HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-29, Page 1itoy
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'Arill01,E No. 373.5'
totate totsalt, HURON COUNTY COUNCIL._
The County Council of the County of
' 1y 1 t There is
T OT 18, Con. 6, Hallett; loo acres, aerHuron n e 9es •
-1-1 cleared, rereainder wooded with becchiflul this year, quite a change in the pe sound Biddulph, which Municipality has paid
maple; Larne dwelling ; giver Maitland and a of the Council. An ohl frequenter of the Lup in tall the balance accruing on the
good spring. ou lot ; miles from Kiixburn and 3 Counoil Chamber tluring the sessions of award, although not due until 1880.
for particulars apply to L. MEYER, Haspurhey, Council, cannot but notice this marked The instalment due at that date was
miles from CIiaton. Torras to suit purchaser.
or BENSON & MEYER, Seaforth. 346 change. This year, there are some fif- $6,332, and. is now paid. Referring par
teen new members. The following mem- tioularly to some of the amounts in the
bers filed their certifieites with the comparative -statement you will observe
Clerk, viz. : Ashfield—Geo. Armstrong, that administration of justice and in
James Muller. Brussels—John Leckiequests have exceeded the estimates by
Clinton—A. S. Fisher. Colborne—Wm. $445. :This excesi is, however, only ap-
Young, Alex. Milloy. Exeter George parent, not real, as the remittance by
Willis. Godericli Town—S. T.- Garrow, Government ,of the proportion of the
Dixie -Watson. Goderich, Township= September Touter's accounts, payable
Henry Ford. G. Elliot. Grey ---Thomas by Governmeet, which was estirneted to
Strachan, Samuel Slemmon. Hay— be received before the close of the year,
Robert Brown, J. B. Geiger. llowick— , did ii.ot arrive until the 8th inst., and
therefore does not appear in •the accounts
of 1874. This amount, $524, would, if
received before the close of the books,
more than cover the apparent deficiency
under this head. Miscellaneous and
contingencies has eXceeded the estimate
by $486. The larger part of this excess
is for furniture and furnishings for office
of Deputy Judge, which was not taken
LOT 4, Con,. 5, Hallett, lee acres of ft LlLngs. into account in the estimates. You will
t, tUtsborn_te —__Leonard Hunter, be pleased to see the marked decrease in
buildings, orchard, &c.; spring creek crosses the Dal, at Miller. 1E. Thromahs the expense in Jury accounts from the benefit to do away with our Local Leg -
land in excellent condition ; fenced ; good
lot. The timbal on the 20 acres of bush land is H. Taylor, Jas. Patten. . anos amount of 1873. The cost of Juries in islature, and leave all our local interests
very valas.ble. The proprietor would sell 75, 100 —Charles Girvin, Edwin Gaunt Wing- 1873 was $2,837. and $2,800
was este. to the Commons at Ottawa. To de
ent, The property is surualed go'od gravel ham -13. Willson. Wroxeter—Alex. In mated in 1874. The actual expenditure away with these, it niust be admitted,
or 125 c!,cres. Post 0ffice, chools 04. couveni-
road 51 miles from Seaforth. Apply to C4-ihSon. has only been You W" remit- would be very injurious to our municipal
ture has exceeded the amount estimated
by $4,013. This over expenditure,
hots -ever, has been more than met by the
amount received from the township of
VOR Sale, Lot 2a, Con. 7, tTsborno, containing
74 acres. 55 of which are, cleared. and in a state
of good cultivation. There is a good framel3ARN
and sTanrtn. The farm is loeated ou a good
gi..avel road, is conveniently ,situated to schools,
churches and post office, a-rul is within. 13 miles
from Seaforth and 7 from Exeter. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor on the pretuises.
351 Lumley P. a.
FOE SATAE, Lot 9, Con. 1, London Road Stan- john J. Sweetman, Charles Wilson, B.
bearing orchard.weli watered ; situated within 7 Shannon, Thomas E. Hays. Norris—
ratios of Seaforth and a like distance from Olin, Patrick Kelly, Charles Proctor. Sea-
ton.. Farm well nuclei -drained and in first-class forth—D. D. Wilson. Stanley—Thomas
cultivatien. Apply on the premises or to the pro-
prietor at Brumfield P. O. Simpson, Wm. Keys. Stephen—Thos.
