HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-03-19, Page 44 NEW ADV ; tTIS1 MENTS. Lybster Cottons Logan & Jamieson. Groceri rs Strong & Farley. , Myrtle evy---T u ,let" & $illing8. Saw Mi 1 and Fa of '100 Aimee for.Sale. Ten Dollars }tuwa: (1.----:\Villiain Nilson. Cautioih,---lire.=,gory Gratton,.. -t Notice to Debtors- N. Munro, M. D. Auction Side—Trh Inas Mumerville. k3ui1 Calf , atfor Salo -..S. Gar:►oeluni, Jr. Stoves n�cl Tinwa e ---Mrs. Whitney, ta t10* xpooitor. :SEAL O1.:Pki, I'it Upposti The Mail has venclttty►-t for moth way places for when it gets ho slight, it works the details, and 11 0 whole colttnins o r. have no more soli fertile brain of th conjunction with o fulminated e targe Montreal, ae usiu DA's, Martth lfi, y37.5 n Slanders. ; • a strongly dev(i'folte(- g found iu oat of the albeit') scandals, and cl of a clue, however n i.ts' irnaginatioi•) for e public are treated to developilents ♦vhicli 1 foundation than the o editor. It lately, in. her -Opposition sheet#, against Mr, Jotte of him of using his in- fluence with the 'averment in order tri obtain,before it as- made public, infor- mation of : the inte ..tions of the Govern- ment =ov(rn-ment its reference to the enlarge -men t of the iLaolhine Lana, whereby he ►•as abled to engage is a °speeulatic►ii# whieh was to yield him er ormolu profits. These 1S thought they had oints. not only agn,inst against the Govern - n the thence with as they were convinced Opposition joars, m rule some atroog Mr. Jetta but also rtx ent, and .harped much avidity as if of its anti-Jelin:4a But the mato. carne up before t ; House last week, and there received such a rebuttel art to completely flatten ut the fulxninatorsiofe the charges, The' whole transaction Was e xplained to the tlatisfncrion uhf, the 4.1 ouse, showing co delusively that neither t he (novel nrirtnt - 1 or any of the otl er participators in it ere guilty of any n- tention of prosti=tut ¥ the pubI c fun s. :The whole matter : lbs a purely burin 'ss trans.aeti.on, eondu toil on an holiest ba is, and as swill he House received it. Again, in its issue II the -8th, the :11'(tit launched a charge . against Hon, Isaac :f urpeo, Minister o , Ctistoins; Mr. Char- les t,P6rpee, mem .eh 'for :Sunbury, and otltfers,'accusing t1 em of • conspiring to rob the country' b using theirinfluence with the Govern= t to obtain a piece land for railway =poses for $6,000, which was valued at $30,000. This charge also explode wheel the details of the matter were m.tde known. ft was - shown that $G, 00 t was the. appraisel. value of the land, this valuation being made by the Government valuator at Fredericton, but c rtaiu. parties of that city having wine i1 feelun`g' toward the railway, opposed tl e transaction, osten- sibly on the ground that _ the lane. was 'worth much more t an .the price .agreed upon. Tho uego iations wore subse- quently cancelled, nit the. Mai/ saw' its opportunity, and 11 -ug forth its conclu- sions to the world without taking the trouble to see if til' y could he verified. This is the sort of tuff the Mail •wuld palm off as high to cd journalism, and is sufficient evidence if theilesperate strait . • -to which its party has been reduced, when it is coixtpeli' d to bolster a up its claim to public-con.idei'ation by sueh in- ' discriminate and u 'scrupulous futrnina- majority of the Gocomment nil majority of the Mernhers of I the party in 1.'arliarhept, voted • t the necessity of it change.. Bu, Mote opposes any L change be ng It is, therefore, in .opposition th srnmont as well as to a majo ity. • party to.whieh it belongs. C 'us ly, sho tld a split Oeur in ih R partly- on; this question, and th .oug split the Conservative party i r. gait er, who will beto}lame ? (e 'fain those who demand` the lidos' , fo are in the majorityi, and it woo trery to reason to expect t{ht jori'ty shoold give in to the mi is thio duty of the minority to the majority, and ti:hould th those Reformers *hi ,foilo t p ,'4 ently adhere to their .presenfl; I>o aiid°rcfusn to submit to the rill majority, the split if-splt-tileto w '11 lie duo to tlo r stubborn less.. (lo not believe, however, that t lire clanger of what our conteinpotfry 'to fear. • it has the matter (astir ifs own hander and if a break 'she in the. 