HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-12-11, Page 11874,
It $-1.00
P PO rxrf.
,chis week offer tbe
W` GOODS at eca-
STRES, (noted
,80e per yd..:
.RGES, 25e to
KS, 75c, $1.00
- yard_
GWDS, desir-
from sfm)o. up,
s.t Prices,
be held at the
Monday, the
bludness of the
hers interested
ictory will be held
-:Murray's School
7, December 12th,
'settling the last
hgmeuts for the
%re is partieulariv
A. Mts.LCOIZi4
idt-, betweea thc
saloon, a. SBCt r
7.sante on applies -
Int property and
, •
WHOLE No. 366.
4-101 T5tatc tor #Me.
TN Egmondville'; one quarter of an are; frame
-I-- house, with woodshed, Rummer kitchen &c.,
good well, garden planted with trees, house sit:anted
in reart,If-Mr. ;rohn Logan's, the lot is a (*frier lot.
Apply to Mr. Peter CONVILA, in the adjoining house,
or to thd proprietor.
TIR. COLEMAN, having laid -out the grounds
recently occupied as a Driving Park into Baiaing Lots, is prepared to dispose of Iota on reason
„ able terms to any -w-ho ruay *sire them. Parties
desiring to purchase should: make immediate ap-
plication. 4864
NIORTH half of Lot 14, Con. 6, Morris, 100 &mos ;
'75 acres cleared, with good farm buildings
and orehard ; 4 miles from Brussels ; immediate
possession g,iven. For further particulars apply
857 Barristers; Seaforth.
T OT No. 5, Con. 4,1Efullett ; 140 acres, more or
-1-4 fess, 80 acres cleared. Plenty of water, mid the
north branch of the Maitland River running
throttgh. the 18 aero bush ; good fences. Apply on
the preiniscs to the proprietor,
1308 or address Constance P. 0.
T OT 18, Con. 6, Hullett;• loo acres, 65' acres
cleared, remainder wooded with beeeit and
maple ; frame, dwelling ; River Maitland and a
good gprine" ou lot 2-1, miles from Rinburn and ;3
miles from Minton. Terms to suit purchaser.
For particulars apply to L. METER, Harpurbe3-,
or BENSON & METER, Seaforth. '346
BE LNG Lot, 84, Con. 7N, MeKillop, containing 104
acres, all cleared, with good barns and a tableS,
two good orehards in full bearing; two never -fail-
ing springs which supply the mill. Also, lot 85,
Con. 9, containing 48 acres of bash. The property
is situated 6 miles from Seaforth, with a goad
gravel road thereto..For Du ither particulars apply
on the premises. If by post, to JOHN TROMP -
SON ,Constanee P. O., Rinburn, Ont. 240
u• " ,• -t•
DEC. 11,1874.
I* 2
BROTIKEBS., Pnblisbers.
$1 50 a Velar, in advance.
• The `Comity Connell of the County of
Huron met at 0 oderieh on. Wednesday
afternoon of last week. The Walden in
the chair. The roll of members being
called,. and the minutes of the last meet-
ing of the June session read and confirm-
ed, the Warden addressed the 'Council
as follews :
GENTLEMEN :* Since we last met sev-
eral matters affecting the County have
arisen. First was the appeal of the town
of Goderich against the equalivation of -
the assessment rolls. . You all know the
result, ofthe appeal, that the valuation
was raised from $14,124,801 to $26,280,-
745. I consulted.. with my Committee
what steps to take in the matter. Mr.
Sinclair was employed to defend the
equalization, and subsequently . Mr.
Hodgins. Both gentlemen ably defend-
ed the result attained by the Equaliza-
tion Oommittee, but it was ef no :stall
against the evidence produced, showing
that the assessors only assessed farm
property at about one-third of its value.
Messrs. -Greenway, Gibson and Cress-
well, with the :Warden's Committee. at-
tended during the whole trial, assisting
in looking after the interests of the Coun-
ty. • Groderich has not gained anything
by appealipg; but the villages of the
County have, to a. small amount. The
costs are csinsiderable, amounting to up-,
• wards of •3 and counsel
in witness. ancounsel
fees. But 1do not consider this amount
ill -spent .if it will.havre the effect of CaUs-
ing the assessors to de their duty by as-
sessing property at its cash value. I am
very Much pleased to see that Mr. Walter
Cunningham, assessor of Hullett has
. this year done his duty by assessing the
township very nearly -at its full value,
vii.: $1,692, l 55, nearly" one million of
dollars of a rise from the year previous.
