The Huron Expositor, 1875-03-12, Page 377'7 - AlIkiten.12, err garr &la at-Cr-ADZE:C. ors, 1„kftorneys, keen. West -St., Z41 Lre.sit, n ap- les Com-. several pri- ;‘foney 1-1kcil-'40 yearly tor for the St. 1 21$ Thu-rx&ters, At t Chancery and, -Conveyancers. ...Agetati$ for - cent. Farms, and Attorne)a enitInselveney, Oflices—Sea- ivate Funds to itereet, payable ta • C, -- cur,u Chant:- Mee—aver J. C. ;quote. 2fir. Ltd, . ers in Chancery D doors noLth of ;DONALD, Drussele. Ironer for the e Meta Street - ,n,Sargeoutitati Office and resi- reet, first door Physiciat), Sur- tunty of Huron.. arket arul High Surgeon and .1teslieal De- formeily of the rt, Eng.; visited e rib arid Gifts- -t,k• tc.„Seaforth, � work, latest ged. All stir- ttrforreed with w as eon be tab- ?rkx s A. It- to Store, 270 Lt.rgetix Dentist, lett LVSDY th, at the COI- ' &Al ,tiate and Prize - hetet, N.Y., and itliege, Toronto, "wherche will be Ai all kinds of ;man excepted), 1 hears. itei- d Tera- MeNAUGHT, eirthabitants of %y that he has )ittario Veterin- a treat diseases animals. ie with his 'large - Ind ready to at - et specie/1y at - hop in the rear Ilikinds of Vet- tly on. hruacL 228 tirtgt4)n,trueru- i College,l be a the practice of y at ail times be krses, Vattle., ,±e„. on head. All ce„ Mansion 27S EGITZM y between Sea- n thoroughly rturds as good tavern in the f.:" the cheicetrt !ing sheds, good oii itee0111:II ()dation haind. A qvi.F., No twit- - VX roprietor. -Jidzn Winter, Atuatett on the ferth, aral pos.- teidort fur tray- ( and cigars kept Intive Lostic•r bine.ctiLia with sto - ..LE eaferth. Geed :always ()ahem'. • FORTH, t Jut, s,always made with lat at the tentled t(,, he C.:teenier Prupzietto. - sa.1 et/Min:et- .-,.e.ctioneer and eidlected uu tIi Catuty td of the Conn - ?tent te Settfarth led t 397 the Centre if 1'31: et the lex:41u'; of' ee Etg tU mIL War - u1 ViLagt, (,f• t1.2. Fisrst tlay L. eit rt. ied un eel firm uf the • r ee. T E R, Drker. OLIII ; at cur - 'Anal feria proe- iher. Receives cent.. iattreee 71. :UM !LI' to sell quick el Of brick. and Woot WOrld( iws rind !Ira bust. 3-1-1_ Parties in - en if noi - T'ORTER,.. GAIETIES The hair of au Edinburgh lady turned, whitt in a single momentlast -Week. She ifell into the family flour barrel, —A pert young maa once said te Swift, "Do tent know, Mr. De.au, that I set op for a wit!" ‘ Do you say's° ?" answered Mr—Swift ; "take my advice and •sit . down again!' , —A good many reasons have been given why a ship is by commie) consent desig- . nated, as of the female gtinder. Another his just turned up: No, it is not be- cause she is in. stays f nor nothing of that kind' It is because so much attention has to be 'Aid to her rigging. —A dress -maker's ap reutice speaks of her cross -eel lover as the fellow whose looks are cift bias. • —One fortunate thing in being a king is that kings never have to get up nights ;and lug the potatoes in beside the coal. stove. —"Did you break that window?" "To of an unfinished house upon .which the carpenters were at work, carelessly lean- ing hack against the wall readings while the cats were lyingnear me on the rock pavement which formed the floor on the passage. One of them sprung iseddenly ana gave Me a sharp -blow uponethes side of my knee, which atteacted my, notice slightly ; but as they often did some- ' thrugtof the sort to induce me, to lay aside my book when they wished me to give them water Or play with them, I did not pay particular attention to it, and resume my reading. Soon one of them leaped three or four feet m the air and strAck 1116 on the shoulder, and instant- ly the other mining alinost . as high as EV head, atid "°eked a huge ta- Would intimate to the public and farming coni EXCELSIOR EGAIONDVIL'LE,,OYT Ttheir new undersigned, haying completed thenew FLOUR AND GRISTING Migs, IN EGMONDVILLE, With•till the latest and most improved machinery, for the manufaeture of CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, raattola from the collar .of my coat, which fell heavily upon the ;pavement. It immediately made.battle" by facing the eats and raising its two foie legs at them, and threatening them with a. dis- play of its fangs. I did not interfere . with the fight, knowing that. the cats knew well how to conduct it. They be sure I did," replied Pat, "and. didn't uickly separated, and