HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-12-04, Page 1:7I$74.
artment of Millinery,
French and Amer -
eats, in all the
ain„ Corded, and
Velveteena aR -
t Velvets. Lacese
Plain. *Bonnet
ceived and opened
ere boughtat near.
at a small profit.
e Latest Styles and
es ent, fitted, and
lot of Furs, which
Quantity, Quality,
New. Goods„ were
arket,on bestterins
ats eau rely On get -
1, Grebe, Astrican
eTitig. and the
De beat for corafoat
an ballad at
FraliDga,, 006. •
• Hose, (Roves,
a to hand.
WILOILE. No. 365. S-
BROTIIERS, PiibIisici..
I $1 50 a Year, in advance.
cL ft,tate „far 5citig.
DR. COLEMAN, having laia out the grounds
reeently occupied as a, Driviug Pttrk iuto
ing Lot, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason-
able terms to any who may desire them- Parties
deairing to purehase should make immediate ap-
p ication. 864
t TO-RTII half of Lot 14, Con. 6, Morris, 100.acres;
-1- 75 acres cleared, with good farm buildings
and ()retard : 4 miles from, Brussels ; inunediate
possession. given. For further partieulars apply
357 Barristers, Seaforth.:
'LOT No. 5, don. 4,1Iul1ett ; 140 acres, more or
Jar less, 80 ti.res cleared. Plenty of water, and the
•north branch of the Maitland River running
throligh the 18 acre bush ; good feaces. Apply on
the premises to theproprietor
or address Constance P. 0.
LOT On. 6, Hallett; loo acres, 65 acres
.7eleared, remaiuder wooded, with beeeh and
Maple; frame dwelling; River Maitland and it
good spring on lot ; 21; miles from Kinburn and 3
miles from Clinton. Terms to suit purchaser.
For partieulars apply to L. ME XER, Harpurhey,
or BENSON & MEYER, Seaforth. 346
WING Lot 3, Con 9, Tackersmith ; 100 aeres ;
- 85 sores cleared; nearly all clear of stumps,
bush hardwood; good log buildings ; young orch-
ard, eanameneing to bear ; two wells with pumps;
it ia 6 miles from Seaforth: The land is of the
best quality, and will be sold cheap. For further
particulars apply to the proprietor on the preretses.
EgmondVille P. O.
-111ta E ENG Lot 34, Con. McKillop, containing 104
- metes, all eleared, with good barn S and stables,
two goad orehards in full bearin g ; two never -fail,
ing springs which supply the mill. Also, lot 351
Con. 9, zonta,iniug 48 acres of bash.. The property
is situated 6 miles from Seaforth, with a good
gravel road. thereto. For further particulars apply
on the premises. If by post, to JOHN TROMP -
SON ,Constance P. O., Kinburn, Ont. 260
TOT 7, Con- 8, Trunborry, on boundary between
Turnberry and Grey, 100 acres, 35 cleared and
_ ander good ealtivation, balance hardwood, log
house and barn. The above property is mile off
the grat,e1 road. 3 miles from WrOxeter and 6t
miles from Brussels; 16 acres fall wheat in.' For
farther particulars apply, if by letter prepaid, to
C _ R. COOPER & Co.. Brussels, or DOUGAL Mc -
DONALD, Morrisbank P. 0. 357c
• _
VCR Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, Usborne, containing
74 acres. 53 of Which are deared and in a state
of good cultivation. Thereis a g,00d frame_BARN
and ST.A33LE. The farm is located on a good
gmvei road, is conveniently situated to schoola,
ehurehes and post office, and is within 13 miles
from Sestorth and 7 from Exeter. For further
particnlars apply to the proprietor on the promises.
The Duke of Edinburgh'. Mather-in-
1..mv—Englisda Vohantecr u Russia
—The English Turf. °
Lumley P. 0.
VOR SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, London Road Stan-
ley, 100 acres, SO cleared and under fence, the
balance timbered with first-class hardwood. ; frame
barn 60x40frame stable 18x40, log house, good
bearina orchard. well watered; situated within 7
miles of Seaforth and a like distance from Clin-
ton. Farrn well underdrained and iu first-class
coltivation. Apply on_ the premises or to the pro-
piietor at Brucefieldla 0.
LOT &Con. 5, Hallett, 125 acres of first-class
laud in excellent condition; well fenced; good
buildings, orchard, &ci; spring creek crosses the
lot. The Umbel on the 20 acres of bush laud is
very valnable. The proprietor would sell 75, 100
or 125 Reyes. Post Office, Schools, &c., conveni-
ent. The property is situated on a good gravel
-road 51miles from Seaforth. Apply to,
862 ANDREW SLOAN, Oonstrome?. 0.
IfrOn, an Oecasionat-Correspondent.