We have had considerable correspond-
ence about the County boundary bridges
between Haren and Perth. The .en-
gineer was instimeted to proceed with
the building of two bridges by the War-
den's Committee on. the County - bound-
ary, provided the County of Perth or
the townships would -pay one half the
expenSe.- Mr. Strachanavaa of opinion
that his motion for two new bridg,es on
the County boundary between Grey and
Elnia • was earned. The •Committee,
however, did not specially report upon
them, and the Warden's Committee did
not feel justified in -ordering the engineer
to"construct them, as it appears they are
ou a mad assumed by the townships of
Grey and Elma in lieu of the County
.boundary road, and ender the by-law of
Elam assuming this road the township of
Grey was to pay two-thirds of the cost
of opening and maintaining it. Tho
Count y of Perth also refuses to pay for
any portion of the boundary bridges:
You will, no doubt, take this matter
into Your consideration at the present
meeting, and do justice in the premises.
The 'Warden's Committee appointed
Messrs. Garrow, Patton and Ross to go
to Blyth on the first of last October to
receive the sit orth Riding Registry books,
leek after the .County property, and pay
Mr. Hays his indemnity. Messrs-. ftib-
son and Bishop, M. P. P.'s, and Ross,
were instructed to proceed to Toronto to
urge the justice of mil, claim against
Bruce in the Municipal Loan Fund. Mr.
Ross will no doubt report upon the mat-
ter. We have carried out the improve-.
meats upon the Court B ouse recom-
mended by .yoit, and furnished Judge
Toms with. a commodious room out of the
vacant hall. you win require at the
present meeting to arrange with the
Commis Of Bruce and ,Lucknow what
portion of the indebtedness of the Coun-
ty of Huron Lucknow is to assume. The
Clerk has notified the Warden of Bruce,
and the Reeve of Lucknow in reference
to the mattes'.
T OT 7, Con. 8, Turnburry, on boundary between
Turnberr3- and Grey, 100 acres, 85 cleared and.
under good 'cultivation balance hardwood, log -
house and barn. The al;ove property is i• mile off
the gravel road, 3 :miles from Wroxeter and 6
miles from Brussels ; 16 mores fall wheat in. For
further particulars apply, if by letter prepaid. to
C. R. COOPER & Co., Brussels, or DOUG -AL Me- '
DONALD, Monisbank P. 0. 857e
"part Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, 'Osborne, coutaininc,
74 acres_ 55 of which are pleared.and in a. stafe
of good cultivation. There is a. good frame BARN
and STABLE. The farm is locateou 5 good
gravel road, is conveniently situated to schOolat,
elitireb,es and post office, and is within 13 Miles
from Seaforth and 7 from Exeter. For farther
particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises.
wThrram- DINNIN, Jr.,
Lumley P. 0.
851 •
FARB! rolt SALE. -
F°1-1 SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, London Road
le3-, 100 acres, 80 -cleared and under fence, the
balance timbered, with first-elass hardwood ;
barn 60x40. frame stable 18x40, log house, 6Qd.
bearing orchard, well watered; situated within 7
miles of Seaforth• and a like distance from Cling
ton.. Ferra well underdrained *nd in first-class
cultivation. Apply ou the premi4es or to the pro-
prietor ab Bracelet' P. 0.
LOT 4, Con. 5, Hallett, 125 mores of first-class
land in excellent eondition.; well fenced; good
buildings, orchard, &c.; spriug meek erosses the
lot. The Umbel on the 20 acres of but& laud is
very valuable. The proprietor would sell 75, 100
or 125 acres. Post Office, Schools, conveni-
ent. The property is situated on a good gravel
road 5.1 miles from Seaforth. Apply to •
862 ANDREW SLOA.N, Constance P. O.
WOR Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 80, Con. 6, ToWnship
of Bruce, County of Bruce, containing 100
acres, 30 of whieh are cleared, This farm is situ-
ated within five miles of the rapidly growing vil-
lage of Paisley.- The uncleared portion is well
timbered. There is also a Spring Creek running
through the place. It is a degrable property.
For farther partieulars apply to the Proprietor,
Box 24, Seaforth P. 0.
352 - •M. CAMPBELL'.
,F013 SALE, the west half cif Lot 22, and east
ihalf of west half of Lot 23, Con. 11, MeRillop,
.contaiaing 75 acres, 60 acres cleared, well -fenced
and under good cultivation, balance timbered with
hardwood. There is a good frame house, frame
barn and. frame stable. There 14 a good. young
orchard, a Spring meek running through t,he farm
and a never -failing well at the house. Situated 7
:mites from Seaforth, and three -grunters of a mile
east of John Govenlock's saw niill. There are 14
acres of fall wheat which Willbe sold with the farm.
