HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-03-12, Page 1a we have arn
in thanks to
re or their ia-
ast year:. And
for doing a
a continuance
We have
:past week
eat we will
entng.at prices
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n'S Prints
regular stock, and
ers Mtn depend on
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,O our full st6et of.
ae Linea Of
▪ s Cheap.
!t0 ere who want
Emil* tt %E :tR.t
W1101.E. No. 379.5
c4 gotatt
IN the township of- Stanley-, Lot 5, Con. 2, C011,
kilning- 59 wares.; 10 aeres °leered ; balance
bush. Oa the lima ere a log house and barn, and
an orehard of over 100 bearing trees. For partic-`
Wars apply on the premises to
nnn WA.I . PHILLIPS , Brunefield P . 0.
rilHE subscriber otters for sale the west hall of
Lot 22, Con. 9, Hallett, Containing 50 acres, 45
Of which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva-
tion. There is a new frame house and young or-
chard on the farm; also 10 aeres of fall wheat.
The above place is situated 51 milea from Clin-
ton, two miles from Londesboro, and one mile
and a hall from grist and BMW mill; terms liberal.
379'-4 Londesboro.
1.:,)ErNG Lot 6, Con. 17, Grey, County of Huron,
eontaining 100 aeres, 65 of whieh are edeared.
On the premises aro a good log house and frame
barn 56x36, besides a shed and good stabling.
The farm is F tau. t ed 11 miles from Sonforth and
6 from Brussels, and is convenient to ehurehes
and schools. For further particulars apply to
JOHN McNEIL, Walton P. 0.
pEiNG part of Lot 23, Con.n, Hay, containing
-1-'1 80 acres, 55 of whiGh. are eleared, the balance
being beech and maple. On the land are a frame
barn 40x50, a log house &EA a young Orthard
bearing fruit, in a good state of cultivation. The
fermis situated within two miles of the thriving
village of Zurich, and convenient to a grist mill
and saw mill. For furtherinformation apply to
378*16 GEO. WILSON, Ir., Zinheh P.O.
THAT conveniently situated farm, Lot No. SS,.
Con, Goderich Township, of 80 acres, of
which 70 -are .cleated, remainder good hardwood
bush, is offered for site. There.- is a good frame
house, with stouncellar under the whole, frame
'barn and sheds, never failing well, and good
. bearing orehard of 120- trees on the place. The
tennis, a fixat-class one for alma, and the whole
i$ in good order. Terms and other information
on application to, the pioprietor &lithe place.
-1177-2. - CHAR -LES FOSTER.
The Waterloo House of Refuge
and Industrial Farm..
VCR sale, that beautifully situated farm, on the
A: Huron ltmulnicljoining the farin of Mr. L.
Meyer, containing 101 aeres, 80 of whieh are &ear-
ed and iu a st rite of geed eultivatiou. The bal-
ance is well timbered There are eight acres un. -
der full wheat. For further particulars apply to
L. MEYER, or to
375. BENSON MEYER, Seaforth.
facts which I challenge any one to con-
tradict. At our municipal election in
- As we are still in hopes that at no dis- January last the inembere of the old
tent day the large and wealthy County Council either quietly resigned, or were
of Huron will be possessed of a House of defeated by'large majorities at theipolls.
Refuge and industrial Farm, We give the The cause of their unpopularity was, the
followingdesctiption of theinstitutionand fact that they had voted certain sums to
its working in the County of Waterloo, assist in paying the railway indebtedness
of the villages of Wroxeter aucl Gorrie.
which ap ears as a special correspond-
ence of the Toronto Liberal, and will.
we are sure, prove interesting to our
readers. Of the Waterloo County House
of Iudustry and Refuge, the cerrespond:
ent says :
" This institution was established in
the year 1869. under the Ontario Muni-
ciPal Act, and is the only one in exist-
ence throughout the length and breadth
of this Province. Although,- when it
was started, predictions Wete heard on ,
every hand thatit would prove a failure,
it lies proved so successful that there is
reason to wonder why the example so
pluakily and sensibly set by the County,
of Waterloo has not been imitated. in
other localities ,The building itself is
of brick, 10 feet long, including wings,
by 55 feet in width, and is three stories
in height. It contains 70 rooms, the
whole of Whieh are well lighted and. ven-
tilated, and as comfortably warmed. as
those of a private dwelling. Cleanliness
and good order prevail oe every. hand,
-and reflect credit upon the management.
While no appearance of extravagance
can be seen, it is evident that the rea-
sonable comfort of the inmates is studied.
