HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-29, Page 7Seat se ?atron to our tit, and are ro- 3et'w ser; ,d 1Fax Iasi, ort-' -5ed and S, alt of t pos- nantity dvans- r ,}rices position. ;ILD. Sr Ser. • OOEOL t cur - nn prop. Receives • interest uses and tellFq�m ick e ic4. Z L. wonder ishes and sat. Sal 5 �I Gi�SE CUTTERS eianauship - ft3se of than k:rof 8 4Ele; best ma Ss zembcr the C SKIE. mds and the 1 to all all hie Tops, tO O'aYI c i`. I cannot be infs Hotel, iEAFORTX. )RSETS,, 'TO=NS,. ES, &C., 4E.RS' uE, TIL The Prz lifer of Canada. TIIE CAREER OF A SF. e- I A,DE MAI. The resent Premier of the Dominion i the Honorable Alexander ,'Mackenzie. e WAS called by the Governor-Geuerah Lord Dufferin, itt 18'73, to form a Cab- inet on the downfall of Sir John A. Mac- donald''s Ministry, the latter having been eonvioted of selling the charter of the Canada Pacific Railway to Sir Haigh ea Ilan for about $300,000, which money was expended in. 1872in carrying the elections to sustain Sir John's Govern- ment. Ile was unanimously -chosen by the Reform party to theleadership in the Government, ache had been -the chief of that party in Parliament for some time. He dissolved Paeliameixt° in Dec., 1873, and is general election was held in Janu- ary, 18-74, The election resulted in the Reformers returning 154 members, and the Opposition -had barely fifty seats. With each an enormous ous, majority a party leader might readily have become intoxi- cated with the power in his hands, but Mr. aekenzie's ;administration has been marked with economy and success, and he has steadily pursued the policy he has always advocated during a long Par- liainentary careen:, favoring internal im provd meats, and the extension, of com- mercial relations ; and he has- the satin faction to know that he is now more popniar in the country than when he as- sumed the reins of Government, having demcnistrated the possessionof rare executive abilitiea and statesmanlike views. He is really a Reformer and Liberal in his ideas. As a Parliamenta- rian, during fifteen years of public ser- viee, he disclosed rare powers as a ready mild formidable debater. Hehas been an advocate of temperance, and his per - utiles o market, getting f oto_ 1Q aton; all of which was saved, since lig c;ar led his victuals hi a round box, and bell clothes, so that be 'Could sleep in the wagon. `len years ago he was 60 years old, and he was so crippled in various ways with' hard work, laving varibose vents 'and rapture, e,am some other little things; that their farm, which had become the best in the county, was sold, bringing over $12,0U0, and this,;. With their extra stock„ made up, a italic of ,over4$15,000, all of which` ri►o p ut•`ito Government: bonds,eand then they made money- fist-_ er than ever. He bought a small place of 20 acres of choice land, which they work' to the best -advantage,* keeping cows, hogs, and poultry," Re now 70 and she 69; They rise every morning at 4 o'clock, havebreakfast at 5 o'clock, When he goes to work, allowing himself' half an hour at noon, returns from, work at dork, : milks, feeds the hogs, churns, cats wood, and pursues the ; even tenor of his [ way. In 'every particular she 'is his mate ; ,the house is neat and. confort= able, no little children ever get things out of order, visitors seldom appear, but if they do the food is extra, almost as good as they have at home: Now the shadows , are . falling, the light of life begins t') glinitner, but they are rich, and 'why 'should ;they " not be Happy ? But there is one drawback. What is to beatable- of their "motley ? Gcood s as Food.. A. good egg < is . alive ; the shell is porous, and the oxygen of the airy goes throttgh•the shell and keeps.up a kind of respiration. • Au egg soon becomes , stale in bad au', or in dry: air=.eliarged. with conal character is above reproach. : carbonic ;acid. . Eggs, may