Apply to the undersigned on the premises or to,
Winthrop P.O.
it LOTS in one block in Coleman & Goninleck's
0. Survey, and cornering on Victoria Snaare.
Apply to
INthe village of Roxborongh, 2 miles from Sea -
forth, lot containing nearly one half aere of
land, with a good frame house thereon, and a good
stabip. There is also a good. well with a pump in
it. It will be sold cheap for cash. It is suitable
for a private residence. Apply to the undersigned
in Sarprahoy. 13ENJ AMEN- EDEN.
Harpurhey, Nov. 25th, 1874_ 864-4
First Prize Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar,
the property of Mr. Wmi Blair, jx.r,olemSteenriltety,f,
will this season be kept for the imp
Stock, on Lot 2, Con. 1, Stanley, London Road.
This is one of the best an.d purest bred 13orkshire
Pig,s in this section of the country. TERM8-$1
per sow, payable at the time of service, with the
privilege °Interning if necessary.
862 WM. BLA.IR, Sr., Proprietor.
"VTR. PETER ArceatEa0R, Brucetiehl, has
-1-LA- thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, as-hich he will
keep during this season for the improvement of
Stoek. This Boar has taken first prizes at the
SouthRuron, St„ Marys, and other shows this sea-
son.• TERMS -$1, to be paid at the time of ser-
vice, with the privileETe of returninr, if necessary.
Also for sale, a thoroughbred Bec‘rl,shire 14311.3.4,40
361 E.IliORSON & Co.
A petition from 112 freeholders and
householder& of the village of Wroxeter,.
praying to have the village of NV roxeter
incorporated; was read.
lloved by Mr. Gibson, seceaded by
Mr„ Weir, that the petition from WroX-
eter for incorporation he received, and
that the Clerk be authorized totelegraph
to Mr. William. Sniall to ta,ke the census
and forward thesamebefore the follow-
ing Friday at 2 o'elock--7Carried.
The following petition from John_
Sample -and others M reference to the
bridges lately bui:t at Clinton, Exeter
and Brussels, was read and referred to -
the Gravel Road Committee :
We„ the undersigned ratepayers of the
County of Huron, humbly and respect-
fully submit to yonrahono•rable. body.
that the construction of the bridges late- -
ly built by -your honorable body over the
Bat -field river at Clinton; and the Maita
land river it Brussels, and also the one
at Exeter, has been characterized on the
• pare of the County Engineer with the
merest favoritism and partiality to the
contractor thereof, and greatly detri.-
mental to the interests of the County.
That the wholesome system of tendering
has been abused., the saidengineerhav-
ing, after the time for receiving tenders
had expired, telegraphed, 'ene Thomas
Gregory, of Winghani, to -tender
telegraph fot the construction of said
BOAR PIG a. F. bridges, and the said bridges have - been
-r.) bas Pft tellirOC4hr-TrIned BerliZe built in direct Contravention and viola-
b EHEI e lion of the plans and specifications. We
Boar of the larg!N. reed. Pre will be kept for the
e y, Or a comMittee thereof, to
• , serve so7, 11, :7', •
23 0en 2, IL rt. 8.1 Tucker- therefore respectfully ask our honor -
season, on
- t '1 00 with the privi- IA b -L
wtr. ROBB investigate the conduct of said engineer, ciple from that sanctioned by the resolu-
tele' ei being
NOTICE. Signec1,-.Iohn Sample,..F. S. Scott, J. would feel at liberty to revise the deci-
364-8 returned if neeessaiy.
in connection with the said works. tions, but they do not think the Court
hereto, notice v . • .
der of ten of the subscribers t ,.. .
, (sin. ,,,,e-ven that a pubhc meeting m t i., , ,
emy Barnes, Samuel Burgess, Donald it, though they might think it erroneous.
Fsmith. A. Intram John Ferguson, sion of the Governor in Council, or annul
B1 °r '
iS Ile:- `church, on the Goshen line, ou lot n-
Smith, Trueman Smith, Donald Mc-
Lachlan, Daniel Stewart, Thomas Eng-
lish, Mark Cardiff, James M. Kippen,
Thos. Ainley, Robt. Armstrong, Daniel.
Lamont, John McCallum, James D.
