HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1874-11-27, Page 71s74. EcTS„ EXPECTED. Iirvst To11 t KS. y u the Tradek., PR1GE. kIDD. ifacitit4e glie$ entize sat - a baud wheel for (crusher, or other Ise for the belt. CEMENTS OPERATION. rade to Order NDED TO. S - ! 350 FACTO Y tank lila numerous °nage exitendeclth in Seaforth, and ittb. coutinuance Id do well to give .; -on hand a DER, • WLIANGS," ETC. i.eraetioseto those strourtgur 40 none ,yed. ,,-Castan:t Planing '0.A.1>FOOT., RTER _ ange Noker. • LIF0`14211.. ao,ioa.or. k fact. Silvei car- -good farra prop- ether.- Receives Or cent. itttereat kits Houses and WiltZ toeell quick lira of briek:. Lare and WOol rex. . . capitalswouder; tits, wishes and von't bust. an 1f:047 L rienda and the .ared. to•fill all • , .5.7ab]eJ TOps, Ord,--rr„ ;awl carmat be 1 nfa *EAI:ORTH. 31F-S.VTT. D. ALX) ht'y have re - lot between •'' and Mar- a good assert - R. dressed and INGLES, all of lowest Id any quantity • their advaa- tta-iu our priees re in a positio 21tasers. IACDONAT4). TAN E) T , the Settforth S ILot1 a full 'E eVOUXty of of Mu- eaferth 327 11 .s essOrrn • Nov. 27, 1874 THE HIJFt.ON EXPOSITOR • SPe011latling iii WilireS• slau liter half a dozen in th orning. 1A The ecoud. and third days ei WOrt3o LUCE.t TRUMS 0 S -F N'ENct YORE OFFICIAL . . . 4 shall the rivet. At breakfast be morn. New York officials hiefe for years been . mg, .1r. A. felt something crawling up 1 -eery fond, )of using and sPeculating in the his leg, and. glancing downwarda found. funds (ef the city ; but it remains for a a beautiful little striped fellow workin correspondent of the Boston, Times to his Way up in the world. Aoother ben recoyd a speculation in evi‘eis whiGh one he fonnd a three-foot fellow in his over their nninher entered into. 'ale cor- coat Pooket, who greeted him on his ap- reepondent writes : " I eau recall but : proanhinswith a fi. loudly hies.. The nui7 one instanee of this s°rt. That Was of SalleCi been= intolereble. The house &very high and well -keen -a municipal ' was &d, and the mortar in the clinking officer (he holds no position here ztt pres- had given way in many places,and in. 1 ent) who thus turned hie connubial Leda-- the evening no sootier was thle larrip lighted than a serenade of hisses Would begin, and nearly every one of the holes would be: oruaeliented with la, snake's head. At the end of the ourth day Mr. Asher &rasped his shovel la1 went inass of en moved ere, their It was a 7 tions to acconnt. . "Some -years ago his first wife, who . had. long been an invalid, was declared hy her physician to be in consumption. She so coetinited for a good while, and - when they informed hen husband that to tilt) berthing of his house, she could not survive Ole winter (this stress and dirt that had. not b was the last deys November, )- he for several years, arid there -went at (Mee to azi intui•anee office and snakeshipS in all their glory. had her life insured for 10,000. 'Under perfect massacre, for in that b inking he ordinary Circumstances ,he underwriters found and killed= even hundred garter would be had the lady examined by a snakes. 'thirty were found ia one nest. ysician ; but her hesbaud held so _Litz' (mien) Ledger. I promiaent a position, aud so stoutly affirmed her health to hl good, that they ?Yle. Beecher and Plymouth reeardd ethe examinatio a needless for- mIty. The policy heeling been issned, • the official cerried it td• -.4„uother office, and, on the strengte. of :it, hail another grati y that portion of our /Population policy issited for S1q,000 more, the see- who ( ernand that he shall keep silence Ora office taking it for granted that the till his trial is over. Nor does there first would not leave aceepted tthe risk seem any reason why he should. Those unless everything had. been satisfactory. who think ill of him -would think no He repeated the operatien uutil he had , bette• if he should lock himself up in obtained i100,000 on the life of hit is wife, his ouse on m Colubin, heights. His who died in the latter pert of Febreary. 