The Huron Expositor, 1875-04-02, Page 1I -NAM-_ - in4 A They nme reciter,. and a�st inseparably ALAK 0i the weather fle4j, and an. pie r whose + a are Nvell. known �e chair wa% weU li-irson in his, were m Weir and Gem- by alir. izhei Lucludin r N LE,&N BROTIM"", Pu SEAF011TH, FRIDA-i, APRIL 2, 1875, II $1 50 a-Yeat i#'adrene4�. Brown, ot %V1101LE NO. 3SI. I. ept- all, The whole wuqlc by the t in -the crowd." Finally, af- sense of fair play" won him tbousands lungs, the horses have recovered, but in n ral and So,' says the Thno, the 1EV. HENRY:IWARD BUCHER. soon e los P uch delib6ration, and in soitte re- of friuds througliout the United King- most cases where it ettle choir, ter d on those p r little innocent had to be buOed like
b proved fatal. a Ioa. witbout a word bf reli '0 con., the Ch 'r. Bat, spects against his own -,wishes# he ac'ce t- 'dotn,.and intensified the affection it4 organs, the eml a HOTEL FOR SAtE. Henry �Vard Bee6 wr waE bo'M inLitch- We" ,ion for the sorrowx�g renta, Tl�is and ex- ed the call and came to Brooklyn. E which be was held by his coiantrymen� Generally, w e 0., eld,. Col#i. -on the �. 4th of June 1813. FOR 81�E, the Union Hotel, Harpurhoy. To h I - P o be The effects of his journey were soot band at o#ee, no Serious con- is Christianity in the time enth c�n- be %O14 by private sale on cao;y terms. Th� JJis fatb�,r, Itev, lynan Beecher", was salar.y in his new pulpit was t I see I taken in A r'qr livyMi tut" ses � $ 1, 50 0 -for the first yei w, $1,75 50 f or the in the changed toue of middle class opl'n I sequences have resulted, Ivyond. the above is a large frame hotel, with stable and shed I the progenitor of a f it ifly A thit toni, of io Orange 1000 poration ibill -;a�,htgher. The good well of water, fine orchard and garden, and seco-nd, and $2,000 for the third. He ion in England, and although the aris. short confinement of ithe horse, and it is TI has about 0 zeros of lane., A I to whom ten are still 11ving, and most of branches o the NO Brulls- and diAributed entemil upon his diatics on unday, 10th tocra,,-y stood by their Southern friends probable that with ious treatment sed both P, 882 ITOYM)ILL, Proprietor. whom have since b come distinguished lov - few deaths will occu A similar dis- wi Ydiss W-cir, the of Saptember, 1847. On this day his to the extent of thpir ability, the in literature or thool, His mother, e *ntreai FARM FOR'SALE, morn jig sermon as devoted to-doctrin- eminent was compolled, to adopt a wide� case has been prevale t in this part for r. Penton, Chief of th a( -was fined $20 and c�sts f�r Roxatia Foote, was a of rare intel On some time, but we h ve -not heard f any police forae, al th logy, and his evenins diEcourso to ly different policy toward America, the door, Palo, the north half of Lot 15, Con. 0, lectual and per4;onal tti tions, an en- FOR eorge-� 1. Fli4, ff the will en-: 31onis, County ofHpron, containing -100acres an ci phatic definition f his positions on Mr, Beecher's return to Now York, af- fatal cases, aspaulting Mr. G ga disposition, a.iid a! ontle, loving the 45 cleared, balan" pine, cedar, &c, Log houso uestions ot Slavery, wr, temper- ter his wearying bu t uccessful cam'Talgn -Hay is 57 to $8 i 50 a ton in, Mon- Wkne8tr, on,&Iarch 16, 1 1 library for tue, 8 Ir 1; __ and barn; well watered; young orchard, bearing. whiala M her a g n6ral. favorite ance and other issues that then afitated abroad, he was received by his urall treal. '-Lake Superior is fr�ozeu V_V %;J AV0Y Lich purpose the Ap. With a fflL, -w ich occurred ye number of mechanics from Terms, eitoy-part, may remain on mortga all. Herl: exErardinary occurrence, ply on the promises, M*4 wh tile countr I His str ng and ecied and people of the two cities with an en+ A lari Henry was � in b is f o 1', rth ell year, wa views on ii�any of thesi subjecta aroused thusiasm that was unboanded. At tW Ottawa are preparitg to emigrate to The Montreal Mtnem publishesia, a great blow to a olifld of b i, warm licrt- Manitoba this spring, list of 2415 French Canadians and otheirs HOUSE LOT For SALE IN EGMONDVILLE 11 L 5 the speedy' resentment of the conacti public receptions which were soon aftet Isonsitive dispo Itinn ed an( For atfine SALE CHEAP, a good frame' dwcllfri� ti ve press and clergy, a ad which was riot tendered him at the New York and -Boys have been desecrating a cem- appended to a notifica604 of thi�ir abi Thrrgday even- FOR the loss seemed iuci) i6tisible, and house and t�reo quarters of an aoie of land h' P long ill showing itself in a variety of Brooklyn Academies of Music, the popu etery at Cralt by' dest,toying and defacing yation of Romanism. Father niquj 1. bad gone to n On the ti aki�g thiDp lively! in M-0
