HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-22, Page 5f. *r 1 0 1 11 1 1 1 I I it 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 a. 0 1 fit 0 10 O a O a- 0e 0 O 0 I 0 0 0 0. 0 •1 0+ fi3 0 0 0 0 0' 0 1r 0 O 0 I 0 O 1. I 0 O Q' 1 0 1 0 1 0 11<_ o O 0 I (3 . t 0 O 0 0 0 (} 0 it 0 O 0 I 0 1 0 0 O d l O' (l= ecutinue. The -1ltouso basbeen tsiasirt in the in - and. - and their- ells- !.r the weight of t insist upon 1'c:- , 24(>= lbs.,; whilst it e more than tl at Brad tirWs west of Sparta, Wednesday last. hely to roll into. 1tlloir a104 n; Inst death. age. - of C€uba, Aile- rating kiiidlings right hand was sliver was re-• aealc:tl,. but pain, to the arm, and r intense stiffs r - r (lays after tie quartz has : Jet.it 'e miners,. how- tiitfist of mita:ratt r€icr(l� t:r In the: State elteir, Troy, ro , heti 'Ivey Magic firri the apple trees their !white ane! ,mall -pox is of ria New York. .litre last `week t G t4} ma lug sial r [ie t`t me a anises, fear. tht;u fatal and t•'d from Katt tiaunberlin has ! erk for sending ti the post, and Oi•(a. (lYly ()f Virginia Il declaring that a tl. to Lattsialia, :his powers, anti t1 zurpa:ticrn apse! !tate- may be as- tp idly and hope- c from military s.- -S Washing, - it (rant has re- ft niu bili! with, not withdraw New- Orleans,; t 1`laltiin.ore, words as to the !e_wing Machine. -t the first-class_ ile suited for use It is simple and r1111S eatery, a1u1 y t4' work. We 'econi:mend it to: [-` : seW`I:Ug rtore. BI T}1$. - GE iA rrt.- -In Tuckerslnith, on Jan. 17, the > wife of Mr. Thonnas Gemmell, of A YOUNG.—In Soafortb,t on Jan: 14, the wife of M. N. 11. Young, of a son. BE :a .—It' Seaforth on Jan. ` 19, the wife of Zenas Beam, of a eon. CALLANDER.—In Clinton, on Jan.(17, the wife of Mr. R. Callander, of a son. WILsoa , —10 Windsor, on Jan. 15, the wife of Mr. S. Wilson, of a son. MARRIAGES. - Ilmeo Ileac e• ---At the residence of the bride's father, on Jan. 8, by Rev. J, Pritchard,, Mr. Thomas Hislop, to Miss Agues Black, both of Turnberry, PAf �rAN4 0 E. ----In Wingham, on San. 8, by Rev. H. Kellum, Mr. George A Page, of Wingbam, to Miss Eliza- beth \intone!, of Morris. jk-HAXiFIF--MC 0NI .; At Sunnyside;. the residence of the bride's brother, . Warterdown, on Jan. 13, by • Rev-. S. W. Fisher, assisted by Rev. R ;N. 'Grant, Ingersoll, Mr. W. Mdiate, of Clinton, to Louisa,,third daughter: of Mr. Janes MoMonies, ex -M. P. DEAT.5. LAwRE. eB.—In• Tuckersmith, on Jan. 14, Ellen, wife of Mr. John Lawrence, aged 56 years. LAs•TrAm.---In Buissels, on Jan. 17, the. infant son of Mr. Richard. Lasliam, aged7 weeks. McIvElt, —In Clinton,. on, -Jan. 15, Nor- man A. 13. McIver, aged 4 years and 4 months- Josi -In Clinton, on Jan. 16, Eva, in- fant ehiid. of Mr. J. Joslin. DAR.R. In Hallett, on Jan. 16, Alexan- der Darr, aged 100 years. CRI(!.—In Goderich Township, on Jan. 20, after a lingering illness, John Craig, aged 76 years and 5 months. - UFFALO LIVE STOCK -MARKET. BuFFAl.o, Jan, 21, 1875. +-,A' LE Receipts to -day 867. head, snaking the total supply for the week, thus far, 7,276. head, or 428 cars, against 304 cars for the same time last week. Although the run is -heavier than for the last three we8ks, the supply of prime cattle has been very small. Canada stock is quoted at $3 874. SHEEP AND LAMBS. ---Receipts to -day 4,400 head, making the total supplyfor the week, thus far, 22,800 head, against 13,400 head for the same time last week., Market opened slow ; feeling dull, with prices lc., off on goott sheep, and lc. On common, from last week's opening prices. Yards full of stock, of good quality. Prices -ranged from $5 15 to $6 40. Roos.