The dormitories are well kept, and there
;s no stint of bed clothing, while the in-.
mates are seasouably clad. At the pres-
ent time there are 60 males and 30 fe-
males provid.ed ewith a home in this
establislainent, and in passing amongst
them, and conversing freely, we did not
hear a single remark leading u.s to be-
lieve that the slighteet cause of dissatis-
faction exists. Of the 90 inmates 21 are
ehildren, Who have been deprived of the
guardianship of parents, and who seem
as happy as many resident in more fav-
ored homes. In connection with the
building is a farm, consisting of 141
acres, with a loamy soil, said to be very
productive, and whieh ,affords labor in
the summer season to those who are able
to Work.. The cost ot the farm and
buildines %sae about $30,000, and, so far
EST half Lot 22, Con. 9, Hallett ; 50 acres; 40
acres cleared- bush hardwood; small frame
dwelling, log barn and stnbles; good bearing or-
., chard, grafted fruit ; situated six miles from
1, Clinton, two and a quarter miles from Londes-
! boro ; mills and sc;noeds counmieut. Tenn s,
easy. Ann party wishing 101/ acres could. ootain
that, as the other part of the lot is now for sale.
advertisement in last_ week's Exaostron.
For particulars apply to
IA.MES BilAfT.EIWAITE, Land Agent,
3754- Londesboro, Ont.
LOT X. 5 lull 6, in the township of Downie, 40
ares, -27 cleared, balance in good hardwood,
with a good. Grist and Flowing mill, doing a first-
class bwthiess. Size of mill, 24.x40, three stories
-•._ h ; frame dwelling house andbank barn, 30x.40;
wo good patted orchfirds. Land well fenced and.
a tered. Only three miles from St. Marys, on
the St. Marys and Stratford Grand Road. rice,
$3,000; $3,000 down, and balance in five yearly
instalments, at 7 per cent. Apply to JOSEPH
IREDALE, St_ Marys, or to
375 T. T. ;TONES, London, Ont.
OT '18, Con. 6, -Hallett; loo acres, 65 acres
eleared, remainder wooded with beech and
maple; frame dwelling; River Maitland and a
good spriril.r on lot; 21 miles -from Rinburn and 3
miles from Clinton. Terms to suit purchaser.
For particulars apply to L. MEYER, Harpurhey,
or BENSON &- MEYE4, Seaforth. 346
VOB Sale, Lot 23, Con. 7, Usborne, containing
'IL 74 acres. 55 of which are cleared and iu a state
of good eultivation. Thereis a good frame BARN
and STABLE. The farm is ideated on a good
gravel road, is conveniently situated to schools,
churehes and post ottiee, and is within 13 milea
front Sertforth and 7 from Exeter. For further-
Partieulars apply to theproprietor on the premises.
251 Lumley P. O.
-1.4-10It SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, London Road Stan -
ie -y, acres, SO cleared %nib ander fence, the
balance timbered with tirst-class hardwood ; frame
barn 60x40, frame stable 18x40, log house, good
bearing orchard, well watered ; situated within 7
miles of Seatorth and a like distance from Clin-
ton. Farm. well underdrained and in first-class
cultivation. Apply on the premises or to the pro-
prietor at Brucelield 1'. 0.
vOr. Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 30, Con. 6, Township
of Bruen, County of Bruce, containing, 100
acres, 30 of which are cleared. This farm is situ-
ated within five miles of the rapidly growing vil-
lage of Paisley. The uncleared portion is well
timbered. There is also a Spring Creek running
through the place. It is a desirable property.
For farther particulars apply to the Proprietor,
Box 24, Seaforth P. 0. .
e-ry A. M. CAMPBELL.
JR. COLEMAN, having laid out the g,rounds
recentlyoccapied as a Driving Park into Buhl
itia Lats, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason
able terms to any who may desire them. Parties
desiring to purchase should make immediate ap-
plication. 364
ante. \ hen n year,
as we can learn, eveey ratepayer in the therefore; not even the authority of a
(jaunty is satisfied with the investeneut, by-law pa,ssed. by a moribund Council
as the poor of Waterloo are better eared fr his action in this matter. Again,
for here. and- at a ;much cheaper rate, when the by-law was passed. in June, did
that' would. be the ease were they still it contemplate giying Mr. Perkins power
dependent upon the' charity of small
to buy the debentures of another muni-
municipaaities. 11115 111Stl tU ton is man-
aged by a Standing Committee, compos-
ed of five members of the County Coun-
cil, whose duty it is to examine the state
of all matters and things relating to the
support aud employment of the pauper
inmates, and who audit all accounts
quarterly, and annually prepare an esti-
mate of the amount required for main-
teuance during the folloWing year. In
addition to this Maneging Committee,
an inspector is appointed, who visits the
house at leest four times a month,. aud.
exercises a general supervision over 'the
keeper, expenditure end work. A keep-
er and matron. are also , employed, who
reside on the preinises, and are responsi-
ble for the internal eeOnomy ; and it is
only fair to say that th.e preseat incum-
bents—Mr. Richard McMahon and Mrs..
