HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1875-01-01, Page 1-••• - 1 firir II E W1101141E No. 369. )- ' SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, JAN. V.. • lical &Atte tor FARE/1 FOR SALE. WEST part of Lot 12, and East part o L Hullett, 100 acres; 40 items clamed ; frame house and. hearing orelutrd ; 10 Mies Clinton oriSeaforth ; vie° moduate ; 01111S easy. For further particulars apply to TAMS BRAITHWAITE, Laud Agent 368-3 LondesbotO, - FARM FOR SALE nESIR.U113 farm formic, situat.d. on Lot 8, Con. 1, township of Turnhout-, coetaining 50 aeros, 81 acres cleared and free from Stumps, the tedenee well timbered. xrame ouildingS, and well watered. Apply to It. ETCH ARDS ON, Pro- prictor,Or to J0111( MESSER, ll5743 Illuevale P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. -0EING s. Lot ee, Con. 4, L. R. Tneker- " smith, containieg 50 flares, 10 stems of Whicii are efeered, without stumps, well drained, good knee:, end in. good working order. There is a frame barn, good stables, good dwelling house, with haek kitchen, slood bearing orchard; there are also two pumps on the farm.. This farm is 1-zitit5ted within a quarter of a mile of the gravel meet, 5 miles from. Seafortb, and eonverdent churches and schools. Apply to ANGUS GORDON; 367'4 - Egmondville P. O. EAVES OF TRAVEL. t 18,MISSISSI el Toesees-soT uuens iii,00m. • Sureta, morning on the Mississippi; rem the per me from the low banks deifte man Yore lazily on he air ; the melancholy sough of the et( am in the boat's tall chimneys C. isthe on y sound. -which breaks the still- ness. N Lure seems asleep_ • the surge around ouder mass of drawood, on which'a ouely tie quieting 1 1875. i it puffs and winds along the western . Canada bank. :But it transfigures everything . . , in the aear foreground, amid makes the The Alessrs. Davieis, of Henfryn. sew strip of elven lawn, dotted with curious- mills, iu the township of 1111nia, have Itaktiob3ed old tepee, shine resplendeitt. .over live million feet of 'sawn lumber alone the line of the Southern Extension -It makes charming cheekerwoek of sun- Raifway, waiting shipment. . and shade in the lone alleys, over sVhich -M r. WM. Wadsworth, of the firin of eraceful trees bencr; and it gilds . the 0 - & W. Wodsworth, Weston, Out , on roofs of the humble houses undea the leaving his s me r . • t -, To his residenee -about ts hill. Leaving . the Stifling hack, and. eight o'clock Friday evening, wae, knock - seating himself on one of -the benches on ed down by some unknown person. and • ew eeil-looking birds are °min- the high and breezy lawn, the traveler ehed, hardly foams, and appears waits until - the sun sinks, seemingly in into absolute repose. There is the very bosom of a, great lake beyond no otinpr iboat iu :sight ; no human _being the Mississippi, and then notes the many on the shores ; a mighty solitude of den- beautiful nooks along the stream, when colored. Stream and tall, straight trees, the moss -hung water -oaks and the vine - le einbuwered. thickets seemingly invite- to ds or a •tangled cane -break, or a swa pierced by a hundred. various chann filled with black water, is all that t traveler sees. From time to tin e, blissful repose. But as twilight draws its veil he returns to the rickety convey- ance, and, passing silently through rounding, a C1117Ve, he strains hs eye to shaded skeets, where all is stiller t am catch a glimpse of something new, bat on a Venetian canal, he alights at a nothing save the eteisnal sameness greets little hostlery on the hillside. . him. In despair he turns to -the people Mille host, who conies to welcome -round about him. '• Not much contfort to ,be extracted from them. A few withered negroes, be - him, is an olive -skinned man from ovee the spas, not without distinction among the people of the lowlands ; for once, FARI'd FOR SALE. moanine their easy credence ot the wiles of t‘ . enen a tornado be over the island in less, i.,,cres. cleared, p y the the gamblers who. fleeeed them M New . the Gulf :of Mexico, where mine host_ eer tete ea Goa. 4,1Iullett ; 140 acres, more or h • b. of the Maitland:River running Orleans • some ruddy and. hilarious plant- . then lived, the brave fellow, risking his 'fly intent on .the " rise " of the through the 18 acre hush; good fences. :kpply on ers, elii the premises to the proprietor, j.k:IES MARTIN, ri ver ; • 1'108 or addr ss Constance. P. 0. Suilniiit and ey robbed of his cash box containing about $1,000. The robber escaped, as Mr. Wadsworth lay ,some time insensible from the effects of the blow. t -The finances of the London West- ern Fair Association eeem to • be in a flourishing condition. At a late meeting of the directors the