362 ANDREW McKENZIE. Greenway, John Parsons. Tuckersmith
—G. E. Cresswell, David Walker.
FARM FOR SALE, Turaberty—Samuel Black, James Hen-
rst-class -
ley, DO acres, dear& and tinder fence, the se Cook. Hullett—Hrimphrey -Snell,
balance timbered with tirst-dass hardwood ; frame Alex.
Monteith. MoKillop—Wm. J.
barn 60x40. frame stable ISA°, log house, good
lators. The advocates of this system
tell as it has been adopted in some of
the New England States and works sat-
isfactorily, but I wpnld recomrneud
certaiu amount of caution in borrowing
from our American neighbors, especially
in the matter of education, for it is gen-
erally ackeowledged that our - present
system -of 'edueation is far superior to
theirs: will admit that there may be
arguments used in favor of the township
booed system in the New England -States
where there are small outlying sections
cut off by themselves. by natural barriers
in mountainous districts, containing not
over ten or twelve families: and not able
to,keep a teacher more than three
or -
four months of the year; but that argu-
ment will carry no weight in irespect to
Ontario, much leis Tuckersmitn, where
every concession and nearly every side
line is passable the length and- breadth
of the township and a family living on a1 -
most every lot. I would ask the advo-
cates Of this systena. would. it be -a, benefit
to the township to go back to the old
plaii of electing one Councilman for each
township, and have all our municipal
business done in -the town of Goderich,
as it used to be; and doing away with
our toweship Council ? Would it be a
on a 362 A.NDREW SLOAN, Constance P. 0. TRE AVARD1N. lect that in my last annual report I and local interests. In like manner, I
FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. i)loved by Mr. Arinstrong, seconded called yo.ur attention to -the unnecessary believe that doing away with our sec-
by Mr. Girvin, that Wm. Young Reeve expense the County was put to in paying tional board of trustees would be very in-
e- Of Bruce County of Bruce, containing 100 01 Colborne, be N'S arden for the' current jurors for attendance at court • while jurious to our educational interests. I
Volt Sete. Cheep. Lot No. 30, Con. 6, Township )/ • .
acres, SO of. w!laich are cleared- This farm is situ- year. - cases were being tried in which no jury believe the township board system will
ated within five miles of the rapidly growing vil- Moved in amendment by Mr. Green- was required, and suggested that the be attended with a great deal more ex-
texonge. the place. It is a desirable property. : Mr. Cressweil, Reeve of Tuckernmith, of the judges to the advisability of try- ries, school building, and. general super -
for Mr. Young —Messrs. Strachan, Stein- taleen d.uring the past year by the judges, both in respect to the expenditure of
timbered. There is also a Spring Creek running waY• should draw the attention pense, both in respect to teachers' .sala-
seconded by Mr. - -that 'Government
la2.1e of Paisley. The uncleared portion is well
I3ox ee, Seaforth O. ing all jury cases first, and then dis- Vision, but urider the section system the
For further particulars apply to the Propriethr, be Warden for the present year.
Upon the vote being ta,ken, there voted charging the jury. This course has been trustees are more' directly interested.
nion, - Walker, Snell. Fisher,- Wilson, and the result is, a saving to the County Money and securing the service of com-
se> LOTS in one block in Coleman & Goeiseoekis (Seaforth), Garrow, Miller, Taylor, Pate of about $700 in 1874 as compared with petent teachere, and managing the af-
1 sons, Brown, Leckie, Armstrong, Mill- 1871 , The expenditure in 1873 for lune- fairs of the section with more efficiency
WA E.ILIORSON & Co. len, Sweetman, 04%0er, Monteith, en- tics and eharities was $840, and $800 and economy. Another evil I see in the
et Survey and cornering on Victoria Square.
— — ------ ' nings, Black, Girvin, Gibeon, -Gaunt, was estimated for 1874. The actilial ex- township system is, that under the
Apply to
DR. COLEMAN) having kiii:d out the groanda , 14,017 INiir penditure, 'however, has only been *$205. existing law - there can be no sectional
recently occupied as a Driving Park into Buad- i •, Cresswell—MossTs. Hays, The principal item Under this head in lines drawn, and parents may send their
ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason Shannon,- -1, oung, Kelly, Watson,. Keys, late years has been the aMount paid for children to any school they please. This
MCLEAN HBOTWIEBS, Publitoktrog..
t 01 50 a Year, in advance.
anufacturers, to send samples to be examination there was only stock worth
tested in this way. lt hoped that
Canadian salt, samples of which have
been forwarded from Huron, will not
suffer in comparison with the finest
brands of English and American melte.
