HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-01, Page 3_ yar ttoor 4Thi 84,1 xerorms. &Ws,. Attorneys, 020-va West s.t., [dt.- " P. 4ra, hal `wen ap-- faramaititgeora- at ft toqd, iottaBloto tt-• wi.-p4ahlt awl refer fa- tas St. / 'Fr% Barristeees At - ilhoeft • C.01011M01. forth. Ageutsfor per out. stui Attonte,ja ryiaallisolteng, ete. OtIleos-1%A- riivato, rrtuas-t% littered, payable 77 U.'NEVU. iterney in Mane. etleo--eter7-*- ItS-quore. - citoreiueheaae17 two doors Math of MoDON-A-TA • Brame& Oererter fet• thet 1,140. Street - irgeoraGra- -sand Member inrgeous,Ontatio. td at Ctaeorikooke Satardeva in the 85t Sea, Saxe- mend • Offiereand reel- Steeets tret deer Phyeician, Sur. CoenVief Huron. Mallet mitt Mei tu, State= anti the- Meldieed.Dte- t• orinetleef iten,. Eng.; sbureeand -0 . ' tists&c.,Settferth, Fate worle latest ecuted.ll SEM' performed with low les am he ole - Erma le A. M. t4- 6 '.0.Deugallee Store, - 274 Surgeolt -Dentists. frs lieBaSDAX 'nth, 001- at the • 35# entiate end Mize- dtimea, N.Y., au& Colleges Tomato, wherehewiflbt d to AR kinds of ; (num excepted), 8F11 &tare. tes- efCoers Tem - 31 I. MeNACGIEfT- theinhabitants f- It-ry that he luta Ontario Veterin- -: to treat dieeasea .e.tie animal", He with lila hence Mind ready to 8,t- - feet specially Ed- Eshop in the rear AR kinds of vet- aatly OIL hand. - - , y Surgeon, (mem- are' Gollegojbeg$ .to the practice a IV at all times -4e orsee, Cattle, &e. # on baud, All Slice, at Mansion kTE. — Thomas' . old frieude and haft Teased the AlUilltAYs and nOtSE, and :Of the patroaege during his many vele' comfort and trevelierg The • - -a kept in the Bar. ,eys in attent eX, leroprietor. .—Johrt Winter, - situated on the eaforth, and pose - comfort for tray - and eigare kept -entive hostler in eormeetioa -with 358 'ALE STABLES. Seater& Good, ea/ways-on hand. Vehieles,alweys -ets made with ers left at the y attended to. a tia. °muter ProPrietor, or and C011ah44- Auctioneer and collected on 866 - the Collets,- of I/ parts of the rosexua Office the County of of the Coen. seeit to Seaforth .ed to. 32.7 aneing nemous having tried he s disetnieed e will send free H. REEVES , pests 1%arited- working people, :more money at ts, or all the ticulars free. Addetee 868 :Alma seed Eas, Which will bell le CABLE, reetellontreal, he Commereial et.g, semi of same on appli- •reveal property 35/5. ing & Buffalo- neay the sta. aka et„ at: once - 367. ALE. fi years aide work. BORespeararg Seaforth.- S :3- "3. 7 -7 4_ - Night in the Moon. At last, however,night sets in. Grate- fully it wines hftet the sui. ha S gathered 1.1-p his smiting beams, and gone tiONVii for his rest. All at owe 'we are plunged • into comparative obscurity, feragain there is no twilight to stay -the -a,jipsto departing dar.i y. At one stride co -ea'the I dark -But looking upinto the sk(1, we • . The Value of Braille.. behold a Vast orla Nerhich pours d: a' and the despairing look of a hunted ani- mal- tame into his (i),es, and headded, " My lather died drunk my; 5mother (God fOrgive her) ;- ffiy grandfather shot hilt:1(301f1). delirium Inimens. You know, boys, how voor Patrick diet(' it will be the same With me." His prophecy was too soon.fultillecl..