The Huron Expositor, 1875-01-08, Page 8tot 117 15 ltrOn X1/00ittiri DISTRICT MA'rTERS. FrOm- 'the success which attended Mr. Maitland'a last Concert in Seaforth, and from the satisfaction which he then gave. we have every hope that the corning oon- cert will be even more successful. A (lItIOULTO res.t, /VIE ET1N G. ----The annum emtmETtcr,,, , Hgror,, sExFoiri.u.___ meeting of the members of the SOUth This boils° is the best in Seafoith for commercial liuronlgricaltutal Souiety will be held travelers and farmers, is ite accommodation is at Brucefield, on Wednesday, 20th inst., first-class while its prices are as low as the Cheap- for the purpose of appoiating directors • 11 'est hotels. The rooms are large, well furnished and perfectly clean, while the best attention is given to all who patronize the house. There is lar„ge stabling in connection, and attentive host- ers.—Ano xINDElt DAVIDSON, P roprietor. FALL TRADE. —1BEArrr & Co. have now their Fall Stock complete, and are pre- pared to meet the public and their numerous ens- tonaors -with the largest stock of new Dry Goods, Readymade Clothing, PUTS of all kinds, Boots and Shoes; Groemies, Imported. Wings and Liqaors, they have ever yet offered. Buyers: If you want Cheap Goods mast BEATTY. & Co.'s, Carmichael's Blook, Main Street, Seaforth, and they can there be found in any quantity. THERE Ras been a tremendous rush at Wilson & Young's the last two -weeks for crockery and china ware. Parties still wanting to ' buy will find it to their advantage to call early be- fore the splendid bargains they are giving are all gone. They have just opened out a few crates of yellow and Bucldngham ware, the best article made to stand fire. ° FARMERS, AiT.ENTION.—Wx. ROBERT- SON & CO., Sign of the Circular SAW, can sell you a splendid Platform Scale, warranted. correct, mounted on wheels, to weigh 1,000 pounds, for $17 cash -1 better article than is sold by pedlars going around the country at $22. FOR THE best Brandies, Port and. Sherry Wines, foreign and Canadian, Ales and Porters in wood and bottle, Wilson & tomig still and at the top of the list. They Alava Carling's ale in quarter barrels, half barrels, barrels and bottles, alba splendid order, mas and New Year's aifts. just received, direct Croeket's evening costume of a collar and- er the Ciroular Saw, Seaforth. marks about robbers or something, and for the ensumg year. The mee mg be.held at 12 o'clock. A meeting of the old directors Will be held at 10' o'clock for the purpose -of winding np the busk- ness of the past year. jouitessaistec.—We notice with plea- sure that the Hamilton Times has donned a coraplete new dress. and now presents,. typographically, a very handaorne ap- pearance. If we might suggest a change, we would say that the onlyj thing which in any way detrads front its appear- ance is the largeness of the type used in the advertisements. The new dress was furnished by that olcl and. favorably known firm, Messrs. Gwatkia & Son, of Toronto. The Times is one of the raost ably written and best cOnclucted. journals in Canada, awl tire are much pleased to notice this sign of its pros- perity. • ° AN UNSEASONABLE VISIT. ---.0n Wea- nesday night, between 12 and 1 o'clock,. Mr. A. G. McDougall was aroused from a comfortable slumber by a noise at his front doer. He at once answered the summons; and was greeted by a woman. A SPLENDID assortment of Plated whose raiment was about as well adapte Goods, Tea TM'S, &e. &c., suitable for Christ- as a protection against the cold as Davy from England, at Wm. Ronnumsos & Co.'s, Sign pair of spurs. She made a few wild re - WILSON & YOUNG have just received a - vanished. In the m,ornin ti t 1 f g, le rac ts o 'Year's, comprising Layers, Valentias, Sultanas, ner bare feet were discernible in the large lot of choice fruit for Cluistinas and New . and, loose Muscatel Raisins, Currants, &c. all now snow, and the only wonder is how she , earon fruit of the finest qualitv. A lot of prime escaped. being frozen. . Mr. McDougall 'cheese on hand. • .. XmAS AND NEW YEAR'S presents are now openin,g at HicKsoles. Call and see them. Th finest lot of both useful and ornamental and family expressed some perturbation of spirit at first, on account of the un- usual nature of the occurrence, but as it was evidently the result of a disordered H RO N XXPOSITOR.. man drove -up to the station at 0 a h and asked a boy-nanied Martin. to hold' his horse. Young Martin. got into the: sleigh, and the horse getting -frightened- attlie noise of the .shunting engine; ran' off, ; The 'sleigh WAS Upset, .Martin fall- _ing 'Out, dud the bore falling on4-top of hint. Fettuarttely there was no bottom to the box, or he might have been seri- ously hurt. .A. lad named Robert Dick- son- was struck by the 'ranner of the sleigh as it tipped over and was slightly. injured in the face. No great damage was done. Cranbrook. puma -a a recent -visit to this -village, 1.1 was surprised at the amount of business done. It has inereased both in popula- tion and business entoprise, and, I doubt not, will, ere long