HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-29, Page 5b Gose of Ip< met fol- L. lack:. €t liam: red, liar and and tr. E) fwd Islhn,, for Dif-- laid Ided -kers ses- Mr. the the .first �rcial L lids this anis- Right igher be- toe mere arist. poni- have ext- )eeial a the u=rah. Al by sand caked `I mut )the e for after It €>curth .of for c.John mmt. Lather rauev: .ge , oust pro- et 29, angle- Jahn letion- Con., 1875. 086 k) 61 u s 44 0 2,0 015 ALO. 11 00 60 1 25 0 7: 0 70 0 fix 600 2 00 5i 7 83 1875. 0 85 0 83 0tr 09 €t 613 0 25 060 0 17 13 tt) 8 00 '5. 60 to 5, red 55 o e tO rchls, oe to 250 j firkin, 20o to El, 7 75 to es 00. TORONTO Tam728,.1875-:. Theme Frere is to -day tbaut 40 bus. of '€heat, at 99c. for white, 950. for Tread:tell, and 92e. for spring 800 bu. of barley at $1. 05 to $1 98; 1,000 bus. of peas: at 75c. to 76o ; and 200 bus. of oats at 45c. to 451e. Hay went at $19 to 2l for timothy, and 15 to $18. for mixed. Hogs sold at , $7 80 to •• 8 12 . Butter brought 8e to 30c for pound rolls. Eggs 30c.. for fresh. - TORONTO CATTLE MARKET. TORONTO,Jan, 28, 187 5. BEEv s.—`.there Was a very- moderate: supply of cattle at this market during the past week, .out the demand, except for really prime„ has been only Moderate, and, prices have not advanced. We qnote first-class, $5 to 25; second- class, '4 25 to $4 5Q ; third-class, $3 50 to 75. SOM.—There were very few in, two ears, being the reported receipts. These sold, one to dress 54 lbs., at $6 50, and the other to dress 70 lbs., at $8. V e quote Lust -class, second-class, $.5,. to $6, and third-class, $3 50 to $4. IL' s. --Are scarce and. high. We quote first-class, $6 to_ $7 ; second-class, $4 to $5, and third-class, to $4 Hoc„s. Fat are selling at $5 50 to $6 per 100 lbs., and store at $5. to $5 25. LOGAN & !.NE\. BFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO, Jan. 28, 1875. 1.A rLE—Receipts to -day 2,210 head. - making the total supply for the week, thus far, 9,027 head, or 531 cars, against 428 cars for the same time .last: week, and 316 cars for the same time last year. The market opened dull, with a small at- tendance of Eastern buyers ; and coun- try purchasers having mostly supplied themselves before. Prices I and Ac off from opening pricesof last week, and , c off on the poorest grades. - Quality of stock most common. But few prune lots- offering. Trade this week so far the dullest of the year. Sales coin - prised about 1,250 head No Canadian stook is quoted'.. Prices for American ranged from :4.25 to $6.12. Sin AND LAMBS.—Receipts to -day 3,200 head, making the total supply for the week., thus far,14,400 head, against 22,800 head`for the same time last week, and 3,400 head for same time last year. The market opened fairly active at about last week's opening prices, and le off on cslosing prices last week. About 8 cars in yarns unsold.. Quality fair to medium. Sales of 5,500 head. Canadian is quoted at $6 35. Flocs.—Receipts to -day 1,800 head, making the total supply for the week, thus far, 14,400 head, against 16,20.0 for the same time. last week, and9,500 I. for the same time last year. Market more active, with 40 cars in the yards for sale, mostly heavy hogs. ' Sales com- prised about- 1,000 head. We quote Yorkers, at $6 65 to $6 855 ; .heavy hogs, $7 to $7 15 dull of sale. MARRIAGE LICENCES a1 .030gTIF CATIES (Under the new Act,,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, EAFORTH, Under authority of tiie Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. IN THE 'OTTER OF AN ELECTION. Voir TEE: LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY or ONTARIO, YOB THE South Riding of the Coati tor Kaaren, HELD JA .18, 10751 ( • JAMIESO