HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-15, Page 7IEIJll. °E FACTORY CC. iliitatnts of Sea- the< have cam- opposite Me, and next moor rr stable. where It sal orders entrusted ER titer, dar iI BUGGY e; ttw give tts vial reed, and satfis- Attended to. & Co. ELL'S `E. creat P:iltridlge`s Md ely renma><teti, and daaatia, ea a prepare& ix to All. very liberal p.atron- :� call and see our satyr be found, and, RE & CAMPBELL. Y Al D s. d.Gl ON ALD ie that they have re- rtl tO- the rut between dr- 3(:urks and Mar- , Lana ar gdad/d aiseat- T11.I'I; dlrea:sttl and. ND SHINt LES, all of ref, at the ht -rest pos. ;. On handl any quantity ftudl it to their advan, itdl ascertain our prices as we are iea t position ash purclaaadrs. •El. tdi .11ACD0\ LII?. ORTER, Excuge kruker. SEAFORTH. Oi° �. but a fact. .d rieatn. Silver at cur- ey on good tam prop - amt lather- Ivd t ei'es ter; per tent,utterest .qtd a as Ifou-aes and dl wu iin3 to sell quick lacnteand d)l brick. F ttr , and it sol # Tech ea a+hove capital, wcincler- • r wants, wishes and 1. he we'll bast. v41: .COMI\TGA,• F10o.�rks, �ituber of CUTTERS ld"la fc,r r.-ork_inan;.hip :tealoy those of the eta number of EiGHS I}(1.1-:+l.h<.lt t S- eat'c.f the best ma iaaal. Itenatmbd: • tla La • rod... friends arae the 1repared to fill all e Table Tops, 'et( (i• kI (h fj'&r•, to :.:ail caanejt be leCaillezteta Hotel, =r T, SEAFORTH. FOit SALE.— is is for sale. This ' h ilsliilr of Hullett, znil]t producing io- i3 oouiplete and in ld cheap. , ,Also for arronbrook Cheese ROBERTSON', Seaforth. Vateh, leo. 7,&11, s and Powell's HO ad to the subserb- :r'a .7ewehr Stora, SOS: DAVIDSO:N. t JAN. 5,1 Prentice as righter. 'string his journalistic'careerPrentice had. trtt least a dozen per stinal combats, in some of which he hadvery narrow es- capes, and in two or three be was slight ly woanded. He was a rtood marksman, and what is more, entir ei' cool and in _trepid in the presence of danger; so that he had the advantage over excitable, not to say somewhat timorous, men. A will:ngness, almost an alacrity, to fight when put upon spared him many conflicts ; and he often declared if -lie had not shown a decided disposition to resent insults and to stand by his own word, that he would have had, to wear a false nose, to gratify his enemies' incli- nation to pull it. There are men whoa- it is safe to assault. Prentice . was not one of these, .and. he did not wish to have it so understood. He was nohin the least considerate of the feetiags or sensibilities of those per- sons hebad a reason to dislike. His op- ponents did not forbear him, nor did he forbear them: - He gage as (roodas he received, usually a Iittle better. His mode of treating what is _named in the South the private quarrels of gentlemen may be judged in this (his) acct.lu4 of an stray in Lexington, (July, 1835) among sews 'al members of his craft . qtr. Trotter, without provocation, atte nptd:d to shoot Mr. ('lark in the stre ,t ; the parties ex.dihringed shots twice without effect. Mr. O'Hara, a friend, of Mr. Trotter, -made an attack upon Mr.. Bryant, the associate of Mr. Clark ; Mr. Bryant gave Mr. O'Hara an effectual cudgelling, and then lard his cane over the head and shoulders of Mr. Trotter till the latter cried for quarter. There the matter ended,_ Mr. ('lark retiring to while in brown shirtings the foreigners are better off. Rent for' four -roomed tenements is from two to four times cheaper than in Great Britain, and on the Continent than in Boston ; in Austria fifteen times cheaper. l3oard also is from -once and a half to twice as cheap in Europe and Great Britain as in Boston." • ��s MAN'S INDEPENDENCE. - Man relies. far more than :he is aware for comfort andhalipiness ori woman's tact anti management. He isso accustomed to to these that he is unconscious of their worth. They are so delicately con'eealed and yet so ceaselessly exercised, that he enjoys their effect as he enjoys the light and atmosphere. Ile seldom thinks how it 'would be with him. 