The Huron Expositor, 1875-01-15, Page 1-r w jNs.--- The Reeve .'ving been eleeted WXS 11.0t such a therwise perhape r Couneilore, the , pone stood as fol - Wilson, eon:, 116 Ill Wm. Turn- llister, 102; John Peter Geigher, arinie 106 votes. e_ John 0. sen, ant and Diniei `ore duly elected eh regret that the Zatinie was omitted_ Letts for the Come - week. The ttmis- mtal, and wes not o late to rectify it. eission ha e caused 4unovati0e, but we nerals we eau do obtained from eiether correspon- . tse Factory. meeting a the foamy, was held annual report wee ! &ellowing statistics the factory during tal milk deliverede - made, 88,080 Ibet.; theese. $10.74i96; ted. 12 2-5e. Much mifested with the he business tyf the e, For the coming eed to pay 21c per nakinee etmetmentenmiesnemet - LICENCES et,1! issued sit the ; Esq., rerus, Abras 0 ti1S- " a that . The EAFaltrii, ant -Governor ot tatted Everywhere, tea Home or Txaveling. -heir spare raonaeuts C ban a anything else. zs on receipt of the e Cent*. Sendfor - eef011oa: No. 1, m 357, "1. MESS GOODS -USTRES, AIERII\ OS, RErrs, &C„ rrBRcfTKERSr ikqr I• ORE, -ORSETS, S BETTONS, CES,&C .p THERS' STORE, FO Ratil. T YLES 03DS 4TH ERS' ST• ORE, FORTH. THE LINE AT OTHERS'• H STORE, liFORTH. tjR0N. BSON e East Huron Reform Con- oeetings and address the ing times and places, viz.: At Crantrook, township of Ethel, township of ,4 • Moltsworth, at 7 o'clock i3 -At Temperance Hall, CQU C, Hoeine at 1 P. M., P. M. 14 -At township hall,Morris, aleat7 o'clock P. M. --At Forbes' School House, , and at BAmore, at 7 o'clock. 1C.; -At Lakeiet, at 1 P. o'clock P. NL * r.:.* is respectfully invited to etinga. HURON. OP, South Huron Reform Con - res the Electors of South ing tinsel; and pitteea: -At Baylield at 1 o'clock. At 13 -At Lake View, township At Zurich at? P.M. 4 -At Friedsburg at 1 P.M. era' Hotel, at 7 P.M. g -At ere' ton, township of R. At 1.4. erick, townehip of ,.,Tr__,....szparaatattalWrratgalMalla',1111111M! EIG-Irlr 1.:-E A I{. t Will01.E No. 37 t ) SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JAN. 15 1875. illiclEAEAN BROTHER 8, Publishers. Si 50 a Year, in advance. *at T'otatc;Or ..41.1c. FARM FOR SALE. WEST part of Lot 12, and East par .of Lot 18, " Hallett, 100 acres; 40 metes eleared ; small frame house and bearing orchard, 10 mileroiu Clinton cir Seaforth; price moderate; terms very easy. ?or farther particulars apply to JAMES BRAITHWAITE, Land Agent, 368-3 Londesboro; P.O. - South Aiding: of Huron. THE NOMINerrions. bri. Monday last the nomination et candidates to represent t of Huron took -place at most tip to the hour of it seemed to be pretty g ie South Riding rucefield. he notaination nerally tinder - stood t1if0 there woull b no opposition to Mr. Bishop, but at the last moment -Mt, George Case was trotted out, prob- abl FARM FOR SALE, y more for the sake of a contest than T OT No. 5, Con. 4,1Itillett ; 140 acres, more or - -LA less, 80 acres cleared. Plenty of water, and the from. Any anticipation that his Candi- north broach of the 4.L.iithintl River running &attire would be successful. Mr. Bishop through the in erre bush ; good fences. Apply on Was enthusiastically received, while it the premises to the proprietor SASIES MARTIN, was evident that opposition stock was etia or addreas -Constance P. 0. below par, so. fry as that meeting was The Returning Officer', Mr. Dickson, ailed for nominations shortly after 12 FARM FOR SALE. I QT 18, Con. 6, Hallett; loo acres, 65 acres -1-4 cleared, remainder wooded with beech and C maple; frame dwelling ; River Maitland and a O'clock, when . good spring on lot; 2,1 miles- froin Einburn and 3 MrHeel* Love' - of Hay' nominated miles from Clinton. Terms to snit purchaser. ' ';" . . For particulars apply to L. AIEYER, Harpurhey,M Mr. r.h 1 Arc ilia d Bishop. or BEftson & MEI -ER, &Worth. . 346 .Mr. Alex. Duacan, of Usborne, sec - PAM FOR SALE, onaCd the nominatien. - Mr. George Willis nominated Mr. VOR Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, Ushorne, containing (.1eorge Case. -A- 74 acres. 55 of which are cleared and in a state a pod cultivation. There is a good frame BARN Mr. 1cha.bod Bowman seconded the and STABLE. The farm ill loeate0 on a good nominatioll. gravel road, is conveniently situated --to sehoole, After waiting for a quarter ef an hour, churches and post -office, and is within13 miles from Seaforth and 7 from Exeter. For further and no further nominations having been particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. made the Retnrning Officer called upoa winateM DINNIN, Jr., Mr. made, Love to address the electors a . i Lumley P. 0. M r. Love Said that he had much _ - FARM FOR SALE lea.snre in proposing .Mr. Archibald von SALE. Lot 0.0011. 