Shurrie Wm. McOrae, John 'Walker,
Wm. iIcLeod, Wm. Grieve, William
The aonimittee appointed to enquire
into and report upon the propriety of
establishing' a House of Refuge in the
County of Huron, reported as follows :.
Your Committee appointed to consider
the propriety of establishing a House .of
Refuge, beg leave to report that they.
have made such enquiries and obtained
such information as justify them in be-
lieving that the County would -gain iv
haying such an institution for its poor.
The only instance of practical use in On-
tario to which the Committee's attention
has been directed, is that of Cc County
of Waterloo, where for several years an
institution of the kind has been in oper-
ation, with, as we are assured, entire
satisfaction. We are of opinion though,
as the matter is of great importance, that.
our information is yet too incomplete to
no promise, we left with the impression
that Mir request would be granted. I
heard nothing more on the subject until
on 1st Sept,-, when I got a short note
from Mr. Gibson, saying that he- had
received a letter from Mr. Mowat, in
which he referred. to this subject, and
that he thought the, Government would
refute us the reference asked, I thought
it better to write at once to Mr. Mowat,
and restate in writing what were our
grounds of our request. On the 4th of
Sept. -received. a letter from Mr. Mowat
dated 2d, which was, I suppose, writtee
befote. the receipt of mine of 1st, which I
also enclose, and which you will see- re-
fuses us the appeal we asked. Since
then I have received another letter from
Mowat, dated Oet. 21st, in answer
to mine of 1st Sept. The only thing
that I need notice in this last letter is
that I am certain that Mr. Mowat's
recollection of the claim Made by the
deputation from Bruce in March-, 1873,
timing the sitting of the House, is erro-
neous. The claim made then was the
same as .that since sanctioned and al-
lowed by the Government, viz.: that the
railway allowance should be based upon
enable us to make a full repo t, recom- the payments by Bruce to the Municipal
mending this Council to und.eitake the Loan Fund durieg the time of the union
establishmeet of such an institution. of the Cennties, as well also as the
Before doing so we would like to obtain, amount assumed. on separation ; and in
and we consider it absolutely necessary proof of this I may state that the state
to obtain, as nearly as possible the 'exact ment prepared at their request by Mr.
statistics, say for the last ten years, of Adamsen for the purpose of showing a
the amounts expended by the various • basis for their demand was in the hands
Municipalities within the Comity for of Mr. Wells. during the conference with
relief ; and we would also-. deem it ad-. Mr. Mowat referred to. Their request
visable for any Committee to have 811 01) for that statement was in February,
portunity of a full personal inspection of 1873, and was mailed by INIr Adanison
one or more similar institutions, and to Toronto for them at their request, and
particularly of that of the County of that statements showing the payments
Waterloo. For the- present, therefore, made respectively by Huron and. Bruce
we would -suggest that the Clerk be M- - while united, was asked for for the ek-
structed to procuie as full information press purpose of laying a foundation for
as possible as to the amounts expended the. claim they made, that these pay -
within the County for the past ten ments should be taken into OOnsideraie
yea,t's for the relief of the poor, to be tion as entitling them- to an increased
laid before the Council at its January share of the railway allowance beyond.
sessiou. with a vleW to more definite given them in the schedules' then before
action lathe premises. • - the House. Mr. Mowat may have mis-
J. T. GARROW, Chairman. understood the Bruce deputation, but
ensi.V.EL ROADS. - such I am certain was the claim they
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by then made, and. Mr. Mowat's declara-
Mr. -Kelly, that a Conimittee of nine be tion that the Government eo-uld not go
.balloted for, to taice into consideration behind that a.greeement was accepted by
and. report on the best way of keeping all me, and, I believe, by the Bruce deputa-
the roads graveled bteth.e County in re- tion as a distinct refusal of their appli-
pair. Upon a ballot being ,takeu the cation. To show more clearly that such
Committee was declared to consist of was my distinct recollection of the claim
Messrs. Snell, Patton, Brown, Cresswell, and its refusal by Mr. Mowat, I may re-
Greenwa.y, .Girvm and Simpson . fer you to my repm t of the same to you
The Couribi4 on motion, adjourned. un- in. January last However, the Govern
til 9 o'clock, Thuraday morning. : • ment having distinctly, and, as I think,
THURSDAY, Dc -c. 3, 1874. 'urgently,. refused us a reference to the
,The Council met pursuant to adjourn- Courts there is nothing for us, 1 sup -
meat. The minutes of previous Meeting pose, lint to submit, unless, as suggested.
