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The Huron Expositor, 1875-02-12, Page 5
7,4 d tdnstry meter.. andel- ',ted to and in len the aovern- subject webeeal nation proms: ihtmi- general. S. Itis iereetd 'aamh of aorta- and be in- ay that ,n your ON ccta=. e staff: very ap re- The he writ letterning After. on but g been .declared The an-. cheers, to the tea -el: - hey had were due also to he took old; sup- strongly es_ which CI' byMr. . Said that en hese_ old have singly in extension sures ad - an party, by again nor they arks. inister of id before the sese iterestung t expend - year year was is a suns epor't; a be built in depth 00 feet at pth, with having a tare feet reks to be he gates,. rk on this progress. idly, and a on the and other- expended the year. _ ad Canal construe - )8,706 99 50,966 48 led on the nue tuner the new he repairs cost over Railway ended for 42,862 10 been corn - he Lachine has been illy repair- ar dredges be used in i River St. id Moutre- The ma- the spring, 1. On ac - meaner in he work of attract has n and .xe- the work emaciation a- being in- that ad- -t be made. tion far a GO feet in .eight,with the Pariia:- laid out on (ark. The stilton and -ins put to- ase oitse of Tor- it fcrward.. to be built purchased he Custom Post Office though the enabled to ified time. also to be to Observe- tpleted and about the and made tress- The E t1 has•.heen use, Inland tet Office of of erection; Lstrueted at corn Winn-i- tobe erect- - le cuage of a our feet Sew rolling purchased. +ern section gust uext. n the Inter - year, There soba. Their Ym Toronto, 1,569 miles_ ; from 'Toren , vice Detroit, the Lakes; Duluth. `and Moorehead, 1,500 miler; Toronto, via Collingwood, Prince. Arta - s Landing, Lakes Shebuucto wan 1,098 I ion es, Thia tatter route has been muele improved during the year. There are 632 miles of telegraph, the proty of the Dominion, n operation in British Columbia. The revenue therefrom has increased $1,800 during -the year, though lithe disbursements still exceed the re- ceipts by $20,000. Victoria harbor has been. much improved. 'BIfi: NEWMAN. --In Seaforth, 'on `Jan. 24, the wife of Mr. William Newman, of a : daughter. HoBKIRK .: At Crediton, oxo: Feb. 9, the wife of Mr. A. A. Hobkirk, of a son. MCDOuGALl - -lin Grey, on. Feb, f, the wife of Mr. John McDougall, of a: daughter: MARRIAGES PLUXTON--JOHNSTON.: In Toronto, on Jan. 16, by Rev. Thos` Griffith, kMr.. John Pluxton, of Toronto to Maggie, A.,. eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. E. Johnston, of Teeswater. WOODROW—C0ULTICZ. In Brussels, on Feb. 4, by, Rev R. Davey, Wm. Woodrock, to Jane Coultice, both of Morris. ° HoexRmaR_Sli0W 1 -In Brussels, on Feb. 6, by Rev. R. Davey, Richard Hockridge, of Morris, to Rhoda Show- en, of Turnberry. Emma—Emma. —In Brussels, on Feb. 8, by Rev. R. Davey, John Bceker, to LouisaPassehl, both of Brussels. DEATHS. Rann .--:In Grey, on Feb. 5, Wm., son of James Rann, aged 17 years.John STEWART. In Grey, on Feb. 7, John Stewart, aged 74 years. 0 r r 0 td V 0- AUCTION SALES. Tuesday, Feb. 23, on Lot 16, Con: 13, McKillo , Farm Stock and Implements. George Porter, proprietor- ; J. Bullard, auctioneer. Friday, Feb. 26, on Lot 10, Con. 10, H. It. S.., T.uckersmith, Farm Stock and Implements. D. Clark, proprietor ,, 3. P. Brine, auctioneer. Tuesday, Feb. 23, on Lot 2, Con. 1, London Road, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements.' James Blain, proprietor ; J. P Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, March 4, on Lot 16, Con. I,; Stanley, adjoining the village of Bruce - field, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Hugh Mustard, proprietor J, P. Brine, auctioneer. Friday and: Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13, Household Furniture and Cabinet Ware. Mathew . Robertson, proprietor J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Feb.. 15, on Lot 8, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tnckersmith, Farm. Stock