--eceipts" to -day 2,700 head, making the total supply for the week, thus far, 16,200 !lead, against .15,300 for the same time last week. Market opened. slow. . Sales about 1,000 head. Twelve cars in the yards to operate with, all light hogs and Yorkerl. But few heavy hogs received this wetik for sale. Light store pigs under 150 lbs. not want- ed at hardly any price, Yorkers $6 25 to $6 65. Purchasers wanting good prime heavy hogs. .j MINK FUR SETS ALL PRICES AND STYL ES AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, WOOLEN `SHAWLS, BREAK FAST SHAWLS, SONTAGS, CLOU—DS, SCARFS, &O.; AT HALF PRICES, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, - SEAFORTH� . - BUSINESS CHANGE. i ! TEE Partnership heretofore existing between Robert. Callander, Hugh Scott and Hugh Wal- lace, under the name of CALLANDER, SCOTT & Co., of the Town of Clinton and Village of Londesborough, will be dissolved ou the First day of Marela next. The business will be carried on after that date, under taestyleof the old firm of Callander & Scott, lir. Wallace retiring from the business ' N. B.—All acaonnta due are expected to be paid by vhe lit of February next, 371 CALLANDER, SCOTT & do. Clinton, Tau. 8, 1875. ' , - LIFE OF LIVINGSTONE. MR. VPm. Dynes, agent for the above work, will Killip, on MONDAY, Jan. 25. Subseribors who may have to leave home will pleas° leave the AUCTION SALES, money behind them, so . that the agent may not 1 be delayed in his -work. Lot Con. I FOR SALE. T1� t undersigned has a combined Reaper and Mower, manufactured by Messr�s.THOMSON & WILLIAMS, of Mitchell, which he now offers for gale. It has been: only' two years in ase,. and will be solei to suit purchasers. Apply to JAMES McKENZIE, Lot 42, Con. 14, Hibbort. . 872 commence delivering in the township of Me- 1 Saturday, Jan. 2`3;. on 19, 14, Hay, Fa: m Stock, Implements and. Household. Furniture. Barbara Naff sicker, proprietress ; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer, Tuesday, Jan. 26, on .Trot 12, Con. 14, Hullett, Farm Stock and Implements. Alexander Young, proprietor ; G, Kirby, auctioneer. On Thursday, Jan. 25, at Varna, Farm Stock and Implements. II. Powell, pro- prietor ; E. _13ossenberry, auctioneer. On Tuesday,. Feb. 16, -on Lot 5, Con. 4, Hullett, Farm Stock and Implements. James Martin, proprietor J.- P. Brine, auctioneer. • 'n a god s tate o f cnitiva- _�_ cleared and i , - ..__ __ � of which are clea e 1 372-1 = - W11 DINES. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. • ANY quantity of Cedar Posts may bo had—also square timber-=ou Lot 6, Con. 4, Hullett, or au applieution to - D. AloGIIEGOR," 373-4 Harpnrhey. -• FARM, FOR SALE. - THE subscriber offers for sale the west halt of Lot 22 Con. 9, Hallett, containing 50 acres, 45 THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan. 21, 1875. There is this week a slight cleclilie in grain quotations, and buyers_ are. uneasy even at the prices quoted lest there miry be a further decline. A consider- able quantity, has been delivered during the week. Hay remains firm at quoted prices.. The pork season is now about- over,. and deliveries are falling off. Wood is only in moderate demand. Saw bogs o y seem to be the staple article just now. -e quote Fall Wheat (new) 0 83 to- 0 86 Spring Wheat, per bushel ... 