seek incorpora- tion. The Crambrook Hotel is kept by Mr. James Titek, and is a line establish- ment, a large basiness. The vil- lage is blessed with plenty of religious edifices, having a fine Presbyterian Chitral, but no resident minister, aBible Christian, a Baptista and a Weslesian Dutch Church. No secret, Society of any kind exists here. Messrs. j, & E. Garrow, of Seaforth, are erecting an ex- tensive saw-nilll, which will add much to the prosperity of the place. Within a few miles of the village a large number of men are employed in the lmnbering business. Mr. R, W. Tuck does a thriv- ing dry goods' business. Mr. McNair keeps the post office, and also a store. A tri -weekly mail runs between the vil- lage and Brussels. Tuekeramith. .ACCIDEls./T. —On Satuiday et en ng as man, and will likely make an excellent a girl named Margaret Allan, daughter representative. • Two of the old. Coun- of Mr. Wm. Allan, Tuckersmith, was cilors have been returned, and for the using an axe, the tool slipped and cut third place Mr. William Graham takes her severely on the ankle. The wound the place of Mr. Thomas Keys. The following was the state of the voll at its drilla. Put the sets in about a foot apart, covering with the pin*, was cer- taintthe seta would not be Covered too -deep by this principle, which he con- sidered was the most appropriate way of planting potatoes. Mr. Chas. Itutled e would -manure and plow in the fall. 11 would also Plow tvvice in. the spring when the land was dry, and would barrow and use the land marker as described by Mr. Landsborough. He generally au his sets about ten days before planting. He usually planted about the 10th of June, ancl believed it unwise to plant earlier: Ile dropped' his sets about a foot apart in the mark, and covered with the plow. The President said that he took a lesson from a potato grower, whose- fame was undisputed in this sec- tion of country. Acting upon this ad- vice :be plowed his land,, harrowed, hauled* very short -manure on the land, which he spread. Then'he took his po- tato marker, which he was told. to make the teeth thirty-three inches apart, and drew it lengthways over the patch. He planted his sets about ten inches or a foot apart, then covelkd with the plow. But the potato bugs were nutherous, and after having used various pOtato bug poison without much effect, he could. not say whether this method was a succesg or not. Stanley. MU N norm, ELECTION. —The municipal election in Stanley this year created con- siderable excitement. After a close con - teat, Mr: George Castle, who has credit- ably filled the position of Deputy Reeve for many years, has been defeated, a,ncl Mr. William Keys elected in his stead.. From all we can learn Mr. Keys is a good is a painful one, but we are glad to learn that the young lady ts recovering.- Keys, 17'Z; Geo.' Cattle 176. Councilors —I)r. 1 , eorge Ande f Tuckeasmith and now of Win ham o ' • g ' William Graham, 211 S Thomas Keys, Goods ever imported to this part of the Dominion. has bee ri elected a Councilor for that CONDITION 'POWDERs. :— Keep your braint and no further starthng develop - den's Condition. Powders, the best in the ket to the slumber from w=hich they had been PERSONAL. —We notice; with pleasure close : Deputy Reeve.—Win. aeys, that Mr. W. 0. Fowler, an old resident Woods96 G A d 212 171 ; William Campbell, 111. men s occurred, they retired once more flourishilti village. Horses in health and good order by using Lums Prepared ord.y by R. Lu-alsnEx, Druggist, Seaforth so -unseasonably ass-akened. Mr. Mc- entertainment will be given on Friday TEMPERANCE ENTERTAINMENT. — An Watches, .Clocks and. JeWelry repaired Donal wishes it understood that he evening, 15th institnt, at Fowler's School need them. All work warrantedat IlicKsoN% • but if people win come at seal times, he Templars. Doors will be open at half - and an cleed for tho coming Season. You will does not receive callers at such hours, House by Royal Oak. Lodge of Good new Sewehy Store. • implores them to cla so in a costume past six, commencing at six. CoMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. —On Thurs. day evening of last week the people of Egrnondville and ' vnity- entertained Grey. Sharpe consulted Mr. McDonald * of Brussels, wha advised him to defend the suit, on account of some technical objeo. tionsln the chattel mortgage. The case calini on for trial at the sittings of the 'County Couti.,,in the early part of Decem- ber last before Judge Toms. A largo number of witnedes ,svere called, and the case was adjourned to allow of an argument on the "points" of law, and a few days ago the Judge decided in favor of Sharpe. The coots will he between .$300 to $400. Horse traders can ex- tract a moral from the above. Brussels. (C. B. Coconut, Brawls, Agent for the Ex- POSITOR Newspaper and Xob Printing Mee.] TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL.—The Good Templars held a festival on New Year's evening, in the old Melville Church, at which they realized $100. . MuNiamars ELECTION, —The election passed off quietly on Monday last. The following gentlemen -were elected: Reeve-4ohn Leckie, by acclamation. Conucilors--Messrs. Gralmm, Gerry, Thomson and Leadbeater. The poll stood thus Graham 88, Thomson 69, Gerry 86, Leadbeater 65. LECTURE.—Mr. M. Roper, the cele- brated lecterer, is in town, and will de- liver a ;lecture in the old. Melville Church, on Friday evening next. Sub- ject—"The Descendants of Ham and the Slave Trade." NEW Ctruncri.--The Wesleyan Meth- odists have bought the private reaidenee of Mr. WM. Aldridge, and have com- menced drawing stones for the building • of a new church., CHURCH OPENING-a—The services in connection with the opening of the new Wesleyan Methodist Church, on the 12th Concession of Grey, near Gran - MME.'S alai other Almanacs, gra, is, more in accordance with _ thestequire- brook, took • place on New Year's Day, noW in for 1875. .Also to:other lot of that fine and ere very suocessful. The peoplepf Bordeaux Vinegar, neaxly double the strength of meats of the se son and the usages of .conim.on vinegar, and mueh parer, at HICKSON'S polite society, - '1 that neighborhood have been putting Ding Stare. . the Messrs: Chatlesworth, proprietors of forth very strenuous efforts to build a MoNev.—Mouey to lend, at the lowest PASTORAL PRESENTATION. —On Thitrs- the Egraondville Mill, at a complimeu- house for the worship of God, and their rates, and mortgages bought by W. R. Sqnier, day evening of last week the ladies con- tary supperM a i Is . s robe 1 t ••tson's Hotellabors are now rewarded by a commodi- Banister, Goderich, and by Squier & Macdonald fleeted with the Canada Presbyterian .. At the appointed. hour about 40 gentle- ous and beautiful church. Great creeit . the b '11- a i•ttee for their which had been gotten up ni Mrs; Rob-- selfsdenying efforts. m connection with Barristers, Brussels. Church of this town, accompanied by DYE STUFES.—Finest Madder, Indigo; aye gentlemen friends, numbering M all magenta lagwood, Cochineal and all other LInESDEN'S Corner Drug Store, Seafortk. their pastor, Rev.' Thomas Goldsmith Stuffs, prodncing Bich and Bright colors, at n. abotit 40, repaired to the residence of NE‘sr Om- Waterman's " Head and very much to the surprise of himself Lif=ht" oil the safest and beSt oil now in use. and. family took possession, for the time men sat down to a sumptuous supper, as c u . ertson's best style, and which is all that this work. They were the right men in is needed to be said to conviace. any who the right place. The size .of the church may have been fortunate enough to par- 44x30, built at a total cost of above 9 take of this lady's hospitalitY, that it $1,000. On 1 riday last the members was the ver b t The chair was occu- were cheered by seeing their house taloa 45" cents per gall—E. HIcKso-N & Co. • s• being, of the house. After the usual wail- y e3 • -MuSICAL INSTRUKEN'TS, ViOlinS, Con- tations were ended, the following address pied by 111r. Geoi•gle Jackson, and the ctowded with smiling frieuds who! had eertinas, ACeDrdeops, French and German Writing Wa.s read by Mrs. S. Dickson, in. behalf of vice chair by Mr. . 'Van. McConnell. A coMe to help them in this good work. Desks, Work B oxes," Jewel Cases Dressing Cases, and New Year's presents, at R. LUMSDEN'S, Sea- "Rev.. Mr. Goldsmith,—Dear Sir,-11Te after a few hours' enjoyment the corn- the meetmg was duly opened, when Mr. FAnn17 Goods of all sortS, Toys, 40., for Christmas [ the ladies of the congregation : very pleasant e,vening was spent, find, After a sump uous ea. been ser d, trust this unprovoked invasion of the pany broke up, ea,ch one well pleased. Sparling was called to the chair. Ex - TAKE a look at:t s privacy o yo o y . 1 and joyous.- , cellen Ea -rulers' Store. when you see t e 'happy faces and catch ACCIDEN T. —On Monday night of last KNITTING MacHrNEs.--Mr- Win. IN. the joyous infi ience from hearts that week a,s Mr. Wm. McConnell was re. Watson has been appointed Agent for Franz sod have come to suits at the f 'rush me will be sardoned • t addresses were delivered. b Rev Messrs. Pinch and Hough: The pro- ceedings were enlivened with appropri- ate selections by the Briistelachoir. At Pope's celebrated knittiugmaohine. . Year and pres LEGAL. ----Mr Doyle, of -Mr. 111effiepto of th day and Friday from this date. • for you their WILSON &t.YOUNG don't sell water t - dye stuffs with their liquors. AR liquors pure. - tIVERY CLASS of Goods marked at 'ski . to eentrol a trade at the Farmers' Store. be at his office in Seaforth regularly every Tiles laid lent wife. W out and in amo ces those cordial f truth that cha you to -night, BIBLES, BIBi M-4. large assortment of taste of aetici atecl joys to be found in 1ni that future a al happy life, of which, oe and hi had rci properly attended to. CouNCIL MEETING.