HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-03-19, Page 5>le ilrtroduns .sitting of Mg the re- h` way it der of r. ✓ copes of t(? the eats .nal. Mr. Its others, - use4 • his- it idxt to obtain ;nsfor the e Canal, itt lotion and r that the the ,House. the charge. lad! given. it ;w 'renewed we that he .tint, direct - ties). what the purr not ar He en - the trans - bare all: lald before, e pclsltat ser- anal paw. note speedy atipelldia.ri sobs charg- alott.re, WAS .c1 through rle and: 51Ia s mama :introduced .1rld go-rem- it-au, overn-' uFy, as n; anitt. ba, to Province. 1.ieutellant- t territory, ng of "five titt:cl by the titipt:ttdiar y ti;pointed in Arlo menm- e would I)L, ;leer persons ode it con- s{ members, sd, that the Itupert'€r knorvrl OS Au officer .Ii. hold of- Governor- C)li8 in the; t -Go,; ernors oposedl that 4,verlrrnent telt was as , ie as could ng the past ..ollstruetecl {west police au,tticieutly €itidatiO' n of 1ia and oth- •to amora- 1 with the (rlxt serious neiuhers of ap) ted,F 'exceeding i<as also to tenant -Gov-* dlr' than kat flinply xl of laws, ill that tern ex that no the Local tee, which trey Acta of 1. The next e8ta:b1 sI1- So far as !aisle. The mat as soon E las satisfied han 1,000 of net lees petenit for oelaination ctoral dis- member of represent t -t o 'ern-- iet had a '0,000, he ection of a were f.I cease, arid' °d. be coli- L fgisla- '1 crritory. - • bvrta•jicte he Terri- _ t less than who were r election. isiI1l£i for of real. Ontario ould erritory. tlsion for `louses •1 ng the 1)roperty, lie exclu- f fr1t the Inanu- 1, ve the t �1;tyclally r.1xl til(: - 1(71` e of Fr ls'ic}r _a i; JG could t"t tttt theta 11 :e•i1 t tto .. for �•r a sGtrir (fir tUS (,f atir,g itxtee, for Pro - e; sub- . d tir,-irtl where `v a en- l'ten rose ttf ab lily tluity for Itwas ase their hill ere of at some tilt mode i strong- ra system e-eby the unlade a MARbH 19;18'5 '=R oS TQ recommendation rather khan the: in-' fluence of _politic 1 friends. Mr. Mae- kenzie acgaiesced: in malty 'ofthe argu- ments put forwari by Mr. Casey, but thought the subject would regaire to be discussed for some time, In order that the Ho( Se and the p(.o'fe might become familiar with it. Ile admitted the necessity of a change in our present sys- tem; but hoped Mr. Casey would not, press the matter at the present time, ',rho motiin was tl en itllc rawu. DELIVERY OF LIQUIr)S, On Tuesday, a 1 ill to compel persons deliveri=ng mercha stable liquids in casks to mark on Loch ea:;ks the quantity thereof waa tread a third time and passed. SUPREME COURT ' BILL. The bill for the establishment of . a Supreme (,ourt for the Dominion after a good deal of di cussion of its !details, received a second l ending. Dairy Farming and. Selling d tea ro.t1u Editor of the Huron Expositor. Stu,: Now that notherjscason is about to open for dairy ing, and as there has been such a genet d failure for .the last few years in secur ug grass lands owing to the extreme d ;yness of the seasons, and that manylof the old grass lands are about exhausted, voulcl it not be well to 1 tree if a substitute nor grass eau not boob. tainecl? There a1 e a few fanners in this County who, I 1 nderStand, have been practising pretty .xtelrsvely the soiling system. 