Treasurer's report - was read and showed the receipts of the year to be '115,299 81 ; disbursements, $10,528 79, leaving a belanee on hand of nearly $5,000. -A young man hoarding, in Hannah's otel, was recently prostrated - by a nervous tit, auct after recovering he was found incapable of • articalatiug word, and has confirmed. so, although re- • stored to his usual 'health. His senee.of hearing is perfect, and his only means of niekine himself understood is by writing own lite saved thirty fellow -creatures his wants on a slate. ne or two IN orthern tourists, from drowning amid the. mad waste of 'themselves, with books in hands, waters which malignant natui-e had set e on beaks. • But suddenly the - about their cars -a stalwart, east -going FARM: FOE, S M er wheels around a long turn in the i lebrew, with two Stout sous, who copy • T OT 18, Con.. 6, Hullett; 1 0 acres, 65 acres Stea , stream and brings one upon a scene as their fzither's traits closely, and who, -es cleared, remainder wooid l with beeeh and maple; frame dwelling ; River Maitland and ,ift picturesque and varied as might well be wished for. from lon f T ,..t ,..th tl s defects of g aim ial 1 y es IL rood sprite, on lot; 21 miles from Kinburn and ... . negro dialect, unconsciously retain some . -A committee of the Quebec Legis- laturc., on the Winter navigation of the St. Lawrence, met on the 15th ult., and examined severalmen of great experience in navigating the river, all of whom agreed that with properly constructed Tor partieulars apply to L. MEYER, Rarpurhey, A level greensbank-mtensely green-- VeSSCIS there would be no difficulty in or BENSON 4 MEYER, Seaforth. and dotted here and there with pretty . faint reflection of it in their speech. navigating the St, Lawrence during the sTEAM SAW MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. blosso ss el the rieht a, Weather - trees bend, and the elississippi roses --the people of Galt were treated to High over the little hostlery the great wint,e,r. 1 *)E ING Lot 34, Con. riv MeKillop, containing 104 beateilli a-ntict.Lite' elm reh of cu.rious arch itec- A ) acres, all cleared, with good barns and stables, Ore, and coyered.with vines and ere.ep- Poef into the windows The traveler, something new on Saturday last A c ae c.rood orchards in fullbearing; two uever-fail- ers. lelear ,it a huge cross, around pushing Ills way through the crowd of nuniber of the litalians ewlorking at ,the ing springs which supply the mill. AlsS, lot 85, good-eatured negroes m the doorway, deep cut on the Grecht Va ley. Italia a , Con. 9, eontaining 48 acres ol bush, The property which is kneeling a f hrong of woi Ship - in the enters the bar -room, and mule host takes near that town, says the Reporter, par - ere cal ro ad. thereto. For further perti miler a apply foreground stands a few idle negroes, down from a dust shelf a dustier book, 4(101 our .streets from about four is situated 6 miles from Seaforth, with a good pers, black, yellow, and white. oit the premises. If by post, to JOHN Tee0e11?-. laughingly looking ou ; in the back- the last entry iny which was me de a o'clock in the afternoon till nearly so N . ee netauce P. O., Kinbnen, Ont. 260 miles from Clinton, Terms to mu, pore IticIABA N BR OTNIER P ablitAmerm. Si1. 50 a 'Year -flu advance. that Mr. Richardson, near Galt, lost over eighty. The dieease becomes very viru- lent when it takes hold of Canadian im- proved breeds. t is said that the buyers here were wrongly informed as to where the hogs were raised, and that a suit for damages will be brought in cons( quence. --Hon. Johe -Young, of Montreal, has sent in his resignation as President of the Royal Canailian Ineurance Company. He leaves shortly for a tri e to Europe. • -Loid Dufferin at a recent school ex- runination held in Ottawa, at which were ever 3,000 persons. 'delivered -an ad- dress in which lie highly lauded the On- . month before. Having registered his esix sin eing the songs ot " _sunny ------, ground is the sombre line of a great for - FARM FOR SALE. est. In frent of the church. the horses name, and ordere.d his dinner, the tray- Italy." °We dou't pretend to be a Judge eler climbs to a little room in which a of Italian music, therefore we won't (tf good cultivation. There is a good frame BIEN church are hitched to a long rail, gar- music, , and criticise the entertainment, but we heard on which the kneeling people came to. mocking -bird is making end STABLE. The farm is lottated on a good nished wit] par - a viciou- mules i _Les , b L 1 , as he sits in solitary state drink- a friend of ours say--" Arrah, now, and 74 (vexes. 