REMQVE ;TO THEIR ,' • - P1 EMISE ON MON' DAY, FEB.. -1, 1875. THE GREAT DISCOUNT. SALE CALL AND SEE THEIR following is a statement in fall of all elec- tion lect tion expense' incaiTed by and on behalf of ,. ARCHIBl>.LD BISHOP, a candidate atthe sant ! i; takes this opportunity to return. thanks to election, including the personal expenses of the TT his friends this illortunith and neighborhood, thanks to said. Archibald. iiishop, and the Sante, together inth the hulls and vouchers relating thereto, here- who have kindly given burn their support during toannexed, is filed in parsuanee:- of the S tetras- of ;• the time he has had the pleasure the Province of Ontario, 36 Vie., Cap. 2, See. 11.: mess among them. NEW STORE. T GAR N 1 SS AT KIDD'S' EMPORIUM STILL CONTINUES, AND PILES OF GOODS Are being sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THIS' WEEK T IROB A NNOUNCES that he is closing his business in THE FOLLOWING GOODS -will be OFFERED �. Seaforth, and is offering the wholeof his 'STOCK OF CLOTHS AND READY MADE CLOTHING AT AT -COSTS _ FOR ABOUT ONE MONTH. of hing bnsi-" TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, 1. Printing and Bill Posting:.... x;28 1.0 THE PREMISES TO. BE SOLD OR LET. 2. personal EEspenses of A Bishop......... 40 00 373 4 Apply to T. G3RNISS. , Total... ...................... , $6 10 ARCHIBALD B IS$OP. HUGH LOVE, Sr., Election Agent of A. Bishop. 1875. Dated Huy Township, Jan. 22 ,1875. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Tenders for Grudiu =Port • William to Shcban orr0n. - EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- " and endorsed "' `Tender 'Pacific Rail- way," will be received up to noon e,f SATURDAY, the 27th of February next, for the Bridging and Grading required: on that Section of the Pacific Railway, extending from. the Town plot of oto rt William, near Thunder Bay, e Superior, Lake Shebandowan, about 45 miles in length. For plans, specifications, r.pproxitnate quanti- ties farms of tender and other information, apply at the office of the Engineer in Clad, Ottawa. Plans and speeifications for that part of the line between Lake of the Woods and Iced River, I 11l r. CHARLES SULLIVAN, will be ready in the course of two o or three weeks. of Dublin, who has been most successfully receiv- _By Order, eat in the principal English, Irish gad Scotch F. BRAUN, Secretary Theatres. .Also, . TOWN M ONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEB.IAND2. ERIN and the BRENHANS. GRAND ILLUSTRATION OF IRELAND AND COTIEDy COMP 1 .. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARD TO T>IL PU»LIC.-=Mr: Bredinan), :now ngthe great W&nt of a truthful representative HATS' and CAIS of the Irish' eh,iiacter, has,• at en enormlous ex- CAPS, pense, brought over on the Steamship "lCeltic," of the White Star Line, BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE : • Department of Public y, Works,875. l 873-3 ZIiss rtiAGGKB SE Vi7tOITR, Otawa, 26th Tanuary, 187 i. j of Dublin who will, in conjunction. with the above m ESTRAY CATTLE. lnamed gentleman and the members of the Co- rtA1tE. on the premises of- the undersigned, Lot }pony ' appear in the following select Comedies V 28, Con.11, Hibbert, about last November, one 1 during the season • red HEIFER and one roan STEER. The owner 1 The jrislh Tutor. Bortz to Goodl[.uch. A lloppl krait. Arrah Na Pogue., can. have thein by identifying the animals and E White Horse of the Peppers. paringe�penses. JOHN Oroma ty . $ir+ Y.ast Legs. colleen. Btatvn, a1:c. : 3734'3 _ Gr omai ty P._ 0 ``BEAUTIFUL PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS I OTTCE is hereby gen that.the annual meet- i of Ireland and