on rturning the Village of. X onailliw 'rho hoiqio contain; when told -that his in) le forms. llth of November lie lar feeling as well evinced by the vasf the tombstones. IS im 0. Kooa celiar and a never faflfn� Itime been nlrpnsed to four ro a. 'rho �otiwfcyjded with a pleke heaven, and at the sarr thro�jgs of citizens who crowded both -Quite a flutter of excitement has �-The Town of Fabalerton ve 3ms, wi isitors, all bent on well In the buried, he, could nDt realize how two waspublioly installed as pastor of Ply ed in a fashionable NVest End tb it it will give a�bonus of fro, Komi lmouth Church. Amo g tha�clergymeia builduags 4nd grrected him with con4 been caus fence, and Jig planted wRh various kinds of frai d trees, For farther )aiticalars apply to the pro. so apparently dout ic ry cou things es present were 11bv. ard Beecher, of tinuous applatis-0. Throughout the waii boarding house, Mo real, by �he elope-* to e8 Oxenap
on E on r m ment of a young ed erl ��fttifjl hairclot;h priefor on the promlsou. both be true. As tithe pas (Id'ou lie grew Boston, Mass,; Rev. It ichard S. Storrs, he never relaxed his efforts in aid of it� can ladv. and free site to man turers c4mmena- 1W4 8, CAMERON. 11 fhe followin stronger and more re bust, and in early usitiess,tbere. of Brooklyn, and Itev. 11oli Bushnell, proseetition, of the Sanitary Commisioa� oijlv 19 years old, al bough three years inp b Li =-a Taylor boyhood was noted. for his excellent alle� m ied, with a Frendh 0anadian, a ma -r- �The assessornTa of a Town �f Fetth PARK FOR SALE. of Hartford, Conn. I i 1850 his salary and of all other enterprises for the arr., health'and *�od spoli it'thisyeriod was raised by a un nimous vote to viation of suffer and distress on- botl ried a, father of three children. The' have mutually agreed - o, assess! all rqa rpHf, subseribor orium for fiiale the- west halt of few gns of ills futu npersonal propert f6ath school.'Blyth Ut 22,, Con, 9, Hullet', containing 50, "res, 4Z lnt!"oetual Pow- 3,500, and, in cousid(ration of his ill sides. On the ath of April, 18605, h4 pair are tbought tahave gone to Bur- au( y according to the holars A�Chers and so. in af400d state df cnitiva- ers. ha been develoi ie d, The husband of the lady is a actual �ash valuc thereof. of which are cleared and [is voice was health, he was granted a leave of absece'l delivered the oration at the raising 0 ligton 41 Sa-bbeth School, tion. There is a ndw frame house and young or. thick and husky, hi a men 4 por, and from June to No-vembe to visit Etirope. the flag on the walls of Fort 8,4mter comraercial traveler,' and the Wife and novel industry to he started 1ait rbard on the farm; a -Is donto our interests- 0 10 acyof; Of fall ""heat, big manner, far from being -o�nfidont and 0 r1ag Thesbovaplace is sltuatedb�railoii from Clin- Previous to his departure he delivered a just four years after it had been I were children of the seducer belong to Que- Port Colborne as soon as thi 9 self -poised, was sb� to o unusual de- bee. opens. 1jarge quailtit'les of .e ilnwtaried efforts ton two miles, from Londesboro, and one �4 4� 4 mile series of powerful phillipics against the under the fire of the rebel guns, r At thq rs, as our superin- and P. half from ' 'ot and 4aw mill; terms Jiberall gree. He was oft�n plunged. in the ut- Fugitive glave Law, wl Lich the politicians close of the contest, he was among the -A fire at Widder, on, the 16th inst. , ca�ght in the vicinity, �nd it is pro d Apply to' JOHN MURDOOK, most unh s by tt3 !perplexing the Albi4n Hatel, the Mon- toi utilize! their skins,l,which 4re vqy even vears. desire of the. South were then forcing on Con- first to advocate clemenoy'to the South destroyed 87i" Loiiaeaboro. apVC1111's tl e a d Calvinistic ss and the country. When Daniel em peolile. Since the period of reconi treal Telegraph offi�e, Beattie & Co 's tough, in the manufact4re of kid.gloves. ton of our ap- problems W I h gle r4e, by preai=ting creed of the day was consti itly thrusting N Lciples struction, 'be has -taken com parativel dry 8 FARM FOR SALE, VVebstersbandoed ortbern prit ;ood store, and! a new store unoc- It s well known that the best kid glolvies 11por day F1 L him, and for together he for Southern prefermej it, and the whole little part in politics. That porti tJo cupied; loss, $20,000. 