be dated, an.cl He. probably' offers the only,instance , Heade to retain their goodness for a long in the history of England, or of her colo- 1; time ; orr the. shell may be varnished,= which excludes. the air, and then, if kept Hies, where a z�tna`�:incTnactrz has risen to a moderate temperatttre they may -be the high office of Premier. He was born � kept. good: for years; Hench poul>5ry � Scotland, and is somethings over fifty raisers ..acre very sudfeessfttl, and. •ship years. of age. Ile learned the trade «f millions of eggs•to, England `apntially. stone -cutter and mason, and came out to f Fresh eggs are Mere transparent et the Canada while a young man. He has .re- d f i center, old ones at, the top. ' Very. old the County of Lainlxton in Parliament, iIn water in been dissolved, eggs always elected by an overwhelming ma- jority, until it was found futile for a Tory candidate to oppose him, . since when his election has =been had by ac- .eIaitiation. He has steadily worked at histrade` f t u even while a sided at Sarnia for many years, an. or 1 ones ate not transparent in either place, the last fifteen years he has represented 4 trans one-tenth of- salt, has good. e s sink, and in- different ones swim. Bad: eggs float in pure water: The best. eggs. are: laid by young, healthy hens: If they are proper- ly fed, the eggs' are better; than if they: are allowed to.eat all:sorts of food. Eggs o sone -naso - are best when. cooked. •four minutes.: member of Parliament,: when not en- gaged with his public duties. 13e had but few opportunies for early education; but with true Scotch persist- ence and application to study, he made himself Rally the equal in solid informa- tion about affairs with any man in the D`ominiol:. - When he rises in his place to speak, lie is dignified and impressive in his manner. His style is easy but direct, his speech .slightly tinged with a Scottish accent. He is tall; erect aaad spare, his hair and beard tinged with gray. He is always stare of an attentive audience wherever he speaks. He is probably the most practical statesman the Dominion pos.- sesses, his ideas being plain and utili- tarian. We have given this sketch in detail to show what brains, backed by energy, temperance and thrift- w 1 ac- complish. when directed aright. Here. was a mechanic, poor, unlettered and friendless, who, by self -culture, integ- rity, perseverance and noble aims, draws about bine the confidence and admira- tion of a numerous constituency, and finally places hien in the highest position in the gift of a people numbering four and a half millions. A people,also, whose traditions are averse to the eleva- tion of the plebian to the highest honors, and where fancily influence, and posi- tion, too, often have more weight in the advancement of men than the possession • of character or intellect.—Rockeste}- t E'ue-nig E.rlrresss of Jan. 18th. is 4, Boys on t Thus takes away the animal taste, so of- fensive to some, and does pot so. harden the white or yolk •as to make them hard to digest. . An egg if cooked very hard is difficult of digestion, except by those with stoat stomachs.; such eggs should be eaten with bread :and masticated very finely. " An excellent sandwich can ``be made with eggs and brown bread. 'An egg spread on toast is food fit for a king, if kings deserve any better food than anybody else, which is doubtful. Fried eggs are less wholesome than boiled ones. An egg dropped into hot water is not only a clean and handsome, but; a deli- cious morsel. Most people veil, the. taste -of their eggs by adding pepper and salt. A little sweet butter is the best - dressing. Eggs contain much phos- phorus, which is supposed to be useful to those who use their brains much. • THE �.. age OLD ESTABLISH ED- ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, ie Farm. P T I-1 — To snake boys good farmers, the American, Ary, iculturi.gt