1, London Road Stan- - flishop as a candidate for the representa- t- ley, BR/ acres, 80 clearea and under fence, the tion of South Huron M. the Local Legis. balance timbered with first-elase hardwhod ; frame lature. He (Mr. Love) had always been barn litv,40. frame stable 18x40, log house. good " . bearing orc.hard well watered ; situated within 7 , An huMble member of the great Reform eaues of Senforth and a like distance from Chu- party. He had been a resident o aria - da fer nearly thirty-two years, and had during that time taken a more or less active part in fifteen elections for mem- bers of Parliament, in evegy case votino ton. RUM Well underdrained and in first-elass • cultivation. Apply on the prenais:es or to the pro- prietor at Brucetield P. 0. F41•2, ANDREW ..MeEENZIE. . FARas a ReformerHe was rather talte,n M FOR SAL, E. T oT 4, Con. 5, firdlett, 125 acres of fi't-°tIss aback- at the nomination of Mr. Case, as lima in excellent condition; well fenced; good , , e had OUlti not be understood that he : liW huitunes, 0 rchere, &a- spring ereek erosses the lot. The thabei on the 20 acres of bush tent is a candidate. Had it not been for this very valuable. The proprietor would. sell 75. 100 ' reason he would not have come • forward trITarei SO prominently to nominate Mr. Bishop, or 125 acres. Post Office., Schools, &c., couveni- • ent. The property is situated on a good 71;a2d. 51-rai1es from Sofforth. Apply to I as one does not like to take the front ANDRItw SU' 1•N- Constan" °- : stand aeainst an old. friend. His po- .. tirelv with Mr. Bishop. did not good enopg for them that their noses FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. litical sympathies, however, s were en- . could have obtained. under the special bill. Under its provisions each todge now controlled its own property, iinstead of it being under the control nf the Grand Ledge, as would have been the case had the special bill become Certain parties had also endeavored to find fault with his vote mettle. Ernigrat time question, but he could hardly be ex- pected to vote for Mr. Boultbee's amend- ment to the Government policy when it was so absolutely absurd that it did- not command a single vete in the House, and. even Mr. Boulthee himself and the seconder of his amendment were, so ashamed of it that they did net vote for it. The Central Prison was another question on which the -Opposition had exercised themselves pretty freely, and had endeavored to use in manufacturing capital against the Government. He did not see that why 'monstrously wicked. act had been nonamitted in allowing- the -workmen employed on the works a half holiday; in oucler that they might par- ticipate in the election mill have a chance of becoming posted on questions pertain- ing thereto. The same thing was fre- quently done in England, - and men em- ployed on Government works were some- times allowed even a whole holiday in order that they might exercise their right of franchite, while their pay was not withheld. Certain members of the Opposition hadmade much capital out of the affair, and beinoaued the extrava- gance which allowed the workingmen pay for half a daywhich they had not worked., bnte they forgot to find fault with the extravagance which allowed pay to certain members for work in the Leg- islature which they never performed, These same fault finders were well paid 1 for the tune devoted to the service of the country, but when for days- together they would speud three -fourth e of their time away frona the acme attending to their own private business, they never had any scruples it drawing their full pay. They seemed o imagine! that the Work- ingman had very few rights which they were bound. respeet, and that it was 11 dwa s he kept at the grindstone: r. next on the cry that- had been raised by the Upposi- tirra in regard to the Public Accounts VOR Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 30, Con. 0, Township , -1- of Bruce, County of Bruce, eontaining 100 acres, 30 of which are eleared. This farm is situ- and only man in the Riding to represent atad within five miles of the rapidly growing vii-- ' it. for he thought it contained plenty timbered. There is also a, Spring cre.eic m" , who were wen qualified to serve in that loge of Paisley. The uncleared portion is well through the place. It is a desirable property. capacity, ; hut he would clay that for the For farther partietilara apply to the proprietor, ; sessions Mr. Bishop did represent the nee 94, Seaforth P. 0. A. M. 6 CAMPBELL. ! Riding he had fulfilled every pledge 352 said he had opposed Mr. Bishop at lost election because he thought he weuld render a slavieh support to the Govern- ment, and the sequel had shown that he had done so. lie had nothing to say against Mr. Bishop personally, but. he proposed to challenge some of his . public acts. II e