— COntleil met at Bibles, Pocket, Family and. Pew. Also, Testa- tq Prayer Books, Church Serviees, ece„ in iThe night was very cold, arid had it not Dames' Hotel, Oranbrook, on Dec. 30, various styles of binding, snitable fur Christmas with you, we u1I hope to be made par• been that Mr. McConnell had come pursuant to the call of the Reeve. Mem- tad New lutes gifts, at R. LUMSDEN'S. takers." In behalf of .the congregation along when he did the poor old man bets all preeent. The Reeve in the chair. SLAUGHTER Of BUEFALO. —It seems and many others. - likely that the authorities at Washington and After the address was read. Mrs. I). F trtirPS' CLITIL—At the next meet- firmed. Wm. Atkinson applied «r a re- .vfund of tax for statute labor cha ed to ing f the Tuckersmith Farmers' Club, vish you a happy 1e% turning from Seaforth, and when near nt you with ' this small the Presbyterian Church in Egmondville, t.the close of the service, a financial state - it esteem .aud affection hejsaw a M. an lying on the side of the merit was made which showed that after star, and for your excels rob.d. On going up to him he found him the proceeds of the tea some $300 re - hope that Miiile you goained unprovicled for. The financial to 431r. Joseph Shaver, an old gentle- m g us you may. ever find . manlof about 80 years of age, who had result of the evening's proceedings was dings of friendship .and been goinaa home and had slipped on the $376. We congratulate the people of acterize our meeting with road, and in the fall broke his leg. Mr. Grey on thus . • securing a handsome nd which are but a fore- 'McConnell carried the old. man to his church.—Com. would undoubtedly have perished. Minutes of last meeting read argl con, Ottawa will soon take steps to prevent the increas- D. Wilson, on behalf of the ladies of the the r011, said work having beep per orme w ic e elcl at Broadfoet's School of 40 at the Farmers' Stoi e, Seaforth. SUBSCRIBERS tO THE EXPOSITOR, . over $180 111.gold. Mr. Goldsmith, who - lowing subject will be dis ussecl : " Will refun,ded. Mr. Slemmon. reported hav- p who receive them at Brussels, should leave their it bl nd. affectin rks 1 in which Grey and 111 f orders at c. R. Cooper & Co., Brussels, where t ey he referred to the harmony and brother - will receive them free of postage. which had ever existed be- PUBLISIERRS' NOTICE. —From this date 1.3' feeling tween himself and the members of the all business notices, published in the lo- Church Session in their deliberations on , matters affecting- the 'interests of the iug waste ef buffalo on, their respeetiveqerritories. • to If you want a good robe you can have your choice congregation, presented Mr. Goldsmith h • h 11 b with as handsome casket, iri which was though not certified by; pathmaster, $2 House on Monday evenin next, the fol - WEEKLY' GrLOBE, MAIL, and London linuALD • Was taken much by surprise, made a Mg sold a quantity Of pine timber on the the Townshi .Board Sys em - be an ad - sit a e a g p St, vantage , to the cause of Education inboundarybetween anc ma, or Tuckersmith ? This subject being one . num o acc an s!weie re c, of very great mportance and v. ere, on motion ordered to be paid, i eral topic of conversation'and the gen- thrOughout the when the Council adjourned. . . township at the present time. it is hoped_ AHu NTEU, Clerk that there will be a large attendance of Church. He also referredd to the pro - the farmers of Tuckersmith at the nteet cal or reading columns, will be charged at the rate of 10 cents a line for each ins,ertien. gress the Chtirch had made since his iin• - ng to take part in the discussion. auction as it e pastor, anal highly com- FARAIERS' CLUB.—The in.ember's of the Farmers' Chib of Tuckersmith met tion and the -efforts they- had made to last Monda evening as usual at Broad - foot's School House. Subject—" Best with pride to the fact that the present way of growing potatoes." Appleton presentation was not made to fill up a deficiency in stipend, as that had always been paid with promptitude and rep- • : PRESBYTERY' OF HURON. —This Free- lsvtery will meet at Clinton on Tuesday, l2„t'h. inst., at Il o'clock A. M. . ' NEW SALT BLOCK.--LMessrs. A. W. - Ogilvie & eo. intend ereeting a new block on the east side of their -mill, for the manufacture of salt. By Means of of this addition the waste steam of the mill ean be utilized. for evaporating. men ec e li era. 3 o eco g g free the Church from "debt, and alluded Elcoat, Esq., opened the discussion- by saying that clean land was essential for the groyne°. of potatoes. The land arity. e cone anon..,° 1- should be manured in the fall, then. ceedings`those present enjoyed. an hom s lowed deep. in the spring plow about secial intercourse when all returned to P • the middle of May, takina care the land i • h 11 1 d itl t the • the t omes we p ease w a a, y had done,. Take par land marker an iastrnment ANNIV.1,,RSARY SERVICES.—The anni- versary services in connection with the Episcopal 'Methodist Church of this town will be held on Sunday, the 24th inst., and the anniversary tea meeting will be held on the following Monday evening., Particulars will be given net week. PEEsONAL.—Mr. Allan McLean, of THEll CRON' ExPostron, aacompanied by Miss M. E. McLean, left for Florida on Wednetday last. Mr. McLean gees in quest of a warmer climate, with a view to benefitting his health. . • SEAFOR`131 SCHOOLS. — The Sea -forth Public Schools opened, after the Christ - Inas holidays, ou Thursday. Mrs.