—The township of Winchester has
adopted the Dunkin Act by a majority
of over 250.
—An altercation arose between it,
Gripton isnd a colored man named Nails
in Brantford on Friday last. As they
were about striking each other a Mr.
Fleming, blacksmith, stepped. in to sepa,-
rate them, 'when Nails drew a razor, and
cuttieg through Mr. Fleming's clothes
inflicted such a wound that his recovery
is donbtful. Nalls made good his es-
cape for a time, but wa3 finally captured
in a oolored man's house near Newport,
and brought to Brantford, where he was
tried, and remanded. for one week.
—The annual convention. of the Dairy-
men's Association of Ontario will be held
at Ingersoll on the 10th and 110. Feb-
ruary, a.,nd the committee hope to make
it both beneficial and interesting to
dairymen and m
farers! generally. Ad-
dresses will be delivered by several emi-
nent gentlemen, and a large attendance
aaticipated. Any parties wishing to
attend and become members may obtain
certificates by applying at once f.,to the
secretary, Mr. J. C. Hegler, Ingersoll,
on presentation'of which to the different
stations. on the Grand Trunk and. Great
able terms to any who may desire them. Parties Simpson, Willis, Wilson, (kVinghain), board and instruction of deaf mutes at will only have the effect of crowding the
eesiriuss to purchase should make immediate ap- school of the industrious and hard -work-
senlication. the asylum. .No payment for this pur-
see Proetor, Cook Potter, Greeuway, Hufit-
er. Elliott, Foul, Virilson, (Howick)-17. pose has been anthorized in 18/4. Sala- iene teacher, and. the harder he works
FARM FOR SALE. 'Mr. Young was then declared elected ries and Council fees have 'slightly ex- the more he will get to do, while the
prey, subscriber offers for safe the west half of by a majority of 6. The Warden took ceeded the amount estimated, whieh is more indolent the teacher the less he
-I- Lot 23Con 9, Hullett, containing 50 acres, 45 ; the ehair, and in a fees-. brief remarks accounted for by the $200 extra salary will get to do Or, in the words of a
ot which are cleared and in a good state of cal tiv a- I thanked the Connell for the honor they voted Mr. Bay, and the unforeseen ex- teacher of long experience, it is just of
hard CM the farm; also 10 sores of fall t
' had done him in re-electing him Warden pease of the appeal committee. - The ex- fering a premium to indolence. But I
Lion. There is a new tram° house and you _
The above place is situated 53- miles from Clin- for another year. penniture on repair § of gravel roads has cannot enter into details on this subject,
ton, two miles from Londe4oro, and one mile '' AUDITORS. been largely in excess of the amount as the School Act throws very little
On motion of Mr. Shannon, seconded estiesetted. The estimate made from light upon it. It appears to ine it was
37244 Londesboro. by Mr. Strachan, Mr. W. N. -Wats -on, of memorandum furnished by engineer ,was never expected that it would be adopted..
and a half from grist and SIM Mill ; terms liberal. '
- _
Seaforth, was re -appointed Auditor. $1,5001 The !amount expended has been Even the supporters and advocates Of
A Ilouse and Lot, With
-"t" pump, in the village
two relies frorn Seaforth,
EDEN, Harparhey.
Western Railways, they be eutitled,
Owing to special arrangements made towel a few evenings ago, it was resolved
with these companies, to tickets at one that the town should grant a bonus of
fare and a third the double journey-. $4,000 to assist Messrs. Climie, Bradley
—London, Out, is infested with sneak & Co. to rebuild. their flouring mill,
tbie v es. which WaS destroyed by fire on Sunday
—A. very melancholy and fatal acci- morning, 17th inst.
dent occurred a. few days since in Wel- —The barn of Mr. Alex. Campbell,
lesley. Jane Fergusop, third daughter Third Concession, Wallace, was totally
of Mr. David Ferguson, Lot 2, Con. 4, consumed by lite on Saturday night, 16th
having gone to the wall to draw a. pail of inst. The first indication he had on
,esater, fell, apparently, head foremost awakening was a very bright light in his
into the well, 44 feet deep, and with 20 bedroom window, and on arising found.
feet of water in it. It was over half an his barn and stables in a sheet of flame.
hour before she was got out, so that It was With great difficulty he got his
signs of life had entirely disappeared. horses and cattle saved. He lost his
brakesman named Sales, on the pigs, which were up fattening, and
fe. W. R. Air Line, was killed at Nicks- sheep, and about four hundredbushels of
ville, fourteen miks wet of tjanriS, On grain, together with all of his hay and.