condemned Mr. Bishop'e .course relative to the Central Prison. affair, when it was proposed to pass a -vote' of censure on McKellar, and strong- ly blamed the Government for counten- ancing such a proceeding. Ilad Snell A thin A been done by the Conservatives it would. have been stigmatized as an out- rage." He pointed out a number of in- consistencies on the part of the Govern- ment, calculated to shake public confi- dence, and accused it of dispensing its patronageirrespective of the public in- terest. He also charged the Govern- ment with ger ry m anderin con stitue n ties in order to increase the number of its supporters, and. strongly condemned such a proceeding. as against the interests .of the country. Wath reference to the sur- plus, he declared. it only existed in the imagination of the Treasurer, and was -made up of doebtful claims and. visionary assets. He also attacked the emigration policy of the Croverumeat, and asserted that they had spent twice as much money in carrying it out as the Saudlield- Macclonalcl ministry had done, and 'had secured. far less emigrants. As for the much boasted purity of the Reform party, he did.* not observe that it was any purer than any other party. They talked of elevating the standard of mor- ality, but at the same time spent $5 to $1, on the part of the Conservatives in some of the elections. After some satiri- cal remarks on the subject of party _purity, he concluded by appealing to the electors to vote for no mau who would • not exercise his own judgMent in voting irrespective of party claims. pytteutl that Mr. Bishop was the best 8 'c'u N1 Bishoptouched Committee. There were two Conserva- tive membere on that Committee who • wished to have the accounts examined in ILC made and steadily supported what a manner to suit themselves, but which t to the eneral usage of the FOR SALE.- the speaker believed. to be the best Gov- NC as con rary -1 C LoTs in one block in Coleman & Gottinlock's 'o erament we ever had in Canada. He ommittee, This Mr./. Crooks objected Pi Survey, and. cornaing on Victoria Sqoare. • did not believe that Mr. Mowat's Gov- t°, and insisted on having the work done Keen, to HOUSE AND LOT FOR- iALE. present. He believed it was ' honest themselves foi• days. at a Cane from the in rear ef Mr. John LOgareti, the lot is a corner lOt: with them on their emieration policy, the cry that the Goverument were afraid 361 pcICKSON & ernment was faultless, but he thought in the proper manner, when these two ---------- ' to be the best Ontario could furnish at worthies took umbra,ge, and absented T:e nemoneeme; one qnarter of an acre, frarae 1 1 • e t it was eaty- ' Committee so that most of the work was , -I- 'house, with -woodshed, summer kitchen, &e.; , capable• and m ealn. t • -11 found fault done without them. Then they raised goee aeltgarden planted with trees, house situated.; finding fault. He hat often fon ;lad he thought the course pursued in to submit its a.ccouuts for their inspec- t, reference to the Model Farm was a wrong tion. That was only a specimen of the one, but both suggestions were legacies e:mall-smiled tactics resorted to by the •Apply to Mr. Peter Cowan, in the adjoining house, c,r to the propiietor. • F..65 GORDON MeADA2A1. BUILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE : left by their predecessors. He hoped Opposition to annoy and shake public DR. COLENIAN, having laid out the grounds • b th e,,,4 11 be re t'ti d . confidence. in the Government. Then desiring to purchase should make immediate ap- - tent, but would just take the settl t emelt trumped up in connection with that M - tea ation. of the Municipal Loin Fund as one in- • stitution, some of which the speaker al - recently occupied :is a Driving Park into BMA- .there was the Model Farm affair. The o measur wou c e as soon ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots ou reason. as possible. 'He would not 00 into the able terms to any vrho mav desire them. Parties various questions of the day to any ex- inost Scandalous charges had been stance of the ability arid honesty of the liulea to in de tail, but like all the other 864 ESTRAY RAM. Government. That rivas . awkward +AXE into the pr-ises of the under-igned, Lot X --j No.14, London Road, an y, b t the 14 of December, a YONNE} RAM. The OWnar is request- had remaaned untouched .by precedm ed to prove property, pay eharges and take him 369*4 ALEXANDER ROSS. away. _ ESTRAY STEER. _ (1-A.ME into the premises of the undersinned, x--/ Lot No. 6, IL R. S., Tuekeremith, on or about the middle of June last, a two year old STEER. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away. - 36944 JAMES HAY. STRAYED CATTLE. c.:,TRAYED frorn_Lot 7, Con. 11,, Hrill4t, ou or k -J about the lst, of August, a yearling stee.r, white and red, with thick spread out h.onis ; also, one yearling heifer grey, with turne up d d hite A.ay person char ses ,whieh had been trumped up d . • to ieces when their hollowness was ex- ested. to secure the work being done. It is generally believed that the greatest possible good to the greatest possible number" should. be the end and aim of all legislation; either municipal or other- wise. In view of this, it does seem strange that a large-1)01ton of the farm- ers of Hay and many Of those of Stanley should be compelled at all seasons, when the roads are bad, to travel at least one and three-quarter miles out of their way round by Brucefield to get to Seaforth, simply because a fair uaderstanding can- not be come to by t he municiealities t t ave tie said mile. and a quarter of emagrnireof muctbridged over own purpose turned around one questioe, surrounded by chffieulties, and against the Government, they fell Mr. Hugh Love then made a few pun- gent remarks, and. called upon the elect-, ors to turn out and vote for Mr. Bishop on Monday. We regret that want of space prevents us from giving Mr. Love's remarks more fully. Mr. Bishop made a few remarks in. re- ply to Mr. Greenway, after which three cheers were given for the Queen, and the meeting broke up. -Prior • to dispersing, Mr. Bishop named .Mr. Hugh Love, sen., Green, •as his agent, and Mr, James H. Benson, of Seaforth, was na,med as Mr. Case's agent. . The Kippen Road. To the Editor of the 11 al'071 Ar,positor. a quarter of road. At a moderate cal- culation $800 would do the business. wonld suggest that the Seaforth Coun- cil correspond. with the municipal Coun- cils of Tuckersmith, Stanley and Hay. I am sure the Tuckersmith and Stanley Councils, at least, will lend a willing ear to any reasonable proposition and I am sanguine ways and means will'be adopted which. will insure the speedy graveliug of this piece of road. Hoping the im.port- ance of the subject will warrant yon in giving this a place in your next issue. 1 am, respect'ully yours, IL LOVE, Sr. inees GREEN, Jan. 12, 1875: Canada. Mr. Arthur White, for some time as- sistant general freight agent of the Western Division of the Grand Trunk Railway, has accepted the position of assistant general freight agent of the Great Western. Georgetown is to have a bank open- ed next -week. Milton is also sighing for a bank, and they think it would pay there. No doubt of it -election times. -By an order from Government on the 30th of December,' there will be no advertising of letters remaining in the Post Offices of the Dominion. All let- ters not called for will be sent to the Dead. Letter Office and then returned to the writer, who is obliged to pay three cents to obtain the same. -Owing to some misapprehension about the new postal arrangements, many letters have been directed to the United States with only _a three cent stamp. It has been clearly aint repeat- edlm announced in the press thet the new arrangement does not take effett till the 1st of February, and the pubhe should_ govern themselves' according] ye -An accident occurred on: Tuesday at Fraser Brothers' sa,w mill, resulting in the death of one Mr. Metcalf, min - tractor. He was delivering Joke at the mill, when a farmer's team got frightened at the whistle of the mill and ran away. Mr. *Metcalf ran in front of them to try to stop them, when the pole struck hun J. P. of Exeter, charged. by Mr. Eng - on the head. The slcieh loaded with land., of Stevie:Le_ with stealing some logs crush.ecl him to death. SIR : Please allow me, through the medium of your paper, to call the atten- tion of all interested to the state of a portion of that road running est from the London read. at Kippen, thence to Jalgrnondville and Seaforth. There has been for years a great deal of 'talking done about the one mile and a quarter of this road next to Kippen which still remains ungraveled ; and. much, and often, strong and condenmatory language used against the municipalities interested for allowing the road to remain as it is at present; but as far as nay knowledge ex- tends the matter as no een ventilated in t b in our local press, nor has proper ener- getic action been taken by those inter - one ysarling heifer, red an w . g g NIL'. Alex. Duncan then came for- e. iVin info illation that will lead to the recovery 369 :4 ,WILLIAM TREWIN, Constance, P0- n evard. lie reviewed, in a. forcible man - t above animals will be suitably rewarded. Governments but Mr. Mowat took the posed by the investigations of a committee. effected, which even the Most desperate directed against 'elle t.,1cleellar, -and their bull by the horns, and a settlement was enemies of the Government found it hard' energies were concentrated in the at - to tind fault with and which was hailed , tempt to drag him from