McMahon—appear to be thorOughly fit-
ted. for their position. The inmates, as
a Matter of course, are subject to cer-
tain rules, -Which appear to be wisely
framed, and answer the purPose of mait-
taiuing perfect order. Persohs fare re-
ceived into the House of Industry upon
a written order, under the hand and seal
of any Reeve -or Deputy Reeve within
the Countya'and the expense of sending
them to the iestitution is borne by the
municipality from which they are com-
mitted. Children, having arrived at a
suitable age, are bound. as apprentices,
in conformiey with the law. Amongst
the residents is a centenarian, who leas
just passed her hundreth year. and who
is known ae " Old Jennie." Slin is an
idiot, whose name is unknown, and enT
tered July the 6th, .1869; being one 'of
• the east inmates? It is said of her that
she ia the daughter of -an Irishman, who
left Eis native land, intending to come to
Canada, about the close of the last or the
beginning of the present century, and
was robbed a.ncl murdered by a sailor on
board. the ship on which heeembarked
She is supposed to have been- a witness
of the deed, and fr•om sigus which she
Makes it is believed that the murderer of
her father cut off a portion ef her tongue
to prevent her telling the . sad truth.
Another inmate is one Minhael Knot,
born in Scatland, and now 95 yews of
V i h 80th as far bank
A large majority—I may say nine -tenths
--of the ratepayers were opposed to any
such aid being given, hence the • reconstimetion of the Howick Council upon a
new mid popular basis—said basis being
"N9 aid to villages," the new members
being presumed (I won't saypledged) to
give no such aid. _Such an expression of
the will of the people had never been
given in Ilowick upon any public ques-
tion before, and we naturally imagined.
that the old Council, now Certainly mori-
bund since not one had been re-elected,
would allow the business of the township
not absolutely necessary to remain sta-
tionary until their saccessors, now duly
elected, had taken the oath of office.
But no ! Our late Reeve took an order
dated January 8th, to Toronto, and nitr-
chased $1,500 worth of village debentures
-ttenthe 14th, exactly four days before his
succeesor should be sworn in, and
charged, the township $14 for his -expen-
ees, and all the authority he had for do-
ing this was a by-law passed in June,
1874, authorizing the Reeve to go to To -
route, and purchase debentures given the
Toronto, Grey & 'Bruce Railway Com-
pany. That this by-law did not empow-
er him to buy village debentures is evi-
dent from the fact that he only bought
township debentures. •Further, it was
moved by resolution at the September
meeting of the Council that $1,400 be
given Wroxeter and $600 to Gorrie, to
assist M paying tlseir railway indebted-
ness. -- At the November meeting this
resolution was altered. to give Wroxeter
$1,200 and Gorrie $800, but there never
was a by-law passed. to Ow:that resolu-
tion effect, and that the -Reeve deemed
gueli a bylaw necessary to legalize the
resolution may be inferred from the fact
that (if My information is correct) he so-
licited the litte Deputy Reeve three dif
ferent times to have a Council meeting
and have such by-law passed, to which,
however, Mr. Gibson., as I understand,
would not consent. Mr. Perkins has,
111eI1AN BROT111 MRS, e rm.
50 a Year, in advance.
seen, however. No. The man • who
went back into the field could be seen,
that is, the snow was seen agitated at a
certaiu spot. After a vast deal of shov-
elling and spouting, the superintendent
and directors were unearthed and. con-
veyed home.
—Guelph has got a "wild man" now.
He was found in the woods in that
neighborhood, with a very poor assort-
ment of rags on his back to protect him
from the cold. He had been roanaing
the forest for years, but has taken a
three months' intermission, which will
'cil be speat in GuelPh jail.
eet —On Wednesday Jest, there died at
469 the residence of Ms son-in-law, in Mount
Forest, Mr. William. Harley, at the ex-
traordinary age of over 103 years. Mr.