$10,000 found in the store. The
ties of the swindler in Montreal alone
amount to $50,000. Smith has fled to
the States, aud the Sheriff has taken
possession on behalf of the victims of the
—The body of a male child was found
under a sofa in Bennett's Hotel, George-
town, on Saturday morning. An in-
quest was held in the afternoon, but no
facts were elicited that would lead. to
—An unknown WO Man 'was found
nearly frozen to death under the plat-
form. of the Grand Trunk freight station,
Guelph, on the 19th inst. She present-
ed a terrible appearance, her legs to
above her knees being frozen., one arta
up to the elbow, and the other up past
the wrist. It was evident that she had.
been drinking. She was taken to the
jail, where she died in two hours.
--In London, at the recsnt election; a
Tory scrutineer compelled an old, grey
beaded m.a,n of 65 years to swear that
he was 21 years of age.
--Five men in the employ of the Parry
Sound lumber company wer e severely
injured. bY'an explosion of dynainite at
Parry Sound on Saturday last. One of
the men carelessly lett seven partridges
of dynamite in a pot on the heating
stove in the mill, which exploded. and
blew the stove into atoms, injuring the
men as stated.
—At a public meeting held. in Lis-
t t the debit- this System, so far as I have heard, have,
ALE. Mr. Keys moved, seconded by Mr.. Wil- $3 082.64. The net a.moun a
large stable, well and lis, that ;Mr. Downie, of Stanley, be
of RoxborOugh, about , Anditm. :The motion appointing Mr.
Apply to BENJAMIN .
372*4 Watson was carried on a division by a
ma nrity IA 9. The Warden appointed
EST RAY H EWER.. Air. Archibald. Dickson, second Auditor.
filliTE into Lot No. 2, Con. 12, Hallett, on or STANDING COMMITTEES.
1--1 a.bout the lst of December, a two-year-old red .
Moved by Mr. INTillis, seconded by Ai r.
and. white Hi4IFER. The owner. is- requested to
prove property,•pasharcres and take her aWay. Simpson, and carried, that a Committee
3-70-4 'EDWARD STANLEYof five be appointed for the present year
in the same manner as heretofore. Upon.
THE BLACK PRINCE, a ballot being taken, the Conimittee was
rfE celebrated, Berksllire borayBiack Prince, found .t.O. consist of Messrs. Greenway,
will be kept at the premises of the undersigned Cresswell, Leckie, Snell and Girvin
in Egli:Londe-111e for the service of sows durhag th
present season. Terms, $1, payable at the tP
of service, with the privilege of returning, if ne-
The Clerk was, on motion, instructed
cessary. DAVID DUNCAN. to receive tenders- for the County Print -
366 -8 ing for the current year. .
Council adjourned till 10 o'clock,
THE First Prize Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, WedneSday.
-I- the property of Mr. Wm. Blair? Jr., of Stanley, WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27.
win this season be kept for the improvement of The Council met, pursuant to adjourn-,
Stock, on Lot 2, Con. 1, Stanley, London Road. ment. All the members present. The
This is one of the best and purest bred Berk -shire
Pigs in this section of the coantry. TERMS—$1 Warden in the chair. The minutes of
per sow, payable at the time of service, with the the preceding meeting were read and
Privilege of returning if necessary. confirmed.- •
est! IVAL BLAIR , ProPrietor.
DOG LOST. The committee. consisting of the
Warden, Clerk and Treasurer, appointed
j OST, on the 2d of Xannary, a olack sheep Dog,
-'- with a white breast aud the point of tail white. at the last session of Council to arrange
He answers to the roun't of " Rover," and WfIS last with Lucknow as to the share of the
County debt the portion of Lucknow for -
seen near Le -lie Hotel, on the McKillop Gravel
Road. Any person harboring the said dog after
this date will be proseeuted as the law direets, itlerly 1.11 Huron and now in Bruce should
will be suitably rewarded. merit bad been affected with Lucknow.