1 LONDON, Nov. 10,187t
• It is gravely announced that -her most
serenest and mightiest (one must have
ow:4 string of superlatives, whether they
be correct or not) Ernpreee of all the
Russian has graciously. vouchsafed to
stay a little longer, until the christening
of the young Duke Of •Edinburgh, in
fact. Her Imperial Highness was hint
at the reception given her by the Eu
Iish. Court. She moreover cherishes
resentment in her lofty bteast against t
Queen for having -the Queen, I mea
left London on the arrival: of the E
peror ofali the Rdssias. You know; of
course, thatthe old Tartar (I use fibe
phrase with proper deference—" Scratch
a Russian. and. you shall find a Tar ar
beneath," says the. proverb—) has kept
herself and suite in food ever Once her
arrival. That circumstance has net
augmented '
of her temp r. Rather otherwise I
Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 30, Con. 6, Township
of Bruce, County of Bruce, containing 100
acres, 80 of which are cleared. This farm is situ-
ated within five miles of the rapidly growing vil-
lage of Paisley. The uncleared portion, is well
timbered. There is also a Spring.. Greek running
through the place. It is a desirable property.
For farther particulars apply to the Proprietor,
Box 24, Seaforth P. 0.
now allegathat but for the unexpected
confinement of the Duchess of Edinburgh so that he would receive the same price
the Imperial mother-in-law would not as if he ere personally to attend Mark
Lane and oak after the. sale of his pro -
have placed herd foot inset) the threshold of
any ooe of the Queen of England's pla'ces duce hims lf.
doubt, and. the Prince retirel from the
turf with his blushing honors thick upon
him, to the delights of the harem amid
the plaudits of a crowd such as seldom
has been seen, even in "enthusiastically
horsey" Newmarket. During Prince
Charlie's career he has been beaten no
more than foui or five times at the most,
• c
and has won over 30 races. 1 believe -I
am speaking below the mark when I say
this, but it is not given to every 'one to
know the racing calendar by heart, and
to those who do, I fear it is but small
profit—the prophets I will leave, as Bis-
marck said of the Frenchmen in Stras-
burg, " to fry in. their own grease." •
eat* OW
A few weeks ago there where para-
graphs in the papers respecting the for-
mation of a vast organization, with im-
mense capital, unequalled political
infhteuce, and wide connections, design-
ed for no less a propose than the hand -
l* and conveying to Europe of the
whole grain crop of the Western States.
By means of this organization it was
-elainied that the farmer in Iowa and
Nebraska would be pat in direct commu-
nication with the merchants of Brtiain,
of abode. But blood. is thicker than -pa
regard for ceremonial, and the daugh-
ter's interesting dilemma brought the
best qualities of the irate mother ioto
play. ; Hence that retharkable reside ce
in Buckingham Palace, which is now
about to come to an end. As you may put forth. For, surely, it woulcl occur
conceive, the tradesmen of the West , to the most simple -hearted granger to
End of London are rejoicing greatly at -enquire how the expenses of such a vast
the news of the old lady's clemency and. organization were to be met, aud, inas-
forbearance. They know from experi- much as an immense capital was one
ence that every addition to the etoza•age feature of its operations, how the returns
of the Court means an addition to their ou this capital were to be obtained. The
returns, and we are at present in the prospect of being brought into direct
•contact with the merchants of Liverpool
and London is dazzling enough, but how
it is to be accomplished without tome -
body being pair' for it, is a question
which it would take a mote acute intel-
lect than an a erge man tlo answer sat:
isfactorily. ,
• The truth is that all these schemes for
getting rid of " mialleinen" in either the
corn trade or any other trade are per -
in their passage from one stage to other must must be handled and taken care of
by somebody. In the grain trade, the
first movement of course is with the
not know Whether the scheme
was at borate joke, intended to , play
upon credulity of the grangers of the
West, t we have a shrewd. suspicion
that -something of sarcatm lurked. under
the apparently business -like prospeetus
ALL, the -west half of Lot 22, and east
half of west half of Lot 23, Con. 11, MeFillop,
containing 75 acres, 60 acres cleared, well -fenced
and under good cultivation, balance timbered with
b.ardwood. There is a ,good fra.me house, frame
barn and frame stable. There is a good young
orchard; a spring Greek naming throogh the farm
awl a never -failing well at the honSe. Situated 5
miles from Seaforth, and three-quarters of a mile
east of John Govenlock's saw mill. There are 14
acres of fall wheat which will be sold with the farm .