55 of which. are cleared and in a state -s, -there, gravel road, is conveniently- situated to sehool% . ,r. pluneing and re,aring while. his dusky. . . . ing tea an hour later, to him enters a wid ye call that music, its meeself then churches and post °Mee, and is within IS miles barefooted negro woman; who, evhile She that's heard the like of that at the tail - from Seeforth sea 7 from Fader. Tor further owner dances in frantic anger beside announces her errand ! as housemaid, end of Donnybrook fair !" ' t r on the premises. him • Mona the high white road. on the adds sotto 1,oce, 'Lor. nels1r, reckon you's' -Mr. Wm. Young, lot 27, llth Con., FOR Sale, I,ot 28. Con. 7, Usberne, containing, • and est( em for the public man, who, e tissue in the coneciouseees of moral rec- titude, pursnes a course in which he may differ from the great body of is con- stituents. There is also a certain feeling of admiration. for the bold, unscinpu- - bus mau, who, perfectly cognizant of his own wrong doing, still braves it out, and "setting bis life upon a cast will stand the hazrd of the die," but, for the craven Who, elitrueted. with the highest muni- cipal honors we can bestow, accused of betraying that trust, retires into the. ob- scurity of private life, 'scared by the faintest breath of opposition., there re- tario educational system as being mile s mains nothine but contempt, 'Why not superior to that of the United States. face the contest with conscience guilt- -On Friday, 181h nit.; Mr. Smith, of less of intended wrong, and. accept at the hands of the people a verdict either of • acquittal or cumleismatton. " The voice of the people is the voice of God,". and seldom errs in judgment, and, fel- low ratepayers, our Reeve has retired in favor of John Keine, a farmer, a farmer whose inVrests are too closely identified with GorrN. to allow of his being -any- -thing but a tool of the 0 orrie magnates. Do not allow yourselves to be misled, farmers of 11 ownilt'e if you do, tilt old story of lled Riding flood will be en- acted. over again, and von will be de- voured by thie wolf in sheep's clothing, John IC ame's claim npon your suffrages can be toll in very few words. He is a man -who eb anges -his political principles to euit the times, and. double -beaded, • like the linssjan eagle, can look either way that suits him, and opposed by every means in his power, our getting the Torouto, Grey and 'Bruce Railroad, which however sweetly we may pay for it, is certainly a benefit to us ',farmers. These two things that he has done, and his being a Commissioner in B. R,, are about all the claims he has upon us for our votes. What w es the main -spring of . his action in regard to these things 1 intend. to discuss M a future letter, bnt in the meantime I mill simply say that if Perkins chastised us with whips, I am afraid. Keine chaetise us with He was s• eeted on the outside, and fell .off. •scorpions if he ever bas •the power, South Dumfries, killed a very fine bald 'eagle. ' That gentleman had been slaugh- tering an a,nimal the day before, and. the bird -was makine a meal off the offal. The eagle meastired 6 feet 9 inches across the wings, and was a beautiful specimen of the " king of birds." ---M r. Charles Baird, of Fullerton, bila a tine bald headed eagle on Fri- day last. It measured. seven feet four inchee from tip to tip, And was oee of the best specimens ever seen in that -part of the country. -Nineteen head of cattle, -fed by Mr. James Glendeninng, of \-'est. Zorra, for the Toronto market, were shipped last week Lona Woodstock. statien, • The average live weight of these cattle. was 1,600 lbs., a figure but .seldom reached. -Mr. W. J. Hayward, Agent of the St. Lawrence Bank at Winghaen, met with a severe accident on Tuesday morning of last week while returning from the Rail- way Banquet at Kincardine, by which his leg was broken. Mr. Haywerd and several .others were coming Vlown Jose- phine street on their return, when he at- tempted some little by-play with a friend. who accomptuaied him, and filling upon his leg broke it near the ankle -A man named O'Bryan met with a terrible Accident while goieg to London on the Lucan stage on Tuesday morning. partieulars apply o _ p Lume). 2. 