The Huron Expositor, 1875-01-22, Page 1existieg btw
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WitsttlitE No. 372,:t
l'41114 (Sigthvic tor cfalt.
T OT IS Con. 6, Hallett; loo aeres, 65 acres
Jai cleared, reminder wooded with beeeh ancl
maple- frame dwellieg; River Maitland and a
eood sprint on lot; el miles frora lamburn and 8
miles from Clinton. Terms to mit purchaser.
For partietilara apply to. L. MEYER, Ilarpnrhey,
or BENSON & METIZIt, Sea.forth. 845
-part Salt, Let 28, Con. 7,Usborne, containing
1- 74 acres.5 of which are cdeared and iu state
ood cultivation. There is a, good frame BARN
arid STABLE. The farm is located on a good
gravel road, ia conveniently situated to schools,
churches aral poet °thee, and i withm 13 miles
from Seaforth and 7 from, Exeter. For fulther
partieulars apply to the proprietor on the preualses.
351 Lumley P. 0.
Fou SALE, Lot 9. Coe. 1, London Road Stan-
- ley, WO acres, Se cleared and uuder forum, the
balance tinabered with first-class hardwood ; frame
barn 69x40. frame stable 18a.40,log house, good
bearing °reheat, well watered, situated within 7
miles of &Moral and a like distance from Clin-
ton. Farm well underdrained and in firsteclass
cultivation. Apply on the prenuSes or to the pro-
prietor at Brucedeld P. O.
3t32. 2VNIAIEW ',WREN= .
T :DTI, Con. 5,Hrille t, 125 acres of first-class
•-" land in excellent e nation; well fenced ; good
buihfings, orchard, &c., spriug _ °reek crosses the
lot. The timbre on the 20 acres of bush land is
very variable. The proprietor would sell '75,100
or 125 acres. Post OM te, Sehools, &e., conveni-
ent. PILO- property is situated on a good gravel
roa1-51. miles from Seaforth. Apply to
1'432 ANDREW SL() N.N. Coustanee P. 0.
. -Mr. Mozart soon began work on an-
other watch which he said wasitd 'be an
improvement on the first. This turned
out to be a stem-winder and. to require
winding -Only at, intervals of severardays.
It was perfected, and he undertook to
negotiateforits introduction to the niar-
ket. He had been disappointed in his
first venture, and although he expected
to profit by the second, he soon found ob-
stacles to satisfactory arrangements, and,
after repeated and harassing endeavors
to obtain what seemed to him a
reasonable settlement, he closed negotia-
tions with little or .no profit to himself,
and after an experience that had worn
on him to such an extent that those who
Were most intimate with him saw then
the -first .signs. Of coming insanity.. Not
Ivery long afterthe loss of his money by
the failure of the banking -house .of Miier
&•Webster aggravated these symptoms
almost, if not quite; to -the point of actual
fter these, negotiations had _ended,
ho 'ever, he seemed to feel better, and
went e•nergetically to Work npon the third
watch. The design was completed early
last summer, end wae a curiosity • in
watch -making. Upon the dial was
shown the year, month, day of the
month, and. day of the week ; the quar-
ter seconds were marked, and the simple.
openiug and shutting of the watch foitr
metive times a day to learn the titnekept
it woltud. lf ripened or Shut oftener no
itijary w as done, lot the machinery was
so arranged that 'when the watch was
fully wound the spring, was relieved
from the farther strain of surplus wind-
This was patented and exhibited to
experts in New. York City. It accona
plished all that was claimed for it, and
experts are said to have been delighted
with it, but, as the wealthy New -York-
ers had left for the watering -places at
• Record of his Accomplishments -13'1,
nal Inability to Supply 11 Lost Wheel
—Ws i.uoyaI to nu Asylunt.
A month ago, the Insane Asylura .at•
Kalamazoo received the -inventor, •Don
J. Mozart. Lle is best known in Michi-
gan as the designer of at least three dif-
ferent watches, each an impeovement 011
its predecessor, and the earliest regarded
as equal, if not superior, to any Ames ican
watchmade. He is a Plan of fifty-seven
years of age, though ten years YoUnger
in appearance, of a sanguine, 'excitable
disposition, a restless ingenuity, and.
gifted with a tetry instinet for mechane
ism. He evertaxed his eye and brain bed
working day and night, and then, when
his naturai resources were weakened,
was' worried by losses and business an,
noyances, in which "everything weht
wrong!" into an insanity.from . which
there is but little expectation that he
will ever recover.