3712q JOHN I:ERR, Con.. 7, PilcliilloP.
by which that village agreed to pay - to
HORSE FOR SALE. liuron the sum of. $1,200, for which she
and an.y information that will lead to his recovery bear, repoited that an amicable arrange-
. i
7p013. sale,. Or will be exchanged for a good; is to receire a clear receipt for all claims
se s.ourtd driving horse, a young mare with foal: held. agaiust .her ley Huron. . The report
For. particulars, apply to Mr.. Sanies Kerr,. Mc- wes referred. to the Finance Corfinaittee.
Killop.., 371. - • '
ESTRAY STEER A petition from the inhabitants of the
township of Turnbe.rry, asking the Coun-
t tetelE on the premises of the undersigned, Lot
‘-'1 18, Cori. 8, Morris, tibout the 1st of Deeemb(w, Cil to petition the Governor General for
1b74, a yearling, ste.er, all white_ The owner is re- the pardon of one Joseph Hockerage,
questa to pay expenses and take the animal Who 18 POW confined in the Provincial
. weiton, P. O. Penitentiary. From ex.planations made
BULL CALF FOR SALE. . Mr. Gibson, Reeve of Wroxeter it was
won, Sale, a thorough bred Durham Bull Calf- / •
me pea_ ascertained. that Hockerage had been
gscc is first class, and eau be examined by inten- tried and convicted of the crime of rape,
-1- one year old, of dark red color.
364 Huron Road, Tack-ers-mith. and had been sentenced to imprison-
inent in the penitentiary, for life. Since
iling purchasers. A‘pply to G. .M. CHESNEY,
— by Mr. Black, Reeve of Tutiaberry, and
of the account is $5,082.64, but this ex- failed to enlighten us on the subject,
dudes the O2,000 esaid to the town of and the Chief.Superiutenclent of Educe,-
Goderich as rent of the Northern Gravel tion himself, it appears, is not able to
Road for 1873. I have had to borrow throw any new light on it, for year after
largely from the bank during the past year'in his annual report, he indulges
yeae. In November the amount under in a few preliminary remarks, wordfor
discOlint was $34,000. This, before the word with his utterances of the pieced -
close of the year, was reduced to $22,000, ing year, and follows it up with the same
and of this latter sum $8,000 has since quotations from the seine authors.
been paid, leaving the amount due at Under the circumstances I think it
this date $14,000, which I think I shall would have beeu well for the supporters
be able to meet as it falls due: As di- and advocates of this system to have
rected by you, the Warden, Clerk and -left it, alone till they could ley the
myself met the officers of the •County of WOrking of it down in detail, but I hope
Bruce and the Reeve of Lucknow at some of , the speakers this evening will
Lucknow on the 13th inst., and arrived be able to do so.
at a settlement of the proportion of the
liabilities of the County to be paid by Ciar-ad.a:
the County of Bruce on account of the
An olcl man named. Henry Fitzgerald
separation of Luckno-w, by which the
was found (lead in his shanty in Nor•man-
County of Bruce agrees to pay $1,200 in
by, about six miles from Mount Forest,
two instalments of $600 each, payable ,
31st December1875and 31st Deeem-
on the 7th inst., his wife, an insane • and
, ,
idiotic person for ye -arse being fouod
ber, 1876.
his confinement circumstances have led
• to the belief that he was not ,,guilty of
NY quantity of Cedar Posts may be bad—also the crime of which he had been convict-
s D. utGEEG011, !.1., but that the plaintiff in the action
.41- sou= timber—ou Lot 6; eon. 4, Hollett, or e
;373-4 Harpurhey. S a disst
aniaed character, and that the •
on application to
A. M. Ross. hugging and covering his lifeless corpse
to keep him warm. Congestion of the
The table showing the difference be -
lungs, induced by exposure and drink, is
tween he estimated and actual expendi-
supposed to have been the cause of his
tare for 1874, referred to in the above
statement, as also a statement of collec- death.