--Seience of Heattla milder, and mare beneficent splendor The innumerable articles which ap- than the great lord of the system. It 15- pear continually on "How to make the silch -a maim as we terrestrmla P„tonot titian, pay," is enough to make a' horse boast ; for it is not, less thitii thirteen sick.. People should know by this time -times as large and luminous ILA 0111-• ow, ii. that fortunes do net grow, but are made. There it hang in the firmament,. w.ith-, once in a while one may stumble , over a out apparent change of place, as lf "Med- fortune, as lightning strikesa tree, but , iii its. everlasting seat. ' But not with- out a change of surface. For this great - globe is a painted panorama, and, turn• . mg round Majestically On Its texlS, pre- raise the biggest kind of crops, but if he seas its oceans and continents in grand has ,not brains enough to know how to agiecessioni As Europe tand- Afri.66,', look- go about selling what lie has to the best ing the MeditetTanean in their einbrace, advantage, somebody else will rectp the loll away to th.;3 right, the stormy Atlan- -beet profit, not he. Or he may have the. tic -offers its waters -to view, and then tb.e' 'best knowledge in the world as to where two Ainerica, 4,ith their huge forests tho best market is, and the best knack and -vast prairies, pass under inspection. of finding out who will give the best Then the grand basin of the Pacific, ht prices; but if he has no judgment as to up with island fires, meets the gazer's what crops to raise Or how to grow,' them, eye. and as this glide .ovfm. the scene, he does not get along, How to make the eastern rim of Asia and the upper the farm -pay is altogethe'r le matter of these are, providential occurrences, and are not in the evert -day bands .Of inan. & man may have the Most fertile oi1and portion of Australia sail in Sight. 'Ile. Indian Ocean, and .afterward the Ara- bian, Sea, spread themaelves out in their , subdued splendor, and thus, in four -and - twenty hours,. "cthe great rotundity we tread" turns *pictured countenance to the moon and grandly repays the listen- ing lunarians by repeating, to the best of its ability, the story of its btrth, Nor is the, sky less marvelous in another re - :speck For the absence, of. any atmos- pherie diffilsien of light pendia -the too- siellationa to shine out within distinct- ness which is never paralleled on earth They,glitter like diamoncl points set in a firinament Of ebony. Stars and clusters which -we never see. by the naked eye flock into view and crowd the lunar heavens.—BriCsh Quarterly. How to Talk Wen. "T wis4 .to become a good talker., When in company, especially- with aela Ceram, I am very reserved and: taeitrtril. 1 know my weaknesa„-,and almost tremble ,..at the thought qf going int 6 society, or itmong strangers. What shall I do to accomplish my desire ?" Behiud thta carefully written note in which there is not a dot wrouga we • can -see the precise and painataking young girl who, most of, all things .likes to be cOrrect in. she. does. She 15 so afraid that whit she says will net be just right that she saj s nothing, and she 18 50 anxious to say something that her own And yet she ia worth a dozen of the thoughtless rattle -brains who'll she en- vies. NVe cannot tell her how to become a talker. She will always be more cor- rect titan fluent. Beet we can give her a suggestion or two. 1. Go into cent- pany. and keep on going into company. it will not seem so dreadful when you eome to know how many mistakes Other people make. Charlotte Bronte'S pro- fessor" lust his fear of the giala he had to teach when once he heard. them giggle. - Do not fear mistakes. Make up your mind seuSibly that no one -164,rns to do anything except, through the school of imperfect efforts. Be -willing to do poor- ly on the way to tioip.g- better and then well. 2. Cultivate the habit of think- ing mach abet -it a subjtca and as little. as possible about your manner of ex- pressing your ideas. H you watch your • words, others are apt to observe them ;- if you give year whole attention ,to the matter of what you say so win they. 3. Remember that after all a silent acid reticent woman is not a disagreeable ob- ject. Goad. listeuers are seareer than talkers. If you bee° 'le an appreciatiA e literier you walla the beat place in a conversation. In talking it is more - blessed. to receit'e than to give. By so: tieing you get instruction and, give your companions the pleasure of giving it.