1 woul like to asp • of these, through .your vah able paper, what their experience has beer, and. w•ha they think, of that system ? We of to times see• great 'things don by dairyi en in the United States through soiling but 1 for one; would like t hear wha our Huron farmers can anake out of it, {Youre &e., (.hu 1 ssi uesTI.n. E, [l e fully agree with our 'orroti.IY)1 cl eat that, in view of past exi enemas, to attain ellecess 111 (airy fclrmii g, 80 much dependence must not be pia ed in pas- turing. We ars( believe t at -soiling stock, especially' nllch cows ,i8 a much more profitalde 1 lode of le (ling • than pasturing. k1'ie 8 ioukl be 1 ost glad td .afford spree y of our .f(r•mers who have devoted titti ntion to ti us, or any other improved n ode oflee ling stock, to place their vier °s and :eta ec•ieliee be- fore the public, l s we feed ' convinced. that from such in erehange (o sentiment good will result•- Ert, Exr.11 e ti phren. Cottatete MEETNO.;----Tile Atwell met on thetlet inst. 'he request of L. Croft to be joined to ,S. S. Nos 4 w s granted, as=also was -there iilest of M Oliver to :be joined to S N.o---10. It was re- solved that- the f llowin.g a raugenlents enterod.into wit the Townshipof Mc- Gillivray be ap . roved, viz. hat the Township of Me . illivrf y {withdraw the suit ; that each party pay their own costs ; that each Council expend their own money c tha. $1,800 be expended by McGillivray and $1,500 by Stephen, 'in - grading ancl-graVei-ing the South Bound- ary road, the ti e of expenditure to cover a period of hree years, commenc- ing with 1875, and an equal amount to be expended by.eash corporation' every year ; and that $100 of the above sum\be expended east of• Limerick in repairing. The following persons applied for lime - sea : Messrs. Wilson, Press, Starr, Bru- ner, Nelson, Cameron, Devils, Holt, Col- lins; Walker and Morrie. Positively any person iiow keeping tavern in Stephen fallrn.g to pay up before the Kath Of this month will not obtain a license, bat will be dealt with according to law. -sese--- [ frAvELrunett pleasure in testifying to tho bupet'iority of the Florence Sewing Machine over severalother machines which I have tried::, I find it does a great variety of falnily work; does .it more neatly, and is more easily:managed than any other inaehi to with which. I am acquainted. W. R. Mtx elen, Principal Goderich Ventral School. bp7'.I)s,--S`rRON -i & FA.IILLEY, 80afortlr, aro now recoivfng their stock of Field and Garden Seeds, which they are determined to sell at (small advance on cost ;rice Wo lIliva now on hood a large stock of Closer and. Timothy S"ood, Hungar- ian, Millet, Tl.ye, c4: c. Clover Se'edl grown on sandy :'d,i1 will !nurse Food change for thin section. We ale expecting daily our supply of Alsike Olov-" ver, Largo Gorman Clover, l,ueerno or French Clover, White Clover, Yellow or ',proton; Orchard. Grass, 17ed Top (. ramoi Eye Grass, Kentucky Grass and Mixed Lawn Crass. Swede'I'arnipa— Skirving's, Caster's, hall's Westbury, fiuttou's Champion, 1toy,t:1 Norfolk and ]mast Lothian. 1. bite Tnrnipss Ciro+y Stone and White -Globe. Mangolds--Marrlln.otl Long lied, Improved Long Red and Yellow (Gore. Carrot Seed Long Or. angc,. Attilighan, White Belgian, (Green Top,Orthc. Our aleck of Gar'den,Seeds will bo found fresh and good". Warranted as pure an eau, be got in anY other`eetablirbmcnt. -We ad s-lso all parties sow- ing seeds to buy tbo host in the market. f:icode put upin. ;apel•s wo tion't 'reeonrwend • Flower Seeds—Iff choice assortment. Call early and get your supply's bile tho stock is now. Market Gard- eners and others buying 800dsdilr largo quantities liberally dcaltwith. S,.ids as 10314( as any other. establishnrcrrt in the trade. (limit bo undersold. --STnnoso & FLtiri.r;Y. ' . A.UOTION SAL131a. Saturday, March 20, in Seaforth," Ag- ricultural . It`npleinents, Musical Instru• merits &c. 0. C.