HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-12-04, Page 5f 4G ear tile, Lake, and rll. �e says mug -up rap Lon of the N - entrely fill - lass, and will grown m On- e death hands F, tcck place trs of nand 5 at, in a low stern limit Of he parties in eelin toward ud this is the at week that rvo quarreled. le combatants ing for some %ken was cov- e badly bruin- irat onslaught L first flowed into a room, elf on the bed, her and die." is in another le said, " Let kicked in the E thrust. He r.a circuitous acgaiutance, ible man, to tolice were af- ,olous; serape. hrew himself ►sleep. This 'clock in the mained until: police having e malty foot-- en oot-en snow from Grif a _ Mc- ;e, but quietly e officers of d to jail. The b enquire into .S'er returned a gist McNa- es, gets so worn: ty m. Where tar carpenter ,lues in a large entirely new, rays the case,. end in an em - :the thing at is wetly -but not hold well. o cut narrow role complete - h. This will riven into an filar character desires to put le. The hole ed, and lead ides the:hale rger than the work out, if strain on the elf is liable to- lmitsof loose- subjected to tter article is I and poured id of lead, it hie job. Be- o procure sul- store keeps it v.--An:,eric" it hemselves >ndent of an e see it ix -e- late years to 3t of the time I this is the 7mers. They g for half an arn, in the af- lie same pur- they are kept y night in or. - fuence of the - ell lighted Lis net so ob- [ear days we .in the yard. 4 and love to -es. One of ..s in the yard them. He a and varying t1 took great ie go under- -a. eoupIE= with a cross the other to altitudes of on that will ornfort of a have never to find how- 4tronize this gland's great As the cows y will often r for a little rub on their he watering 4 sometimes tad cows are often sup- eedom, free k• limb , just '�thiek hides 'cm the colds es from 10' ted bialys fu- ss. the cows is the warm r. ----The in - pea is less. Cies than rue- jil Play fair, Glasgow k and I.o- with their about abler- -reignec _. for nan or w«- 'nth ; hence Pel;` deaths, le dancing and biting ale. and cut e -fourth of cv<ion came Ee filthy a WAS 1 )Il- trite never ly c n be, Arit1icrny Thomas realness an e vermin eases, the frequent, o ,T874 i dote*. BIRTHS. .. In Seaforth, on. Nov, 14, the wife of Mr.,H. Messet, marble cutter, of a. daughter, CHURCHILL. —In Bluevale, on Sunday, Nov. 21, the wife of Mr. Wm. Church. ill, of a daughter. TY,iit. In Brussels, on Tuesday, Nov. 24, the wife of Mr. Tyler, New Con. flexion pastor of a daughter. WIT,r 4ox. -In Wingham, on Nov. 20, the wife of Mr. B. Willson, Reeve of Wingham, of a son. BRxDON. —In Grey, on Nov. 21, the wife of Mr. Francis Brydon, of a daughter. Ca0KERLNE.—_ In Hullett, on Nov. 29, the wife of Mr. G. Cookerline, of a son, still born. « MARRIAGES. ARMSTRONG— nIOONEY,—In Seaforth, on Nov. 27, by Rev. Chas. Lavell,'M. A., Mr. Robert Armstrong, to Miss Jane Mooney, all of Seaforth. -CAMPBELL — MCDON ALD.—In Brussels, on Nov.- 27, by Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Duncan Campbell, to Miss Jane McDonald, eldest daughter of Mrr Peter McDonald, all of Grey. BRAY' --E IPILssox. — At St. John's Church, near London, on Nov. 24, by the Venerable Archdeacon Marsh, W. T. Bray, .Esq., Chatham, formerly of Wingham, to Jeannie, only daughter of Crowell Willson, Esq., M. P., Arva Lodge, St. Johns. • , DEATHS. DEAN.—In Goderieh township, on Nov. 26, of typhoid fever, Agnes; wife of Mr.. Wilson Dean, aged 18 years. WEsr coir.—In H.ullett, on Nov. 27, ult., William, son of Mr. G. Westacott, aged 16 years and 8 months. IixN,—In Goderieh township, on the 2$th ult., Mary, wife of Mr. George *amlin, aged 40 years. Doro.In Hay, near Kippen, on Nov. 21,. James Doig, aged 25 years and 6 months. SWALLOW. —In Burford, at the residence of her daughter, on Nov. 18, Mrs. Mary Swallow, widow of the late John Swallow, formerly of Norfolk, Eng- land, aged 69 years. MURRAY. - In Seaforth, on Nov. 30, Francis Joseph, infant son of Mr. John Murray, aged 16 months. 