Apply to the undersigned on the premises or to
Winthrop P.O.
a Lots oiae block th Colenian & Gouinlocles
lj Survey, and cornering on Victoria. Square.
Apply to
361 If. HICKSON & Co.
TN the' village of Roxborough, 2 miles from Sea-
l- forth, it lot containing nearly one half acre of
land, withgood frame house thereon, arida good
state. There is also it good well with a pump'
it, It will be sold cheap for cash. It is suitable
for a piivate residence. Applyt0 the undersigned
in Harp:alley. BENJAMIN EDEN.
Harprithey. Nov. With, 1874. 1.164-4
Xl-t °TICE is hereby. given that pn.
the rtnership
-4-` hitherto existing between the undersigned
under the firm name of BELFRY & MAY, harness
makers, &c., in ,-11 e of Seaforth, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent. The busi-
ness heretofore carried on by the firm will here-
after be carried on by W. H. MAY, who will collect
all outstanding accounts drie to the firm, and dis-
charge contracted -by the firm .
. it. MAY,
Seafortb, Nov. 10, 1254.
In reference to the above the undersigned, would
leaire to state that he trusts his friends who have
ss) liberally patronised t firm will still con-
tinue their patronage to Mr. MAY, his late pertner
and secoessor in business, as they -will fife' him
fully competent to Goutinne th.o business in the
same satisfactory manner that it has hitherto
362 J. 13. BELFRY.
been condi; ctecl.
rrai-1 First Prize 'fho%!aglibred Berkshire Boar,
-I- the -Property of Mr. m. Blair.Jr., of Stanley,
will this seai
son be kept for the mprovement of
Stock, on Lot 2. Con. 1, Stanley, London Road.
This is one of the best mid purest bred Berkshire
Pigr; in this section of the conntry. TERMS—$1
per sow, payable n:t the time of service, with the
privilege of returning f necea
362 .Wal. , :fr.., Proprietor. -
IVIR PETER McGREGOR, 'Ilrucefteld, has a,
'ILL thoroughbred. Berkshire Boar, which he will
keep during this season for the improvement of
Stqck. This Boar has taken first prizes at the
South Huron, St. Marya, and other showa this sea-
son. TERMS --a31, to be paid a,t the time of ser-
vice, -with the privilecni of retaining if necessary.
Also for sale, it thoroughbred Berkshire 13(116a1:3*(4i
Months old.
rpttE sgeserteer purchased from G. F. Hurl -
butt, Esq., Perth, S. thorouFlabred Berkshire
Boar of the large breed. He will. be kept for the
aeason, on, Lot No. 23, Con. 8, II. R. S., Tucker -
smith, and will serve 80W13 at $1.00 with. the privi-
lege of being retiu-ned if necessary.
depths of the dull season," just befbre
Christmas." The name to be giveni to
the young Prince in baptism is Albert
ilexanderiErneSt William.
While on the subjeCt or Russiajf in-.
England or England -in -Russia, May,
mentien that '-
have received an iniitatien from the Mu-
nicipality of Moscow to visit that 4ity-
next year and take part in a serieS of fectly futile. Goods of all descriptions
rifle -Shooting ecortests to be got up for
the occasion. The present trouble
hich stops the way, and. may probably
nd in the failure of this praiseworthy
ffort of the Moscow municipality to do farmer himself, but the farmer cannot
s a kindness, in the difficulty in finding possibly, except in very rare instances,
man. capable Of representing the nation follow his grain further than te the
s on such an ,occasien, it rally• ooght nearest railway station. There he meets
o be represented. Loyd Elcho is un-
vailable—imfortunately, for he is just
he personage (nobody would think of
&Ring his lordship a person) for the job;
ol. Richards is: too deeply engaged in
ditorial duties to think of wandering
loscow-wards. Col. Lloyd -Lindsay is
n every respect -fitted for leading !our
osts, but —elan ! these "'buts"—there
s a e,lever pushing individu al, a portrait-
einterand what -not, who has for some
bile been identi,fied with the voluuteer
ovement, who insists on taking a prom-
inent part in "the show," and. who will
ot give way. Just now everybody
C =ado.
A Berkshire sow pig, belonging eto
.Thomas Sudden, a farmer near Galt,
iwhich had been lost for five weeks was
fOund at the end of that time unher
pile of rails which had. fallen upon it.