- Willson, proprietor ; J. I'. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Thn e l 22, on Lot 5, Con.. 10, McKillop, Farm Stock and lmpleil eats, Daniel Manley, inoprictor; John Ballard, auationear, Monday, March 29, on 'Lot 25, Con. 13, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. John H. ,Swallow, ptopri:cstoi•; J, 1', I3ririe, AlietiOlreer. • Tuesday, March 23, on Lot 6, (Jun, 17, (trey, Farm, Farm Sty k and linpl( - waits. John McNeil, 'oljrietol'; J P. Brine, auetiionoer. S\re(lneeduyy, March' 31; at the 'Com- mercial Hotel, Sea forth, a �Vtrluable Farm, bent r Litt 25, (Com, 4, 11, :a, 5. Tucker - smith. i. `nil. McConnell and (4 orgc Sproat, execiittrrs; J. I', 13rinne,.Ruction- eer. Thursday, March 25, on Lot 22,Co'n. 2, .Stanley, Farm Stock. Win. Me - Queen, proprietor ; J. P. Brine auction- eer. Tlesclay,. Mareh 30, on Lot 16,; Bay- field 4ll.oad North, Stanley, Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. James Duncan, proprietor ; J. P. Brine;°auctioneer. MARRIAGES. LEADBEA'rt t;—DttMAW.-411Bruesels,00 "alareb 10, by Rev. J. Ferguson, . Mr. ' Thomas Leadbeater to Miss Elizabeth GAP—F0RBEb.- &t the- residence of the Duklaw. bride's father, by Rev. It. Cooper,, Mr. John Car, to Jane, sixth daugghter of Mr. John Forbes, both of McKillop. CAaiERoNeaFonnas. At the residence Of the bride's father, by Rev. R. Cooper, Mr, John Cameron, to Matilda, young= est daughter of Mr. John Forbes, all •f'McKillop. . 81E THS BRYDON,--At Harpurhey, on the Wife of Mi',' James Br, daughter, Marc cion, DAvneeo a ---In F4oafbrth,' on Morelli 17, the wife of Mr. George a•vidhtn, of twins, a son and daug ter. t8t'll born. DEATEHS. IcDoNAL». •---In brussels, on ' Marsh 14; 'V,n: A., youngest sou of Mr....ngus Mci lona:d, aged 3 years. -Fonsrrii.=--In Brussels, arch",1 . cc nsutnption, Ann Eliza) th, ( daughter of Mr. Jaynes ors -e( Brussels, late of. Morrisba >;k, ,ei t years end 5 months. I. STARK.—Irl '1'uckersmith, on Mar 11 17, of iuflai i the s ]V I lmat on of bo�vc�l , [ agar- etMarks, relict of - the ltttu'i i Stark, a ed 38 years. S'rtvErl.— n.Hallett, on March • rn inflaiiiatioi , J?raucis Stiv r ag years. 1 ,of lest of l 27 !nae` THE ,`.111A KFTL1. 81 AFORTIi . llfal; h 18 No change Worthy of note has `place til our• quotations ' durii.g th week, _:prices Tule firm as1-(1rote very l.ttici produce of any kin in, he roads , being still V( may places. Eggs nye in gre bu the supply is exceeding ,tie (quote : ?n11 Wheat (now) 80 Spring Wheat, per bushel, .; U1 82 -.Oats (new) pOr bushel:,.. (1 00 yeas (now) per bushel--... , (l 88 t 05 t r t lis ry at d y 1 13nrley (now) per bushel B u tter, No. 1, Loose. Mutter in tubs • Eggs, Flour .. , Hay, new tibiae Sheep skins Salt. (retell) per barrel.° Salt (wholesale) per barrel ..... Potatoom, per bushel, !"new. Oatmeal ( brl ..:, wood.. .. " Beef......•. Pork. . • 1( 00 t 00 t 00 t 00 t 50 t 00 t. 00 t 50 t oat 50 CLxNpox,11a, •cb 1 Fallwheat,per bushel 88 Spring Wheat, per bushel 82 Fiats, per bushel 88 t"; Barley, per busbol ..... ( 70 ( Puns, per l,�nshel..... O (i8 utter.. 20 .otatoos..�................. 