0 85 to -0 87 Oats (new) perbashel- 36 to 0 37 Peas (new) per bushel_:.. ... .. Barley (new) per Baiter, a. 1,. Loose.......... • ... - Butter in tubs. ..... Egos Flour ........... ..-, Hay: newv Hideo .. ... tion. Thereais a new frame house and young or- ! chard oil the farm; also 10 acres of fall wheat. The above place is satnatod 61 miles from Clin- ton , two miles; from Loudeeboro, and one pule and'a half from grist and sawmill ; terms liberal. Apply to JOHN MU1RDOCK, 8724 Londcsboro. BULL CALF FOR SALE. EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF IDIR, Y. G-OOIDS, TO BE HAD AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH' STORE, SE &FORTH.. +h b d Durham Bull Calf - one year old, of dark red color. His .pedi- gee is first class, and can be examined by inten- ding � �l- to . G. M. C iESNEY, 266nlg purchasers. Apply Huron Road, Tnekersmith. THE KNABE PIANO.. THE Great Piano of America and Europe. The chosen to grace the Salons of the wealthy and tilled, and to charm the circles of the °altered who gather there, leaving the noted Apostles of the Piano, such as Thalborg, Gottschalk, Mar- montel, Lncan, Kellogg, Rubinstein, &o., enrap- tured with these superb instruments. THE STODART PIANO. HERE never, was a poor Stodart Piano made, THERE as ever known to be returned or exchanged for' any other, because they have al- ways been bought by discriminating buyers, and in the history of Piano making Stodart is known, as one of the greatest workmen inventors that ever lived."—Mattered. FOR SALE. - AHouse and Lot, with large stable, well and pump, in the village of ltosborough, about t eo miles from Seaforth. Apply to BENJAMIN ! E1)EN, Harpurhey. 372a4 SIMMONS 2a4 DRESSMAKING. - ISS DALTON begs to;'uotify the Ladies et Seaforth, that she hal engaged the rooms 0 60 to 0 67 lately occupied by Miss McIntosh., where she in - 90 to 0 96 tends to carry on dressmaking, and hopes by care - to 0' 20 fill atteution to duties to merit a liberal share of 0 to 0 20 their patronage, e724 0 00 to 0 15 _ _ _ _. 000 to 500 10(10to1200 6 00 to 6 00 Veal calf. per pound.. ........ to 0 10 Sheep ski ls.. . Salt (rote il) per barrel, ... .... . Salt (wholesale) per barrel Potatoes, per bushel, new .. - Oatmeal'' brl . ........• • Beef..... . Pork.... .... CLINTON, Jan. 21, 1875. Fall What, per bushel Spring Wheat, t,: per mshel ......... Oats, per bn mel .. , • . Barley, per bushel ..... . Peas, per bushel . - Batter. Potatoes.....,- Egga' ..... ...... Hay,per ton,. , Pork,.. .... ... TORONTO, . Jan. 21, 18 73. v. FOUND. TETWEEN Cox's Tavern and Egmondviile, on SUNDAY, Jan. 3, a women's woolen DRESS. 0 50 to 1 00 .1 The -owner can have the same. 1st lay residence in 0 75 Zurich, by paying for this advertisement. - 0 70 372 REV. A. VOCLnODT. 0 50 to 0 65 , '1 0 00 to 600 1 ESTRAY PIGS, • 50 to 2 eo , 1.00 as 5 50 (`AME auto the . re,ulaes of the undersigned, ` BCf1``ETS; v Lot 6, Con. 4, Halton two small PIGS. `i'he H A. 7 90toS. 15 .;x owner can have the same by pro viiia property and 1 paying expenses.' ! g:,o_4 - •DANIEL Mc:GREGOi . MARSHALL & MENDELL PIANO. - KABLE for standing in tune. Any R amount of durability. Beautifultonch. Me- dium size. Low in price. Fully warranted: Matchless tone. Light & Ernst, Rogers, Heintzman, &c., On hand or to o}der. t SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGANS. United NOT only the prettiest organ in the Una States, but the BEST, all things cousiderod. —llirsIcaa. Crux. - GEORGE WOODS & CO.'S ORGANS. >t E1IA12riA$I;E for Choir purity of tone. Thor- ough Work and Finish, and great beauty and variety of their Solo Stops Eoliue,Vox Humana and Piano. • TIME CANADA ORGAN CO.'S • • In Stock in Variety. LESLIE, SKIRRO W iC ' SMITH, I 93Yonae Street, Toronto, - 372.52 SOLE AGENTS. _ i 1LLI NERY, IN SUCH AS O 80tt 082 0800 082 0 35 c• 0 36 O 95e'►0 097 0' 65 0" 0 68 0 22 fJ 0 25 . 