says, induce -them to take an interest in the farm, in 1 the implements, in the stock, tell them all, your plans, your successes and fail- 1 ures, give them a history of your life and I what you did, and how you lived when a ' DESIRES boy ; but do not harp much on the de- 1 generate character of young men of the present age ; praise them when you can, I .and encourage them to do still better. Let thein dress up in the evening instead 1 of sitting down in their dirty clothes in a dirty room: Provide plenty of light. To the fact that he has on hand a Largo Stock t n Thanks to kerosene, our country homes • of those well-known • can be as brilliantly lighted as the gas lit residences in the city. Eneoarage the neighbors to drop in, evenings. Talk agriculture rather than. politics ; speak. of the importance of large crops, of good stock, of liberal feeding, and of the ad- vantages of malting animals comfortable, rather than hard of times, low prices and high wages. Above all, encourage the boys to readgood agricultural books. Papers are well enough, but an intelli- gent boy wants something more. Get him some good.' agricultural book to study. Read it with hill,, and gi,-e him SAWING G MAC I•IINES, the benefit of your experience and criti eism. When he has mastered this,` give ' (� owe our him another. In our case etre HORSE POWERS love of farming principally to the fact that our father told us everything he ,vas doing en the farm, answering all the questions, and encouraging rattier than refusing our child -like desire of helpin g him to ploty, to chop, to let off water a'nd fire the brush heap. O. O. WILLSON TO CAI4L TI31 ATTE ,TION OF FARMERS STRAW CUTTERS AND GRA I1'V CR USHERS, Z 0 0 -o0 ci) W m tJ cti+ 0 0 CO z 0 Z cn r so t O m °N 0IdWVHO V Sig V THIS WEEK. BARGAIN'S in DRESS GOODS, BARGAINS in BLACK SILKS, BARGAINS in SHAWLS, BARGAINS in FURS; BARGAINS in CLOUDS, BARGAINS in FELT SKIRTS, TS, ' BARGAINS in BLANKETS, . BARGAINS in COTTONS, BARGAINS in CLOTHING, BARGAINS in TWEEDS, BARGAINS in HATS anti GAPS, • AT R. P. ROG:RS'. FARMERS' STORE, SEAFORTH, 7 FARMERS, . FARMERS, %RM ERS. CLINTON. CLI :TON, CLINTON. (OPPOSITE THE MARKEYV MONEY SAYED,IS MONEY MADE. WRIGHT & FOSTER. THE r" 77 CHEAP CASH STORE Is now complete in allpeepartments. FA1 CY DRESS GOODS, BLACK LUSTRES,,_ MOURNING GOODS, W INCEYS, PRINTS, in all Colors, FLANNELS, < ' TWEEDS, CLOTHS, SHIRTINGS, SHIRTS, 1 Ready Made CLOTHING, '1 BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, Zn GRAY, YOUNG 8 SPARLING. v N O T I C E NOTICE . TO NOTICE i 1 c:.As Pv` EP S OF Teccs, Gojees, Sugars, ,St y;� z cp s, S o ap s, Fruits, Bisctttts, Cheese; Spices, Pure IWTines and B1'a?aches. TOGA COOS TO R00T C UT 7'E.R�S, SUIT ALL.. GO M E ON E, COM E ALL, AND BOY YOUR HARNESS FRO vL J. WARD, SEAFORTH.. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Ch.eap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap, Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very 'Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. THE 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, CLINTON I.TAS opened out this week the Cheapest and' . Best value in CLOUDS, ROODS, FURS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, BLANKETS, RUGS, CARPETS, I COTTONS, I Ever brought to Clinton. Everyboddyis astonish ed at the Low Prices. HOW IS IT ? TH s. above Goods have been bought' at 25 per 1- cent. below regular W'Pholesale prices, for. cash. They will be sold for 25 per cent. below any other Retail house in the County, for Cash. be to state for the information of farmers and the public generally,dthattl hhavaen s o h d ast o k of I g Harnoss on hand as any in town, and I ann determined not to bo un• Y y t �����-�•��•f- �' ���rP���l1� mBELrho County. 11 U 1, 1 �l BELLS and HOUSE IiL61�R1+3TS, all hinds, constantly on hand. Also TIiUNS.S and Q�eneral � Furnishings: TA ESE ARE PLAIN FACTS:. 