70 C ( 1G( }ay, nor ton, .. , ... • 1 00 ( 75. Pdrk,• • •... .,..,.. ..... ,. LoN ON, March{18, eat,' Diehl, $ $1 40 to ' $1 40 , s ring , $ 1 20 to $ '22 v ; barley, $1, t 0 to lots, or 1 doz,, c 2c tog c,;' butte 7,cro oils, 2 +to 25c ; fi- kin $7 60 t c :.8,. a • White fall w $1 60 ;.:Ti'eadwe)l winter, $1 30 t' to $1 50 ; oa $1 18 to .`a1 eggs, stor fa rmers', to 20c ; 90c por TORONTO, 1, ardh 1 There w'. re in to -clay a ouii le of Treadwel wheat at 91c , hre of peas at 76 '; •and one loaf !of 45c. Hay s , at 816 50, -' to Hags went at $8 ,, $8 25. ut at 22o oto 24c f ` po rods, 20e to 22c for Jare rolls and tubs brought 20c to 25,c. TORONTO CATTLE 11,1 A1U E, Tol oNTo, Marchi 18, 87 -BEEVES-The f apply of fat ca; tl; this market iii , improving,, during the ppastfweek.havinghee average both as to quantityy and There was a good demand, owe if anything, an advanceon{ p •evi( .ccs, -all offering finding ready sale quote first class at $5, to class at $4 50 to .$4 75 and at $3 75 to (4 25. ; I. SHEEP—The receipts were couple of ears, whieh sold mated to dress about 80 lbs. Latrus—The supply of the small. We note a sale of one 2 lbs, at :$6 50, and of one. 8 lbs at $6. Ho08—Sales have been mi to ,$6 for fat, and at $5 to 85 hogs. 1 1'. ks 1 5. n a t but ing .in nc1i, re. 85 88 72 70 20 20 .17 69. 00 k 75'. 1,75 :00 00 00 76 75. 80 84 p 1 71 22 720 00 00 •1 eas 70. Oc 18 ct at a ie e4:ipt 0 A ity at to ri 1 V 0 ; se"l on thib l 'las 13UFFALO LIVE 'STOCK s Luierar,o, March' 18, . C:trters—Iteeceipts too=dla. ,41 "making the; total, supply fo ; th thus far,'5,91f head, or 348 c rs, 7,157 head, or 421 cars for the ea last week, and 2,873 head, Or 169 the same time last year. The opened dull and slow, with pI•ices �e o alit 3 to le off from last week ; t� being no iinprovemellt in q those sold hero for the last few Sales comprised only about 600 .No l Canadian sales noted. • A ca stock ranged froni $4 25 to S3. ,511EEP ..&ND LAMM. a. —Receipts da 4,000 head, making. the total! su fo the week, thus far, 9,800 head, ; ins 9,000 for the same tune las we , an 2,600 head for the sante tint's las.' i ear The market opened modera ely five atastrong last week's prices. Sale: ' out prised about 2,400_ head fo the - ek thus fat, leaving about 8 ars l th yards tooperate with, of f it t, •00 quality. Prices ranged froi $ pt'r 100 pounds. jioers.--Receipts to -day 1;4001 • -ad making the total supply for the! eek tli ns far, 5,900 head, against 10,3 for the same time last weeks ane l-ioa(1 far the san1e'time last [year 7:'ll market' to -day is dull ani dr Sales for the week comprise onl a. ou 1,600 head. We quote to -iia 87 25 to $7 50 ; and heavy ogs (sl in, at 87 62/ to $7 874—none sal, d, • 0 ET ad ek ins' and fo ke l ng ro, eks ad • (1 IVMARRIAOE LIC N -U[z (iJJRTIivt 'j' (Under the now Act,) IsstnccI at.t' . XPOSITOR OFFICE, SE FO tinder. authority of the Llentel a>F1t=0o S or BULL CALF POE RALE, FOR SALE, a woll•brod `BULL CALF aged months. Can be amen on the farm (p.' the 11 designed; Lot leo. 20, Con. 2, H411. S , Dade88O 4 SAMUEL CARNOCHiaN, Jr. COW! AND HEIFERS FO BALE. TSE undersigned offers for Oa o six suaeri young COWS and HEIFERS; a I in dp1f. Th will be sold cheap, as bo is oversto ked. ; JOHN UT I L, 879*8 Lot .80, °o11 10, +IWill' • ° SHINGLES FOR OIIE, AT WALTON, any quantity p1IB W.' Ada No. 1, Shingles: Apia N ! �E 878 , Victoria otei, Vali CHEAP -SIDES. g tow Charges are the order of tiro doff and t i opposition is ale life of trade, Teamsters will et good iunci, ite 1ro pdDrink, and plentyby of: Iay for tlwit herses for 20b., at DOW' Hal( --,way' 77.4 1 0. DAVIS. ' SERD,POAS FOR SALE. IFlE nnttierslghed ham on hand a choice lot of SEED PEAS for sale, w rrranted free from all obnoxious soo(1_s.. B,13000K, 8794+4 Con. 4,.Mirl Road, Tt$okorsnrith. NOTICE TO ▪ DEBTORS. THE undersigned having- removed from Bruce- ,ilyld-con settled in Dotroit, begs toiredlue$t all T• sartlOs luit6btod to him to nettle the sante at rnceftbht'liefore the 20th Arrt1,1875. 