Mr. tioeatt's personaj history has been
of almost romantic interest, so far as
anything is known a it. He • himself
can tell nothing of his family, except
that he is of Italian birth, and that when
he was about three years old his father
removed to this country. Little im-
portance can be attached to the vague
and sometimes conflicting' speculations
that are found in circulation respecting
his early life.It is said, for instanee,
ti t th ller Mozart was a street mu -
e e
FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE; gician and a relatiod of the famous corn-
FOR Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 50, Con. 0,- Township poser of that name. It is also said that
of 13 mice, County of Brute, containing 100 he was a wealthy Italian, who fled from
acres, 30 of Wigeh are cleared. This farm is -situ,- hiS native country for political reasons
ated within lave iniles of the rapidly grOwing ,
lage of PaiSlay, The uncleared portion is well arta was afterwata assassinated. by p0.
to Anierica., At all events he died when
his seu was very young. The • family
were living in Bestow, and some years
• later the child, when about nine years
FOR SALE. that tune declared the prospect poor for
timbered. There is also a Spring' Creek rueniug liticaltemissaries who had followed him
•through the place.. It is a desirable property.
For flartiter partieulars apply to the Proprietor,
-.11ox Saafortb. P. O.
ono N. CAMPBELL. ea
The Georgia is an iron vessel of about
912 tons burden, about 250 fett in length,
-being the original blockade-runner and
Confederate cruiser of the Same name.. Heal Vice -President. The retiring daughter, turned the whole fa,mily oat
When she was the privateer • Georgia President, Mr. SarviA, did well for the of doors, and then set fire to the house.
she had an open deck from amidships Society and. ably filled the office which --A marked change is gable to take
forward, but lately the saloon had been he held. - place in the current of the trade in iron
lengthened and a second cabin added. — Bode snatching has been going in and heavy hardware. For some tune
Last winter the steamer was struck by. :St. Ccnstant, a small village near Mon- past owing to exceptional eircumstances,
ice that floated down the St. Lawrence, treale Five corpses were stolen from the large dealings -have been had by our
and sank her. Her owners had her ;village chtn-ch, and several medical sin- has dware houses, with the United States
raised. and a new shaft, screw, funnel, dents have been at rested. on suspicion of in this line ; but such a fall in prices in
and iren plates put in, while the interior being implicated in their removal. Great Britain is anticipated .by some as
of thelrcraft was entirely re -fitted and re- Great indignation is felt, in the comma- may enable the British .markets to out
American competition.
-furnished. She wee built in Dumbarton, nity.
Scotland, in 1862, nd retained, in the --Michael Murphy, better known as —A petition for the commutation of
re fitting, the powe ful engines carried "Mayor Murphy,' laee of Dimmer Lepine s sentence has been received. by
by her duting the w tie street, Toronto, and two of his •children, the Dominion Government from Mani -
She is owned by the Quebec and Gulf died from darvation and exposure at taint, with 1800 signatures, headed by
Ports Steamship Company, and was ,Niagara, on Saturday last. The oldest Archbishop Tache.
—The Toronto Hationai, which so
valued at about $l00,000, insured for boy died early in. the morning, and about
$60,000. - Among tne passengers was noon Murphy and his little daughter ex- -vigorously and persistently slandered.
Chief . Engineer Merrill, of the steamer pired. Rumours of the family being Mr. George Brown not long ago, has pub-
ltabriouth. She carried a crew of 41' poisoned were rife daring the day, aaict fished a most abject apology, declaring
mete aud at the time of the disaster had at the desire of a number of citizens a its statements to be false in *every par -
twelve passengers onboard. coroner's iminest was held, the jury re- ticular. .
Captain Angrove was in command, turnip,* a ve.rdict to the effect that Mur- —A woman named Campbell sued her
and the drew were mostly from Canada, phy and his children came to their death sister for slander in Hamilton, and re-
havingk aecompanied the steamer here. from starvation and exposure to the cold. covered. $100 damage:s.