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, CL1NTOH, (Opposite the Market.) W Rl GHT & FOSTER. THOMSON & WILLIAMS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE1ifE�'TS, ENGINE AND -ENGINE �W ORKS, C -=CTE .SME A TRIAL J -WARD OEJt z Two-.IIo2•80 Wood Sawing- Machine . Hain -Street, Seaforth 315 - has been thoroughly tested, and gives enti_e sat- - fntion It is supplied s�ith a band vaheei fer TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. W. H OLIVER, Harness, Saciclle and -Collar MANU FACTU.aER, SLAI�'.ORTH. n T' i- a l + 1 e �� dlrivin a straav en SEAI'OT TH PLr1\ I\ G 1IILL 3 iter, grain crusher, oz other j machinery, without extra expense for thebelt. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY i 1 SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortment of light and heavy Harness, E I Whips,13e1ls,HOrse Clothing, &e., kept constantly I on hand.. Repairing promptly attended to, and • - - � charges moderate. �.lenienaber the place,si ;n of • I EXAMINE "BEFORE PURCHASING, AND BE the Scotch d . " W. H. act, gn FOUR SIZES, PI'T'S PATENT. ! CONVINCED THAT,.., THE Sow to Get Rich. He lead saved. a few hundred dollars before he was 2 $ year's, at which time he bought a farm, paying what' he had, and then finding that he spent toomuch time in cooking he married a strong, healthy woman, leaving the field. an hour and a half to have the ceremony performed, when he returned to ills work, anti his wife went into the kitchen to get din- ner. Of course they could not afford a bridal trip nor anything of the kind, nor could they afford to have children, and they lived together 40 years, blessed with health, -working all day long', wet or dry, out doors and in Churning, wood -sawing, and such like chores were done after. dark. They -always had apple s,uIee, and.- never ndnever wanted butter ; salt pork ansWer- ed instead of beef or fish ; potatoes in- stead of eggs, and if they thought they needed doctoring they drank thorough - wort and catnip tea, and. soaked their feet in warm water. Of books they hacl no need,because they had no tune to read, though they made out to read the tracts given them, so that, 'lathing might be lost. They never attended church, because they had money which they nal they could not afford' cotildl ti�t�ors<hzP, a to giveto the poor because they might themselves be poor some . day. For a- quarter of a century he hauled. hay 20 li is snbscriiberbegs lease to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to limn since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance , of the "same. Parties intendinigto bnildwomild do well to give him a call, as he will continuo to keep oil hand a large stock'of allkinds of DRY PINE LU _M ''ER, DORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS,• SHINGLES, LATH, ETC.. All manufactured by -D. MAXWELL, of Paris. These horse powers are suitable for driving all kinds of Machinery, such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers aid Saving Machines. REFORM. W' LAI DLAW S GREAT EAT t IS THE PLACE TO J'TJRCIIASE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I AND SEWING MACHINES On handas usual. THE FLOR C.E Still takes thelead, over 500 of them having been Hold. in the County within the last 3 months. • PSYCFlON1A14CY, OR SOUL. e�ither� � sec G,HA N " OSv ins fascinate and"ngain fthe ' love and, affectitnis:of ani person -they choose instantly:.. This. Simple, mmonial.'acquu'ei'1'eut all can possess, free, by Mail for 25 cents,together, to . Hints L with ii Marriage Guide, Egy )tfun Oracle;°Diea1Ua, adies'f'c. r. A.11neer, exciting lobo,,.• , 1040.1.00 sold. Address T. WiLLWA3I & Co., South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 328-e o w POWELL'S FINE '*MIXED TEAS, _ Frain 50 cti4. to 90 Ct.