4ich we hope you Lot 6, Con-, 17, (;Tav, County of Huran, aro made from the Ski s of rats caught would ponder gloo ni mu@h for its own ly )on the fate contii 100 acres, 65 of which are elearo1' conservati�e press and pulpit of the his time unoccupied by pastoral duti ��Tae Montreal *corder sends loaf- in'the Sewers of Paris, ind preelimin Al Wr On the promise Pro a good Jog hause and frame which he was told i o raite n lot only 'he North flut) tems I s on their knees has been passed in literaty or oratotic ers on street comers wo months to' jail enments have showi i that the ilea frie ment of the cA fish is eau The Urm Is vituated 11 miles fror'Saitforth. and . and play. barn 60.x36, besides a shed and good stabling. vast majority of hi; embod-tea and car. at the foot of the Slav, power and beg- I abor of a iseeul ar natnre, Asa lectur at hard labor, and tells the detectve to int 0 or em, aV fi S that it =y be an 6 from Brussels, and f s conyenfoub to churches mates, but in all pwbabilty himself as ed f 'or peaceat any p ce, the pastor of hisfreputation stands at the head of th keep a sharp loo How ilable for the purpose. The. 'd fis mental (I sxess ; :tt this period pro es�jiola 8 oni in the future and. schools. or further particularo, apply to well. J igorous and and his services have fol would tha system rk here,? terl being skintiL4 , v�ll be �aled flymouth enteredupo avi 87" JOHN MoNLE P, 0. was heightened bytnelmkpf anyone u ]itt the spirit- untiring denunciation of., that muci years been 'in �corlstant demand, InI87( -The rtati of fura from the shipped to the Sbat4s, where, u y young, and in caj�able of rightly ex pn ain ig tbe puzzles mooted measure. Later on, when the he assumed the editorial chair of th( Ottawa dist 'et this eason hag been very some other. name, the� will find.a rwAy FARM FOR SALE. Will ran Union, a paper whose and labors- ch baffled him, and.w Ach the stern n part of Lot 28, Con, 12, Hayicontaining clergy of New York re-echoed the senti- Christ' circula. large. One , Amerean dealer market. shing: Eulpit utterances be wai compelled to Ste It is aabhotitativel apd. wL BE` I &me has bought $305,000 warth from y announced 80 acres, 55 of which are cleared, the balance _1ents of Webster, and refused to find tion. since his connection ha* probably that arry, and the fam- being beech and maple. Ontheland'are a frayne earWere constantly reit,,fating. Like anytbin evil in the sum f all v'5il- exe-elled that of any religious weekl� i, rappers on the 4T'atineau and Ottawa the war. of rates Detmeen the Graiitd h i�, the t (11tern of barn 4Ox5O' a lo- house and a younF orchard most ingenuous mim , un er Such err- lainies,' Mr. Beecher ndicated the rea- the country. Two years later, consisting of mink, I isher, marten - Trunk and Great Cstrla& YY. Pe and- PMY_ I el I F , heav rity bearing fruit, in a good stato of itiltivation, The cumstauces,be turneil fo, relief tothe as termed a Ile at. lu�t the glori- Son for their silence in a sermon, of church tei0pred him what w crandmuskrat. He has ship�ed them companies is at an and that virt a- farm is itnated within two miles of the tbrivitig contemplation of nature. 'Clio hills and �411 done good and village of Zurich, and convenient to a grifft mill Which the following is Sample passage , 11ilver-weddin"' in honor of the 25th to Ldipsic, Germany. ally an arrangemenl, b#s beenconcluded and saw mill. For further inforina Lion apply to valleys, the woods and rivErs by which named vit into the joy of The worst spectac e that this coun-, anniversafy of his connection with I it- -A man Daniel Clark was under which equal rat6s will be charged uricli PIO. heWas surrounded, dal pre ion in which the most pi�ominent found dead in a hotc I stable in,, the vil- several can- iGEO. i4ed a simple by�, both companies - at," the f awl an occas 0 try now presents is aot, I think, the agement will story, and one which -his, child's nature - clergymen of Brooklyn united in doin lage of Lucan, on Wednesday 'night of ting points. This irra iiet was conljdete FARX FOR ALE NEAR SEAFORTH,� governmental or political corruptions, a- slook compre h 'nd. ere it was .word, but hi could- eas him honor. Amonay the number was Dr last week. He had been drinkffi freely, U course, be bendicial to
aalc,,that beautifully situated farm, - I ily although these are enormous, but it is wt on the doubtless that �e.itciludred much of that and had gone Into ile un- panics, but it- win not be so conveni�nt Haron Road, adjoining the farm of Mr, L, 8, Storrs, who, a qu.%rter of v wore' .han the most FOR that of a religious hody, like the one"in 1"1.icbavd e stable F the pu once' Meyer containing 101 acres, So of which are e blic It i�k(* effect ap lear' early lovL, of the bowitiful it � all its forTias mtury before, had extended the right der the influence of he liquor, and, lying fo I have (lone. The New York, utterly rel"ing to open its CE 'r. Ary ed an� In a stato of g4od cultivation, The bal: which in after life' h, ts lent 3 i a charm tert down was frozen to eath, Anoth name -on Monday of last week, ' He