The eseamer was quite light at the time. —The mills belonging to Bradley & —On Friday night the wholesale fur
• ---e•-•-•.- Climie, of Listowel were completely cle-
' ? establishment of W. IL Glasco & Sons,
stroyed by fire on Sunday. Insurance Hamilton, w as etered fr OM the rear
window by burglars. The value of the
first supposed to be
fatal accideuts occurred at To. 1$7,000 ; loss not ascertained,
—Col. Wm. Mercer Wilson, Judge -of Pc" taken was at
ronto, on Wednesday, 13th inst. Mr. the County of Norfolk, and Grand Mae,- small, but has since been found to be
; Two
ter of the ftrand Lodge of A. F. & A. _M. fully $1,000. Among the furs stolen
was a $300 sealskin mantle.
—Mr. Ideery Valley is holding revival
services in firantford, it is said, with
much effect, his meetings being always
crowded with attentive' listeners. It is
.11c1LEAlc BROT11.1ERS, Publishers.
1 $1 50 a 'Year; in advance.
• —Mr. George Roy has been elected
iitte.sid.ent of the itlitcheli Horticultural
and Aericaltural Societe', and. Mr. Henry
—On Monday night, Ilth_ inst., a
farmer named. Jackeon, residing near
Windsor, after beating his wife and
old was enticed by the prom -lee of curl -
LOTS in one Meek in Coteman & Gouinloek's ' the immediate organizatien of a company
. .
scavev, and commie(' era Victoria Square. ous shells, on bcfard a vessel lYing in the
Apply to harbor, and. persuaded or Mpelled to
361 E-. HICKSON & Co. take passaee for a long eruise. clid
to manufacture the watch, and invited
Mr. Mozart to return again by the 10th
of September, when the _city would be
not get back for seven yeers, and, 1 in
re -peopled with Capitalists. 'ate wept
int' Lots. is prepared to diapoae of beta on reason ..never recovered it, though he has tried dertook to iniprove upon theiearance
. .
OOLEAIA.N, having Iad. out the grounds that interval, all trace of his fitinity
home and m the interval or leisure un -
recently occapiedas a Driving Park into Balt- seams to have, been lost, and he has
• of a part of his invention by substituting
able ternia to any who may deatre them. Parties
desiring to pureLase slionid make immediate op-
- plietatjaii. - 364
into the premises of the undersigned, Lot
•--/ No. 14, London Itoad, Stanley, about the 1st of
December, Et -SCONNG RAU. The owner is request -
ea to prove preperty, pay eharges and take him
away. ALE 5:aiNDER ROSS.
(IAMB ietQ the premises of the undersinned,
\-) Lot No. 6, PC. -It. S., Teckersmith, on or about
the middle of June 1ast, a two year old STEER.
The owner is requested to Pro -ye property, pay
charges and take him, away.
repeatedly. or a long time e seems . •
ready in place in his model. In doing
this he lost some piece of the mechanism.
He tried to. replace it, and could not do
so readily. • His eye had, lost its dear-
ness, aud his troubles had shattered his
to have led a wandering life, to ha,ve
tried- his hand on. mechae- deal . Occupa-
tions, and to have dis•played tharvelou.s
genius in comprehending, simplifying,
aud inventing :mechanical contrivances.
'As a simple illustration, the ttory
nerves. However, with the womierf ul
told of his applying- to a carpenter, when
patience and persistence that has always
a elided and engraved cap for the one al -
a young matt, for work. ,The carpenter
asked him if he understood the'business.
He said no, 'but he 'guessed he could.
learn. The carpenter asked him if he
had. any tools. Nix; he said, but he
would get whatever be needed, and ask-
ed the carpenter to tell him what was
try; believing that under his direction
necessary: A list was made out for him
the work eould still be dome by skilled
and he suvelted himself. but had little
ands, but he refused and went on per
GAitTLE. . _ .
Ca;TRA.YED ;from Lot 7,- Co4111, Hullett, ort or idea of the social use of his new acquisi-
sistently. Tbe 10th of September passed
also, one tions. However, he must fieye /shown_ . y,
t-- about the lit of August, a yearling steer, white
and -red, with- Una. spread. Mit horns; , u but he believed. he should' finish his
ling heifer, erey, with turned up horns, and some aptitude in becoming atquaiuten
d ,s- 1 _ task soon, said so, anti persevered..