'were they withdrawn. He fails to appreciate what is so freely given. He may be reminded of them now and then ; may complain of intrusion and interference, .but the frown is swept away by -a gentle hand, the murmuring lips stopped with. a car- ess, and the management goes on. s QVEEN VIC'roRIA.—Hc•r Majesty has admirable personal dualities. She • is honest, straightforward, conscientious, eager to do her duty, and fond of simple healthy pleasures, She made her Court the most moral in Europe :by driving grimy characters from it with indigna- tion. The complaint of Society that she spends too much - time in the Highlands and at Osborne, Vint -she holds few draw- iug-rooms, that she takes little pleasure in balls and other frivolities, is really a high tribute to her good sense. Her Majesty; will doubtless have observed that is not the really Liberal or Radical part of the people svho have complained reload his pistol, Mr. Bryant to procure a new cane, and 1Iessrs. Trotter and of her retirement, but the mere butter O'Hara to gest their heads mended." flies of fashion ; the poor things that Troller (George James), then the edli imagine Heaven itself to be au eternal tor of the Kentucky Ga ettc retorted inseries of drawing room receptions.—L+x his columns upon Prenticeina virulent cl»tirtct • article, closing with something like these es - word " The infamy of George 11. Prentice is notorious. He is shunned by all honorable men. The mark .of Cain is Orr his brow," OLD ESTABLISHED l Prentice's sole rejeindex in the Journal ' ASIESIIMIMMUMNRIOG THE THE HURON •�.P�?ITO�� was "ler. George Ja>ines Trotter says that : ACRICULTORAL IMPLEMENT the mark of Cain is on our brow. We don't, know about that; but we do know that the -nark of cane is on his back." Of eon rse this nrnle Trotter .a theme for laughter, and burning with rage he went to Louisville withthedeliberate intend to shoot Prentice on sight. Dis- covering is- corering the chief of the Jordrnal on his way to the office, he pulled his. pistol without notification, and fired. upon Prentice, oirly a few feet distant, wound- ing him on the breast. Prentice, quick as thought, leaped at Trotter, caught him in has arms, took away his Weapon, threw him powerless to the ground; and drew a bowie -knife. Meanwhile a crowd that had lathered cried out, "' .,till the scoundrel ! Kill him on the spot." Prentice simply said, : " I cannot take the life of a disarmed and helpless man ;" To the fact that he has on hand a T.ii ' Stock and rete:.sing his hold put ftp his knife of 'those -hell-:known and walkef away amidst enthusiastic cheerscheers evoked, by his magnanimity.— • Junius HemriBrowne, in Ilarper•'s ,terga zine far Taal teary Where Hair Comes to a Head., EMPORIUM, S E A Q 0, T2, T :E O C. W I LLSO N DESIREh TO CALL TRE ATTENTION OF FARMERS STRAW CUTTERS AND A correspondent of the Philadelphia, i GRA LIT CR USIIEThS, Pres?, writes d" I have recently learned } some interesting facts respecting a manu- facture in 1Nthich. every female head : throughout the land is ,interested, name- ly, the preparation of human hair and �a ere ed"G 11IAG'LII_1a its trausformatiou into switches, ring - lets, &c. The largest estal:lish'nent of this nature in- the world exists in i;cr- • WERE many. Is is situated in to-`• ri called HORSE , , ` f Wetzlar in the valley of the Lahn. It is the depot to which traveling collectors of hair bring their wares to dispose of, and 1 . so extensive are their transactions that. All ni lantlfactureal b1 D. MAXWELL, of Paris;. "• r their wares are arranged in Lades, each r . containing three or foul hundred pounds ;_.