880.4 N. MUNRO,M. 1). AUCTION SALE.,.,. A BGE solo of Faris Stock and Ilopiomente, on TUESDAY, March 80, on Lot 11, Con.14, Us- arm.isle tocommence at 1 o'clock. No Re- erve,_ ' THOMAS SUM1tE' ILLS, 80.1 x'ropriotor, WANTED. , 0001) farm hand --single man preferred— will find employment at liberal wages, by ap- ippg'`t .tOHri C3UTIHILL, Lot 80, Con; 10, Zlilo .Winthrop P. O. 879118.. WANTED. TJi m4Hone for the coming season., also a good stout boy to learn the b( ainesH. Apply to 879 , , . PATTEBSO '., Architect, illuevalo. ESTRAY HEIFER . cAM11 into the premise of the n idereib ed, LL4�zztl 7, -Con. 12, Stanley about Deo. a wo-: yoar•old,red and wilts HE FEB. The owner is rogapMted to call, prove pro orty, pay tharger,aucl take trier away, 879-4 D. 13.8 ECRLE. CAU- I N. alma HE public aro ttorol► en , tlone(1 a ti_ st pur- �. drawn r nd to of and hi(sfn r'tr needled ; # by GREGORY OBgA`TTON, of the Township of Hay, in ;favor of NICHOL.-S DEICHBRT, and oaring date 21st June, 187 as the maid note has( aeon paid in full. 180+4 OR GORY G11ATTON. r Y E81'RAY GAME into the :premises LotNo. 26, Con, 9, H.R. Dee. 1, a 8.year old spatted Tho .owner is requested expenses and take het siva 277"'4 - A It HO,RSE8 F -a- (1Ii a'ale,-cheap, loops COLTS ; war°r • 'toil so span of heavy five-year-ol good td work: Purchasers eight horses. Apply to 879 of the undersigned,, . Tackersmlth, about: red and white "Heifer. pi`ove property; nay. 'OU13. KENNEDY. RESALE. b'iaiy three-ear-ol nd and gentle. Or a' 'HORSES,warranted can have a choice of ROBERT SCOTT, Roxboro. TENDERB. TENDERS will" be reeeiv d by the undersigned. up tothe 2d of April >? }xt, for the erection of a frame shed and stable for the Presbyterian; Church at Walton, Plan and epeeifications can do seen at Mr. Janos F iron's, Walton. The lowest or any tender not rY cessar•il}r accepted 879*8... JA3t 8 FUL*ON• Waltgn, REWARD. rj+IIt4bove rcWard will b given for' finch infor- m tion as will lead to ho detection and con- viction, of the party or parties who on the'night of the lith of Moret last eat and carried away a heavy TUBB which stood tithe ifatway oar theLondon noa11-op rbsite the arm of tint undersign- ed, Lot 28, Con. 4, Tay. - • . WM 'WILSON. TON QQL4114R BRUC EFIELD C : SE FACTORY, AMEETING of the pat ons ant ` osted in the above Factory wi old, on .,forth factorl Wines AIRD, BROW' ;,;Town Ha11,13ruce 24, at 1 o'clock P.14 the .business of th A full attendance i W. 879.21 J. S. .POR TWENTY-FIVE Village fE walk of Sonforth well, barn and o 'l'wms moderate., 1)ENNIRON, E: •• 81 ON, Iiau inter, L on Mor httIStteeet,I be sold; at s bietgai others inter-' 1 bo held in: VEDNE DAY, March:. rupee Of arranging'. for the 4lurrcnt year. ed. LEE, ) Proprietors. OE CeLEASE. cry; of excellent land in the - within '10' minutes O. 0 the lad aro hoose,' chard. Title . indisputable. For pp rticulars apply to S ndville, or to W i..70BN= cknow. ,Also abeam azul lot the T of So forth_, .0..