HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-01, Page 71875. TILE ry NOTICE t !lr(ja2s • fS - ti t !f 1 tS f t.� � Ct'11(f Iif7i2tttez. S TO ST ALL« ;, P I:t IIASt f ,AND BE 'ISM. THAT SAW'S' ` O 34'"LRCII&SE. IXED TEAS,: - pe 1 who have yet tried. them to tialit and rize considered.. .AID . x.. 1 SV -0 A. 1< F{ -UR .iaeltF... �3 t t• 1r';e Pili-NIk. C.XX Or STEES CENTS. PER CA. E E:RRIGS. rrc ,. at .WRITE- AND Wi-11TE-.kND HER I1<\ltY tS,, AliaiF, A: `R2.LE: 'S. HADD TES BELL AL OIL TORIE3 FOR. SALE. -e Factory i' -far gala.. Thi, { a tlit a aship of Itullett, a al:a:: teal i Efts pahlra'.:an' lo- tr'. It i.i {Xrrfr flete and in will 1,! iv -ea clamp. Also for in tha Cavi onbr•onk-Chec•;:e W. S. I.f.}l?EIiTSON, Sea Forth. R SCIROOt: ROUSE. will be received by the uu Wednesday, 3,Jth Dee, 1874 frarrie „•,Algol house in Sec- The work must be com- Tuly 187 f. Tenders will be e lob only, the corftroetar to work. Security wilt perfc,mance of the work. f•71 not zfeeessarily- accepted satisfactory. Pian:r a seen at Adam Gray's arid ea- Ias€:ar4a., Brtacefield, on and enders will be received by geed trustees addressed to Joann WIT, DAVID IOUIrL,. ALEX. MUSTARD. ;orae and Horsemalh. A Htmgarian Hussar, Count Zubowitz,- recently ubowitz,recently rode from Paris to Vienna, a distance of about 800 miles, in fifteen days, and on. the same- horse. Consider- able wagers had been made on the feat. �� The journey was performed at a -moder ate trot. - During the last seven days, the rider knowing that if the animal lay down, it would arise enervated by re- pose, passed the nights beside it, with a hempen whip in his hand to force it to stand up. The journey began on the 25th October, and he entered Paris on. the 7th November, at eleven o'clock, two hours ahead of time. He lost two days, however, on the road, owingto acci- dents. .A nail entered one of the front hoofs of the horse, and he strayed sev- eral hours in one of the many forests which he encountered. The animal is a mare named. f aradoe, dark bay and seven years old. Count Zubowitz, a strong main of thirty, showed n'o unusual signs of fatigue on alighting at the Place du Troue: The ride of the ,Hungarian was a won- derfal exploit. Bat as there were heroes before Agamennon, so there were mighty riders before Zubowitz. Take the case of Capon. M. De Sourdis, having an important message to send to Cardinal Richelieu, inquired. after a skilful and courageous horseman. The name of Capon was mentioned to him. . Let him come." " But,, Monseigneur, Hueuenot." "So much the better," said the Arch- enough, . The same advantage accrues bishop. " I had as lief break down a also to the . fariner. For assorting po- heretic as a good Catholic." tatoes or apples, for neatly dressing and `= Sir," said the prelate to Capon, packing poultry, for sending only. choice when the latter appeared before him, butter and large; fresh '-eggs, time and "they teal me that no man in France care are required, and that which is kept can carry a message with moredespatch at home may seem to be at a loss ; but than you." the man is a own private._ use, that' particular . one would °be full of hairpins, ribbons and soiled cuffs Some provision, some .pro- tection. in this matter should be inserted in the marriage service: - + ONE of the leading elders of the Penn- sylvania Mennonites, 40 years ago; was one Miller, a man of immense strength, .Passing a. crowd of idlers at the court house, he was stopped with the, tines tion : " Miller, they say if one smites at Mennonite on the cheek, he will turn the other. Is that so ?" " That is true." The questioner here _ gave him" a smart blow on the cheek, when Miller, turning the other cheek, had it duplicated: This raised a great laugh as- the fellow turned away. • . " Stop, my friend," said Mil- ler, "if you had read a little further you world have found another passage that we also- hold by. ' With - the measure th:t ye mete unto others it shall be meted to you ,again, and ,heaping' full." and, 'picking hint up bodily, he -fairly. thrashed the wall with. him. - - ITS MONEY VALUE.