office. .A.n. op - by its friends with the greatest satisfac- portunity of making a point against him tion. He could see no reason in chang- was never lost, and the most vengeful • Mg merely for the sake of change. mg and frivolous charges were hurled a,gaiust he had proved equal to the Bishop had served the Reform party him, but honestly and fairly in the past, and it emergency and successfully rebutted was ouly right that he should be trusted them all. The speaker then alluded to again. He w.ould do his best to secure the inconsistency of the conduct of Mr. Mr. Bishop's election, and was pertain La,uder and Mr. Rykert in the House The chief shafts of the Opposition were the latter of whom after crying aud that he woult1 be returned. flouring down the amouut of the surplus * lh d --A mad fox was killed near Marnock recently, after a protracted chase. Two dogs bitten by the animal had to be shot. -A very difficult surgical operation has been performed by Dr. Harvey, of Harriston, the patient being Mrs. -Dun- can McLennan, of the 100 Con. Arthur, and. the operation was that of amputats Mg the right breast for cancer, which was done in the most successful manner. Althongh- it is. two weeks since the operation was performed, the patient has never suffered. any -pain, and. is pro- gressing in the most satisfactory manner. The whole operation was performed. in less than fifteen minute's, the patient being under theinftuence of chloroform at the time. -A young man boarding in Hannah's Flotelt Paisley, wait recently prostrated. by a nervoue fit, and after recovering he was found incapable of articulating a word, although restored to bis usual health. His sense of hearing is perfect, and his only means of making himself understood is by writing his wants on a slate. -On Monday night, 28th December, a fire broke out (supposed to be the work ot an incendiary) in the large frame barn of Mr. Robert McCrae, of the township of Morris, near Belgrave, which was totally destroyed, together with the stables and outbuildiegs. This will be -a very heavy loss to Mr. McCrea, all his last year's trope being destroyed, also a buggy, a cutter, and some agricul- tural implements. The barn was in- sured for $250, and the contents for $750 -altogether not more than the value of the barn alone. -On Tuesday last the - teachers of School Division No. 1, County of Lamb - ton, presented G. W. ROsF3, Epg,., with a handsome gold watch and chain, accom- panied by a highly complimentary ad- dress, expressive of the esteem in which he is held by the teaehers in his inspec- toral division. The watch and chain were valued at $166. -A man named E. Laughlin, of Mc- Gillivray, was brought :before T. Gidley, Intel es ec o to considerably less than $1.,000,000 to en the policy of the - Government suit his. e with gravel. The township of Tucker- ointing out many of the good measures day and •declared that the Government vhich had been passed. tato, law, .and had $5,000,000, in the treasury. Hs ESTRAY BULL. 1 ((ME iuto the prernises of the undersigned, Lo „ 3, Con. 2, Stanley, about the 1st of November, a yearling BULL. The owner is requested to 1 prOve property, pay charges and take it away. JOHN McDON aLD. STEER STRAYED- C.TRIYED from Lot 28, con. 6, Hay, a 3 year old rariley steer, blaek and. white. Any person eivine sueh information as will lead to his recov- ery will be suitably rewarded. 365 ALEX. MeALLISTER: - - - - - --- ---- - - ESTRAY CATTLE. f 'AME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot ‘--/ 27, Con. 8, Grey, some time ago, two YEAR - took the Treasurer s statement to show omparing its solid and. beneficial legis - in over -five million do lars, and he on ation with the factious and trivial opoo that there was a surplus of considerably sition of the Conservative element the B.Ouse. sidered contradictions of this statement Mr. George Willis made a few re- 1 emanating from newspapers and other merles M favor of.Mr. Case's candideture. sources as worthless -after the House lute He was -followed by ; confirmed the correctness of the official Mr. Ielia,bocl Bowman, who accused, document. More money had been spent -ments than ever before, but he no -fear direct taeation so long as there was -a surplus of five million dollars in the treasury. He alluded to the division of the Comity for registration purposes, en- tailing a loss of 812,090 to $14,000 on the County, ,aucl this - through having e Mr. Thos: Greenway, who was .secoinl- naembers. The removal of the Model ESTRAY HEIFER . Mr. Bishop of voting againstehis. wee in Colonization roads and other improve - science to please the Govermeent- -on more -than one occasion. He then sat down. • , At this point the Returhing Offieer LINOS aud four CALVES. One of the yearlings and one of the calves are white ; all thereat are announced that if there were any ether spotted. The owner is requested to prove prop- nominations to be made lie would re - 81;8'4 SAMES TAYLOR. ceive them. i by two Conservative ertv, nay expenses and take them. away. Mr. Thomas W hite then nominated been rePtettulted ed by Mr. Hawkshaw. Farm front Mimic() to 'Guelph was next - ((Atm into Lot No. 2, Con. l2., Hullett, on or . , , 3 370-4 EDWARD STANLEY. John Dobbie seconding the nomination. NOTICE. Hugh Love, Mr. McCartney seconding. etent judges long before the removal. t !amt.,' into tue premises of the shbf•mniber, Lot fhe various movers and. seconders hav- P N.