1 HE MARKETS. SF AFORTH, Dec. 8, 1874. There is no change of importance to note in the Seaforth market quotations. Wheat remains at old. prices. A very large amount of stuff was brought for- ward during the few days the sleighing lasted, but with. the . thaw the rush has been checked.. We quote : Fall Wheat (new)... .......090 to 090 Spring Wheat, per bushel.......... 0 90 to 0 90 Oats (new) perbnshel 35 to 085 Peas (new) per bushel..... 0 75 to 0 75 Barley (new) per bushel. 1 00 to 1 00 Butter, No. 1, Loose..,.. ... 24 to 0 24 Butter in. tubs.. .......:e 0 24 to 0 25 Eggs..... . 000 to 0 16 Flour . . . 0 00 to 550 Hay, new.... . ..... ......:.12 00 to 14 00 Hides.. 600 to 600 Veal calf, per pound. .... ...:... 0 08 to 0 10 0 08 to 0 10 Sheep skins. Salt (retail) per barrel.. ... _ :1 00 Salt (wholesale) per barrel 0 75 Potatoes, per bushel, new 0 50 to 0 58 Oatmeal brl.... - 0 00 to 6 00 Wood... .. .................... 2 50 to 2 75 Beef . 400 to 500 Pork........... .....800 to 880 CLINTON, Dec. 3,1874. Fall Wheat, per bushel............ 0 90 (,n3 0 92 Spring Wheat, per bushel......... 0 90 ® 0 92 0 88 Oats, per bushel. ' . ... 0 86 V Barley, per bushel . 1 00 (c� 1 05 Peas, per bushel.. .. .... 0 72 G 0 77 Butter ................... 0 22 0 0 Potatoes. 0 45 ( 0 55 Eggs.... 0 14 ® 0 15 Hay, per ton,...- .. ..... • . , • • 13 00 U 14 00 Pork,,. .. ...... , 8 25 0 8 30 LONDON, Dec. 3, 1874. White wheat Deihl. per 100 lbs., $1 6( to $1 65 ; Treadwell, $1 50 to $1 65 red, $1 45 to $1 55 ; spring, $1 60 to $ 65 ; oats, $1 13 ; .peas, $1 0 to $1 25 ;. eggs, store lots, per dozen, 20c to 21c ; eggs, farmers, 22c to 25e ; butter, crock, 25c to 26e ; rolls, 22e to 30e ; firkin, 25c to 27e; dressed hogs, $8 to $8 25. TEACHER ".ANTED for S. S. No a male teacher, holding sate. Duties to commence 875. Apply to the Trustees, lobed Deatkman. Trustees. 365.4 -865-4 25- WANTED, 5, Township of Rowlock, a third class certifi- 7th day of January, or the Secretary (GEORGE PADFIELD, {GEORGE MILNE, H. H. HOWARD, ,e- Gerrie P. 0., Co, Hiliron. HOUSE WANTED. 1Y first January next, a Comfortable Dwelling House of sir or aeven.rooms and kitchen, in s central location or convenient to railwaystation . . Address, Drawer 10, Seaforth P. 0. Seaforth, Dec. 2, 1874. 655-4. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ' 1N Egmondville ; one quarter of an acre ; frame house, with woodshed, summer kitchen, &o., 000d well, garden planted1with trees, house sitnated m roar of Mr. John Logan's, the lot is a corner lot. Apply to Mr. Peter Cowan, in the adjoining house, or to the proprietor. 865 • GORDON MoADAM. ;STEER STRAYED. STRAYED from Lot 28, con. 6, Hay, a 8 year older '' muley steer, black and white. Any person givino such information as will lead to his recov- ery will be_ suitably rewarded. 865 ALEX. MoALLISTER. ESTRAY HEIFER. C-A;♦fE, into the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 25, concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, on or _about tho lst of October, a light red Heifer. The Owner is requested to prove property pay chargee and take it away. 36554 SIMON MoKENZIE. ESTRAY HEIFER. .. PA,ME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 1 u No. 27, concession 14, McKillop,• about the ;middle of September, a heifer, coming two. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay ex- penses, and take her away, 365+4 DUNCAN MoMILLAN. ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, a number of comfortable rooms on the second fiat of Scott's` Block. Apply to F. HOLMESTED or to ROBERT SCOTT. 859 MONEY FOUND. FOUND, in the Dining Room of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 9, a sum of money. The owner can have the seine on appli- eation to Mr. DAVIDSON, after proving property and paying charges. 