—Wlieu a dealer in farm produce receives shipments in good order and of -first quality, he takes full as much pride in showing them as the far- mer did in sending them ; ,and he does not hesitate to ask from 10 to 20 per cent. extra because he knows ,:he can get it. Besides, it is really to his, advantage to have such produce, becauso it helps him to secure the best customers and thereby to build up his business. This is plain in doing in this wise, additional care will " That is possible, Monseigneur ; 1 be taken. afterwards to provide against will do my best." anything that is-. not salable, so that Here is an order for horses. The real money value comes from being_ posts are all notified and relays will be better farmer. Thefarmer who- 'ta8-a well furnished. . How long will it take right idea of his calling will aim to sup- you to carry this missive to the Car- ply only such customers as are pertic,alar dinal '" and who are willing to pay extra prices "Starting now, at noon, I will be at for extra products. There are plenty. of the Cardinal's Palace before to -morrow such customers, and the demands they noon." make are far in excess of what farmers "Indeed '_" exclaimed the prelate. are likely soon to+supply. " Thou art a merry Gascon." `� ` Monseigneur, said Capon. " Hu - WORTH in aTneo.—Here are a few of the fines lately imposed on evil -doers . .)-1'i by 'English courts : Thomas Seward of Godmanchester, farmer and cow -keeper, £5 17s. 6d., for plowing with a pony un- fit for work, 'and warned that a repiti- guenots never lie." I M. De Sourdis smiled, and handing the message tothe cavalier, said : " Go, sir, and' may Heaven accompany you, You Trill be well paid." The next day, at the stroke of noon, unaco jean uT 0 (D bi 0 tar see the Cardinal received, with extreme joy, tion of the offense would send him to the message of M. De Sourchs which he durance vile. Goodacre, boatman, did not expect for three or four days. As the post -script reeomm.ended the bearer b the generosity of the Cardinal, Richelieu ordered one hundred pistoles to be delivered to him. An hour later, when the Cardinal was going out, he heard a loud noise in the antechamber. He wastold that it was caused by a Gascon Who pretended to have come from Bordea:ix since the day previous, and who wished to complain to £1.5 and costs for driving along the pub- lic highway a cow badly affected with pleuro -pneumonia. •A Nottingham dairy- man, £7 7s. 6d., including costs (and with alternative of two months' hard. labor) - for selling a quantity of milk adulterated with only '30 per cent. of water. Two dog -fanciers at Liverpool 40s. and costs for cropping a terrier's ears. Two persons to prison for tying crackers topigeon's tails in order to the Cardinal of an injustice which had make them fly fast. At Sheffield, a been done hum. fruit dealer $25 for selling bad pears. Richelieu took the message from the We should cheerfully chronicle similar table, and having exaninecl -the date penalties as inflicted nearer home. It is with astonishment, ordered the man to only fair, however, to state that the be brought before him. same country which guards a puppy's " What do you desire, sir ? Of what head -gear permitted the person or per - do you complain'." sons by whose fault a number : of sheep Monseigneur," answered Capon, were kept 48 hours . without food or caliuly, "1I. De Sourd s `told me yes- avatar upon a journey of only 60 miles on. terday, at noon, to fetch you this mes- an English railway, to escape any pun - sage, and that I should be well paid for ishment further than the light one of a it record of the fact - in an agricultural " Yesterday, at Boon?" journal. " Yes, Monseigneur." es •a& One hundred and fifty leagues ?" A. NEW RIFLE .—A Paris journal de- Yes, Monseigneur." scribesa new rifle, of novel construction, " That is admirable, and yon find that recently invented in that city• Accord- I have not paid you enough !" ing to this account, the gun presents no- " No, Monseigneur. On the contrary, "thing remarkable exteriorly, but the lock your Eminence is too generous. But is so arranged that the breech is opened your treasurer wants to put me off three by cocking the piece, and, the charge be- days, and I should like to return at ing introduced, the -breech is closed, and once." " On horseback ?" " On horseback." The Cardinal, who was of delicate con- stitution, cast upon the valiant cavalier the gun fired by touching the trigger. The cartridge consists of a hollow leaden cone tilled with powder, and closed at the base by a piece of cerk. At the mo- ment the cartridge is introduced into the a look full of achviration. Then a sus- breech, the powder escapes ' by a small picion crossed his mind, and he ex- -hole into the cork, and an imperceptible claimed : ' ` You are an impostor. It is impos- sible for you to have performed so long a