- - . - - 1 driving all. , kinds of ltaehint.ry, such as Straw Cutters, Grain 1 ROOT J UTTERS FOUR SIZES, PITT'S PATENT S rn CO m C H 0 H z H 0 -n 0 0 Z 0 d> X rn s CD 0 -1 O .0 m Lm td1 0 0 I ~ do 1.11,1110111 0 0 N O I N I :.Z1[ O (T 0FJ 3JIVdNON„ .1f1DSSOIID 'HI001, sic ac . n S L M FLS aaAO CdWI BRIBERY. JOHN A's SHOP CLOSED. CAM- ERON SWAMPED. THEIR STOCK BOUGHT {T TOO DEAR. BUT AS ROGERS 1 �LiYS for Cash, be can for this week offer the following fir st-cars NEW GOODS at ma- noanical prices.. of hair. These bales each cor,t:aut a These horse powers are suitable for di g , heterogeneous mass of human locks of ereshees and Sawing Machines. every shade and texture, from raven black to flaxen blonde, from horse -hair . eoarseness to silken fineness. This is the . material in the rough, and very dirty and 1 disgusting are often the peasant -grown tresses when brought into the factory. t MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS But fear nothn:re ladies afair, respecting the cleanliness crf your alien locks ; all the hair is thoroughly boiled before being placed in the hands of. the work -girls, of whom (0(1 are employed in this esstab- lishnieoi The hair, when dried, and SEWING MACHINES smoothed, is then carefully sorted. ac- cording to color and length. Good brown hair of average length is worth about 47 per pound. ; the highest -prized. hair is pure white,long tresses of which are sold, - - not by the pound, but by the single hair, each hair being -Valued at about half t cent. The most valuable of the natural . huesis a pale gold a switch of that color was uislaloyed, t•alued at nearly ` The . tit'all takes the lead, over 5030 of them ],awing :x 100, even iii, that wholesale' mart. 1 sole the (.agent- within thelast .� months. AND On handl as t. uul. T1II� 1''L O P E.i Z;E leen sU - 1 ' - �' crat cariosity there was a switcl, of - Fight bi ea ii hair measuring six feet iii: BRUSSELS FURNITUItE STORE. length, audl fur which :100 had. been paid to the original oil ai:r thereof ; this • unparalleled braid is not t -i be sold., hut is to be reserved for exhibition at our A. U O A 1 V Centennial." The Cost of Living. Valuable statistics iti regard to the ° cozurpa:r•aTird' coat of living in America and Europe are giveri in the last llassaclrte. setts Labor ,report : Oee dollar -will buy 20 pounds of {lour in Boston, 1 or 2 pounds ntatrc in St; vend Kurt pear sea. - port.•, but the same or considerably less in a n rajcarity of the ,-laces compared : -In Boston l will buy :5.56 1,onirds of fresh beef, roasting piece. In no place in England will it buy so much fry a pound, or more, and in Europe still- less, Copeubaaeti being the only place given - where it lriIi fatly more. Butter in Europe averages a pound, more to the dollar than here, cheese less by more than that, except in a. feW spots. As far potatoes, they are cheaper here tliaii in England, and dearer them in Ireland or Gerrnarty._ sewn or eight pounds -of parr: for a dollar are sold lre:r e, and not much Over half as much can be obtained for that Burn in England, or Europe, and, nowhere as mucic. In rice, milk, and eggs, they have the advantage of us. 