The sow when found' was still alive but
very weak, and. is now as well and fat as
--e-Winnipeg has now a Red Saloon
and. a White Saloon. If the saloonatic
customer will properly apply himself to
the Reds and Whites, he will in. all prob-
ability arrive at the Blues. So says the
• funny man of the _Free Press.
—The principal part of the men em-
ployed ou the Credit 'Valley Railway
have now been discharged, only a few
gauge being retained to work at the
heavy cuttings. There is no word yet,
says the _Reporter, in regard to material
for the bridge at Galt, nor anything
further in relation to the changeS it was
rumored were likely to be made in. the
location of the line. •
—A blacksmith's apprenti,ce • in
Downie, named Thonias Morris, put two
shoes on a horse in 64 minutes and did
it welL Smart buy. -
—A new organ, worth $3,200gbuilt
by Warren, of Montreal, has been set
up in St. James's Episcopal Chorch,
Stratford. 1.`hel formal " opening" took
place on Sunda tt of last week, when the
Lord Bishop of Huron preached. Mrs.
A. Watson, of Goderich, and Miss
Lizars and Miss Mayzie, of Stratford,
were soloists ou the occasion, Mr.
Brotherhood is the oreanist.
with men who are ready to buy and pay
for his product, and here commences
that series which intervenes between the
pro lucer and: the coOsumer, stretching
perhaps for thousands of miles until a
final „destination is reached. Such a
series is absolutely necessary, and ex-
perience shows that in the long run, all
• their service is performed. for the barest
possible profit. If, indeed, the mer-
chants that - have handled. grain for
twenty years back, had. been simply
salaried servant—say of the state or of
a combluation farmers—andperformed
the duty of storing, forwarding and
ho knows the circumstances of the case handling grain -on the basis of a simple
is banning Capt. Mercier right cordially. payment for service rendered and work
Who is he. that he should stop the Way ? done, our opinion is they would have
he is not much, I admit, but. -he gained as much—taking a broad view of
happens' to have a claim on the consider-. the question—ai they have by buying
oiler' of the volunteer, and. he is by • n
means the man to fall into. the ranks a
the bidding of any Celonel or Lord in th
lot. Mind. . you, 1 do not attach mile
impOrtanee to what might be termed th
and selling it on their own accounts, and
taking profits and. losses together, we are
of opinion that the net result would. be
very much as we state ; proving that
even if gram merchants were abolished,
entente co, dia16 or the business. We and eeries of persons intrecInced who
shall like the Russians just as well, or would forward grain as servants, the re -
ill, after the Moscow business, as -we did suit to the farmer would be about the
before. Would fight them, you know, same as at present. Whoever may suf-
say over the Indian question, with east
as much grim ehjoyment as we did in the
Crinaca, but tour volunteers are good lads,
and I for one should be glad to know
that the way had been smoothed for the
Moscow outing." Perhaps it may be
pensable. The farmer, if he would see
his grain further than to the nearest
Mr. Sanipson, w'ho has for so ma,ny railway station, must make arrange
years occupied the position of City meets to receive it himself at some port
Editor of the Times, has retired, or r Ali- on the lakes ; he must be present to see
er we should say been deposed, from the it stored in an elevator or shipped by
editorird chair. and. the pros and cons of rail or water, and following it further he
the situation engage a ..sood deal of tbe must traa-el hundreds of miles to the sea,
gossip of the clubs, those most. interest-- and there :again attend in person to plac-
ed in the question a.sscrtioa that before ing it on board a ship bound. for Europe.
long the -public will be enteertaMed with Even here, however, he would not stop,
some diverting details in reference to for he would require to go to 'Europe
that gentleman's proceedings Nvhile en- himself and again attend to the delivery
gained on "the Thunclerer." However, of his grain to its temporary storage, and.
that may be, there can be no doubt but finally to its sale and delivery to the
that matters which it may be feared will coosumer. -
operate prejudicially against the inter- To put the case thus is of course to
este, securities and schemes of the Ar- expose the absurdity of it.. No farmer
gentine Republic, will no longer be could do it, however rich he was, and
t 11 sii nressed as heretofore, however much time he had to spare.
fer, he Certainly does not by the present
.system of purchasing grain by "micIdJe-
A series of persons • intervening be-
tween the grower M Iowa. and the con-
sumer in Manchester is, we say, indiss
island belonged to the late Captain temple by the honse. The fellow
Robinson Owen. drove on, unmindful of what he had done.