'ovnee Yearling heifer, red. and white. Aay person with them, for Wale long het emp oyer
Later still he declared that he ,
givin-g information that will lead to the recovery Set- hlan t 0 work at the notcaltooether
'WILLIAM TREW1N, child'b play of melte,* sash. s e lute tie
eharactetized him, he went on trs ing,
breaking his instruments occasionally,
making new ones, forgetting his plan,
au& working day and eight trying to re-
call it and experimenting vainly. His
wife begoed him to let somebody else
John Gray, of the Brockton nurseries, .
was run over tind killed by a train ; and of Canada, died on Saturday morning
Master John C. McGiverin, a student of last. I
-U. C. °allege, and son of Col. McGiver- —The business of the Montreal Tele -
in, of Hamilton, was so injured while graph Company shows an increase, of 10
trying to jump on a train in motion that prcent on the Increase o 1873.
he only survived for an hour. --It is stated that a man named Van about time somebody took Brantford in
—A young lad, son of Patrick Butler, Oyen, now living in Windsor, has fallen hand, and if Mr. Varley is instrumental
living on Caroline street, Hamilton, in heir to a fortune of about
t e
$300,000 and a
e wicked town*he will have aceomplished
in reconstructing the naorais of that
something to be proud of. •
— On Tuesday morning, about 2
company with a companion, foundta erman title. Too( or an.
tol in the yard of his father's premises, —Recently a discovery of a very her -
of the above animals will be suitably rewarded. P needed only a, tray More, and day after
359':4 „• Constaece. 0. rest were gone to dinner he hanted tip a
day he would repeat this. Then
was sore that there were only:a few
piece of sash, took. • ie carat -01y apart,
EST RAY BULL. ours between him and success, and so
etAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lo • satisfied himself as to how it et hould be
e he labored. on his delusion becomino
3, Con. 2 Stanley, abont the lat of November, made, and went ahead, and weep tly he
a yearling iULL. The owner is requested to was the expertest sa,sh-ma.ker in the es
prove property, pay charges and take it away. taitlishment. His swift intelliaence in
."3684 TO aN McDONAL.D.
mechanism became his reliance. He
ESTRAY HEIFER. •• '• has said, after in experience of many
• CAME into Lot No. 2, Con. 12, lIalett, on or years, • that he never kuew, the time
about the lit of December, a. two red- When if he was short of money, he could
and white HEIFER. The owner is requested tO .
prove property, pay charges and take her away. nOt hide hinaaelt in a hole forn a month
3704 EDWARD STAN -TN. -Y. and %yenta. work an idea, that woaid
bring him ,$1,000. The resulteis that
NOTICE.• mone.y has conie to him so cattily he has
tA_ME into the premises of the subseribearsot valued it little, has speat it with a
27, Con. B, three yearling caves, two steer
blue and blinille, and red heifer. The owner is re
quested to prove property, pay charges and take
them away. JOHN GrettrAll.
Subscriber has purchased from G. F. Hari -
Wirt. F,sq., Perth, a thoroughbred Berkshire
Boar of the large breed. Ile will be kept for the
Season, on Lot No. 23, Con. 2, H. R. S., Tucker-
sinith, and will serve SOWS fa $1.00 with the privi-
lefet a being returned. if necesaary.
864-8 IVA. ROBB
• •
prodigal generosity, not to say reckless-
ness, and. having, most of .his life, no
speetal-oceasionfor What is &lied besit
ness shrewdness, has in later years been
victimized. by speculators in .his genius
until the very annoyances to which lie
was subjeeted, paved the shy to the
breaking down of his overworked mind.
A Meng his inventions he is said to have
made and. told to a:. Cuban . company a
clock that would' run . year -without_
and without thought commenced. play- rible- nature was made by a boy named o'clock, Mr, Jessep, a. well known cite-
ing with it. He cocked the pistol, pre- Johnston, in the woods nezir Bothweil. zen of Guelph was aroused by the ring -
seated it at his sider's head, and pulled
the trigger, but fortunately there was
uo.exploeion, which caused the young -
it -wits the body of a man hanging to the ing of the hall at his residence.
limb of a tree by a small cord fastened Going down stairs he opened. the door,
around his neck. The alai m being given
• and was forthwith throttled by a hard-
sters to think that the weapon was un- Coroner Crawford and others repan-ed to
.loaded and harmless. Butler again the place to make an examinasiop. It looking case, who grasped him'o tightly
biought the. hammer up, aad was M the .appeared that the body mnst have been that he could not speak. With one
act of _turning the a eapon, when the there for many da,ys, as the flesh was blow Mr. Jessop felled the miscreant,
chatge exploded. The ball erteted the Much decomposed, and. dropping from. and sprineing 011 top of him raised- the
wrist of the left hand.and passed up to the bones. The body was that of a re- alarm, at tbe game time using his fiet
waids the—arm, lodging about four inches , spectable looking, middle-aged man. It vigorously. MT. John Hall, who lives
from where it had entered. it- was ex- was cut down bent removed to Bothwell, next door, heard the fracas, came on the
scene with a stout stick, after receiving
—1The new means that female pocket I was abie to identify is, however, and. a -a taste of which the marauder managed.