0. levee's crown, a few. teams are straggl- 4'mm:ex _ - ilia • all inunense neer° whose wool. is sea • FARM TOR SALE, crowned with a broad slouch hat of , -11- ley, DO acres, 80 eleared and under fence, the purest white, is . Cantering chui c le arc Vale SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, London Road Stan - balance thubcred with first-class hardwood ; frame with a negress behind him on the saddle. at one and the same moment. l. be tow n two weeks. The laet °De caught weighed barn 60x10, frame stable 18x40, log h01188, good It is Lester end the Catholics M this is half ii,steep ; nothing is heard. save the bearing orchard, wen watered ; situated within 7 . , ' I . " little Louisiana town are 'piously united occasional hoarse scream of a steainer on 29 pounds, and when etreeched measured miles of Seaforth ,,d. alike distance from Olin- the river. The negates cluster about four feet. .11 r; Yew% for Some years t1,0;6:. Farm well miderdrained Rea in first-class iu pra,yer. - cultivation. Apply on the premises or to the pro- prietor at Bine:afield P. 0. . ANDREW McKEN ZIT, . does not? move the kneeling -people to then breaking into loud outlaws ; in the . Mlle beat's monotonous sough sough the doorways and tell yarns, now and 1, past has been losing some of his lambs M a manner for which he could not account, ' :t wild cat trapping is uot altogether ' • ' f NV llineton has -lately quality ; yos'negwine drink no tea m de nu, _scam y common parlo', yo' iSn't !" beets making quite a raid. among the wild • r • Dinner and thelong twilight are over thits, haYhig stle-neded trapping no less than four Qf them within the past but thinks that he has now found. out , look ep-; -but the sundry urchins grin shops there are ne custUmers ; the- old • FARM FOR SALE, -and Wave their hats • then OA if fright- cathedral on the hill is dimly lighted, and caught the depredators.• The Tow n - OT 4, Con. 5, Hullett, 11) acres of firs -c as. then, in excellent condi-ion; well,fenced ; good enede a8 dart incontinently in o 1 1 and a few pious souls kneel therein ship Onuneil pay $6 for. each .scalp, so see they came. Now the steamer there is no light, no- gaiety, no noise of L.1.. little church behinds and, crowds, although the town has e large population. The planters, fatigued land buildings, orchard, &a.- sp ing creek crosses the wheri very valuable.. The proprietor would sell 7;?, • leave • an unprofitable business, while, at the lat. The Umbel on the 2 acres of bush land is • • same time,. ridding. the neighborhood of CSOu eat. The property is situated on a good' gravel wate wilderness WhOre the. willows quite a nuisance. passi itee into 'honglcut-o , com with hard ruling about their plantations or 125 acres:. Post Office,, Schools, &c., couveni- -At the annual Poultry Fair recently road 51 miles from Seaforth. Apply to static sorrowfully in long rows, and the during the day, have betaken them - .862 ANDREW SLOAN. Constauee P. 0. cotto woods lean totteringly, as if undere selves early to the comfort of their vil- held in Berlin, County of Waterloo, • - FARM FOR SALE IN BRUCE. mine • nig seem sorrowfully to protest against • I b the hidden boilinas of the e . about $300 wes "given M prizes ranging las, and there will be no sign of them until sunrise. • - from one to ten dollars the latter forthe . , Then they, will be °Air, and Shea the heaviest . turkey. •A- large number of traveler, who is to see many of them on . f.armersaebetWeen 3,000 and 4,000-' as in Own. The ee tries were ov.er : five hundred, largely 'in excess of all former fairs, and over 4,000 The. of all kinds of poultry were ehoWn... I- -A coroner's inquest was held a Jew FOR Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 30, Con. 6, Township current. Thickets in which birds are snig- acres, 30 of whie,h ere cleared. This aim . of Brute, County of Bruce, eontaining . lage, of Paisley. The -uncleared portion is well mirrored in the sinoeth expellees of the Morrow, can best meet them. So he atoll within live miles of the- rapidly growing the encroeching ,weva ; then • tops timbered- There is.also a Spring. Creek naming waster iscattered queerly along the sad- follows the early habits of the town, Tor further particulars apply to the Proprietor, colored stream- 1!10111 time•to ,time we and, after he has looked idly for a time throne ale phtee. It is ft, desirable erOpertee Box 24, Seaforth P. 0. p, 1 houses whoee floors and upon a 'few belated negroes from the • iYhich loom up :pleasantly amid the sur- brew clothing merchant, he hastens days anti on thebony .of 'Murdoch Sent , 852 A. M. CAMPBELL. ' porches are under Water, and groves country, who are cha ering with I -I . . FARM l'OR, SALE. . desolation. Sometimes We rest, and rises- t° of "Garj;,fraxa, County of Wellington, who vor. SALE, th westhalf of Lot 22, and east inl bony woodsman anxiously : To find that a gentle rain has fallen ha,,,rd died very su.ddenly th pi evious ' eyeie 0' the wood -piles which he has during the night, and -that the whole fair J ' • (lit -He had been complainina of his rounding --1: hall of west elf of Lot 23, Cop 11, mcKillep, , see a lean a containing 70 aer s 60 acres eleared, well -fenced and under goon. c barn and frame table. There is a goed young . long mouths. _ I ull well he wee S ,_ , , hardwOod. Thme is a, good frame ous , and a. never-failiug well at the hOuse. Situated 7 ; ,and that he will ,be a ruined num. FrOm dowered. her rarest blossoms, myriads of Pile( while a .e P g a . 