Were read and confirmed.
by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Moss, redress
• SCHOOL .SECTION NO. TEN, HOWICK. can be had from Parliament, which is; I
A petition from Thomas Blakeman think, unlikel± as the Government
and 43 others, of School Section No. 10, would. oppose it then.
Howick, praying the Council to cancel A. M. Ross, Treasurer.,
Moved by Mr. IVIesse,r, seconded by
Mr. Taylor, that the County Engineer
be instructed. to examine and report on
the condition of the bridge known. as
Graham's bridge. on the boundary line
between the townships of Tnrnberry
and. East Wawanosh. Referred to ..the
Read and Bridge Committee.
mai Tout nousES.
Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.
Strachan, that the Clerk ilistruet Mr.
Bay to have the toll houses and gate
posts rerneved Off the gravel road imme-
The following report of the County
Engineer was read and referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee :
To the Warden. antl Council of the Conn-
IGYEoNfT-rj.,E1:: In compliance with in-
structions received at the last Council
meeting, I have examined the following
boundary line and other bridges through-
out the County, viz.: - •
On the line of road between the town-
ships of Howick and Wallace, Couuty of
Perth boundary, there is a 25 feet bridge
or culvert of the most primitive kind,
built with round logs. A. new bridge or
culvert will, therefore, be required. The
stream is Certainly quite small; but, in
order to set the foundation of the new
-building clear of the soft bottom in the
bed of the creek. the proposed structure
should be from 20 to 24 feet long, the
sills being diagonally to the line of road'
and parallel to the water course. It ,is
apparently quite safe for the winter sea-
son, and should then be rebuilt, as from
the nature of its construction cannot be
repaired. .
In examining the bridges between Grey
and Elma, on the First a-nd Ninth Con-
cessions, I find no bridge whates-er on
the First Concession. The river crosses
the road diagonally for about 25 rods,
and will be somewhat expensive to
bridge. . It is a small sluggish stream,
about 35 feet wide, with a -steep bank on
the north side, which would require 'con-
siderable cutting. The road is opened
all through. the First Concession, but is
apparently not ranch used. •
The bridge proposed_ on the Eighth'
proportions of debt assumed by each and Ninth Concession is at some dis-
County ou separation was correct and in tance from the boundary line, and would,
accordance with the resolutions. They no doubt, suit the settlers in Grey very
are also of opinion:that it is improbable well; but, when the town line is clear -
that the Legislature intended by the ed, opened and used as a public road,
statute to authorize the Lieatenant Gov- the authorities in Perth County may
ernor . to make connections which in- possibly -want a bridge, either on, the
volved the adoption of'i. different . prin- boundary or so near to it as will be avail-
able and equally convenient to the set-
tlers in both Counties. If, however, the
situation is satisfactory to all parties, it
would be easy to induce the County
Council of Perth, in common with the
Huron Council, to assume the bridge or
its position before any steps are taken in
its construction. -
Relative to the two small bridges be-
tween McKillop and Logan, nothing
whatever has. been done. Mr. Jones.
the decision of the Committee appointed
by the Council in June last. was read and
.referred to the School Committee. -
A by-law, No. 10, township ofMorris,
to close up and sell an old road allowance
in that township, was read; when unim
motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr.
Kelly, the by-law was confirmed.
A letter from Judge Toms, thanking
the- Council. for having furnished him
with a suitable room was read. The let-
ter was accompanied by a circular from
the.County Judge and the Warden of the
County of Elgin, in reference to the
Criminal - Justice accounts, which was
read and referred. to special. Committee
composed of Messrs. Garrow,, Leckie,
Greenway, Cresswell and Perkins, to re-
port upon it.
The following letter from the County
Treasurer, aceompa.nied by a number of
documents in reference to the Municipal
Loan Fund Settlement of Huron &id
Bruce, was read and referred to the Fi-
nance Committee: '
GODE nicn, Dec. 20, 1874.
'Po the Wctrden and Counci/ of the Cowl: -
t of Huron :
CrENTLENIEN : Havint been instructed
by von to take steps to test the legality
of the claim of the County to the
tional one per cent. of interest claimed
On. the railway allosvance under the late
Municipal Loan 'Fund act, as also the le-
gality of the deduction made by Govern-
ment from the allowance to Huron and
given by them to...Bruce, I thought it
better firstto take the -opinion of two
eminent counsel upon. each case, sub-
mitting to them all .the correspondence,
&c., and I accordingly went to Toronto
a few days after ye* last meeting and
submitted the case as regards interest to
Messrs. Edward Blake and C. Robinson,
with Mr. Crooks' report to Governor in.