hand of fellowship to the YO'uDg AVes ,trld were then free- res an- to hi iort] 1, f ter enter- blackest iniqu e' Bullard, of Stratfo, doub1fe ance is well timbered. There are eight at, mouth against the ity of der fall wheat. For farther partioularf; apply, to oPastor� an4, whose address on this occa, to be added to the k list. rd� made lulies, and f tilly the age. And for w-h),t, in the name of ing. hil; teens his fatl e remo, red to Bos- sion co oLa old and young, L. MEYER, or to ntai, d perhaps the ha t esti -The order is p -omulgated in � Mon- back plow share in 3i9 minutes�� imn r. 875 BENSPN & MEYER, Scaforth, to s no; Slow in find-- heaven ? What reaff:'ar do thoy, give for a, where the Son i mate of his friend's life anni!e2alractei treal churches forbi Iding. the faithful to J10 hn Humphrey's Shop. This, it is alnudoned thern- this strange silencet 'Why, because if it Ing material for thyagb, and Study, that has yet been'published. The -entire read the Montreal iritnes attend or said, is the fastest -time on rw4rd, f-oir Towards t4 nd& GRIST MILL FOR SALE, (the pul does'spe k against sin, it Is,se to the id af ork foi, I ration, which extended over three read. Chiniquy's lee Soon after hiis arrival he m, �ures, r pain of beig consi. ered airl day's w a T �Ot -No, 5 and 6, in the township of Downie, 40 d to reach tb e an f6elig that they acres, 27 cleared, balance In good hardsvoodp Latinschool He're,'however his mem- will notTitVallowed to ipel. celeb goo&hand, and to do one in hour lie- themselves to If every sin were as lxwerful ',as this sin days, as replete with meetings and re excommunication. with a good GrW slid Flodrins; mill, doing it rjrHt- ory, pi�obably from all ness piore,tban uniow of the most enjoyable nature, an -The tempe pie of Brook- ing considered an extraordinary feat, art',,, and profitable claso buigiaeoft. Size -of mill-, three stoyfeii from �uy other ca�ute )rom,4 defective, of slavery, what woul I these preachers ted but stil me dwellin�r'hottoo an 30*40; J I ce mi regard its close left the exhaus' Ville are abi Onne kpi � !-Mr. J esse Joseph' , of Montreal, b as 4 bank barn, and ll� soon lost'all taste airld,inclination of the Gospel. do? Keep silen appiness fort to carry the unkin Art in, that received from- 'the kin of the Ittoragraftedorchaids, Land well fenced and genial pastOr a man for whom h 9 to them all, of course, for accorAing to I r books, The sea fever ttacked him ained little more worth offering, towr4 the insigfiis of Chevah of Ae 0 of watered. Only three miles from St. Maryo,;:;fj LO 7. Mont he St. 3ffLryjf and Stratford Grand 104d, 1'rice, 8 8 �', e -in, and for a lot)g their views only the smaller and' least cont --'atarday last, while iif it mo bviol tit foi werful-sinscan be safelyhit, That Although now in his 62nd year, and for -The Bank of real i4 distribut- Lo�pold, in recoguiti of services r�n- 86,000, $ 15,000 down, and balance in fivi yearl v time he was bent oti 1*0 11ing a cred as Belgian Cot: sul. Tiiis ,4_ po aany i6ouths weighed down under the ing new Canadian 10, 25 "d 59 cent d adL were -returning. Instalment", at 7 per cont, &pply to JOSEPH ponderous body can bombard men brave- IREDALE, St, Marys, or to To cci�interact this nufhtd3, be was Sent heaviest burden that any public man of eces, just received from the English first occasion of its'e(inferment, W t Mr. Grandy got out using tobacco, bat it cin't say one T. J, JONES, Lomlon, Ont. to tbo mount Pl6aexht hdh�ol- at Am- lei) to the day h4s been called apon to bear, CC Dominion, ,,A the gati, leaving =against selling nion andwon hert,'MaSS., L With the pro nisid that if at he earth bei ng a conductor of -It is announced that Mr. Fredei D� of Mrs. Grandy, to FARM FOR SALE. raiseit, c It can-i8pend and exert its tre- Mr. Beech& still retaius all his old elo- the end -of the te.rni i ;tood well in once and fervor, mellowed by age and sounti, the Goderi(h s3tar advises the Broughton is about to �e entri wi th animal took friahty OT 18, Con, 6, Hallett; loo sereii, 65 acres mendous machinery gainst,the awful qu L clearediii'remainder wooded with beech and mathemaics he Should be llow.ed to en impioved Vy experience. His church ir corporation to sav -.. the expense OC a the actual management of the Great and 1lig the perilous con- sin of the dancing of young men A8 xnaple; trame awplllng; River Maitland and a ter the nsiry. OnIce out a Sig. Brooklyn -wxs never more crowded than tower by placing _th6 fire in Some. Western R.ailway,�. Mr, Broug4ton ,�eizcid. hold of the blue maiden, but A can't i tter a word when bee hisold love; ed, now, and, t3iougli a portion of this inter- pring on lot; 2J miles from'Xinburn and 1; � fdr the in& return I good s water, body s e a connected with ilways ti�esrly dl i�a, holding the horse milex from Clinton., Terms to oult purchaser. maidens are Sold to