1•tt m tin to swallow swelling river_will'eoon bear them away, bus section, where nature seems to have pired iniles from Seaforth, and three-quarters of a mile 1 ' 1 1-1 • • .1-, th ah d s d.•Tl;- east of John Govenlock's SSW mill. There are 14 his primitive email, mto X% lose seem ow ers b1111 L roue ew i ops which . . ,r1 the waters have drieSen him, be glisten in the sun ; to find, es he climbs jury . spoouful ot weak brandy an water. . e 1 etUriu, a verdict that be bad orchard; a spring ereek running throut.,,h the finan Apply to the nralersi•gned on the premises or to e n a note every change in the tickle the hi s Which lie in the rear of the eo-e to his death from inflammation of acres of fall wheat whieh will be sold with the farm.' stOry t • • fhnt paten y heapec togetherd meny land. is at dawn as fresh as a child's face throat for some time before butnoseri- Imlamee timbeiec , _r* Qt1 A farmer'e team juet behind at the time and that he may never have is the ear - ran over him, crushing him so badly that nest desire of he only lived a s.hort time. i ,. A Howie% " HOWLER." -The marriage of Mr. Alex. Belcher, 1 — -- --.04•11,----_—_ of Moutreal, and Miss A. L. Barnes, of 1 The Waterloo County Poor 'Montreal was celebrated in Toronto on House. th ft • teals • to find that this miraeu- ous results were anticipated until en the de mentioned, when he enddenly ex- • • Tuesday last. As this union was brought about under rather romantic circumstances, we give the particulars, which are as follows : At an early hour on the morning of the 18th March, the St. James' Hotel, •Montreal,. was nearly destroyed by tire. Mr. Henry Belcher, then commercial trawler for Messrs. Nioh�l & Co., and who was boarding at the hotel, attempted to escape by the stairway, but being baffled in this, he • entered one of the bedchambers on the fourth story and Made a desperate effort to escape by fastening together six sheets and endeavoriug to descend by these means. When he was suspended in mid- air, however, the sheets ga,ve away, and he was precipitated to the ground with dreadful force, his arms and legs being broleen by the fall. His life was despair- ed of, and the lady whom he has just wedded gave up her • whole time to the ll Winthrop 2.0. stream, and hour by hour can 1.1rood upon town, that there are many and costly tile tdkr°titt'u :see ;TORN MORRISON. • n rec. tang was recently held M his comina disaster. Ilis tow -headed gardens ancl lawns, pretty mansions, and Guelph. This event is to commemorate FOR SALE. children scull to the log LOTS in one block'in Coleman & Gouirdock's and feed the frightened kine and the ill- and a park strewn with great sylvan *-) and cornerine on Victoria Square. tem • • f -we a,s monarchs and a long colonnade of state- APPIY to •. fiscow cultured woodlands to nd a gateway the tenth year of marriage, and each • e61•E. nIGESoN & co. • the TN Deremonayme; ono quarter of an sero; frame , -- ------- - .- ------- : fore HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -1- house, with woodshed., summer kitchen, &c., , can good well, garden planted with trees, ho se situated ievf e, as if in the protecting shade o in rear of .A.Ir. John Logan's, the lot is a corner lot. so e. fortification • brawny mothers Apply to Mr. Peter Cowan, in the adjoining, house, fOnalina Stout babies, huge fathers , or to the proprietor. mirngly on. t'orn fields and cotton emit nmles on sue i 1 0 . . can serape together in the adjacent ly white .pillar, from which,. as the b.• - traveler approaches, a merry planter, few hours later, a negro village : - ivith his cupping -shears and a basket us clustered together • behind the 665 GO tDON Kamen. sinc king corn -cob pipes arid looking aa - BUILDING LOTS IN SEAFO, 111 FOR SALE at hes streteli aw-ay behind the cabins. nit. COLEM:'s.N, having laid out the grounds Vi. • .. . eing a day of leisure, one or two --1--• recently oecupied as a, Drivin4 Park into Bold- u ing Lots, is prepered to dispose of lots on reason " El ades," -whose moral perceptions ere able terms to any who may desire them. Parties no es eeially elem., arc indulema in the b n _ desiring to purchase should in4e immediate 0,P- 1 plication. 