and Implements. Joseph Lake, proprietor ; J. P. Brine,. auctioneer. On Tuesday, Feb. 16, on. Lot 5, Con. 4, Hulled, Farm Stock and Implements. James Martin,: proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Feb. 17, at Murray's Hotel, Seaforth, Horses, Harness, and Household Fu.nuture.. J P. °Bri>ae, aue tioneer. Thursday, Feb 25, on Lot 18, Con. 3, Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements. Nathaniel Laskey, proprietor ; =J. P. Brine, auetieneer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Feb. 11, 1875. Owing to the stormy weather and bad 'state of the roads, 'there has been scarce- ly anything doing on the market during the past week. , But little change is re- ported, in prices: We quote : Fall Wheat (new) ..... . .. 0 85 to 0 87 Spring Wheat, per bushel ... 0 85 to 0 87 Oats (new) per bushel... .. ..... 36 to 0 37 Peas (new) per bushel. ....... 0 65 to 0 70 Barley (new) per bushel . .90 to 0 90 Butter,No. 1, Loose............... to 0 20 Butter in tubs .... 0 to 0 20 0 00 to 0.15 Eggs.. .... • 0 00 to 500 Flour. .. ..10 00 to 12 00 Hay, new .............. .. 6 00 to .6 QO Sheep p. skins `, 0 50 to 1 25 Salt (retail) per barrel....... 0 750 750 50 to 0 ; Salt (wholesale) per barrel:. Potatoes, per bushel, new... •. •- •.. 0 00 to 6 00 Oatmeal' bri.. 0 00 to 6 00 Wood... .... ..... 4 50 to 2 25 Beef.......... .. 7 50 to 800 Pork...... .. ....... .,... • DJNc.AN-. &. CAN. DVS CREAT CLEARING SALE OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, READY-MADE, CLOTHING, MILLINERY, MANTLES, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C. GI.IRTox, Feb. 4,1875. Fall Wheat, per bushel...,. ... 0 850 0 87 Spring Wheat, perbushel........... 0 85 0 0 87 per bushel...—. 0 36 0 0 87........... Oars, p .. 0 95. © 0 95 Barley, per bushel,.. .... .... 0 65 0 70 Peas, per bushel 0 0 20 Butter. ....• - .. .. ...022 0 0 65 5 Potatoes..... 0 60 ( 0 65 Eggs ., .. • 110 005 @ 18 7 Hay, per ton, 1 50 Q 8 00 Pork,........, •...... ..... ... • TORONTO, Feb. 11, 1875. There were in to -day about 1,000 bush of grain, selling at 96c for white, and 90e for spring -wheat ; 76e to 764c for peas, $1 03 to $1. 04 for barley, and ° 46c or oats. Hay sold at from $14 to $22 50, .according to c(uality.. Hogs are worth $8 12i to $8 25. Butter, in pound rolls, brought 25c to 30c, with not much offer- ing. Fresh eggs commanded.30e._ POCKETBOOK LOST. OST, around McCallum's Hotel, Seaforth,..-on WEDNESDAY forenoon, about 10 o'clock, mostly white covered pocketbook, containing habilis. ' Any person leaving it at the ExPOSITgO7 . ,Oi}gee will be stutably rewarded.• I pR I1N UCEMENTS. HICKSON'csr Co_ Winnow offer their customers some extra inducements ih some lines to make rooin for a Spring Stook, Plain and Fancy DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED MERINOES, COBOURGS, BLACK ' LUSTRE FROM 20c UP, EXTENSIVE AUCTION,, SALE ' .OF VALUABLE PROPERTY • IN. THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. WINCEY IN ALL COLORS and PRICES, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, PR INTS. N extensive sale of Valuable Property will be A held in the village of Brnasels,-on FRIDAY,: FEB . 19, 1875,: When it is the intention of the pr oprietor to dispose of O VES `TSIIVTY LOTS, By Public Auction. A splendid chance will be offered to those desirous of purchasing valuable village lots, convenient to'. the railway station. Title perfect. Terms—One-third of the purchase money to be paid; in cash at the time of sale, or within two weeps therefrom, with balance in two animal payments,: scented. by mortgage, at, 7 per cent. per annum. Further particulars can be learned ,on application to the undersigned, at ;his store, Tnrnoerry street, or at his residence, first house north of the salt derrick, near the station. Plans can be seen at the oftlee of the PosT, Brus- sels, at the store of the proprietor, Brussels, and at the store of Bobt. Mitchell, Blyth. rietor. THOS. LEADBEAProp TER, ALEX. HUNTER, Auctioneer. 