HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-08, Page 5ationt. Councilors -- Dr. MeCrunnon, Miller. RMAN'S DDRES I ittron .laving this day been nomination of the Lib.. e Association of the re - .4 e -.d East 1 ieliegi of the ia, as their candidate at cal Election for the Leg.- y.ef this province, I u- pon the condition that tett, beat full liberty to E nfetterecl and independ- ereuce to all questions up for the consideration The stipulation wast l fiCCeiled to and . 4111 field ag an i' INT CANDID -kis; siting your good will and pie of the disadvantages ' arididatut`e is sttrround- t little doubt that an at - de to create much capit- that I am not a resident . The same object- eguasl force be etaken EI the members of our. -e--members wile, with - ave th-ave gie-en the utmost sat- ° ceatstituetits. I have tier to ienore the wishes , respectable and intellz- zttlemeii who have been ringing lily name before f y soy dozing have given ee that they riot only. - of confidence and sup- mss those gitalitica- tti be desired in the rd- our noble constituency. :1a inn a° non-resident ap- e rather favorable vorable than tach as it conveys a rt a3s eve neither axes to grind trposes to serve while, d, voU must be convinced aier if nothing else, eitt o my election, nat serve you to the partizan ; indeed 1 iigher duties for the f the people toperform a blind support to one tog -lye & factions opposi-- err. I have no confidence at man or thil l who acme - of a mere listlesa voting-, with no mind of his own, ar and thither at the ca- rty Leader. Ratherare ndeat man 'ho will do his l o remnstauce s, who will Out partiality the interests sn, class, and creed in the rid who will do his utmost ions to promote the ma- of the State. d lc on'the iww all but ex- -the present Ontario Gov- ee much to approve and get. Very many useful E beer( passed and are now- Law of the land Ou the singular, nay, almost Crim ,ate prevailed in many De- Gelyerumental control,, bel-vnd question the tie- mere able and influential, a I a more watchful Opposi- ider the Administration, as mote worthy of support itrol of the Public Works passed oat of the hande of exchibald McKellar into Ron. Mr_ Fraser. as your Representative 1 d a blind support to any but treat the questions ane up for the consideration eft upon their merits: 1 vocate the strictest honesty, k, and economy in the mean- ha affairs of the Province, r. shall do my utmost—in so .oiasisteutly with my public sttiaserve your local inter- n remind. you that the elect- irk for the first time, take he Ballot System— a system blest, be a sufficient safe- tam use of corrupt 'mans ronest vote of the people At all eventsit is to ,tate r eealt in the present rate a decide(' improvement race( of both sides of the alis, it ie announced, take Stle day of January next, herefore, have little ov. per- ug marry of von personally, 1of coarse make arestnasiough thrid; v" ill permit. 1 Will, date, ht=ltl pitl,lie; meetings will IF cet\"c. timely xi« tied, ) ig places in your Incline, liaVe au opportunity or: lay- rn0-1c fully before yore To gs I cordially invite your en, if my views meet with .d you i.it1 give practical your convictions by voting „oils. the honor to be, our obedient servant, FftEDE.roORMAN. BRUI- 6 in Seaifdirth, oi:i Dee. 25, . Wm. Edwards, of a son. Grey, on - Jan. ta', the wife u Barker, of a daughter. fn Tuckersnlfeii, o11 Jan. 2, Mr, John McGregor, of a At St. (';iarlee, N:Iauitoba, 1, the wife of Mr. G. R. aI a Sola. - l`uckersmitil, on Dee. IN, e Mr. llebert Izlc41 es, rt as iARR1ACKES. vOftA3i,-- At the Manse, on iv Rev. Win. Stephenson, Ir. Robert Paterson, to 'cowl daughter of Mr. Alex. i car Ray. sE EFi .