-- 2,6 Con. B, three yearhng calves, two steer- - mg waived their claim to a hearing in • He gave several cogent reasons for the tine and blindle, and red heifer. The owner is -re ,, change, and read at length from official • about the 1st of December, a to red Mr. David Manson.. nominated Mr. mid white H.EIVER. The owner is requested to Jacaes McDonald of Tuckersmith Mr. prove property, pay charges and take her away., - Mr. Alex-. Duncan uominated Mr. touched upon. The Government had . . been accused of resorting to all sorts of bility of such a thing being done. In dodges to justify this step, but the the days of tolls on our gravel roads the simple fact of the 'matter was that the County said. "it would be folly for us site had been protested against by com- to make a road to take the traffic away from our own tolls ;" and then when the tolls were thrown off the County threw up the roads also, and the cry now is, "every township keep up its own Toads." Who then should make this mile and. a quarter of road ? is the ques- tion of the moment. In my opinion the people of Seaforth should. take the lead. in the matter. I do believe they are so deeply interested in it that it would ill- tiuiately pay them well even if they graveled the said mile and -a quarter of road at their own expense. That it would. be another string to their bow Can, I think, be vary plainly shown. It is well known to all intimately acquaint- ed about Kippen that in the season when roads are good very few teams go north from Kippen with farm. produce; but that when the said niile and a quar- ter is a quagmire, and all have to go round. by Brucefield, many go onto Clin- ton who never would have thought of such a thing if they could have gone straight eastwards from Kippen. must confess that I scarcely understand why the generally shrewd business men of Seaforth could have neglected this matter so long. I have not the least idea, however, that Seaforth would require to pay more than a fair proportion of the amount necessary to gravel this mile and. smith, in the interest of its own farmers, has graveled all the eaid road at its own expense from Egmondville to Kippen, with the exception of the said one mile and a quarter. Tuckersmith demurs to do more, saying, and, I think with some considerable show of reason, that it can- not afford to make and keep up a road for the convenience of so many of the people of Hay antlf,Stanley,but admitting at the same time that if by some means the mile and a quarter could be got gravel- ed it would strive to keep up all the road in as good a state of repair as possible. It might be supposed at the first glance that the County Council should take hold ancl gravel this rather peculiarly situated piece of road, and have it made at the expense of the County,but circum- stances have existed, and still exist, which leave little hope of the proba- sheep fi•om him. It *appears that Laugh- lin went into England's yard. and ab- stracted the sheep, claiming them as his own, and. as England claimed them too, Laughlin was arrested. At the examin- ation Laughlin identified the sheep 'so positively by certain marks on them, -With the appearance of Mr. Brydges as chief of the Great Western Railway in Canada come rumors of the dismissal of all the divisional superintendents along the line, and of numerous other Woodford, of the Western Division, that he was discharge& -The recent cold snap has been felt employes. It is stated that Messrs. Webster, of the Eastern Division, Tiffin, all over the DOIMM011, and. numerous of the 'Wellington, Grey and. Bruce, cases of frost bite are reported. Dawson, Air Line Bowman, Port Stan- , -A poor old woman, known familiar - have received notice that their services' ly as "Crazy Jane,". was frozen to death ley and Showermaii, chief despatcher, in those capacities terminate at the end on Sunday night, in her but on Moun- tain Road, some five miles from Hamil- of the present month. ton. She lived alone with her son, a the lifeless body of a Mall about 60 years what from boy of 14, and. had. been suffering /some - poverty and ill health for a -A despatch from Sarnia says that old, well