0 55 t 060 0 15 O. 0 17 - I Alessrs Sellars and Brown. Also work of i e and 11 00 �w} 13 00 2d forme, with class, by Miss Elston. A 11111 at- . 7 50 tea tl 09 , tendance is. requested. - 372-2 I EXETER TEACHERS' INSTITUTE; I BE hest meeting of the Exeter District Teach- - T ers' Institute will be held in the School House, Exeter, on Saturday, Jan 30, at 10 o'clock A. M. Programme. -Addresses from the President. and There were in to -clay about 400 bush.. 1 CARD of wheat at; 0Oo3to C-ic for Treadwell, and To the Electors of East Hwron. 91c for spring ; 500 hush. of barley at GENTLEMEN : Having_ again, been elected by a r-1 `[0 • 1 500 bush, of peas at ' handsome majority, to represent you in the 1 0 to •k , '` Legislature of Ontario, I shall continue to en- 7Sc to 76c ; `300' bush. of oats at 45c, and 1 deeper to merit the confidence yon repose in me, 100 bush. of rye at 70c to 7 le.. Hay by continuing to advocate everyanimist- was 1 ' 1 t was in good supply, selling at from $13 1 ea to a k ,ace one fthe generous support you , have accorded ' , I ago taut - rs measure c a c,u a - S � P Ft '11 `'3 _ best .. r , FLOWERS, 1; EATH.ERS, BUCKLES, JIBS, &C., A SPECIALITY - AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, interests of the country • . –" Thanking g S t : to $20as to quality. Hogs were easier m1g to buv, $8 at the close being about the , 872-1 'TROMAS GIBSON. highest pri...ce, except :for butchers' use. _ MEETING: Butter sold at 25c to 27c for pound rolls, ANNUAL. M'EE but strictly fine would comluancl lc to 3c TOTICr is hereby given that the annual meet- ;• Eggs • worth �! c to 3Oc fe:= l� ` ane of the members of the Hallett I nmigra Snore. Eggs are H 11 fresh. '! S will b held iu the -`leen a MOURNING DRESS GOOD tion Ait Society wi e e c • - � Clinton, oil MONDAY, Feb.. eb. 1, 1475, at o'clock BLACK LUSTRES, FRENCH AIERIN o _ - °1 1S 7 5 , P. M•: for `Cho purpose of appointing officers for 1 l,0'S` ON, Jan , Cha ensuing year,raii=1 also to consider the prop ! \\, ll:.te feel! w heat, Deihl,. $1 60 to Atte of converting the said Society into a County , read:\j elI of to t 65, red society,, t = 3b called the " Huron Immieaation i "1 1JAMES IIILAI'TH\VAIE, o e =' +, Sir /J, 5 Aid Society = �c=niter, :�1. 40 to tiI 5(1, spring. $L a0 to �i 60 , gals, X72.1 Secretary. t $1 15 to $1 16 ; peas, $1 13 to $1 20 ; barley, $ 2 10 to $2 30 ; SITUATION WAN TED. eggs, store lots, per doz., 20c to 1e ;t•XTANTED, by a 'young roan, a Battalion as Cts- farmei.s', 22e to 23e , butter, crock, 22c VY sistunt book-keeper. to rst-e ass 2001efereSeaforth ces to '25c ; rolls, 25c to 25c ; firkin, 20c. to can be proeured Apply B, ,� l. 2; c ; pork, Post Office.,r7 75 to $8. TORONTO l� TO C` A iTLE MARKET. 1LLT . NOTICE. - �� LL parties indebted either by note or book - Tom -T°, Jan. 21, 1875 amount to tJho late win. llcl{ay; blacksmith, B1 b\:.c-.