375-1c Brussels, Feb. 4, 1875. , SPRING SEED SHOW. THE Annual Seed Show, ander the auspices of the Tnekersmith Branch Agricultural Society, Head Light Oil, the best Coal Oil made, 40 cents. All Glass Lamps complete, 25 to 50 cents. Glassware, all kinds, very cheap.< Beautiful China Tea Sets, $6 50. White Stone Sets, complete, $3. Nickel Silver Spoons. Cruet Stand, $1 to $10, good. value. Cake Baskets and Butter Dishes at Low Prices. Combs and $rushes, great variety. Soaps and Toilet Articles, call and. see them. Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffs, all genuine. Jewelry, Gold and Silver Chains, all kinds cheap. Gold and Silver Watches, all kinds, an warranted best value. ery low.prices. large assortment best makes, ' Clocks, g Large Experienced. Workmen for repairs of Clocks and Watches. A 1 work 'warranted; and at moderate charges. E. HICKSON & Co., Seaforth. CLOTHS and TWEEDS, will be held in the Society's Grounds, in the Town of Seaforth, on THURSDAY, Feb. 25,1875 when the following . prizes will be offered for Grain, Seeds and Boots, viz.: 1st. 2d. 3d. Best 6 bush. spring wheat, Fife $2 50 $1 50 .$1 00 6 bush.' Club.. 2-50 1.50 100 6 bash: spring wheat, any 2 50 other variety 6 bush. barley, two -rowed.. 2 00 Gbush. ' " six -rowed.. 2 00 6 bush. large white oats.... q' 00 6 bush. common •• 00 6 bush. Norway oats, black. 2 00 6 bush. any other variety of 2 black oats 00 6 bash. small peas.... 2 00, 6bush. Crown peas... 22 00 00 6 bush. large peas 2 00 2 bush. timothy seed 2 00 100 2 bosh. clover seed 2 00 1 00 ' 2 bush. flax seed , 1i bush. early potatoes 2 00 '1'00 11 bush late pots oes 2 00 1 00 WANTED. Y a good farmer, to rent for a term of years, a good FARM -50 or 100 acres will be accepted, if otherwise satisfactory,. One in South Huron or South Perth preferred. Parties wishing to lot will please correspond with the undersigned, who has several applications on hand. ' DANIEL MoaHAIL; a74-3- Real Estate Agent, Mitchell. NOTICE. ortuiiity of thanking the people o f Br this Opp ueefield and vicinity for the liberal pat- ronage ronage extended u to me since setting P business here; as a General Blacksmith, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continua- tion of past favors• 374-3 WILLIAM RAISER. AUCTION SALE or HonsE8,Hammes A1D HoUa it0I.D' URNITURE. J. P. Brine has received instructions from the Administratrix to sell byPublic Auction, at MURRAY'S HOTEL, Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17, 1.50 100. 150 100 1 50 50 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 100 1 00 `RULES AND.BEGULA. TIONS. BEAVERS and WATERPROOFS, FLANNELS IN PLAIN AND FANCY, 1 TVlaite ani _Colored Flannels, 11 DENIMS and DUCKS, STRIPE and CHEQUE SHIRTING, 1. All articles shaven mast be the growth of 1874, and produced on the farm of the.exhibitor. 2. No person will be entitled to more than: one prize for grain, seed or roots of the same kind. 3. The Society reserve the right to purchase the prize grain seed and roots at 20 cents per bushel above the current market ratbe made for 4. If more than one application any prize grain seed or roots, it will be sold to the highest bidder 5. No person allowed to show or sell on the ground without first becoming a member of the Society. 6. No exhibitor allowed to expose his name on the bags. 7. Allarticlesfor exhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 8. .g.11 Janawuary, rded 1876,must be otherwise lifted they will will the 1st of January, forfeited. pPLETON ELCOTT, JOHN HANNAH; Jr.,, President. Secretary. The followi' stock and articles, being the oper- o ert of the.late George Biggar : 1 horse, 1mare:e, y 1 :1 wagon,. 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set Chhamr' ness,,1 saddle, cook and parlor stoves, ai looking glass, carpets, oil cloths, sols, bedsteads,. Sale to tool chest, &c., and. many other articles 10cords begin preelselyat 1 o'clock P. M. Also firewood, now to be seen on the'lot on the side of vel road near Walton. T RM5-..