'Reform ranks,' the bleu' wi i upon it, and it elem.. . Our contemporary condi it s i title with the following anion " Rather should °very Rao a er, 1 ° e. v - e t- fc u'm p of t eY n- na- .' flee or out of of iiee, strive 4t( .ria " wheals 'of (oveq•rimuiit rein sin '' and produce the highest tp ssi►i " sults! from the (joustitutiot � as " rets. ; \S llat do we want, fu • ex; t i with. Mr. Goldwin Smith's'' In " donee notious, or theories rabon •' Second C/Isacril:iet ? ' Let tllo e--(1 ". Constitutional questions W1' ose f t " lies that way, blit let the it forn " ty cohitiriee steady in its isf' "of carrying on the affairs (If "try '1►oneetly and officientl is here a doctrine laid down to as Reformers, cansiot a sent I first place. we protest againsttl a in tion that these reforms which the fff opposes are being demanded at the in ny 41 -9 in need lest sir1s f- the. �t ily - I 0, I al sec Y', 1' ir. 1 per, the, of Mr. Go -kiwis Smith, Thilly for• by a largo and iilflueutia4 );,ort the .Reform party of this c ,t itry whether Mr. Smith is, or is no , in of them, is a, matter of no mo whatever.. The Globe knows this --well, but it thinks! by its insi ma btrlitf=le. the groat aiaoverrhetit ,.4 pr in operation against a few of';it pe hies. In the second place, that it is riot only the duty of tefo to " strive . to mike the wheel, of du erMment ,run :smoothly and p highest possiblexes its from t n c C tution" as it exists;r but to a' en remodel the Constituttioit, if 1b ;' so the wheels of Govornrent ca be to run smoother, and the pub ally benefitted. In, the third maintain that it is onlyby tea governing body reel,` ,risible toi,- tit pie that the econonti al and ho 'est ngcmei%t of public affairs call b ens and ins the feurtli place we conn end • it is the duty of -Reformers to emit this country a conhstitutioil which 'not allow of the ecistenee of , go ing body whie1i has proven its(lf w less for the purposes for which t wi ganized, but which has the po' er, had the spirit to exercise it, to do i harm. This, is what' those 1efoi who are now in opposition to :lit are encleavori ig . to do, and w ' b i that in theirr efforts they have the pscthy and approval, of a large majfr of tiles Reform party, r If the constitution,' autlhoh izir g 'a 11 appointed and irresponsible gave body, had received the sancti n 0 people of this county, before it into operation, thor0 rniglit no be grounds. foropposing its a.n end Butit wa;i not sanctioned by the p but was imposed upion them w thou inuelias asking .their approve; of single provision which it eontai led. •tlherlfibre, after a fair trial, i is .found that .a portion of !that coitstit is defoctivea where i the crier v or ger either,, in,,havin it amen(e•...S those ` who framed, t, and w of no vigorously oppose its amendm nit, rail elaihix that it is parfeet. If hey d they have a better opinion of Et 'ems and. their work,. than a rnajorit. o people eieem to hate.l. Exp°lienee `proven that it is at least defe f i; e, i much as it authorizes the est blish and continuance of a life a p is i ted irresponsible governing ;body. Th istence of this body entails a 1 e vy non the resources of the p opl t , )ieli they receive no benefit. •'.l.'o t tl is we have only tc refer to tl e o for which the framers of the c stit. say this body was given. exis a ice. these it is held that the Renate is cessity'as a check to evil and in'udi legislation by, the Corninons. 1 "ha it might be were it an' electiv od responsible to the people, it i 1'ot, t appointed and' irresponsible b'idy , check at all. Nheji the' lateGo+, .pent pledged the country to doi an possibility,: and the legislate e.'gav consent to that pledge, was h ! S any cheek ? When. Parliai rept; ra the sale of the Pacific charter to tions. The " Globe " : and the Reform °P: iter. In an article in is issue of Tuesdays' last the Globe undertakes to lecture and advise those mem ars of the Reform party avho have seen fit to disagree with it on certain public questions. It com- pares the present i olitical 'situation to that of 1848-0, wh .n the Conservative party was overthrown and the J3alclwin- Lafontaine Govern, ent came into office. 1t says : " Meisrs. 