358 $10 REWARD. A REWARD of $10 will be paid by the under- signed for such information as will lead to the detection and conviction of the parties who broke open the bar room door of Knox's Hotel on Sun- day night last, and took therefrom a number of bottles of liquor, - 262-4 THOhi*.S KNOX. , ESTRAY HEIFER. CAME into the premises of the nndereigned, Lots No. 29, concession 10, McKillop, on or about the first of November, a three'year old heifer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. 865{4 GEORGE HENDERSON ESTRAY SHEEP . . CAME into the premises of the undersigned Lot No: 23, Concession 8, H. R. S. Tnokeremith, on or about the middle of November, 4 sheep. The owner is requested to prove property, ay charges, and take them away. Lost, about the 1st of October, a Ram Lamb, of large adze, and with a short tail. Information that will lead to his recovery will be suitably re- warded by WM. ROBB, L64-4• SeaforthP. 0 ESTRAY STEER. CAME to Lot 21, Con. 1, Tuckeramith, about the ''vv middle of June, a 3 -year old STEER. The owner is requested to prove proerty, pay charges and take it away. . _ . • 863 _ JOHN AIKENHEAD ESTRAY. PIG CAME into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 21, concession 4, H R S Tuckersmith, a white pig. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him iES B 3644 ROADFOOT, JR.. _.__.. ESTRAY CATTLE OTBAYED, from the premises of the undersigned kr Lot 12, Con 1, McKillop, about the let of July six head o1 cattle, 8.steers and three heifers, one steer all white, one all red, and the other mostly white, with red on neck and head ; the heifers are all red, with white spots on the head and hips. Any person giving such informrtion as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. PETER O'SULLIVAN, 364-4 Seaforth P. 0. ? •ESTRAY STBAYED from the Lot 1, Con. 14, H.R.S., middle of July, a 3 -year with a white star on on belly. A ny person will lead to her recovery ROBERT 862*4 HEIFER. premises of the undersigned, Tuckersmith, about the old. HEIFER, dark red, forehead, and a little white giving such information as will be snitablyrewarded. DALRYMPLE, RodgerviUe P. O. TORONTO, Dec. 3, 1874. There were in. to -day about 400 bush- els of wheat, at $1 for white, 94c for Treadwell, and 92c to 93c for spring ; 300 bushels of barley at $1 09 to $1 10 ; 800 bushels oa f peas et 799 to 81e - and a .D s RM a wr...■. STRAYED fromLot 17, Con. 1, McKillop, about 3 weeks ago, a year old RAM, with a red chalk mark along his back. Any person giving such in- formation ss will lead to -his recovery willbo suitable rewarded. 853 , = THOMAS DOWNIE, Seaforth. DOG STOLEN OR STRAYED. STOLEN or Strayed from the premises undersigned, Thonrpson's Saw Mill, McKillop, on Saturday, Nov. 7, a young black and tan Collie DOG, answering to the name of Rover. Any son giving such information as will lead to recovery of the above animal will be liberally re rded or any person harboring the after • of the Per - the the sane directs. w6 ' few loads of oats at 43c, Haysold at this date will be prosecuted as the law $16 to $22. Hogs went at $7 50 to 863*4 JOHN THOMPSON. $7 75, choice occasionally bringing up to ESTRAY SHEEP. $8. Butter was obtainable at 27c to 300 CAME into the premises of thetindersigned, Lot for pound _rolls. and eggs at 26c to 27c for. �j 51, con. 1, Tarnberry, about May 25,1 SHEEP. new laid} and 22c for packed.The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take her away. • < 3°3'4 ARCHI�3ALD ST1�VvRT. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MARKET. BUFFALO, Dec. 3, 1874. CATTLE. --The market opened slow with light receipts at strong last week's prices. The quality of the offerings was from good to common. Nearly all the former were gobbled up early, when buy- ers began to hold off for a reduction on the inferior grades. The rough weather and heavy snow storm has somewhat de- layed the trains and occasioned a slim attendance of country dealers. The Eastern buyers are doing all the business. Price3 average from $4 to $5.50. No Canadian sales reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS.—The market was du1L Conada stock delayed- by storm. Owners asking full a lc advance on last week's rates. Hous.—The market was active at an advance. The quality of the offerings was good to prime. Light pigs not wanted at any price: Yorkers, averag- ing 180 to 200 lbs., at $6 75 to $7 10 ; heavy hogs at $7 25 to $7 50. —John Fowler, Managing Director of the Huron and Quebec hallway, has pre- sented the "town clock fund" of the town of Perth with $50. John is scat- tering money profusely down there, but where it comes from is "one ofs those things na fellow can find out." r. John Blecker, the first white man born in. the County of Prince Edward, died in the village of Trenton, on Thursday of last week. of —In Kinloss Township, County Bruce, nine new school houses were built -last summer. This tells' of an Inspector wbo tries to civ kers cluty:� NOTICE- lite Y. order of ten of the subscribers thereto, notice e is hereby given that a public meeting it lp held in Salem Church, on the Gosh ,y, 18 t on5, con. 10, in Hay, on the 1st day of Janna o 5 2 t 'clock, p. m., tor the purpose : lst, of giving r, !o'clock, name and style, to Fire Insurance Company to be organized; Directors ; and 3rd, '?brei. Of choosing Of deciding where to locate the head office. Hay, Dec. 11, 1874. g,aV<. DIRSTE1 IN, ESTRAY CATTLE. CAME, into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 25, Lake Road West, Stanley, about the middle of September, 3 DEI' ' n— white -year old, all The owner recl ; two years old, red 4 a charges, and is requested to prove 861 4 Y, pay chs gTODD, take them away. TEACHER WANTED. MALE or Female, holding a third class e certifi- cate, erti tate, for SchoBering Section No. had ex erience,in teaching. Fe- male preferred, having P 1875. Duties to commence HAETWILL SPS January, Apply to . . 364-4 Moncrieff P. 0., Grey. ESTRAY SOW CAME into the premises of the e tnderslg ed, Lot 25, Con. 8, McKillop, t of August, a white sow, aboutayear a l . The eown d isr o reit away. prove property, ICARD BERWICK, take it away. 864*4 Winthrop P. 0. STRAYED .CATTLE. CA`s' into the premises of the undersigned, Lot No. 6., 7th Con. of Hallett, Novr. 24th, three heifer yearlings. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. 364 R. N. ADAMS. TO THE PEOPLE. WRIGHT & FOSTER (LATE OF SEAFORTH). ILL OPEN OUT IN 'CLINTON THE FIRST WEEK IN DECEMBER, 1874, A BRAN NEW STOCK OF RY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, In the store lately occupied by S. G. Zealand, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, To be known as the ETC., 777 .CHEAP CASH STORE. kW Full particulars next week. -WM. FOSTER. G. H. WRIGHT. CLINTON, Nov. 25, 1874. WRIGHT & FOSTER. 365 ESTRAY . CATTLE. STRAYED from the premises of the ke undersign- Sed, ersimith,gn S' ed, Lot 27, Con. 3, L. R. S., or about Sept. 15, 4 year old cattle -1 STEER all red, 1 HEIFER white and red with White ssta a n forehead, the other two heifers are grey. Also year old Heifer, vita a large white lice, ed neckuch , hind part grey. Any person in- formation te the undersigned as will lead to the recovery of_these animals willbe snitablyrewarded. 363*4 ALEX. FORSYTHE, Brucefield P.O. ESTRAY SHEEP. es f the TIi,AYED from the pStanley, 8 SHEEP sand 4 LAMBS, Lot 20, Con. lark is a piece cut out of the ghtea the only the Any information that right ear near top. will lead to the recovery of the above sheep will be suitably rewarded.." MRS. Bayfield P. O. sso*4 CARO -OF, THANKS.. HE undersigned desires topreturnfthanks ito the TVF estern Insurance Compret, oand hichsatisfMr. A. Strong is Agent, for their prompt ry settlement of his Insurance claim censsed by the 4clett rat rp erty by the late r estnatron of his P pthe inhabitantof Seaforths e. $e has also to thank ro ert ' eon on their valuable assistance of the destruction ofPliis mill eta., on the evening by $64*3 F. SEECGA7-ILLER. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. The Partnership heretofore existing between the fire of Killoran & Ryan, Merchants and Grocers, is going to be dissolved on the 1st of Jannary, 1875. All parties indebted to the said firm are requested to settle before that date. If said accounts are not settled, they shall be placed in the hands of their Attorneys for col- lection. All claims against the said firm are requested to be presented for payment before said date. Seaforth, Nov. 24, 1874. KILLORAN & RYAN. IMMENSE BARGAINS 11 IMMENSE BARGAINS II IMMENSE BARGAINS -1! TEN CASES and SIX BALES of NEW GOODS opened this -week at the sign of 777. A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO. DRESS GOODS ! ! DR ESS GOODS ! ! DRESS GOODS ! ! 25 pieces Now Styles, at 22 cents, all colors. 80 " allWool Borges, at 85 and 40 cents. 24 " all Wool Empress Cloth, at 50c. all 'colors 10 " ` Black Lustres, at 14 cents. A. G. MODOUGALL & CO. ALL WOOL SHIRTINCS ALL WOOL SHIRT.INCS 50 pieces, all Wool. Choice Pattern, at 89 and 45 cents. A. G. MCDOUCALL & CO. FANCY CHECK SHIRTINCS I FANCY CHECK SHIRTINGS I 39 pieces, over 2000 yards. They—must be sold in ten days, and to do so, the price will be only 15 cents a yard. ROBERTSOITT'S STEAM CABINET FACTORY. M. ROBERTSON, Having fitted np a new Cabinet Factory, is now prepared to furnish ALL KINDS OF CABINETWARE. He would remind his frieuds and the public generally that his FURNITURE is made of A. C. MACDOUGALL & CO. SHAWLS I SHAWLS I SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! THE largest stock West of Toronto to choose from, imported from Glasgow direct to our Counters, at all prices, commencing at $2.25. A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO. LADIES JACKETS I LADIES JACKETS ANOTHER lot of those Heavy Cloth and Fur Jackets at same prices as last lot. THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER - And by First -Class Workmen. He would therefore invite all intending purchasers to call and examine his Large Stock, and be convinced that his Goeds are not only First -Claes, but quite as cheap as any in t he Market. Also, a large stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES OF ALL SIZES, - Constantly on hand, and a FIRST-CLASS HEARSE A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO. NOTICE NOTICE ! ! NOTICE 1 TO FURS 1 FURS I FURS 1 FURS I C AST3 T- Y" 1=ZiS OF Teas, Coffees, Sears, Splendid blink Sets, from $18 to $40. Splendid Alaska Sets, from $3.50 to $7. Children's Sets, Children's Fur Caps, and Ladies' Mink Caps. - A. G. MCDOUGALL & GO. In attend ance. Factory and Warerooms on Main Street, opposite L. R. Corbel's Store. Residence over L. R. Corbey's Store. M. ROBERTSON. uWA GENTS wanted Everywhere, in � Old or 'Young, at Home or Traveling. ,Q Make lTjore in thea spare moments selling the Guide than at anything else. — (d Mailed to any address on receipt of the Cc, rice, Twenty-five Cents. Send for Le Circular. Address, Lock -Box No.1 7 m Seaforth, Ont., Canada. PSYCI-IOMA A MI, OR SOUL OW either sem may fascinate and gain the Hlove and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 , cents,; together with a &ia'mage duide, Egyptian Oraele, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A queer, exciting book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & Co., South Ei ghth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Syrups, Snaps, .fruits, Biscuits, Cheese, Spices, Pure Wines and Brandies. TOBACCOS TO SUIT ALL. EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING, AND BE CONVINCED THAT LAIDLAW'S IS THE PLACE TO PIIRCHASE POWELL'S FINE MIXED TEAS, From 50 Cts. to 90 Cts. per Pound, Acknowledged by all who have yet tried them to be the best value, quality and price coisidered. J. C. L.AIDL AW. REMOVED TO BLANKETS, LARGER AND MORE COMMODIOUS BLANKETS, BLANKETS PARTIES wanting the above goods will do well to call and examine ours before purchasing as we want to reduce surplus stock, and will sell them under market price. A. G. MCDOUGALL & 00. TO RENT IN SEAFORTH. THAT large corner store now occupied by Logan & Jamieson. It is one of the best business stands in Seaforth, either for a general store, dry goods or groceries. Possession in about two months. For further particulars apply on premises. 