Harley was formerly a resident of Dun-
dee, in Scotland, and came to this coun-
try some 30 years ago, settling on a farm
in the township of Normand.y, when
that section was ahnost an, unbroken
—With the ground frozen as hard as
a rock to so great a depth, and with the
immense body of snow in the interior, a
heavy fall of rain at this time could hard-
ly fail to result in most disastrous floods.
A rain that would melt the snowwould
soon fill all our streams ' to overflowing,
while the frozen condition of the ground
would, for some time, prevent the ab -
IUs, sorption of the water, which would. pour
Or down the sides of our hills, mountains
ler- and slopes as from a slated' roof. The
sudden breaking of the ice in the rivers
and creeks, being as it is of almost un -
was a son of D. Lizars, Esq., Clerk of
the Peace for the County of Huron, end
brother of Judge Lizars, County Judge
of Perth.
On Tuesday, 2d inst., a child was
on a train between Orillia and Ba
That youngster commenced his tra
rather early.
—Brantford, the home of the vagr
Oilly 231 provided for by the Chie
Police since Jan. 1.
--Brockville's petition to the Cou
relative to the liquor licenses was 20
in length, and bore the eiguatures of
males and 726 females._
—A Mulmer farmer had to tu
through a snow drift a distance of fc
feet to get at the open road with
—Port Perry liquor dealers ha
.truck against an increased rate fo
cences, the Dunkin Bill may be sait
be in operation in that towe. It is
that the Council intend erecting s
to accomodate the traveling public o
Town Hall lot.
—Mrs. Peter Doyle, a poor wom
St. Catharines, carefully wrapped. u
child to • protect it from cold an
smothered to death in her arins.
—The Premier, Hon. Alex. Mac
zie, with his brothers, sisters and cou
on the maternal side, some thirt
more in number, have received consi
able legacies. owing to the death, in
don, of a wealthy uncle, Dr.
Stewart Fleming. The estate is w
from a quarter to half a million doll
and the apportionment to each will b
incousiderable item.
—A promising little girl, aged t ee
and a -half years, daughter of Mr. 8. 3.
Pearson, who resides near Meaclawv lle,
met with a sad accident on Satur ay
week. It appears one of the family as
emptying a pot of water off the s ove
into a pail, when the child ran back ard
and fell into the pail, scalding hersel in
a fearful manner; everything pos ible
was done by the two doctors who
tended. her, but despite all exertions
poor little sufferer expired On Su
cipality with money that belonged to the
corporetiou of Howick ? = That he has
clone so is beyond all doubt, as the coun-
ty by-law making Wrexeter a separate
municipality took effect • December 25th,
_1874, and the Wroxeter deleentures were
not bought until January 14th, 1875,
three weeks after such by-law = took ef-
fect, and when Wroxeter had a Council
of its, own to attend to its business.
the June by-law is so vagnely worded as
to give Mr. Perkins tins latitude, he
inight as well have invested our money
in Minto debentures, or instead of buy-
ing $1,500 worth of village debentures,
bought the whole $5,000 worth, and I
have no doubt but on thinking the mat-
ter = over now he is something like the
celebrated Lord Clive, who, when exam-
=ined by a committee of the British House
of Parliament as to his robbing some In-
dian rajah, exclaimed, "Gentlemen, l'in
astonished at my own moderation." Be
that as it may, I trust our Council will
see whether Mr. Perkins was justified in
the course he has taken in regard to these
debentures'. The newly elected Council
are now the guardians of our interests,
and although,- by an unwarrantable exer-
cise of power, our late = Reeve seems to
have bid defiance to public opinion, and
taken out of the hands of the people's
representatives the power of spending
the people's money by doing it for them,
as if he, and he alone, was' capable of
transacting the business of the township,
it is to be hoped that our Council will
take the necessary steps to ascertain
whether such an allocation of our money
was legal or not. Another point I would
like some informi
information upon s, when was
our preseet Council acqua;nted with the
fact that these debentures had. been
bought? There was a little game played
in Gorrie by the unsuccessful candidate
for the Reeveship, Mr. John Kaiue who,
when our present Reye was about to
take the oath of office; entered a a pro-
test agniast his doing so, and scared our
Clerk into refusing to take Mr. Sweet
man's declaration, and then Mr. John
ICaine was to have walked into the va-
cant reeveship. He, however, reckoned
without his host. Mr. Sweetrnan. was
t b cared and the golden oppor-
FOR SALE. as 1859; he walked from Red River to
A Lot. with frame house and stable, well and Galt, and -even now appears to be W011-
1-1- pump, in the village of Roxborough, about aerfully Stnozt and active.