England, making one of the Great- lN ing of the members of the Hallett Immix ra- j all, ieft Comedy and Burlesque Operatic Companies tion hitt Society will behelot in the cHlock now traveling. ' Clinton, on MONDAY, Feb. 1,187.1,at 2 o' Admission 25 and 50 cents. Reserved Seats for P.M., for the purpose of appointing Officers for Sale at Armstrong's Book Store. the ensuing_ year, anal also to consider the prop- eiting the said Society into a County "'This luno is deea offiyets etfastest, a st st the out Sie iety converting a Immigration commodious, and th Society,. to be called the Huron Immix ' the Atlantic.. Aid Society." JAMES BRAITHWATTE, of any line crossing the Secretary. NOTICE. Fo Meeting of the Resident and Ilea -resident s pp y Egmondville P. 0. sassed Freeholders, Householders and Tenants 375-4 will e held in the Town , Ball, 10 at the hour of 1e of BUSINESS CHANGE. Brncefield, on SSTUF.DAp, a Five la o'clock A. AL for the purpose of electilig ttE ea nership heretofore existing between Trustees to serve as Public School BoarctCleer1 is j T' Hobert Callander, Hugh Scott and Hugh Wal- Tewuship. W:M, McCONNELL, ___.-.--- lace, under the name of C_4LLANDER, SCOTT EXECt T ., f. the Town of Clinton and Village . of • 1 Londesborough, will be dissolved on the �irff ay The above will be in addition to the 11 NNUAL-M;EETING. I - PRECENTOR WANTED. R E oudt ills Presbyteizan Ohureh. - •A 1 to WM. PAYNE, T OT CE S co o First d - t}RS TUB Sale Notes of the late the h n Bair are Lon . $ Williamd on loam past dne, and are. in it a for collection. ` after that. late, and he style of the 1 fiands of Mr. -1 of March next. The business will be rm of` Thsees mustbe, aid o i r , - Callander & Scott, Mit Wallace retiring from the These notes mnst:begaitl on or before the 10th day business of February. All other notes due the estate mus si ess All aoaounts due are expected t0 be psid besettled b • the same time as the affairs of the b the 1st of February dile a se e } , estate must then be wound x111. 3 371 GALLANDER, SCOTT & Co. ' WM. ]4IcCONI ELL, 1. Exeeuto.�s. Clinton, Jan. 8, 1$75. 373-2 GEORGE SPBOA.T, EXETER TEACHERS' INSTIrpTE. AGR ICU LTU RAS. MEETING APublic Meeting will be held in Parker's Hall, Brussels, on Friday, Feb. 5, at 2 o'clock P.M., :I for the purpose of organizing the East Riding of Huron Agricultural Society,. under and by tue of the Agricultural °and Arts Act of Ontari s ` full attendance from all parts of the Riding re- spectfully requested. ' 373-1 THO3IAS GIBSON, M. P. P. Eslita1f HEWER... S+ TRATE]) from the promises of the undersign- ed, Lot 6; 0on.12, Eullett, last Fall, a clean W hite.WFFE rising gi three years old. Any per- son . g in.I iatioti -that will Iead to her re- co very will be suitably rewarded. 373.4 - THOS. NEILANS, Harlock P. O. n•sxt meeting of -the Exeter District Teach- 1 ers' Institute will be held in the School House, Exeter, on Saturday, Jan ' 30, at I0 o'eiddk A. M. ` programme- Addresses from the President and Messrs. Sellars and Brown. Also work of Y at and 1 2d forms, with class, b3 Miss Elston. 1 tendance is requested. - 872.2 • NOTICE'TO DEBTORS. . LL parties indebted to i'McIntyre,W,s -- forth, either by note or book ace lit; > ra1 e quested to settle the same on or before the eei1st of n Fe�. ��rraary4 fAl�erwise a4 s w 1 = This i$ no idle threat. 371-3 ' i WINTYRE & WILLIS. BOOTS and SHOES, FURS,: MILLINERY, 777. �f. CLEARING SALE OF BUFFALO ROBES. JVENTY PER CENT. DISCOUNT. _is AT MANTLES, SHAWLS, 13 LAN KETY , Ladies' CLOUDS, Dress Goods, &c. A DISCOUNT OF` 4. 