359 LOGA.N & JAMIESON. CARPETS ! CARPETS! CARPETS ! CARPETS ! Aberdeen Tapestry, 1 yard wide 40 cents. " Union do 60 English, all Wool do 95 " Canadian, do. extra do 1.25 " Brussels, Super, 28 in. wide 1.50 `E Hemp Carpet, 1 yard wide 16c to 224c Stair, 18 inches wide, 20 cents All Wool Stair, 18 inches wide 40 " Matting, bestquality, 1 yd wide '75 Oil Gloth,1 yard wide, 75 " 2 do, 75 NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given that application wilibe made during the coming session of the Legis- lativeAssenhbly of Ontario, for an act to incorpor- ate the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Hu- ron, and give effect to aby-law of the Corporation of the County of Enron incorporating the Village of Wroseter, in the said County, and legalizing the elections to municipal offices in the said village. 862 SAMUEL BLYTH SMALE. 4' sq. yard. A. G. McDOUGALL & CO. COTTONS! COTTONS I AIMERICAN and Canadian, from 7 cents a yard. Cheapest lot in Canada. A. G. McDOUGALL & CO. LADIES' CLOUDS ! MISSES' CLOUDS ! CHILDREN'S CLOUDS ! STILL a lot left of those Cheap Clonds and Promenade Scarfs at fabulously low prices. A. G. McDOUGALL & CO. WINCEYSI WINCEYSI WINCEYS! AA NEW lot at 1:.4 and 18 cts., much wider than NEW any we have had before at the prices. A. G. McDOt GALL & CO. PREMISES.. O. C. WILLSON, SEA.FORTH, HAVING now removed to his new premises oxr Main Street, which he had fitted up specially for his trade, is in a better position than ever to give his customers good value for their money. Call and see him. SEWING MACHINES. _ t That Beautiful and Silent Sewing Machine, the best in the Canadian Market, THE FLORENCE, Is now taking the lead, is being sold everywhere, and is highly recommended by all who have need them. 0. C. WILLSON is the Sole Agent for the Dominion. THE T FEBST.ER And FOURTEEN other Machines to select from. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mathushek and Weber Pianos, Prince, Bell & Co., and the Canada Organ Company's Organs- Also Violins and all Rims of email Instr.ments. THE FARMERS' FRIEND, That old stand-by, the No. 13 Thistle Cutter Plow, a few on hand. These are the original and only Genuine•Thistle Cutters. _Remember this. OT 1j MR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEN-TINTS, And articles of all kinds, sorts and sizes, con- stantly ou hand. - BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS, For Ladies and Children, all styies and sizes, always on hand. Remember your old friend in his new stand. 0. C. 'WILLSON Main Street, Seaforth. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. OT ICE is hereby given that all parties indcbt -1-- e d to the estate of the late JOHN SHIRRAY, in hi s lifetime, of the township of Hay, County of Huron, must settle the same ,at once, with the undersigned dilly appointed administrator. Ana all parties having claims against the end estate HOSIERY! claimsare also notified that such elaihns, properly attest. ed, must be filed with the undersigned for settle- rnent on or before the first of .Tanuary, 1875, all claims not then presented for settlerrheut will be i barred. NICHOL S3IRBAY, Administrator. Dated at Hay, this 30th day of October, 1874 361 8 BULL CALF FOR SALE. i OR Sale a thbrongh bred Durham Bnil Calf - 9 � 1months onths old, of dark red color. His podia go cis first class, and can be examined. by hnten- i din g purchasers. ,Apply to G. M. CHESNEY, 364 Huron Road, Tuckershnit i. A LOT of 600 pairs of women's Scarlet, all Wool -L3- Hose at 40 cents a pair, regular price 5 conte a pair. A. G. MCDOUGALL & GO. 1