— ( hriation Chiod. brain' -.1t is no more of a practical question than how to make the mill pay, or bow to make thestore pay. Not more,than half the men in -the world have any brains to spare. The other half have more than they need. They spare a little for those whO are short, but charge a big interest for the use thereof. are - •—so*. Failure or Success in tile. Here- are useful suggestions from a member of the British- earliament, Lord Derby,who is a - robust, manly man. y sa, - ; 4! 'Ake two men, if , they could be 'mind, exactly alike in mental and bodily tptitudes, and let f one fgo on carelessl and idly, indulging, his appetites andl generally leading a life of pleasure, and' let the other train himself by early hours, of temperate habits, and by giving to muscles and brain 'each their -tair share of employment, and at the end of two or three years thewill be as wide apart in their ;capacity for exertion as if they had been:ea-an with wholly different consti lotions. Without a nornial,healthy con- dition there can as 'a ruleihe no good woak ; and though that qualification can- not absolutely be secured or preserved by any rules, a little common sense and care will go a long way both in securing' and preserving it. On that point 1 woidd give you these hints : First, that it is not mental labor that hurts any- body, ualess the excess be very great, silence increases her embarrassment. the -prospect (If labor to be gone through; Bo that, the man who an accustom him- self to take things coolly, which is as quite as much a matter of discipline as of nature,and who, by keepin-g, before- hand with -what he has to do avoids un- due hurry and nervous excitement, has a great achiabtage over One who follows a different practice. Next I would warn you that those -a tndeptS who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to tind time for ill- ness.. Third, Ivhen an opportunity- of choice is given, morning work is gen- erally better than night work; and. lastly—a matter which I sheuld not stop to allude too but that 1 know the dangers ef an over driven existence in a crowded town—if a man -cannot get through his day's labor, of whatever kind it may be, -,vithout artificial support, it should be a serious consideration for him 'whether that kind oflabor is tit for hi-ni at all." —Phrenological 01'0101,a/. A WORD TO THE WISE • 1 but rather fretting and fidgeting over • A Delightful Legefid. There is a. charming tradition conneCt- t d witn a site on which. the 'temple of toloinon as erected. lt is said. to have , been occupied in common by two broth- ers, one of whom had a family ; awl the other had none. On the spot was a field stork is kept constantly supplied with Goods suit: able for the Seasba. To euniura to the thou - Of wheat. On the evening succeeding . the harve,st, the wheat having beeu is:rnanuato.eirtilicittinets vi,coittdiq bdi tft, task ..toe heavy gathered in .5liocks, the elder brother iasasaion at quality. To StTi1ti."4 Lwit' 's 3" said to his wife, "My youoger blether is unable to bear the heal of the day, I • will arise, take of my shocks and. place them with his, without his. knowledge." The brother being actuated fly the same benevolent motives, said within himself : " _My elder brother has a family and have none ; 1 will contribute to their support ; 1 will arise, t:tke of my shocks and place them with his, -witlamt his k nowt ed " Judge of their Tun Lira I