0 • 861 e as wa aw THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR. THE First Prize Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar,: -1- the property of Mr. Wm. Blair, jr., of Stanley, will this season be kept for tht improvement- of Stock, on Lot 2, Con. 1, Staul y, London Road. This is one of the best, and purest bred Berkshire Pig$ in this section of the coartery. TERMS ---$1 per sow, payable Ea the time ef; •service, with the • privik;ge of returning if necessary. • 1162 WWI. BLAIR, jr., Proprietor. - BOAR Fl • smith, end will serve sows at $1.00 w •th the prim seasctil, 011 Lot o. , 9, It ri • Boar of the large breed. Re b TIIE Subscriber has purchase fro hurt, Perth , thoro ghbr • l....,e6g4e-tzof being. returned if necessary. • WM. ROBB a kiff mak.e all speed to i•each their des- ! • plebeian ; the air is Ingram wi course. Over the meathills on one side G. T. Hurl - d Berkshire kept fax the . S., Tucker - guest is expected to contribute an ar- . ticle made entirely of tin. . On the pres- ent occasion, among other articles pre- sented to the host mid hostess, was a huee carving knife, the blade of which was about two feet in length and four filled with blossoms comes down to ts a Here in Natchez -on -the -Hill, where inches in width, with a fork to match, greet his guest. the gentle savages who were fire-wor- while alongside was a steel, all ma,de from She same material. shippers once lived. I the soil is strewn -One day laet week a dreadful acci- with most delicate blossoms e and 110 dent occurred at a threshing on a farm of where are they to be found in greater Mr. Wm. Bollert, in the townshiy of many wealthy planteis once lived, and Ellice, County ot Perth. It appears that profusion than in this section, where where some of them still reside. After the men were at work with the machine in the barn, and Mrs. Bollert went to see She slenter has welcomed his guest, and how they were getting ou. All at once she was observed entangled in the gear- ing, and before the machine could be stopped she was crushed and mangled in a horrible ma,nner, and death ensued be- fore the messenger, who was immediate- ly despatched for medical aid returned. As the establishment of a Poor House and Industrial Farm is being agitated, in this County at the present time, the following statement from the Berlin. Telegraph 'relative to the • County of Waterloo institution may not be unintei- esting to our readers : "At the session of the County Come- cil held last week the Inspector of our County • Poor House • presented his seventh annual report on the condition and. working of that institution. From this report we learn that the movements of inmates during the year were as fol- lows : Admitted. 46; -deaths, 12 ; chil- dren sent out on trial, 6 ; absconded, 6; discharged, 20; number now remaMing in the house, 69.. Those admitted during the year were sent M from the following municipalities : Township of Waterloo, 9 ; 5; Wellesley, 4 ; Woolwich, 3 • •North Dumfries, 4; Town of Galt, . task of nursing and. attending him. 2, Berlin, 14, (nearly all of whom were Through her e're he finallY ree"ered, non-residents, who, after 4 brief stay m and the friendship which led.to the hap- the house, were sent out of the County,) py result above stated was commenced M Waterloo, 1 • Preston, 3. One patient, sant pastime of J. " mule-ra,ce ; and . the boat draws near, they spur the I shown him through the long and lordly ving animals down tile smooth road- i hall, dotted with engravings, and given , shouting and swe,aring, but ,' hire a glass of sherry in the huge dining- kening little or no enthesiasin anion,* I roorn from the carved btiffet, he leads th tawny villagers. F rty "lit& the way into the garden in the rear of niggers." rush to a fence, ci imb it, and the mansion. It is sit gazing, i silent admiration at the i " Roses, roses all the way." great White craft as it slowly disappears. They cling in regular ranks to the in the distance. •i bushes along h g, 1 - paths, white two places below the knee on Monday of, Now a bluff, whose long, irregular ! red and pale pink ; odorless, and tull of last weak. Mr. McDougald SVS haul . li e against the Naples -blue of the sky ; -subtle perfume ; they hang in blushing in" some timber out of the bush, when- st ikes one strangely after much gazing masses from briars ; they tremble and One of the pieces, by some means was on lowlands. it is gradually approach- scatter their whim petals as a. heavy dragged over his leg pinning him to the in nightfall ; sky and water seem. to - tread approaches them. All other ground. He was lying M this state for hi na; the cries of birds flitting shore- flowers in the garden pale before the about au hour unable to'extricate him- ' heard. • a few blacks passing in wealth of roses ; everything else seems . self, when saine of the neighbors forta- • • h palely observing the horses standing idle so loug, went to the