(j��Dill- - STALLI FOR gale, on ream gen pal. purpos Ho - is; fn . five y 103 betide high,'on N F R SALE. nwellPlo-hnowboywr. n " r d bayy'coklr : zid iiO-war( sired by that far -fn ;ea borne,"Eng land N Oiety." For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on 1 Lot 29, Con: 7, Hibbert, or to Senlorh P. O. 879*4 -- __.T� noble forms. th stallion, " You ars olds is of da is perfectly sop i� LYE&TER COTTONS. FINE A ()WING to the it element weatb r of tho loot on a large Portion Mr. cupsswpws friends and patrons of art Ho hopoe no ti, to continuo the groat success in t with in Seafottli, ana to fill np the ist in anot or month. in` tile zuce,ntiroo, to give further sat mfaction and to make the itn• dertak ng se com Tote pe poopihlo,_ the pot of prizes Re been Inc cased in value and'uumber. NEW PHOT ORA 11 GALLERY BS to inform his riende and the publio at he line fitted up 1 the best style's. new On Ma n Street, Ho tel. His aparat wh o savor him with Come at once a mambo kept co OALDE A supply stoutly on 14 Wall new an of the most from bi long experience as 4 guara tee satiafttetion to all nd an Photograpla Gallery, no Sowing Machines for Hale. 858 her tin, ehop to- the by )(weirs. Logan 8P n band an itnmenee WIS/IES to info her that dm hag °move Ja• mieson. She haa_uow etock of TINWARE AND STOVES, Of all kinds, wLigh twill be disposed a at bor ems - to mary lOw prices. MILK rart es in Want Of Milk any extent at .; ANS. ans can be supplied to NONE IS ENIJINE • Then aro Numskull Imitations on the,Farket. LYBSTER DENIMS YBSTER v ! TICI I_ T S -YBSTE HIe TiN RS I C.�S A` r. iVA ITS OXIJAND AT LOGAN & JA .=ESO T'$ MON: QE THE GOLDEN LION. SPLENDI.;D. = TOC 01? I EW o Ds F�.00EI�IES. ,BLANKETS ALL SOLD: r: BUFFALOES 7 LIQ C6NI OPENED 0 UT 2"IIIS I'VE,El IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES.: • 1.0 lbs. Demarara Sugar for $1. 10 lbs of Yo Hyson•Tea for $8 50, worth $1 per lb. Another lot of that AMBER SYRUP We will give the Cad!. Bitjler the culeal tage of Five per cent. Always kept in stock and sold at mill prices. WE ALSO REEF NEW BLEACHED COTTQ111 NEW GREY CllOTTONS, , ENV P .,' IBINTS, l NEW BNOWN DUCKS. THE ABOVE TOOT OF NEW EXTENSIVE iffugma SALE VALIM.13LE FARM* STOCK, .. , .,, zAr mi NG I VIPLEIIENTS 7,11l.A. P: BRINE hat Yee eived ThstrItietions from - o''-1- -Mr. JO HN ItleNEIL tO sell bY Public Aurs. * ON:TUESDAY, MARCH 23 -The following property: 11epati -matched grey I-' fast travellers; 1 Inure xising • thre0 years old,t1 I eolt tieing 2 -years old, 1 brood . mare in oat, 8 si coming 8, years. 014,2 heiftr citlyet4 6.. sh p, 2 pigo, I lumber wagon, t set lob, -fileighe, 3„ ale buggy; with pole and mhafts 3 plowit, 1 heir- !, rowe, 1, fanning mill, 1 het shrot tng harness, -1 " 1 rifle,11 pair steelyards. 1 wogon melt, 1 grain cradle,' a lot of Saw logs, _skidded ; 500 cedar posts, 1 wheelbarrow,°1 sugar lett' e, and a number -of, Other articles kw numerous to mention; sal to coinmeace at 1.2 o'clock *oon, TEIr.)'' IS.—A31 intros of $5 •and: under 'cash, over A' that amount 0 menthe' oretBt wilrbo given,- on 8 per"; cent. Will be Allowed. for e On er-edit The FARM "will -also be offered for sale, the purchti er to pay $200 down ; balance in Z eV" 1878. A ,RARE CHANCE Have been bought on the 4 4 AUCTION SALE OF IF A R M INTHE TOWNSHIp OF TUCKERS/MIR 'airn. J. P. BRINE his received .itistractions -“A• from the Executors of ' the estate of the late WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31,-1875, rrnAT Valuable Faria, formerly Owl304 And or,. 