nso miles from Seaforth. Price, $150. Apply to
BENJAMIN EDEN, Harpurhey. 379-4 " Ft01:0 the financial report of the last
year, it appears that 46 paupers were
FOR SALE. admitted durine 1871 ; that the averaue
A_CWIPORTABLE frame cottage, eontaining •
number of inmates durin.g the . 3 ear s*s as
dining room, parlor, 3. bedrooms, kitchen, .
woodshed and coed house.. Good cellar, vamp, 66 and one fifth ;. and the total expene
as. nossessiaa given on the ist of May next. diture for maintenance was $7,304. The
The Late. Dr.- Lizars.
rth precedented thickness, would jam arid
18. choke up the natural channelseancl cause
"0 inundations in all directions. It is
greatly tie be heaped that so terrible a
calamity as sudden, warm and copious
raius would produce ma,y be averted.
—Last week,Mr. Phillip Lilies, of
Pilkington, killed a large fox, which had
been making its abode under the barn
during the night, in company with four
eeese. None of the geese were injured.
So says the Elora Repl•ess.
— The Board of Trade of Brantford is
_ —The peach crop in the Niagara
district this year is expected to be a
ire, the vitality of the buds having'
destroyed by the frost.
—Cousecon Council has passed
-levying a fine of $5 on any persons
victed of indulging in the use of pr
language within bar -rooms of hotels
—A Leicester ewe lamb, belongi
Mr. John Torrance, Lot 21, Con. 10,
Grey, comes to the front with 13 inch
—And now Mrs. Mary Katharine Gael-
clechens, of Preston, is to the fore eith a
quilt containing 2.0,160 pieceaa Vile pre-
sume this will be a clincher. =,‘e
—Galt is to have a society for th pro-
tection of goods at tires. The icle is a
good one, for thousands of dollars'
of goods are destroyed annually
recklessness of people at tires. T
ample of Galt might be imitate
—Arnold, the desperate robbe
recently escaped from Hamilton j
been recaptured at Harrisburg.
hundred dollars was offered by th
eminent for his rearrest.
--Edward Cawley, a resident o
not o e s
tunity was lost to the ambitiOns 'Keine.
Was there any possible= conueetion be-
tween this cire,timstauce and the village
debenture, ? 1eirn going to have more to
say on this subject, but in the meantime
I will wait the action of our Connell.
yet heard of in the seed line. Jr. Brant,
of the Broken Front, realized $416 from
12 acres of clover Seed, besides having a
good supply for his own use."
—Dr. Slaven a member of the Orilli a
Tosnn. Council:has been committed to
jail for ten days with hard. labor, for
selling liquor without a license.
—Train men on the railroads are now
astonishing each otLer with the staxtling
stories about the high winds and huge
snow drifts they encomater.
—Stratford has been agitated over -
he question of the establishment of gas
\eorks in that town, but the Beacon,
ms almost ;bereft of hope of its ac-
—The ice formation t Niagara Falls
this year is said to be more beautiful
than ever before. Excursions ha-ve ta-
ken place from. Toronto, Hamilton, Lon-
-don and elsewhere, to view the spectacle,
which may not again be witnessed in a
—The Council of Preston will r:rant a
helms of $5,000 to any manufacturer
giving constant employment to twenty
workmen settle in the town.
—The first aminal show of the Onta-
rio Poultry Society opened at Guelph on
Tuesday- of last week. The Mercury
says : Altogether, there are about 500
coops full of birds, all of which are of the
first quality. The show is pronounced,
by those competent to judge, to be far
ahead of anything that has. ever been
seen in Canada heretofore. It is said to
be superior to the show held. in Detroit
last January, and is fully equal to the
recent show at Buffalo, except in. the
quantity of pigeons and games. Nearly
every class of poultry is well represented
both as regards quality and quantity."
—On Friday last while enga.ged in
hauling wood to Embro, W. A Suther-
land, of West Zorra,, had. the misfortune
to get his leg caught uuder aloadof wood
which capsized on the road above North
Embro, th.ereby breaking the limb below
the knee and otherwise injuring his
at taking practical measures for the encour-
the —It is stated on good authority that
agement of manufacturing enterprises in Sir Hugh Allan will place two propellers
day that toivu. 1 on the route between Goderich and Chi-
dis_ ---The Premier has announced. that it eago, next season. This will be of vast
is not the intention of the Government
. . benefit to the town.