one confronted ye see me marlin' home after the money to pay for it ?" L --A man, who had read the New York Times for 26, years wrote a communica- tion to that -paper, and the editor headed it Letter from a Donkey." —Robert Collyer says "There is no profane music ; it is all sacred." And the the enemy while the :other placed him- self in the rear. When' the spider made a furious, but ineffeotual spring at the one. which faced it,. the other 'behind gave it a sharp pat upon the head with e its paw which paralyzed it. I then took It up with a pair of, tongs, and placed it upon the top of a large conical hill of the inanity, that they are now prepared to execute all orders intrusted to them. GHISTING AND 'CHOPPING Done with despatch, and Attisfaction given. howliest of the howly is the mighty ser- useful insectivorous yellow ant of. West7 enade of enaraored cats. ; ern Texas, which is very differeet from —SorneCherokeewordsare longeuough the grazing ant, for which it is often - to take a mates breath. Therefore, when a Cherokee wants a word with you, it is - no light request he makes. —" Your feet are not very stylish," • said a man to his friend, whose feet were covered with bunions. " "NO, not stylish, raneau vaults, where I suppose it was but exceedingly nobby, Was: the good- added to their winter - stores. --December natured reply. - - ) Dome and School. —A Brooklyn WOMan remarked to a _----tuato 4.------ friend a, few days ago ; " I don't feel Rumored Marriage Project for very well this morning. I hope I'm not the French Prince Irnpertal. goingto have a spell -of sickness until the Lecher trial is finished'" Diseussing th e prosp ects of Imperialism --Passenger—``Sir, this is intolerable ; in France, the Paris correspondent of the it is hot eirough in. this .car to roast the London Times, who is not in the habit of devil." Conductor—" Oh, no, you're i circulating idle rumor, says :' There has not roasted yet." Passenger subsides, been talk for some days, with .marked but he Can't see what there is to laugh persistency, though in a mysterious toile, at. . . of a projoct of alliance between the -Prince —" I swear," said a gentleman to his Imperial and a Danish Princes esister f . , r o lady love, "you are very handsome." the Priucess Of Wales and the Czariena 1" said the lady, "so you would Daman It is confidentially affirmed say if you did. not think so." "And.so that the Prince of Wales and. the Queen, you would think," answered he, "though his mother, are very favorable to this . I should not say so." - scheme, that the House of Denmark is —" Why, Ichabod, I thought you got 'inclined to it, and that Russia alone shows . marrierl morete a year ago." " Well, some besitation, which, "however, it is Aunt Jerush, it tvas all fixed, but I found added, will, there is -every reason to out the girl and all her folks were op- believe, shortly come to an end, so that posed to it, and so I jest gave 'ern all the marriage will soon be arranged. It the mitten and. let the thing drop." is objected, indeed, that the Princess in —The (utterance in mitures was well queetine is two and a half years older - -illustrated at the depot the other daythan the Prince, who is only 19. Those Two sisters met " 0, my dear sister !".` who talk of the match and believe, er said one, exhaustedly, as they embracedwish to believe,, or affect to believe iu it, " You've been eating onions," said the rePly by dwelling on the eclat and advan- other, calmly and fearlesslytages sueh an alliance would offer to the Prmee Imperial. " It would be like a 0 ario3ides of Wooing Providential indieation," said an enthusi . at yesterday ; " the.three -Danish PrM- . In ol,lt n times it was the fashion for a a lady eesses would be married. to three heirs of suitor to gh) down -on his knees to when litasked her to becoMe his wife, the greatest thrones in the world, con- i eeetieetete wa,s sottt a ille Kieg of England and Emper- which, with very stout ors of France aud. Ruts ei. tVe s hould an uneomforeable proceeding. The way bring alliances ready-made, and Germany in which 'amid Webster proposed to perhapsi in view' rd this position,- auil in Mist Fletcher was more modern, being consideration ef an indemnity, would at the same time neat tied poetic. Like make the Princess a wedding gift of the many other lovers, he