—Navigation all round, from Thunder Mr. MOIenzie, Who is about 80 years of
Bay to the Gulf ports, is now closed.. age, was picked up by some parties who
couple wentfromBowmanviRe the were near by at the time of the occur
other day to Whitby to be married, but renceeand conveyed to his home. His
fbund that, underithe new law, one of injaries were sevei-e, but he is recover
them would have to reside in the town ing.
14 days before the twain could be made —011 Monda.y morniog young man,
one. They returned home sold, and_ named W. Simpson, of Baffalo, started,
were married_ by a resident minister. from Hamilton in a sailboat for a duck-
-Coal has come into such general use shooting expedition to an island in the
at Oshawa this year, that wood dealein riven The gale upset the boat when
have now to go down to canvassing for but a few yards froxn shore. Simpson,
orders, and offer readily to sell it at when sinking, made a grab to get his gun
$4 50 per cord. • from the fast filling craft, aud caught it
—The extensiVe Dodge estate WAS sold by the muzzle. In pulling it towards
at Barrie last Friday, by order of the him the hammer: exploded one of the
Court of Chancery, and was bought by barrels, ana. the entire charge entered. his
Hon. W. E. Dodge, of New York, for hoarti, killiog lfim instantly, when. he
$90,000. sank like a stone. The accident was a
—A contemporary very correctly says most micounnoti one.
that the country is full of rascals, for —The Great Western Railway Com -
nearly every exchange we receive is pan y have sent froxn Hamilton to Lan
freighted With the dark recoi•d of crime. don, about 200 canloads of lumber of dif-
There appears to be a perfect carnival of ferent kinds. The lot will amount to
larcenies, burglaries and highway rob: more than 1,500,000 feet. It is stored at
bevies, with far more than the ordinary and is for the use of the new car Works.
number of murders.
_ ---Journahstic compliments : For the
—Chestei• Campbell, alias Anderson, following specimen of journalistic -cour-
th,e forger of a bank draft for $4,000, es- teey, our readers aie indebted to two of
caped from the lock-up at Oshawa on the junior jeurnals. of this County :
Saturday night. When the constable * .* it is quite unnecessaav. how. -
was cringed in making up his bed, over, as no one would be feel enough to lea° time
hunting after an umbrella after the Exeter `Times'
ct'ampb:11 slipped ont of his cell, and
turning the lock of the door, Made good man had been 14-1:0 rind."
"We see by the Brussels 'Post' that that village
his escape before the constable had time has a cow thief. We did think on glancing at
to give the alarm. the heading cow thief ' that the 'Post' had come
—The farmers are glad to see the snow to tbat atlast. But then we wondered bow a calf -
could. Make off with
The Exeter Times is entitled to the leath-
er medal.
exchange says that an erring
husband of a neighboring town, who had.
exhau,sted all explanations for late holm
and had no apology ready, recently slip-
ped into the house about 1 o'clock very
softly, denuded himself gently, and be-
gan rocking the Qradle by tile bedside as
if he had been. awakened out of a sound
sleep infantile cries. Ile had rocked
a.way, for 10 minutes, when Mary Jane,
who had silently observed. the Whole
nianceovre, said " Come to bed, you fool,
you! the baby ain't there."
—Ross Robertson, a well-known busi-
ndse man of Kincardine, died on board a
train; near Chicago, on Thursday of Past
week; He left -Kincardine about two
weeks ago for Colorado, where he intend. -
ed. to spend the winter, in the hope of
benefiting his health. On reaching Kan-
sas City, on his joiirney, he became rap-
idly worse and commenced his return
trip. • When near Chicago, he expired in
the arms of his brother, vlho was his come
panion, on the journey. His remains
were taken to Kindardine and interred
with _Masonic honors. Mr.. Robertson
was about 35 years of age, and was 'wide-
ly known amain -Lich respected.
—The village of Palmerston. has inade
application to ,Parliament to be incor-
porated as a town. The OenSnS of the
village has recently been taken, and.
-the population numbers 1,693, havMg
—morethan doubled. within one year.
' Mitchell insurance rates have
been red ueed 25 per cent. since the water
works have been put in operation.
• --A cattle dealer, whose style of doing
business was soniewhat peculiar, haabeen
arrested in London on a charge of steals
falling, because it will be of assistance
—The village of Ayr, with less than
of over 1,600 vot ance ly it will be a great protection to the
stitute library
• If it falls sufficient -
1,000 inhabitants, has a mechanice' in In one of two ways.
and also a wiuter course of lectures and
—Rev. John Anderson, late of Glas-
go-w, Scotland, has beon inducted! into
fall wheat which is owing finely. and.
has sprung up well. If it melts it will
help to till up, •the • wells aeol water
courses, many7of whiell'are nova nearly
the pastorate of River Sti•eet Church, .