'peepl , are a unit in sustaining him. A The nutlet -writers probably learned, that dozer people, more or less, have left the they had beeu cajoled, bet, not liking to chureii, but a hundred stand ready to , make an enemy of a man possessed of so take heir Seats. One of the oldest and much 'rower, they paid *lie money with- wealt iiest ' members of Dr. Didginton's I hes" been waiting nine months for Churcn. — It s not likely that ,I1...Beecher will out dennit. chnrc " Not long after, the pver-shrewd of- a new:in Plyniouth church, and -has just ficial set his mind (heartihe had none to got ate. There has never been as great set) upon a wealthy woMan, many years a destire to bear Mr. Beecher as now. his juniot. Her relatives, a wordly and Brokers and leading business men, who merceitary erew, demailided that he should -settle a certain arnount of prop- erty upon her. He readily agreed to this ; making over to herl several houses and lots in fashionable quarters of the town. Before doing sol, however, be nd real estate wortla The for a year or vered, she was him, though eks, unwilling MOrtgaged the buildings for nearry all they ever trick was not discovered more. \then it was disc( so incensed that she lef she returned in a few ev - to create ssetudal, and seeing that she could not} remedy the past, "By h s first spouse he 1 (rained $100,- ON cler a, and by the secona some $e250,- 000 ; waking $350,000 by two marriages. If he wete a widower again, no doubt he would concoct some new scheme for -converting his third wife. into dollars and cents. His reputatioik for honesty. . never stood very fair, but few of ' his friends or foes are conscious, I suspect, of his uxorial speculations. You: re- member the story of the luau who, hav- mg been condeled with on the loss of his second wife, replied : ' Well, I al- ways did have very bad luck in wives.' " • One Vote. One vote in the city of New York re- turned a Republican member of the As- sembly, which made a majority m the Legislature of that State for Thomas Jef- able to take another faggot from the poor heart and knocle another pine of ferson, and gave him the vote of New. man's York, without which he could not have glass out of his window, and hinder the been elected. The whole policy of the mattrfacturer from employMg him. United. States during the Jefferson and All togetherand Laborers Lenow, Ministers, Editors, us give, a lone, deep groan, and keep it going never crossed the threshold. of Plymouth Church, can he seenien Sundays in the crowd:surging round, pack and front, to get in. Vanderbilt, Bill, as is his -son is called, jay Gould, and other men of this class, have engaged a pew for the purpoSe of hearing Mr. Beecher preach. Shearman, the church clerk and Gould's lawyer, has assigned his pew to the dig- tinguished party. The Plymouth people are determined that Mr. Beecher shall have a fair trial. Whatever influence, wealth. power, position Plymouth Church possesses will be backed up against its pastor in this the day of his tribulation. Burleigh's 'Woo York Letter to Bos- ton, Joarnal. A Recipe for' Keeping the TI'Mes Hard. • ' Let 'everybody talk dipressingly. When anyone fails in business put it all in the papers. Let business "nee keep up a perpetual complaint. Let us have occasional editorials inciting bread riots, and Speeches on the wrongs of the laboring class. Let everything prophesy "a hard. winter—a very bard winter—an awful hard winter !" Let us all 'talk down instead of up. Let us take no account oftthe facts that flour is cheap and the harvest is large and that God ,a this is good. We shall iis way be apitalists ! t Madison administrittions, duriag a period C of sixteea years, Ilene on that vote. One vote elected Marcus Morton Governor of Massachusetts, M an ageregate popular vote of nearly 100,000. °One vote elect- ed William Alien, in the Chillicothe District, to Congress in the y4ar 1834, and one vote subsequently made him U. S. Senator for six year afterward. The following ease of that kind- is still more remarkable : In 1830 Dan Stone, of oGnsisting in the injection of bertam Cinciunati, was a candidate for the State drugs through tbe wall of the chest, and Legislature. Walking up Main street, on the morning of the election, he over - till next spring, and time,s will be as hard as could be reasonably expected.