ball of fulminating powder, which forms the priming, takes its proper position. the tripple actionof cocking, loading and ride and to be so little travel -stained firing is thuseffected simultaneously, so and fatigued as you appear to be." -that a man with .but slight. :experience Capon smiled seely, and for all answer j can fire 20 rounds a minute. The car - he drew down his hose from the top of his boot legs and his bleeding knee -caps. Very well, sir, very well," said the Cardinal. Excuse me and take these two hundred pistoles." It is your own, fault if you do not remain in my service."' " It were the greatest glory for me, Monseigneur, but they say that you1 triges are stored in an iron tube, which is placed parallel with the barrel, and. contains 30 balls, so that the piece : may be fired as many times- almost without any interval,: and without removing - the stock from the shoulder, there being nothing to bedone but to cock and pull the trigger. Eminenee is preparing an expedition ♦ • against .'Rochelle, and I am a Huguenot. "I thought as much," murmured the Cardinal, dismissing the messenger. -_ Getting. Even With Him. , A sunny Italian, who boarded =with an Irish family in New York and contracted a slight burr " on his tongue, called at the Post Office in that city lately, ,when. the following colloquy took place : " Anny letther for O'Hoclahan ?" 'Which of them ?" " -Any of thim." "' out letters that way — what's your first �i e can't give _ 'name?" "None of your business Twat my name is --I want a letther." " We can't tell whether there is any letter for you without knowing. what your- name is." . " I'm a natural- - ` ized citizen, and ain't 1 as much riht to a letther as anybody ?" " Why yet,' of: course, if there is one for you. rt can't tell whether there is any unless you tell me your name." Gimme a letther, I tell you." Give me your name, I tell you." Me name is—me name is— Pathr-ick Mahoney." (Clerk looks.) "There is 'no letter for Patrick Maho- ney." After a little more stubborn in- sisting the gran started away., A gen- tleman whe had been looking on with much- enjoyment,. inquired : "So you didn't get any letter,: Pat?" "No," said Pat, with a wink, -" but I got even with hien ; it wasn't my own name I guv him ! Is there anny other Post Office in this town where I could get a letther, sur ?" A. RECENTLY made ben. edict writes as follows concerning his young wife's hab- its : If there was a bedroom a mile long, us - and her entire wardrobe could be packed in a. bandbox, still you'd find portions of that wadrobe scattered along the whole' mile of dressing room: She's a nice thing to look at ayhen put together, but this -wonderful creature is evolved from a chaos interminable of pins, ribbons, ' rags, powder, thread, brushes, combs and laces, If there -were 7,000 drawers in your room, and you asked but for one to be kept sacred and inviolate for your Mn.GLADSTONE ON TILE' BORDERS.— On Mr.Gladstone's journey southwards fromJedburgli the other day, -and while the rear•ty were waiting at'the railway Staticin at East Linton, a, rather amus- ing incident occurred. A. considerable niiniber of people had gathered on the' platform to witness the departure of the ex -Premier. Amongst thein was a Lib- eral, who apparently had some difficulty in' reconciling` the appearance of the plain -looking gentleman before him with _ ideas deas he had formed of the leader of the Liberal party. After much hesita- tion, - he resolved to satisfy himself by actual inquiry. Stepping up to Mr, « Gladstone he asked bluntly, Are ye Mr. Gladstone ?" A' smile - broke over the features of the right 'hon. gentleman as he replied that he wase; and the old Liberal, seemingly much- relieved and. intensely gratified, slapped his illustri- ous chief on - the Shoulder, remarking with great ern rhasis, " Man,. ye are a. richt ane." -- I THE ENGLISH. ti FA:su'r. — Some' 22 years ago we planted in our stable yard, new a part of the garden, an English walnut tree, at the request of a valued friend, who diet. two years after. Efe said in a dozen years •it would begin to bear fruit, and thereafter afford sufficient for a family ,• that his father had many. years before planted three such trees in spots of ground that were useless for cul- tivation, and they yielded a large supply. Vire followed his advice and planted this tree, which has for several years given a fair supply of fruit, but the present season we have gathered over. a bushel, it -never