Council coathining, the grounds of re-
fusal of our appliciation. Their opinion
was adverse to oaraProspects of Success,
and in consequence have taken no further
steps in the matter.: The case as retards
the Bruce claim submitted to Mr. c•Rob-
iuson and Mr. MOSS, and their opinion
is clear that the first -allottment of the
railway allowance- on the basis of the
iu 8916:111/1a3.. on the, lst clay of ja-onarY, 1875 Currie, Alex. Strachan. John 11. Hodge, As this opinion gave us good hopes of
6, oon. 10, 111 trials Mc Fad den Malcolm Lamont, success, if the Government would consent
t. a, tui0a s k cs a 3 te 0. FfoLdrirteitlinliriappniocis.eeeec:t(0,1111:4pt,ao:nafynectii0s3taye j
Forsythe, John to an amicable reference to the Courts, to
. . aa= ( - • J
irant, Ajax. roi
--orgsvized ; 2nd. Of choosm„
Of deciding wheriest7o41.oettte the head other. • ( 0 well, Robert McKa•v, Wm. Shine, decide what we were entitled to under
HaYr De°' 11' ' IT. V. DIRSTEIN, Alichael Shine, Hector 'McLean, Win. ' the resolutions and act, but gave no en -
Zurich. -vs.- , .-
_ 4 _ ,... _ _ r .macclonell, Thos. i Braclwell, John couragement that we could force the
8-6°---"irttic OF THANKS. Tait, Jahn McDougall, Bishop- Warde, Government to such a reference, 1 Reev-e of Logan, and Warden of Perth,
aeragned desires to return thina.nksmto the C,h.as. Dobson, Neil Richardson, Silas thought it well to get our members, could. not take action in the matter, "no
,,n,„.. Agent, for their cparompthatanclutaisbaye othrey
Lnranstace-a711130113-, of 7, tilf., rt• A• Bates, J. J. Kippen, Donald. McNaugh- Messrs. Gibson and,Bishop, to interview provision having been made by the Perth
ton., David Wilson,' Theo. lialantyne, ' the Attorney General with me, and en- Council for their boundary line bridges "
Quinton Anderson, Lawrence Dobson, cleaver to get his consent to the reference These were the words Mr. Jones used
settlement, oof his property by the late fire.
deastrt°' 0 se thank the inhabitants of Seaforth Duman Mcllugald,. James Turnbull, we asked. • We accordingly waited upon when I had a personal interview with
for - v ' g of the destination of his MUIR
'theirhealuv ble assisance in saving' ProPertY,
he was, no doubt, anxious to do all he
him, and Logan being his own township
aleteire*, an
so F. SEEGMILLER. could.
w. ^^".0-•
Of the three small bridges between further action in the matter at present.
Hullett and McKillop, referred. to at the R, CALLANDER, Chaiiman.
last Council meeting, only one is long Certmcil on motion adjourned. until
enough to come under County jurisdic- Friday at 10 o'clock.
FRIDAY, Dec. 4, 1874.
tion. ha,d a new floor in the early
part of the zummer, and I have added a Council met pursuant to adjournment
new superstructure since. Minutes of previous meeting read and
Between Morris, Hullett and Mc- confirmed.
Mop, there is one bridge of 37 feet cORRESPONDENCE TO BE PUBLISRED.
span, which needed four new stringers, Moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by
a fluor and handrail, which repairs I had Mr. Willson, and carried, that all cor-
done in October last. respondence between the Treasurer and.
The bridge on the boundary line, be- the Government, with the opinions of
tween Morris and East Wawanosh, re- the counsel consulted. in reference to
ferred to at the June meeting, has had a claim of Huron to a further portion. of
new floor ; the abutment at the north Municipal Loan Fund on the settlement
end rebuilt and. Widened so at to afford between Huron and Bruce, be printed in
travelers a safe entrance to the bridge. the minutes -Carried.
It will want no further rdairs for a num- - RESCINDISCY.
ber of years to come: Moved by Mr. Weir, seconded by Mr.