— '1'. De Witt Talmage. A NEW TREATMENT OF CONSUMPTION. —A. peculiar method of treating pulmon- ary cavitiesin plithisis, pursued by Prof. Mosier of Wiesbaden, is described as the cantila, in, soas to repeat,the operation` at discretion.. He has , even took an acquatiitance going to, the polls, Who intended to -vote the opposition cavity, inserted. a sileer tube , or elastic ticket. Stone- solicited:his vote. "We Catheter, end succeeded in drawing :are elel friends," Said. he, and. 1 know you - win -show a friend that ' mark of kindness." Party spitit was then corn- patatieely quiet. The, voter aeplied : made an incision into the wall of the " Well, Dau, you are a pretty clever fellow ; I delft care if I do." That one wa,sjrnproved, the cough becoming kss vote elected Stone, and gave a majority troublesome and the febrile symptoms of one inIthe Legislature which made apparently moderated. One point at E - Thomas wing United States Senatorleast is regarded as settled ---and it is Mr. Ewing's vote ou the question of ' certainly one of igi•eat importance—so far confirming the appointment of Mertin as could be by a few -experiments of this Van Buten as Minister Plenipotentiary character, namely, that the local treat, . to Great Britain enabled the Vice-Presi- merit of pulmonary cavities is andoubt- dent to give the eastinorr vote against it, edly practicable, and that the .lung is and made Mr. Van Buren First Vije- really mw -e tolerant of external interfer- President end then' President, and de- ence than has been generally believed. teamined the general political policy of se , Om • the country for four years.—Chicago The Sunday 6`chool Times is ahead in . the record of punctual, and. persevering : Sunday School workers. It tells o a - . teacher in .Connectieut who has been ab- sent from his class ouly one Sunday in away the secretion and in disinfecting the pyogenic walls by means of weak carbolic acid lotion. It is stated that no difficulty was experienced in the opera- tion, and the condition of the patient REMO D, REMOVED. Owingto the Increase of Busindss BELFRY & 11AY have been obliged to remove to a larger shop. With many -thanks for tho 'nitro age of our numerous friends and eustomersin the past, we hope to do a "still larger business in all kinds of Harness, Sadd TRUNKS, VALISES, BA AND SATCHELS. les, G , • Our Buffalo Robks. cALL EARLY A.VD- I3L Will be opcnei in a few clays. CHEAP. Our HORSE CLOTHING, for .t.te winter, is well assorted, and great bargains will be given. Ainy amount of SLIIGI BELLS, WHIPS, CURRYC03ID5, BRUSHES, &c. Special attention given to HORSE COLLARS. Our determination is to make our work satisfactory to all who patronize us. SHOP town as LOGAN'S OLD STAND, opposite Scott's Brick Blo lc; [ Main Street, Seaforth. BELFRY & MAY, Saddles. , • • ......4......nameormeraworwirt,• COME ONE, COME ALL, aul Jo uaxs "o;) 113010ild; N30103 Liter- Ocean. - The Famine in Nebraska. Death from starvation for the actual fifty years. He "can repeat fully half want of food. is a calamity that stares in . of the Bible Word for word, and says he the face 7,000 men, women and children, should know if any one made a mistake within eighteen hours' travel of Chicago, in reading any versefrom cover. to end in the heart of the gain -growing cover." He is now nearly eighty-eht region ot the country'. Geri. Ord, coin- years old, and this. month be was absent mending the Department of the Platte, from the communion -table for the first Lt is persOnally coth gnizant of e timein sixty-three years. and w . - ' facts, addressed_ the Chicago Board. ot Trade last week, telling in plain direct terms the sad story of the destitution in Wditern Nebraska, caused by the rav- ages of the grasshoppers. Prom the re- ports of his officers on the ground and among these people, he has trustworthy • informati0n. as to the actioil.condition of ! affairs. He states that several cases of actual death have already taken place. Fathers have been compelled th abandon THE MOST difficult thing in every church and sect is the questiou of Sinn- ing. The church of Rome laments that kirige and warts have influenced ch arch singing: in. Europe, and brought about the florid. and: imtkvotional eheracter of mass'music. The Presbyterians, Metho- dists, -Congregationalists and Jews have all their troubles about singing in con, 6rerfations. , Surely :there ought to be their families and seek work and. foci( . wit and wisdom, is not faith and. alit me 0 In one hous.e the corpse of a child was iv, enough to settle all these questions, ea found that had perished for went of food or some Of them. i•1-1 dying from the same cause. He states CLINTON and near it