+• per Pound, A TRIAL. OFFERED. ALL KINDS OF FARMINfx` IMPLEMENTS kept constantly on band. BOILER SHOP IH FULL OPERATION. Engines of all Sizes Biotite to Older REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Hefeels confident of giving satisfaction to those I ADDRESS, • pp� tr who _inay1avourhim with their patronage, as none ! THOMSON Oi ILLIAMS but first-eiasaworlcmuen are employed. 1 • ' Particular attention paid. to Customs Planing 201 - JOHN 11, BROADFOOT.Iitehell,1878. 350 1 The, Greatest Reformnthat has ever been madeiy balm prides of I -Furniture and Undertaking. T. JOHNS &,CO., MitpheiL Bare reduced the prices one-half, and have done I away altogether with extortionate prices. Is it not to your interest to patronize therm.. Aeknowled bped by all who have yet tried them to 1 be ibe best value, quality and price considered. STRAW CUTTERS, THOMAS BL=RNETT Has been appointed agent for Seaforth and vicin- ity for the Celebrated DEXTER STRAW CUTTER, Manufactured by A. WHITL AW, of Paris, Ont. These Cutters are acknowledged to be the bast and cheapest—cheapest because the best ---made. They ,i have invariably taken first prizes wherever shown. 1 All orders left at ALL 11 IiVDS OF FURNIT UR4 ,J. C LAIDL AW. I SgFirhaR H 1 M.APS• Seaforth Tnndler AFignetiharingpurchasedthe Milch use now prepared to pay the highest market rice for hill and spring wheat delivered lit the mills. Mr. Win. McDougall is our buyer on Seafgrth; market,; Flour, bran and sliorrts, iniddli,uns aucl screeinngs at• retail as o Flote and delivered- iiis .ny " part of „the town eters lura t exchanged for' -ifarmerO'L IE &t Co.m1 terms. 3i'i6 8 A. W. GAY, Agent. KEPT IN STOCK. Lumsden's Drug Store, Seaforth, Will be promptly filled. Specimen machines can THOMAS BUIRNETT. Agent } MOURNING DRESS GOODS also be Senn at the same place. ..They are also prepared to Furnish Funerals With Everything Re- quisite, } And to attend personally with their Hearse. " T. • JOHNS & Co. Lumber taken in exchange for Farnitnre. THE AGRICULTURAL MTT�ZTAL Assurance Association sociation 0 Canada. BLACK HEAD OFFICE, - LONDON, ONT. lPublic will please note that this Aasocia- tion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mutual, has not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combination. Having only once during its existence required more than half of amount of Premium note for a three years' Tisk, and that being at a time when the Company was young and the country baptised in fire, and having by careful nnanagenient and liberality with policy holders been enabled to pass through the several fiery ordeals of the past ten rears without levying any special assessment on its members, ' and having; after the Iate severe drain on its i finances caused by the excessive lire losses of LU ST R ES, 187, 1871 and (January u,ill t the Members' credit a 0 { $10,0' 9 07, 1 With a total Capital of 3251,370 12, our I Board of Directors have declined the overtures of 1 less successful Companies to advance ;our rates. tInhisthoeldfafavooritea siounegd nfodr i1n8c'deatshine glargeome pneumtitbeur I of 13,060 Policies, making the total number now in force over 31,000. Parties desiring insurance on farm property, cheese factories, de- tached • dwellings and their outbuildings in towns and villages. will be waited on by the undersigned. 1 or one of his duly authorized ;representatives by addressing. as below. The subscriber will continrtue Ito visit Huron periodically, and Solicits for bis 1 co-operators the same noble p rongs thathat has a Been given to the AGJIICUJJTUR&L in P , and more particularly to self, .mild,, ire age , I1 during the pnst two years atd1``i aIf; s J. B. VA.NT iSSEI+ Clinton ; A, TA_YLAB, %nndesbbroagh- gd+pentstives 3ttnrdin. WO—j' 11 rit i 0 1�1M�.". 34 CHAS. T. DOXLE, Box A, Ove Si:un3; District Agent Grey, rnce "afid � FRENCH • _IERI► OS, FIRE2i CJI REFPS, SEARGES, &c., &c., . s AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH.