HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-15, Page 8T eleestallomeameweleasiaalerawammaseejew urn txpoottor. DISTRICT MATTERS' COMMERCIAL HOT EL, S AF ORTH. This house is the best in Seaforth for commereial travelers and farmers, as is accommodation is Knit -class, while its prices are as low as the cheap- est hotels. The roma are large, well ft/imbibed and. perfectly clean, while the best attention is given to all who patronize the hoes°. There is large stabling in connection, and attentive host- ers.--ALtx.v.anaat DavinsoN, Proprietor, FALL TRADE. —BEATTY & Co. have new their Fell Stock complete, and are pre- pared to meet the pnblic and their numerous ewe tonaers with the largest stoek a new Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, Fars of all kinds, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Imported Wines and Liquors, they have ever vet offered. Buyers If you want Cheap Goodactial at BEATTY & Co.'s; Carmichael's Bloek, Wain Street, Seaforth, and they can there be found in any quantity. THERE alAS been a tremendous rush at Wilson & Young's the last two weeks for crockery and china ware. .Parties still vrahting to buy will find it to their advantage to call early be- fore the splendicl bargains they are giving are all gone. They have just opened out a few crates of -yellow and. Btieldngha.m ware, the best article made to stand fire. . FARMERS, ATTENTION. —WM. ROBERT- - sos & Co., Sign of the Circular Saw, can sell yoa a splendid Platform Seale, warranted correct, -mounted on -wheels, to weigh 1,000 pound, for $1.7 cash—Abetter article than is sold by pedlars going around the country at $22. FOR :THE best Brandies,. Port and Sherry Wines, forei,gn and Canadian, Ales and Porters in wood and bottle, Wilson & Young still stand at the top of the list. They have Carling's ale in quarter barrels, half barrels, barrela and bottles/ all in splendia order, A SPLENDID assortment of Plated Goods, Tea Trays, &c., &c., suitable for Christ- mas and New Year's Gifts, just received, direct from England, at War:Ronnarsox & Co.'s, Sign of the Circular Saw, Seaforth. WHso & YGUNG }lave just received a large lot of choice fruit for Christmas and New Year's, comprising Layers, Valeatias, sultanas, and. loose Muscatel Raisins, Currants, &e.'all new season fruit of the finest quality. .A lot of prime cheese on hand. XMAS AND NEW •YEAR's presents are naw opening at Hicssox's. Call and see them. The finest lot of both useful and ormonental Goods ever imported to this part of the Dominion, CONDITION POWDERS. — Keep your Horses it health and good order by using Lams den's Condition Powders, the best in the market Prepared only by 11.'Lvaisnele, Druggist, Sea -forth Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired 0,nd eleaned for the coring season. You atilt need them. All work warranted at lireicsane's new jewelry Store. AVER'S and other Almanacs, gratis, now in for 1s75. Also anther lot of that fine ' Bordeaux Vinegar, nearly denble the strength of commou vinegar, and ranch purer,. a t Hrolcsoles Drag Store. - MosEte—Money to lend at the lowest rates, and mortgages bought by W. R. Squier, Barrister, Goderiela, and by Sqiiier &• Macdonald. Barristers, Brussels. DYE STUFFS.—Fineat Madder, Indigo, Magenta, Logwood, Coehineal and all other Dye Stuffs, producing With and Bright colors,. at 11. Luarsnex's Corner Drug Store, Seaforth. GENTS' WOOL Shirtings, fine value and large assortment, at the Farmers' Store. NEW COAL ()ILL- Waterman's "Head Light" oil, the safest and. best oil now in use. Price, 45 cents per gallon.—E.Hrek.soie & Co. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins, Con- certinas, Aceerdeons, French and German Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Dressier* Cases, Fancy Goods of an sorts, Toys, &c., for Christmas and New Year's presents, at D. LemsDEN'S, Sea- fortb.. KNITTING MACHINE:a—Mr. Wm. N. Watson has been appointed Agent for Franz and Pope's celebrated knitting- maehine. LEGAD.—Mr. Doyle of' Croderich, will be at hie office in Seaforth regularly eiVery Tues day and Friday from this date: WILSON & YouNe,- don't sell water and dye staffs with their liquors. All liquors pure. TEAS, SUGARS and Fruits, fresh at the Farmers' Store. . - BIBLES, BIBLES.—A large assortment of Bibles, Pocket, Family and Pew. Also, Testa- ments, Prayer Books, Church Services, &c., in ' various styles of binding, suitable fur Christmas and New Year's gifts, at E. LUMSDEN'S. SUBSCRIBERS to THE EXP 0 SITO R, 'WEEKLY OLOBB, MAIL, and LOUd011 HBRALD who receive them at Brussels, should leave their orders at C. IL Cooper & Co., Brussehz, where they will receive thein free of postage. CANADIAN COTTONS, all brands, at re- ' dueed prices. Ga, Yoram & SPARLING. PUBLISHERS' NoarcE.—From this date all basitiess notices, published in the lo- cal or reading columns, will be charged at the rate of 10 cents a line for each insertion. las-scree: ASSEMBLIES. —.The third of the Seaforth dancing assemblies will be given in the Town Hall to -night. who wish to spend a couple of hours pleasantly should attend. THE COOPERS' oTRIKE.---We have re- I ceived a communication from Mr. Chas. W. Smith itt reply to Mr. Volmar's letter of feat week, on the above subject, but as the matter has already been sufficiently ventilated, and our available space is pretty well occupied with more import- ant matters, we decline publishing it. APPOINTMENT.—Mr. John Speakman. • of Exeter, has been made agent of the Canada Company in this section, in piaee of the late Mr. Biggar . Mr. Speakman is an old agent of the Company, and this iecognition of his trustworthiness will be received with satisfaction by his many friends. 1. O. ov GOOD TEMPLARS.--All Tern - piers in the County of Huron not having received notice, will please bear in mind that an Thursday, January 21, at 10 A. M., the adjourned County Conven- tion will meet at Blyth, for the purpose of resolving itselE into a District Temple. A large representation is expected. Oe delegate for every- ten members is al- lowed. GRIP. —The management of this en- terprising little sheet has been assumed by the engough Bros.. and it could hardly be in better hands. We expect to see its spicy letter -press spicier still, and its cartoons more pointed and sug- gestive than ever. MISSIONARY MEETING. —A missionary meeting wilt be held in St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, on Thursday evening, , Jan. 21st. Addresses will be delivered by several clergymen on the " Home and Foreign Missions of the. Church." A collection will be made in aid of the Missions both in this Diocese and in heathen lands. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The chair 111 be taken at 7:30 P. M. COLD WEA.THER.—The weather for the past week has been genuine Cana- diau winter weather. Saturday and Sunday last were two af the coldest and most stormy days -we have experienced - for several years. The country roads which. have been so good during the early part of winter are now in many pieces badly drifted. We understand, however, that sonth. of this, and near the lake, there is yet very little snow,_ barely enough to Make sleighing. Dar- in, the whole of last week farmers from the direction -named were, taming to ttown with wagons., ,There i now, how- ever, in that quarter a little snow, but not enough to make good sleighing. The snow increasers in depth towards the north. There is a much greater depth in the neighborhood of Wroxeter, and the roads are much more drifted than they are in this vicinity. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS.. — At the regular meeting of Fidelity Lodge, No. 55, I. O. 0. F. held on Wednesday, Jan. 1:3, the following officers were installed for the ensuiag term P. G., J. A. Cline; N. G., T. W. Duncan • V. G., M. Mor- rison ; S., H. Taylor, P. S., John ; T., Ca Armstrong ; W., John Williams, C., John Campbell ; R. 8. N. G., R. Willis, L S. N. G.; J. IL Gib- son ; R. S. V. G., T. Adams ; L. 8. V: G., J. C. Gilby"; 0. G., S. Trott, L G., John Martin a .R. S. S., Robert Logan; L. S. S., H. Byrne; Degree Master, H. Taylor. ODDFELLOWS' CONCH Odclfel- lows' new hall, in this town, will be for- mally opened on the evening of the 27th inst., when a gra,nd concert of vocal and ,instrumental music will be given. It is _anticipated that the, entertainment will be one of unusual excellenee, as the best musical talent has been secured. The enterprise of the Members of Fidelity ,Lodge in erecting so handsome a build- ing is deserving of every encouragement, and we are sure that our citizens will show their appreciation of that enter- prise by giving a large audience on the occasion of the opening. fROYESSOR MAITLAND'S CONCERT -4 We would again remind our readers of the concert to else given by Professor Maitland, of Guelph, the celebrated Scottish vocalists assisted by his SOU, Master James Merieland, and several vo • cal ,amateurs, on Tuesday evening next. An excellent programme has been pre- pared, and all who do not wish to miss a rare musical treat shoulc1 be sure to at- tend. . ELECTION OF Seewee Tausaires.—aThe election of School. Trustees took place on Wednesday last, and passed over very quietly. This year, on account Of Sea - 'forth having been incorporated as a town, an entire new Board had to be elected. The following gentlemen were elected for the several wards by accla- mation : South .Waad—Dr. Vercoe and Walter Scott. East Ward—Dr. Cole- man and W. N. Watii.M. North Ward —seWilliam Ballantyne and D. D. Wilson. Although.but little interest was taken in the -election laithe ratepayers, it will be seen by thea,bove list that a most judi- cious ehoice has been made. ANNIVERSARY SERV10ES.—The anni- versary services in eonneetion with the Episcopal Methodist Church, Seaforth, will be held on Sunday, the 24th inst., When sermons will be preached by Rev. J. S. Rose in the morning and evening, and Rev. T. Goldsmith in the after- noon, at 2:30. The annual soiree will be held on the following Monday even- ing, in the Town Hall, when addresses will be delivered by Rev, J. S. Rose, Rev. T. Goldsmith, Rev. Mr. Mills, in- cumbent of St. Thomas Church, and Rev; Mr. Dyall, (Baptist.) Tea will be served from 7 to 8:30 o'clock. • THE POLITICAL ME&INcee—The union . political meeting bylMr. Bishop and Mr. Gibson held in the 'mune-deal Hall on Friday evening of 1 st week was largely attended, and was ne the most quiet and orderly Politica meetings ever held in the County. Th chair was ably oc- cupi d by Dr. Cole an, who in his hap- ril py auner introduc d the several speak- ers, The meeting -m as first addressed by Mr. ishop, who ga‘ e a plain and prac- tical address in justfication of his course in Parliament. Mr Gibson nextfollow- ed, and delivered d 1 OSt interesting and instrUctiae address o the political quas- tionsl -i-if the day. He succeesfully re- futed the various ch rges which had been preferred hgainst - th Government, and satisfactorily justifie I his consistent sup- , port of the party ir power. Mr. Van- Norinan folloWed M. Gibson: He -jus- tified and lauded the acts of the late_ Sanclfield Macdonal Government and preferred a variety of charges against the present Ontari Government. Mr. Gibson replied to it a VanNorman, and successfully refuted and disproved the various charges he 'h. d preferred against the Government and himself personally. At the conclusion o M. Gibson's reply a vote of confidence n the. Government and approval of the course pursued by Mr: Gibson and M'. Bishop in Parlia- ment, was moved ., nd carried almost i nenimously. After a vote of thanks to he various speakers the theetine broke i p about half -past 1 'clock A. N. AteNtau, ME ETING. —The annual meet- ipg of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricul- tural Society, was held at Murray's Ho- tel, on Saturday last.* Owing to the inclement weather, no doubt, the attend- ance was not large. The Treasurer's re- port, which showed the finances of the Society to be in a healthy conditiou was read and passed. The following officers and Directors were appoihted for the en- suing year: President—Appleton El - coat a Vice President—Robert •Elgie. Directors—Tuekersmith—jrime,s Young, David Walker and William Murray ; Hullett—Robert McMichael, R. N. Mame aud James Watt; McKillop — Richard. Pollard, Wm. Grieve and Mr. Bordger ; Seaforth—D. Hogan and M. Y. McLean. Mr. John Hannah was re- elected Secretary, and Mr. William Lo- gan Treasurer. - A vote of thanks to the retiring Presidents and Directors was moved and carried unanimously. . —Those interested in this Society will be glad to learn that it never was in a raOre: prosperous condition than it is at the present time. There is a good sum in the hands of the Treasurer to the credit Of _the Society, and: a considerable list of new merabere to commence the new year with, and notwithstandiug the fact that a heavy expenditure had been incurred last year in enlarging and fenc- ing the show around, the liabilities of the Society are gradually diminishing.. It is the intention during the coming sea- son to erect a large addition to the pres- ent building, which will afford largely increased accommodation for exhibitors, and which will materially assist' to ren- der the coming exhibitions mcire success- ful and -attractive than those which have hitherto been held. 0 THREE years ago I purchased a Flor- ence Sewing Machine, which has been used ever since at all kinds of work:* It has given the best - satisfaction. I would strongly recommend those want- ing a good sewing machine to buy the Florence. JAMES MCMULKIN. SEAFOILTEI, Jody12, 1874. T H E xpo BrUBS€48. tO. R. Comm, Bressels, Agent for the Ex- vosiTon Newspaper and Job Printing Moe.] PECULIAR AeaDENT.---e-An accident of a peculiar nature occurred to a lad named William Smith, of Brussels, while driving a horse working the elevator in Leckie's store twos° one day last week. Th ad was ni stocking feet, and slip - when the horse tramped upon the s le of his right foot, tearing it fright- fully, The wound was darefully dressed, and the lad is doing well. GREY BRANCH AGRICULTURAL SOCI- SUM—The annuafmeeting of the above isociety was held at Parker's Hotel on lTuesday; I2th _inst. The Treasurer's report having been read and adopted. the following offieers were elected for the •current year : President, W. G. Hing- ston ; Vice -President. John Broadfoot ; Secretary, Daniel Stewart; Treasuret, John Leckie; Directors, Samuel Walker, John Nott, John W. Shia, James • Fer- guson, Robert Martin, Alexander Forsyth, Robert Brown, John Cober, Samuel Slemmon. A committee, con- sisting of the President, Vice -President and Mr. John Leckie, was appointed. to consult on the erection of a cheap and commodious hall, and to report to the Board of Directors at a meeting to be held on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 9, at `7 o'clock. ACCIDEA—Mr. Duncan McInnis, Twelfth Concession, Grey,ihad his hand badly bruised while leading a horse out of the stable one day last week. The .doorway is rather low, and, the horse while passing out theew up his head. Mr. McInnis had one hand on the ani- mal's head, and thus the accident occur- red. —Post. Blyth. GRAND CONCERT n Berri". —The Blyth Maple Leaf Lodge No. .357, I. O. 0. T., intend holding a -grand temper; ance concert in the Temperance Hall, in the village of Blyth, on Thursday, Jan. 21, 1875. The entertainnient will con-- sist of vocal and instrumental music, dialogues and recitations; also addresses will be delivered. by a number of tem- perance men from a distance, who will be attending the County Temperance Convention, which will be held. in Blyth the same day. A beautifulegold ring willbe presented to the most popular young lady in the assembly. Proceeds to be applied in liquidating the debt on the Temperance Hall. • • Usborne. -PRESEN TATION. --The friends of Mrs. T. Allin, Thames Road, Usborne, met at her residence a few nights since and made her the recipient of a beautiful set of chinaware and a roll of bills for her service as postmistress in the vi- cinity. PR ESE NTATION A.ND ADDR ESS. -- Mr. Nkr. N. Allin, late sthool teacher at Lum- ley, was also given a handsome present in the shape of a beautifully -bound vol- ume of "The Polar and Tropical Worlds," and a pretty writing desk from his pupils, .who, in their addresses, ex- pressed extreme regret at the separationi and. hoped for his continued welfare and happiness. A brief and.. fitting reply wan made. . - 'HORSE .KICKED TO DE/MI.—On Friday morning last, Mi'. -f the boundary between Hibbert Simmons,' bert andUsborne, had a valuable mare kicked to- death by A horse in an adjoining stall. His hind feet actually buried themselves in the fleshy part of her thighs, and the next warning he was 1 literally covered with the congealed blood of his unwilling victim, and presented a horrible appear- ance. The poor brute was so badly -pea up that it had to be shot. L.. 0. L OFFICERS. —The election of officers for L. 0; L.- 1071 took place at Elimville, when the following officers were elected: W. M., J. Halls; D. M., H. Brown ; Treas., J.. Hancock e Sec., W. Miners, jr.; Chaplain. T. Magee; Committee— Bros. 11. Wadland, R. Cooper, 0. Lambkin, T. Jones, J. Myers. Hay. OBITUARY.—It was our solemn duty on Friday, 8th, to convey the. remains of the late Thomas Curry to their last rest- ing place. Mr. Curry taught school for a number of Srears,his last place of resi- dence being Exeter. Through over-ex- ertion. in pumping water to quench a fire that had originated iii that village, bleeding at the lung S was produced, . which finally resulted in coneumption, Of which he died after a lingering illness of over a year. He was a young Man of exemplary character, and uncommon talents, yet never esteeming himself above his companions, which is a mark of a- really great mind. His -true manly bearing gamed for him many friends, in whose minds his memory must have a lasting place. His steady faith in Christ mast have a consoling influence on those . who mourn his departure.—Coir. COUNCIL MEETING.—Pursuant to ad- journment the Council met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday, the 31st. day of December, 1874. All the members of the Council present; The Reeve having taken the chair, the minutes of the fire- vious meeting were read and approved of. It was moved by Mr. McCall,. sec- onded. by J. B. Geigher, that the sum of $7.88 be refunded to Warren Dignan, the same being an overcharge of taxes for 1874, through mistake. -- Carried. Moved by Mr: McCall, seconded. by Mr. McAllister, that the-- Clerk be instructed to write to the (..lounty Treasurer, and inform him that a mistake has been made 'in the assessment of Lot No. 24. L. E. Ea and that the back taxes On said lot, in- cluding those of 1874, be cancelled. -.-- Carried. On motion Of Mr. Geigher, seconded_ by Mr. Rennie, a number of accounts were passed and ordered to be paid.. Moved by Mr. Rennie, seconded: by Mr. Geigher, that the 'following ac- couuts, beingsalaries of offiCers for 1874 be paid, viz. : Michael Zellar, Tieasurer; $50; Michael Zeller, postage an d station- ary, $2.50 ; John Broderick, Collector, $50; John Broderick, Auditor, $8 ; Daniel Steenbach, Auditor, $8; Mrs. Reinhart, Hall -keeper, $8 : 'Robert D. Broderick, Tavern Inspector, $10; Jus- tice Reading, Tavern Inspector, $10 ; Hugh Love, sen., Tosvnahip-Clerk, $110; Hugh Love, sen., selecting Jurors,. $1 ; Hugh Love, sen., extra services, for con- solidating, copying, and attending to the printing of the by-laws of the Township, $13 ; extra services in attending print- ing of the Voters' Lists; filling up, and. serving notices of -appeal in connection with the Voters' Lists, and attending as Clerk to the Judge, at the Court of .Ap- peal, $23.12; registering births, deaths, and raarriages, $7.30; getting up and attending to the printing of the Drainage By-law, $3; Returning Officer, $4 ; postage and stationary, $l0; Robert Brown, Reeve, Council fees, ,184 , select i - ng. Jurors, $4; expenses going to Lon- don, $7.; letting out jobs, &c., $8; post- age, telegraphing, &c., $1. , John B. Geigher, Council fees, $34; taking jobs, $1.50 ; Samuel Rennie, Council fees, $34 ; letting jobs, $4.50; Robert McAl- lister, Council fees, $34; letting jobs, $3 ; Daniel McColl, Council fees, $:34 ; letting jobs, $6.50; Alexander, McLar- en, Assessor, selecting Jurors, $4 ; Re- turning Officer, $4; Michael Zella,r, Returning Officer, $4 ; Ohas. Creima.n, serving notices of Court of Appeal, and constable at same, $6.--4.(arried. Moved by Mr. Geigher, seconded by Mr. Ran- nie, that the Clerk be instructed to com- municate with the Alunicipal Council of the Township of Tuckersmith'asking if they have laid. out the amount, accord- ing to agreement, on the London Road, being the difference between Hay and. Tuokersmith onSta,tute Labor. —Carried. Moved by Mr. McAllister, seconded by Mr. Minnie, that this Council do now adjourn. —Carried. HUGH LOVE, SEN., Clerk. • Brucefield. CHEESE FACTORY. —A meeting of the patrons of the above Factory was held On Saturday, the 9th instant. Considering the stormy day, there was a good attend- ance. Mr. George Walker was called to the chair. and Mr. Joseph Higgins ap- pointed Secretary. The chairman called upon the auditors to read their report. Mr. George Baird. sem, stated that they had gone carefully through all the books, and. found them as correct as it was pos- sible to have them where there were so many figures to audit._ The following is a copy of the report of the totals :— Total -amount Of Lbs. of Cheese Cash paid Milk. made. to Patrons. May. .,.. 119,707 .... 11,384 .... 960 72 Jane :.. 350,790 .... 83,883 .... 2,956 24 July .... 836,667 ... , 81,167 .... 2,704 55 Aug.... 226,067 .... 21,029 .....2,089 12 Sept.... 179,035 .... 18,412 .... 2,006 97 Oct.. , 130,893 .... 14,780 .... 1,619 14 1 1,342,719 130,605 $12,366 74 Average milk for the season, 10.28. Average price, 946. It was moved by Mr. Moodie, and sec- onded by Mr. John McDonald, that the report be adopted. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Walker, and seconded by Mr. Youll, that the proprietors be allowed 11 cents per lb. for making next year, and one cent for hauling, and that Mr. Brownlee make any arrangements he chooses about I. the hauling .The fol owing Committee was appointed. : Mr. George Walker, Mr. Ebenezer Walker, Mr. David Youll, Mr. Brownlee, Mr. Thomas Baird. Mr. A. G. McDougall was appointed Sales- man, Trea,sirrer and Secretary, and Mr. George Baird, sem, and. Mr. Geo. Baird, jr., Auditors. Etullett. BIG CuoPriNo.--lhree young men named James Oliver, Thomas Oliver, and Albert Young, of the township of 'Hal- lett, chopped and split 12 cords of wood. for Mr. Robert Carter, lot 18, eon. 8, of that township, in six hours, last Friday. The wood was beech and maple, and the time taken to perform the work was cer- tainly very short, and we dare say there are few that could accomplish such a task. If -we had a few more like these in our district, sawing machines would be at a discount,- and, probably, the price of fuel might be diminished. FARM SOLD. —Mr. James Martin has sold his farm, Lot No. 5, 4th COn.cession Hallett, to a Mr. Rynn, from the neigh- borhocd. of St. Mary's, for the sum of $5,000. This farm contains 140 acres, has got good buildings, and iS well cul- tivated.- It was sold very reasonable. . • Polling Places in South Huron The following is a list of the polling places in the various subdivisions in the South Riding: Tackerseriith.—Polling subdivision No. 1, schoolhouse, Section 11 ; subdivision No. 2, school house, Section 6; subdivi- sion No. 3, school house, Section 2. Usborne.---Polling subdivision No. 1, school house No. 5; subdivision No. 2, Town Hall, Elimville ;subclivision No. 3, school house No. 3 ; subdivision No. 4, scheol house No. 10. Ha?(— Subdivision No. 1, school hous‘ineSchool Section No. 10;. subdi- vision No. 2, Town Hall, Zurich ; sub- division No. 3, school house in School Section No. 12; subdivision 4No. 4, Union Hall, Hill's Green. Stanley.—Polling subdivision ts-o. 1, school houe, Scho.ol Section Nilo. 10 ; subdivision No. 2, Temperance Hall, Varna, subdivision No. 3, school'house, School Section No. 3 ; subdivision No. 4, schoolhouse'School Section No. 8. S'tephen. --Polling subdivision No. 1, school hisuse No. 1 • subdivision No. 2, Town CreditOn ; subdivision No. 3, school house No. 6; subdivision No. 4, school house No. 10. _Exeter. —Pollina subdivision No. 1 Ba,wden's marble shop, Exeter. Goderich Touraship.--Polling subdivi- sion No. 3, school house No. 8; subdi- vision No. 6, Jas. Richardson's house ; subdivision No. 4, Edward Kelly's house, Ho linesvill e. Seaforth.—Polling subdivision No. 1, W. N. Watson's office; subdivision No. 2, Town .Hall ; subdivision No. 3, 8. Stark's store. Agricultural Implement Show at"Brucefteld. The first annual show of agricultural implements under the auspices of the Huron Farmers' and Mechanics' Associa- tion was held at Brucefield on Monday, 7th inst. The day was pleasant, and brought out alargo number of onlookers, especially of the genus knoWn as ma- chine men. The merits of the several machines were duly discussed, particu- larly the straw cutters, some holding that they were invaluable, others charac- terizing thein as litunbugs, as straw is straw whether cut or uncut. In some respects.the show was poorly sustained, several departments not having an ex- hibitor. The following is a list of ma- chines on the ground shown by Mr. Maxwell, Paris, Mr. 0. 04 Willson, agent : 1st. A neat farmer's sawing machine for four horses, much admired, said to cut from 25 to 40 cords per clay. 2d. A power straw cutter, with. revers- ible feed, length of mit under control of operator while in motion. These new -features do away with the last objection urged against power cutters. 3d. A hand. straw cutter. Shown by Thomson & Williams, Mr: Jaines Oke, agent. lst. A grain crusher of the usual pattern, substantially got up, which did its work well. 2d. A power straw eater. also well built, but lacking the new features of the Maxwell. 3d. A hand'straw cut- ter. Shown by J. Elliott, London, Jas. Corton, agent. 1st. A hand straw cut- ter, newly- patented, which was quite a favorite with the crowd, but found no favor with the judges. It VMS sold on the :ground. Mr. Whiteley., of Paris, and Mr. Forsyth, of Dundas, had ea& a power straw' cutter on the groan , but retired from the contest after seeing Mr. i Maxwell's machine at work. Mr. Max- i well was awarded the first prize in both :\ classes. Thomson & Williams tecondl prize in both classes. Of sewing ma- chines there were onlylour entries, Mr. Norsworthy, Clinton, entered a Grover 1 & Baker manufacturing machine. Mr. l Millar, Brucefield, showed a manufactur- ing Warmer. Mr. Cameron,_ Brucefielcl, a Webster family -machine. The Wanzer and the Osborne were declared the win- ners, the Osborne being very highly recommended• as a family machine. Wisner & Bro., Brantford, showed an improved seed &till, with an ingenious contrivance, patented, called a shifter, which enables the operator to throw every alternate tooth six inches ahead of the others while the team is in motion. This is an advantage in rough, soddy land. They also exhibited a patent seed run, said to render impossible the breaking of seed passing through, thus overcoming a great objection to the seed drill. The judges were W. Bell, 13. Smillie. J. Ross, Jas. Logan and Jas. Londesborough. _ ,.... Winigham. STOPPAGE OF TRAINS. —Owing to the severe snow -storm of Saturday, the run- ning of trains was stopped for a day. The roads are drifted in all directions. THE SCHOOS.--SehOO!S opened on Wed- nesday, llth inst. Miss Case, who has JAN. 15, 1875. —BUSINESS CHANGE. . riliiN Partnership heretofore exiiiting between -1, Bobert-Ofillander, Hugh Sent& itnd Hugh Wel- owu l:a:I ice a, or iu i in :ore r 4 t I aaceTontatill, we r.0::vcite:AjnaLtcootiAseaNtcniDor id ET4.1 gvili llf front ti, .Tti Londesborough, will be diseolveil on the First day :ffteMar :intuit ilds4 jexte urn.rdh:r litihu:isnteysiso viniillthbeebeiriarrirnued 001 1)11N81.nle3R.—° All aeaounts ducal% expected to be paid I hystpie ast of FebronAarLyLnAilextD, En, ClintOn An. 8,11,375. A NEW LOT F THE LATEST STYLES OF IAIPt 0-(303--)S AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. MOURNING DRESS GOODS BLACK LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOS, FRENCH REPPS, taught the third department during the 1 S EARGES past six months, takes the place of Mr. Campbell, in. the second, and Miss Mus- tard, of Stanley, takes the third. POLITICAL MEETING — A. M. ROSS, Esq., addressed the electors of Wingham in the hall of the Royal Hotel on Thurs- day evening last. Messrs. Hawkins, of Brantford; Siriclair, Johnston, and Crabb, of Goderich, also spoke. The meeting was a very quiet and orderly .Re - Wroxeter. Poamts.—A large.. and varicd as- sembly met to hear Mr. VanNorman hold forth on his " sentiments " in Gof- ton's Hall 'last Monday night. As this was his first meeting in Howick a large crowd, composed. principally of his own supporters, collected from all parts of the township of Howick: The meeting elected. Mr. Henry Perkins to the chair, and great credit is due to that gentleman for the impartiality he showed to the candidates, and the good hearing he obtained for both. Mr. VanNorma,n spoke first, and in a long harangue en- deav red in many ways to prove the ex - atray ance and incapacity of the Ontario GoAernment. He dwelt greatly on the Agri4ultural College " scandal," the Canada Central Railway, the Central Prisdn, .