3aldwi;n and Lafora- " taine, the leaders, of title'Goverilment, " k-nre men of the I ighest personal char- '' actor. But the woke prudent and € conservative in t ieir ideas and,. were '-" disposed to hast nr slowly on many points which the younger/ members of the party eonshd ed of importance. " hence nrf se what *as called the ' Clear ` " Grit ' movement, leinancling numerous " changes and rofuing to wait a single moment for their ealization. `',file end " of that niiovernen ' was that the hories " returned lto pow a r in 1854, and th it '' though sen: of tl c projected reforms 1 " Were carried by t hie bur servativc Gov - erne ehht, they ;,!ere not se ftiaiently " accomplished as hey would 1 ave been ' if the Reform l arty •-had •eniained ' " united and had r•outiliucd in poWer." This example is cit 4 as. a warning td 1 Reformers of the lir =sent day to avoid a division in their rat ks, and the better t avoid. this is to abs ain from this agit - tion of new retort; s ; to rest and be satisfied witl:i thing: as we have them; and do what we car to hang on to office and power.. The warning, howetrer, loses its force when we consider that the eireemstapces cited are not in any way similar to those ex'eting' at the present ' day, and that the he who gives the. was the ' Governin grant the reforms a of the. Reform part ernmont recognize, 1 reforms demanded, jector is only a lead ernment. Take for of the reconstrtictio: yarning, In 184a it he necessity of the nd the principal ob- ng organ of the Gov - of the Senate. A 1 y 1111 Hugh. Allan and his ?or ipany, ve ere he Senate ? When a Commis ion ppointed by the ( oNlrernrnert to t rent , . ar hem in le to ea along a 'asily u litleeiertoir ex he g asp 1 ey kno wl stile he • do It is th ° duty, tl or p . rty id the c m intai ug i thi pr totic 1 y urteles co stain ► ufficie vi eabl , would, iron co istitt t on, be ( ang wl kilt 11 acro split th (Os 1 e prop r w pa ty, t n 1 if the Glv its poll ''al oppo !ent le islati► i, and by i sp it in lie Ref( an a he d re p,nsible f it the 'Ire tt!eat trot ble ' i t1 t.t it onsidere itself of the ll lforin pa !V. at thiht m ilio prop mod, n sot tial, if it does tot ori ret st 0 .corse, inn( every de s no bow to tedict T1 is sot URON_ ' OSITO[R.. life ppoieted, and r d tags, it is but t they; will get p ssib e, and' with as rt' . n they canes() t at heir pay is sure in ser ice for it or not; ore, of the ,Reform` et try of the union of b dy whirl is now and hien, .von if it t nin ation o be sa- t • e hitt re of its ro is: gislat►on h °form such as are of th lteforin e iontinlles to chill i opposing :such ction nooses a tks, it must be •°sults, ` h the Globe is, e head and front 1 any legislation matter how ee- 'inatn with it, it politician,• why tion, it: abttsos. lo with the Cow, deers tf - which t of thing might 11 times illing to allow their, ar at le dere nit area of the I sit that ar too (le rend an mat _tli nisei em (li man or vo cir ate time ( tvert until st e tl titell igen tion et u refer emends split in e its dictator wards t e me re equall as ho a goo deal • ; abaft( on its its '0 rest an I be tl eavo It!) kee pace Id pu sue sue !is now Ire le t dange the lit form p le mem! ere of t e Ref rm party ragged at the e They think for ill not ubmit either to alms from any one' ns as he progress of the llefortn ranks, a al an( abusivee bers o the par.' test an leas - co ore progreesive ankful policy ;" carr out tree - 11 manner ty who sis ant, th n an ful wo doi be ef Go the besrt tiler . hough they should not I f. If our contemporary a course stead of doing, there, ould not rty, ands the Reform (1 not be sub ected to At I Again. mi vernmet refers' us f the very ihjudici us course no ing on hit fame, became of he con tru of the wri to gar ran 8 deb o aid the it roger to am do luty .ead Is that th ng have iced to '28 000 meet t he ere oS ap ?crimps, s that t te trans coney le he membqrs from eel to !i4ve an ic. oie at Ore prosp kably truthful re the ihoe pi the embers debate propri le firs 10 true hful ubli en on t le question o r in of th Senate, an ✓ marks °weeding the tolarably lain that some one will be diseppom e -Mr. Ki kpatrick has been trying to rake hp the Lapin° matter again. ',Ile Premier h better make a Sentaor of the volatile