as-• . tonishment when on the following morn- - they found their respective shocks en- tioninishel. This course of events trans- pired far several nights, when each re- solved in his own 'Iliad to stand guard and solve- the mystery. They did. so, when, ou the following night they met each other half way between their re- spective shocks with their arms full. , Upon ground hallowed by such associa- tiotis as this was the Temple of King , olortion erected—so spacious., so mag- itifieena the wonder and admiration of 1,7: the world. Alas ! in these days how ma -17.7 would sooner steal their brother's whole shock than add: to it a single sheaf ! • eaessas • ALWrIzI:3EtiV S MAMMOTH CLOTH SToR AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.. rpliE Old Stand on. the Corners,Sonlorth, is just newly supplied with a Fresh Stook of WOOL- ENS.of every imaginable description, waited to • the teates of the most fastitlibus, and adapted in • range and variety to the wants of ell—the liberal and the economical. OVERCOAT I NGS, 7 In all Shades from Meek to the most beautiful Drabs and Olives. English Worsteds, Frenchand English Testings, very superior, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, A Lot of Good Values in the, Dollar Tweeds, Gentlemen's Undershirts and Dritwere, Omits' Linen Shirts and Outside Flannels, • Gents' Overcoats and Lem Jetek.ets, Youths' Ovei wets and Pea Joakets. . A LARGE STOCK OF Youths' and Boys' Suits, From 8 yeers old to 16 years -old. Youth's Suits to fit Boys from 10 to 16 years for $7 50. Boys' Suits from $4 to $7 50. This Line la a Speciality. -A Good Stock of Me Newest , Hats. _ ISP SUFFICIENT Prepare for It. WILLIAM HILL'S To insure customars promptness in 'filling their orders and to prevent theyexations of delay, which sometimes unavoidable, I keep constantly on hand a large number of first-class tailors. 1 in- tend to adhere after this as far as possible to a cash systenu and sniall profits. . • Those hi arrears on past years accounts are res- pectfully requested to pay up. - W. CAMPBELL. NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. ANDREW. CALDER • WISHES to inform bile f deride and the public, "that he hasfitted up;iu the, best style, anew P1.10 TO oie.A P1! GAL ERY On Main Atreet, nearly oppoaite the Mansion Hotel. Trin aparatue is all new and STef the most improved kind, and from his long liep !deuce as a photographer he can guarantee mitisfitetion to all who nevor him with their patronage. Come at owes and bring you .ehildren. Re- member " CALDER'S New Photograph Gallery. N. ll.—A supply of Osborne Sewing Machines kept constantly on hand and for Kele. • • . 868 EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thenka his huinerouS customers (merchants and others) for their liberal T beautiful weather of the ast four weeks patronage duriug the past seven. years, and hopes, - HE p hebeen reminding us that winter,with old by strict integrity and close attention to business, s c to merit their eonfidenue and trade in the future. icy grip and mantle of snow will ewe' be hero. Hereditary Drunkenness, •• Not morepitiful are the approaches of Litadness than the well understood symp- toms which signify to the hereditary drunkard the hour of his inherited pas- : site]. I knew in Tex:la a young malt who was heir to such a woeful heritage. He was physically one of the handsomest of men, aaid possessed of great and varied. talents, which he had carefully cultivat- ed. 