-- Tar BrUSSel5, ori Rev .John Ferguson, Mr. td.liell, to _Miss K(•zia Tier- of Grey. 1(o-ntl s. ---At the residence de's father, on .Ian b by iavey-, Rev. R. l elIwooc , Pass aanosh,: to Ellaa, eldest S. B. o les, .Esq., of iilt;tflo< • At - the Manse, t Jan. (t, ley Rev. H. (.'am- m. Logan, to Miss Mar•- ermid, both of Stanley-. D'. ATEES. SMITH, --in Tuckerstnith; on Dec. 23, Robert Smith, aged GO years. Meteeen,--In Howick, on Dec. 29, Wil- liam, son of Mr. Andrew Miller,, aged 1`2 years. RU, LL.---ln, Tuckersmith, on Jan. 6, Mr.. Catharine Russell, aged 82 years. RAVING obtained from you a Fior- euce Sewing Machine, a little more than a year ago, -which hasbeen since that time in constant employ in our fam- ily work,1 have the fullest confidence and pleasure iu recommending it as the very best family sewing machine within my knowledge. Its chief excellencies are : It woks easily ; it makes little noise ; the .stitch is even, and it never nissea or drops one ; it has a reversible motion, of great : conveliience, and it -works with equal ease and satisfaction in all descriptions of family sewing. For more than a year our machine has done the whole of our family sewing, and has giten ns _full eatisfact(ion, never- once getting out of order npr requiring the slihgtest -repairs. T. GOLDSMITH. SEAroierix, July 80,-1874. THE MARKE L b. SEAFORTH, Jan. 7, 1875. There is a general decline in grain quo• ta.tions this week. A large amount of produce has been delivered during the past week, In pork, seaforth has this .D L E S S VARIETY season taken the lead, and it is worthy of E N k market has rang MINK FUR SETS ALL ' `t PRICES AND_ STYLES, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' ` r CHEAPCASH STORE, WOOLEN SHAWLS, BRE APASq' SHAWLS, SONTAGS, CLOUD SCARFS, &C., AT HALF PRICES, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH LOW-PRICED FURS IN mention that our per pear -tliau .either CALL !AN D. SEE T.H EM ed higher on an -average, n -avenge, - is still in Toronto or London. y AT good demand, and the market for wood is slightly improviug. 'there is a *large trade doing this season in sawlogs. We quote Fall Wheat (new).. ............ 0 88 to .0 p0 Spring Wheat, per bushel......... 0 58 to 0 U Oats (new) per bushel. ... . . ........ 86 to 0 87 Blas (new) per bushel • 0 72 to 0 73 Barley. (now) per bushel.......... 95 to 1 00. • Butter,No.1, Loose. .. to 020 Butter in tubs.. .. 0 to 0 20 Eggs _, .. 0 00 to 0 16 Flour .......... . 0 00 to 5 00 Hay, new .10 00 to 12 00 Hides 6 Od to 6 00 Veal oalf,. per pound. 0 08 to 0 10 Sheep skins .. 0 50 to 1 00 •Salt (retail) per barrel .. 1 00 Salt (wholesale) per barrel........ 0 70 Potatoes,: per bushel, new......... 0 50 to 0 65 Oatmeal"- brl. ........... 0 00 to 6 00 Wood......... ... 2 50 to 2 50 Beef . _ . 4 00 to 5 50 Pork..... 8 00 to 8 10 CLINTON, Jan. 7, 1875. Fall Wheat, per bnshel . ,.... ...... 0 90 U0 90 .� Spring Wheat, porbushel.. 0 88 0 0 90 Oats, per bushel 0 87 () 0 88 . Barley, per bushel 1 00 i 1 03 Peas, per bushel............ 0 74 O 0 75 Butter: 0 22 C 0 25 Potatoes . . ..._.. . 0 55 ( 060 Eggs... .... . 