dreased and bearing a respect- time previous to her death. able appearance, was discovered in a va- -An old man named Patrick Carr, of Niagara, was beamed to death on Satur- day last It seems that be had been cant hduse in Front street, on the out- skirts of that town a few days ago. drinking hard, and. going home went ieto his barn, and. it is supposed lit his pipe, the hay beside him. catchieg fire ; when the unfortunate man's body was found it was lying down, the legs burnt off up to his knees, also his hands, and when the firemen took him out his skull fell off. --A serious and probably fatal stal-j- From papers found in his possession his name is supposed to be Henry Walters, and he is believed. to have come from about Feigns, Ont. He is supposed to have died of disease of the heart. • -The Guelph lie) aid threatens to makethe name of Mr. Massie "stink in the nostrils of all good men," because he °posed the Berald party M the recent ptested to prove property, pay char,ges and take 'aver of their respective candidates,. the them awayJOHN GRAHAMReturning Officer then :called on Mr. correspondence ou the subject, showing . . Bishop to address the -Meeting. that. Miraico was utterly unsuitable in no -4 every way for the perpose. It had been BULL CAL .F FOR SALE. Mr. Bishop tlieu came for ward. He alleged that men had been employed. to IT sale, a thf woug . ' h bred Durham Bull one denied Ni. gather a box of the worst earth they Bowman's aecusation that he ' t- io months old, of dark red color. His pedi- could. find in the country and adulterate had voted against his conscience for the finzt class, and can be examined. by inter,- sake nf supporting the Government in it, so that on being submitted for analy- mding purchasersn Huron Road, Tuckersnum th. the easure relating to criminazation an unfavor l wit- :file opinion would. be . Apply to G. M. CHESNEY., ______ ------ _ nessee, and satiefactorily explained his given, but tl e faletity of this charge was shown by the report of Prof. Miles him - Vic it ularriter has purchased. from G. F. Hurl- : the Rykert scandal, characterizine ren ort PIG hart, Esq., Perth, a thoroughbred. Berkshire Boar of the large breed. He wille pt f the seasoi., on Lot No. 23, Con. 2, H. R. S., Tucker- f,anith, and will serve sows at $1.00 with the privi- lege of being returned. if necessary'. WI. ROBB THE BLACK PRINCE, celebratel Berkshire boar. Black Prince, will be kept at the premises of the undersigheci in E^na.ondvilie for the service of sows during the present season. Terms, $1, payable at the tinie (if service, with the privilege of returning, if nit- eessary 866-8 DAVLD DUNCAN. vote om'that question, He alluded to 0 self, who came.on purpose from Miehi- BOAR PIG. rrIIE sabserther has a well-bred Boar Pig, which -I" he will keep for the service of sows for tb,e season on Lot 4, Gen. .% L. R. S., Tuekersmith. TERMS -75 cents, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary. ALEX-BUCHANAN, Jr. 3681-4 a an a,s a most nefarious transaction, an to ptocure the earth,and who obtain- 'ff • being nothing more or less than a traffic in Parliamentary influence for the sake of personal emolument; and so strong was the feeling of disgust on both sides of the House, so palpable were the facts against .1r, Itykert, that had the House sat ten clays longer he would have been ignominiously expelled. The speak& then referrea to his vote on the Orange question, .which had been challenged by certain parties for the sake of making capital against him.. There had been a special bill and a general bill brought up, and he had contended that the general bill was mere equitable in its provisions to all parties, and conferred on the Orange body more real privileges than they ed it hirneelf off the Mimic° site. It was just such things as these that were brought against the Government by such men as Mr. VanNorman, who went about the country giving publicity to charges which he never even attempted to sub- stantiate, and it was left to Reformers to disprove them, although they had never been proved. In conclusion, he hoped every voter would tarn out xlext Mon- day, and, if they thought he had done his duty, vote for him. Mr. Case was then called 'upon, but not being present 'his speech was die- • permed with. Mr. Greenway then came forward and municipal elections, and helped to give bing affray occurred at lhomas Gould.'s - . . it a sound drubbing. Tt has done more Hotel, about four miles from Schomberg, to make the names of its own political on Friday night. Some long standing friends "stink" than it will ever accom- grudge existed. between James Jarvis plish against its opponents. and John Reilly, and. meeting at the -Steers, the Canada Pacific Erigin.eer, hotel after a political meeting, a row charged with