&c. With regard. to the Central Priseki, Mr. VanNorman stated that Mr. Elliot, his father-in-law, has a just claim of V0,000 - against the Government, which he, Mr. VanNorman, had no doubt hal been paid at the mo- ment he was now speaking. He wound up by -saying that he was not z a rabid partian, but that he was a mod- erate Reformer, and. that if elected he would support good measures, no matter from what quarter they came. Mr. Gib- son. then spoke, and in an able manner (OPPOSITE THE MARKET. i AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. IN MIL1JNERY, SUCE.I AS BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, • BUCKLES, JETS, A SPECIALITY AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, FARMERS, FARMtRS, FARMERS. CLINTON, CLINTON, CLINTON. tore Mr. Van Norman's oration to tat- ters ;7 corrected his false statements with regard to the Central Prison, the Agri- cultural College, &c. Mr. Gibson dwelt at leregth on the Orange question, and ex- plained why he recorded his vote against the Incorporation Bill. As Mr. Van Norman felt indisposed or unable to re- ply, he called on Mr. Farrow, M.- P., who, in his usual rambling and meaning- less style, harangued the crowd at great length. He began by glorifying that fallen hero, Sir John, and played a won- derful tune on the fence round. the Par- liament buildings, until the audience got tired. and were leaving gradually. The remainder gave three cheers for the Queen, the Chain -an and Mr. Van Nor- man, ancl the proceedings then terrai-nated. —On Wednesday afternoon, Hugh Ferguson, a farmer near Amberly. Coun- ty Huron, was returning home from the village ,on horseback, when the horse stumbled and threw him on his head on the hard frozen road. The blood flowed from his ears, nose, and mouth, and im- mediate aid was sent for, but it was of no avail. He died next morning. —A fatal docident happened to a man a few days ago, by the name of J. floss -ie. It appears he was employed as sawyer in Snyder's saw mill, situated on the town line between Maryborough and Mornington, and by some means caught him by the smock, throwing him acioss the log, cutting one lee-t'off below the knee, the other above the knee, his body was then drawn across the log, the saw passing clear through and throwing all that was left of him out of the mill over forty feet. What makes the matter -more painful, he had only been married about two months, and when his wife was informed of the accident her feelings were beyond description. She has the heartfelt sympathy of the neighborhood --The lichborne claimant is to be em- ployed as a tailor, and is to finish his sentence at Dartmoor. ESTRAY STEER riAmE on the prenuses of the undersieno ed, Lot kJ 18, Con. 8, Morris, about the let of December, 1874, a yearling steer, all white. The owner is re- quested to pay expenses and take the animal away. JOHN ;TACRSON, 371°4 ' Walton, P. 0. NOTICE. THE County Coined' will meet in the Court -1" Room, in the Town of Goderich, on TUES- DAY, the 26th instant. PETER ADAMSON, Goderich, Jan. 12, 1875. County Clerk, 371-2 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ALL parties indebted to McIntyre & Wills, forth, either by note or book account, are re- • 717 CHEAPCASIHSTORE CLINTON,) (Opposite the Market.) quested to settle the same on or before the lst of February, otherwise expenses will be incurred. This is no idle threat. 871-3 MoINTYRE & WILLIS. • SITUATION WANTED. TV -ANTED, by a young man, e. situation as as- sistant book-keeper. First-olass references can be procured. Apply to Box 200, Seaforth Post Office. 371. _ BOARD WANTED. Wa young man, in a private family. Address, Drawer 15, P. 0., or apply personally at the Exeosaron Office. NOTICE. A LL parties indebted either by note or book -"" account to the late Win. McKay, blacksmith, late of the Village of Brussels, are requested to call and settle tbe same at eine, at ray residence, Mill Street, Brussels. 870*4c Mrs. E. MORAY. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. WRIGHT 84. FOSTER. THE 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, Is /10w coraplete itt all .Departments. FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK LUSTRES, MOURNING GOODS WINCEYS, PRINTS, in all Colors, TWEEDS, CLOTHS, SHIRTING'S, Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap, Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap; Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Ready Made CLOTHING, Very Cheap. BOOTS and SHOES, 'Very Cheap. GROCERIES, Very Cheap. THE 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, CLINTON., HALotp\;luieuile ionut this week the Cheapest and CLOUDS, • HOODS, FURS, • SHAWLS, MAN TLES, BLANKETS, RUGS, CARPETS, COTTONS, Ever brought to Clinton. Everybody is astonish- ed at the Low Prices. HOW IS IT? TITF, above Goods have been bought at 25 per cent. below regular Wholesale prices, for eash. They will be sold for 25 per cent. below any other Retail house in the County, for -Cash. TILESE ARE PLAIN WRIGHT & FOSTER. DOG LOST. OST, on the 2d of January, a olack -sheep Dog, 2-4 with a white breast and the point of tail white. Ho answers to the name of " Rover," and was last seen near Leslie's Hotel, on the MeRillop Orai,e1 Road. Anyperson harboring the said dog after this date will be prosecuted as the law directs, and any information that will lead to his recovexy, will be suitably rewarded. 