The long bridge crossing the River Gibson, that resolution 79 of the minutes
Maitland at Ben Miller's, has also been of December meeting 1859, in reference
repaired, as far as such repairs -were to the allo-wing of a 'fee to the Clerk of
practicable; sufficient, no doubt, to the Peace for checking accounts passing
keep it in its place for the Winter sea- through that office be rescinded, and that
the clerk notify that official of the action
The approaches or embankment at the of the CounciI-Canied.
ends of the new bridge between Howick BOUNDARY BRIDGES
and Grey, is uot altogethet satisfactory, Moved by Mr. Shannon seconded by
quite a number of old stumps have been Mr. Scott, that a by-law 'be passed ap-
propriating the sum of $150 for the pur-
pose of having the bridges between Mc-
Killop and Perth rebuilt as soon as pos-
sible, and that a copy of Said by-law be
forwarded tothe Council of the County of
Perth, according to as Logan town-
ship and the County of Perth have refus-
ed to take any action in this matter -
The census returns for the Village of
Wroxeter was read, a.ccepted by th-e
Council, and ordered to be filed. The returns showed the population of Wroxeter
to be 754. The by-law for the incorpora-
tion of the village of Wroxeter was then
read. and passed.
The report of the Jail and Court
House Committee -was read and paksed,
and contained the usual statement as to
ilham Dancy, Mathew Herbertson,
Archibald Taylor, Thomas McLauchlan,
Alex. Stewart, Mark Cardiff, Marsden
him on the 28th of July last and pressed
our request. He said he would consult
with his colleagues, and although giving
laid in and. covered up which will, no
d.oubt, cause it te sink in the spring. .
New bridges have also been built on
the undermentioned boundary lines :
At Turner's mill, On the river Bayfield,
between Uoderich and Stanley. On the
Sauble river, between Usborne and Hib-
bert. This bridge is common to the
County of perth. On one of the upper
branches of the 'Maitland, between the
townships of Grey and. Howick. And
also on the Bayfield river, between Tuck-
ersmith and Hibbert. This bridge is not
yet finished, it is common to the County
of Perth, and. arrumor has gone abroad.
that the Perth Council demur to paying
their share of- the cost. The contract
was let by Mr. Jones, the Warden ; that
is, he received the tenders from the re-
spective parties, and declared in favor of
Mr. Matthews, whose offer was the low-
est, but has since; I understand, been the excellent condition in which the m-
over -ruled by the Warden's Committeestitution is kept by the jailer and his
New floors have also been furnished to assistants. Reference was also made to
three bridges at Wiughana one at Blyth, the fact that an insane person Darned
one on the boundary between East and John Morrow had been confined in the
West Wawanosh, one on the boundary
of Tuckersmith and another at Bayfield,
with sundry repairs to various bridges in
different parts of the County. Altogeth-
er, there has been a very great number
of bridges repaired and rebuilt.
On the Gravel Itoad, the following
bridges have been rebuilt, viz.: Stone
abutments to the bridge at Exeter, where
a new superstructure is now required,
at Bannockburn, on the road. from 8 e a -
forth to Bayfield, a new bridge is built
from the foundation; on the London
Road. at Clinton, a new bridge 200 feet
long, with stone abutments ; atWing-
Warn a new combination truss _bridge 90
feet long; on the Lake Shore Road, at
the 18 -mile river in. Ashfield, alio a, new
bridge; and at Brussels on the read
north of Seaforth. There has been the
most bitter complaints about the Mason-
ary at this bridge, and certainly it is not
according to agreement. There is hard-
ly i close joint from front to rear in the
whole wall, and a very great many small
stone packed in to fill up between the
courses. All this was carried on sys-
tematically, in spite Of every remon-
strance I could make against it. I Warn-
ed. the contractor, however, when he had.
only 18 inches of the first wall built,
that if he continued in the same way it
was at his own risk, that I would neith- Moved by Mr. Garrow, seconded. by
et measure or estimate his work, and I 1 Mr. Callender, that it is desirable to re-
move doubts as to the proper official to
conduct sales of lands for taxes in towns
not separated. from counties, that an Act
should be passed declaring that the Conn -
jail for over a month, and the Committee
reconamended that an effort be made to
have this person placed in one of the asy-
lums at once.
The report of the Finance Committee,
of which the following summary contains
all of interest in the report, was'read and
adopted :
The Committee recommended that the
account of Nicol Shirray amounting to.
$65 for damages sustained by Mrs. Shir-
ray, with a horse and buggy, falling over
bridge at Exeter' on account of a defect-
ive railing, andvarious other aceounta
be piid; also that the account of George
Ruddle for damages sustained by the
death of a horse, caused by running
against a „toll gatepost, on the Myth
road, aniouuting to $124, be not paid. A
petition from the, Goderich Grammar
School Trustees, asking for a grant of
$500 to assist in purchasing furniture for
new school, recommended to be left over
for consideration at January meeting;
that the Clerk issue debentures for all
boundary line approPriations; decorating
court house in honor Of Governor Gene-
ral, $28 be paid.