—Another sliooting accident occurred.
Paris, lately occupied. by Rev. Mr. Rob -
at Glencoe, on -Friday, the victim being
ertson. John A. M-cCallinn, aged 19 years. He
---Guelph has built 115 new buildings .
was climbing a fence, when his 'gun was
this year; valued at V50,000.— Goderich
dischargecl,•killing him iristabtly.
has built about 30 new buildings this
----Tbe biggest threshing ever done on
season. —Twenty-two ne‘y:buildings haVe
the Second Concession of Westminster,
been erected in Galt (hiring -the past sea-
--An,express office has been opened
in Teeswater.
—A new post -office called " Gillies mar)6t.
—The Roman Catholic Bishop and
Hill" has been opened at Urquhart's Cor -
Priests of St. John, New Biemswiek,
ners, Elderslie, 'County of Bruce.
for sonic reason not stated, have refused
--Flyslop & .Ronald, engine -makers,
to pay their proportion of a school tax
Chatham , have become . in solven t.—The
levied on the property holders .0f the
wellekuown firm of Adam, Stevenson- &
city, and, as a consequence of this re -
Co., publishers and. bookSellers, Toronto,
fusel, the chattel proyertyll of the Hever-
have also failed.
end .gentlemen was on Saturday seized.
—It s said that in the Vicinity of Galt
The property levied upon was a carriage
there ia a scarcity of water. Winter
belonging to the Bishop, the furniture of
having closed in, it is feared that unless
Father Murray and the books of Father
there is yet open. weather, farmers will
• stock. - Ch-a—PTireniVomen's Christian Association
have difficulty in providing for their
of Hamilton, -which held its first annual
- --st. new sewing machine ftictoly is
It es meeting on Thursday night of last \woke
about to be started .M Fergus. ,
expected. to be in wotkiug order . about has- in one year raise4 nearly $3,500;
about $2,900 of which was raised by a
the New 'Year. It is to be runt by a
bazaar, the. expenses attending it being
joint stock company, and about $35,000
about $400; - The first work u.ndertaken-
has already been stibscribed. ' by the .Associetion is that .of assisting
.---:Not many readers old enough to re -
the Young Men's Christian Association
member 16 or IF. years ago can haVe been
to put up a building of its own. A
fooled. by the Townsend " confession"
story lately going the round.s of the pa_ Young Woman's Boarding House is now
pers. The confession is a fraud. Wil- being provideo, and. will shortly be
—The Er angelist, Henry •Varley, ing a. herd. consisting of 10 bead of cattle.
liam Towesend was no Englishman, but opened.
,was born and brought up an the County
preached. in. Hamilton twice each da The priBOner's name is Thoma,s Worth,
•of Haldirnand, and there are hundreds Y and it would appear from the eireura-
yei, living in that vicinity who remem-
ber him as a youthful rowdy and black-
guard, before he ever comniitted the
—W. H. Po ell's jewelry store, Palle -
crimes which made his name- notorious
hill, was broken into about 3 o'clock on
as that of a bold and desperate mar -
I Sunday morning; and jewelry to the
amomit of about about $1,500 stolen
:---Tbe Emperor of Germany hoe cOn-
fer i ed upou Jacob E. Koltz -the on of therefrom. Mr. Powell beiog, from home
only his two sisters were in the house at
• Otto Koltz of Preston, a :diploma to -
the time. The robber -was traced to
eetber with' a medal of merit for valu-
able services rendered in the Franco- near Widder station. One of the gold.
Gersean Wan of 1870s71, in conveyina chains taken was found on the. track
provisions and clothing to the sick ancii whnre he most have dropped it in his
wounded Schleswig-Holstein troop e from fli4ht.
Hamburg to the environs of Paris, in -On Friday morning, one Michael
December, 1870, where those troops were Monaghan, sentenced in Hamilton. some,
time ago to six months in the Central
among the beleagurers.