prostitution, and and in the constant round of schoolboy est doubtll�ess arises from the circum� drs. Black, 0., 'Godericli Nis just his life having od' high positic ni For particulars apply to L, MEYE -purbey, -R,. Hal Was dragged a con -it, young men are driven ff in chain -gangs or BENSON Sonforth, as iome of the lines in ,When -the horse Fo,t t College swamps of 6'reorgii,"' at Britain, soon 'forgotten, At Ambers ago, and, was G &� his valifkati�ons gi a- dence that� years instead of lessenin I left iome twenty r6ars life-,wbich- followed, Sea ' cams were to the rice stances of his position, there is 6very evi recei ied news of hc r son Thom who on nportant I be field stimighi- FARM FOR SALE, h is ready flow These manl protests against the hit- P1 OF n ra- �sed to be dem He is �resi4ing in er dly'point hiu out as gen which he ontc 30, y VP ed in 1A. in reality h ' hte ed his ext erally fitt ed tl ran int, Ion Sale, Loti'28,Con, 7, u.mborne, containing of wiV and humor, v 1 ae r ev r degener- miliation of the countl y - were doomed., to ordinary powers. Vo other American of 'SOUregan. to -steer the Lppare atly unfortum to *hen _X1 r, 74 acres. 56 of whi(at are cleared and In a mtsto i1w Grandy., FO -n at' '-into coarseness! a faling be ineffectualp and on the 11th of Sep- table ung lad, Miss M. G . 0 y of Canada ft to good frame BA,RX ing w this century has impressed himself more -A respee eat NVestern on his ide of oodcaltivation, Therel im ur ca The farm 10located on a, good soured of amusement 6 all, His reading �embcr 1850, the bill 1) ased both Houses an STABLE, I 0 Itoroughly upon the mind of his genera A, Lee of NVest Gwill b mmit- pr perity again. ntlY 14tuated to f1ii in thbsc ter received gravel road, iff convent(- years was 14-riqely-among of Congress, and one week 1, tion, and when the history of the,,pres- tedaicide on the 26th. by ts inga dose ,A serious accitlent occurred to Gi o. and pot oniee, and to within 11; miles century, and the signature of the Fresidexit, Millard sath6tis -of the sixt 6�nth ent era, is written, one of its central fig- of Strychnine. Disappointed, love is said *Guiggwon of Mr. Michael McGu- from Seafortb and 7 froth Exeter, For fartbt rth the geir�_ Fillmore, From that time forth r. Eastl Ope, lasW4 particulars apply to the proprietor on the prerpimem. of Englis h unekfiled - by. the ures w0l be that of Mr, Beecher, As a to be cause, gai[lf J� epochs, Beecher was a ronounced opponent of writer�the list of his productions is John don �vbichmight haveproied fataL. Wh le WILLIAM DINXRN, Jri, jusFrench idin xture of sacce, WA eling, of Lon dej I a bought a fiLlIt jight, the part) F, wav thus seeking tolde- were his constant study aw tl"'to lo g, including more than thirty township, bad been fin� in the Adver- engaged in threshing a; Mr Hamilton is, oheavy draught At In 1834� he left ixillege ond entered grade the nation in the interest of Df fee the- othe ty the exploits Of S it Seems the boys wer -. enjoying thei n- FARM FOR SALE. volumez. or' 'i"e is Lne e mi the Presidency of slavery, Rewaono )f theearliest s2ndler who had en taki gup sub- 8 ves at noon by 8hc oting at L a Inaz k SALE, Lot% Con, 1, London Road Stan nary, to 4rown iri Color, d under fence, the which his father W bed i. called two gindtors and foremost friends of the Un -1 F" 80 cleared an Canada, crip iors through ut, the dountty on w en yo n McGuigg, kh took up a ley, 100 acrom, Railway, all ,rf al make, being f all balance timbered with firo"lasm har4woi5d frame years before. Here t itudent derground d,;with Wendell pre se of being akeo't for the Christian he v, d. with a. 1198# and mpe Oun was for . a time enga i the ivar of 19 nAmuscl e, and st�ndis c4o, log --hout4e, good Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Ger, A man named John Fitzpatrick, was, A�o ion, and had scarcely finished the trig� -r,. the guil bar"st, ratand he bearing orchard, well wat&red , situated within 7 on the 202ad inst,, knocked down Vea his a rful 1111nner and ey- ol'icaforth and it like distance frora Clin- the Old and ritt Smith, and the other leaders of the. b theindividual. be hi� arm ja a fea -$cot( It We unde sa mil words then waging, b et'�re( J ry when he w this sea- Abolition Party, was treated to every couple 6f ruffians, at Sarnia, and to d ton. Farm well undordralned and in first n Church, had een speaking of pass the window, ing, his face and neck ery bad,' He is Now Schools in the Fresbyteria alt OPP, Lst4e near Londes., cultivation. Apply on the promfoco, Fr to tho po� ;Controver howev r,' o his species of reviling and tbreatening by the of a deppoit receipt on the Bank"of Mon- y et was never t Mr, "llean rail out and captured the noW--recoven'nt d hough it is h d to