. .
when a lady is about entering a carriage, • —Senator Moore, of Oswego, N:• Y , street, owever, by Mr. Jessop, -who .
gave him into custody.
a man puts his foot on the step and ob- better known in Canada as Dr. Geo. E.
structs her. Two or three efficient Moore, a patent medicine mane -was acci- ' —The Rend Eau News says : Four
" ladies" then press against the victim, dentally killed on the 13th on the Grand men are taking out of the Eau, every
hustle her about as if anxious to enter the Trunk Railway, near Stratford, by _fall day, from eight to twenty-five barrels of
carriage, - and. while her attention is ing between two passenger cars while
. fish, worth from thirty to a hundred dol -
drawn to the man who is interrapting - the tram was in motion. His remaans
ner entrance, the "ladies" are picking I were forwarded to Berlin, and buried
her pocket, and. the whole party of I with Mambo honors. _
thieves then eithergetinto another car- ' —John Small, atias John McNeil, of
riage or make off. Ns ontague, was accidentally killed at
—.11.enry Varley, the revivalist, 'has iSmith's Falls on Monday, 14thinst, by
aroused. a great deal of indignation in the falling of a tree. He and. Thomas
Toronto by a sensational attack made in McEwen were weeking at the same tree,
the Meteopolitan W. M. Church, on McEwen noticed. it was going to fall,
Friday evening, upon the Philharmonic when he told Smell to run ; bat before , .. -
Soeiety, in which be characterized the the latter could sitteve the tree fell. kill- -- 'he narriston Tribune says : On
Oratorio Of the Meesiah as" revolting," illtr him instantly: He leaves a wife
, Monday ramming last„ as the 8 o'clock
treated by Dr. White. where an inquest was held. No one
to escape . Be was identified on the
pickers adopt at railway trains is that I verdict of "Found Dead" was returned.
]ars. Besides some very Inc pike and
miskinonge, they are securing a large
number of black bass, reek 'bass and
pickerel. It has always been said that
there were not many fish iu the Eau. •
—At a recent meeting of the Sher-
brooke Council the Mayor was instructed
to sign a petition to Parliament in favor
of the total prohibitionof the sale and
manufacture .of ardent spirits.
mixed. tram On the Wellington Grey
and said those singing it were guilty of and family.
profanity in imitating the dying cries --The General Manager of the Great
and Bruce Railway was passing the first
stronger • and stronger, till his friends and groans of our Saviour. Nearly all 'Western Railway, leasing eonsidered the ,erossing above this place, the engine ran
into a span of horses owned by William
saw there was no possible couree but to the members of the Metropolitan Church representations of the Commercial' Trav- -
remove him to the asylum at Kalamazoo, choir belong to the Philharmonic Society. elers' A.ssociation, las granted its mem- Reberts, which happened to be standing
on the track, killing one instantly, and,
es ,d t t
which was done on the 2d of December —On Wth
Wednesday, says e Welland bers all privilee
e 1 a re ai o are&e, c.,
while a son of Coustable Gil; which weiT concdled in 1874.
chriese, a lad about fifteen years of age, —Mitchell, our sister town to the east
was walking, along Main street, in coms of us; has among its population oue
pany with a lad named -Edgar Doan, the hundred and sixty persons whose Bev
former found a reyolver lying on the eral names do not exceed one syllable.
sidewalk near Mellanby's block, He
picked it up, and while brushing the
snow off the weapon, it went off. The
bell lodged. in Doan.'s neck, but fortu-
nately the wound is not a serious one,
and the lad is rapidly recovering. They seem ,to take it as a matter of
—Mr. Thomas Wood, one of the pro- which was recovered, aad from papers
course whatever way the wind blows,
prietors of the Arthur Grist Mill, was r discovered it is supposed the deceased
- s , , and rather ,astonish pecele as to the
engaged in oiling the engine of the -grist
mill,- a short tune ago, when he became
euta,ngled in the machinery, severely in -
sending the other clear out of the har-
ness some twenty feet into the ditch.