nember for Froatenac, He would ocatt Off among the ghosts. —Hon. B. Foster Who has ob- tained a eo tract for the Georgian Bay branch, of he Pacific Railway, has re- signed his s at in the Semite, and it ie Bald will be succeeded by Mr, Moore. _Mr. P rdy, whe was elected to the Local in 0 niberland by ballot stuffing, has deeline( to take the seat, — --In the ill introduced on Fridey for the establis menb of a government in the Northwest, roviiion is macre for the en- foreement o it prohibitory liquor law in that ceutitr , Siece the advent of the Northwest olice Force, the illicit wins - key traffic 1 as been almotit entirely sup - ',reseed, an( in one instance' the heads of forty-eight barrels seized! by the • force evere knock ,d in and the liquor spiltoa the ;mud. If a prohibitory liquor law is n possibility, the experience of its work- ing in this! territory, and the aeitittion for such a lew in the other Provinces of the Dominion, will assist and prepare the, people of Canada 'for a similar jaw ber!ig _pieced the statute book,' , oettoit. If Holton M. P lute been eleeted President of the newly orgaineed helmet whieli the member for Chateau- guay has well earned by his great ser- vices to the Liberal Arty, its a follower and leader, during t past teeenteefive years, Mr. Holton had already been elected Honorary President of the Ito - fortis AssoCiation of the Parti National when this sceond honor was eonferred on Malcolm Cameront' M. P. for South Oetatio, is mentioned' ao the pro- bable Lieutenant -Governor ,of the new North-west Province. A better selec- tion could searcely be made. --elt is announced that the Hon. AYH - bate tieDongall has definitely decided to run for tIlie Vilma seat io South Sim- coe for the Local Legisleture, -1—'1111e Frenelt Kees much pleased with the statement made the other day leY the Prete hie, that in the omit North- east Proviiibe provision would be made for the estahlishment of itparate on he priociple existing in Quebec and Ontario. , --eft its announced that Hen. William for the vacaint seat in South:Sinicoe, for the' Local Legislature. We beg to offer ourlsincere Sympathy and COM miseration to Mr, M. C. Cameron in this unhappy oriels in his fate. Such a follower as Ma McDougall will be great source of worry to him. Ii'AMINE.---i-The famine in Asia still rages. Peeple aro dying by thous- ands ef absolute starvation. ceiredthrough the Earl of Cramer von, the war -club of King Thakombau, which wee in former times the symbol Of sovereign; ty in the Fiji Islands, and which has now been presented to Her Majesty by tOhtetapaoia. attece,ing in tolken ofe his dutiful allegt- wedding gOts of Her Royal Highness being Prineese,Loeise of Belgium was an ex - rt service of turquoise and n, presented by -her Majesty having been informed that France intend- ed to order !an experimental condentra- tion of trobps on her eastern frontier 10 Times- early in the sprin , intimated to Presi. mobilization of the two army corps on the 'nine if Ma' nce persisted in carrying its en- gutsite den hits uns expense woman and her and elaehing the resisted him and house te straw was ended by he with an axe dead at iher fe so badly that the During th panto lin theatres a elo feel rather Moo at which the "ga smart volley of hi negative a form o the American oval up " Hold the hi 00 children, c ting terribly, The w man fought him fro the splitting his he Open and stretching him The woman. I too, ly, and the eh ;dreu will probably di ime at on of the Dub - 0" the foOn r lersy," stowde tr be ids we I, expressing teepee xuck jaonidntelditeilwi higleeietisisocauisbliylginhtthehehaigrthielye Itouryt • course the whole rroccedings wee rether novel, and the cu tain fell till the hyinn The a are tw things i'ipo wine! iTto:otiiiitoo tell:best as set its eatrt—t ttttion Of th Senate to sa . ft out tl e official repo •t of th tes f the If use of Conon RH, It of a t se and 'nista' resent ta n, or laps, it would 0 mor pr9par tO say ilea In f et, which are made to Comt ate() d,n Print - re pro sable txpendi with his woirk, that trees ation f the debetior into ch, tv licit has been i greed to, wil merle as mite more and tl e aston requisite to meet he se vice, i of e Pacifi Rail ay ! It will taliz .d, would build t large propor rprise t ie pub If . WANTS TOI ABDICATE. —it , is rumored that there is great difficulty'in prevent - e ing King Alfonso from abdicating in favor 1, • of Duke, Montpensier. under Chestnut Hill, near Boston, was • day when it prematurely expioded, hlow- . ing off hie head and one arm, and serious- ly injuring two other *coda:nen, '' 8 BRIO HA M I'll/ONO lif TROUBLE, 74A - cause Brigham Young did net promptly I obey the ord .r of Jud.ge 'McKean, of Salt t .torney's feee and $500 per raMith alimony i brought by Anti Eliza, -the patriarch has ' been ordered to pay a fine of $25, besides f 1 for 24 hours. E ,CEASED WIFE'S SISTER BILL". 0 ehe n hod esti y pun le any 1 ic to le rn that ation into F ench is poses o build the Glcbe pr mine p opera, out of that g rm capitalized., British coluin ia, who ea the the r ad can ect of such a- pow. 'may f their rated in the common gaol ishHense of ! Globe feeling :sisters' hes wives' sister - ed to disa,pp Mae. twee' ul conta rticle where he ha sche he should have he tors of the lar ti t placed If el hit g, it neans that th e for consid ration 'es than the • House c ially done, which is e ha. the Globe wou (I have good reports or ts own special Ise go up largely at he -xpense of the collar with the op- ortunity of snu ng ou Mr. Mills or ny °thee Liberal who ( ared to differ Tin es, Free. Press nd OP, zea, and all the ail es whieh coul not, in the estima- te of otir conte (Tore y, be deemed le ding,' would, h veto f trnish such re - or s as iveald suit their apace entirely y thatl the gen lemen who promoted he officiel report, and ho ere etill ea ily in its fay r, wil agree to any ned in this re - shows exactly We are told e for reporting onsulted with is 'neaps any- . Globtr would them at less n have them itial to saying Poi e contest in N lac on the ,111th, d Drew have ag nd no doubt both ver indication tha os one, and the te expect' to be in be n nominated, parti will 'make a the ntest will be a lien& of both eandi- succ ssful. It is as been rejected,by the Brit - Commons, and the London want to marry' their dead ands? and the disconsolate io pine Mr 'their deceased , have once more been doom - employing 2,000, men, night and, day, ing elites for the Spanish Government. Between -4,000 , end 5,000 &dirtied rifles are :shipped -er week. ThelProvidence Tool Compa y of Providenee, R. I., are now at work on a contract for 600,000 Peabody -Ma ini rift for 'the Turkish Government, and are turning out about, 700 of them daily. E.Leeren,--Jehn itchell, who vias expelled froi the British House of Com - 'mons as an Ficaped convict, has again been elected' for Tipperary., Majority sage has been received from Liverpool an- nouncing that Moody and Sankey, Am- erican evangelists, have commenced. their labors in Londlon, and to ask the prayers of OhristianS throughout America for theit labors in that city. Their work in Liverpoel, has been glorious. , EXTRAORDINARY ICE.—The Thames River at iVorivich, Connecticut, is frozen 'solid to the bottom. A trotting horse 'fell dead on the ice there the ether day,. and the owner cut a grave eight feet deep in the icle without coming to water, and buried the horse in it. 1 IlEavy APPROPRIATION.— The aggre- gate sum in the twelve appropriation Congrestair about $175,000,000, apart from other- bills containing appropria- tions. Fauquier County, Va.states that on the 6th inst., a colored man, nam,ed Haines, went to the house of his mistrees, between Markham and; Piedmont, end seihing a Cboley, who has just return fron tJer- the American Consul „at th t iity, :that for the tiro time known to the prhsent yore as to Iona ice. The A abs hi ving never sem ice b fore, were completely water Silo 14 be e anged into glass, 1 ANOING, —A no hilly megiug cr urinals was the grtund n the p of in the made of recently introduce nt Newga ground, a At was dug in th yel with pit. The ecetioner trap door opening in pinioned b made 1 the the e the trap, end at fell, and the unfo live. COLD. --It has 1 this white than country, In Fur marked 60 below COLD COMFORT. of promise has jus been trier. jury, after three h tire deliber that she had da aged her extent of $:26. has a yellow earth ge, and the are of solid geld. - The serya ed with the turn ut, numbe in the box and tw in the ru harness is gokbt -pped, and milting the arres o bo years of age fouol the st o'clock in the win r and 9 o summer, is saidto be practf with admirable e ects. green signal the (hop n ceased to Sweden tanate ten colder actio for 41104 TrIE FAMINE IN IhinIA.