0: 15 0 0 17 Hay, per ton,.... .. ........11 00 icy 13 00 Pork, .. • •••••- 8 00 0 8 10 LONDON, Jan. 7, 1875. White fall _wheat, Deihl, $1 50 to $1 55, Treadwell, $1 55 to $1 60, red winter, $1 40 to $1 50, spring. $1 55 to $1 60 ; oats, $1 14 to $1 15 ; peae, $1 15 to $1 20 ; barley, $2 10 to $2 25 ; 1 eggs, store lots,' per doz., 20c to 21c ; farmers', 22e to 25c , butter, crock, 22c to 25e ; rolls, 25c to tic ; firkin, 20c to 25c ; .pork, $8 to $8 25. TouoZTo, Jan. 7, 1875. HOFFMAN 'BROTHERS' CHEAP C SH STORE, there were in to -day a couple of loa of:apringwheat, taken at 91c 4, about 500 bushels of peas at 75c to 76c ; 800 bush- els of barley, at $1 07 to $1 08, end a load of rye at 71e.. Hay •sold at $19 to 1 $21 for Timothy, and $17 to $19 for mix- ed. Oat straw brought $10 to $12, and ,1 peas at $7 to $9. Pork. sold at $8 to: $8 25. Butter was in small supply, es- 1 pecially of desirable quality, bent there. was no change in prices. Strictly fresh eggs in small lots would command- 28c to I I. 2Oc, but thore are very few coming ie. 1 Poultry are not abundant. Turkeys ; would fetch about 10c per pound, and geese 6c., I BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. 1 B1 FF .Lo, Jan. 7, 1875. c.rrLc-=Receipts to -day 1,P27, mak- ing. the total supply for the week, thus far, . 4,462 head, or 262 cars„ against 170 !, cars for the same time last week: The j market was slow. at about last week's , prices. Plenty' of stock in the yards. 1 .Prices ranged from $4 50 to $.6 25. No I Canadian sales noted.. SHEEP AND LAMBS.—Receipts to -day 3,800 head, making the total supply for the week, thus far, 4,800 head, against 3,000 for the Fame time last week. The t market was firm at last week's' prices. Buyerswere holding off. a; Yeeds corn- paratively free of stock. Trade dull Ca- nadian sheep averaged. S6 121, HOGS —Receipts to -day 1,700 head, r making the total supply for the week, thus far, 9,600 head, against 6,600 for .1 the same time laet week: The market 1 was moderately active and strong at i $6 50 to $6 90 for light, Yorkers ; and $7 to : 7 15- for heavy graces. Good heavy Bogs S7 25. About 1,800 head `• disposed" of. *Yards moderately full. But -few good heavy hogs in the yards. TORONTO CATTLE 11ARKET. ToRoeeTo, Jan. 7, 1875. ` BEEVES.—The market was bet poorly • supplied with cattle during the past week, and --with a fakir enquiry from butchers' prices are firm at 25c. to 50c. - over last week's quotations. The re i eel 1its were only about 100 head, all of al f local - C L E AND SE ALETTE MANTLES LOWER PRICES THAN EVER, AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, BP.A.M'OP,T _ IN M I LLINE Y , SUCH AS BONNETS,. HATS, - F"LOWER,S, FEATHERS, BUCK + S, JETS, A SPECIALITY AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASK STORE, SQA- 0 T 3 - FARMERS, FARMERS, FARMERS. CLINTON, CLINTON, CLINTON. (O POSITE THE MARK1 T.) . EAFORTH. . MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. IR, TN''C- THI WEEK .D R E S 41 W WRIGHT & FOSTER. THE IN SHAWLS, FURS, AND DRESS GOODS, AT s AN &.JAMIESON S. LOGAN DELT ATED,- UNADULT PURE; A.N AT.. STRON.-- & FAI RLEY'S1 BELOW REGULAR PRICES. 1 AT 10 PER CENT. 777CHEAP CASH STORE I 1 We worth. $1 per pound,for 90 cents. Tea worth 90 cents fo Is now complete in all Departments.�` a are selling Teapounds bright sugar for $1. . 1 75 cents; Ten E FANCY DRESS GOODS, rt . BLACK LUSTRE'S; l., MOURNING GOODS, GOODS, ' WINCEYS, . ` PRINTS, in all Colors, j FLANNELS, TWEEDS, CLOTHS, _ - 1 SHIRTINGS, SHIRTS, - Ready Made CLOTHING BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, OLENS AND E1IAINANTS AT WILLIAM HILL'S WIL . SEAFORTH. Very Cheap. I Very Cheap. 1 Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap, Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap.. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. Very Cheap. THE 777 CHEAP CASH STORE,. CLINTON, I.3AS ;opened -out this week the Cheapest and rest Value in CLOUDS, HOODS, - SHAWLS, MANTLES, BLANKETS, RUGS, CARPETS, COTTONS, Ever brought to Gunton. Everybody is astonish- ed at the Low Prices. 1 T it. 1WLLIAMS begs •to thank his nuiuerou, cJ heir liberal isnpport in the past : HOW IS IT? SHE above Goods have been bought at 25 per cent. below regular Wholesale prices, for cash. They wikbe sold for 25 per ceut. below any other ltetait:honse in the County, for Cash. THESE AI{E PLAIN FACTS. 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, CLINTON, (Opposite the Market.) WRIGHT & FOSTER. THE ;SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY: ' j ALL CROCERIES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED, OR NO SALE. • - patrons for t aucl to inform tnoin that he is now better prepare , ed than ever to attend to their wants. His pumps cannot bo van -passed by any manufacturer in the Province, as those who. have used them will ad- -i; mit. A11 orders promptly attended to. A number of his customers are still in arrears. . To all such he wonid" `say* that he wants money and =oust ha cit, and the 'sooner they pay the ti better for themselves and him. ,T It «'ILL:1lI5. , 370-4 —_� ESTRAY HEIFER. BOAR PIG CANLE into Lot. No. 2, Con. 12, Hullett, on oL E Sabseriber has purchased from G. F. Hurl about the 1st of December, a two-year-old reel - TB { Perth; - a thoroughbred Berkshire. and white HEIFER The owner is requested to Unit, Lxq rove property-, pay charges and take hor.away. Roar of the - large breed. He will be kept for the.. prove EDR'Allb STA1�lL>;�". No. , 2, H. It. 5.., Tucker - GREAT ANNUAL CLEARING SALE* AT _ THOMAS fDDS- EMPORIUM. On SATURDAY, jut. , TIE GREAT ANNUAL DISCOUNT SALE WILL COMME SCE, AND 'CONTINUE DURING. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY,,- AND A DISCOUNT OF OYSTERS BY THE GALLON, FRESH AND GOOD. , TEN PER CENT., X0 BOGUS GAYS. FLOUR AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. SALT, WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL. GOAL 014 d.c . STRONG & FAIRT.Y, ��G, N G Y YOUNG . S GRA , Which found ready sale for ocak con season, on Lot fi . 2', Con• sumption.- We quote firit-class ` 5 to smith, and will. serve sows at ' 1.00 with the privi- 50 ; second. -class, 84 25 to $4 50,- i lege oof being returned if necessary. WM.I;OBI3 and third. -class $3 50 to .;,,'4. • SHEEP. The receipts -w-ere limited to i BULL CALF FOR BALE. a few small droves cud- Little lots in far- ` VOR Sale, a thorough bred Durham Bull Calf mars' wagons, for all of winch there were �' 10 lasss lca'ud can of dark redc color. Hisby . peal - int n - (i ready buyers at $8 to $10 for first-class, i �tee,L first c chasers pP1Y to G. M. cHESNEY, Sfor seec�nd-class, and $3 to $4 f Lug par or ° 3U,1 - Huron Road, Tuckersmith. third-class. MB ' DAVIS'.: HALFWAY HOUSE. LeetBs.—Scarce and.. wanted., would. t el is ted. half way between Sea - size command from .S3 to $6, according to i Tillsb [Lad Brussels, having been between. and G;Ulidlltioil. tel and refitted it now affords as good lions. Hogs sold as a�rrivine a $5 0 ,� renovated �_ t "V + accommodation as any conntr • tavern in the to .f for fat, and $5 to $5 25 for store. County. Liquors ' and cigars of the choicest ' branch+. Good stabling, good=drivuig sheds, good _ _. . _ - --- `-- eneloseti yard and sheds for the aecommodation Grand Trunk Railway. of drovers, and plenty of hay always on band. A Trains ld, ;tve seaforth and Clinton Stations as goodand attentive hosdler always ready. ldotron- follows : GOING c g ts. bre to water horses. iXi , . Seaforth Clinton. --'i 7'55A 3I 1:35 A. M ' - - n .4rp � 125 P.11I. O. DAVIS, Proprietor. 