-oul- ter takes the department formerly ' Caught by Miss Katie, and a younger sister of Mrs. Coulter has been enga.ged. as teacher for the department vacated by the pro- motion of the former. • THE INter.rINu,TO-SIGHT. --We would remind. our readers of the Union Politi- cal meeting to be held this evening by Mr. Gibson, the -Reform candidate for East Huron, and Mr. Bishop, the Reform candidate for South Huron. There should be a large attendance. ----• THE MI-Nretrae ELECTIONS. The municipal elect -isms in Seaforth passed. off very quietly, and a stranger would not have known that anything more than usual was going on. The electioas for Councilors resulted as follows : ;North Ward. ---William Campbell, 22; Janies Beattie, 22 ; Wm, Gray, 22. East Wan/.—D. McNaught, 15 ; W. Grassi°, 15; Edward. Hickson, 16. South, Ward.—A. Stewart, 49; A. Strong, -45 ; J. H. Broadfoot, 37. There was a very small vote polled. It will be noticed that all the members of the olcl Council -who offered have been re-elected. - CONCERT.—We understand that Pro- fessor H. K. Maitland, of Guelph, as- sisted by hia-son and local amateurs, will give a concert in. the Town Hall, Sea - forth, on Tuesday, the 19th of January. • • is dry; then cultivate and harrow. Exeter. similar to a hand rake, only larger, with teeth about one inch in di- e ama er an ir y me es apex , is o THE REEvEs4IIIP.—An acitina c9test t cl th. t h t this -took -took place here On Monday last for the be drawn -lengthways, then crossways, candidates were r. Reeve,ship. The canc working your land in squares. Then 1 George . Willis, late Reeve, and Mr. take a hoe and make a hole where your Wharton Hodgson. Both candidate, are lines cross, plant three sets in a, hill, and very popular in the villa,ge,, and for s rae cover with a hoe lightly, for if planted too deep they never conic up- so_avell. It was not well to have more than one or two eyes in a set, for too many eyes produce too many stalks, which wither and. die, causing your crop to become a failure. Mr. James Landsborough's mode of preparing the land for potatoes would be by manuring in the fall—say, about twenty-five loads of Maintre to the acre—and plowing moderately, deep. In the spring he would not plow till a,boat the 10th of June, as he did not believe in early planting. He would harrow the land after plowing,. His land marker was made in the folloWing way : 'Take a scantling, bore holes in it with a two- iuch augur, .about twenty-eight inches apart, put pins in the necessary length. Shafts might be added where it can be drawn' with a horse. This he would draw lengthsvays, planting a set about ten inches- apart in these marks, which he would cover with the plow two or three inches deep. He considered it a great Mistake in small potatoes being planted. Nothing but sets taken from the largest potatoes should be planted. He had grown over eighteen varieties, and out of that complement has only re- - tained four—the Early Rose, Clime,x, Peerless aud Prolific. The Early Rote was, in his estimation, only second-class, the Climax being considerably the best in flavor and yield. The Peerless yielded the best, but was not smgood in quality. As for the potato bugs, he would pick them wheu first seen on the potatoes, as by so doing they can be easily subdued time it was not safe to predict which would come outvtatorious. At the Close of the poll, hosyever, Mr. Willis was found ta be.sonre seven votes aheas of Mr. Hodgson.,- I 5.11usICIPAL ELeCTIONS.---The MU. pal election of McKillop terminate in the reselection.of Mr. Shannon as Rave, Mr. T. E. Hays as Deputy Reevestand all the old. Councilors with the excel lion of Mr, A. Govenlock, whp is supers by Mr. John Malone. The followia a statement of thea--otes polled for candidate : ReeyeS—Shannon, 303; Govenlock, 157 ; 5-Peputy Reeve—I- 261 e R. Govenlock, 186. Counci ors, - A. Kerr, 348 John:Malone. S9;'2Tm. Bell, 283; .A. Govenlock, 190. . Gode'rich. [F1101I THE SIGNAL.1 .71-DGE's INTERIM COURT, —Witani IL Rutherford, lately employed by, Mr. J. Butler, as a book agent on the G and Trunk.Railway, was Arrainged. on T rs- ient not al - h of ent for orne ded is a,cit ohn ays, day for embezzlement, aacl after a pa and careful investigation Was found guilty, the -Judge considering that though he might be guilty of a brea trust, it stopped. short of embezzle and was therefore discharged. RETIRING. —Mr. Elijah Martin, many years connected with the Col , Hotel, has retired into ,private , life, leaving the business to his son and son- in-law, Mr. John Martin and Mr. Whitely. Mr. Martin ancl lady entertained at a complimentary s by the present and former boarde an early date. Many will wish Mr. tin happiness in his retirement. RUNAWAY.-L'0n Monday afternodn, a OS. be per at ar- He would not recommend Pari e green, as it was injurious to the potatoeik: Mr. H. Alexander coulcl not agree with the former speaker about manuring in the fall. He believed in mann-Hi:1g in the spring by putting the manure in the [FROM THE NEW Eraiss, ANN usta Mamma —The annit-4, meet- ing in connection with the North Riding Agricultural_ Society will be held at Lasham's Hotel, Londesboro, on Wedn- esday, Jan. 20, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of electing officers for tits* -ensuing year, and the transaction of - other business. All interested will bear this in mind. RUNAWAY. —On 'New Year's Day, while Air.' R. Straith and Rea. F. Mo- - Cuaig were on their way to visit Mr. . Craig, of the Bayfield road, who is lying quite in, the horse they were driving took fright and, ran away, throwing both occupants out, Mr. McCuaig escaped. uninjured, but Mr. Straith, who held the lines-, received a number of severe bruises. The cutter was slightly broken. AC'CIDENT.—On Monday night .a youth named Spear, of Goderich township, while on his way home from Clinton, met with an accident which might have re- sulted more seriously. He was riding on a horse, and leading one behind, and the last one kept hangpig back, everttu- : -ally pu im o efl. tl tiochstetter, Esq., Henry Boller'Esq., A.dam Sachs, Esq„ Daniel Surerus, Esq.Bernhart Foist, Esq., -and Abra- hamlehman, Esq. After a little dis- CUSSiOn it was unaaimously resol Ved that the head office should be in Zurich. The meeting then adjourned. MUNICIPAL ELEIM0NS.—The Reeve and Deputy Reeve having been elected by acclamation, there was not such a large Tote polled as otherwise perhapti might have been. For Councilors, the vote at the close of the polls stood as fol- lows, viz. : For WtH Wilson, sen., 116 votes ; Daniel McColl, 111, Wm. Turn., bull, 87 ; Robert McAllister'102, John C, Kalbfliesch, j45, Peter S. Geigber, 67, and Samuel Raanie 106 votes, Total votes polled, 301. John C. Kalb- fliesch, Wm. Wilson, sea., and Daniel McColl, were therefore duly - elected. Councilors for 1875. OtinestoN.---We much regret that the name of Mr. Samuel Ramie was omitted from the list of candidates for the Cou cilorship of Hay last week. The omis- sion was purely accidental, and WAS not noticed until it was too late to rectify it. We are sorry if the onassion has caused. Mr. Rannie loss or aunoyance, bat we now make the only amends we can do for it. The list was not obtaiaed from the Cleric, but from another correspon- dent. to the ground, and was form% to have received a few severe bruises. A neigh- bor coming along, he was taken. home. Wroxeter. Muss -terriers— -The municipal election for the village of Wroxeter took place on Mainday last, Mr. Wm. Small acting as Returning Offieer. Oonsiderabie interest was manifested in the proceedings, and there was a keen contest between seve- rel of the candidates Mr.. A L. Gib- son was elected -Reeve by acclamation. The following gentlemen were elected. for Councilors Dr. Small, Messrs. David Black, James Paulin and. James Clark. hi Howick Township, the fel-. lowing gentlemen were elected : Reeve —J. J. t.iSweetman. First Deputy Reeve—Charles Wilson by acclamation. Second Deputy ReeveBenjamin Cook. Councilors—James Mitchell and T. Ket- tle 13ocld . MARKETS. —Fall Wheat, 86e to 88c; Spring, 80c to 85c; Oats, 40c; Peas, 60; Barley, $1 00; Pork, $7 75 to $7 90 • Beef, $4 00 to $5 00; Potatoes, 70c; Beans, $1 75; Hides, $6 00; Cordwood, $1 50 to $9 00; Geese, 5e to 6c ; ,Turkeys, 7c to 8e; Chickens, 25e to 35c ; Butter, 23c; Eggs, 20c. Seaforth Cheese Factory. A well attended - meeting of the patrons of the above foctory, waa held. on the 31st ult. The annual report was submitted, -giving the following statistics of the operations of the factory d.uring the past season Total milk delivered, 930,982 lbs.; cheese made, 88,080 lbs.; amount received for cheese $10,745 96; average price per pound, 12 2-5c. Much satisfaction was manifested. with. the manner in which the business of the factory had been done. For the coming year the patrons agreed to pay 2e per lb. for drawing and. making. amemeeesraeise . s MARRIAGE• CERTIVIIDATIES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, EAFORTH, Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. lad A GEN'Etil Wairted Everywirere,'In " Old CT Young, at Home or Traveling. m'.1 Make More their spare Moments '1"! 'a._ selling the Guide than at anything else. .`••• sa• Mailed to any address on receipt of the F../ pnee, Twenty -live Cent*. Send for Cireular. Address, X.asek;-11ox No Seforth, Ont., Canada. Usborne. THE :MUNICIPAL ELECTIO'N. —The fol- lowing is the vote polled by the various candidates in the late election : Reeve—, Bluevale. Hunter, 224 ; Hackney, 158. Council- •, ors—S TY Waral--Halls 63 Kellaaid . . ; 51, Martin. 5. N. W. Ward—Miller, 50-; Oke, 31. N. E. Ward—Greery, 40; Monteith, 58. S. R Ward- Brock, 561; Delbridge, 47. The successful candi- dates are : Reeve—Mr. Hunter. Coun- cilors—Messrs. Halls, Miller, Monteith • and Brock. HOTEL CHANGE. --Mr. William Ross has rented his hotel to a gentleman named Thompson from WawarlOS. This is an old ancl favorably known house, and Mr. Thompson will, no doubt, do a good --business. The hotel has been leased for a term of five years. ELEcTION.