'Moreover, he had served his coun- try with distiuguished bravery, and was than holding a high positioU-of trust and honor. But with regularity that was terrible, there ,came to him—no matter where he was, over his ledger; in the church, by the side of the woman la loved—a craving for brandy that possess ed him like a &mon, awi drove hini forth from among his fellow's. With set lips and deseairing face he would deliver to a friend the keys of his office, and be- take himself to his room— not as men go to a carousal, but as they go to meet a fearful reekouhrg—and for two or three daysdrirn. sullen silence-,:. until the craving . appeased. Some one was one daypraising, in his presence, his vast atores„of acquired information and his delicate fancy ai an artist. "Yet shall die like a brae," he said, sadly ; 'ATYMILI 1.7.2 CIS tes! Having greatly enlarged his premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST. CAS -H ;PRICE For any quantity of good" fresh eggs, delivered at the , EGG -EMPORIUM, - Blain Street, Seaforth. Wanted by th.e subsetiber 25 toes of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. D. D. WILSON. SEA:YOUTH, March 18, 1974.. •828 SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. WANTED, 00 HOGS' alive or dressed, for which the e•-• ° Highest Market Price willbe paid, deliver- er, ed ne the Seaforth Cheese Factory. Apply to - • a- F Pork Cuttings, &c., for sale - SAMUEL TROTT W. S. ROBERTSON, E. HICI(SuN & Co. 862 - ,,,3=3-3333437-,•33.••1 - 343- .4 - To the Great Annual Sale of DRY GOODS FURS - AND MILLINERY TRA' T luts been going on akDent'e since Dee. 8, and continuing nnell Christmas. Now for Bargains. The Cheapest Sts of Ladies Furs in the DOIninion. Mr. Dent leas more Shawls, Nicer Shawls and Cheaper Shawls, than an begot elsewhere. • BEST CORNWALL BLANKETS At the mill prices. Piles of Plain itind Feney Flannels. Heavy Twilled Frney Union Flannels at 25 eente. II you want it Cloud, a Brealchiet Shim), a Food, it Sontng or Knit jacket, steer right -for Dent's and get it, Lovely Drees Goods nt Dent'. Wincies from 10 emits np. Fancy Dreier Goods from 15 emits up. Emmy Merinos all 48 cents. Black Lustres at 18 gents. A line etock of le1•11inery cheep 1111(.1 ch0106 as usual. The biggest Stock of Mane' and Boys fur and Oloth -Cape Splendid, all heavy Canadian Tweeds for 70 cents', in bust, everything yon went at bottom picas during the Sale, The Goods are here and most be sold. No surer way of making money than buyieg at Dent's Sale. Try it.. SAW.' LOOS., COLEMAN & GOUDILOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price POI' all kinds of SAW LOGS, At their Mill, formerly ;TAMES KYLES, near the Salt works. • GEORGE DENT, Seaforth. COLD WEATHER. Don't be standing in the cold when you can get a • FIRST-CLASS STOVE CUSTOM SAWING PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. AT KIDD'S, CHEAP. , 50 GOOD CHOPPERS yon want it Cooking Stove, if you want a Parlor Cook Stove, if you want a Parlor Stove; if you went a Box Stove, if you went it eelebrated Goal Stove, or any kind of it Breve, call and. see KIDD'S LARGE ASSORTMENT, Manufactured by the best makers ' in the Dominion. Also a Large Assortment of Hardware, Tin, , Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. SIGICOE TUE EtIAMIOTH 0001C FSTOVEI Mani rii-treet, Pleafortls. • 'Manufacturer of , :74 Hach iue Turned Butter • Packages •• Of a Superior Quality. gAll orders, either -Wholesale or ILetail, Promptly • SEAFORTH ONT. SAW LOGS. 10,000 LOGS WANTED. Ts tbe Constant aim of this lion,e. SOille very desirable linCS, alai of extra, value, will -be found Ilemloc, Pine, Mai, Maple, White Asb, iu Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Clouds, Breakfase Shawls, Fur Sets, in Gent s' Unidershirts Basswood, Black Ash, Cherry and and Drawers, Cardigan Jaekets, Ceps arid Ready- , Butternut. made Clothing. A- Flash supply of those cheap . - FLANNEL SHIRTINIGS • • For which our eustemers