—There is a talk of bringing the re-,
fail- to cause an enrollinent of reserve militia
een to take place this year. ' nowned temperance lecturer, Gough, to
—Mr. T. Aurnond, who has lately re- Goderich tn deliver one of his lectures.
g to
Howiek, March 6t1n 1875.
`17ERMS —One-third down ; balance in three 3 -ears. total earnings are set down at $2,075 42.
Inquire of proprietor.
370 A.G. MeD0I1GALL. averasre expense of each person for
.. • . . . ,
the year, ineluding interest upon the , We regret to learn of the decease of
original outlay for farm, buildings 'and Dr, Lizars, of Toronto, who died or con -
1 M PO RTANT TO FARM ERS. I other- improvements, -was $66, and the gestion of the lungs, at his r esi dence on
Infill, JOHN BULLARD, Auctioneer for the avs.raue expenses per week foe each per- Saturday night last On the previous
salea-on the moat reasonable terms and on the 1 S011, S3 -2s cents. Of the 46 admitted clay- Wednesday, while visiting a patient, he
-1'-i- County of Huron, is WM' prepared to conduct • 0 . . .
-b. :test r,atiee oraere lett at his residence, Lot i ing the year, 11 were in coneequence of caught cola, from the effects 6f whieh he
Seaborth, will be proiliptiy attended to. Notes 1 0: never r
11Con. 11, McKillop, on at the ExaOSITOn Oilice, i Datemperanee.
could not lee looked for, and it is to be last, as
- : hoped that since poverti is inevitable,
pauperism unavoidable, even in a
• - young COWS and HEIFERS, all in calf. They i ' 1. -
turned to Ottawa from a - trip of about
200 miles up the Ottawa River, states
that numbers of moose havebeen driven by
—The ex-Pontificial Zouaves in Mon-
treal have protested. against the bill now
before the House of Commons to prevent
etress of weather to the barns and stables
of the settlers and shanties, and the men the enhstment of Canadians in the ser
have been luxuriating on venison all viceof foreign states, ou the ground that
through the preseut winter. it will prevent Roman Catholics offering
—Madame Mansfield has "let in a or med assistance to the Pope.
number of the Brantford people to a —On Wednesday evening of last week
consid.erable amount, including the Ex- a large mass of ice fell through the glass
positor. 'Twas ever thus.
roof 9f the composing room of the To-
-There is a growing impression that ronto Sun office. Barrett, the manager,
the Canadian Annual Camp 'Muster fer who was standing near the stove had -a
drill is a mistake not only from a sanitary narrow'eseaPe, an4- one of the emilPosi-
yew° thee. hh- but economic and practical pouit of view.
Major-Geeeral Smyth may recommend a
who by, of Niagara, is likely to be the sue-
chenge in this respect.
—It is stated that Mr. Joseph T. Ker-
.!, has cessor of the late Indian Chief Simcoe
Two —The Kingston Inig says that Mr.
Gov- Shorey, a Napanee merchant, bought a
Lon- G. T. R. R. passenger ticket on Friday
and did not attempt to travel with it till
Saturday. Then the conductor reale it
'pleasaot for him by ejecting him from
the cars at Gananoque station. Mr.
Shorey had presence of mind in his diffi-
culty ,to secure a number of witnesses of
the faced manner in Which he stepped
down and out, and in his wrathful indig-
nation .is about to have eettleil, by a $5,-
000 action for damages, the question
whether -a passener is bound to use a
ticket the day he purchases it.
—A serious and fatal accident occur-
of Wawanosh, on Friday last. It ap-
red to Mr. Jas, Liclibe, of the township
n fac- appears that while drawing a lead of
d and wheat to Gloderich, he fell off the sleigh,
and the load of wheat and the sleigh
don, who had one of his. legs inured,
ten years aeo, by a kick from a horse,
was compelled to have it amputat d only
the other day. ,
- - Patrick Lennon, of Ellice, ost a
horse down a well ou Tuestia, last.
Though the well was a hundr d feet
deep, and the animal descended o the
bottom, he was taken out unhurt.
--According to the Chronic a the
combined towns of Berlin and W terloo
have four foundries, four saw mill , feur
breweries, three cabinet factorie
grist and flour mills, two tanneri
felt shoe factories, two woolen fa
two carriage factories, one butt
tory, one distillery, one spring b
mattress factory, one glue facto
tobacco works, a coffin and cask
tory, and a broom and brush fact
—The St. Mary's Argus think
about time the local cricket and b
clubs were organizing. Organi
shovel snow, eh !