—T cial act in connes ion with famine has been erformed 1 eminent of Inch various officers well as a mint which the whole o in Loudon, dant. The tion, found over tot the azalea lady city.. Slte wheel; u os 143 CO et - four wo ordinance s under. 16 lock ii the c las the 13 offi- hgal ov- by the iceroy, in the mat rs contract- ed with that great calamit have been tude may be infer ed from t e facts h abont 1,000,000 t ns of rice ere convey- ed to the lamina- trieken d stricts, ,and that the total cost to the Ind'an revenue is estimated at six millions and a half, A Fatel, FIRE. The Davis' Hou d. at Gloucester, .1,Iass., wee burned on Nfon- day morning. So rapid. was the spread of the flames the the occu anti of the building escaped vital rea difficelty. Julia Kelly was t ken from the wend story, but waii de 1 or died oon after, The charred bodie (if Hector Skinner, C. Smith and Merger t NValton ere feud in the Feint, GAS IN JAPAN. ,he Apo Mail states that Yeddo was li with gas or the first time on the night Dec. 18. Pawnee MILLS DEMOLI ITED, 1:110 Austin Powder Co.'s , mills, five Miles explosioas. The yolks, which con iet- ed of tea or twelv buildings were OM- pletely derholiehe large fragment of timber and heavy achinery }icing bl wn a consider ble distance. Ei ht or ten men were. employed at wo in and abOut mills, three of . horn Were killed. T1 e lose o the Com any is 'not Poismat ..--A ysterious ease of day night in the family of Theo ore family rpti ed at 1 o'clock. When 4r. covered th rt, his ife and clang thr aged three years ere dead and t ree other dame ters w re seriousl ill. he late in the tfterno n by a poll omen ho found Moli ski sit ing on t ble eat ng. and (said he was unable to get out of the poisoning his lam ly. ' One of the re- maining daughters! died sit sequen ly, and another is not- xpected t llei8vter.030., was visited the o her day by a ierr tble ornado, lasting ha f an hour, ing ere the Presby nan an Ba ist churchea Several persons w re kil d. rite estimated loss in town is $150, he Country has no been hear 'from ide during the re ent flood, says ttt he cylinders, pis ons and onnee ing •ods of the engine ere all tin er we ter. he engiiieer piled up wood n the Pt- nd built a coal fir on top, b mean of hich he wae enab ed to keep up st hey had to stop a the foot f the as - From Stevenson t Bass Rt twn reey" passed in flatboats through w ter fr m three to thirty f t deep. In s me 1 with their shoul ers its the sat in he oat. The Tenness e river in laces wenty-five miles w'cle. as EFFECTS OF A S PRORADLE 'WAR BETWEEN ENGLAIND nt of the London ivies tele aphs t tat ian Governer': nt d the Ki g of 13 r- ah, regarding the boundarie , and he notion for t e set leinent of the a es - ions at issue, the ing has pte raw. The British authoritie insist on settlement by the means hey 1 'ye ropOsed, and troop are going to Brit eh ARCD ;19, . ,_8'T. KION. PARLIAMENT, -SATURDAY MISSIONS, Pn Thursday Mr, Mackenzie introducs edit motion providing for the sitting of the Ileuse, Sisturye, during the re- mainder of the session, /it this way,/ it is hoped to get through the remainder of the buidness by Easter. VTR LACIXINE CANAL. Mr, 'Kiiikpatriek ineeed for copies of correspondence in reference to the ens largement of the Lachine -Canal, Mr.' Jette in conjunction with others,' been barged with having 'used his influence With the Government to obtain infortriati n as to their designs for the enlargem tit of the Lachine Canal, in order to eke a good 'speculation -end the rnif io was made in order thalt the facts trig t be laid before -the House. When it as first made, he had given it a poeitive denial, and he now renewed thin denial, affirining °nett more that he never had from the Government, direct- ly or indirectly, any information what- ever thet 'paid not be given to the.epub- lic in general, and that he Was tot or could riot be known officially, He ene tend into' an explanation