Strange to say, it was not in the. least in-
jured, but got up, and with head and.
tail erect, started off in pursuit of the
train at its best pace. The sleigh was
—Some days since a burglary was
broken but Mr Roberts escaper -
committed at Cape Vincent, the berglar •
—During all the recent cold snap the
Italians at work on the Credit Valley
Railway near Galt -never struck work.
• last.. -Within two days before his re-
moval. he -was talkine, extravagantly,
• but incoherently enough, of his brilliant
prospects and the Wealth. and success
-that awaited him, and detailed to friends
minutely the terms of an agreement that
he claimed to have just niatle with pet -
sons in New York, though he had never
gone to that City after -his visit in the
early • summer. His tnind had clearly
reached that stage at which it regarded.
the visions. upon whieli it had dwelt as
factli finally accomplished.
Thie case is a curious one in the records
of mAanity. 412he hope that is given by
his physicians is very slight, for the
mental disease that had seized upon him
was so strongly defined as to bar at least
the.possibility of -immediate restoration. -
During his retidence at the asylnnit
however, he has been comparatively
quiet, and; of course, he is relieved•from
the strain of the self-imposed and almost
incessant labor which preceded his re -
o val .--Detro it Tr ibu ne.
F'artieulp,re ot the Wreck of the
Mr. Slozart has been engaged iin the
THE celebrated Berkshire hear, Black Prince, manufacture and improvement of watches
1086'7 he established himself as a jeweler
in Anil ArbOT, and thQse of the trade there
will remember his emphatie -.announce-
ment in his earlier advertisentelit that at
his place wetches would be made to
order, " bezels included !" the last claim
being probably by somebody!s I declara-
tion that watch bezels could not be ob-
.:tabled except at a distance. 'indeed, he
was not the man to be daunted by any-
thing in mechanisin. It wee not long
before the Mozart Watch Company was
organized, a force of employes- obtained,
and work began upon the first of _ three
win -dee season be kept for the improvement of diStinet watches which he te known to
Stock, on Lot 2, Con. 1, Stanley, London Road.
Pigs in this aeetion of the country. TERMS—S1 the manufacture had. to lte made at the
per Sow, payable at the time of service, with the leutset, anppears that Mr. Mozart
privilege ofretereing if necessary.
:462 - • WM. BLAIR, Jr., Proprietor.
rrENDERS will be received up to TUESDAY,
-1- Jan. 121,1875, for a quantity of square timber
and lumber, to be delivered at the Briek
• Seaforth,. 'Tenders will also be received up to 'the
same date for the erection of a buildine 100x80
feet. :for further information, apply arthe of-
fice of, the mill. Tenders to be addressed to W.
WOrden, Agent.
3701 • ' A. W. OGILVIE & Co.
ill be kept at the premises of the undersigned for about fifteen yeae-s. As long lago as
in Eemondville fer the service of sows during the
present seaeon. Terms, *1, payable at the time
of service, with the privilege of returning, if ne-
rpflE aubsaiber has a well-bred Boar Pie; which
he will keep for the servita. of sows for the
season au Lot 4, Coe. 3, L: R. S., Tnekersmith.
TERMS -75 cents, with the privilege of return-
ing if necesstuT. „ ALEX. BUCHANAN, Jr.
868 4
q 'SE First Prize Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar,
the property of Mr. IVin. Blair, Jr., of Stanley,
This is one of the best and purest bred Berkshire have designed. The tools to be used in
vw•ut tan 2d of January, a °lack sheep Deg,
-LI' with a, white breast and the point of tail white.
He an:ewers to the name of `` Rover," and. was last
• seen near Taeslie's Hotel, on the MeKillop Gravel
Road. .Any person harboring the said dog after
this date will be piosecuted as the laav directs,
and any information that will lead to his recovery
Will be suitably rewarded.
3714 JOHN KERB, Con. 7, McKillop.
VOR, sale, or will be exchanged for a good,
sound driving horse, a young mare with foal.
For partieulars apply to ' Mr. James Kerr, Me -
KIRK). 371.
(-t_AME on the promisee of the undersigned, Lot
•-1 18, Con. 8, Morris, about the 1st of December,
1874, a yearling steer, all white. The owner is• re-
quested to pay expenses and take the anima
q waiten, o.
kept in ------ihands alone -the task of put-
• ( Prom the Portland Press, Jan. 15.)