't'.ea •costs less here than in England,, but more than on the continent. With !coffee it is abonct the same, though the ddiffer'ence is little. In euga,r the British :ire a lit- tle better a off, 'the Continentals a good deal worse: Coal is cheaper here than in Germany, ;dal dearer than. in England'. llerrirnac or common Erintsfi :are cheaper here than anywhere in n land or Europe. `Boots are about. ►enerall .s cr the here ere as there, b y Ieak ing.. There are -but two or . three places in England or the Continent where brown aheetings aro cheaper than here, BBGS to aunounee to the ii habitant of breis - 1J sels and surrounding country that he has con- stantly on hand a large and well selected - StOek (t 1mportetl cold Home ,llcert- l rj(bcti! red FURNITURE Of all dca-eril.tions and. at prices that will defy . competition. ORDERED WORK _Sa 1) lPJiccit•i ty 1'3•Uartl)tlrJ Attended 10. SHOP—One Door north of Hays' Hotel, Brus- sels. 860-12 ALEX. DtJNC_AN. 1050 yards. BLACK LUSTIES, (noted Cron Brand) 2a5c to $Oc per yd. 630 yards COSTUME SERGES, 25c to 50c per yard. 571 -yards BLACK SILK, 75c, $1.00 $1.25, $1.40 per yard. 763 yards :MOURNING- GOODS, desir- able material. GRAY, ,YOUN SPARLING, EVERYTHING IN THE LINE Ol' G- 0 0 D S, D1 P, Y' TO BE HAD AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH ,< SORE, i SE &FORTH: GENERAL DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, FARMERS' STORE, SEAFORTH. REMOVED, REMOVED. Owing to the Increase of Business BELFRY &MAY have been obliged to remove to a larger shop. With many thanks for thepatronage of our numerous friends and customers in the past, we hope tO , do a still larger business in all kinds of Harness, Saddles,; Our Buffalo Robes TRUNKS,- • 1s a�laa Will be opened in a few days. VALISES', BAGS, , cyALL EARLY BUY Illll � AND SATCHELS. $ C13EAP. Oair HORSE CLOTHING, for the winter, is well assorttad, natal great bargains will be tri-cn. Any - amount of SLEIGH BELLS, WHIPS, CUR1IYCOM13S, BRUSHES, &c. „Special pecial atteutiongiven to IIORSE COLLARS. Our determination is to make onr -work satisfactory to all who patronize ns. SHOP known as .LOGSN'S OLD STAND, opposite Scott's Brick Block, -Main Street, Seaforth. BELFRY cSz; MAY, Saddlers. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM J. WARD, • SEAFOR ia. GENUINE FRENCH BRANDY a AND PURE PORT WINE, I beg to state for tho information of farmers and the public generally, that I .have as good a stock of i Harness on hand as any in town, and 1 am determined not to be nmderaroldby any otherestablish= ! mentiu the County. BELLS and HORSE BLANKETS:, all kinds, constantly on hail-,. _also TRUNKS and General Furnishings. A.. TPLIAI: 513 J. WARD, . Main -Street, Seaforth. IMPORTANT TO.THE PUBLIC. The Partnership heretofore existing between the firm of Kiil(orai & Ryan, Slerehants and Grocers, is going to be ddissolved on the 1st of Jaauuary,1S75. .L'1 paerti.es indebted to the said firm are requested -to settle before that date. If said nacounts are not settled, they shell be placed in the hands of their Attorneys for col- lection. All clauns against the said firth are ret ueated to be presented for payment before said date. Seafortu, Nov. 24, 1874. tilL!',0R.t. T &-Rim.- 93 WOOL SHAWLS, -from $2.00 up. MILL, 1267 YARDS '1'4 THE PUBLIC: AT LARGE, 1SEAI,,OI;TI3 I'LA.NINCr _ FANCY FLANNELS, 35c,, 40e, 45e, 50e,-peryard.- 869 YARDS SCARLET AND WHITE FLANNELS, FULL RANGE. :3040 : �. e P.D,S Cd DIAN COTTONS ,!LAIN AND TWILLED. 23 DOZEN CLOUDS, .‘LL -COLORS, DOZEN WOOL HOSE Scarlet, Grey, Brown, and White. TWO BALES BLANKETS, $2.25 to $6.50 per paii. SIXTY-THREE SETS GERMAN MINK FURS From .8.75 per Set W. H. OLIVER, Harness, Saddle and Collar IIANLF ACT>3REI _ L I11 -,5'T., SEAPORT/I. Vl ORDER. SIGN OF THE'. SCOTCH COLLAR. A choiceassortment of light and heavy Harness, Whips, Be11 ,Hors 0 Clothing, &e., kept constantly ern banal. Z epairin:, promptly etteu,lcil to, anal charges m.dlerate. Remember the plaec.asign of the Scotch Collar. W. H. OLIVER. `l'H GREAT REFORM. The Greatest Reform the t has ever been made is in the prices of , TEN DOZEN CORSETS Furniture and Undertaking. - 50 cents to $1.50 per pair. CLOTH AND FUR CAPS! 50 cents to X10.00. TWEEDS, .BROADCLOTHS, ETC. A FULL STOCK. All Goods sold at Lowest Prices. T. JOHNS &.c0.1 SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES AT JOHN S. ROBERTS' rP 1Ts subscriber begs leave to thank his numerous l customvers.for the liberal patronage extended to him since cornrnenci►ag busincst, in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be f ivtared, with a continuance of the same. Parties to build, world do well to give a hint a call, as he will oontuine t o keep on band a • large stock of all kinds of . DRY PINE TX..