of the trans- actione .and WWI anxione to haVe all correstondence in the matter laid befor.e ethdTc. b8aeirc ann4nown_dritolsgr.atehe*BILptip.si ser. v lee was read a third time and pass- , Tit! Ls BEFORE hi ACISTUATES. The bill providing for the more speedy trial before magistr tee and stipendiary ed with felonies or .inis ineatiours, was eicadoa,idnixitiltryee ,ri;croenal t_jel,i.ricirtsiemed;antlypoausgsh. elite NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On Friday Mr. Maeltenzie introduced a bill for the establishmeat and govern- ment of the Northwest 'Territory, tie a Province, t independent of Manitoba, to t be known as the Northwest Province. The bill ptoposed to have a Lieutenant - Governor in the Northetoest territory, aided bY a Council 'consisting of members, who may be appointed by the Magistiates, who would be appointed in the sante way, ,would be ex ofrio mem- bers (AU° Council, and theretwould be, perhapre Indian agents, or other persons whose place of residence made it con- venient, appointed ez *to .niembers, The fit* aection simply stated that the Land, ahoold continue to be known as the Northwest 1:territory. An officer Would -be appointed who would hold of - lice during tnepleasare of the Goverhor- General, end receive instructions in the same weeilas the Lieutenent-Governore of other Piovinces. It Was roPosed that in the nteentime the Seat Gevernment would be et Fort Petty, whielt was as suitable a Place for the purpose; as could at present be selected. During -the past season the Government had constructed buitdings there for the Northwest poliee force. rite barracks were sufficiently commoilioes for the &dement:Iodation' of 200 men, andlwith this building and oth- ers! thete they- could menage to accom- modate the oificers connected with the NorthWest Government without serious difficulty or expense,. The members of the Commit,. who were to be appeinted, should receive a salary not exceeding $1,000; and the clerk, who was .aled to act as secretary to the Lieutenant-Goveo ernor, avae to receive not more than $1,800 per' annum. The sixth, seventh Ana eighth sections of the Aet simply provided for the consolidation of laws and ordinances now force in that ter- ritory, and the ninth eection that no laws should be enacted by the Local Government of the Provinces_ which would be inconsistent with any Acts of the Parlianaent of Canada, Tbe next few sections provided for thes establish- ment of! popular government, so far as that weir at present, practicable, The eleventh sootier' provided that as sonn as the Lieutenant-GoVernpr was satisfied that antr district of not less than 1,000 - square mile*, had a population of not less than 10,000, it woad be competent for hint to give authority by, proclamation for its heing set apart as an electoral die- trict, and for the election of a Member of the Legislative Assembly to trepresent the district. If the Lieutenant -Govern- or was} 'satisfied that It district had a populatiPn of not less than 20,000, he eould iseue.his writ for the election of a second !Member. When there were t'a membeet, the Council should -.Cease), and the mentbers so elected should be 'con- stitute& and designated en the! tive -Council of the Northwest Territory. It was also provided that every bona Ade resident and householder in the Terri- tory, who had been such for not less than 12 months mayvote and all who were entitled to vote were eligible for election.; MIMS 12 to 30 contained provisions for the regulation and -distribution of real estate. The 'laws prevailing in Ontario with regard to these mattere would in in general prevail in the Territory. , Clauses . 