spot, and rescued him from what would no doubt have b a terrible death. the hospital M Montreal, they, pi0- acquaintances. vious to the accident, being only casnal .110 The Howick Council -and the mates duripg the year was 6 aa, the totals, expenditure for the same Villages. _ period (inehalingeash and. provisions ou spurning to be a burden on the coun y, paid for his "hash and bed" like a true christian. Th • e average number of in - r. Peter MeDougald, of the 9t13. Con of Turnberry had his leg broken in hand at date of previoue report, valued DEAR SIR: In my yen at 13,287.02) was a10,0e2.04; but from last letter to To the Editor of the BUTOn Expositor : • •this must be deducted for permanent im- made sowe charges against our ow ic Council, the truth of which is now re- eivin " confirmation strong as proof . . provements, produce of the aim, c hogs, provisions, clothing, produce sokle earnings of the house, cash on. ha,nd, &ea. , and will maintain it, that the villeaer estimaeed at $7,300.980 leaving' a the' of Holy Writ." I hold to the opinten, and the farmer are mutually &Tenant amount aetualsv expended for the sup - upon each other, and it is only by the s establishment of perfect justice, perfect liberty, and perfect equality, that the highest degree of prosperity is effectually secured both to the urbane and rural -popelations, but our Council in the plen- titude of their wisdom. and power have not only utterly neglected to establish that equality, but in order to foster and. encourage the villages have shown them- selves willing to depress and keep down, • if possible, the farmer. That such a • state of things should have contrived to exist, for such a length of time, in a township where the great majority of the ratepayeis are engaged in agricultu- ral pursuits, seems at the first glance somewhat strange, but a closer inspec- tion of the causes that led to such re- sults will do a great deal to clear up the mystery. At our municipal elections the political " dodge" has been used to a great extent, and we have rushed blind- ly to the polls and voted, for the man of the hour in order to save elle party, for- getting in the excitement of the monient that tour personal interests were at stake MAI:Le matter of direct taxation, resting thoroughly satisfied if our party won, however ralieli it might prove detrimen- tal to the internal prosperity of the mu- nicipality ; and. also in a country when the credit system is used to the extent it is here, the trader in the village in some instances makes it convenient to collect his accounts about election time, and. "vote for my ticket" "or be sued" is the alternative, and. if one turn of the screw is not enough the second turn generally does the business. There are other petty influences that are at work every election, but the first named has been sufficient to give our eve the control of the Council, and during his brutally beaten, is term of office we have felt to its utmost I saw the Mao not more than one minute d ree the evils of village domination. -I after -the assault, and instead of seantig a man that was brutally beaten, I adnutbtout badly seared, eft • _NOTICE. •tion before darkness blots out their A Le, boek accounts and notes due me, if not •-1--k• settled by 1st January, will be Atlaced in Conrt for collection. 36614•- JOHN - ----------- THE LIFE OF LIVINGSTONE, LZI`BSCRIBERS to this work in th township of linllett will please take notice that the de- livery of thebooks will commence o the first of January, and will be continue( il orders - are tilled. Parties going from bone oblige by leaving the money, so that when the agent • calls the delivery may be completed without ea:us- ing the delay of a second call. • z;68-2 WK. DYNES, Agent. BULL CALF FOR SALE. _ 'VOL Sale, a thorough bred Durham. Bull Calf - 10 months old, of dark red color. His peal - is first class, and can be) examined by inten- ding purchasers. Apply to M. CHESNEY, 354• Haron!Road, Tuckeramitla. • TO CHEESE MAKERS. VOR sale cheap, a 500 gallon O'Neill vat, Attod for steam; also an 80 gallon ,vatt, With screws, hoops and, all Other appliances for a small dairy. Apply to JOHN ELLIOTT, 067 Seaforth 20. of the stream, and the beaut• iful and fer- • • pasSionate scent -of the queen flo tile expanse of plain on the other the setting sun is throwing a blood -red. glare. A last the steamer stops at a wharf - .b et anchored near the shere, under the le of:a frowning bluff, along whose al- ost precipitous side• winds •a road. A f w ordinary louses are scattered. on the b nk. ; everything is uninteresting and. ii iroinantic ; the traveler instinctively t rns away from this sqUalid. and pro- s ie stopping -place. But he is told. that b yowl the till lies a pretty and. even a r ma,ntic town, so he allows the shout - n g and persp ying negro' driver to shut ujirn into an infamously close and dirty ads, and, tei' CORVey him up the winding road. , He reaches a tura where the wheezing horses• step for a momentary repose, "and„Osgiojes, a scene of mateh- less beauty arrests the a en ! Overthebroad river the sun has cast a sheen: whiOs (Wiles, and, which bin• - ders one from following the steamer as • wer. NVIien the planter and his gime g o m the tables are strewn tv..._ith the blooms ;- the carriage in which the traveler. de- parts is filled with them. -H.