•Cash on the day of sale. 374-2 S. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. T. GARN ISS= ANNOUNCES that he is closingng o s etinsinMeesein Seaforth, and is offering the STOCK OF CLOTHS AND READY MADE `CLOTHING aT COST, FOR ABOUT ONE MONTH. E takes this opportunity to return thanks to H his friends in Seaforth and neighborhood, who have kindly given him theirbusi- nesstime he has had the pleasure of doing nese among them. p -hint= fid BE SOI.D.OR . 878-4 'IICKINGS and HESSIANS, TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS, TOWELS and TOWELLING, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Apply to T. GARNISS. BOOTS AND SHOES, Millinery in all Styles HE above lines of Goods will ,positively be cleared out, from 25 TQ 50 PER CENT. ELOW regular prices, in order to make room B for Sprinig Importations. • DUNCAN & DUNCAN. • FAIR WARNING. All those 'who are indebted to the undersigned, by Book Account, or Note, are requested to eomne forward and pay the same in full, by the 15th day of this month,—no exceptions—otherwise I will place their Accounts in Court for Collection. I will not apologize for this no- tice. I mean what I say. Look out for Squalls. THOMAS KIDD, Seaford". 5 KILLOI AN & RYAN Are selling he balance of their. IMMENSE STOOK OF Groceries, Wines awl Liquors At prices that will astonish purchasers. THE Stock consists chiefly of Staples in all the Departments, such as TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, COFFEES, CURRANTS, RAISINS, RICE, CIGARS, WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, And everything generally tonna in a first-class Grocery Store. THEY WILL ALL BE SOLD FOR CASH,, AT COST PRICES. ALLpafties indebted to the firm are requested to gall and settle their accounts without far- ther notice, or they will be placed in Court for collection. DISCOUNT SALE OF GROCERIES. STRONG & FAIRLEY ARE SELLING GROCERESS AT A GREAT DISCOUNT, FOR ONE MONTH. CALL AHD GET BA.1l GrAI.NS. KILLORAN & RYAN. Sanforth Feb. 2, 1875. 874-13 A REAL OLD-FASHIONED HARD UP SALE AT DENT'S. Must Sell in Order to Raise the Wind. This is Genuine, and the DP '5 a- 0 0 S ARE BOUND TO- GO. THE GRAND SLAUGHTER BEGAN ON MONDAY, lit FEBRUARY, TO last until Stocktaking. It is useless to quote prices, as the Goods must be sold -at `any price. Come and help to carry them away. Don't pro- orastinate, but improve the moments as they fly. 1'. S.—For the benefit of all whose accounts are overdue, Mr. Dent would mildly insinuate that it wonld be good policy to toe the mark promptly, as delays are dangerous. FULL STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES. A FRESH LOT OF THAT NO. 1 GREEN AND BLACK TEA JUST ARRIVED. MR. CRESSWELL'S FINE ART LOTTERY FOR 1875. A LARGE STOCK OF CANNED GOODS, SUCH AS PEACHES, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, TOMATO, &c., Expected daily, all Baltimore packed. FLOUR AND FEED ALTITAiS ON BAND AT MILL PRICES. SALT AND COAL OIL, WH07.ESALE AND RETAIL., BE object of this lottery is to place a number of the above named Artist's Works in bis own coanty, and to make the undertaking as at- tractive as possible. Goods delivered promptly free of charge. STRONG & VAIRLEY, Seaforth. • THE PRIZES WILL BE ON TSE 3IOST LIBERAL SCALE. OTIOE of the time of drawing will be givenin 1' THE EXPOSITOR. TICKETS, $1 SACH, TO BE HAD OF Mr. JOSEPH BRINE, Seaforth. Prizes can be seen at Mr. O.0.Wulson's. 874-1 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL parties indebted to John 0oxealock, of the Victoria Mills, MoBillop, either by note or book account, are requested t before ee and settle the same, debts mast be paid by of March. All outstanding that date, or they will be placed in other for collection, as he has gone out of fhe lumbering business, and Wants bis o13Nf 0rOtlter areae a 374 , 7