was caught hold - two unfortunate provinces whieh would ing a skein of thread or wool which the be an everlasting ,cause of hatred and an lady had been unravelling. " Grace," inev." said he, "we have been untying knots. ita.ble pretext for war Let-n4 see if we baa tie one which will ' • --e-----tait•--- not untie in a life -time." With a piece i Dont Marry too Young. of tape he fashioned half a true lover's : 1 knot, Miss Fletcher perfected it, and a The commonly received maxim ttrat kiss pat the seal to the symbolical bar- men should marry young, is very good so gainMost men when they "pop" by far, but they should not marry too young. . It is both unseemly that a mere youth writing are more straighlforward and. and matter-of-factRichard. Steele 'should be addressed by the reverend name . rote to the lady of his heart "Dear of father, and unfavorable to his progress w : in life that he should too soonbeburden- M rs. Scurlock (there were no misses_ in ed. with the cares of a family. It is pos- those days,) I am tired of calling -ion itively painful, and this is because in by that name; _therefore say a day when . some measure unnatural, to see the so - you wiTh take that of madam. Your .ber demeanor which marriage somehow most devoted humble servant, Richard. or other invariably produces, encroaah- Steele.;" She fixed the day, accordingly, ing upon a face w -here the gayety, and and Steeled her nettle instead_ of her even the frivolity proper to youth, Might heart to the suitor. -• The celebrated. still to reign withont dispute. It is still preacher, Whitefield, proposed marriage more distressing t :see a mind of some mistaken by ignorant or unobserving people, and which is a pest to horticul- ture. Myriads of these insect -eaters soon covered the black, hairy carcass, and. disappeared with it in their.subter- . FLOUR,, BRAN, S 110 RT , AND F_E'ED, Delivered to any part of Seaforth and Egmont" - vile. All Orders left at Mr. Store, Seaforth, will De promptly attended to. M. CHARLESWORTH & 00. 871. MINK FUR SETS ALL PRICES AND STYLES AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, S 0 IR. 'II 1 m -1_ to a young lady a very coo manner as though Whitefield meant a field of ice. He addressed a letter to her par- ents without cousulting the maiden, in Whieli he said that they need. not be at all afraid of offending him by a refusal, as he thanked God he was quite free range. We dec.dedly think with all due from the passion called love. Of course respect for the views which at the ex - the lady did not conclude that this field, pediency of an early marriage,tthat no however white, was the held. for her. The well-known brothers, Jacob and one ought to venture upon that step till the most of the first difficulties of lite are William Griinm, were exceedingly over, and some assurance has been gained tached to each other, and had no desire of the possibility of answerine all the pe - to be married. But it was thought pro of demands which this. condition per by their friends that one of them should become a husband, tind Jacob can be expected. to lead to being the elder, it was agreed that he should, be the one to enter the bonds of married two sisters of Charlie Decker, SC01E-WHAM MIXED. —Brigham Young matrimony. A suitable lady was found, but Jacob declined to do the courting ; and Decker married tw--o darighters of aeeee, Brigham by other women. All ha,ve requesting William to act as his childreu. Now, the offspring of Clara vVilliint eonsented, but soon forma: out Decker Ycousins of Charlie. Decker's childrenonne and Lucy Decker Yonne salience and cons' era,ble promise arrest- ed in its career, 'and by the necessity of tilling a number of young 'mouths, fixed down to some toil hardly worthy of it, without the hope of ever again venturing its owers in fields beyond its present LADIES' CLOTH • AND SENLETTE MANTLES, that he was in love, and wante the lady for himself. He could not think, are. . .. . But the latter are grandchildren of the Londesborough—Representatives in ninon. such a treasure, and knew not how to MOTTO -4 Merit Commands Success," however, of depriving his brother of former's father,t and consequently nephews and nieces of . their own • act. An_ aunt kindly- relieved him in his cousins. But the nephews of a cousia 844 CHI DSisT. DOYLE Box A, Owen omit trict