14Iornin•=. al ESTRAY. CATTLE. ` Day Express. 1 a CAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot Afternoon Allred......:1210 P. M. 11:15 P. M.:, V 27, Con. 8, Gee ,,,some time ago, tno I'EA - Evening Mixed5:10 P. M. 4:301'• • LTi'GS and four C "LVE''S. One of the yearlings caoiXcr WEST. f and one of the calves Ore white ; all the rest .are 7:55 A.A.I. 8:135 A. M• ' .spotted. The o�a�itai*°as requested to pro�o.prop 5:10 P. M. 1:50 P. M. ' city, pay expenses and bake them away. 5:10 P. M. M. -9:20 P. M. 6:50 P. M ' 868*4 •JAMES TAYLOR. 8:55 P. M. Morning Mixed Day Express Afternoon Mixed...... Evening Mail BOAR PIG. NOTICE. -b d'Boar Pig, which CAI into -the premises of the' adtbscriber, Lot Tesazbske p for h well-bred v 27, Con. B, three yearling calves, two steers the service of- sows for the die and red heif . The owners re - TERMS --75 c. he wall k hep blue and seaso'a nn -Toot 4, Con. 3, L. It. S., `ge of* returtnn- questedto prove property, Pay charges -ap hake ing11 Sc -7e ise. with the BUCH hexa way.. , k i JOHN GRAS }4 des a !• ALEX. BUCHbIvAN, Tr. .. [.. p> l : ; t.. , NOTICE. LL parties indebted either by note or book A- account to the late Wm. Mcli:ey, blacksmith, late of the Village of, Brussels, are requested to call and settle the same at once, at my residence, Mill Street, Brussels. I1Irs. E. McEAI. 8704e THE .BLACK PRINCE. THE celebrated Berkshire boar, Black Prince, will be kept at the premises of the undersigned in Egrnondvillo for the service of sows during the present season - Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, wit) i the privilege of returning, if ue- eessary. 366.8 DAVID DUNCAN. B1 UCEFIELD CHEESE FACTORY. MEETING of the patrons of T3rucefield Cheese'Paeto"y, will be held on SATURDAY, the lath day of :Tannery, 1875, at :3 o'clock in the afternoon, to hear Auditors report and to make ai=rangentents for the coming season. A frill at- tendance is requested. The horn for holding the above meeting has :leen changed to 12 o'clock, instead.oL 3 o' 1oel.•, as 1 above. I0DOUGALL S BRROWNLEE. - pp 369-2 TENDERS WANTED. .ENDEi;5 will be received up to TUESDAY. T.Jan. 12, 1875, for a quantity of square timber and lumber, to be delivered at the,Brick Mills, in seaforth: , Tenders wil1also be received up tothe lune date for the erection of a buildinhe 100x80 feet.' lei further information, apply t the flee of the mill. Tenders to be addressed to W.I.. Worden, Agent. 37041, A. W. OGILVIE & Co.. GENERAL AL DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, FARMERS' STORE, SEAFORTH. OF PARTNERSHIP SOLUTION DIS AND GREAT CLEARING SAIL. TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 4TH JANUARY, 1875. $20000 WORTH OF GOODS. TO BE SOLD . AT (OST AND G NDER, FOR. ('ASH, ar 'tilt Wi11 be allowed off all Cash rue/wee over FIVE DOLLARS In the following Departments IDRY GOODS, AZONTREAL • IN CLINTON AND VARNA. Clinton, Dee. 80, ALL parties FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. MILLINERY, CLOTHING, - HATS and %•;.APSe BOOTS and.. S.rifii*, ARPETS, OIL °LOTHS, &c. ALL GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AT T.1-1=. LOWEST CASH PRICES, F ,B AMON. ON. And the great ery at KI DD'S EMPORIUM FOS the NEXT TWO 1i_MYTHS WILL BE BARGAINS, BARGAINS, AT THE GREAT •r i etea arerci iersi ,di$o: se.tttc aautas th�satatc,��-' ie��Nk Ace TEN ; PER CENT. A