have been waiting. In - THE :N [1 14LI.N ERY S7-l'0C Is contained the newest styles and. materials, made ap hi tbe most artistie manner, at prieos too low for suceessfnl competition. SHAWL FOUND. JouNDI oes MONDAY, Sept. 28, on the Huron Road, between carronbrook • and Irishtown chureh, a PLAID STIAW-ti, eitioo10. The owner 'Sian have ithe same* 'tailing at the Eirosreoler office proehie •property end paving for this ad- • 856 ARMITAGE, GARTER & CRAY NTEND erecting, it first -ekes saw mill on their premise, in rear of Gray, Young & Sparluisres Salt Works, Seeforth, and axe now ready to receive and pay • . CASH- ON DELIVERY A Choice Lot of Red River BUFFALO For any quentity of the above kinds of logs. ROBES Cheap. • • To get good articles at alovr price, as cheap as your neighbor eau buy, there is no ediee like W. HILL'S, 0 • esite die 00 'menial Hotel Seaforth. vcrtisement. • - _ Pardee having logs to sellcan obtain the news - eery information from Mr. R. G-RAHAM, of the late firm of Govenloels & Graham, at Sharp's Hotel or tit the yard, where -he will receive and scale the logs. Cvstovi Work will Receive Prompt • Atte9iti Wanted, immediately to ant cordwood and Logs. Apply at the Salt Works. 858 • COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK. WHO WANTS MONEY?' A. STRONG, SEAFORTIT, Will Loan Money at a LOW RATE OF INTER- ••••••••""'"''''''' EST. either on Farm or Village Property. • Parties rt quiringinoney should apply to hien. I , • .INIPORTANT To THE PUBLIC. The Partnership heretofore existing between the firm of KjIIoinpa & Ryas., Merehants and Grocers, is going to be dissolved on the 1st of January, 1875. All parties indebted to the said firm are requested to settle before that date. If said accounts are not settled, they shall be placed in the hands of their Attorneys for col- lection. All claims against the said firm ire requested to be presented for payment before said date. Seaforth, Nov. 24, 1874. Asmuse■smoramann;;,,i.E.musomminms. XilliJLORAN & I.L.apcsYtrri\i-rr TO _Aa.a.4_ to A :It .0 Xi.: ARRIVALS AT THE CHEQUERED INSURE YOUR .PROPERTY AND YOUll LIVES. v A. Strong, Seaforth. IS ALSO AGENT FOR The Scottish Prtivinei;0 Insurance Company— ' Flee and Life. „ The Western Ineuranee Company, of Torwato— Flee and Lite. The Isolated-, Itisk Insurance , Company-, of Canaan. 9 Terms as reaeonalde as offered by any tlaer agent doingbnsiness for reliable Companies. OFFICE ---over Strang & Tairley's Grocery Store, Main Street, Seaford', 252 STOVES & TINWARE Of all kinds, and in endless variety at . MRS., WHIT-NEY'S Carinichaers Block., Main street, Seaforth. - COAL OIL, Pm,good. d eheap, -wholesale and retail at Mrs. CUSTOM WORK 0011;011 ..kinds promptly attended to and ntatly exe- 808 • MES. WHITNEY. SAVV LOGS. STORE, 100,00() LOGS WANTED. phemlock, tedur, =tele, white aeh, .2- beasts outt, cherry and butternut. ROGERgOaN & ADAMS will 'toy cash on delivery for any getantity 'of logs, delivertal at their mill hi Morris tlately Brown'.) theetOin, Work Promptly Attended to. Teas, Sugars, Liquors and General. Groceries, Which were bought on very favorable terms and will be sold. off ' AT PRICES WHICH MUST PROtE SATISFACTORY TO CUSTOMERS. ARMITAGE, CARTER & GRAY. - • . B.