Mauches. prietor at 0. $30 in cash and his thienc� Doughface'l press and tician of treal, for $1,WO, poli e__S3V e and held him till the police came the Iii his face wilf kite, and soon iielinquihed'the dis fello the North. In many, of the outhern pants and vest were also taken from him, �brook and. ir 0 e Ijing h d4figuredfo; life. I strife to, One of the robbers hats been caught. �j) ild walked him o to'th& police sta Morris to JW tion, He proved to �A little FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. On completing hiss t 16 log at course he States his life would not have been worth a recent retur,4 r years :,of age, F� thetwer'. to Clinton -Von Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 80, Con, i6, Township afterwards a moment's purchase, and for fullyflf. Wok at the Sarnia Test Well is still married, and was 4 I from the Central Pjison, -named Win. daughter of' bfrol Ver, a wi&w of Br=o, County of Dn hi 'he char C 6f a Presbyterian- teen years that pdrt of the equntry was in the to AM WAS lee, containing 100 be ng continued, the depth now reached McDonald, and he had in his vossession Unship f Malahide, tacres, So of which tire cloared. L4 called to t Here big as inaccessible to himas was the.intcrior bein betwo n.; 1,300 and 1,350 feet. A Vil- church in Lawrence A complete act of tradts and hymn books instautly on Tneh day of last wee ated within five miles Of the ra,VidJY 9r0wi"g a� I Halt �io�. over the to- ed about three feet in thikn,,, of Africa, In the ag,it311 in his pockets, to serllive as cro'dentials of under painful circumsta nees. ra lage of Faff4l6y, The uncleared is well- ability as a preacher was soon evident. It, ap rfng'Crock running a ne through last week, and alt has �xy aftmoon of last -is rolling a timbered. Thorefj4aloo a8p: incomfortble peals of the Missouri Compromise, as 0 child's brother' w, ing a pry. through theplace. It Is a desirable property, His church, a straIll, i W 't is g Y�. been manufactured out of the his sanctity. th "I e in frame while the child was buil(I building, in a half, settled and almost well as the Kansas otrt ggles, lie was ever ac uall --Forty-five pitch holes to thelmile, is ri ro For further particulars anly to the Proprietor, b ne b tight up by the pump; and th a and qion, Box 24, Seaforth P. 0, pmi;civili w i vas edily fille(I a Sympathizer in th effor& to retain said to be the average on country roads. weight of the, 10L, Coml 12 t e. zed to g A, All C" leads t6 the behalf that the main salt 52 i � it to fly lt� d ath -iK AMPi;ELL,' o�'i ii, re at lences, The that Territory to freel=, an4 I)ersonal- -It is proposed to build atlAievator at caused -the oti end o'-' 17he total with large and 1att r - be reached soon. Li -c reached In- ly assisted in the.m.,� has� 0 Sharp,o btd will lit Aft -Insur- BUILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE famo' ;of his preaclig see Professor,Samuel is makin prepars- Prescott worth 8150,OW, capable of-8tor-., strike thechild across t le neck wi �11 dinayolis,, where 46 as' nd Bibles wfierewitli, to carry on 9 were- all eon after en. rifles a Ing 50,000 bushels. fo�oe as to cause dislocation. AN, having laid out the grounds ha. tions for: a grand temperance demonstra, i the contest. During ffiese years the e hundred and, thirty-five build��i �-Asr. Absalom Yuma, of Dum es FIV e all, eye-som DR, corJE31 rk Into Buid- gaged I by" the ocond Pir'esbyteriat -on Yocientlyoccupled as ariving Ps tion in Watford Some time in April, r, -riving from ill Poba.bly be re- Ing LoU, is prepared to dIF;pose of lots; on reason Churcla t a salar )f $8(4), 1 While in tred of abolition reached Such, a height ings were erected. at Wifidsor last yea was d Ittichwoo(i towards able tonjag to any, who may desire them. asisible for its ad, -In accordance with -an edict of the rhre 8 ndaf 21st It., accom ildinga of i degiring to purchase shoida maki Immediate &P- that &-ity he oco i e(I hi i few 1eis"ife that it was almost imrof e tavern kee,;pera were fined $20' ho' e o n. u of tile agn hea n -the Kincardine Council, the verandahs and mburg, on 864 hoursin -editing cilittiral. paper vocates to find a v and costs each,' in New HA Pm, youngL lady, Miss Pipe, w On one o feel.' signs which are hung across the street, Saturday last,'for sellin - re�t� reside on the 9th Con, of ics - were Metropolis, %sion rt W. 13 in which the usual farmlia 'I ty g liquor on Sun f ify are being pulled down. We know of aa SAV XILL AND FARM OF Ir ACRIP[, e interest. ing ran so high that i was on _y'through The es summoneil came to thl met with an accid nt that at 9- A treateil upon in a ap ices that might go and do like- y ey -Von SALE.