5 LADIES' CLOTH, Alm SE ALETTE MANTLES;, LOWER PRICES THAN EVER,, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, 8J P c ItMI LOW-PRICED FURS • IN ENDLESS VARIETY CALL. AND SEE THEM AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS" CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. A NEW LOT OF T1-1111; LATEST STYLES OF I3A.I1R,-c-OODS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS'' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. EVERYTHING 1N THE L°tNE. 50, $7 50, 8� 50, $9 50, AND X1:1. � E QF D Y GI- CD03D TO BE HAD AT- HOFFMAN THOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASK STORE, SE &FORTH. A. G. MCDOUGALL & Co. DISCOUNT SALE OF GROCERIES. STRONG FAIRLEY 1 ARE SELLING GROCERIES AT A - . - GREAT .DISCOUNT, FOR ONE MONTH. CALL AND GET _BARGAINS'. WOOLEN SHAWLS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, . SONTAGS, CLOUDS, SCARFS, &C., AT HALF PRICES, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP (CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. 1N MILLINERY, SUCH AS FULL STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES. BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS; BUCKLES, - JETS, A FRESH LOT OF THAT NO. 1 CREEK AND BLACK TEA JUST ARRIVED. A LARGE STOCK Or CANNEIi GOODS, SUCH AS PEACHES, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, TOMATO, &c., Expected daily, all Baltimore peeked. RLOUR AND If' QED ALWAYS S ON BAND AT 3IILL PRICES. SALT AND COAL OIL, WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL. �,N PER CENT. ON ALL CASH PURCIJ ASES. - ON Goods delivered promptly free of charge. STRONG- & FAIRLEY, Se forth. A GOOD INDICATION. ss the subscriber has recently been obliged to very much enlarge his - a result of Good re , �- remises which are now filled with a very large .!`stock of the most desirable grades of p THOS. KIDD. • NEW TEAS, INCLUDING JAPANS, YOUNG- HYSO`S, GUNPOWDER, TLACR AND COLOGNE. SUGARS. Scotch Refined, Liverpool Relined, Cuba and: Demerara, White Ground and Bloek Lump. 1 TOBACCOS. ALL THE BEST BRANDS IN SMOKING AND CHEW:41 LIQUORS. A SPECIALITY AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, sPAP•ORTI THE KNABE PIANO. THF Great Piano of America and Europe. The chosen to grace the Salons of the wealthy and titled, and to charm the ircles of the noted Apostleseeo ed who gather there, leaving the Piano, such as Thalberg, Gottschalk, Mar montel, Lucca, Kellogg, Rubinstein, &e., enrap- tured with these superb instruments. THE STODART PIANO. TBERE never was a poor Stodark Piano made, and none was ever known to' be returned or exchanged for any other, because they have al - 1 ways been bought by discriminating buyers, and in. the history of Piano tasking Stodart is known as one of the greatest workmen inventors that ever7ived."-,MANNING. MARSHALL & WENDELL PIANO. p - EMARK.ABLE for standing in tune. An • y -1-uL amount of durability. Beautiful touch. Me- dinni size. Low in price. Fully warranted. 1, Matchless tone. - Light & Ernst, Rogers, Heizitzman, On hand or to order. - SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORCANS. - _ ' OT only the prettiest organ in the `United States, but the l3EST, ail things considered- MnereAT. &r. i. GEORGE WOODS & CO.'S ORGANS. p of tone. Thor- ! for their unity i R oughWork and Finish, and great beauty and t variety of their Solo Stops Boline, Vox Humana and Piano. i;: R all Lmported Liquorspnrchesed m Barrel and sold pure as usual. A full TILE CANADA_ $ CA'4A Supply f General Whiskey and p 1 Snppiy of General Groceries and Provisions, all of which will be sold at very small profit.In Stock in Vet'. R FIELD sEFMS IN SEASON. LESLIE, MO,SMITH, ,;I.OV1�R, TZitIOTi�Y awl OT$E 1 L .r r RROW t& 98 Yoi ge Street, Toronto, JAMES MURPHY. 1 872.52 SOLE 111:6ENTK Chequered Store, Seaforthdan.26,1875.