--4or teams „coming froin the west on the Hu.rOse'Raid and Hallett, there be A'good win- eter read direbt frolielthellerron Road. Aned-to the. *ills# thus avoiding the necessity f, gOng round by way of Seaforth. •883 BACON, HAMS, FLOUR AND MEAL OF THE BEST QUALITY Al 't ti Cl 1 Svt • 211 i S• t f 1.1.0111...1,}f••14/1MTAWSRINglei JAMES MURPHY. As I am positively intending to sell out a very large stock of Boots and Sboes, Rubber Overshoes, ete., at prices below COST, los cash only, until all is sold out, tuen in the l.rade eau buy cheaper from me then anywhere elm The whole ettack is offired on CREDIT, by furnishing good approved. ' seemity. !den's Cloth Overshoe 8 $1 25- ilinnel lined $1 50. Men's leubber Overshoes 50 cents; W.omens' llubber Overt.hoes 40 cents, ana other articles proportionately eheap. Thel4T4)UE will be leased, if desirable, to any person purchasing the stock. Dais is one of - the best business stemle in SEAYORTIL, being lo- , cased in the heart of the Town. i. Be—CA J1 paid for Hides. 868. A SPECIAL SALE Lumber, timber, shingles and lath constantly on baud end cut to order on short notice. - 66:3-12 I:testi-El:LS(1N & ADAMS. THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVer OFFERED in, At STAIIK'S SHOE SHOP. - THIS WEEK AT THE 777, CONSISTING OF $4,000 :WORTH OF DRY GOODS, Bought er ,11-aittifarlurers' C LOT NO. ri0 Pair. Bed Blankets, at $2 75, $2 50, and. $4 50 per pair, LOT NO. 2, 50 fieccs All Wool Flannels, at 25e, 39e and 45e. LOT" NO. 31 50 Pieces of Wincies, at 8c, 11.1c, 15e. 18c and 25e. - LOT NO. 4, 50 Pieces of Canada Tweed, at 60e, 80c and $1. LOT NO. 5, 50 Beaver and Pilot Cloth. Overcoats, at $7 50, $10 50, and $12 50. LOT NO: 6, Sets Furs, at $3, $3 75, $4 50 and $6 50. 50 NOTICE. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY: PRE.s1DENT's 01771(.11, 1.1rITALo; • December I, 1374. (IN the evening of 'November 18th, nit., there , la' was etolen from a rueeeenger of this come poly, near Port Credit, Ont.. THREE BONDS 01!%, DEBENTURES of one thousand dollare each, isened by the town- ship of Grey, wit.; dee ell November 15, 1871, kay- able September 18, 1301, at the Royal Canadian Dank, Suriforril, Ont., and numbered One, Two and Three. Attached to each are semi-anunal in- terest coupons, payable first day of Zaintary and Jolyin encli year. ALL P.411SONS are hereby cautioned not to purchase. or negotiate said Bonds, as the pay- ment of the printipal and interest on the same has been stopped. A LIBElIAL RF,WAIID will be paid Inc in- formation that will lead to the recovery of sala Bonds or Debentures. WM. G. FARGO, 366-4 President American kapress Co T H E GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. DR. WILLIAM CRAY'S Alta Taking. 33ef°S17ETCakiiFlig. IC MEDICINE Cures all Nervous Diseases, such as Tremors, De- bility, Prostration tke., which. in alum:r cusps. are produced by ovea, indulgence in the use of tobac- co and alcoholic spirits; but the Speeifie efedieine is more especielly recommended an an needling eure for eminal Wes/mesa, Spermatorrbea, LOT NO. 7, poteney, and all diseases thee follow es eaquence S of Self Abuse, as Loss of rlemory, ruiversei 1.8•68i33 300 Pairs Ladies' Scarlet Hose, at 40c. tilde, Pain in: the Beek, Dimness of Vision, Pre- mature Old Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and it Prema- ture Grave, all of which, as a rale, are flret caused by deviating from the path of nature and over iedulgenco. The Speeific Medicine is the result of a We study and many years of experience in treating these lipecial. diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlet, whichewe desire to send free by mail to he • be Conssiste of Gloves, Woolen Scarfs, Ladies' Wool Clouds and Silk Scarf;. -ever at ;aa per pacane. ciao Medicine is sold .bef BR- -Druggists kage, or f•Paelaades forWcirwillt lanengt by Mail onreeeipt of the limners byltddeess. al WILLIAM% GRAY itt CHEAPEST LOT- EVER oFFERE6•ArT114'71 Sold in • Seaforth . • • • LOT NO. 8, 50 Ladies' and Gents' Seal, Mink and Otter Caps, from $3 to $11. 1..0T NO. 9, .. • A:Robet+.4R LumOdebtaid44-allDrn MoDOUGALL & Co. - " NeaTHROP & L1141.A.N Toronto, Wholesale ` " 8850011. Dealern. 3 - ' 4