4- envied , by the lato WILLIAM, MUIR. The in a state of good cultivation o the balimee is wen timbered. ' There is a largo and comModiotts brick , lut in; or ra: It to well Watered, IS eituated ou a good gravel road, within , five miles Arqm Spa- • forth, and an equal distance from Clinton. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. , .. TERMS.o-Ont half nf the pttrehatia money to : be paid on ;the day of eale, and the balance.with- For further particulars iipply to the Auctioneer or to either of the undersigned Executors: ' tilt. MeCONNELL, And aro Lower than any we have ever onered. .THE SEAFORTR CARRIAGE FACTORY. Oppositd 0, C, WILLSOIrS A. G4 MoDounami T.A.ItoppiJL:.DgpART-toNT. 10 We aro showing SPECIAL ALUE in • ° ENGLISH TWE DS, SCOTCH. TWEE CANADIAN , TW HALIFAX 4WE • MADE TO. • RDER. This -Department is under the Manage WOOD E HATS AND sell as low as any other Isouse in town. FULL 8rowc. ent of erson. OAPS. Stock is now complete in all the ilettee r ENGLISH, AMERICAN, an CANAD Goods delivered free of charge in any part of the I Town, Harpnrhey and Egmondville. WE SOLICIT AN ,IN6''PECTIOY qr.(:)UR StOOK *lore Foramina elsewhere. os of AN Fiphirs. NEW SILK ,AND CO CAPS, Made special4 for t House. A.. G. MoDOWALLI E It -awning thaiaks for the liberal pat- ronage they have reeety6d since connueneing now ertearea to 'furnish • OH ,AND smog BUDDIES D '1,V1-00HRATS., Which', for style and 'excellence of ,Workmanship and material, cannot be *ttipafteed Ibrany other • They are practicer workmen, devote their per- sonal itt'ention to their business, land: as they make light work a 'speciality, they onn guarantee GIVE THEM A TRIAL. REPAIRING PROMPTLX‘ ATTIDED „TO, PILLAIAN, Co. ABST.RAO:t co tile TroculurercH account With the . ty of Tnckerantith from 1st April, 1874, to 1st March, 1875. To balanee on hand from last audit.... $448 tr7 Tavern end shop licence. . 45 Oi3 Bottudery lino appropriation. 179'02 Collected over Conniff- rate. ,, , 22 65 Township tax ,$'4515 85 Less taxes unpaid, 248 22— 2,272-83 Arrears of taxee fOr r..4 4 2a $10,847 14 Unpaid taxes. , ' 248 22 $11,090 80 By cash paid for roads and bridges. o.*. $2,124 42 Relief of poor, .. 183 00 •Salariee. 542 00 $10,529 80 To balance in hands 01 Treasurer... . 817 28 ' $11,090 86 A,utlitol the Treasurer's books, conveyed Tough- en anal foun4 cornet, ARC/1Th Au Mien.. JAMES DALLAS, I Tnekere ith, March 0', /875, 379-2 Canadian Pacific gia,ilway. Ited River. eipae.dand endorso-d "Tender Pacific Railway" will be received up to NOON of THURSDA.Y, the 18th' of MARCH next, for the BRIDGING -sod GRA:BING required on that sectiotOf the Paolge Railway, extending from the Lake • of the Weeds to Bed River. For piens, apecifitationsoapproxi- mate quantities, forms of tender aid other infor- mation apply a the office of tint Engineer -in- , Secreting. Chief Ottows, By order 7. BRAIrti{ • Department of Pnblio Works, Ottawa, Feb. 25.1875. 878-8 WAWANOSN SHINGLE FACTORY. TEE sabseriber Laving purchs.44 42 acres of Shingles in large quantities st the ikArest =tar prieee. Rarticalar attention paid to cuatOm am- ino" Firat-class shingles gtonsutaid, so none but gopd sawyers are employed, and the pine is of the Aseist vamp FOr leis a 20 -horsepower steam boiler connhote and 1454 wo order. ; 877-8. TONA.TRAli CAST 1:4, 1311,tb PAL • •