the mother, prostrate aud esssse _ _ nsreffiamswelererseespeeesangma that in Boone, Gredev, tiherman, Howe, arcl, Buffalo, and all the other eounties ; ARBLE 50 miles west of the ..Iissouri River, two:thirds of the people are destitute of 1 II the necessaries of life. They have I: • aeet door west of the ConnuerciafiCotel. neither clothing nor shoes, and foos impossible to get. I WORKS, One Hundred Snakes. ZHURON STREET, Last spring Will Moody moved out of his log house in 'Union Grove, and it I stood unoccupied and desolate fee several , weeks, but last July Ed. Asher purchased the property and moved m. The first night in the house there was a great rustling on the floor, like the pattering of rayriads of mice, but it wasn't mice that made the uoise ; it was the sound from dozens of snakes as they dragged. themselves aeross the floor. In the morning Mr! A. used. to get up, shake the reptiles out of his clothes, grasp a pitchfork, and pitch the slimy devils out --of doors, it was no uncommon thing to • MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, - And work Of aU kinds iu American mia Foreign Marble, designed and exeuuted in the best style, and at most reasonable prices. Mantles of litrious Colored .1farble sup-. plitcl on kort Notice. Granite Monumeuts ad Headstones imported to order. H: COOPER, Jr. T. CALDER, Agent 277 • Iil td 0 `CM 0 • 0 F-2 I-714 ,••••4 r7t LLL! vl_YaPPraTuloD . o M pun 0 o 0 ••••• 0 0 AND 111.7Y YOUR HARNESS FRO J. WARD, SEAFORTH. . I beg to [date for the informaticin of farmers rind the publie generally, that I have as good stock of Harness on hand as any in town, and I am determinedu not, to be ner dsold ban y y oriher establish- ment iu the County. - BELLS and. HORSE IILLN TS, all kincls, constantly on hand. Also TRUNKS and General Furnishings. .r.r J. WARD, 313 GODIERICH Main -Street, Settforth4 4•11•14•10•1111......M.MMIM FOUNDRY. The Goderich Foundry &;Manufacturing Co. Beg to inform the public that they arejprepared to contract for STEAM 'ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLO Wit, GIUST, AND SAW MILLS ' SAWING MACHWES, &c. On hand IRON AND WOODEN PLOWS, with steel boards; G -ANG PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW -CUTTERS, &c. Of SUGAR AND POTASII KETTLES, GRATE -BA, BOXES, &c.- cooKlNd, pARLOR AND !BOX STOVES, of various kinds. i ALSO, - SALT PANS MADE- TO ORDER. 1 IRON ANT) BRASS CASTINGS, I AND BLACKSMITH WORK. — BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. TWENTY TO TITTRTY-HORSE POWER TUBULAR BOILERS generally on hand for sale. "1:." All orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will receive promptattention. A. H3DGE, Secretary and Treasurer. H. HoKroN, President. R. RUNCIMAN, General Manager. WINTER IS COATI AND vr, WILLIAM GRASSIE, OF Seaforth Carriage Works, Is Prepared for it. CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. He his on hand a large limber of OrTTERS -ov -VARIOUS STYLEf-s, whieli for workmanship and finish cannot be surpassed by those of the best city establishments. Also a number of ! PLEASURE SLEIGHS AND Ll (-MT- AN D HEAVY BOB -SLEIGHS, ' All of Which are manuiactured. of the best ma- terial, and will be sold eltettp. 3 ' CUSTOM WORK Attended to Promp1y as usual. Remember the oltl stand on Huron Street. WM. (MASSIE. BRUSSEL yURN1TURE: STORE. A. DUNCAN BBGS to announce to the inhabitants of )3rut- gelS and surrounding country that he has con- stantly on hand a large and well seleeted Stock of Imported -and lIonze .211an- lifactured "A Repository cf Fashion, Pleasure and Instruction." 1.111R1E1'S BAZAR. inuoltrated. • ._Yotices of„the Press. • The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we Beldena find in any journal; and the journal itself is the organ of the great -world cif fashion.—Boston. Traveller. The Bazarcoraineuds itseLf to every member of the household—to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion -plates in endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the ebildren's doilies, to paterfamilias by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and lu.airious dressing -.gowns. But the reading - matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excel- lence. Tlie paper has acquired a, wide popularity fox the fireside enjoyment it affords. -1' Y. Even- ing Post. TERMS: Postage Free to all Stainwribers in the United States. HARPER'S. BAZAR., One year: 8,1 includes prewtyinent of U. S. postat304 the publishers. 