- A. L. GIBSON, 011itilmap.
have not done so hitherto. I was very
anxious to have the masonry well built,
that it might -have stability to carry an
iron bridge when the wooden one is worn
In cutting down the steep hill on the properobtainsOlfaieChiallegfiQsr.
road allowance at Turner's, to inake lation, that a memorial to the above ef-
tstYielTi 11;euals•puors!ers, isanttiheto
out .
approach to the new bridge, the contrac- feet from the Colwell to the Government
tor opened a seam of dry soft sand, be placed. in the hands of the local mem-
through which teams cannot pass. I
bers by the Clerk, at the earliest moment
would, therefore, like to have the sane- and that if legislation to the following
tion of the Council to gravel over the effect cannot be secured, that the present
approach. All of which is respectfully assessment Acts may be so amended. as
submitted. As BAY, : to removd,the prdsent doubts upon the
; subject ar6d to provide for the proper re-
, a
_ -County Suisveyor.
turn to the town treasurer of lists of
- Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by lands in arrear. if he is to be the official
Mr. Gaunt, that a Committee of five he to make such sales- Carried.
balloted. for to take into consideration LUCKN OW LNDEBTEDNESS.
and determine- the amount of the County The report of the special Committee
indebtedness that the village of Luck- recommending, that the. matter of the
1.101# in the County of Bruce should as- share of the County indebtedness to be
sumeon at...Yount of that portion of Luck- I assumed by Lncknow, be left to a Com -
now, formerly in Huronaiand now at I mittee consisting of the Warden and the
tached to the County of Bruee. Upon a' County Clerk and Treasurer, was read
ballot being taken, the Com ittee was and adopted.
declared to consist of Messrs. eckie, EXPy,NSES OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS.
CreSswell, Callander, Girtrin and Gar- • Moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded_ by
Mr. Taylor, that the Engineer be in_ , ecqounanloizial.tionA, teupgaidditshonesussiounal ofenesbuyedthoins
structed to examine the bridge on the I
East Wa,wanosh, opposite Lot 35, Hul- , eral townships should pay their own
; Ne.torAunci.))ete,ielr.(ki, i 1 ibsy,
boundary road between Hullett and i
lett, and report at the next meeting at
Moved by Mr. Monteith, seconded by i 13th July, at the appeal against the
Mr. Gibson, seconded. by 1
1 representatives,sovhoielepeoitthaeirnsinhgeltdo titibaet
I Council that attended at Goderich on the
1 Mr. Willis, that each member of the
this motion. Some argued that the-sevs
County, as the object of the attendance
that the Clerk be author- ; of tluse members was to sustain the
equalization made -by the CountyCountil.
ized to prepare a by-law, approptiating
After considerable diteussion the motion
the sum of $200 to build a bridge between
Howick and the County of Perth, the ! was carried by a majority of 18
saidCounty of Perth having declined to '
The Road and Bridge Committee re-
take action in the matter, and the bridge,
is unsafe, and that the Clerk be author- I ported as follows : Having examined
izecl to serve a copy of the by-law on the i into the matters complained of in the
Clerk of the County of Perth as directed I petition of John Sample and others, the
by statute -Carried. , Committee exonerate Mr.: Bay, County
SCHOOL COAIMITTEE. Engineer, from all blame in the matter ;
The following report of the Schooli the Committee recommend that the
Committee was read
‘ subject of Mr. Messer's motion with
The petition of Thos. Blakeman and ! reference .to Graham's bridge, be left
43 others, of the township of Howick, over for consideration at the next meet -
praying the Council to cancel the sleds- 1 ing of Council. The following recorn-
ion of the Committee appointed to ex- 1 mendations were also made, viz. : That
amine into and decide on a complaint , the bridge between the Townships of
made in connection with School Section Howick and Wallace be built, that the
No. 10, of the said township, re,corn- I Council pass A by-law to pay one half
mend that, as a similar complaint hiving : the expense of building a bridge on
been made at a previous meeting in con- I Eighth and Ninth Concessions of Grey,
neetion with said School Section, and i and notify the -Council of the County of
this Council having appointed a Commit -
Perth that they have done so - that the
tee to examine into and decide upon the 1 two small bridges between Mckillop and.
matter, said Committee having done the I Logan be built, that necessary repairs
best they could: in arriving at their de- 'be made on the bridge between West
cision, we your Committee, do not see I Wawanosh and Colborne, that Mr..
that thisCouncil has any power to take 1 [See Fourth Page.]