-heoubscriber,4 ri�anner, Flo er; ll had always the pe on off or for sale their rs al influen of M�, Beecher other & town with tviri fri6nds in large sleighs Sent a likely to rove fatal. jDg allowed to wise with good effect, X j f4aw raill and farm, Lot 36, Cou� 5, Ea0t, Nvawa, 111anif,sted a passio � d e 101 for, and the that Wendell Phillip, was o1rawn by four her and'wer bent as,the -horse which t y were drivipg uosh� The raill containii; large circular, ed ging lliqp� � Speak in Plymouth Church, i Later on -Lucknow has a dwarf apple tree in about to ate rli :w Ach he took the epartment ii WAS saw, buttf jig saw, shingle haw, edgek ad packer- one d Upon having a goo, time. ey were of wb at _p upon the t, when the Jobn brown full MOM, of disapproval is commonly known as tile 7th C wm, '(f'rieve'. of r. There are oni tho lot besides greatest, pride wait that devoted to flori- in the contes loud n their expre"af all In good Ordo the mill, two In R. Poso, of the village of me dwelling houses and frame ns Were raid into Virginia had thrown the whole of being nformed U", n; and:the infor- )W and bwkA of wool 6ultutel ,anwbi e his ,rino i bylid& he ouddenly ch, of val- atable, aroxysm to allo on 010 o)f mingled hatred Madoc, 1�as been missiug his fowls for the 9 ewe, nobitingof vine, black aob,�and attractill r of nillipi 1141 00arlill nable tfmber, ow att-entio far-off South into -a p days, and could not account for I mant, a 8choolmas' rg, ove.r the Wge of the approich and bot Mr. G�rieve occupan hemlock and other h%rdwood, with a largo ktoi E,�st, I 'Willia Oil ter, of New aukJ fearf the pastor of, Plymouth, while i named Brownlow, w I iobliked to leave ts of the cutter were thrownot f, fh"eiVd8otppcarance, A few nights ago -inthevicinnytoiasta numborof yo shee York,1 who lyt and vi ' 'eating the Single- I iearteduess of that town, bei th eg know Ut ,t P rooD ng go, jiotwith- the lady failing a dista -tee of twenty feet olon given he'set a trap, and sacceede'd in trapping -lie new bra _fact6ry roagono given for selling, Poffsen A the. M. Plyin6tith Chute at nteFor farther particulars enquire, If was, e old man, disclaimed alL Sympathy Pmoreover, in ,ris nstanding the e orts the authorities to and strikin nhis insurrectionary policy, without,. a large hrned owl, The trap being too g upon the ce of the rivqr. jWned fly by letter post paid, of W, G, H1NfGSTWN, Brnr�- 40 bl ien peently com- wit) light fori his owlship, he succeeded in.1, interfee. last accowut;8 she w a in a, very 1, of to U, T, FUNCiSTON B110TIfEll f itor, thought hov-, ever. Telaxing one whit of his hostili- con Wastdold 11, O. 11 pa a -lid im. sels P, O,, or ploted and withot , I , Granges have organ: in the cg�i:0118 ditiOn- 64 in 11 flying away with it, He was followed not now whw w4 t 1hear so 0. is th stitution, that New'Vork � I of if my- "rool, 1jil Wa 0 ty to the Fp by Wir, Ross, who succeeded in silloot- of Toronto and ontoi view procur 'FO�R SAL place Yor him and i v th thi 4 In Juue, 1863, h6 fiviled f6r Europe, S wies aboitt prolific ev res, it may bei ing him after following him nearly two -The Port Perry ouncil frxioed the tr teriesting, to know, that- on Su d b4 invitation deliver a orthebelaefitof his health,'which W nday, 141,h nd -in La, with frame',honse and well dnd miles, The bird meurd -from tip to fee for hotel license1s; to $1 0, a 141 HOMB ;3/1i y been heavily tixed by ill two ewes belongir g to. Godfri N a6mial Spri A oxwiough, alwuv before the Americ' ssionar, ro of ng pamp, lit the village of It tip 4 feet 4 inches, 1 31 the hot ol keepers boarded onseiltieneA two milcs frola Sell -forth, 1, t$150, A-POY to oejety,in May, E47- 13 c6t*iance wear and tearl through whioll he had their sheds and (71 n, E rave birth toeev?n e'took under consecration of the Venerable closed their hotels, one four and the other Mree, with',the request, Archdeacon Fullt,,.r as Bishop of Nia NMIN EDEN, J1arPuTh8V- came on to ra passed, The rest" t iat li They Subsequently gave the i1nembe of onT toeiw York, an -alter 4 liveriDg the atight have will take about the 14 of the Council. lypei, which so thelfam at ara, an oys r J. groundo FOR SALE. such circumstances wa I wh Mon A 5size d cot, si� ted mainly of a IL)bert Freeman man en- frame cottage, containing addre, 8, p , an il lVita t ion to reach been May, s9ftened those worth ies, Vaat they agreed a married Of 'oc n tile Upon the ty, had a verdict of dlniri,g, room, or 0 Plymotiti 6 liety series of owerful ad , 1 A00 parlor, P. bedroos, T, li-eim, Oxford Coun -,It is! thought in Montreal that the t -,j refund part of the money at Some fu- woodghea and or4i P, Broo I at le of 1 11, may be read rs -in Anotiax, which was Ao dooit ewliar, pum t I 'reco kit', .0, bef