embezzling money frorn arose, when Jarvis stabbed Reilly about the Public Works Departmeet, has been two inches below and to the right of the acquitted. -The Hamilton Council, at their first meeting, voted the sum of $1,000 to the retiring Mavor, Mr. B. E. Charlton. -The total number of immigrants which arrived at the Toronto immigra- tion sheds last year was 14,523. Of these a considerable 1:apportion passed on mer, and. penetrated his- right eye, nar- , . to the States. rowly escaping the piipil. As it is his -The mercury at Orillia on Thursday eye is seTionely damaged.. pit of the stomach. Reilly still remains in a very. dangerous state. -On Saturday morning last, ai Mr. Luxton, in the employ of Mr. W. Treble, Exeter, was working npon a building for that gentleman, a pieee of nail which he was driving broke from under his ham-. niorning reached the very extraordinary depth of 42 below zero. -Hon. D. McDouald has been ap- pointed Attorney -General of Nova Scotia in place of Hon. H. W. Smith, who retires. -His Excellency the Governor -Gen- . ---Gananoque had a, $6,000 fire on Fri - clay night last. -And now Aylmer has its scandaL A few weeks ago one its most quiet, in- offensive citizens called upon the Parson to be united in the holy bonds of matri- mony. Of course that was all right, but eral won. a barrel of flour in a smgle- it looked a little singular that he should_ handed curling match with Mr. Hutchin- have lived with kis inamorata two score son, at Rideau Hall, on Thuraclay, whtch years and become the father of one score he presented to the Protestant Hospital. and two cheldren, before he thought Such is the fact, however, and. Lord Dufferiu is described as a skilful about A. player. -A fire in the stables of Dr. E. H. Tredel at Long Point, on Tuesday night, destroyed tweitty-five cows and eight horses, with the stables, and a large quautity of hay. Less about $6,000 ; insuranee, $5,000. -Williams' woolen mills, at Glen- willia,ms, near Georgetown, was destroy- ed by fire on Monday, the operatives barely escaping with their lives. The loss -is $25,000 ; insurance $15,000. Over fifty hands are put out of employment. -An incendiary caused the destruc- tion of a large portion of the premises of the Cedardale Agricultural Implement Works at Oshawa. The loss to the Company, it is satisfactory to know, is cowered by insurance, but a lenge num- ber of industrious mechanics is necessar- ily thrown out of employment at the most inconvenient season of the year. the aged youths are uow enjoying their honey -moon with as much eclat as a pair of turtle doves. -A young man named Enoch. Baker, of London, cut his throat with a large knife the other evening because his own brother would not pay bit some money he was owing him. one of the artevies being cut he is recovering. -Mr. John Drew, of Exeter, has secured the contract for fitting up with furniture a large new hotel in St. Mary's. The furniture -will cost about $2,000. = -The Brockville abortion case has terminated fatallY, aad W. II. Greaves, the seducer, and Dr. E. B. Spathe)); are committed for trial for murder. The particulars of this case are of a most re- volting character, as detailed in the de- position made le'y the deceased shortly before dea,th. It appears that in addi- medi- a Methodist minister at Lueknow, quiet- tion to giving powders and other -A young girl in the employment of eines, Dr. Sparha,m performed three dis- ly rose from her bed while asleep on Thursday night, and seizing a jacket be- longing to the baby, opened the stove door, and gave it to the flames. When getting into bed again, she awoke, and discovered what she had done in her sleep. -Whilst Mr. Robert Miller, jr. of the 3rd Con. of Morris, was engaged on Monday morning, December 28th, in lighting his fire, a eat came behind him and bit him on the leg. He then reached down to put it away, when it took hold of his hand. The cat was supposed. to be mad. -.Albert Hingston, of Morris, a lad of about 14 years of age ha,d two of his fingers taken off at the age, joint whilst putting a belt on a grain crusher. tinct operations with instruments, twice in the presence of his own wife, who ap- parently treated tlae matter as of a most trivial and every -day occurrence. -A telegram from Ottawa says Re- ports from Cumberland, near this city, state that a woman has -given birth to a child, the head of which resembles that of a dog, perfect in every particular. -Since Wednesday of last week, gangs of men have been employed in Stephen and Hay, grading and prepar- ing the line of the London, Huron and Bruce Railroad. The work is under the superintendence of a competent engineer, who has orders to make heavy cuts all through. Mr R. Stanlake, of Stephen; has now a number of men at work in the - rear of Exeter. J.