_Lase week a spiritual retreat, or Prison for stealing, was liberated, and
series of special services, was held in made his way back to that city on Sat
Stratford. Catholic Church, by Dominican urday morning. A telegram stating
Fathers Daly and and Dinahan, of New that be had. stolen a coat in Toronto on
York., Two services were held, eacli day, Fi•iday got before him, however, and.
at.10 A. M. and 7 I'. M. The. services when he came to Hanailton jait-oidee for
were largely attended and considerable a parcel left at the tune of his imprison
interest manifested. On Sunday Bishops ment be was arreetecl, with the coat on
Walsh and. Criunan were present,‘when his back, and Was sent again to Toronto
over 1,500 approached the communion to stand. his trial.
table. --At a largely attended meeting of
-'--Tho, attempt made by the New Orangemen, held in Toronto on Thurs-
York Tax UOM-IniS810UOTS to levy upon clay evening. of last week, iesolutions
Canadian bank capital employed there were passed calling on the Dominion
has definitely failed, the taX having been Government to let thelaw take its course
declai ed. illegal by the Supreme Court. in the case of Lepine, and disapproving
—Clark & Gordon, in the general store of the action of the French Canadiane
-business at Stratford, have assigned. It in attempting by local and religious feel -
may be remembered that ::11r. Clark as- ings arid prejudices to remove the case
signed less than two years ago, after --------------------------- sual -
which Mr. Gordon was taken in: as a inal procedure in the Dominion.
. .
was done on the farm of Mr. John Hart,
on Nov. 25. In three hours 503 bushels
of oats were threshed and. cleaned fit for
during the present week. Ills ineetin
are said to be very largely attended. bot
in the day and at night.
stances attending his arrest *let he has
been in the babit of picking up cattle
wherever he could get the chance driv-
ing them to his slaughter house, in Lon-
don, and there killiog and dressing the
animals for market. On Saturday, at
Westminster, a farmer, named David.
Dale, missed. -a herd of 10 cattle. He
suspected that they were stolen,. coin,
immicatedtwith Detective Phair, of the
above named. city, and the result was the
discovery of Dale's cattle at Worth's
slaughter -house. Worth and his wife
have both been committed for trial, the
former for cattle stealing and. the latter
for being au accomplice.
—The Tavistock flax mill has been sold
to Frederick jacolis, of • Buffalo, for
--tek farm of 94 acres, belonging to the
estate of the late John G. Staebler, one
mile from Tavistock, has beeu sold. for
the high figure of $8,200.
—8. McQuillan, of East Nissouri, who
had been in the habit of smoking about
his barn, now hoe no barn to smoke in.
.A. spark from his pipe did the business.
A quantity of grain, several inaplements
and. a stack of straw were also consumed.
• —Guelph schools have always been
taught without that syetem and co-oper-
tion that is essential to the proper work-
ing of such institutions when pupils are
promoted from one school to another,. To
remedy this defect the School Board.
advertised for a, principal -whose d-uties
sys s1 -Labe the proper grading and. general
• oversight of the teiching, and promotion
investments in Argentine bonds, Buenos farmer would become a middleman him- pushed so energetically by Mr. Gordon' ' tion was passed asking the City Council aries of $600
of the pupils. Thu applications
m the columns of the Times, and that And if a combination of farmers appoint- partuer. It appears, says the Monetary —At a meeting of the citizens of Ot-
the public will no longer be deluded into ed. one of their number. to do it, this Times, that the proceeds of the land sales tawa, held a few evenings ago, a resoIn- were made for the position, asking sal -
It would occupy his whole time. He lunches were not sufficient to tide over $250,000 to the Huron and Quebec (Mr. tx? $1,500 a year. Mr.
coaer of the authority of the Consul- could. not attend_ to farming. He would the difficulties to which the firm. has just! Diogwall, late seeond inaster of Hell-
AYrean loans, (to., on the faith of the Self. _Nothing less, and nothing more last summer with the aid of champagni to submit a by-law granting a bonus of
require to employ clerks, if the - amount iso -w snocuMbed. Fowler's) railway scheme.
—An old. lady, -named Mrs. Hicks, mu College, London. received the ap-
most transparent puffs published under
( eneral of the Confederation. pointment.
funds to pay freights. Capital WOUld. Old Country for the clothing of our Gillivray was engaged about a month 1 apoplexy on SaturdaY last.