- Capt. Coyle, agent for the•Balifax line
of steathers, received a despatch yester-
day morning from J. McLean, the engie
neer of the steamer Georgia, stating that.
the steamer .went ashore on the Tri-
angles at Tennant's Harbour, Wednes-
day night, in -a snow storm; and wea a
total wreck. •
It is stated that he, with 15 meu, had
got off in a boat, and were to try to get
a tug to go to theassistance of the steam-.
tine together and• finishing', up the er. .17Pon receiving this, despatch the
-watches. .1.N o one else was ;, entrusted
with this part ef the work, and no Mae
else knew -how to do it. Bet before. the
manufactory was in full beeiness order,
the company found. itself -straitened - for
fends, and eomplicatione followed, end-
ing in the formatioudf the .1.1eick island
Company, and in Mr. Mozart's separae
tion front the - original enteitpeise. The
steam cutter Dallas prepared to get un-
der way, end left for the scene of the
accident at half -past ten. A second de-
spatch, received at, one o'clock, stated
that one boat load of persons from the
steamer was missing, but a later despatch
stated that the missing boat had been
found. by a steam tug and brought to
Tennant's Harbor. They were very much
E.ock Island Caiipany was eo;have gone ciiilled and nearly exhausted with the
on with the Manufacture of the watch,
but having lost the services tof :Sir. Mo-
zart, found ,itself totally unable to do
anything -with the invention. The fact
is that of -the first .watcli only thirteen
were ever aempleted, and good judges,
into whose hands they have fallen, do
not hesitsete-to rank them at the head of
American timepieces. • They mark the
quarter second, need. no tegulation for
months together, need cleaning very
rarely, and are almost as reliable as
chronometers. The chief novelty about
them. is, perhaps, their extraordinary
simplicity of construction, and Simplicity
seems to have been the characteristic
and. the aim of all -the Mozart watches.
The inventor -took pains to `reduce the
number of necessary parts to 3 minimum.
cold. Six persons were taken off in a
being traced to Milieus' Bay,by tracks on
the ice, where it was found he had. fallen
through the ice into the river. On Mon-
day search was made for the body,
was W. H. Rattan, of See ey s a,y,
amount of cold they can stand.
Leeds County, °none. He had on
three coats and two shirts, and upon his —About half -past 7 ocick on Tuesday
juring his breaet aud breakina log, and person were found a seven -shooter, a
ing, and comingeon the main track, two
cars, one loaded with grain, and the
caboose, got off the track, and as the
train was going. at a rapid. rate at the
time, the ear with the wheat struck the
woodshed With such force as to knock
about 30 94,40 feet of it down, and the ,
car itself was made a zomplete wreck.
The other car, with the caboote, were
also damaged, but nobody was hurt, al-
though one xnan was thrown off. The
engine, with nine cars, after stopping
some time, went on all right.
—A fire broke out about half -past
liernin its a special train was going
arm. He is rg ecevering. smlver, and a pau ce
all ie brass . : b past the Elora station, it ran into a sid-
-A few days ago a.little daughter of knuckles.
Mr. Merlieh, of Preston, was riding on --Mr. J. Ska,e, brother to K R Skae,
the side of a sleigh driven by Mr. Rosen- of Sandwich, and formerly of Windsor,
bet -ger. The child undertook to adjust is a participator M the fabulous wealth
her shawl, when she lost het hold and accruing from the discVery of the wont
fell in -front of the heavily laden sleigh, • derfully rich silver beds in Nevada Ter -
which passed over and crushed her right
hand m such a frightful manner as te!
render amputation necessary..
—In settlement of a bet upon the —Joe Colwell, of Drumbo, turned hie
Guelph Mayoralty election, the winner wife and children out of doers one cola
wheeled the loeer round town in a wheel- night lately'and the neighbors the next
barrow, much to the amusement of the day stritsped him of his clothes and.
onlookers. threatened to make a (mese of him if he
—it is reported. that Hon. Williamten &clock on Momday night in Hiram
; repeated it cow. 0, Lemmey's carriaae shop, Winghem,
Thursday morning receivea
Macdougall has issued a writ againd the —Lieut. Macnachtan, of -ire, on .
the gem which was compretely destroyed, with
meek]. awarded by His Excellency Lord ,
the contents e also 1. L. Jobb's Maas
Duffern tth°mediae
marksman smith shop and Greer & McDoo's hard.-
io e
lifeboatfrorn White Head at noon. A
despatch was received from. Captain
Congreve at four o'clock, which stated
that the vessel is a total wreck, and
that,- as far es he could learn, all -on
board were saved. One boat's crew had
left Tennant's Harbor by afternoon train
for Portland—the number not known—
and they would possibly arrive in time
to take the midnight train for Boston.