Agent'Grey, Sruce and litil;on difficulty by tellinu :Jacob, who willingly —blood relationship holding—are second . resigned the damsel to his brother, and. LOWER PRICES THAN EVER, AT HOFFMAN' BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, THE AGRICULTURAL. MITIITTAT.J Assurance Association o Canada. HEAD OFFICE, - LONDON, ONT.! THE Public will please note that this Aasocia- tion, formerly the County of ,Aliddlesex Mutual, has not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combinatiou. Having only once during its existence required more than half of amount of Premium Note for a three years' risk, and that being at time when the -Company was young and the country baptised in tire, and having by careful management and liberality with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery ordeals of the past ten years without levying any special assessment on its members, and having, after the late severe drain on its finances caused by the excessive fire looses of 1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a cash reserve (January let, 18740 of $1O,049 , 07, With a total Capital of $251,370 12, oar Board of Directors have deelined the overtures of less succesetn1 Companies to advance our rates. In the face of a strong and increasing competition this old. favorite issued for 1878 the large number of 13,066 Policies, making the total number now in -force over 31,000. Parties desiring insurance on farm property, cheese factories, de- tached dwellings and their outbuildings in towns and villages will be waited Ou by the undersigned sr one of his duly authorized representatives by tuldreesing as below. The subscriber will continue Ur visit Huron periodically, add solicits for his co-operators the same noble patronage that has been given to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, and more particularly to himself, as He agent, during the past two years a ttl a half, It. V ANTASSEL Clinton • -A. TAYLOR, want out of the way until she had been EVERY MAN HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. cousins ; hence Decker'e children must made Mrs. William Grimm. A Scotch hold that relationship toward. each e °tiler. Decker's wives are half sisters beadle was the one who popped the , law, they are sisters-in-law to their own father and aunts to their own half sis- - ters i- Now, if the relationship were SEVEN' SEALS OR COLDEN WONDER half-blood throughout, the Canons of De- For Intei•nal and E‘ternal Use He to the -children of their own sisters in M the erimmeet manner. . took his sweetheart into the graveyard, and, showing her a dark corner, said; . "Mary, myfolkslie there. Would you like to Iie there, Mary?" \Lary was .) sensible lassie, and expressir g her will- ingness to obtain the right t t be buried near the beadle's relations by Uniting herself to him in wecUock. A similar unromantic view of the subject was taken by another Scotch maiden. Upon her lover remar k in g, "1 think l'll marry thee, Jean," -she replied, " Man Sock, I would bo muckle obleeged to ye if ye WOUld."—ECChange. Cats and the Tarantula.:. kadia pair of jet-blaek yellowey ed cats, twin brothers, of very large size, which follMeewed When walked about slily grounds, and they usufilly accompanied me, when I hunted the Texan hares on the adjacent mesquite prairie or when 1, angled in my fishing -boat on the Color- ado River. They were :very much at- tached to me, and commonly sat near Me or slept under rny chair or table when. I was reading or writing. They possessed nnusnal and I had taught them a variety of amusing tricks. They were as useful to me in my war upon the tarantula,s as the pointer Was in my '-leonte,st with the snakes, although the spiders_ Were not so numerous or danger- ous as the copperheads. One day, I was sitting in- a passage between two rooms DR. RADCLIFFE'S • GREAT REMEDY, 'LA 101 - Tin c. GOLCIEN LION. LOGAN 61. JAMIESON HAVE much pleasure in tendering their sincere thanks to their numer- ous mate -mere who so libe allrpatronized them in. their old stand, and hope for a continuance of their patronage with as many more as may choose to visit them in the new and spacious premises to which they lave removed. Our objeet, in the future as it has been. in the past, -will be to Keep the Best IProods that can be procured, and with that object in view