—A man named Dougald McGill, of
bons from non-resident lands, we are
East Garafraxa,, got his hands and feet
compelled to leave over for our Continued
. frozen a. short time ago. He had been
report next week. under the influence of liquor and had
0 RAH AM1 S BRIDGE. been lying in a ditch. Upon coming to
Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr.
himself he managed to crawl to the near -
B. Willson, that the resolution passed by
est house half a mile distant. It is
the Council at the December meeting,
feared tbat the frozen limbs will have to
abolishing Gralia-m's bridge, and emit -
be amputated.
Mg instead thereof Fisher's bridge at
—Mr. Wm. Little, an elderly man re-
Wingham, be rescinded, and that the
County Engineer be instructed to have, siding in Oliagara, was found dead in his
stable on the 20th inst. It is supposed'
Grah:un's bridge rebuilt forthwith. Re -
he went to the stable to shut the door,
ferred to the Road. and Bridge Com -
and while on his way out was attacked
mittee. by a fit of apoplexy, and while suffer -
The Council, on n.otion, adjourned
ing from its effects was frozen to death.
until 10 o'clock Thursday.
- The concluding portion of the report' —A number of deers, hares, etc., have
been shot in the neighborhoticl of Tees -
will be given next week.
water during the winter. More game of
Education in Tuckersmitn. this kind has been captured this season
--than for a number of years back
The following essay was prepared by
Mr. James Landsborough and read at the —A curious calculation was made the
meeting of the Tuckersmith Farmers' other day ' about the notorious Harry
Club, held on January llth : The -sub- Henry, when before the Toronto Police
ject to be discussed this evening, name- Magistrate. He is 56 years old, and of
ly, "Will the Township Board. benefit that period he has, in various terms,
Education. in Tuckersm th?" I* consider passed 26 years in jail for drunken.ness.
to be one of very great importance, and —Last Friday a man named -John
well worthy of the serious coneideratiou Temple and his son, of Petrolia, were in
of this club and of every mato woman the act of thawing out a pump for the
and c,hild of this township. In discuss- -purpose of getting a tank of water at the
ing this subject we cannot do it justice refinery of Messrs,. Woodward. & Sim -
from a dollar and cent point of view mons, when, by some means, a tremen-
alone ; but I believe that this is a re- dons explosion took place, and the elder
trogressive movement, and not at- all Templewas thrown some distance intpthe
needed in Canada, uor approved of by air, and falling on his hip was dislocated,
the people, though it has been on the and. he was otherwise injured. The boy
statute since 1850, giving power to the escaped. with a severe burn on his face
people to adopt it. In the first place it and head. The only way the explosion
required the majority in every school can. be accounted for is, that a quantity
section to carry it, and in 1871 it was of benzine or oil had found its way into
altered so as to leave the question to the the tank from which the pump stood,
decision of ratepayers in a majority, of and it is supposed. the parties had been
the school sections in a township; and burning rags saturated with oil.
again the law has been altered so that it —The Wesleyan body in London are
requires to be carried in at least two- dealing generously by the widow of the
thirds of the school sections of a tOwn-
ship before a towuship board can be es-
tablished. Taking into consideration
that this Act has been in force for
twenty-four years, and the many changes
it has undergone, it must be every un-
popular, for so far it has remained a dead
letter except in one township, that of
Enniskillen. The reason that it
came to be adopted in that
township is no rule to go by, as the
township was very thinly settled, and
most of the wild land was held by specu-
Friday last, by failing between the cars
while the train wee in motion. Both about one half its value The fire is
the arms and the head were severed supposed to be the work of an incent
from the body. diary.
-e-The body of one Frank Howard was London, on Saturday evening
found last Friday morning in a dying last, a young girl named Ingram, while
chndition on the roadside at the iiince endeaverinito jump on a moving sleigh
tiori of the townships of Brooke, Ennia- at the corner of Dundas and Richmond
lzillen and Plympten. It appeared that streets, was thrown against a post
decea.sed, with three other men, who are • with each violence that her leg was
working upon a Government drain, eveiit e broken.
to the village of Wanstead the evening —A traveler by the Great Western on
previous, procured. a jug of whiskey and Monday reported a bold and. singular
started OD their return to the boardinig robbery at Tilsonburg. It seems that a
shanty, some four 'riles distant, late at man who carried some $60 in a satchel.