before having yiel ed more than a peck. " There are now a number of these trees in this neighb rhood coming into be ring, showing tha they do very well h re ; but this is abo t the farthest. point orth that will start . the severity of our win ers. Some sig t feet of the top ofthe tree upon ou premisen waskilled'in t e severe-wint r six or seven years ago. "-Germantown ,Telegraph. elebrated Brand :Elephant Lead, 30 DIFFERENT STYLES CHOPPING AXES. 0 0 cn 0 m z z 0 n r O z 0 z 0 0 z • BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, RAILROAD OPENED, And with the First Train THOMAS LEADBEATER RECEIVi:D A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF .READY-MADE CLOTHING AND DR, GOODS Which I am sure cannot be beat in any store in BRUSSELS. My Goods are all new, consisting of - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; :READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS MWD SHOES, &C. OVERCO ATS, FROM $5 TO $16. 1` CHRISTMAS AND N- E "V.T- YEAR ' S - NOW OPENING. UP THE Largest and Finest Stock of Goods ever offered to the Public in this part of of the Dominion, in the way of GIFTS for this season. -- WATCHES, Gold and Silver, CHAINS, Gold and Silver, LOCKETS, CII,./eRMS, - SLEEVE EVE BUTTON �S 1 l T Ti , SHIRT and COLLAR BUTTONS,' LADIES' NECKLETS, BROOCHES, -EAR RINGS, BRACELETS, PLATED CRUETS, PLATED BUTTERS, PLATED PICKLE STANDS, PLATED CAKE BASKETS, CARD REC=EIVERS, TEA and TABLE SPOONS, MOTTO CUPS and SAUCERS, MOTTO MUGS, CHINA TOYS. IN fact, our Stock cannot be enumerated. Call and see them. We have everything and at BIGHT PRICL+'S. E. HICKSON &_ CO., Seaforth. OTHER GOODS . AS LOW IN PROPORTION. 777 CHEAP CASH STORE, 777 MY Stock is full in all lines, and will be kept so, and with. Goods in keeping with the times. All I ask is for parties to CALL AND EXAMINE My Goods, and they will be convinced that I sell Goods as Cheap as any other house. THOS. LEADBEATER, TURNBERRY STREET, - BRUSSELS; ONT. ' Dec. 24, 1874, _ 368-12 THE PHOENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ENGLAND. W N. WATSON A GENT AT SEAFORTH. This old. standard Company wo s established in 1782, does:huai - nese in 'a11 parts of the worl{l,! lees ,the second largest-) usinesaiu the;T.J ted•Kingdomy pays its olaims with promptitude and Iib rality. - Its are moderate.' - - 348.26 -- 1 OPPPOSITE THE M AII,KET,' CLINTON.., WRIGHT & FOSTER, (LATE OF SEAFORTH,) WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL, JUST TIILVIC OF IT. 1\1- 0PEN=INT GI- 0ITT FANCY DRESS GOODS, at FANCY DRESS GOODS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, BLACK LIYSTRES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS and CLOTHS, CANADA FULLED CLOTH, WHITE BLANKETS, HORSE BLANKETS, SHAWLS, - MANTLES, CLOUDS, OVERCOATS, . TWEED SUITS, BOYS' CLOTHING, FURS, MEN'S COARSE BOOTS, ' TINCIES, COTTONS, BOOTS and SHOES, . GROCERIES, 20 Cents—other places, 25 Cents, 25 " - ` 35 35 tt tt 45 Cheapest over seen in Clinton, Lower than you- can get elsewhere, At down, down prices, 60 Cents—usually sold for 85 Cents, $2 75 per pair, and upwards, 1 75 per pair, and upwards, At any price you want, At Wholesale prices, The best value ever seen, $7—actually worth $10, Cheapest in Clinton, At any price, Very low, $2 25—usually sold at.$2 50, At prices that will astonish you, In all makes, at reduced rates, Full lines, lowest in Town, Fresh and Cheap: - Wo want everybody to call and caminc our Goods. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM. OUR t1IO'TTO: Fair -and Squire Dealing ;. only One Price, and everything warranted to be Just as we represent it. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY BUYING AT 777 CHEAP CASH STORE. OPPOSITE -THE ;MARKET, CLISTON. - is MOMPLUInet WINTER IS COMING, . AND WILLIAM GRASSIE, OF Seaforth Carriage Works, Is Preparetl for it. GUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. He has on hand a large nnurber of CUTTERS O1'arARIOUS ST'YT,V,S, which for workmanship t e of .t e hs do u surpassed and finish cannot o l by . best city ©stablisbfnents. Also a number of PLEASURE SLEIGHS AND LIGHT AND HEAVY BOB -SLEIGHS, All of which are manufaetured of the best ma terial, and will be sold cheap. CUSTOM WORK Attendedto Promptly as usual. Remember the old stand on Huron Street. - WM. GRASSI E. THE GREAT REFORM. WRIGHT & FOSTER. REMOVED, REMOVED. The Greatest Reform that has ever been made is in the prices of Furniture and Undertaking. Owing to the Increase of Business BELFRY a MA.'