—Iteceipts: have been lame, " late of the village of Brussels, are requested to but the enquiry has fallen off soltre�vllat call and settle the Baine at once, at my residence, 1Mill Street, Brussels. Irs. D. 1Ic1CAY. 'LIST OF LETTERS -?ElIAI1iING in the Seaforth Post Office un - in consequence of less favorable advices from the .eastarn markets. The greater part of those offering has, however, found • buyers, hut at less flan prices. e supply of first-class is still below the lnlcaned for u Dee. 8,1874 b;Tones, -Mrs. or nisi Ism - wants - wa.,nts of buyers, ,andall that can Aranstronq, A. sell readily at former prices, :4.75 to $5• Ariu,trt, Tiobert Second-class have been abundant, and Beatty, Samuel have constituted the great bulk of the Braaten, J. H. supply. Prices have been decidedly Bri�eto ,tsAirs. C. P y easier at $3.75 to ti4.25, and the latter _11.,,y„„8, Joseph , - for choice; only . Third-class have not . Ch- ,. a home Nora', bells Jonas, H. - Jon, George Rapper, Jean Kane Iia; s, Thomas.ul Lusden, J. _' Moore, Mr.• Morrison, Janes Mungass,William varied Much, all offeringgoing off at .,; Cashen, llLisy Kato 3lcraggart, D. • . to.` S 1.59, according to quality. I Cha 'Mrs. John DlcrillanSohn B. , S. a SEFk.— Z hc; supply has increased Cameron, son, ir. Peters, Florence Miss wants of buyers ; all offering find a really Dunbar, ams sale at thin prices First-class are firm uiliaoy, r ;Naas but Unchanged_ at 6 to 8.' Second- . (-ribr or, alms B. class are rather higher at a to <> 0 . 0ny, c•eorge Itobert b It if Ward. Thomas Third-class are not gulch wanted, Hanson, James and $3 50 Harringlov T. J. Ward, Timothy offered "gale! probably comm , , to 1\ 11 u1s �x�h, slglrtl� , Snit still remains below ttae Reddy, Mrs., Robertson., John' fioaers, D. Roc, Richard Shaw, Jeune' Stevenson, Donald . Henderson, Miss Janet ' iWanless, lames - Harlington Tames CT• i la , - 1r. • A' for but Wallace, Henry L4}zus—Are: eagerly enquired :Hess, George West, Ednrned C. are not to be had, save in very small Humber, 011 S. DICKSON,n)d 0.1'• u lots. Prices are very firm and all that o can, be had are taken, at an advance of F . 1_ ally at 50 ter. �a 50, an second-class � : h either by note or book ac. + with mere k'alitel at these figures. _-OTICE TO DEBTORS. T • 9v first-cla§s_ sell red ° McIntyreT &Fills, So$ . about • o S - s at $+ �l 1a8 ,i 75 ALL parties indebted tob,co ut are re- tlA t Third-class `are purely nominal, as none f Fel, a e, t fa forth, er erthe 1st of quested to settle the same en. or befo ` incurred. a r otherwise c. 1 Bye will l_ sale but �t7oultl being , Thai i�no idle tlrroa cINTYRE & 'ILL.i!S. J?R E!'CII REPPS, s BA R.: G A i N$, B . THIS WEEK. BARGAINS in DRESS GOODS, BARGAINS in BLACK SILKS, BARGAINS in SHAWLS, BARGGAINS Win: FURS, BARGAINS in -CLOUDS, , BARGAINS in FELT SKIRTS, BARGAINS in BLANKETS, BARGAINS in COTTONS, BARGAINS in CLOTHING, BARGAINS in TWEEDS, BARGAINS .iu HATS and CAPS/ R. P. ROGRS'. Amour FARMERS STORE, SEAFORTH, GRAY, YOUNG & S PARLI N G HARNESS. :: CESS . H HARNESS, WILLIAM H. MAY, .SEAFORTH, (Of. the late firm of Belfry & May,) GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING SALE AT THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM. Oxy' SATURDAY, Jan. )Cfi SELLING HARNESS CIIEAPER TIIAI%' EVER, FOIL (;_%!3II. be carried on hereafter on a muah larger scale, in all its Branches, such as all THE Business will kinds of a . Harness, Saddles, .