of grain was large. He would. require --We no longer require to send to the : who resides in the township of Mc- kaa—o:riliailtmt(1)1reoAnvte
ready closecl. The final act of the drama
correspondence a.nd an office. Every- 'the. eontrieets for the suPOlY of serge and- hand k-nocked her finger against the side Stratford and Huron Railway ; votingto
—Normanby Council has eubmitted a
ie drawing to a close : in fact, may be
eat(' that the legitimate season has al. then be needed. and a banking account, volunteers, or for the stuff out of which (two in milking a cow, when the animal
and arrangements with shippers, and to make it- We learn from Ottawa that kicked and striking Mrs. Hicks on the by-law to grant a bonus of $50,000 to the
may fairly be considered the best in the•
he would. do. -Everythina that a gram clothing durine the cur •e t • 1
notwithstandincr for scai-celv an English
• • thing •in fact that a grain merchant does, great coat cloth required for Militia of the pail, slightly bruising it. Instead take place on Dec. 24.
whole piece, the victory of " Pent Etre'
, need ; and be been awarded to those whose tenders grol,v -worse, and at last became SO pain- known assthe agent of the French Can
the raarcli stolen upon us by the French- would. require to be paid aelcling to were the lowest, as follows : For Ox- ful that she was. forced. to seek medical adian Presbyterian Church, fell dead in
turfito hit was more or loss tr riled .
hoev good a horse Pent Etre was, till too
do is to get the best price for his grain _Manufacturing Compauy. —Twenty years ago, George Ducker -
a er, ar
the commission inerchants .'? Mark Fisher & Sons. :Niontreal ; green —JarnesPianiond, agrocer of Cobonrg,
Middlemen being then absolutely ne- serge, Messrs. Garland, Mut 1 • & Go,'while • ' t ti . that t -es an aaricultural 1 bor h cl
c rmei.1. iunumg o a real'iown on mg IA . ,, . .,
handicaps. The joke of the thing con- , .
sists in the fact that they never knew
cessary, the only thing for the farmer to Ottawa ; great coat cloths, Cobourg Friday night, fell and was:' almost in- worked, ill fed and in debt in Engianet.
had been tak-en oft. the milk -pail. The motto, and farmers need not envy the c )ast of Maine, and 1 - n isEtlelowugahstnexbeiiteetmt:ntileaanrta NBZogooledntiftlUnnge 2130e fnoi:tthweitphurapofsreienodf
late to get any money on, and when at
that he can. Live and let live is a good —Campobello, a British island aff the i satiasneatlgye, kailnlaedii
1..at they awoke to the fact, all the cream
0 n year, me° of healing up, the finger continued to —Itev. j. T. Byrne, of Whitby, well
111' merchint needs he would
men in gethlig elle C)f. their best three- the trust reposed in him and th amount ford serge, Messrs. Lemmill &s.Fairgaave, advice. The. linger had become so bad -the street at Albany, N, Y., while on
year-olds lightly weighted. and. carrying of grain handled. wbee difference then perea ; se,artet serge, Cornwall Manu- and the bone so much decayed, that it way to the railway etatioese He had
off in consequence one of our biggest could there be between such a Man and rapturiug Company ; blue serge, Messrs. had to be amp-atated. lectured in the city the previous evening.
sensational incident of the Houghton middleman. hi.i share of the living to be r'rs hese , thacekeffofectthis soffattahledfiasellasber.ought on an at- transporting himself and family to Can.
ado, With the ahl of his son, and by
llying grouud of which
meeting was undoubtedly the meeting of got out of grain.—alfonetorn Times. when they planned a descent upon the 1 —A few evenings agO as Re -V. Mr. Mc- perseverance and industry, they are now
"Prince Cbarlie" and "Pent Etre" at ; ' as • *a the joint owners of one of the best cid-
-weieht for age over the Rowley mile. . —The wife of the murdered Poulin,
Of course, no one could doubt the in. . now confined in the Bathurst, N. B. jail,
evincibility of the Prince of the T.Y.C., : and. under sentence of death, gave birth
as Prince Charles has been aptly styled, . on Saturday, in jail, to a male child.
and all the Britishers were on to a man. I Gallian, before his execution, confessed
The result was not for an instant in to its paternity,
Cana.das five or six years ago, has passed i Kenzie, of Ingersoll, was going home
into the hands of Boston speculators who from an evening church meeting, and
have been incorporated as the " Gam- when crossing a street some unknown
pobello Company." . Mining, lumbering, person,buggy, in a supposed to be drunk,
fishing, farming and. making the island a drove furiously by, and before Mr. Mc -
summer resort, will be the task of ie1 Kenzie had time to gain the opposite side
Company. The greater part of the » he was knocked down and kicked in the
tivated farms in Maryborough and an-
other in Walla,ce. Having housed a
splendid crop this year, Mr. Bunke
is about to revisit his native land, aind
will tell his fellow laborers -what can be
done in Canada.