1 Subscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, 'WEEK- LY and BAZAR, to One Difilress for OTte year, $10 ; or, two of Haiperie Periodicals, to one address for . one year, e7; postage free. An extra copy of either the MAGAZINE, "WEEK- LY or BAZ.kR will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance; or Six Copies for $20; without extra copy: post- age free. Back Numbers Mu be supplied at any time. The seven volumes of BAZAli, lot the years 1868, '69, '70, '71, '72, '78, 474, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by ex- press, freight prepaid, for $7 (etch. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express orders of Harper & Brothers. I Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. THE ACRICULTURAL tt Assurance Association of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, - :LONDON, ONT. r 0 TBP» will please note that this .Associa- . tion, formerly the County of Middlesex Mutual, tdhas not consented to advance of rates by entering the Mutual Insurance Combination. Having only once during its existence required more than 1ilf of mount of Premium Note for a three yea risk, and that being at a time when the Company was young and the Country baptised in fire, and tt having by careful management and. liberality with policy holders been enabled to pass through the "ed several fiery ordeals of the past ten years without Fsel, levying any special assessment on its members, and having, after the late severe drain on its On finances caused by the excessive lire losses of 1870, 1871 and 1872, still at the Members' credit a td :cash reserve (January lst, 1674,) of $10,09 07, MONEY ADVANCED ON Mortgage Security, in such sums and for such periods, and repayable in such manner as the:applicant may desire. Apply to 822*52 A. G. McDOUG ALL, Seaforth. _ . J. P. BRINE„ T ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of J-4 Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the EXPOSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. With a total Capital .of $2511370 .12 OW Board of Directors have declined the overtures of less successful Companies to advance our rates. In the face of n. strong and Increasing competition this old favorite issued for 1873 the large number of 13;066 Policies, making the total number now in force over 37,000. Parties desiring insurance on farm property,. cheese factories, de- tached dwellings and their outbuildings in towns and villages will be waited on by the undersigned (sr oue of his duly authorized representatives by addressing as below. The eubscriber will continue to visit Huron periodically, rind solicits for his LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN INTEREST. co-operators the stuue noble patronage that has and more particularly to himself, as its agent,OR, been given. to the AGRICULTURAL in the past, ALEXANDER CAMERON J. II. l'ANTASSEL, Clinton A. TAYLWATCIplAKERs r and Jeweley, Mitchell, while T thantang himuueon friends and custom.- during the past two years tad a, half, Londesborough—Representatives in Huron. ers in the, County of Huron and surrounding trict for paet favors, won' reepectitilly intimate that h e has removed to thatb autiftil stand west end of Ricks' Hotel, where he has opened a beautiful selection of ladies' and gents' jewelry of the latest novelties. Also, clocks the largest and most vari- edin Western Ontario. My watches are acknowl- edged to be the cheapest and best la the market, every one being thoroughly regulated and tested before being offerul for sale. • A Special Agencyior the Elgin Watch. REPAIRING. Having been successful in obtaining the services �f Mr. FRASER, who has lutd long practice in the Cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, cus- tomers will find that in no part of the Dominion can they have their clocks watehes and jewelry better done up. ALEX. CAMERON, Mitchell, Aug. 21,1874. Practical Watchmaker. 