our sp ing purchases will be made. We are import- ing Part of oar Spring St ck, which has been bought from oue of the best British Houses. We expect advice of shipment every day and hope to receive and open them r about the Middle of `LVIarch. Our Canadian -Goods aro too well known by our own cnstOmers to re- quire advertising, biit for would simply Bay that th people who have not already tried them we y cannot be beat either for quality or price. We have already bought heni and would ask intending pm•chasers to wait until they see our Clottons, which are being manufactured to our own order. We have changed- the name of our Shop which in future will be known as TILE G )LEN 014_ a sign by which we hope our customers will have IL difficulty in finding our uew establishment. LOGAN & JAMIESON. Sign of th-e GOLDEN LION, Main Street, Seaforth. PIANO. -TRE • Great Piano of Atnericasud Enrope. The chosen to grace "the Salons of the wealthy and titled, and to charm the cireles of the cultured 'Who gather -there, leaving the noted _Apostles of the Piano, such us Melberg, GettSchalk, Mar- montel, Lucca, Kellogg, Rubinstein, &O., enrap- tured with tb.ese superb instruments. THE STODART PIANO. THEIM never was a poor Stodart Pim() Made, and none was ever known to be returned or exchanged for any ether, because they have al- Nvays been bought by discriminating buyers and in. the history of Piano making Stodatt is Idiown as one of the greatest 'workmen inventors that ever lived."—MAssreG. MARSHALL & WENDELL PIANO. 1) EITA.ENAIIT 11; fnr standing in tune. Any -1-k• amount of 4 -arability. Beautiful touch. Me- dium size. Low ire price. Fully warranted. Matchless tone. 4 Light & Ernst, Rogers, Heintzman, &c.) On hand or to order. SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGANS, OT only the prettiest organ in the United _ States, but the BEST, air thing& 'considered. Gzat. • CEORCE WOODS &_,CO.'S ORGANS. "REMARKABLE for their purity of tone. Thor- ough Work and Finish, and. great beauty and variety- of their Solo Stops Zoline, 'Vox Humana -and Piano. TUE CANADA ORGAN CO.'S In Stock in Variety. LESLIE; SICIRROW if6 93 Yonge Street Toronto, . 372-52, SOLE AGENTS. . . scent would. exclude them, but as ---- it doubles on both sides,, they A SOUrCe of Happiness to Millions of would probably be excluded. Hence i it'ufferine Humanity. the tvaa Mrs. Deckers are (in, law) their " . own aunts while ,Clara D. i DURING the past year the wonderful suceess ' . mothers to ' ' . their nieces, and the two sets —c'sb f sr 0 raav ae abteneani cteded our and Lucy I). Young, are legal grand- 1 Te Great Beincav h sanguine expectation;, thaosufsaarnelx caasins , ceuxred? and thousands have found on: of children are respectiVely aunts and neices and the Lord , ; spriateA ktleLiet Dr. Radcliffe's Great Remedy OR GOLDEN WONDER is the what besides. Elder- Ail sop, 1 stP, Of SandY 1 nitat expeditious , knows 1 most wonderful nein destroyer in. _exi4tenc' e,. the i . ine powerful Remedy , married a widow and her old est i known in the as if world; ewes safe - 1 . . '- are effected- almost daughter, hating at the same time a ' instattUY I cates hay'e beau yr:eaigv ieci fItuzids of TAM - Station young. daughter by a former wife, nowlaeI bromcad land, unsolicited and unasked.12oa:,tP: eek11:1;gr happily deceased, All this family lived iheruni i from and versal praise of this Great : in one house. The cla,ughter of his old.- rsn Dimapaierisnoual knowledge of its miracu- est wife is half-sister to his second wtons po3M: ife. 1 ertracted casekof diseasegt.h and. to the second wifes children e most obstinate. and pro- ' • * A GOO INDICATION. ft result of Good Business, tha sn scriber has recently boon obliged to very -much enlarge his premises, which are now filled vtit a very larg e Stock of the most desirable grades of NE W TEAS, INCLUDING JAPANS, YOUNG HYSONS, GUNPOWDER, BLACK AND COLOGNE. Scotch Refined. Liverpool Refill _ ALL THE BEST PANADIAN Whiskey and all trapo NJ Supply of General Gros (tries and CLOVER, TIMOTHY Chequered Store, Jan.20, 1875. SEAFO SUGARS. a, Cuba and Demerara, -White Ground and Bleck Lump. ; OBACCOS. RANDS IN SNIOKING AND CHEWING. • LIQUORS. LOW-PRICED FURS IN ENDLESS VARIETY CALL AND SEE THEM AT ed IA quors purchased in Bond and sold pure as usual. A full rovihions, all of which will