��` TRU N KS,1 •'� A a Ni . r J'SLISE,Sj SATCHELS. R' - Throughout the Winter, i AND S kinds of Whirs and Lashes, Combs, Brushes, &c Special ND aa Large and Complete Stock of all 1 rs and will guarantee to Sive satisfaction to all who will favor attention given to Horse Colla him with their patronage. BELLS, BUFFALO AND ROBES 1 CENT. N PER I.OR,SE CLOZIII�VG:• THE GREAT' ANNUAL 9 DISCOUNT SALE .WILL COMMENCE, AND CONTINUE DURING (. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, AND A DISCOUNT OF W. H. MAY, Seaford'. HOUSE, MONTREAL - - CIIYTOV AXD VAR�NA. THE GREAT CLEARING SALE, IN CONSEQLjE.NCE OF. THE DISSOLUTION . OF PARTNERSHIP 1R sT LL corse ON AT, THE Will be allowed off all' Cash purchases over FIVE DOLLARS . In the following Departments : DRY GOODS, SE CLINTON AND VARNA. MONTREAL HOUSE, . t do well - to grail the=r selves Country Merchants, Hotel Beepers and others; would of the opportunity of buying Goods AT AND BELOW COST. WO are saying what we moan when w e bay COST. OVER $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS S Bought in the best markets anti on the best terms. ••-• � a' l.� Blaiil�eis, Vests, J2illin €''y, Grey/ Cottons, Overcoats, 1Jttts, 1 � z:�ats, S`7� , Dress Goods, Plate Cottons, Pecs Jackets, Gaps, Silks, , ,S'Iieetinys, Pants, Cccrpe'ts, Clothing of"any kind. ARGES, &c , c c., AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP GASH STORE," SEAFORTH. 4 All part le* ow Lug Book Accounts BUSINESS CHANGE. SUIT, GOOD `TWEED A.NO WELL MADE, l70B. There never was such an opportunity of buying Cheap {'goods. FISHER & BARTON. otc•� arerequesteel 10 siitt1e. the game. orN S5 40. are offered for, ! 371-v $250to$2 75 - sa A NEW LOT OF THE LATEST STYLES OF i-IAIR GOODS AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEA.I'ORTH• ` NCEY� HOSIEP 1 (LUQ 1 S GREAT CLEARING SALE. In consequence of the change in our bnsiuess, we have deckled to sell our svi,ole OF DRY GOOD'S STOOK AT. COST PRICE, FOR CASH, BOTH IN CLINTON AND LONDESBORQ. °Ull PRESENT STOCK WILL AMOUNT `1'() ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE T VE THOUSAND DOLLARS/ Z�V�N1.�. FI CONSISTING OF I DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES,. CLOUDS, FURS, MILLINERY; TWEEDS', 1 PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, 1 COTTON SHIRTING'S', •GLOVES BVI S, ,( ; , SCARFS, BRACES, NECK TIES, COLLARS, SHIRTS' DRAWERS, (� LADIES UNDERCLOTHING, CARPETS, . READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, &c. WE ARE POSITIVELY SELLING OFF' AT COST. . NOTICE. E Conut Council will meet' -in the Court T'� DAY, the 26th instant. PETER _\DADISON, Goderieb, Jan. 12, 1875. County Clerk. 871-2 , n , h o ouc d . he 'lawn of do , Boom iu t £oo� i TUES- MILLINERY, CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, (' A.ItPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &e. ALL GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN, FIGURES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, And the great cry at KIDD'S-EMPOR ITTIi FOR the XEXT TWO .1IO lT?QHS ) WILL BE 1 . 1 BARGAINS, BARGAINS, {EB entire Stock having been bought ou the very b e st terms, and in the large st and best 1 nkets �1'the ooiiiottherefore avcfeel cute free to say that the present - f ortunitsis one of rare occurrenceto you to get your `niter mud sprug supply of Goods at unprecedented prices. and a see 3 for 'ourselves. p )_-ourselves. & CO. p1SCOV NT Clinton Jan. 12, 1875. CAL LANDER, AT THE GREAT TEN PER CENT. SAL E