- Y. Trines. DARING ROBBERY; .SOs ACCOAI- PLICE.-Two men, accompanied by the son of Prof. Peck, of New York, *ent to the residence of the latter On Sunday last, while the family were at church, and the men took away a chest full Of silver ware, together with bonds, mort- gages, money, and jewelry, aggreeating in value to $40,000. • The servagt 'girl who witnessed the men carrying away the chest went to -the church ancl alarm- • ed the Professor and the family, who ascertained the above facts. The boy• , was subsequently taken before the police captain, but would confess nothing, and his father has not preferred any com- plaint against him. The youth is 19 years old, and has been of late the cepa- pattion of gamblers. • , een -"Mr. NV. Brown, of the Township of Elma, a few days ago cut 50 cords of hardwood M 13 hours, with asawing- machine driven by a two horse power. The machine and power were manufac- tured at the Mitchell foundry. • -There has recently been a great loss of hogs in Randall's distillery stables, at Waterloo village. The persons renting the slop purchased a car load of hogs -said to have been brought over from the United States to Canada by a drover in Toronto. They proved to be what are known as cholera hogs. The purchasers ha,ve been losing from ten to twenty animals per day for some time back, and their total -loss will be about four hun- dred head. Dairymen and othersehould be careful regarding hogs coming from • Mac United States. Many were brought over la,st'surnmer to cheese factories in Western Canada. also reported poit of in. mates of the house, or an average weekly expease for each person of 831c. A reasonable figure, surely. The average yearly expense for each person was $66. The report shows that the revenue of the House and Farm was as follows : Products of farna sold, 11,118.08 ; earnings of the house, 18.74 ; caeh received for support of certain iii - mates, $348. 60,making a total of 12,075.- 42. Nativity of the 46 persons admitted during the year was as follows : Canada,. 18 ; Germany, 13 ; Ireland, 5 ; Italy, 4 ; Scotland, 3 ; England, ; United States, ; France, 1. It is a note- worthy fact that, during the past year, the house was not utilized (as was the case in every preceding year sinee its es- tablishinent) as a lying-in hospital -not a solitary birth having occurred. -within its walls in that period." Tkie coopefs strike To the Editor of the Huron Expositor, DEA_R Sm. -Allow me through your columns to correct a false statement made in last week's issue as regards the coop- er's strike. It was stated in last week's issue that the cooper's struck for higher wages, tiow I will prove that etatement to be incorrect. -What they struck for was this : They struck for a prim on a, kind of cooper work that was never made - in this town before, that is, heaping of barrels after they bad been trussed, and worked off by a machine, and _certain -TY Isfiovoep%engttshiessbeubtaarreflasi,r wrehmenilliferroarriti°30ntr 35 barrels is, if anything, -more than an average day's work. As -regards the statement that one of the workm40, named Higgins, which Mr. 'Voliner pro- cured from Clinton; was. Set upon and I is incorrect. I But an Ea,stern proverb says : It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back," and the appropriation of our money to pay the private indebtedness of dorrie and Wroxeter has not only opened. our eyes to the folly of the vil- lages having control of the Council, but has also proved the culminating point of our Reeve's popularity, and unable either to stem or swim along with the current of popular wrath, he has resign- " Oh I what a fall is this my • brethren." There is a feeling of respect seeing a man t a, there was not a mark of violence upon him, neither did. he complain of being hurt. s These are facts which 1. can prove. By _giving tlats a place in your c,oluninsl you will 'oblige. -Yours AtZ. EQUAL RioTS. SOA_RCITY FO0D.--F00a is rePqrse°- to be very scarce at rampeluna, Spam. All known Carlist sympathizers are be- - X lled from that place. 1 • _