be sold at very small profit. lid °TIMER FIELD SEEDS IN SEASON. JAMES MURPHY. T skr 0 U N DRY. JOHN NOPPER. HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. MOORE & CAMPBELL'S 18 THE PLACE. COME WITH A SMILING FACE. \ATE are now occupying Frank Paltridge's Old Stand, whieh we have entirely renovated, and having procured new instruments, are prepared AvisHEs to inform the farming community and the publie generally that he has leased the Ty SEAFORTH FOUNDRY for a term of years, and refitted it throughout. Be is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of To Give Satisfaction to AU. Thanking the public for their very liberal patron- age in the past, we invite All to call and see dur New Rooms, where we will always be found, and in good humor. 800 MOORE & CAMPBELL. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ; The followings:re a few of the diSeasUs for whichaunt,nt to the second. wife's childr'en'elso , 'and t the GOLDEN \YONDER is warranted a aure consequently her own aunt -in-law ! The i °lire : Headache., Dyspepsia, Live:Coinplaint,aredlitik- • Toothache, Frost Bit s, Nervous _p daughter of the deceased wife is "half- tion of tho Heart, Acid Stomachc, Indigestion, , legal balf-siater to . the Braises, cote:, Cramis, or Pairnnssin thes,SStginraainebis' step -mother sister to all the granddaughters to one Heartburn, Flesh Wounds, Bn , ti to . • Inflammatory Rheumatism arid Chilblains. other, and consequently .aunt -in-law ale by A. Govenlockand A. Marchie, Win- - herself. If :they keep Oil as they have `thrFo7•Sand others. begun, they will eventually produce a - , Straw Cutters, Includiag the To mAN, which is the best 2 -horse Saw use ROVED PITT'S POWER. SUCH AS lows, Gang Plows, Drag Saws, ALSO MY IM BUILDING AND ALL OTHER CASTL.VGS Tex ed out on the shortest.notiee. Mill, Engine and other Repairs done with Neatness and Dispatch. k CALL SOLICITED. JOHN N OPPER 1■0111MINIMMI Must Sell in Order WALTER RANKIN, boy who will be his own grandfather. , 876.4 Agent for Huron. 7 BULL CALF FOR SA SHINGLES FOR SALE. VOR Sale, a thorough bred. Durham Bull Calf - LE. A T WALTON, any quantity of R. W. -I-: one year old, of dark red color. His pedi- -' No. 1, Shingles. Apply to . - - eiLee is first class, and can be examined by inten- JOHN WINTERS. ding purchasers. Applv to G. M. CHESNEY, 378 Vietoria Hotel, Walton. 364 Huron Road, Tuckersmith. THE HURON PLANINC MILL. .31ESSRS. GRAY tE SCOTT -REG to announce that they have commenced business in the Shop lately occupied by MT. Martltri, and are now prepared to fill orders for Sashes, Doors,. Blinds, Mouldings, And all kinds of planed lumber. ALSO LATII AND S'HINGLES. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARII GATES, HAY RACKS, &c. A good stock of Seasoned. Lumber on hand. Factory and Lumber :Lard on Goderich street, near Main street. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing neatly done. A. GRAY. , W. II. SCOTT. SEA.FORTII AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. MESSET T (Late of Hareitton,) Would intimate to their numerous frientbi and the general public that they are prepared to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, .Table Tops, Mantles, &c, Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A callrespectfully solicited. Calder's old Stand, oppoeite McCallum's Hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. H. MESSES?. A MAL OLD-FASHION'ED HARD UP SALE AT DENT'S. GRAND DISPL A AND SEE THE Y OF CHRISTMAS GOODS THOMAS LEE'S. ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS -OF Groceries, Biscuits, Ca ned Fruits, Lobsters Salnwn, Sardines, Finnan Haddi Salt thld Fresh, *rater' Fish -EVER FFERED IN SEAFORTH. N. B.—A, car load of choice HulildPicked Appla for sale, in haige or Brasil quantities. Don't fail to THOMAS LEE. call and examine before pnrchasi elsewhere. to Raise the Wind. This is Genuine, and the 0 0 ID S ARE BOUND TO GO. TRP, GRAND SLAUGHTER BEGAN ON MONDAY, ist ,F_EBRU,ARY, TO last until Staking. 11 18 useless to quote prizes, as the Goods must be sold at any price. Come and help te carry them away. Don't pro- crastinate, but improve the moments as they fiy. ' P. S.—For the benefit of all 'whose accountrare overdue, Mr. Dent would anildly.insinnate that it would be good policy to toe the murk prorOptbrias 1 delays are dangerous. _