—Tbe election of Councilors in Turnbeny passed off very quietly on Monday last. Mr. James Henning .was elected for Deputy Reeve. The Coun- cilors elected are: Thomas Guy, John Little, and James Hogg. S. Black was elected Reeve by acclamation. ManEtts.—The market quotations in Bluevale are as follows : wheat, 88c ; spring wheat, 86c; barley, $1 -00 ; peas, 70e; oats, 40c; pork from $7 90 to $8. Since the cats began to run past this village it has become much livelier. Every person seems to be full of business, and establishing a market here causes much more stir than there would other- wise be. We hope Bluevale may flour- ish, and rival some of the' neighboring villages, as no doubt it will if it contin- ues to prosper in the future as it has for the past few months. Daiarta—We regret to learn. that Mrs. F. Patterson lost her only child on Tues- day morning. The child was five months old wlien it died, and had been but a very short time 11 Water on the brain was the cause of its death. Mr. F. Patterson went to Seotland some time ago, and arrived there in, safety. We do not know when heL will return, but when he does, he will find his wife in sorrow for the loss of her child, Morris. AN EXTENSIVE HORSE TRADE.—. -A rather curious and intricate lawsuit has arisen in this locality lately. It appears that a man named. Grummett, living in Morris, gave a chattel mortgage on his horse and other articles last spring, to Mr. P. Kelly, of Blyth. Shortly after- wrird.s Gpmmett traded one of the horses includeclin this mortgage to Jas. Sharpe, of Morris, which the latter soon after traded to one Hannah, who lives in Mc- Killop. Hannah then traded_ the same horse to a neighbor of his named Morri- soli, who had the horse but a snort time when it was taken from him by Mr. Kelly (by virtue of the mortgage there- on givett by Grummett), who caused the horse to be sold as pay the mortgage. Morrison then threatened Hannah, who consulted some of the legal lights iat Goderich, who, in their turn, advised him to sue Sharpe, and accordingly Sharpe was served with a process claiming some $175 damages and costs. Then Mr. Hullett. KINBURN CHEESE -FACTORY.—A meet- ing of the patrons of this establishment ' was held at Kinburn on Saturday last, and although the weather was unfavor- able, there was; a large attendance. The 1 repOrt showed that 924,243 lbs. of milk had been received, from which 82,689 lbs. ef cheese had been mad, yielding a rev- I enue of $10,880.11. Tie average price i • maanced themselves well satisfied. with per pound was 12c.0.11 interested an- I the manner in which the factory hacl been conducted, and agreed to pay 2ic per pound for making and drawing for the coming season should Mr. Robertson con- V MOURNING DRESS GOODS BLACK LUSTRES FRENCH MERIN OS, tinue the factory. , NITINIMPAL ErecrioNs.--The follow ing is a statement of the votepolled at the late election for the township of Hallett : Reeve, II. Snell, 170; G. Watt, 141. Councilors—J. 'Britton, 194; J. War- wick, 180, J. Howson; 145, J. Cornish, 107; F. Stiver, 87. As will be seen, the successful Andidates are H. Snell, for Reeve, and. J. Britton, J. Warwick and J. Howson, for Councilors!. Mr. A. Monteith was elected Deputy Reeve by acclamation. Hay. NEW INSURANCE COMPANY. —A meet: ing of the "Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company" was held m Salem Church on the lst Janu- ary, for the purpose of organization. The meeting was largely attended by far- mers and others, and rauch interest was manifested in the proceedings. John B. Geiger acted. as chairman, and Mr. H. V. Dirstein discharged the duties of Secre- tary pro tem. It was moved by Mr. II Dirstein, seconded by Mr. Michael Kaercher. that this Compaay be styled the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company." -- Carried. The (Jhairman, after giving a short speech, and fully explannng the matter to- the satisfaction of the meeting, re- quested nominations for Directors for the year 1875. .The voting, which was by ballot, resulted in the election of the fol- lowing gentlemen. as Directors, viz. : John B.Geiger, Esq., Deputy Reeve of the Township of Hay; H. V. Dirstein, Esq., Samuel Rennie, Esq., David FREXCII REPPS SARGES, &c. AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. HOSE, CLOVES, TIES, CORSETS HOOP SKIRTS, DRESS BUTTONS, DRESS TRIMMiNCS, LACES, &C., AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' • CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. A NEW LOT OF THE LATEST STYLES • OF C+0491 -)S AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. -.^ EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF 3:D; GI- C3 CD ID S, TO BE HAD AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS CHEAP CASII STORE, SE A.FORTIli EAST HURON. MR GIBSON • rri-i ill Nominee of the East liuron Refonn Con- -L vention'will hold meetings -and address the Electors at the following times and places, viz.; MONDAY, jan. 11—At Cranbrook, township of Grey, at 7 o'clock. TUESDAY, an 12—At Ethel, township of it Grey, at 1 P. M., and at Molcsworth, s.t 7 o'clock P.M. - WEDNESDAY, Jen. 13—At Tempereamo Alexander Robertson's; Con. C, Howiek-, at 1 P. M., and at Wroveter, at 7 P. M. THURSDAY, Jan. 14—At township hall, Morris, at 1 P. M., and at Bluevale, at 7 o'clock P.M. FRIDAY, Jan. 15—At Forbes' School House, Turnberry, at 1 P. M, and at Belmore,,at 7 o'clock P.M, SATURDAY, Jan. 16—It Lakelet, at 1 P. M., and at Fordwich, at 7 o'clook P. N. Mr. VAN NORMAN is respectftilly invited to attend the above meetings. SOUTH HURON. AIR. BISHOP, 9,111.; Nominee of the South Huron Reform Con- yention, will address the Electors of South Huron at the followbag times and places: TUESDAY, Jan. 12—At Bayfield at 1 o'elock. At Drysdales at 7 P. M. WEDNESDAY, an. 1-MLake View, townehip of Hay, at 1 P. M. At Zurich at 7 P. M. THURSDAY, 3an...14—At Friedsburg_ at 1 P. M. At Exeter, at Towers' Hotel, at 7 P. M. SATURDAY, Jena. I6—At Crediton, township of Stephen, at 1 P. M. At Limerick, township Of Stephen, at 7 P. M. a I ilary."11,11.4*******'""'"Ini ° 11:117e0TII Willeigit No. 3114 -Ant itatt FARM! FOR S vi7ES1. part of Lot 12, and Rullett, 100 atres; 40 seri iTAIlle home and bk.:m11n-1,1 eirdosti Clinton or Seaforth wife anode easy.• For furtherl)artienlari an JAMT.'43 BRAITHWAITE, :168-3 Lo FARill FOR SAJ OTNo. 5, Con. 4,1Iul3ett ; l4R. -2-1 less, $39 acres eleared. Plenty' north branch of the Mahlon through the 18 acre bush ; good the preinises to the proprietor. • j.t.MT '3148 or wart. sl FAIIN 'FOIL Stla OT 38, Con, -6, Hulled; loc eleared, remainder woua,a maple; frame dwelliog; River. good spring on iot i miles ITOI niles ITOTO 'C1rint021. Terns tf, For particulars apply to L. ME. 33ENSOIS' & MEYER, Seeferf FARVE SAJ 1POR Sale, Dot 2a„ Con. 7, Usti *1-- 74 acres. 55 of whizu are elea of good cultivation. There is al axal STABLE. The farm is lt 'gravel road, is conveniently siti chu-rehes Bala 1)Offt "tafle, anti 11 from Seaforth anal from Es1-2. particulars apply to the propriet4 WILLIAM ,1 FARM FOR SA VOR SALE, Lot 9, Can. I, Lol --1L- ley, 100 acres, 80 cleare.I and balance timbered with first-clasti barn 61x40. frame stable 1et4i bearing oreharth, well watered miles of Seafortli and a like -d-i;1 ton. Vann w1i underaraineti :cultivation. Apply 011 1)10 wen piittorat BruceAeld P. 0. n62 •.° ANDRE FARX FOR SA T ()T 4,Con. 5, Hullett, 12.7 hind ie excellent asnaltiou imilaines, orchard, &e.; spring lot. The timber on the 20 ni'TEI very valuable. The proprietor or 123 acres. Poet Offiee, Selo f The property is sheeted - road 51 miles from Seaforth. :1112 ANDREW 'SLOAN. - TARN FOR BALS S‘ 1,i`O1t Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 30 -L of Bruce, County of Um acres, 843 of Which are eh.lared- ated within five miles of the T lAge of Paisley. Thennelea timbered. 1h re is also a Sp - through the piece. It IS a For farther particulars apply. Box 24, SeafOrth P. 0„ 852 • FOR SA LOTSIn one block. in Colo ') .Survey, and corneting Apply to 13b1 E. HOUSE AND LOT Egmondville ; one quarte • house, with -woodshed, fn gOtld Wg11, garden PlAnted With - in rear -of MT. JOhn. t Apply to MT Peter Cowan, in t or t!theproprietor. a5 BUILDING LOTS IN SEAT' L. Cf'lLEMAN, having la ecently occupied. es A Driv ing Lots, is prep:tred to &slim able terms to any who may ile Aesiring to purclieSe should n lineation. ESTRAY R (IAMB into the premises v_if t k--/ No. 14, Loudon uma, Sta Decentber,a YONNG- RAM. ' e d to prove property, pay e away. ALI nt-19*-1 ESTRAY ST sses...mE into the premises Lot No. a, H.R. S. Tea the middle of 3-unela4t, The owner 18 requested 40 charges and take Mat away. 869*4 STRAYED 10` SZTRAYED from Lot I, Co 1-°--? about the 1st of input, a and red, with thick spread - yearling heifer, grey, with one yearling heifer, red and giving, rnfoQflat 1011 that will of the -alo1aninml8 will be WIL 369:4 ESTRAY XME into the premises of: 1°- 6, Con.2, Stanley, about ' a yearling BULL. The prove property, pay Charges -368-4 ;_f STEER ST -cITRAYED from Lot 28, co innley steer, black A giving suth information as ery will be suitably reward'? 1365 ESTRAY ''tAllE into the premises o ‘--/ 2.7, -Con. 3, Grey, some LE•;. -GS andfour CALVES. and one of the calves are w spotted. The owner is req erty, nay expenses and take - las-4 ESTI3AY *i- f IAMB into Lot No. ahont.the lst of Deem - and. xvhite I-TEIFER. The e prove property, pay ehaxg,es • 870-4 Nan •i UME into the premises '`.-; 27, Con. B, three year bine -anil bauble, and red h Inesttd to prove property, them away. ;186.4 . BULL CAL- ii'OR Sale, a thorough. 3.0 MOnthii old, of dar gtet is first rlass, and con ding purchasers, ApPly to. ps4 BOAR rpill su Keriber has pu- bart, Esq., Perth, a Boar of the large breed. season, on taitNo. 23, smith, and will serve sows lege of being returned if n • 364-'3 Tkth BLACK PIIE celebrated. Bells will be kept at the pre in Egdendville for the se present season. Terms, of service, with the privile. eessary. 800-S BOAR THE subscriber has a he will keep for the S season en Lot 4, Cou. TERMS -75 cents, with' ing if necesenry. :3681-