--Kingston merchants complain
water famine.
--Counterfeit dollar bills were
ting in Lacer), last week.
—About half -past 2, on Frida
noon last, as some men were ro
large grind.stone, weighing abou
tons, in the Date's Patent Steel
at Niagara, it fell on one of ti
ployes, named Samuel White,
him instantly, and badly crushin
--A man named Thomas L. Webb;
living in the neighborhood of K ttleby,
committed suicide on the 2nd i st., by
shooting himself with a rifle. e had
taken his rifle t the woodshed, and to
all appearaeices placed the breac on the
ground with the muzzle agai
breast, and with a stick discha g
weapon; the ball passiag thro
body lodged in the ceitnig be - d
it must have killed. hid' instantl .
—A young man named 3.h
Dowell was -found frozen to e
the 2nd inst., about fent- mi e
Caledonia, in the towdship of
The body was found by his b .
se.within about 200 yard.
—Some of the officials of the
ton, Grey and Bruce Railway,.
themselves on the fence to w
snow plow go through a big s o
near Elora, the other day. T e
warned. back by the engineers, ut they
preferred to stay where they ere, de-
claring that they were "all rig t." One
of them, however, left the fencre-
treated. about 30 feet into a fiel , and sat
clown on a stump. The ploN having
been backed up to a sufficient distance,
brakes were whistled off, and the tre-
mendous machine came forw rd with
terrific speed and cleared the drift at
one stroke. Then the engine -'° came
back to look for the superinte
officials of the Wellington,
Bruce Railway. They were 1
stamps furnished free. 375 " A more satisfactory exhibit than this to (-4F°d
ind town.
of age.
THE Undersigned offers for sale six superior ..121 • .
I country so richly blessed as Ontario,
will be said cheap, as he is overstocked.
379'll JOHN CUTHILL, I such a simple mode of relief as that
pted by the County of Waterloo,
Lot 30, Con. 10, MeRillop. 1 ado
CHEAPeSIDES. [ will be folloa-ed by:other Counties at an
i .
A S Low Charges axe the order of the day-, and I early day.''
-1-n- opposition is thelife of trade, Teamsters will t - -
a. goecl Diuner, a good Drink, and plenty of I Howick. .
Has for their horses for 20e., at Dar,' Half -way I
To t1w Editor of flu Huron Expositor.
877-4 C. Di"- DEAR SI n—.Allow me, through your
NOTE LOST. i columns, to say a Word or TWO 011 the
a note of hand made by EDWARD "village bOnUS" question—a -question
er, forthe sum, of $28, and bearing date on Tv. I that at one time raised a peat furore
are hereby cautioned against purchasing or nego- 0 oeived its luietus at the last municipal
1 un •arnished statement of fads--
- MUWAHY, in favor of JOHN WARD or bear -
23, and payable 4 months after date. The pu iie ; here, -and which we imagined. had re -
tiering the above note, a8 payment of the same I eleptiou. intend to confine myself to a
has been stopped. ,
378t4 JOHN 1VARD. p
.>eovered. The body was taken
rich. for interment on Tuesday
most of the relations live in that
Dr. Lizars was nearly 43 years
He was born at Edinburgh, and
came to, this country with his parents
when a lyear old. At 15 years of age he
returnekto Edinburgh for his education.
He obtained diplomas from the Royal
Colleges of Edinburgh and London, and.
commenced his active career. in one of
the London hospitals as a house surgeon.
During the Crimean War he was ap-
pointedaon the French mediCal staff, and
hati charge of the wounded on the ship
Lady Joclyn e he .was also present at
some of the engagements. He remained.
in the 'Crimea some time after peace was
declared, coming back to Canada and
settling in Goderich in 1856; in which
y, one
fac- passed over him, inflicting fatal injuries.
Ty. —Archbishop Taschereau has sounded
it is the tocsin of alerm, and warned Cath -
town he practiced for a short time, af-
terwards coining to Toronto. Dr. Lizars
se ball
ing to
of the
olics of Quebec against permitting, the
proposed Supreine Court to have juris-
diction upon divorce cases.
—The names of the Canadiaal Wim-
bledrn team for 1875 are published. Of
ireula the Ontario men two are from the 10th
Royals, one from the 25th Battalion, oise
after- from the 13th Battalion, a.nd one from
ling a the Governor's Foot Guards. The bal-
three anee of the members are from Quebec
Yorks, and the Maritime Provinces.