night. When about half way home got off the train at that station, and in
Irowa.rd was left behind by his corn- going down the road he was met by a
panions, and lasing helpless, suffered so man in a cutter, who ordered him. to
severely from the cold that he only sur- halt, claiming to be a detective. ile
vived a few moments after being found. then proceeded to search the satchel,
—A fire broke out on the es•ening of and watching for a moment when he
the 23d. in G -alt in a rough -cast house, was unobserved, he leaped into the cut -
straw. The preperty was insured. for
crime cornraittecl was not rape but adul-
FOR SALE. tery. It was further explained that
TIIE undersigned has a combined Reaper and Hockerage is now suffering from •ill
Mower manufactured by Messrs. THOMSON health, and that if not speedilYtliber-
WILLA:MS, of 'Mitchell, which he now offers ate -a he will not live long* In view of
for saleas b
. It heen only two years iu use , mid
be sold to suit purchasers. Apply POIES these ciepumstances a resolution was
the petition. should be signed by each
to McKENZIE, Lot 42, Con. 14, Hibbort. 372 passed Unaninao.usly to the effect that
FOUND. 1 indiN-idual member of the Council,
1.ZETWEEN Cox's Tavern and Egmondville, on which was done.
-1--" SUNDAY, Jan. 3,a. wonv.m's woolen DRESS.
he ower can hae re te .sammy residence in • COUNTY EXAMINERS...
Moved by Mr. Willis, seconded by. Mr.
• Zurich, by paying for this advertisement,.
limiter, and carried, that Messrs. a ,
Usboime, Strong, Goderich, and. Turn-
ESTRIVit PIGS. I bull, Clinton, a reappointed as mein -
1 I#
into the premises of the undersigned, bers of the Board of Examiners for the
avatar caa havo the same by, proving property and examinatiOn of public school teacher's.
' Lot 6, Con. 4, Hallett, two small PIGS. The
372-4 ,DANIEL McGREGOB. The following annual statement of the
County TrcaSurer-was read_ and referred
to the Finance Committee :
A LL partby partes indebted either note or book •
-"I" account to the late Wm. McKay, blacksmith, To the Warden, mid Council: :
late of the Village of Brussels, are requested- to . GENTLEMEN : I have the honor to
Street, Brussels. submit herewith statement in detail oM1Tf
rail and settle the same at one, sA my residence,
:370'54c Mrs. E. McK.AY.
_ --
AVANIED, by 'a young.
V BiStialt .book-keeper.,
can be procured. Apply
I'out Office.
Matt,sa situation as as-
First-olass references
to 13ox 200, Seaforth
the receipts and expenditure ca the past
year, statement of collections from non-
resident lands from May ,to December,
1874, and comparative statement of esti-
mated and actual expenditure 'of 1874.
You will observe that the actual expendi-
but wee- quickly extinguished by the
firemen. On getting the fire under, the
the firemen burst open the door of a
room occupied by a woman named Mrs.
Sommerville, a peddler, and she was
found lying on, the floor. She was car-
ried out of the house and into a neigh-
bor's, but she expired in a few tainutei.
It is not known whether she was suffo-
sated or not. It is reported she hail
ter, put the lash to ,his horse, and left
his vietim penniless in a strange land.
This, if true; is themost daring robbery
that has occurred. for some time, but the;
man who would, submit tci- be searched:
on the bare word of one who claimed to
be a detective must have very happy
ideas in regard to the mode of procedure
under such circumstances.
Sitts, of the township of
been drinking in the forenoon. Derelsain, while laboring und.er mental
—A man named John Bay, dropped 4erangemeut caused by (lisappointment
dead in the Market Sguare„ Strathroy. in love, on. Monday disshareed ,a, re-
m). the 22c1 inst. It 18 supposed that volver into his chest. The ball entered.
heart disea.se was the cause. about an inch below the collar bone:
—A fire oecurreil at _Boucherville,
Province of Qnebec, on Wednesday last,
at the farm house of a man named Pierre
Dulud.e. The man retired early and.
left a fire burning in the kitchen. He
was awakened. by smellidg smoke, and
on going down stairs fouLd tbe carpet on
fire. Be called to his wife, and ran to -
the barn to get a ladder by which his
wife and eight children, who were on
the second. story, might escape, as the
stairway was on fire ; but before he
could get back the whole building,
whfch was a wooden one, was in flames,
and the wife and. children were burned to
death. Mr. Delude escaped with with-
in°. on but his night dress, and was so
b ra
a ly burned in his efforts to save his
family that he is not expected to live.