850-52 TIIE G-ENUINE HOWE SEWING MACHINE 18 STILL .411BAD. SOLD. BY "Vr_ I\T_W.A.rTS01T SEAFORTH, Agent for the County of Ittnon. Pyou want to know the true qualities of this , Celebrated Sewing Machine call at, my office in Seaforth, and beware of going to where one only iS kept on hand, and purposely out of or- der, to be compared to inferior machines to its disadvantage. After a period of More than ten years experience tatth inhtheoSewing Machine Business I have foimd . • GENUINE HOWE MACHINE Is the only one which has given permanent satis- faction to purchasers, as never proving defective in its movements, nor being retnrued for repair. It possesses all the (panties of a serviceable Sewing Machine, it is strong, durable, not noisy as falsely represented, and all its 'Arts ore made of the best metal and perfectly fitted together. "You may change it from fine -work to heavy work with- out straining it ontirenilering it unfit for repro- ducing a neat and perfect stitch oii fine work. It will sew with heavy black linen thread with the Seine ease as With it, fine cotton spool. _ - FURNITURE all desciiptions and at prices that will 1efy competition, ORDERED WORK AND Repairing Promptly Attended to.: SHOP—One Door north of Hays' Hotel, Brus- rsels.. zo12 ALEX. DUNCAN. THE HURON PLANING MILL. 211.12=1?S. GRAY A: SCOTT, -113,EG to announce that they have commenced business in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. Martin, and are now prepared to fill orders Ir • Sashes, Doors,. Blinds, lrouldings, And alLkinds of planed lumber. ALSO LA.7.7I AND SIIINGLk9. CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS, FARM GATES, HAY RACKS, &c. A good stock of Seasoned Lrunber on hum], , Factory and Lumber Turd on Goderich street, near Main street. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing neat] Y done. A. GRAY. W. H. SCOTT. hig, Machines, offmihg to supply you with n. germ- MPBELL'S CA. UT KON.—Don't be imposed on un- MOORE & CA scrupulous dealers and the Agents of other Sew- ine Howe Machine if you are not satisfied to keep the one they are trying to sell you, as they only IS THE PLACE. intend to impose upon you some wertbless imita- tion of the Howe, or perhaps an old *second-hand article re -varnished to look like a new niaehine. - cow WITH A SMILING FACE THE GREAT REFORM. WE axe now mew* Frank Paltiidge's oia Stand, which We have entirely renovated, and. ' . ! having procured new instruments, are prepared To Give Sati,claction to Thftnking the public for their very liberal patron. eon in the past, -we invitea11 to cull and see our - ery Rooms, where we will always be foinadi and in good humor. The Greatest Reforin that has ever been madeis in the prices of Fnrniture and Undertaking. T. JOHNS 8t. CO., Mire reduced the prices one-half, and have done away altogether with estortionate prices. Is it not to your interest to hatronize thena;- ALL 360 MOORE & CAMPBELL. - BUTTER TUBS AT THE NEW BUTTER TUB FACTORY, Bur; E VALE, : At Reasonable Prices and CHEAP for CASH. 354-8 ' A. P. WIIITE, Manufacturer. .1,71cDs OF FURXITURE CHRISTMAS FAT CATTLE SHOW. THE Annual .Show under the auspices of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society for the Exhibition of FAT STOCK will be held in Mr. Houghton's Cattle Yard, in SEAFORTH, on '1 hey are also prepared to 1 iTUESDAY, DECEMBER, 8TH, 1874. e Furnish Funerals With Everything Re- 1 When the following prizes will be offered for quisite, CATTLE— competition; 1st. 2d, 31. And tottteud personally with their Hearse. 1i ier......$44 °000 $ 'cl' (100 81 gO° resat pattteteda goicwororfe 'X. JOH-NS & CO. Beet Fatted Beef Animal... . 1 00 Best Pair Fatted Sheep :Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture.'' : KEPT IN STOCK. MOTTO -4 Merit Conaraands Success." ' CHAS. T. DOYLE, Box A, Owen Sound, 1 844 District Agent Grey, Bruce and Huron.' SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE. WANTED, HOGS, alive or dressed, for which the '-/"1-' Highest Market Price will be paid, deliver- ed at the Seaforth Cheese Factory. Apply to W. S.*ROBERTSON, E. HICKSON & Co. Pork Cuttings, &c., for sale • 862 8 00 260 1t0 HOGS— Best Fatted Hog 300 2 00 , 1 ieo POULTRY -- I Best Pair of Turkeys, dressed 1 00 0 50 I Best Pair of Geese, &eased1 00 0 50 All entiies must be made with the Secretary not later than 3.1 enclose on the day of the show. JOHN McMILLAN, President. JOHN HANNAH, Secretary. 2.30.3 NOTICE: Tan Council of the Corporation of the County of , -a- 'Huron will meet in the OTTIRiT ROO1S1L2, GODEItICH, on -Wednesday, the 2d of December next. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. County Clerk's Office, Gotlerich, Nov. fith, 1874. 363.2 41 11 a 1