36 to 44 Made provision for wills and their registration. ,Clauses 45 to -50 contained regulations defining the righte of owned women as to property, &c. Prevision was Made for the exclu- sion of all intoxicating liquors from the Territory, and for preventing its manu- facture and, sale. This would 'give the people of the Dominion, and especially those Who had been petitioning the • an opportunity of finding hoW such a law would operate. lf prohibition could be carried successfully int& _ effect in the ,Northwest Territorit0s, it would form an argument for its introduction in- other parts of the Ihiminione On :Monday the s'a.bjeet of Civil Ser- vice appointments Was' brought up for discussion. Mr. Casey moved for a Com- mittee to consider resolutioni on the sub- ject of the establishment of a system of competitive examination es a Means of obtaining eritrance into the public ser- vice. The present system of notninathig public servantsSOffered no guarentee for the efficiency of those appointed. Pro- motion Was: he.. stated, often made sub- ject to political contaideratiens, arid Where these did not prevail, seniority Wet gen- erally the ground of promotion. The result was that ineffie'ent men Often rose to high positions. Young men ef ability felt that there was little opphrtnnity for them to rise in the Ciiril Service. It was possible for Ministers to exercise their patronage so as to inilueoce meinbers of the House. After dwelling at tome length on the evils of the present Mode of distributing appointments, he strong; ly urged the establishment. of system of competitive examination, -whereby the ability of the applicant should be made a- 4 reconintendation Iluence of political . kenzie acqueereed in Than meats trut forward by .1 thought the tubject WOUld 1' discussiel for -some .tirne, in the -House and the r,ople 331,i fandliar with it, Ile .xxecessity of a armee ire ens tem, but hoped 31r. press the, matter at. the 14)8 1110143n Was then MAI), DELIVERY OF LP4 Ori Tuesday, a bill to core deliveriog merchantable to mai* on email eaelts 'thereof :WAS itea,(1,0. -third time suraratte The bill for the establieh Supreme C.oiart for tho Pod Steal of disouseion of Dairy Fanning tke-Blitor, of the Ilurort Ea Szu: Now that anothertsca. to open for dairyiag, and 'a, td this oxtreine flrynees of and that many of the old gras about exhuusted, would iD see if A Substieute for e, system. I 'would. like to as thrOugh your valtable paper .eXpOrienee bast been, and whale of -that eset,em ? -We often reat things done by dairy! nited Seates through soiling, one, would lifse to hear what 40-11 make out ,of ONE INT 1We folly agree with 'our e tut that, in view of past ex attain inveesa in dairy farrein dependerme must not be plae tering. We also ifelitre have -devoted ,attentien t other improved mode of feed to plitee their views and exp. fore !the public, ae we feel good will esalts—En. Ex. Coulsethi,11E8ertiesPol:—eTnite•9 as alto was the requese or Mr. solvecttlmt the following rt • TGen2t*Arevlivivi'airiiY1;tiplit°06f311v1aliite)Phtritlilviieeiltrriryliciwisle suitE- that each party pay OWn money ; that $1,800 be ee grading and Eraveling the 8ot ary road; the- time of expel -cover a period of three years, ing with 1875, and an equal be ,expended by each. eorpora YZAT arid that --81.00 of the abi -expended east of Limeilek The f011OWing1pereens applied ses ; Messrs, Wilson, Press, 1inet *Weer an• d Aforris, Poe] person* eiew keeping tavern i failing to pay tip before the month will net obtain a Hoene be deelt With according to law neatly, and more easily mmt any other teechine with acquainted. ItY. IL Wirann,, _Principal Getlerielli,elit are hew rteelvfOg thdr stock el _Mei vihich they are Aeterminwl tot] large WO of Clover mut Tialiotbys Clover, ViNtd",Ciover, Yellow or 11.11 OM; 8, 11011 Top Grass, Bie larass, Grass mai Dawn Gritss, Swe Tarrifpfp—Gray- Stone Msogelchi.-MarOrnot)1 :Long Red, Im Rea sad Yellow: Oloba. Carrot Se.' Our ste,ek, GArdenStedS will be An -SooLL Warranted a pure ss -can, yonr istipply bile the steel 18 new!. clam ahtl others buying Scads in tat liberilly dealt lkith. Seals as low, AUCTION ricultural Implements, 31 meats &c. Ce J. P. Brine, anetioneer, .1 Monday, March -22, on Lof McKillop, Patin Stock' and, i Daniel Manleyeproprieter; ieszelsforielay, Mitreh 29, 9n 13, McKilloh, Farm &took ments. John II. Swallow, Grey, Farm, Farm Steele Brine, auctioneer, , smith, Win.' MeConnell Thutedayt Mareh 25, On 2, Statileye, Farm Stock, - Queen proprietor - J. P. ,B eers Tueedaytei• ti eh 30, on field Road 6,No h, Stenley, Stock ,and Implements.. proprietor -a P, -Brine, au Maroh lb, by Revs Timings Leadbeater Can—FonneS,—At the': Tea brides /Aber, by it John Car? to janea, h Mr. Jahn Yahoo, h the ;brides father, by Joki, Cameron., to fest daughter of Mr. 'of eKellpp,