The Triangles, on which the Georgia
was lost, are three ugly rocks situated
about four miles from Tennant's Har -
belt, which place, in turn, is about ten
miles from Thomaston, and fifty-five
from Portland. At the time when the
ship struck it was about tour hours be-
fore high water.
S--.ratets s
ritorye In a few days the rise in the
value of shares in one of the mines made
him richer than he was by $150,000.
Globe Printing and Pablishing Company
in a civil action for damages, iu boasea
quence of an article in a recent issue of
that paper in reference to his connection making the highest score at Wimbledon ware shop, owneci bY VB s • •
The fire was stopped at a Lloyd's fur- •
asviethlaSi.citlyaetrsI3s01,e0too. Damages, it is said, last summer. The medal is very hand.-
scene, on. one side of which is, near the uiture store.
-----On Saturday night, 9th lust, An- outer edge, in letters, " The Dufferin —On Saturday night, the 16th inst, a
d.rew Riley left his home in Angus to • go Medal, 1874," and in the centre a bean -
barn belonging to James CaMpbell, Gars
a few miles to procure a load of straw, tifully executed_ figure of a rifleman,
ie rie, was burned with contents and most
act of of stock, insurance tight. On Monday,
and when on his return, about one utile officer's tunic, kneeling in. the
from home, the load got upset. The shooting. On the obverse is a finely 18th, the barn and deitiebelonging to
man who -w-as with him went on to executed laurel wreath enclosing the fol.. i Richard Ralph, Gotrie, were burned,
Angus and. left him behind, and he and.- lowing : " For the highest score made at with their contents
not heai d. of till Sabbath afternoon, Wimbledon." Lieut. Macnachten was 1 —A man has been going through the
when he was found dead. He leaves a lucky enough to win no less than four I County of Elgin claiming to have lost
wife and large family to mourn his loss prizes, which he brought home with him i his arm by a threshing machine acci-
-A surprise party visited. the Bible from Wimbledon and this is the fifth , dent A few days ago he stopped at a
Christia,n Parsonage Mitchell, on Tiles= secured by him. 'from the 'Wimbledon I louse en 0 , a ad, S th r ld.
-Mr: Butcher, the esteemed pastor of the —It has been decided to build a
- clock•
- 1 his suspicions arouse e made an iu-
vedi ation and foun
day evening last. alla presented the Rev. match of 1874. i The proprietor took him • in, but, having
the nnssing arm
Church, with a kindly worded address capable of containing a full-sized iron -
for his unceasing labors in the cause of clad at Esqunnault, in British Columbia. i carefully concealed under the shirt. The
Christ during his administration in Mit- The British Government has promised to 1 fellow gave his name as John Wilson.
chell, and a purse of $60pay $250,000 toward the cost of its con- ! . -----""liw
—A company of players styline them- structions and it is expected the Cana- !
. 0 --Heartrending accounts are tele-
selve,s the "New York Com.bination dials will do the same. i graphed from New 'York of suffering
Company," under the management of a —The number of insolvents gazetted I cause(' by the recent cold. snap. The
man named. Snow, has been victimizing in the Dominion during the year 1874 i crews of several vessels which have
the people of Peterboro. After giving a , amounted to 966. Of this number On- • lately arrived have been badly frost -
performance, which was tvell attended, 1 tario is credited with 443 ; Quebec 310 • I bitten'
, ,
the manager repudiated nearly all the 1 New Brunswick, 91 ; Nova Scotia, 111 ; --J. Wyckoff, of Navarino, Onondaga,
printing, &c., and got , away from the land; 3. The statistics in Manitoba and I Planner, la,st Saturtlay. While the wind
town, leaving his creditors to mourn over I British Columbia are not 'given. The was blowing a gale be dropped his bank
their misplaced confidence. Such scamps I aggregate liabilities of these insolvents I book, containing $150, which was seat -
ought to be put where it would be out of ' amounted. to $7,696,765, and the assets I tered by the wind. Forty dollars remain.
their way to prey on honest people.
debts contracted by the company for . Prince Edward Island, 8 • Netvfourid- County, met with a loss in a singhlar
I to $3,894,248. • unfound.