The wife and children are literally burned
to ashes, and only fragments of them can
be found. The eldest child was about
13, the younaest a baby in arms.
—A dispatach from Listowel states that
a feeling of general dissatisfaction is pre-
vailing among the citizens of the towns
all along the line. owing to the delay of
mails and general mismanagement on the
Southern Extension of the Wellington,
Grey and Bruce Railroad. Some days
no mails are either taken- to or from the
place, although the train goes through
to Kincardine, •the mails having beenleft
at Palmerston.
—A. resolntion to exempt churches
and charitable institutions in Montreal
front taxation passed the City Council
by a majority of one.
—Another case of body -snatching is
reported from the Province of Quebec,
the occurrence taking place at Chambly
Basin, a thriving town of 800 inhabitants.
The subject in this case was a victim to
typhoid fever, and. the chances are that
the medical. students who _purloined it
may find that they have caught a Tartar.
-e-It has been ascertained that the
Arnerica.n wild rice makes first rate
paper, white, tough and flexible ; and it
ie estimated. that 100,000 tons of this
material can be obtained from the Cana-
dian lakes alone, each year.
late Dr. Freshman,- by giving her bus —About three months since, a man
salary in full to July next; also a sum of named- G. A. Smith commenced. busi-
as -eine through the left lung to the back
of the chest and taking a circuitous --
route into the muscles of the neck. Dr.'
Joy was saramoned, -and found the
young ma.n In a very critical condition.
—On Tuesday night a barglary waS
committed in Gilchrist's store, Ailsa
Craig and one thousand dollars' worth
of silk, furs, and clothing taken. At-
kinson's store was first itteinpted. An.
augur hole was bored in the back door,
when, no doubt the burglars were dis-
turbed. A valuable four-year old black
horse and silver -mounted. harness were
stolen from Mr. Craig, and. a Democrat
cutter from Mr. Sherwin.
—On the 20th inst., an inquest was
held by Dr. Wright, of Berlin, Coroner,
upon the body of an infant found dead in
the barn of Mr. Robert Gofton, of the
township of Wilmot. Several witnesses
having been examined the jury returned
the following verdict. " The infant child.
of Sarah Ann Weis came to its death by
not being properly cared. for at its birth,
being born in a barn and. no persion being
—The ladies of Sarda. on Monday
night presented the Town Council with a
petition 171 feet in length, drawn tip upon
one day's notice, praying the Council to
grant no more saloon. or hotel licences.
—Mr. Colin Campbell, of the fourth_
line of Nottawasaga, committed 8-66de
on Wednesday morning by hanging
$78 as the nucleus of a memorial fund to
which all friends in Canada are invited.
to contribute.
—In order to settle the vexecl ques-
tion of the alleged. superiority of the
English over American salt for dairy -
purposes, the New York dairymen ap-
pointed a committee to investigate the
matter. The committee is now having
butter made and. packed with both varie-
ties of salt, and invite all other salt
ness in Guelph as a dry goods merchant.
Disraeli's Disease.
The indisposition -under which 1VIr.
Disraeli suffers, and which has caused so
much anxiety among his friends, is of a
very peculiar description. It is I am in-
formed, gout in the lungs. The proximity
of the seat of the disease to the heart, of
course, increases the gravity of the symp-
toms. Last session it was observed, for
the first time, that the Premier occasion-
ally suffered from gout, sometimes in the
feet and sometimes in the hands. But
during the lifetime of Lord Palmerston
the House was so accustomed to see the
Premier hors de combat for a few days
that no one thought anything about it.
But when Mr. Disraeli was observed.
wearing a cloth. shoe and carrying a stick
every one seemed to think that a valuable
life might possibly be in jeopardy. The
chronic pallor of Mr. Dieraeli's face "and
the pained expression which he assumes
when ill, make it difficult for him to con-
ceal any indiposition under which he niay
labor. He is, I understand, in capital
spirits, notwithstanding his gout, Ana
speaks hopefully of his recovery..
He went to Montreal and. bought largely
from various houses, paying a small
amount in each case in cash, and. giving
notes for the balance. One morning
lately hegave out that his safe, one of Ed-
wards', had been robbed of $4,000. On
examination nOmarks of forcible entry
were discovered, and the story was not
credited. A few days after the pretend-
ed robbery Smith was missing, and on