* have been ob1'igcdto remove to a larger shop. 'With many thanks for the patronage of our nr;nrerous friericls and euetomersin the past, we hope to do a still larger business in all lands of Harness, Saddles, TRUNKS,! VALISES, BAGS, . AND SATCHELS. Our Buffalo Robes TJ0HNS-&CO., Have reduced the prices one-half, and have done away altogether -with extortionate prices. Is- it not to your interest to patronize them. Will be opened in a few days. - C./ILL EARLY AND I3UY CHEAP. ALL KINDS 0.F -1+ URNIT UI E - KEPT IN STOCK. - Our HORSE CLOTHING, for the winter, is well assorted, and great bargains will be given. Any amount of SLEIGH BELLS, WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, &c. Special attention given to HORSE COLLARS. Our determination is to make our work satisfactory to all who patronize us. SHOP known as LOGAN'S OLD. STAND, opposite Scott's Brick Block, Main Street, Seaforth. They are also prepared to Furnish Funerals With Everything Re- quisite, -. And to attend personally with their Hearse. T. JOHNS & Co. Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture. MOORE & CAMPBELL'S IS THE PLACE. COME WITH A SMILING FACE. AVE are now oceupying Frank Partridge's Old Stand, which we have entirely renovated, and_ having proenred new instruments, are prepared To Give Satisfctctiom to Ali. Thanking the public for their very liberal patron- age in the past, ire invite all to call and see our New Rooms, 'where we -will always be found, and in good humor. 860 MOORE & CA'\rn33ELL. BELFRY & MAY, Saddlers.• COME ONE, COME ALL, AND BUY YOUR HARNESS FROM J. WARD, -SEAFORTH. - } THE GENUINE HOWE SEWING MACHINE L9 STILL AIIEAD. SOLD BY °w_ N_ 'WA:Yr s 0 Z, SEAFORTH, g eaa' I be to state for the information ofiners and the public generally, that I have as good a stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determined not tobe undersold by any other establish - meat in. the County. BELLS and HORSE BLANSETS, all kixide, constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General Furnishifrgs. C-i-IVE - 1V,LE A le 513 J. WARD, Main -Street, seaforth. t for the. County of Huron. Ir you want to know the tree qualities of this Celebrated Sewing Machine call at my office in. Seaforth, and beware of going to where one only is kept on hand, and purposely out of or- der, to be compared to inferior machines to its disadvantage. After a period of more than ten years experience in the Sewing Machine Business I have found. that the CENUINE HOWE MACHINE - Is the only one which has given permanent satis- faction to purchasers, as never proving defective in its movements, nor being returned for repair. It possesses all the qualities of a serviceable Sewing - .Machine, it is strong, durable, not noisy as falsely represented, and all its parts are made of the best metal and perfectly fitted together. You may change it from rine work to heavy work with- out straining it and rendering it unfit for repro- ducing a neat and perfect stitch on fine work. It - will sew with heavy black linen thread with the carne ease as with a fine cotton spool. CAU'i' ION.—Don't be -imposed on by un- scrupulous dealers and the Agents of other Sew- ing Machines, offering to supply you with a genu- ine Howe Machine if you are not satisfied to keep - . the one they aro trying to sell you, as they only intend to impose upon you some werthless iniita- aiou of the Howe, or perhaps an old second-hand trticle re -varnished to look like a new machine. SEAFORTH AND HURON MARBLE WORKS. IL- M.ESSETT (Late of Hamilton,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared' to fill all orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tops, Mantles, &c, Granite .frfonunaents Imported to Order. Work of the best style and -art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A call respectfully solicited. • Calder's old Stand, opposite McCallnm's Hotel, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. H. MESSETT. WATCH- FOUND• Vj OUND, on Friday, the 27th ult., between. the Railway Station and Wier's saloon, a silver watch. The owner can have the same on applica- tion at the Post Office by proving property and paying charges. MONEY ADVANCED ON Mortgage Security, in sueh sums and for - such periods, and repayable in snoh inapaer as the;applicantmay desire. Apply to 8221'52 A. G. McDOU BALL, Seafortia. ROOMS TO LET. m: -0 LET a number of comfortable rooms. on the1 second fiat of Scott's Block. Apply to E. SOLMESTED or to ROBERT SCOTT. - 854