIOX ag CS 30, try 3110 rim AT THE gXPOSITOR OFFicz, SEAFORTH. HURON IMMIGRATION AID socaTir. VrEAMERS oi the above Soeiety wanting Farm 'LTA' Hands or Feniale Domestie Servants are re- quested to send their applications,. to my (Ace at 'are expected this week, None need apply but members, prirties wishing to become members can do so by sabseribing for ons share of 810, 26 per cent. of wifieh (82 60) to be paid down. JAMES BRAITIIWAITE. IMPORTED HORSES. ivra. CHAS. MA.SON'S two Imported Horses, 4-v-4- HONEST SANDY and HONEST TOM, will travel during the coming season in the vicinity of ,RIppen, from. thenee by the way of the Red fie 1 will go from Sealcrrth to John, Downey's on the Huron Road, then to the oth concession of Me- Rilloporiol.re4othhorseta will meet, and proceed together to 'Unborn, and thence by way of the to Brimfield, ondtbence home.- They sre allow- ed to be first-class e.srt horses. 3824 FARM HAND WANTED, arra) iramedistely, & good - steady Farm Hand, to engage by the year. To s good msn liberal wages wilt be paid. Apply to the under- ioini MAXXAM. Tip...NT-BD, 500 good cedar posts. For partien- lass apply to WM. MIL, HOO. COM, 882 CARPENTERS WANTED. VOUB Carpenters wanted at the Wrozeter Plan: • 5,T wpm, pair uageloanAsAstat froa 28r3 Proprietor. HATS. 111.TBSTiR IniNDAS F °TORIES, PILLOW CO ONS, TWILLED A PLAIN SHE TINGS, PL I SATIN, SILK, Dress, FUR, Sof WOOL, FUR, fftiff, WOOL, ifit ff. LEG ORN, DENIMS AN DycKs. ever t either o NRO to inform t the following Blue Denim, ;font D. onlm, Brown Dim cue, Table Coven, • Drab Duet, Vibite Duck IRON farmers of Bur re better prepared Inds ; and White Deny, Unite, Table Un- to, Towels, de, • CAPS—New Styles. RESS DEL !Black Xastres, Grey' "mitres, Fancy, Lifetree, Silk Warp Fancy Coatings, Fancy lireetinge,fianey Troy res, tte.—Oplendid and MONTI E MOAN iron Plow has proven to be one a the st most ble e in Blank 011ks fifl PLOW. Op ING G (MS 4. FULL STOC GROCERIES; HATS AT, THE GOLDE t eicegtion the- rieet find beat snorted the Cminty, OF LOG Ni JAMIESO SPRING ARRIVALS. 13esin Plow RPOSE Plow one a the Best ens I Shirt, t Ina te error irt est ford Shirts, ith est egatta hh wit t and only p t fitting Shirt made. two collars, fr two collare, Under' JO s and Drawers, BLACK LUSTRES, GREY LiThiTRE8, BLACK SILKS,' LIGHT rxtniTs, DARK PRINTS, • GREY COTTON WRITE COT:TO BROWN HOLL TABLE LINENS, COTTON HOSIE Y, And a General Assortme • THE BEAUTIFUL iiNISH Alf OF THOSE EXCELLENT VALUE With aught iron beam, With oririthont Led LAndSide This Plow is the only Wrought ron Beam T stie Critter Plow nude, and la durable give better 441.10 .tnan any other. is guaranteed not fe c Ice with stub- ble, as pis s of other ma (infect -are do. Doable with wood give sat handles fl iron beam, warra ion, in every respect. The bes guarantee' t can be given of excellency of the Plow* unfactured the imp ts of the largestmatutfactur in Canada. ttention is dir to the followt At Gruel h Central lei 1872, Two At es Fair, Loti on, 1872, One idlest sPho:trwjemeesti,bd:43302 not vt187ibuceitsfbovi wii02,41:4t7oltronow7r: gjaist PRIZE „lune Wen obtained at smaller _ One VI s and Two geolesid Prize*. The a e plows are constantly on hand er made to or Prices ar lower than good lotr- CUFFS, 11139 C43 Cuffs and - The Trani t Stock el Pa The Latest St, lee in Am And ,the Low Prices and SCUP wood, alw s baud au ERIL 0, either of iron or Board:land Land Sides wilibe BOX cheap. Bars in Town, rom 5e to 25e per box, - for aroy 1' owo always ea AN Loan getiey Truly and Mulligan Gus CA SH BUYERS. NOING ;N( EC K. TIES SCARF Vie Newest and Largest wn in Town eon de up. Evestbilglu and Choi . ALSO A SP ENIND NOW ON EXHIBIT' N AT ROBERTSOyS RUBBER COA WA- UMBRE4 COTTON UMBitEL AS; PLAIN AND 1r SOCKS D BOYS' SEA:MLESS cow WOOLEN SOCKS, SILK HA.NDKE LINEN HAND N SOCKS, THE FINEST A Att.orn of the Law laud, fit, Land, Deeds, Wil is Mortgages and Ims to 1 investigat and Law Bit acted in onnection wit Mato; G - traced Forty years experience. C to losn—pr vete funds, Debts end Notes eoll Cook's provision store. NOTI rilAKE N ice that I, the PEPPE of the Tow the County flatiron, Tan tho 3"0490 the Surrogst Harm, a the expiratio the trot - a this ZIPOSITO to he appoin sous mad tatee of I THOMAS TARR and Muck II, 1875, tor in C'huncery, and n and Estate Agent, , and Greneral Agent, and Foreign states 10- Zurope trans - first -MAO European ;vs moderate, Money for publit corn lea. Office next to 2 isrxrdrial .hiv at Marennuitit, in r;inten4 to apply to notice in the 110norr Tgirafirdierattririef tie RI ADAM STARR and children a the late ABET STARK. 'ILsiLIA3Bolt PEPPER, lits Attorney -a. FO AND Will BE OFFERE CAUT rpm pub are May, in far or of NICHO beating ds 21st Awe, sationed against *note of hand Amen f the Township of the *Una* has RY GRATA/N. rA ins stout 879 THE PATRO !RUC R tion in,sy hue during the eo OUGALL & Co. BOB MON RAY the year-old red end vib requested to esti, prov Weber sow.