-- Mts. Duncan Gilclarist, of Orillia,
e em -
• . •
1,,e"g was fatally injured. last week, w e re -
r onn turning from visiting a friend. by a tree
falling across the sleigh in which she
and some others were riding.
--A petition in favor of prohibition,
signed by 5,100 Londonites, has been
presented to the House of Commons.
It naeasures 92 feet in length.
It his
—Caepenter & Co. have the contract
tors received. an ugly scalp wound.
--Mr. McMillan's child, of Dutton,
was so badly scalded on the morning of
3d inst., that it died on the 5th. It up-
set a pot of hot water which was placed.
on the stove on itself.
—Mrs. Hooley, who lives near Wal-
lacetown, the other da,y left two little
children in the house, with an open fire-
place. When she returned in a few
minutes, she found 'all the clothes burn-
ed off the baby, and the other slightly
burned. The young child died in a few
—It is said that a company is being
formed. in Orillia and vicinity, to emi-
grate to British Columbia in the spring.
—James Turnbull, who had been ly-
ing in Goderich jail for some time,
awaiting trial to watch stealing, and
who through sickness had been -unable
to appear before the judge, died on Fri-
day night, 26th alt The deceased Since
his commitment had been under the ef-
fects of deliriurn, tremens, and was stiffening
from the effects of frost -bite, one of his
legs being in a state of decomposition.
Turnbull formerly been living in
Seaforth, and had been committed by
the magistrates here for the offence for
which he was incarcerated.
—A daughter of Mr. Robert Tribe, of
Elora, swallowed the green label of a
gun cap box, and was only saved from a
painful death by the early use of an
e Ontario Gazette contains a pro-
clamation from the Lieutenant -Gover-
nor, revoking the $5.000 offered for the
apprehension of Riel.
—The Toronto and Nipissing road has
been fully opened through to Coboconcle.
Passsnger and freight trains are now
running regularly and making good.
t. e
—On Saturday an exciting chopping
match, open to the County of Middle-
sex, and for which quite a number of
competitors entered, took place -at Strath-
roy. After a well contested trial of skill
in the wielding of the axe, prizes were
awarded as follows ; lst, Alex. Gra-
ham, Caradoc, two cuts, 18 in. and 18i
-in. time, 9 mill": 5'1 sec.: 2d prize, Cor -
ed. the for the Dawson Route again. Fare from nelius Degraw, Caradoc, two cuts, 18
gh his Thunder Bay to Fort Carry $10, and in. and 184 in., 13 min. 19 sec.; 3d
him ; . 100 pounds baggage ; children under 14 prize, Henry Sutton, two cuts, 18 in.
years half fa,re, and under 3 years free. and 19 in., 13 min. 45 sec.
1 I
n Mc- —An Ottawa telegram sa.ys that the —Lieut.-CoL -McKinley, of Halifax,
ath, night of the 28th of February Was the has been chosen commandant of the
Oneida. registering 40 degrees below zero. —There are still. living 554 Canaclian
ou s from coldest of the season, the thermometer Canadian Wimbledon Team of 1875.
other -in -
—The effects of the late intense cold
of his were shown by the (excavations made by
the Hamilton Gas and Water Works em-
perchend loyes in order to reach.frozen up pipes,
which demonstrated that the frost had
tele the
W drift penetrated the ground to the depth of
from three feet six inches, to six feet six
inches according to locality, People
y were
ere have been several suspicious
will have a nice time digging in the early
fires lately in Montreal, andin the hope.;
of putting aaitop to them the Canadian ;
Board of Underwriters have offered a re- I
ward of $500 for information that vvill
lead to the apprehension of the incen-
—The Bowmanville Merchant says:
dent and "We know these are the days of large
'rey and I things, but give the following as Being
ot to be something in advance of anything we have
veterans of the war of 1812-13.
—On Saturday, a httle ' girl, the
daughter of Mr. Charles Sibben, of
Stratford, was badly Iniened: It ap-
pears she had been playing near a stove
in Messrs. Thomson & Williams' new
foundry, when her clothes caught fire on
her back, and were burned almost com-
pletely off, before those present succeed-
ed i
in extinguishing the flames. She s
•_ I take pleasure in expressing my un-
qualified approbation of the merits of the
Florence Sewing Machineshaving had one
in use for about two years, also hiving
- had two years' experience with other sew-
ing machines. I can confidently recom-
mend the Florence as one of the best ma.
chines in use. Respectfully yours,
GODZiliClii July 24, 1874.,