871*4 JOHN "MR, Con, 7, MeRillop. HORSE FOR SALE. VOR sale, or will be exchanged for a good, sound driving hers°, a young mare with foal. For particulars apply to Mr. James Karr, 871. isigionfitirLi&,rktreMEZiart2Weltidall 0-00100inri_ummom“:71'imistnminanu ;0 AR. •WII01,E No. 372. 4101 6.6tatg or FARM FOR E. OT 18, Con, 6, }JnPett Looaryl J-1ckai 4,remaindek woode-1 maple; frame dwelling; Diver ITaithe good sprint:, on lot; 11 nines front Rlifr miles from Clinton. Terms to seit For partienlars apply to 1 fl11 I3ENSON & MEI KR, Saaforth; FARM TOR SALE, VOX. Sale, Lot tS. Con. 7, 1.781,ra-ge, r 1-- 74 acres- 55 of whieh are. cleared awl of good et-IMAM:bin. There is e. ward ft;-. and STABLEThe 1:11711 is loeate gravel roaa, is 'conveniently situatei 1:4 einn-thes and post office, and 1.4 frOM .Seaforth and from Enter, juirticulars -apply to the propriti or on tit WILLIAM D1NNI -1151. PARD'i FOR SALE. VOR 11 Con. 1, Lowitin lay, JAI) acre', 811 ele.tred. an 1 until- balancetimbrxed. with lirst-elassharam barn Os.41). frame - ELVA 18x40,, log 31 bearing orchard, well watered ; situate miles of SeafOrth 0311 a like distance ton . Earm e11 undera.rainea and fiAti-sation. Apply on the premises Ot• prietor at Brueefiehl P. 0, ANDREW Mel, FARNI FOR SALE. 1.4(37 4. Con ;5„ 115 acre:4 laud in excellent .contlition; buildings, orchartl, &c.; sming creek Int. The timbei on the 20 atres of 13 yen- vain:able. The proprietor valid 1 or 125 acres. Post OM te, Init. The -property is situated on c rona-51 miles from Seaforth. Apply 362 AN1)R8W SLOk.N. Cangt--.1 FILMY' FOR SALE IN BRX VOR Sale, Cheap. Lot No. :30, Con. t of Bruce, -County of Brute, eni acres, 30 of which are cleared. This ated within live miles of the rapidly f-.1 liege of Paisley. The uncleared por timbered. There is through the place. It is a dets.irat,li For farther particulars apply to th,1 nox 24, Seaforth P, 0. -or.) FOR SALE. I .) LOTS in one block in Coleman & Survey, ana cornering on Vitt Apply to 361 E. Hi1C1-1, - -- BUILDING LOTS IN SV-AP011tH COLEMIN„ having laid out 1-1 recently octapied .1,-;s 1)Iiriltg ing Lots. is prepare,' tolisna-eof able terms to air: who ruav hesire th desiring to porebase sbonia irdtke plieation, ESTRAY RAM. j ciAmE into the premises of the nu \--/ No. 14, London Road, Stanley, , December, a YONNO RAM. Theo ! ed to prove property, pay tbarges 1 away.N.. 36;9*4 1 ESTRAY STEER. Infir The owner is requested to prove thes69m*i4ddle of June las't, a two yea charges and take him away. STRAYED OAT S1TRAYED from Lot Con,11, about the lot of August, a yearli and red, with thick fpread out hi- vearlim-, heifer, grey, with turned one yearling heifer, red and whit giving information that will lead t. of the above animals will be sal:tab' Cotl ESTRAY 130-1..1 ( IAMB into the premises of the Ili `-' 3, Con. 2, StAnley, about the IS a yearling HULL. The owner prove property, pay elmrges and iL .48C ' 4 jOEN ESTRAY HEL IAMB into Lot No. 2, COD, 172 \-1 about the ist of Deeeraber, and -white HEIFER. The owner prove property, pay charges iTht t -378-4 EDWA N-OTICE. t AIVE into the premises of tI ‘--/ 27, Con. B, three yearling blue and blindle, and red heifer. . quested to prove property, pay 11 them away. 369-4 1BOAR P1 TTIRE Subscriber has purchased burt, Esq., Perth, a thorotg. BOAT of the large breed. He season, on Lot No. 23, Com. 2,, smith, and -will serve sows at1,1 le g,o of being returned if neeessar 311441 THE BLACK littl .11111telebraiei BerlAiin bo -1- will be kept at the premises o nt Egmondville for the service -of present season. Terms, titl, pay -of service, with the privilege of essary. 366-8 BOAR 'THE subseriber has a we11-1 -1- he will keep for tbe Nem season Pal Lot 4, Cou. 3, L. 11 TERMS --175 eents, with the ing if necessary,. ALEX., 1 80814 THOROVGABRED BER -THE Fir,st Prize Thoronglibt the properly of W. Wm. will this seaaon be kept for Stoek, Lot 2, CO21. 1, ,t=a4li This is oue of the best and Pigs in this section of the torn iper SOW, payable at the that 1, privilege of returning if necess- 862 WM. BLAIR TENDE.RS W Tr -ENDERS will be xviteivea, -I" Jan. 12, 1878, for a -tyrant and lumber, to be delivered at Seaforth. Tenders will also ly same date for the erect hal feet-. For further informatio. lice of tire 311111. Tenders t Worden, Agent. :1701 _ OG 1.0 OT, on tire m efzurca with a white breastand )ie nnswers to the name of seen lirar Leslie's Hotel, ou Road. Anyperson harborin, this date will be prosecuted and any information timt, w" will be suitably rewarded. 371/4 JOHN REM •- HORSE CO V011. sale, or will be e "a sound (hiving hem, ay For particulars apply to ESTRAY S ( JAME on the practises 43f. 16, Con. 8, Morris, about 1874) a yearling steer, all w quested to pay expenses away. tI71*4