\.ILEll, DOORS,- BLINI),S, MOULDINGS, SIIING LES, Lft, ETC. He feels eon filent of giing.tisIacLion to those I who May favour him with their patronage, as. n o» c but first-elassworkriten are employed. �: l�Particnlarattcutivau paid to Custom Pl Planing . 201 • JOHN II. BROADFOOT. Have reduced the prices one-half, aucl have done away altogether with extortionate prices. Is it not to your interest to l:atronize them. • ALL' KINDS-0E- R. .INDS 01? R. P. ROGERS: , SEAFORTH MILLS. THE undersigned having purchased the Seaforth Mills are now prepared to pay the highest market price for fall and spring wheat delivered at the mills. Mr. Wm. McDougall is onr buyer on Seaforth market. Flour, bran and shorts, middlings and screenings at retail as formerly, and delivered in any part of the town. Flour and bran exchanged for farmers' lyrists on usual. terms. A. W. OGILV'IE & CO. 84"i. W. GAY, Agent. KEPT IN STOCK. STRAW CUTTERS, T1-3OM AS 1117 11N ET1' Has been appointed, agent f u tir:rforth ma aic:n- il r fur the Celt bratd.al DEXTE-R STRAW CUTTER, 1tanut's etnreci by A 3VurrL.\w, of Paris, Ont. These Cutters are aeknoa.:waged to be the best and cheapest—cheapeat beeanse the best—cradle. They have invariably taken first pri..cs wind ;ever shown. .U1 orders left et � i Lrr.nnscleit,, Drug ..Vote, �Seajui•tk-, Will be promptly } 11rd1. Speei,aen machines can also be sem at the same place. THOMAS Bri3NETT. Agent. THE HURON PLANING MILL,. 1JBSSR1S'. Y ct- SCOTT BEG 10 ,uino nee that they have commenced imsiness in the Shop lately oeeupied by Mr. Martin, anal are u_prepared to fill orders for cites, Doors, 13lincle, �llortl 7zgs', They are also prepared to Furnish. Funerals With Everything Re- quisite, - .And to attend personally with their Hearse. T. JOHNS & Co. Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture. And all kind:; of planed lumber. DRUG STORE, OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOTE_ ., 1 AIN STREET', $EAFORTF-E. N EW C.ARUI- 1G ;7E AND WAGON WOR M 1TC-H ELL12 McPNAIL, HENNICKE & E:DWARDS Desire to inform the public that (Li y ba-ve com- raleneed the manuftett:rr • f CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, ROOKAW AY S, DEMOCRATS, - HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, Built from the very best material, in a -wan knuin- - # like nanmer, end in the latest styles, -;hick, for durability, lightness of draught ante t;Iii iL, saannot be surpassed. All work intrusted to us -dill bc- cze.-udr-d with 1 promptness, and at REASONABLE RATES. ALSO L. ATH AND SHINGLES. 1 CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, i3A1 RACKS, &e. - • A good stock of Seasoned Lumber on handl. Factory audl Lumber Yard on Godcrieh street, nenr Main street. - flg Sawing and Custom Plauivg neatly done. 1 A. G -BAY. W. B. SCOTT. Special Attention givcaa to Repairing. Call at our shop, south of the 3larket anal see fOr yd►an:-selves. 356 MONEY ADVANCED ON Mortgage Security, in such atone aril for such periods, and repa$lble in .sn:•I3 rurnner ea the applit;ant way desire. Apply to s•Prta2 A. G. McllJO it GALL, Seaforth. ROOMS TO LET. To ,T T J',number of comfortable:•oOras on the a aec'oradl mat of Scott,e B1oake Apply to E. liOLIdE s'itia or to itOSTR' ' SCOJ r.