6. lot of May next, State of Jai ture time, if the boi W15 DO damages rded ag�inst him r d pa eSt, Lawiene will not he open, for navi I keepers� woul, y `t4e a anc 11t; I at Rev, Henry by the, Bg- the eduction � of his ne -ice, a yo -ung t of pre, TYmis-one-third !own; balance in thre 1.1140L 0 then g gation before May 10, the full amount uovr Thisli is a Jaew her 'froi 1 Indio iapolig, Ijad r 0 "'On cishu t,dinburgh Glas- age 17 *eari named Elizabeth In alre, of Ward lish, At # _-'sona.tor Cochrane of Ciomp n n ill pr to , way of effdating. a c dinpromike in such County of Halton,
F,7 each, mor!#t. p gow, Liverpool -and --- Jon, be (lei' H r, of the Quebec, Sold, last week to Mr, U, A, matters, defelace of the r in 2 t w, in w,(, ch ia 'rail- ed eloquent spece4es '.rbe -thermometer Hollow of Monmouth, Illinoifi, Uhited -The Roformato factory at LIOENCES SEED PEAS berry street,": Tho ev ning sermon, North, every, word Of 4ich 'was uttered kys P1 f low ze'; �FOR SALE. States, & calf three na onthis ola, "The Penetanguishene em s u ward ro in Yinni itoba, on oy p t tinilerpigned bdo on hand �chmcejof of Whie-4 -was Tepo (I 11 0 I - of the ;New in tile face of contumely and insult, for Fou4b. Duke of Hillbur'st, for $7,000, 80 boys. - orning of -the 18th f Mar -ch. T V i 4 T or liale, -arraute4 free from all Yorkmorning papo-o of Iffie following which the, history of public orAtory hard- less td advortise, ? -Mr. Donaldson, elaigrant t -117he: Hamilton pectalor says A 'We says it is I olmo%iono 4eWff, date,:was from- the text,' 80, the," ly affords a patallel, 17he walls of the- Jenny, who adver- Ontario, hu, ins t receii -ed word ea 10 V79*4 Con; 4, Mill arded uond, Ttwker he s C rinfillinetpidemic - started among the The 0,,3hawr a, female, everylone of us 911110 ccount of cities in which orses he township of Saltfleet, some' tised intheActill for correspo4dence with telegraph from the Ag t-Geera of with the most t1sive references to himself unto .0 him- BULL CALF FOR,sALE. w6eks spreaZing rapidly to Bin- regard to matrimo r, has iace4ved sixty Domiion in London tj At some 700 $�AFOPITNI;l . i- more lst�ilf and formal than self and to his country th, e;l hold � a4o thorough brod. Du�lmyh 13ull calf- Altholugh and reaching Grimsby and Bar. answers, and Mr, G Pedlr ad,verfw' gti�ants are now on-, thei - to way- - brook, CS= old, - of 4 60, ton, "ftw affliction is called the distem- ed in the Globe for tiustnitbo, and re--] ects, that abi 5W one iark red � lor� Hil >AtAins mue, him up to pub lie scon i t a
vveru r &it FO]a Salc # pii matji its succe 0 ,a, it h ogist win =A� KA1,16' Is Writ ellaififf and can be okamin`0 n- of Mr, Beech )(culixt �stylo and of the "Yankees;" d wherever he per, but is much.more dangerous than ceived thirty T6rtmtio 'their des 4011- appli��tio t They 4in parchasaym, Apply to CHESNZY, wouji be readily c4) Me n. With-— we% orii8to and their, Pt, avowed secess, Uborei Farmem" i�n Huron Road, Tu- the ordinary distompe� prpvalin$ amoni thus oem that fooU B" 0 It, I ab oke Are twice tinmer- mostly farm, 1APM ENTI, out 11 a nama bei g au to it.. Dart sympathizm banded I ogother to horsi several fire 'aull6als having -die ous as men in want' -employment. county wb6 Wish to Iroca-re ing tl,o following s air. r 4� received a tile M34n *Vd WARD. - offf,` by abuse and oi showd TZ" DOLLARS RE I .1 -When iyottth can cbo* to.. lAor for the commg Ott from it in the two townships first men a Li 'r q-qlE ab(yyo rowar(I will lie given for 'inch Inter- Unalill 1110110 ou to stn't over call to pa torate Of the whose uttei ey had good reas tioned, The disease commences first in I bacoo, and can hisi chin, he ''Is 19 their" appliefition"s, e I rances th A, �Mxt n 00011 lead to the detection and con- new -,hurob, I For i he hesitated to fear, At Liverpoolp �whero forthree t oxw, ond 04 vlotfon Of the Varty or parties who on $10 night the hortWis throat, aud -works itis way qualifled to stai oi i �fjtmet ClOrwris. D6naldwol' Toronto, whether to accept re'ect it, "his houls he # 4�40re' a mob of Vn 11le APP11- tet:tfoar, on-THUJtiD_jy. of the Oth. of' March last, out and carried away Is 0 tood at bay dovm into the windpipe, and finally to -A St. Catharines clergyvaia# twer- 'it ree6ve 4ue -litaled, the awii� IV which stood at the gateway on the heart, as hO W4, "being with the rebels and rebel sympathizers., his cour- I F__ nWkory TRY . lungs. When the d sed child W not cition the istemper I has taining that dw% not come �ast,' e would asted British -hed, the beenhaptiz4 reftu ;e XTQ.'�, Saribo. opposite'th West nil London Road great reac to Act at the, fu.! C4, Lot 23, con, I'Hity, lai thor6 1`1h been stopped before it bas o farm of the unite Hialfather wk0i him age, patience, ma I and at�d Idnof =*n required.
quent appeals to, tit J3804 Im WILSON, CIA IAI& YM"